niE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1913. COMMISSIONS GIYEN OUT Governor Morehead Issues Them to Guard Members, DOUGLAS TO PAY IN TAXES Auditor HoTTnril Ifrnr lint Treaa orer Vte Will Soon Make Settle ment for State Tnxra Ilrtnn Una Pnllmnn (From a Staff Correspondent.) IJNCOkN, Dec 21.-(8peclal.)-Com-tnlsslons to officers of the Nebraska Na tional Guard, vt'ero Issued by Governor Morehead yesterday and are ns follows: James H. Sweaney, first lieutenant, Company K, Fifth regiment, UaVenporU Arthur C. Vol(?t, second lieutenant, Company K, Fifth regiment, Davenport. ninor lilnk, first lieutenant, medical corps Alma. Lorln K. BrcuKKerman, first lieutenant, Fourth Infantry, Norfolk. "William Taul De Bord. secpnd , Ueutcn ant, Company M, Fourth Infantry, Yorl:. Film Company Incorporntea. Tho' Monarch Film company of Omaha has filed articles of Incorporation with the secretary of state. "The company will do a general business In motion picture films and Is Incorporated for 110,000, In shares of (1 each. This will mean that the company cannot sell its stock out side ot tho present organizers, as tho bluo sky department has decided that all stock must bo not less than 1100 per Share. Philip II. Goldstone and Louis 1 Pulcn are the Incorporators. Company Dlaantvm. The F. J. Kimball company of Omaha has notified the secretary of state that they have dissolved business. Tho com pany operated as tho Kimball Laundry company and tho Kimball Ideal Laundiy company of Waterloo, la. UooKlna Cnnnty to l'ny. Willi In Omaha this week Auditor W. B. Howard called at the office of County Treasurer Uro of Douglas county .and was Informed that In a fow days the state treasury ot Nebraska would bo strengthened with a draft from the Doug las county treasury for the neat llttla sum of StS.OOO. Ilrlnn Gets O. 1C. on tit II. As evldenco that it makes some differ ence who Is hungry, Insurance Commis sioner Brian has filed a voucher with th state auditor countersigned' by Governor Morehad arid Attorney General Martin, that he spent SIS for hotel bills and 13 more for Pullman and meals in his ro cent trip to Chicago to attend a meeting of insurance commissioners. It U said that onco upon a time when Commissioner Brian was Just simply In surance deputy under his old friend, Howard, ho objected to an Item of 30 cents put In by Actuary John Gilchrist, because he thought that such a thin man as Gilchrist could not stow away W cents' worth at one meal. The Items In Mr. Brian's voucher show that he was four days In Chicago, which cost S16, or U a day. According to tho items, S3 was spent for Pullman berth, leaving Sfi for meals. Tlia way tho 'trains run, it a man had to use a berth to slocp In lie would not bo able to cet In mors than about three or four meals at tho outside, which with the C left woutj make $1.50 or 2 per meal. But Mr. Brian Is a bigger man than Mr. Gilchrist and possibly has a greater capacity. Governor Morehead has botoro gone on record against junketing trips and ex pensive feeds. ROCK ISLAND COMPANY f - READY FOR $N0W DRIFTS FAIUBURY, Neb., Dec. 21.-(Spoclal.)-Itallroad traffia on the Denvor-Chlcagn branch of the Rock Island Is suffering considerably by reason ot tho heavy snow Jn Colorado. Tho Denver Express' has been three and four hours late Into this point dally, owing to the blockade on the pralrlos ot Colorado. A telegram to Rock Island headauarters at this point stated that a rotary wnowplow was placed In operation to clear the deep drifts and was clearing the lino for tha passenger trains. A largo rotary has been ltept fired up and In readiness lit the locomo tive shops at this Point to bo sent to Col orado on a minute s. notice. DEATH RECORD Thomas Flannery. M'COOK. Neb., Dec. H.-(8pec!at.)-Thnmaa Flannery. on old resident of McCook, who had made Ms homo for many years at the National hotel ot this city, died suddenly Friday mornlnff of heart disease. Flannery was a bach elor and had no relatives here, whore ho had made his home for many years, liv ing out ot means saved In years when ho was able to work. He has one living brother, who was at once Informed of his death Bee Want Ads Produco Results. Investment As a Busi ness Concerns Everybody Because The financial success of most people depends upon their ability to put their savings to work In an effective way, aa much. If not more, than It does upon their ability to save, in the first place. This Well Establish Institution with nearly 1600,000 of as sets. ha provided an opportunity for people of small means as well as large means, to share In the profits derived from the business of improving and selling or owning City Ileal Kataie "We'll be glad to sent you full particulars if you'll write! Bankers Realty Investment Company GROUND FLOOR BEE BLDG.,. Corner 17th and Farnam. Telephone Doug. 2926. NEWS NOTES OF CHADRON AND OF DAWES COUNTY CHADRON, Neb., Dec. 2L-(BpeclaU-Tho Chadron aerie of Kagles No. MS held Its election of officers Thursday night 'and named Max Loewenthal, president; Frank Mote, vice president; George Mar riott, secretary; Ixuls Pchwabe, treas urer; Parley Hyde, chaplain; Ferdinand Larson, Inside guard; John Anderson, outside- guard; Jacob Christiansen, trustee, and Dr. H. C. Gibson, physician. Tho installation Is to be held January 8. John II. Lnndon, who was born at Lapeer, Mich., March IT, 1851, died at Chadron December 14, leaving only his widow surviving. Tho funeral services were held yesterday at his lato residence jronducted by the Masonlo fraternities, over 100 members being in the line of march. Deceased had resided at Chad ron twenty-seven years, having been lo comotive engineer for tho Chicago AV Northwestern Ballrood company during all that time, filxty members of tho Io comottve Knglnecrs and Trainmen lodges Joined the Masonlo procession. I Tho ' deceased had been eminent com imandcr of Mellta commandery of Knights Templars and high priest of Oc cidental clmptor No. 4S. Royal Arcn ' Masons, and grand master of Samaritan lodgo No. 15S, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at different times. District court has adjourned until Feb ruary 2, 1911, Judge Wcstover gave John Bays an Indeterminate sentence of from ten to twenty years In the penitentiary. Harry 13. Reischo, member of the Ne braska legislature and caslilcr ot tho First National bank of Chadron, cap tured Bays and brought him back from the state of Washington for obtaining money under false pretenses. He pleaded Kullty. HYMENEAL Drd-Hnrloif. HUMBOLDT, Neb., Dec. 21.-(Spoclal.) Harold L. Ord, nged 21, of Pawnee City, and Miss Hva Barlow, aged 16, of Dawson, wero married at 9 o'cloqk Frl day evening at tho Methodist parsonngo by Rev. A. M. Work and left on the 11 o'clock train for Wyoming, where they will mako their homo. Jefferson Farmer Fearful. FAIRBURV, Nob., Dec. 2t.-(Spedal.) Considerable unrest prevails among Jef ferson county farmers ovor tho condition ot winter wheat. Tho largo amount of moisture In tho ground and the sudden changes In tho weather havo caused tho ground to "purge," resulting In the plant being torn looso from its roots when it freoxes. A number of wheat fields aro completely dead as a result of this condl tlou. A few weeks ago the farmers wero con gratulating themsolvcs on tho fine condi tion ot tho wheat, asserlng It was tho best In a number of, years. It Is the opin ion generally among farmers In Jefferson county that tho early wheat Is holding its own well. Wnuaa Woman Die Htiifdenly. WAU8A, Neb., Dec. 21.-(Spoclal.)-Mrs, R. Klltzlng died suddenly at' an early hour Saturday morning at tho homo of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Mar tin. 8he was In her usual health Friday, but during tho night suffered an attack of heart, failure, and, although medical aid was summoned, passed away in a few hour She leaves a husband and one' daughter. ' ' Farm IlrliiK Illur Price. WAUSA, Nob., Dec-2L (Spoclal.)-Tho Gropper farm brought 1162.60' per acre at public auction today. Hon. A. 11. Banks wns tho purchaser, The farm is situ ated a mild and a half southwest of Wausa nnd In well Improved. Mr. aroppor also sold his stock and farm machinery at auction and will move to WoomfliM. Klevntor la llnrned. GARRISON, Neb., Doo. 21.-(8peclal.)-Tho elovator of the Bchaat Grain com pany here burned to tho ground "Friday morning. It contained about 10,000 bushels ot grain, part ot which belonged to farmers living near here. Tho total loss Is oatlmated at Jt:,(XW. LINCOLN BE AC HEY LOOPS THE LOOP FOUR TIMES) FRESNO, Cal... Dec. 21.-Aviator Lin coln Beachoy looped the loop four times in n biplane hero today, Ho also flew up side down for on eighth ot a mile. To morrow Beachey will attempt looping tlo loop with his hands off the steering gear. Beat Treatment (or Conatlpatlon. "My daughter used Chamberlain's Tab lets for constipation with good results and I can recommend them highly," writes Paul B. Bablln, Brushly, La. For sale by all dealers. Advertisement. Hut theno savings must be Invested In some thing, where the principal will be absolutely safe, ns well as capable of producing good profits. Ileal Estate Is the most desirable of poses KCbhlonw, and Ui buHhu-SH of Improving It haa been In the past, In now, and will undoubtedly continue to be lu tho future, productive of largo profits. MANY DEBATESJN PROSPECT Nebraska High School League Starts Season's Work. DOZEN NEW SCHOOLS APPLY Trnat duration Chosen na Snliject for Dlscnaalnn nnl Authorities Selected to Fnrntah Aran-ine-ntn for Tnlka. LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 21.-Speclal.)-The Nebraska High School Debating league, the largest organization of Its ,klnd in the country, has started on Its 'seventh year's work with still further increased membership. Lost year slxty-rour high schools of I the state held membership, participating In fifty-two debates In the twelve dis tricts Into which the state is divided and, finally, In the state championship I debate nt tho state university on hlgn school fete day In May, In which repre sentatives of tho twelve district cham plpnshlp schools take part. New Reboots Apply. A dozen new schools have already ap plied formally for admission to tho ad vantages', to pupil and school, whlcn league membership gives. .They aro aa follows: Ansley, Superintendent W. B. Ireland. Battlo Creek, Superintendent B. O. Blackstone. Bloomfleld, Superintendent A. F. Gulil ver. Clay Center, Superintendent Clara Schncllcr. Hxeter, Superintendent H. Jennings. Fairmont, Superintendent C. 15. Collett Nebfaska Wesleyan academy, Principal J. C. Jensen. South Sioux City, Superintendent D. M. Rogers. Stanton. Superintendent J. H. Welch. Springfield, Superintendent F. F. Gor don. Stella, Superintendent W. L. Best. Htromsburg, Superintendent A. J. Dun lap. Several other schools are planning to becomo members. Select Trust luestlon. For the seventh annual contests the loague schools have selected this trust question! "Resolved, That tho policy of regulating trusts is preferablo to tho policy of dissolving them." On this question league schools will be ablo to get material from the uni versity, the state and the debate libraries and from the abstracts ot selected au thoritative articles furnished by tho de bating and publla discussion division of tho university extension department. These abstracts, prepared under the su pervlslon of Prof. M. M. Fogg, president of the league, give tho gist of the arti cles listed by him in "Bibliography I," In the leaguo'a sixth annual bulletin published last June, and In "Bibliography II," now ready for distribution. Schedule llenily Soon. The district schedules of first-series contests will bo announced by the middle ot January by the district directors working In co-operation with the schools concerned. These first-series debates will take place in February and early March. Tho Oxford High school on December 18 selected the team to represent It In tho contests of the southwestern district. Superintendent C. L. Anderson is in chargo of the work. At tho Beatrice High school thirty-five pupils aro competing for places on the' team, under the direction of Principal A. P nillyer. INDEPENDENTS LIKE PHONE AGREEMENT (Continued trom Page One.) nual report, supplied to tho newspapers, under tho caption "postal telegraph and telephones," appeared this paragraph: In June last, a committee was ap pointed to make an Investigation ot this subject to determine the preliminary slops necessary for tho government to take toward the acquisition of the tele graph lines In the country In accordance with section r,27 of the revised statutes. This committee Is now engaged In pre paring Its preliminary report and if the flmllnes Justify such action, nronor recommendations will be made by the department at a latter date. As tho report finally was Issued In permanent form, this paragraph was eliminated and tho following substituted: Since June last, the department hu been conducting careful Investigation to determine the desirability and practica bility of extending the government own ership and control ot means of communi cation with a view to the acquisition by the government of the telegraph and tele phone facilities to be operated as an adjunct to the postal service. The post master general Is now engaged In re viewing tho data collected' and later, it desired, will submit same to the appro priate committee ot congress for their consideration. The chango ot the paragraph was made at tho last moment bofore the report was issued, the data meantime having been submitted to tho postmaster gen eral in the form of a report. Many Compromises. There have been many compromises between the Department of Justice and combinations brought to court as of fendere under tho Sherman act, but It was an opinion quite generally shared today that other big corporations are likely to follow In the footsteps ot the American Telephone and Telegraph com pany. Among those who have already sought to Bettle tholr Involved affairs out ot court Is the New York, New Haven Sc Hartford Railroad company, and that case presents difficulties far greater than presented by the Bell Telephone com pany. The department's attitude toward tha American Telephone and Telegraph com pany is not to be taken, it is asserted. as an Indication that It does not Intend In the future to make use of suits In court nor that it. does not expect to call Into play the criminal features ot that statute In cases ot conspiracy In re straint of trade where the real offenders can be reached. There has been no final determination, it Is pointed out, not to prosecute New Haven directors even after a settlement of the reorganisation ot that road Is agreed to. American Stock Advances. NEW VOUK. Dec. 20.-The announce ment from Washington that the Ameri can Telephone and Telegraph company naa reportea an agreement with the De partment ot Justice whereby It would re- llnqulsh control ot tho Western Union and avoid a suit under the anti-trust law, caused excited advance In the stock of the telephone company on the stock market today. The first transaction in the Block was a block of 2,000 shares, one ot the larg est blocks ot that stock which has been handled on the exchange for years. Prices ranged from 130H to 121. a maximum rain of 6, points. Later the advance was run up to 7 points. The price of 134 repre sents a gain ot HU points since Monday. The price later reacted 2 points. Ameri can Telephone convertible bonds gained S, Bhares of the Mackay company, which are seldom traded In on the exchange, were Inactive today During the first hour there were no transactions In the common stock, although the preferred rose three points on a single sale. West ern I'nlon, which showed decided strength at tho outset, later relapsed, falling five points from Its high price to 67, which represented a net loss of three Points Phone Trust Wins Fruitless Victory By State Decision SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. It-Twenty-four hours after word came from Wash ington of the Voluntary agreement of the American Tolephono and Telegraph com pany to mako connections with Inde pendent companies, the California su preme court handed down a decision stating that an order of the State Rail road commission compelling tho Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company to make such connections was a violation of the constitution of the United States, Inasmuch as It was confiscatory. The railroad commission had directed the Paclflo company to make long dis tance connections with two Independent concoms operating In Butte and Tehama counties. The company took an appeal and after a long delay has the academic satisfaction of being the winner, although tho action taken by tho parent concern practically nullifies the chief effect of the court's decision. SHOOT RABBITS, ATTRACTED BY GLARE OF HEADLIGHTS SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Dec. 2i.-(8pe-clah) Hundreds of persons throughout tho state .are shooting and killing rabbits by wholesale, theso animals being un usually numerous, but it was not gener ally known that they wero prohibited from shooting them unless provided .with a hunter's license until tho eamn warrfpn of Bon Homme county made a raid on imniora on mo jim river and arrested James Sedlacek and Mp.nrd Brown, Jr. Brown wns provided wnh such a license and exhibited It, but Sedlacek had not secured a license and when taken before a Justice was required to pay a fine and costs amounting to over $19 . Anumber of the society women ot Sioux Falls and other cities have re cently enjoyed the pastime of going to the outskirts ot their cities In automo biles at night and shooting rabbits In largo numbers, which are attracted' by tho glare of the automobile lights. Fire nt Iltackhnml. STUGIS, S. D Dec. 21.-(8peclal Tele gram.) Fire last night destroyed the Winter store at Black Hawk with Its contents. All the residents of the town did what they could to save tho place, which was Impossible, water having to be carried from a pond and the dopot Light Even Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n. tacitly admits on the slip from a case of "Budweiser" repro duced above that light affects the quality of beer, that the light bottle is insufficient pro tection. Schlitz in Brown Bottles is pure and wholesome from the V. brewery to See that crown or cork is branded "Schlite." That Made Milwaukee Famous. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Burlington Decides to Erect New Brick Freight Depot. OLD ONE OF ANCIENT VINTAGE Lome Overcrowded nnd Cause of Much Inconvenience llecnuae ot Its Slif Xlght School to He Cfltnlillalicri. Freight business haB urown to such large proportions in South Omaha that the Burlington railroad has conceded the erection of a new depot at Thirtieth nnd L streets, where the present freight house stands, at a cost of approximately 120,000, and work will begin on the new structure soon. The present depot stands as one of tho old landmarks In the city. It was erected nearly thirty years ago, and Is a frame building. It has stood up under the rapidly increasing freight re ceipts, and stands out from the other modern buildings In the stockyards as a piece of workmanship performed under the old school, when It was customary to build frame structures to stand the wear and tear of years. The present depot Is not only old and docs not boast the modern facilities, but it Is also too small to handle tho large volume of business. It is not only a detriment to the railroad, but is also the cause of much discomfort for the em ployes. According to the plans of tho officials of the Burlington, who looked over the site yesterday morning, the new depot will be built of brick and will be fire proof. It wll be set east of the present depot, thus causing no change in the present form of handling the local busi ness. The old depot Is situated on the west side of the tracks, making it possible to use but one side of the dock. The new depot will be erected In the center of tho tracks, opening the dock on bth sides. For some months the stock yards have been after tho Burlington to build a new depot. The officials refused to grant this request, nnd would not entertain any thought for such a building until of late. It Is expected to havo the now depot In use by next summer, and this will make it easier to handlo the stock yards, packing and other local business, which makes this depot a most profitable one for the railroads. Imbued with tho spirit of the hunt only at least one of the participants maintained City Attorney Henry Mur phy and Bernard Larkln returned from a trip to Sarpy county after, game yester day afternoon with two scrawny Jack rabbits, which their friends maintain were of the tamo species. Murphy took two hunting dogs along and they wero In chargo of Joseph Wepp ner, who Is teaching the high-priced ani mals the Intricate details of picking up n scent and running It to ground. The first lesson was partially successful. Tho hunters shot the two rabbits near . Starts Decay In Pure Beer . TroS 1 your glass. C5 Phones: Doug. X597! Ind. A 36aa Schlitt Bottled Beer Depot 713 S. 9th Street, Omaha. Nebr. Phone 4.14 Hr. Gerber, 101 S. Main St. Council Bluffs Beer farmhouse. Friends of Murphy and Lar kln say this particular farmer has a hobby of raising cottontails and Identi fied their game as 'wo ot the farmer's pets. To' Open .Mailt School. Members Richardson, Le and Horacek of the Board of Education aro contem platUg a night school for the working and foreign element, who are handi capped because of their meager educa tion. Under tho law tho board Is not allowed to employ teachers to Instruct students over 21 years of nge and they must look to persons willing to donate their work as Instructors. It Is understood that the Young Men's Christian association has offered the as sistance of some of Its teachers to the board, but the board would rather havo homo talent It possible. Tho school will probably be conducted at the high school. It will bo opened ns soon as It Is possible to secure teachers tor the work. This will mean much, not only for tho working people, but for the city In general. Last year local Jewish societies and other organizations devoted their time and money for tho education of the Im migrants, nnd the three board members believe It would be a fine thing to havo a school where these people nwy be ed ucated. l'lir Get Loose, Squealing with unrestricted freedom and roptlng about In tho snow two tlttlo pigs wandered about tho streets yester day morning near Twenty-fourth and B streets, while a driver for the Hoffman Packing company, was hurrying to an Omaha hotel to deliver tho same animals for a Christmas dinner. Ho did not learn of the loss of tho ani mals until he reached his destination and found the crate still In tho wagon, but tho pigs gone. They had broken through tho thin sides of the box and tumbled out on the snow. Billy Corrlgan, court officer, was de tailed to locate tho two wanderlust pigs and found them at tho homo of Steve Vail near Twenty-seventh and L streets. One of the Vail children had picked tho pigs up and carried them homo. He boarded a street car with the two kicking, squealing piggies, much to his annoyance and the amusement of tho other passengers. Exchange- Death Tlecoril. Since tho organization of tho stock ex change nt the South Omaha yards In 1892. thlrty-nlno of lta members have answered the call to tho beyond. The exchango continued Its rapid progress until it Is today one of the biggest In the country, but each year old faces about the com mission offices wero absent and tho death roll In tho secretary's office bore additional names. The largest number for one year to leave their business In tho hands ot tho younger members was In 1912, when six members died. In 1DU only one mem ber's name is recorded In the little black cabinet. In 1310 five new names wero added to tho list. U9 'HNbpspsT sV'sasaSH aV,:sLsLaB 'ssVasLsPafl oKSsPsssHIIbH BBstt'llBBBBBBSBP 9IV KEEP-CLEAN Tour employes will bo In fluenced to keep their hands 5 .J' '.f 70U "Te them an In dividual towel Onx Individual towal cass rives aaon parson a trash, claan towal. ' H Is the sanitary way. - . . " c)jfc tree irum aunt in and u iuiii used slide on the rod out of Mgrt Into the cex below. It Is the last word im the "keep clean" sub. Jcct. Tho 'ost Is vary small. Let us give you t li Price. Omaha Towel Supply 307 Bo. 11th Straat. Fhona Doug. 038. Hotel Loyal will serve TWO SPECIAL Christmas Dinn erS a a a At $1.50-PER PLATE At 13 to 3130 p. m. At 6 to 8:30 p. m. Tables may ba reserved In advance On Christmas day ladies will be admitted to the naw grill room as well as tha main cafe. There will be two orchestras, one in each room. Get Your Canadian Home From the Canadian Pacific I ANT farmer harepaM (or their farm wit on crop. Fin nt land on earth for grain, mixed firming and stock, only til to $30 prr acre. Lands neir railroads and flno towns. A Canadian farm will make YOU Independent! 20 Yean to Pay $2,000 Loans Twenty rean to par (or the land and repay tha loan. Long before roar lait payment becomes doe four (arm will hare paid for ItaeK orer and orer. Loan will be need to erect balldlnirsand make permanent Improre meat o roar farm. Atk for tha facta TODAY. Room SOS W. O. W. BIOS'., s Omaha, Heb. "CANADIAN rAClFlC FJUi-VTAT-UnJ Brut Prompt Service For Christmas Week All orders for cleaning or pressing received before 9 a. m. Wednesday will be deliver ed Christmas Eve. Please let us havo your call as early In the yeok as pos sible. THE PANTORIUM "Good Cleaners and Dyers," 1515 Jones St.,, Tel. Doug. 003. A311SEMHNTS. Davotad to Btrlotly Clean, Classy XVSXOAX. BVSX.SBQ17JI TWICE DAILY WS8X Mat.Today Holiday Mat. Xmas Day at 3:81 JOHN O. JESMOITS COLUMBIA BURLESQUERS la "A LADIES' MAN" With the ramons German Comlo HARRY L. COOPER o? Vaudeville Embracing; Bach Discriminate Onoloa as tha Cyclon- fntly JnrjO Mills lo Comedienne, U0,,J H mlll Seymour, Uempsey & Seymour 'Soma Boys" and a Vlano ABE LEAVITT MWSSE- "THE GREAT .. . AY' HOLIDAY BEAUTY CHORUS DEAIl HEApun With all rour bother about what to buy for C'hrltmi, you and worry will be ttrangere It you'll drop In here to the Tired Shopper' Matinee today, Tueiday or Wedneday. You ran buy your Red frou Heal In the lobby, too. K. U JOHNSON. Usr. Gayety Evenings, Sunday ft Holiday Mats, 16c, 250, OOo ana 7So yMATS. 15c and 25c ccew turn If you like, but no amoklna. TICKETS DAY MATIKXB Baby Carnexa ura la ae uoooy. non SOUO. 494. Mat. every day. SUB; every nlg-ht, 8U9, AOVAJIUiill VAUXIJbV JULUUJBI This Week, lllanche W'alth tc l'o.. Fraak Mil ton and D I.onc Slaters. The Lansdona. Duck, ley-a Anlmala. Emily Darrell and Charley Con. way Warren A Conley, Juggling Mlllen and Special Feature Picture. "Uronch0 Bllly'a Christ mat Deed " Prlc.4 Mat. Gallery, loot beat ante (exeeri (at sol Bub.) ti NUte 10a He toe ee4 TVa. r Don't forcet the Grand Cake Walk and Hall at the Auditorium Christmas night. There will be a public wedding in connection. DUNBAR CLUB BOYS. the case above Sim. SJ (A