Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1913, Image 1

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    Live One's Monologue:
"l MiouM uonj because my
sleepy comjMJtltor docs not know
enough to nilvcrtiso."
The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XLLU-NU. 160.
On Trains and at
Hottl News Stand, Sc.
All-Day Conference of Joint Con
gressional Committee Held on
Currenoy Bill.
Capital Stock Four Million Dollars
for Reserve Banks.
Each Side Disproved to Yield Some
thing for Settlement.
12 cry Hffort HcIiik Mnilc to Settle
Controversy no Member. Mny
Tnlie Tlielr llollilny
Vneiitlti ii.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 21. An all-day
conference of the Joint congressional
committee on tho currency bills pushed
that measure close to perfection tonight.
Problem Involving the reservo pio
visions, tho size and character of the fed
eral reservo board, the redemption of
2 per cent government bondH and tho re
tirement of the present national bank
currency proved troublesome, but tho
conferees finally smoothed out most of
tho Issues between house and senate.
When the two branches of congress
convene tomorrow It Is expected plana
will Ik made for a long recess begin
ning Tuesday. It was predicted tonight
that the currency bill could be com
pleted and signed by the president late
tomorrow or Tuesday, and congress has
dropped all other problems In the an
ticipation of the first actual recess that
It will have enjoyed since April 7. It Is
planned to drop all business until Jan
uary 12. President Wilson will leave
Ay'ashlngton for Pass Christian as soon
as tlc currency bill Is signed.
Point fif Difference.
An analysis of the bill by Senator
Owen and representative Glass, chair
men of the conferees, showed forty-two
points of difference between tho two
houses, but many of theso were of a
minor character and disposed of quickly.
Among tho more Important decisions of
tho committee today were the following:
Tho minimum capital stock of each le
sion reservo bank was fixed at H.000,000,
a compromise between tho $3,000,000 mini
mum of tho senate bill and the $."1,000,000
minimum of tho house bill.
The senate provision "for from eight
to twelve regional banks was accepted ,
b tho. houso in place of the minimum j
of twelve fixed In tho house bill.
Tho senate's provision that each -"went; bank" must subscribe for stock of
the region bank 1n. Its territory equal to character In exist-
C per cent of the member banks capital, -acll fi fw ccnts lo
and surplus was accepted by the house, fpw doUarfl ftnd ,ieW fi thou.
to replace its own provision that he gan(J(j Qf ,e ..
Hubscryptlon must equal u per cent ot tho BoU) t)Me cl(iuses lm(, bpen urgued
member bank s ca pital. at Wngth at th(J prevlullg MOarlnB on lho
eiuCe en V. -.f . case and In the morning Judge McPher-
Tho senate gave way on Hn provision i son l,ad heId thnt he couW on,y ,,lsml83
that no "clnss 15" director of u regional ! "without prejudice" the Injunction bills,
bank could be a stockholder In any mem- 1 Nevertheless, after the filing of tho mo
bor batik. This would permit the three j U(,n Juu"Ke McPherson Issued his new
directors who represent "agricultural. I ordcr suspending the "entering" of tho
commercial or industrial" Intcrests'in the!decrees l,nUI lanuar' 10
directorate of each regional reserve I tnta order the railroad lawyers say
bank to own stock In local banks In their ;' tno b''"Blng of any and all suits against
district tlus railroads Is stopped until the motion
The attempt of the house conferees to ls "caid.
have the secretary of agriculture and I j Tl
tho comptroller of tho currency made (jOITeCt JjCOnOlUlC
n embers of the organization committee
to Inaugurate the new system and per-
mancnt members of tho federal reservo
board held tho attention of tho confer
ence through much of the afternoon. Tho
house bill Included these federal offl-'
cers as members of the board, whllo the j CHICAGO, Dec. 20. The currency bill
wnatc allow! only tho secretary of tho j Is the political miracle of tho ago "be
treasury to remain on the board. i cause not ten of the men In the houso
.Should iho conference report bo ready 'who voted for the bill understood Its
tomorrow It will bo given the right-of- j fundamental principles."
way In both tho senate and house and j This Is the opinion of J. Laurence
rejournment will follow as soon as tho j Laughlln, professor of political economy
president signs tho bill. Members of boUt i at the fmverslty of Chicago, expressed
houses are preparing to leave Washing- I today In an address to members of tho
ton for the holidays, even beforo Presi
dent Wilson writes his approval on tho
new currency law.
Saturday established a new high water
mark In the parcel post business done
through the Omaha terminals, when 1.23J!tno currencv problem has been that ,t
pouches of such mall went through the (l,))cndc,i ,, the Quantity of money In
.llurllngtou terminal and WJ pouches j crcu)utlon
through the Union Pacific terminal in j .., am mK i0 stake my reputation
Council Bluffs. In addition to this quaq- , tlmt tno m wll ,,e for good or good for
tlty of mall handled at the Union Pacific , notUnBi not becauso of the regulation
terminal, thoro were 933 pouches of sec-jof noto UgUMI ml lp quantity ot money
ond class matter, and the force there , , clrcuitttion. but becauso of tho organl-
warned oui pacKages oi letters.
Officials In both the railway mall serv-
ico and the local postotflco believe that
they will bo able to meet the emergencies
of the first parcel post Christmas without
being overwhelmed with tho volumo of
The Weather
I'or Nebraska and Iowu Fair.
Te-nprmtaru nt Omaha Yeatcrilny.
Hours. Degs.
6 a. m 13
T.a. m
S a. m
9 a. in II
10 a. in..
11 a. in..
12 m 26
2 C:
t p. m 31
p. m.. 28
I! p. m 23
7 P. in 2!
1, ueal Record.
1813. 1912. 1911. 1910.
Highest yesterday....... 32 34 10
lxiwpst yestcruay
M..n lomnprnture 32 32 32
Precipitation 0 .IT .
Temperature and nroolpltatlon depar -
Vonnnl'ti-inneratiire 2ft
iirfi'ienry for the day i
" .. .. 1 v ru , a. I
Ton! excess si m March 1 vii'.' ;91S
&iaUH,' "K
Tetal rainfall since March 1 2S.W lucbrK
iieflclercv since .Maren i incnes
DcfMency for tor pcrloil. 1912. 4.02 IncheH
JJetlUeucy for cor period. 1911 13.13 Inches
Injunction Suit Against Two-Cent
Law in Missouri Dismissed.
Attorney Grnrrnl IIckIii Action for
Tun Million tlnlliirn .nlnt
MUsunrl Pacific, ltnll
rnnd. KANSAS CITY. Dec 21. Almost simul
taneous with the filing at Joffcrson City
yesterday of a suit for $2,000,000 against
tho Missouri Pacific railroad, by John
T. Parker, attorney general) for claimed
overcharges made by the road whllo tho
2-cent fare and maximum freight rato
laws were enjoined, Judge Smith Mc
pherson In tho federal court here made
a new order suspending until Jnhunry
10. the decrees he hnd ordered at tho
Homing session of the eoutt.
The order left the Missouri rate cases
tonight in a more complex tangle than
ever. Another trip to tho supreme court
of the United States, more litigation and
more delay appeared to bo In prospect
for tho cases, which have been In the
courts since 1!0S, and In thirteen of which
the supremo court upheld the icnsonuble
ness' of the rates In a decision last sum
mer. At the morning session of tho court.
Judge McPhcrson read from tho bench
bis decMon. holding that under tho
mandates of the supreme court he could
do nothing but dismiss tho injunction
suits without prejudice, not reserving, as
tho railroads had asked, Jurisdiction to
decide tho many thousands of claims of
overcharges while the laws were held
up by Injunction, The nllroad counsel
left the court room without making a
motion or any request for tho decree to
bo held up until motion could be filed,
llnrker Urlim Suit.
Immediately upon hearing ot Judgo
McPherson's decision, Attorney General
Barker at Jefferson City brought suit
agalliHt tho Missouri Pacific road. He
rrepared to fllo It Immediately, fearing
the railroads might enjoin him from
Later In the afternoon. Krank linger
man, attorney for the railroads presented
a now motion to tho court asking tho
Judges 'to amend the decrees he offered at
the morning session by inserting provi
sions retaining Jurisdiction of the claims
tor overcharges. In this motion, the rail
toads asked tho thing Judgo McPhcrson
had held in his morning decision he could
not put In the mandate.
Tho railroads asked two clauses to bo
Inserted In the decree. The first clauso
Tho court reserves Jurisdiction to settle
and determlno liability, if any, for ul
leged overcharges after tho granting of
the Injunction bond herein flleih
The Second Inline.
The second clause asked by the rail
roads read:
Tim nnn.t wl Until, .if 1iernfter refer
I to a special master to be hereafter ap-
,)0nted. tho ascertainment, after due no
tlce, of tho liability to shippers and pas-
gangers ror allesefl overcnarge.
.Jn support of tho motion, the petition
said tho complainants "offer to provo
lt.i.1 1.nHA ..,. n.. 1. ... 1 ...... .1 1. ,.f l
r Vlll PilT) IP riTnhnnlPfl
x x muifiu JJUiwuuiuu
in Bill Unwittingly
City club.
"The wonder of It," the professor said,
"Is that they Incorporated the correct
economic principle without rcalllntf It.
"The present banking laws have been
on tho statute books since tho civil war
and sound currency legislation has been
almost Impossible to secure," ho said.
Slnco that time the fundamental Idea of
, of ..... nrovided for. It seems
to me a miracle tins tiling snouiu navo
been Incorporated In this bill.
No ono has talked about this feature
of tho bill and yet It Is ten times as
Important as the regulation of noto !
sues and tho umount of money In cir
culation. It Is a source of marvel to me
(that 2W men In the houso voted for this
bill when there were not ten men In tho
houso who understood Its fundamental
! principles.
The fault In the panic of 1007 lay In,
i. . . ... nr
Pointers for Solons.
On Pushing Business
' Given by Committee
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. 21.-(8peclal Tel
egram.) Tho special commission ap
pointed by tho last legislature to pre
pare a plan for the better and more
i economical running of the legislature
BdJouml this evening nfter partially
1 a,i0ptng a plan whereby they will rec-
1 oinmend that tho number of 'committee
In each house be lessened, the long-hand
' sytem nf vngroslng bills be abolished.
Iforenooj.s given over to committee woik
I and four hour ca h afternoon to es-
.i,.,. t
, ",J 1
slu-.s. Other chafigcs will be recoiu-
Big Spray Will Be Suspended f:c
High Dome by One-Hundrc
Foot Cord.
Huge Derrick
Place Today.
Children and Choirs Busily
gaged in Preparation.
One Thonsnitil Inennilencent lilRhta
mill Other Dreornt Ions Will lie
I'lnceu lit llrnnelien l'lne
' Munlrnl Pronrmn.
A big spray of mistletoe, suspended by
n cord 100 feet long Intertwined with
green foliage, will hang over the center
of tho first floor of the court houso
Christmas eve.
Warning that this ancient and histori
cal plant was to havo Its sharo in Doug
las county's unprecedented ivopular eclo.
brntlon of the holiday was given yester
day by County Cummlsslpnur John
Lynch, who succeeded In securing the ap
proval of his fellow members ot tha
Uy authority of his office of chairman
of the committee on tho court houso and
grounds Mr. Lynch decreed that tho
mistletoe Khali hang In tho precise ccntor
of the building. From the top of the
huge dotno the cord will descend, four
6tortes In length, ending several foot
above tho first floor.
"I am anxious to havo the oact loca
tion of tho mistletoe mado known," satd
Mr. Lynch, "in order that till may havo
lair warning."
(Continued on Prige Two.)
The gigantic tree, mound which all
Omaha will sing carols on Christmas eve,
Is now in tho court Iioiimj square, ready
to bo hoisted Into place by many work
men on Monday.
A big scenery wagon and three stout
horses wero noccssnry to haul It from
lho two railway flat cars In the North
western yani. to the central location
where the cclebtatlon will take place. A
laige derrick had to be ued to lift It off
the wagon. It will bo raised to Its In
tended position and fastened In placo
Monday, and then brilliantly trimmed
and wired for 1,000 incandescent lights.
Hundreds of school children, City mis
sion children, church choir singers and
ether vocalists and Ocorge Green's band
will take part In tho lengthy program
of Christmas music that will be given
from 8 o'clock until midnight. Mr?.
Mabellc'fawfoTirVlptbn'SMII "ho tho
vocal soloist, and will sing shortly after
10 o'clock, when all tho employes of thu
stores will be off duty to tttend the cela
bratlon. It Is expected that thousands of
citizens will gather In the court house
snuare to witness the spcctaclo and listen
to tho music.
The committee of public spirited citizen
who havo organized the affair urge that
all members of ltoman Catholic choirs
and all other Catholics who sing, attend
the rehearsal of their part of the pro
gram, this afternoon at Crelghton uni
versity library rooms, Twenty-fifth and
California streets.
Children Practice Carols.
Public school children of tho flrt. sec
end and third grades have been practic
ing Christmas carols for the celebration
during the last fow weeks. Tho commit
tee requests that parents of theso chil
dren co-operate with tho committee by
escorting the children to tho court houso
Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, In
order that a largo number may bo on
hand to sing their songs as planned.
They will meet In tho rotunda of the
building and then march out on the steps
to sing their part of tho program, after
which they will return to the parents. A
responsible committee of well known
teachers, assisted by other workers, will
bo on hand to see that tho children re
ceive proper care.
Those who will assist In this ipattor
uro Miss Juliet McCuno and a corps of
other teachers, Miss Joy Illgglns, Miss
Adams and Miss h'chacfer of tho social
settlement, Miss Dorothy Hlngwalt, Miss
Lcota Holdrege, Miss Carmellta Chasn,
Miss Alleo Buchanan, Mrs. riitllp Potter,
Ira J. Heapd of tho Young Men's Christian
association and n police officer.
Court House llecnratrd.
Tho court hoiiBo will bo decorated and
brightly Irjhted, and tho county com
missioners will hold a reception In tho
building before tho program takes place
cutsldc in the square.
As tho municipal troo Is tho first gen
eral Christmas celebration ever planned
to allow all Omaha to Join in tho obser
anco ot tho holiday, enthusiasm over tho
idea Is widespread, and thousands plan
to gather around the tmmonso tree
Christmas night.
Judge Ben Lindsey
Weds 'Little Rebel;'
Word Obey Omitted
CHICAGO, Dec. Sl.-Judgo Henjamln R.
I.lndsey, founder of tho Juvenile court
nt Denver, and Miss Henrietta Urevoort,
stepdaughter of Dr. F. J. Cllppcrt of
Detroit, wero married hero last night.
Judgo Lindsey met his bride several
months ago while they wero guests at
a sanltoriuin at llattlo Creek, Mich. She
Is a socialist and Is referred to by her
husband as "The little Ilebel." Sho has
been a student In a local firm of Interior
decorators and Judge Lindsey spoke of
hsr proudly as a "working girl."
The marrlago was crformed tonight
at a hotel by a Methodist minister and
tho word "obey" was omitted from the
ceremony. James Itandolph Walker; a
long-time friend of the Judgo, mndii all
ariangements and was host man. Mrs.
j Hiulviy Is 21 years old anil the Judgo
j Is nineteen years her senior
h .Mr. and Mrs. I.lndsey will eiu- to
' morrow for New York and will be at
I home at Denver ubout Junuary W.
-v. -
Drawn for Tho Bee by Wlnsor McCay.
Lynch Will Introduce Resolution
Corncerning Smith.
RETAINSAT,U.RmZATI0Nvr2ES)hC!k '''NWoTif "fe&vlll
Clerk of lllatrlct Court Sii,n Win
Continue to iiolil Collect lon
l-nln.-t. i 1
i - - - - ..........
of Court.
A resolution demanding that Itobert
Smith, clerk or tho district court, pay
to. tho county treasurer about $5,000, con
sisting of hair tho naturalization feei
collected by his office during the sis
years ho has held tho offlco nnd In
structing the county attorney to bring
suit If ho refuses will bo Introduced In
tho Board of County Commissioners nt
Its next meeting by Commissioner John
It is expected that the board will pass
tho resolution and that n fight In tho
courts will bo the result, for Mr. Smith
made a statement yesterday that ho
would not relinquish the fees.
"Half of tho fees go to tho federal gov
ernment," said Commissioner Lynch,
"and Smith Is getting tho other hulf. I
not only demand that ho turn over what
sums ho may collect In tho future, but
that ho put bade the amounts he now
"Smith's Job Is paying him In salary
M.000 a year for merely nominal services.
Why he should receive largo sums In
naturalization fees when tho county Is
furnishing the building, the supplies and
the employes who do the work I cannot
Mr. Smith mado a statement that'he
considered ho was entitled to the fees
and that he would muko a fight on tho
"I have received In the neighborhood
of J3.000 in this way Ju tho last six
years," he said, "tho amount having been
Increased to above tho normal by tho
new federal law providing for lapsing of
first papers after a defined period. -Tho
half I havo been receiving ordinarily
would average nbotit J500 a. year.
"I consider that I urn entitled to theso
feeB because courts' decisions so Indi
cate, and County Attorney Mugney has
said 1 might receive them.
"The county's expenses are not in
creased by tho naturalization work," Mr.
Smith continued. "Tho employes arc
here In tho office and the cost of lights.
Janitor service, etc., go on anyway. IT
the county board wiintw to attempt to
recover theso fees it will havo to bo
taken Into the courts."
k .n TXT Ti
Woman Dies
XlgUU. T J vxxiuixx XJLKJU
of Shock as Bandit
and Grocer Battle
DKNVEK, Dec. 21. As a result of n
liHtttn helween nn linlndentlflffl hnndlt iiiwl
I. Finesllvcr, proprietor of a grocery store,
which won robbed by tho bandit, Mrs.
Mary Jnno C'arnsew In dead ot shock and
tho robber Is dying In tho county hos.
pltal from a bullet wound In hl heart.
, . v.,ll .... .
The robber entered tho store Just bo
fore closing time tonight, brandished a
revolver, drove Flnesllver and tho one
customer in the store from his proximity
to the cashier's desk, and was proced
Ing to help himself, when Finesllvcr se
cured a rovolver and, chasing the burg
lar to tho street, with a shot foiled him,
Mrs. CarnHow, "5 yearn ot age, in bed
In her home adjoining the. store, hearing
, the snooting went to in iront door just
jus Flnesllver and the bandit were at
ithe height of their battle. She stuggcred
Into the house und dropped dead as the
Jbundlt fell.
The Saint of the Season,
widow gets verdict
. run Uttt ln Ur nUbUAiMU
MAD1HON. Neb., Dec. 21.-(SpeeltvJ.)-
Tho Jury .In tho case ot Mrs. Bergman
purety bond companies returned n ver-
diet ot 49.W0 against Martin It. Hporn
'"hil the Title Guaranty and Surety com-
pany In favor of Mrs. Bergman
Hergmon's husband whllo. Intoxicated
was struck and kilted by a Northwestern
passenger train nt Norfolk Junction and
this action was brought against lU:
saloonkeeper charged with' having sold
him tho lltpior and' his bond company.
Judge at Des Moines Sets Up a New
Butter Fat Standard.
Jurlnt .Mnlulnlim Hint I.iiiviiuiUf r
Cnnuot Insist t'pon n Cerlnlii
("renin Test In Ice
A decision handed down by Judge
McIIenry of the district court In Des
Moines to the effect that the pure food
law relatlvo to tho butter fat stundard
for Ico cream is unconstitutional has
caused a stir In local puro food officers'
circles and a teBt 'caso of tho Nobroska i
law is not' now unexpected.
Judgo McIIenry held that tho loglsla-
turn could not tlx tho per cent of butter
fat len eremn sho, ,1,1 e.mtaln nnv morn
than It could lrglsluto the quality f
soup. He says thero Is nothing In butter
fat or tho lack of it to injure health or
enmfnrt n.. n,nrl III .leelnlnn. In imrt.
Ilutter fat is the natural product which
Is extracted from cream or milk and ns crctly tho Moripons oro opposed to our
a food product Is generally known and I republican form of government. He
recognized us a harmless food product j pointed out that the Mormons tench that
und sultnblo for tho maintenance and .. .... . ... ...i.ii. ,,.
support ot tho physical bodies of men. o eminent nxiept that which they
Yet It Is equally well known and com- havo established Is Illegal ami unauthor
monly understood Unit a food product Zed: that all law except that which
Without butter fat may bo equally harm- ' ... . ..HihIr nr.lnl,, or nlinrnve In of tin
less or equally lielioflclul. Ice cream Is ' u" 'r PrHsts ordnln or appro o Is of no
not a natural food product, but a man- , effect, and that opposition by any gov
ufactured combination of other Ingredl- ornmunt or nny people to tho decree ot
nnllL . , 1 tho Mormon prophet is direct rebellion
To one man Ico creiin contulnlng 12 i ., ,.,. ...
per cent of butter fat might lm beneficial I "Viilnat AlinlMity JoU.
and acceptabln to his tustc. To another ( "This nation, In their iiyos," he said,
man Ice cream contulnlng but per cent , H sinner, and must suffer for Its
of butter fat might bo more suitable, and , , Tl r(,,.U,i,. in n,eir Vlew must
In both cases It is u matter of common "m r,l'"lu' ln inr lc.. must
knowledge that It Is u harmless food f"" " punishment for having atwentcd
product, not Injurious to public health. I to tho slaying of the Piophets Joseph
inorHlH or welfare. The state of Iowa j UIld Uynun smith."
cream that It shall have 10 per cent by
; actual weight of sugar. The faetB upon
which this law Is founded arc simply ar-
lilt ran' und the presence of 12 per cent
or butter rat In Ico cream has no rela
tion whatever, and cannot possibly havo
any relation, to public health, murals or
If the legislature of the stuto of Iowa.
cun suy to the manufacturer you cannot
soli Ico cream within tho state of Iowa
Unless It COntaillH 12 Per cent of butter
J Con'sl'!nPrBIJ4m11'j prevenUilnom buying
I mid cotiMimlng Ico cream with it less
I percontngo than 12 per cent of butter fat
'J"' 'uw "ot ""'' I'Uerfcres with tho
ni'eilj ui iii. iiiniiuinuiuiui . iiui iim
feres with tho liberty of tho consumer
who muy, by reuson of his pcrsonul
tusto and desires, prefer Ico cream of a
lower percentage of butter fat.
Wnlkcr'a Nnrrmv Khcuiic.
OUAU.AM, Neb., Dec. SI. (Speclnl.)
As H M. Walker wan crossing the I'nlon
Pnclfli- tracks at" tho Ognllala crossing
ut noon today tho westbound local struck
his bi'ggy In such a mannor as to kill
one nurse, injuro um inner nun huiiiiiibii
the bunt:)'- Mr. Walker was struck on
tint si oulder but not seriously hurl. I,.
O, Harris, who was riding with Wulkei
did n niche any serious Injury.
Senator Cannon Talks of Crimes and
Treason of Church.
Well Knoivn Vtuli Mini AnxertP -Mormon
llnve Never Alnttiiloiirtl
I 'In nil Miirrlna;ri unit Still
I'roteet Practice.
"The Crimes and Treosop of tho Mor
mon Church" was tho subloct of scath
ing criticism by Senator Frank J. Cannon
of Denver, In an address at tho First
Methodist church last night, who ap
peared regular lecturo courso there.
Senator Cannon was tho llrst United
States senator from Utah. Il described
tho Mormon system as "treason mas
querading us religion," as an "empire
I l,c,8,nK nn ft church" und as "Turkish
marrlago systems and oriental politics
transplanted to the &oll of the I'nlted
"Polygamy Is tho basis und corner
stone of Mormon theology," he sold,
"It Is tho order of tho Mormon social
system. Tho church hna neviv aban
doned It nnd has never planned or en
forced any order for Its abandonment.
Tho church ulwuys protects nnd rewards
: its practice. You can throw one of the
Mormon priests into the greatest ragn
by Intimating that polygumy ls not of
1'enrs Miiriuniin In CoiiKreas.
Tho senator'soundod u warning against
j letting Mormons gain representation In
i congress and reverted to tho famous
Smoot caso. In which nn Investigation
j was made by a senato committee to de -
, tcrmlno whether Senator Ilecd Hmoot of
, vt,lU WdB " Polygamlst. and whether he
SllOUld bo OXpellCll from tllO Senate. He
said Mormon representation was exceed-
I lugly' jlungeroiis to the republic as se-
1 Umm.mI 1 .. 1 1 . I ... I I
Tho speaker reviewed the political bar
gains of tho .Mormon church, touched on
secret political leagucH formed with po
litical bosses tor udvantagc, dealt with
the commercial despotism of tho Mor
mon, and suggested soino remedies for
what ho called "Mormon church crimes."
Ho pointed out thnt Mormons havo re-
I celved from the I'nlted States govern-
menl na, for past offenses and
, restoration of citizenship, and declared
that the nation has a right to ask that
ionders shall observe In good fulth
tho terms of the treaty made between
tho federal government and themselves.
Davis of Omaha to
Head the Surgeons
ST. I.Ol'IS, Mo.. Dec. 21.-Dr. It. U.
Davis of Omuha was elected president
of tho Western Surgical association at
Its meeting hero today. Other offlrriu
'chosen were: Dr Leonard Freeman, Dcn
, ver, vice i, resident, and Dr. Arthur T.
J.Munii, Minneapolis, secretary-treasurer.
Pleased to Have Use of Thousands
of Miles of Trunk Lines Oper
ated by Bell Companies.
Announcement of Dissolution of
Trust Causes Speculation.
Won't Submit Findings as to Publio
Ownership Unless Asked.
i mm f l'lnn ti "Hunt" Monopoly
In KolltMTrit ) I'onrtren-Polnt
lllse on the Sfw York
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. Attorney Oen
ernl Mclleynolds told friends yesterday
that scores of the Independent telephone
1 companies In the United States were,
! gratified with the agreement tho' bo
i called telephone trust has made with the
Department of Justice, which will glvo
them the use nf thousands of miles ot
trunk lines operated by tho Bell com
panies. The dcpiutmcnt, he said, could hardly
have forced the Dell company to allow
Independents to make use ot Hell equip
ment and there was no rhanco that they
could ralho sufficient funds, If they had
tho deslrn to build competing long dis
tance lines.
To bring about competition In Inter
state business. It was pointed out, would
havo required nn outlay of many mil
lions of dollar and piobnbly would have
meant loss or n severe falling off In the
receipts of tho Hell and the Independent
companies that tried to get long dlstnnco
business, According to figures laid be
fol-o tho attorney general, tho vice pres
ident of the American Telephone and
Telegraph company, who conducted tho
agreement of lost night, there are more
than 20.000 Independent ?elcphono com
panies In the country.
All l'niiiinnlen llnve lllftht.
Tho opening of tho llcll lines to oil
theso companies under this slmpie nnd
Inoxpcnslve plan, It ls declared, will
mean that every ono of these companies
has thn right to make use of tho Bell
lines In every part of the union.
Thero was talk today nt the Depart
ment of Justice of action by tho Bell
company to allow subscribers ot Inde
pendent companies In cities to talk to
Hell subscribers through nil exchanges '
anil Bel) lines, but Nr. Mclleynolds said
that thin was rt,sTcl5flial seemed'to bo
far In flur future. Bo far ns he knew
the Independent companies were well sat
isfied with the American Telephono and
Telegraph company's proposal, and Its
agreement (o make no further extension
und to glvo up Its holdings. In such In
stances as tho depaitment or the Inter
statu Commerce commission suggested
such action. Announcement ot tho
agreement caused an unusilal buzz ot
speculation Iioro today. In some quar
ters. It was regarded as an Indication
of tho fight that some of tho conserva
tive members of President Wilson's cab
inet will make against government own
ership of publio utilities.
McIlrynnlilN Opponeil.
It Is known that Mr. Mclleynolds ls
strongly opposed to government owner
ship. Tho attorney general Is said to
feel that government ownership la likely
to come in the I'nlted States unless there
can be a restoration of free competition
In public service, "but ho believes the
agreement with the American Telephono
and Telegraph company Is a long step
toward a return to competition In the
telephono and telegraph field. In hlrt
opinion the Sherman law Is a sufficiently
strong weapon to force nny monopoly to
come to terms nnd ho Is convinced that a
clrur demonstration of tho power will do
much to allay the growing sentiment for
government ownership.
Postmaster General Burleson. It became
known today, now has before htm all
dutn, collected and put In concreto form
resecting the proposed government
' acquisition of telegraph and telephone
lines, but It Is understood that It ls not
his present purposo to submit the find
ings of his exports to congress unlets
they are desired.
If congress wishes to take up the ques
tion, tho postmaster general is prepared
nt an hour's notice to submit .data on
the subject.
ln the summary of Mr. Burleson's an-
(Continued on Pago Two.) "
Don't Wait for the
"Day Before"
Any reader of Tho Bee who
hnw ever done any Christmas
shopping the "day before" well
knows tho big peualty ono pays
for putting it off.
Stocks are literally "shot to
pieces," stores are topsy-turvy,
shoppers are In a temper and
salespeople are worn and
Enterprising stores havo long
been waiting for you. They aro
laden with thousands of things
from which you may choose If
you make up your mind to act.
From father's slippers to
baby's toys; from mother's
pleco of lace to sister's set ot
furs dozens of suggestions for
evory member of tho family aro
made dally In the advertising;
columns of Tho Bee.
Make your selections first
from the newspapers. That
simplifies shopping. It saves
time and you are sure to have
no regrets ufterwards, for you
havo carefully considered every
possible present and chosen
the one you know is right.