PH The Omaha Daily Bee Call Tyler 1000 If Yon Wont to Talk to Tho Uco or to Anyone Connected with Tho Kw. THE WEATHER. Unsettled VOL. XLtlll-NO. 1GJ. 0MA1IA, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2U, 1913 TWELVE PAGES. On Trains and at Hotel Nw Stands, So. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. EVERY OA! MADE A HOLIDAY BY HUERTA TO CHECK BANK BUN Institutions Thus Absolved fromi Meeting Any Obligation Until I January Two. j PRESIDENTIAL DECREE ISSUED Executive Says Such Action Neces sary as Measure of Protection FEDERALS REPORT SUCCESSES Advices of Victories at Tampico and Mazatlan Reach Capital. COMMUNICATIONS RESTORED Railroad una Wtre in Northern Mexico Practically n Opera tion, vAccordln to Cnr rnntu'n Minister. MEXICO CITV. Doc 22. By a presiden tial decree Issued this afternoon every ,iov Inrlndtnr today until tho end of tho present year Is made a legal holiday f in nnlvr to check the run on the banks, i particularly that on tho bank of London j and Mexico. On tho promulgation of this decrco tho bank of London and Mexico opened ita door, hut refrained from paying deposits. Provisional President Hucrla Bays In tho decreo he deems such action necessary to protect tho banks until public confidence Is moro nearly restored. By tho decree the banks nro absolved from meeting uny obligation until January 2, It applies to all banking houses whether a bank of Issue or not. With tlin exception of tho bank of London and Mexico, und tho Central bank, none as yet have, tuken advantage of the decree and business at tho other Institutions Is being conducted as usual, j Crowds gathered about the doors of tho two banks mentioned, but there was no disorder. Both banks are being strongly j guarded by police. Kedernln Report Victory. f Forlorn 1 nuccesscs at Tenlco and Maiat- lnn on the Pacific coast of Mexico nro reported In official advices received here todny. Tho rebels are said to havo been se verely punished In a fight with the fed eral troops eight miles from Tcplco, the of ihe territory of the same name, whlto tho fcdernl forces which had been ' cslefed at Mnzatlnn for many weeks ars -aid to lme assumed the aggressive ana 10 bo forcing tho rebels back toward" Cu llaepn, capital of the sluto of Slnaloa. Rebel Control Tlirco States. HERMDSILLQ, .Sonora, tfec. a-ponv munlcntlona ' by rp.ll and wire "have been practically restored throughout north western Mexico, according to ah an nouncement made today by Ig,naclo Honlllhs. secretary of communications in Odncial Carranza's provisional cabi net. This Is assisting materially tho coiibtltutlonnllst .campaign by putting the various Insurgent leaders in closo touch with tho general headquarters here. Te'.egrap'j lines have been restored in the states of Slnaloa, Sonora, Chihua hua and Durango, which comprise a section In northwestern Mexico about SfiO miles long and about HX) miles wide. In this territory the federals hohU only the coast towns of Guaymas, on tho gulf of California, and Mazatlan, on tho Pacific ocean. Constitutionalist officials assert that only, tho presence or two federal gunboats on the coast has pre vented tho capture of these ports. Statement of HonlUns. Secretary Bonlllas announced that within a few days telegraphic communi cation will be restored between Nogales, on the Arlzona-Sonora border, and Juarez, on the Texas-Chihuahua border, by way of Torreon, 700 miles south of the international line. Already the bor der telegraph lines between Hermosillo and Chihuahua City havo been put In working order. General Carranza received from his homo at Saltlllo, Coahulla, news that his three sisters, Ursula, Ilermclda and Mariana Da Carranza, had been forced to ride upon a fcdernl, troop train. This fol lowed previous reports that federals had compelled the wives' of constitutionalist officers to ride on patron trains to pre (Continued on Page Two.) The Weather Temperature Forecast till nt Omnhn Yestcrdny. P. m. Tuesday; 5 a. m. 6 a, m.. 7 a. in. 8 a. in. 0 n. m.... 10 a. m.... m. Comparative Loral Record. 1913. 1911. 1910. Highest yesterday 20 40 JU 35 lowest yetterday M 21 25 23 Mian teinptjraturo 22 an IS 30 Precipitation 01 .0) .00 .01 Temperature and 'precipitation depar tureK from tho normul: Normal temperuturo 25 Deficiency for the day 3 Total exross u nco March 1 321 Normal preolrltatlon OR Inch Deficiency for the day OR Inch Total rainfall since March 1.... 23.05 Inches Deficiency since Maroh 1 iv.35 Inches Deficiency for cor, period, 1912.. 4 (Cinches Deficiency for cor. period, 1911.. 13.M inches Itenorts from Stations at 7 1. M Station and State TelnD. High- Rain- of Weather. Cheyenne, clear .... Davenport, clmr ... Denver, cloudy ..... Ds Moines, cloudy Pudge City, clear . 1 umlai ,-lnlMir . 7. p. m. .... IS SO i Jvi -H 6 rnZ'.'.'.'.'.Z'. 14 S-m A a. in JG "jflSSv3 H n n- ni lf' V t3W( 10 a. m IS J).ZtS"TM T ii ni '.'0 7W ? Yr 12 m 23 fjt' 1 p. m ...23 CirJS u 2 p. in .. 23 C E 8 P- n J V0i D 4 nl 24 JgStL 5 P- " 27 fCTPU J P. m 27 & p. m 27 est. fall. 2S 31 .0) 32 .00 2S .OH 3) M 2 .O) Ss ,00 It .0) 2f .00 42 .00 30 .10 32 .00 34 .00 W .09 40 .00 . LIS . 2K North Platte, clear 18 )maha, plouuy r I'tiehlo, cloudy "2." Rapid Citv. clear SO Halt Lake City, snow JS Paqta IV, cloudy liJ Sheridan, dear J Moux City, clear , Vuivntne, ijear .., ....... 21 - nidi, ates below zero, L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Public Ownership of Phones Presents No Great Problems WASHINGTON, tec. Si-Government ownership of the nation's telephone lines would cost less than $300,000,000 and would present no greater difficulties of ' financing than did tho Panama canal. 1 rteprcscntatlve Lewis of Maryland told ' tho houso today In an exhaustive analysis of his proposal to have those lines oper- atcd by tho Postoffico department. Mr. Lewis, who took a tending part In tho establishment of the parcel post and who has made a study with postofflce officials of government ownership of the electrical lines of communication docs not )t propose to have the government take i er tho telegraph companies. His plan . ov Is to have the government first own tho telephonic network of the' country, oper' ate some of the telephone lines as tele' graph, as Is now possible under modern mechanlcnl conditions, and have tho gov ernmcnt system compete with tho prlv telegraph companies at the outset I same proportion as the parcel pos competes with tho express comp "The perversion of the laws and private financiering," 8a!dJ "by which governments haveflj herlted of their normal functions, to such corruption and demoralization that cities like New York, with Its street railways, Philadelphia with Its gas works and San Francisco with Us telephones, have shamed over tho scions of Roman corruption In their most dishonorable . days." iiii..,,.l. ... r, i I In his annual report favored tho people , . . . .... of government ownership of telegraph an dtelephone lines. President Wilson has not taken a position on the question and has not made up his mind. The postmaster general had a long con- , . . . . , renco with the president today, and, ferenco It was understood that was one of the subjects under discussion. It Is not be lieved that the administration wtll tnko any definite position on tho subject now. After his conference with tho president, Mr. Burleson manifested an Indisposition to discuss the subject. "It will take some time," he said, how over, "to work tho problem out and Jo get facts and figures on It." Tho postmaster general Indicated that ho was In no hurry to press bis recom mendations and that he would make a complete survey of the subject before further expressing himself on it. It is certain, however, that the subject will not be pressed by the administration at this time and the president's desire not to take a position of Its own was taken generally to mean that he did not con sider It of Immediate Importance. Murders Boy to Get Money to Buy Presents for Girl ...LOKAELS.. CaU. J3ea.,3i Need' oi money to buy a Christmas present for his sweetheart, Charlotte Trcadway of Nnrdhoff, CbI.j Is the reason Loubi Bnndy, 9 years old,1 fa Bald to have given the police for having murdered Harold Zleschc. a drug store messenger boy, IS years old, who was lured to a lonely spot Friday night and beaten to death. 'Bundy Is a former student ofOccldental college and a foot ball and base ball pluayer,' the police say. His confession, according to the police, Is this: Expecting his sweetheart to arrive In Los Angeles that evening he planned to obtain $30. So he gave the drug store where Zllesche was employed, a, tele phone delivery order, asking that the boy be given $20 In change, as he, Bundy, had only a 120 gold piece. lie had to kill Ztesche when he robbed him, so Bundy's alleged confession runs, for .lesche knew him and would havo caused his arrest. Accordingly Bundy beat him over the head with a pick handle, dragged the body Into a ravine and struck tho messenger again with a rock. Bundy had hardly gone a dozen yards from the scene when he dropped the purse ho took from his victim. Ho did not daro go back for tt. Zlesche came here from Norfolk, Nb., a few months ago. NORFOLK, Neb., Dec. 22. Harold Zelsche lived here until a few years ngo. His father. E. W. Zelsche, was a cigar J manufacturer hero, G. R. Zelsche of Nor- ro.K is an uncle of the boy. Revenge Probably Motive for Murder CHICAGO,. Dec 22. Revenge may lie back of the murder hero yesterday or Thomas Scheer. according to a story told the police today by the widow. Mrs. Susie Scheer. A year ago, she said, her husband, a wealthy meat dealer, was serving an Ar menian. As the buchers cleaver was de scending, the Armenian pointed his finger at the cut he wanted and the digit was severed. "Tho Armenian demanded $100 damages which my husband refused to pay," said T -.. C ..1. I. - ... . . . . . i-iren, .nun uiu rtrmcnutn Baiuiiunas, he would get my husband cold." Scheer was waylaid and shot, but ITS In his purse was not taken. Warrant is Issued for Kansas Banker TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 22. A warrant for the arrest of C. G. RIcker, former president of tha defunct Yates Center National bank of Vales Center. Kan., has been Issued, government officials here bald today. They suld shortages and lia bilities would amount to J175.000, and that Mr. Ilicker iad disappeared from his homo ln Yates Center. WILLIAM AST0R CHANLER UNDERGOES OPERATION PARIS, Dec. 22. William Astor Chan ler today underwent an operation for a fractured knee. H km successfully per formed by Dr. C. N. DuBouchet, who removed a clot of blood. The patient was very feverish afterward, but there wcro no other unfavorable symptoms. It was reported on December 8 that Mr. Cbanlcr was lying seriously 111 at the American hospital at Nuellley, a suburb of Paris, as a result of an automobile accident of n bullet wound. Authorities refused to define the Injury until today. STORM DELAYS BIG STEAMER IN PACIFIC Canadian Pacific Lii Mount Eagle Hove to for Twenty-Four Hours in Midocean. WAVES SWEEP OVER VESSEL Huge Seas Threaten to Wreck Deck r' j n t- fittings and UlDin. ' 'HOV LING EASTERLY GALE RAGES e . . u a Sutsides Somewhat and Boat Pro- aeds Slowly on Way. r OF ASIA BRINGS NEWS nns Into Dirty Weather i i nil It Pnmrcs Ontalde Cnpc Flottery, Bound from Van couver to llonx Konu. ANCOUVEH, B. P.. Dec. 23. With huge seas sweeping clear over her and threatening to wreck her deck fittings and cabins, the big Canadian Pacifio steamship Montcagle, Captain Halley, had to behove to In mld-Paclfic on her pres ent outward voyage from Vancouver to Hong Kong, according to word brought In by officers of the Empress of Asia, I ..-1. I n U V . 1 . - . I . . uemivu iv,, ,, ',,. . eighteen and one-half Knots an hour, a ,.. , ' u.., .... wlrolss message was received from the Montcagle, stating that she was hove to In latitude 53 north and longitude ICO west, ...LI. L ...1 1 . 1 . . ... - a , ' ? r..u u.m a terrific sea sweeping clean over her. ... ,,,. ;",.., ....... .'.,, . .......ov xtttKj ..cntitvi ns soon us she passed outside Cape Flat tery. Southeast gales battered the ship and tho disagreeable conditions reached their height when the liner was In mld Paclflc. The ship was hovo to for aboot twonty-four bourse when the storm sub sided, somewhat, and enabled her to proceed at slow speed. Eeport of the Death of Emperor Menelik is True This Time ADDIS ABEBA, Abyssinia, Dec. 22.-U was officially announced here today that Emperor Menelik Is dead. Emperor Menelik II had boon reported dead on many occasions, out this Is tho first time an official announcement lu.s ! been published. Rumors of the occur ence had been In circulation for1 several days jn the European capttols, but were received with skepticism. Emperor Mepellk was born at Ankobar pn Juvy? lHllHe.was a' enn yof ' Haell MedlcoUT'klrig of :Shoir and was" reputed" a direct descendant of the qlicfch of 8heba and King Solomon. When his father died, Menelik for only 12 years old. The throne of Abyssanla was" seized by Kassal, governor of Kondor, who took Menelik captive and proclaimed himself emperor, but Menelik escaped and be came ruler of the Kingdom of Shoa. Menelik became famous chiefly In con nection with the war between Abyssinia and Italy when he organized an army of 70,000 men and defeated the Italians In a series of battles, dlctattng his own terms of peaco. One of the fiercest battles of the war was fought at Adows on March 1, 1896, when the Italians lost more than 4,200 whites and 2,000 native troops In killed and' wounded. The Abysslnlans admitted a loss of 3,000 men. Menelik declared himself a Christian and maintained a church establishment In which there was a mixture of Chris tianity and heathanlsm. The heir to the throne. Prince LldJ Jeassu Is only IS years of age. Ha Is said to possess great Intelligence and speak English, French and German. He was chosen several years ago by Menelik himself as heir apparent. The late mon arch Is said to have possessed a prlva'.o fortune of 125,000,000. Misses Pankhurst ' Quarrel Over Funds LONDON. Dec. 22. Mrs. Kmineline Pankhurst, the militant BUffragette leader, left London yesterday for Paris on tho way to Switzerland to recuperate from her weakness brought about by "hunger and thlrBt strike" In Holloway Jail, from which she was released on December 17. Her departure was not accompanied by any of the usual demonstrations. Rumors were ln circulation today that relations were strained between Miss Sylvia Pankhurst and Miss Chrtstabcl Pankhurst, tho two daughters of the mili tant loader, in consequence of Miss Syl via's - determination to concentrate her campaign In the cast end of London and ln efforts to co-operate with the members of the labor party. Miss ("hrlstabel disapproves of this ! scheme and Is said to be withholding I . MME. SCHUMANN HEINK FILES SUIT FOR DIVORCE CHICAGO. Dec. 22.-SuIt for divorce was. filed here today by Madame Ernes tine Schumann-Helnkc. the opera singer, against her husband, William Rapp. De sertion Is the charge. They were mar ried hero In May, ISO.", and tho singer since has made Chicago her residence. Rapp deserted her two years ago, she al leges. They had no children. Temperamental and family differences are said to havo estranged the Rapps. Madame Schumann-Helnk had eight chil dren by her two former marriages. That she would seek a divorce from Rapp has bten known for some time to her friends. Rapp Is said to be In New York.' He Is a lawyer 40 years old, and Is a man of means. His father vbm a prominent Oernvin newspaper man and was editor of the Chicago Staats Zeltung when he died about six years ago. SUPREME COURT TAKES RECESS TO JANUARY FIVE WASHINGTON, Ic. 22. -Tho supremo court recessed today to January 5, when decisions In several Important cae are expected. The Drawn for The Bee by Powell. APPLICATIONS FROM OMAHA Looal Bankers Among Those McAdoo Receives Communications From. NATIONALS GETTING INTO LINE Directors of One of Largest Instltu ' tlons In New Eneland Urged by Execntlye Committee to ' r 'Accent -1niT.- WASHINGTON, Doc. 22.-What treas ury officials regarded as an Indication of how financial circles will receive tho now federal currency system Came today from Boston In a .nieseago to Secretary McAdoo from tho National Shawmut bank, one of the largest' Institutions in Now England. The mcssago declared the executive committee of the bank had voted to advise Its directors to accept the new law and enter tho system Receipt at tho treusury of scores of Informal applications from all parts of the country led Mr. McAdoo to bellevo that there can be no question now that a largo part of tho national hanks In tend to come Into the System. Then nro about 7,600 national banks In the United States and not moro than a few hun dred have wired their Intention to apply tor membership In tho federal system, but a rush of applications Is expected as soon ns the bill Is signed by President Wilson. Many of the banks, realizing that they cannot get ln the first applica tion and not caring particularly about tho relative position they may obtain are understood to be awaiting tho sign ing of tho bill. Applications today came from tho fol lowing cities: Waterloo, la.; Boston, Omaha, Wcstfleld, N. J.; Chattanooga, Mudlson. Wis.; Lynchburg, Va.; Ot tumwa, la,; Wilmington, Del.; Bloom lugton and Springfield, III.; Marlon, lnd.; Columbia find Scdalla. Mo.; St. Johns, Ore.; Grand Rnplds. Mich,; Topoka nnd Parsons, Kan Omaha Electrician is Killed in Train Wreck RAWLINS. Wyo.. Dec. 22. Two men ' were killed and other passengeri very 1 slightly Injured In n head-on collision be tween a Union Pacific freight train nnd J tho eaatbound Los Angeles Limited train I No. 8 near Black Buttes, Wyo.,' "curly to t day. Both trains were trnvellng rapidly and the freight engine and two buggag cars of the pusscngcr truln were badly damaged. Tho dead were Thomas Moore, Rawlins, fireman on the freight train, and F. C. Krefcs, the train electrician, of Omaha. The wreck occurred In n dense fog and no stntcmcnt concerning Its causo has been given out. SUIT IS FILED AGAINST SANTA FE FOR MILLION K1RKSVILLE. Mo.. Dec. 22.-Attorney General Barker filed suit here todny to recover from tho Atchison. Topcka & Santa Fe railroad Jl.000.0W contained in excess passenger and freight charges. The National Capital Monday, December S'Jt, 11)1.1. The fienute. 5Ict at noon. Conference report on tho administra tion currenoy bill taken up for approval. Conference report on currency bill sub milled by Senator Own. Ucccssed nt 5:50 p. in. to 9 p. m. The Moose, Met at noon ... Conference report on the administra tion curronM" bill taken up" for approval. Representative Moore of Pennsylvania urged foreign affairs committee to eek official Information of alleged discrim inations against Jewa in Rumania. Conference report on currency bill sub milted by Representative Glass. Telephone Unmerger WELL . I GVE'SS. Z ff.Z ZTfOVGH. ANYWAY Castro, Accused of Patterson Assault, Released on Bonds Salvntore Castro, suspected of having assaulted James Patterson, Union Pacific ahop foreman, with a hammer, wns re leased from custody on a K.OOO bond by District Judge Lcrllo as o result of habeas corpus PtpcerdlPS" ln.tltu,ted, by jm. No cnmplalut -hotT 'be'en -filed' nclnst"C'asrrT by tl-.n polled during nn Investigation can ducted by CHIef of Detectives Mnlonoy, but he will Ixi taken before tho pollen magistrate today. Judgo Leslie ordered CnBtro to appear tills morning. In tho presence, of Detectives Lelieay and Sullivan, Castro wns placed along sldo of Patterson's "bed and Patterson was asked lf Castro was the man who assaulted him. Patterson nnswered In tho affirmative two times, nvowlnjr that Castro was the man who had struck him over the head. Pattorson's condition at St. Joseph's hospital Is still very critical, although ho has boon slightly Improving, His Injury cpnslsts of a triple frncturo of the skull, the wounds being Inflicted by a hammer. The wounds are such that iw predictions can be inndo as to tho vic tim's probable condition for any length of time. Police officials four he muy never recover. Federal Commission Asks for Records in Thaw Lunacy Case CONCORD, N. H Dec. 22.-Certlfled copies of all records of tho Matteawun Insane hospital relating to Harry K. Thaw Blnco his commitment to thnt In stitution havo been requested of William K. Jerome, special deputy attorney gen eral of Now York ln the legal tight to secure Thuw's return to the Now York Jurisdiction. Tho request wns made to day by tho commission appointed hy the federal court to determine whether Thaw's mental condition would make his release on ball a menace to public safety. Buys Cardiff Giant to Exhibit Freak FORT DODGE, Is.. Dec. i2.-(Speclal Telegram.) J. R Mulroney, forniur pres ident of tho Fort Dodge Commercial club. today clofed a denl whereby he becomes solo owner of the celehtnted Cardiff Giant, fHshloned from gypsum taken from tho local quarries, lie pn'd several thou sand dollars for It. getting title after following up the matter for two yeatn nnd dealing with 1C0 heirs of the estate of the original owner of the great hoax He hXs not decided what he will do with his now possession, further than that he will exhibit It at the l'nnamu exhibition. Together with tho giant, Mr. Mulroney gained possession of all correspondence concerning the big fnke, which wns dis covered" In 1W at Rome, N. Y., and which made a fortune for Its "discov erer" as a new world wonder a specimen of prehistoric man. MISSOURI MAN WOUNDS WIFE AND KILLS SELF TULSA, Old.. Dec 22. Lewis T. Hen of Carrollton. .Mo., shot and probably fatally Injured IHm wife. Blanche Ilea, then shot himself to death In a hotel" hero early today." Both Ren and his wife are said to be prominently connected In Missouri. RAMPOLLA'S WILL IS REPORTED STOLEN ROM E, Dec 22. A rumor Is current In Vatican circles that a box supposed to contain the will and other Important pa pers of the late Cardinal RauipolU has dlBSppeared. GOT CHRISTMAS TREE IS IN PLACE Program is Completed for the Big Municipal Celebration. MAYOR ISSUES PROCLAMATION Electric I.lnht Company Is Installing; Thousands of I.lchts to Illumi nate Olant, Pine from the Aortti Woods. : ' . te - t- , i- ' v ' Decorations and electric lights on the municipal Christmas treo arbclng pu$ place and Mayor Jifnies' C. bahlmsn hns iBBUcd -a, proclamation calling lipon the people of Omuha to Join In the cole- bratlon around tho tree In tho couit house square' Christmas ove. Tho proc lamation follows: Proclniuntlon. On Christmas eve there will be a mu nicipal troo on tho court house grounds, which will ho free for everyone. Much energy and money have been spent to give each of us a chnnco to en Joy this entertainment. Now. to mako It a success, everyone should come. Put asldo little private celebrations for a part of tho evening nnd Join In tho whole rejoicing of tho city. . It Is to trach the true moaning of "peace on earth, good will to men." The tree with lis lights, the music, the open ing of the court houso doors for rich und poor alike. Ill foiclRli lands the city does things for the people ns ii whole, nnd tho people, lovo their city, tku pride in Its appear ance nnd Its progress. It Is hoped that the municipal Christmas trees In the cities of the United States will help a run mi and keep alive that spirit In this country. The court house doors will bo open at 7 o'clock p. in. so that all who euro to can see tlin Interior of this beautiful building.' The tree will be lighted and the music begin at 8 o'clock p. tu., so that everybody can take part and have plenty of time to attend any other fes tivities previously arranged for. Tho name of the promoter of this splen did entertainment Is to bo kept a secret until later. Come nnd Join the crowd and be merry. Tree Belli HP Decorated. "The work of decorating the big spruco hun begun ami tho aid of tho flro depart ment with Its largest hook and ladder truck was required .to reach the higher (Continued on Pago Two.) BROKER'S CLERK PLEADS GUILTY TO FORGERY PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Dec. 22.-Jamcs E. Foye, formerly u clerk In tho cm Ployo of tho Fanners l)an und Trut company of Now York City, pleaded guilty In criminal court here today to four bills of Indictment charging him with fraud ilontly making written In struments und uttering and publishing them, and also with obtaining tJrt.OOO by false pretenses from the brokerago firm of Charles T. Brown & Co. of Phlla dolphin. Sentcme was deferred. Last month Foye obtained about $200,000 In loans from local banking concerns on forRed stock certificates. All tho money has been recovered except 32,"00. STORES KEEPING OPEN NOW UNTIL TEN O'CLOCK Botali stores remained open until 10 o'clock last night for the accommodation of ChrtstuuiK shoppers, and will remain i open until that hour tonight and Wednes day night. For three days hist week tho stores stayed open until ! o'clock, and were crowded until the last minute, hut last night tho swarm of late shoppers was far largor than any evening last week. All of tile stores seemed (o enjoy the big trade which Santa Cluus and cold weather havo o enchanced, HEAVY SNOW IN THE SOUTH, ACCORDING TO WEATHER MAN A heavy snow Is Indicated by the weather foroeatiter for western Kunras, northern and western Missouri, southern Iowa and Kiutheastern Nebraaku, The storm Is general over the lower Misxls slppl allov and Is piogresslug northeast rapid!)'. CONFERENCE REPORT PROBABLY WILL BE HELD UPJNCQNGRESS Indications that Currency Bill May Not Be Passed Tuesday as Planned by Leaders. COMMITTEE MAKES ITS REPORT Final Agreement is Reached After All Night Session. COMPTROLLER GOES ON BOARD Item Backed by Wilson' Causes Sev ers Hours' Deadlock. GOLD RESERVE IS INCREASED PrrcrntnRt- llrhlnit Nctt Notes In rtnUrd to Forty Per Cent, vHh Grndnutrd Tnx ns Pro posed lr the Senate. WASHINGTON. Dec. 2S.-Although ad ministration leaders In congress bent ever' effort for a speedy approval of the currency bill today, that It might be hur ried to 'the White Houso for President Wilson's signature before night, a series of delays developed to hamper their prog ress. Printed copies of the conference report woro late coming from the printers, and the parliamentary situation ln both th house and the senate seemed to favor de lay. Democrats In both houses were pre pared, howover, to nsk for speedy ap proval of the disputed points agreed on by house nmj senate, conferees, with the hopo of getting tho .bill out of the wnv In time for President Wilson to leave for his Christmas vacation In Mississippi to morrow. Conference Committee Afrree. The currency bill In Its final form was reported to both houses of congress today to be written Into law. Tho mem bers of tho conference committee which labored until dawn this morning thresh ing out tho differences between the two houses, presented a perfect measure which followed closely the lines laid down by President Wilson In his demands for currency reform. The conferees agreed on practically all of the fundamentals of the measure sn It passed the senate. Including' tho pro vision that no less than eight por morn than twelve regional banks should no created. The reserve requirements for banks entering the system which had been slightly let down by the senate wnn strengthened In conference, nn amend ment allowing tho use of the present banh notes and the proposed neiv federul reserve notesJn bank reycrygs belnK strToUe'n ouT.-Kn order ' to make th change," the hoUfco conferees called lit jber of the Iioubo banking committee whu I made an extended argument to show that the provision was unnecessary Coiuptproller on 'Board. The last long drawn out struggle of the conference resulted from the admin istration's determination that the comp troller of tho currency should b given a place on the federal reserve board whjeh. will control the new system. The Bcnato conferees were evenly divided on this proposition, three senators Joining with tho house members of the committee In supporting tho administration's conten tions. It waB nearly daylight when n single shifting voto brought the confer ence to a close. The conference accepted the acnato amendment Increasing the gold rese.rvu hnhind the new notes to be Issued from 33& per cont as fixed In tho house bill, to 40 per cont, with a graduated tax oh de pletion aa arranged In the senate. It was understood that President Wilson and Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo let the conferees know that they favored an Increaso. A compromise plan for retiring the 3 per cent bonds on which tho present cur rency Is based wub written Into the bill by the conference. Under the plan JM, 000,000 worth of these bonds will be pur chased each year, beginning two yeara after the system Ib placed in operation by the new regional banks from the prcucnt mittona! banks. On one-half of Its hold ings each regional bank may Issue cur rency. Tho remainder will be refunded in 2 per cent thirty-year bonds or 3 per cent one-yenr treasury notes, whlh the bank.i must agree to renow each year for thlrtv years. Another Benate amendment that wai crushod out In the confcrcnco was thi propoial to guarantee bank deposits. Nperlnl nil! for flank Rnarantee. The elimination of the federal guav nntee of bank deposits from the new cur rency bill Is to lo followed soon by tho lntroduct!onof a separate bill to estab lish such a' guarantee. Chairman Owen of the benate banking committee cxpecH to Introduce It early next month. Under tho conference agreement cities where regional reserve banks are to bo. located will be selected by the secretary of the treasury, the secretary of agricul- (Continued on Page Three.) Think Again Don't let Christmas morning come and then realize that In tho rush you have forgotten to buy a gift for mother or daughter or undo or cousin or John or Mary. All your pleis uro In the day wilL be spoiled If you make a mistake like that. Think again about each per son to whom you have planned to give a present and mako mire you have not ovorlookeu anyone. If you have forgotten some thing consult The Bee vand look over the adverttsementa for suggestions. You will find plenty of them; all the shops are offering useful and beauti ful articles. Read about them today and rectify your mistake before It Is too late.