THE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 21, 1913. MONDAY NlGHT Your comfort and convenience have been considered here for these final rush hours of Holiday shopping BEGIN and end Monday's Holiday shopping tour here nt Orkins'. Your comfort and convenience during those final rush hours have boon carefully considered. Every section givon over to the display and salo of holiday merchandise has been arrangedprominently and conveniently dis played extra soles people engaged in fact everything has been planned to facilitate prompt and satisfactory choosing. And no matter what you buy or what tho price, our absolute guarantee of satisfaction, accompanies every sale or your money will bo cheerfully refunded. During theso final rush days we recommend shopping during tho morning hours or after 0 p. m. Store will be open till 10 every ovoning till Xmas. MONDAY NIGHT From 7 to 10 O'clock 50c Crochet Slippers, 89c From 7 to 10 O'clock Silver Spoons, O for 40c Rogers silver plated spoons, polish Women's crocheted slippers, cuft or French grey pattern, $1.00 value, Monday night 7 to 10, at six for , top, silk ribbon trim med, 50c values, in the bnsemont Monday night, 7 to 10 , 490 29c 75c Leatherette Gauntlet, S5o Women' and children's leather 06c Salad Bowls, 49c German China salad bowl, ivory ette gauntlets, all sizes, washable, 76c valuos, Monday night 7 to 10, por pair (finish, hand touched design, 9 8c valuos Monday night in tho basement, 7 to 10...., 25c 49c h TO CHARGE CUSTOMERS: Buy Now Pay In February All goods purchased from now till the end of December need not bo paid (or until Fobruarj-i Tnko advantage of this privilege Men's $1.23 Combination, 08c Store Open Monday Evening Till 10 O'clock 80c Ttox Stationery, 15c Men's combinations, consisting of Box writing paper, 48 sheets of 2 silk 4-In-hand tlos and burnt wood tie holder, $1.60 values paper and 48 envelopes llnon finish, 50c val ued. Monday night, 7 to 10, box, at. , 98c 15c Venetian SILK VESTS w Main Floor OMEN'S kayser Vene tian silk vests, low nock, plain top, whlto or pink. In neat Christmas box special on Monday, at. . . SILK VESTS Women's Kayser Venetian silk vests, low neck, whlto or pink; beautifully hand embroldorod special, at WOMEN'S VEST8 Low neck and sleeveless, plain or fancy trimmed, Mon day, each $1.45 $2.39 35c Give GLOVES XMAS .T, irl tlficates on cale at main clove section. fS.35 "Gong Gloves, Women's long kid cloves, el bow lengths, 2-clasp fasteners, all sires, whlto only worth JZ.I5, a pair Women's $1.60 Stoves, 9 Bo. Women's genuine English walking cloves, 1 -clasp, new shades of tan; worth $1.60, at, a pair Women's Xld Gloves, 51.35. Lined French Uld and lamb Bkln, 2-ciasp. white, black. gray, navy and t I j E tan; newest stltchlncs, pair, $1.80 and..... I ssl A '95o Great Reduction Sale of DOLLS Our Entire Stock of Dolls Offered Monday at a Dig Reduction From the Regular Price. This is an Idea of tho Splendid Saving o1sbbb illiFREE: A folding doll house worth $1.00, packed one in a box, free with "every pur chase in this section Monday amounting to $5.00 or over. All Dolls marked $5.00 or over at discount of 2Q. Doll dresses at discount of 20 Doll wigs at discount of 20 50c Baby Dolls, 29c Bisque dolls, with baby face, regular price 50c, sale price, Monday, at 75c Jointed Dolls 40c Jointed dolls. 15 Inches price 60e. TonTT'' To'.rSnT'Z'' ? h aft fk stockings, ful- I flA stockings, ful- f E stockings, a 111 A ly dreMod, in- fl Ull ly dresses, in- UU regular III Jointed Dolls, 89c Jointed dolls. 20 Inches high, with movlnc eyes MudlnR o o a t snd hat. your rnoice $3 Jointed Doll $1.49 Jointed doll, with flirt ing eyes, shoes and stockings, AaiQ regular IT 1 1" prlco S3 salo price. $4 Jointed Doll $2.95 Jointed dolls with mov ing 0)03, shoes and stockings, ife-ftQC regular HI price $4 X sale prlco. . . Ill f Dolls at y2 Price Large table of dolls of nil kinds. nllghtly soiled, reguisr i to 110 val ues, choice nt exact' ly nllRhtly soiled, i price Give "Her" SILK HOSE WOMEN'S puro thread silk hose, full fashioned, double sole, doublo garter top, vory desirable for gifts, In dainty holly box, pair Bilk Hoso, HI. OO Women's black inroad silk hose, full fashioned and regular made, this Is a spe cial number for us to sell, per pal at $1.00 Bilk Hose. Sl.fiO Women's Knyser Italian silk hose, In black, white and tan, in Christmas box, per pair at $1.50 Give a PIPE or CIGARS YOUnE certain of pleasing him If he smokes: out line of high grade clean and pipes affords a splendid range of selection tho prices are the tempt In kind. as.eo aeroka -pipes, $3.50. Meernham Pipe, with curVed amber stem, Eft regular price, $5.00i Monday at uiU M.GO Briar Pies, French llrlnr 1'lpe In case: regular SS.00 I cn value , 9IIUU IVt SI . V.rdsro oiMKr. i box or.. For box IC l. 9i ft sfE, 0r iwi siiwv W.lier.tte (Mgars. otr..b.0,!...25$1.ll JsssbbbbL KsssBifhnsMnnnal1" Dainty Gift NECKWEAR 50c nXQUISITE new conceptions in an excep- Hi tlonally wide rango of selections, all tho new designs; val ues to 75o, In a fancy box; your choice, at. , Neckwear at 25c Dnlnty new combinations, many designs from which to select fichus; chemisettes, or 9Rn set. etc., each., fcUU Ostrich Neck Pieces, $2 Ostrich or Marabou neck pieces In plain and combination effects, -very desirable for JJO Aft Ohrlstmaa glfta. each... cuu 59c for $1 to S1.25 SILKS PLAIN and fancy silks, Buch as 27 and 30-in. stripe silk, stripe meBsallnes, fancy louts- 59c lnes, plain taffetas, and 32-lnch kimono allk. etc.: $1.00 to $1.26 Quality per yard, now at 91.20 for $1.75 and $3.00 Hllks Including crepe de chine, flowered chiffon, flowered marquesette, charmeiiBO, silk serge, cream brocade, satin duchess, width 30 to 45 Inches OA values $1.75 to $3, salo price, yard P I 70c for 91.25 Orepo Crinkled Crepo in light blue, pink, Copenhagen blue, also black, 40 in. wide, regular $1.25 val ues, in this special sale, Monday,, per 7Q, yard, at i Ul SI.SX tn ftl.RO Silks. 83c Including poplins, cordu roys, messallnes, brocad ed silks; fancy walstlngs, black satin duchess crepe de chine, etc., 20 to 4a Inches wide rf 11.26 to $1.60 val- OOC ties, per yard, at... "t& a kodak KasUnan's Vest Pocket Kodak In gift enso $15.00 EnsUnan's F. P. K., the popular poet card size $20.00 Promo Cnmera 4x5 for film pack, regularly 41 1 C $12.50, for .- ip A 1 iO Interchangeable loaf album, 7x10 regular $1.50 he value, at IOC Library Scarfs at $1.75 LIBRAKY scarfs, embroid ered and hemstitched sides nnd ends, size 18x5-1 in., each. . . leather Novelties Novelties In leather, Bweet grass, tapestry nnd $1.75 Pillows nnd Centers Hand embroidered pil lows and centers, In floral or conventional de signs, prices range 1-08 to 912,5P Night Gowns, UOc Nlcht Gowns, stamned or Fronch nainsook, pretty designs, special, each, at , ,-- - - - 39c ribbon, wldo range or selection, at 25c $12.00 Felt Pillow Leather trlramod and flnlshod with fringe, in cluding inside pillow T!:1:. $4.50 Gift Handkerchiefs WOMEN'S handkcrchlofs of fine A m dainty lawn, with initial In SlX 7kA f.p?..a..for w one corner, all initial1, Monday, In fancy box... Handkerchiefs, a for Ilia Women's handkerchiefs, Swiss embroidered de signs in Imported Jap boxes, at 3 for tDC Handkerchiefs, 8 for ltN Children's handkerchiefs, all linen, Initial, In fancy for.' 3 for 19c Give FURNISHINGS VQU'RE certain of pleasing him. Wo offer L men's Iioubo coats or smoK lng jackets in 2-tono materials, with plaid collar, lapels, pockets; regular $5.00 values, at Men's smoking Jackets or House uoats Men's Smoking Jackets or House Coats are very desirable gifts, S4.98-35.98-S6.50-8G.98 Combination beta, ouc Consisting of silk handkerchief and silk tie, special $3.98 69c 39o Wnn'a SUV TlH. 39a. Men's Bilk Four-ln-Hand Ties In burnt wood box M.n's suk Ties, aso, Men'a Silk Four-ln-Hand Ties In fancy ORn Xmas box uu Special Men's Bath Robes, 92.08 Men's Bath Rbbes in a wide range of mater ials and patterns, as sorted shades choice of these hand a o m o robes for $2.98 8uspedef, Mo. Men's Suspenders In fancy Xmae QQn box. at W50 SHx Xaaak.roalefs, 98a. Men's InlUal Handker chiefs In fancy QQn box: 6 forv OU JEWELRY, WATCHES and SILVERWARE for Christmas A MAGNIFICENT collection embracing practically every novelty in Jewelry or sllvorware that you can possibly think of. And host of all, every Item Is of tho trustworthy character, exactly as represented and backed by our absolute guarantee ot satisfaction These below are sug gestions of what this great section has to offer, conveniently displayed to InBuro prompt nnd satisfactory selections by hurried shoppers. Jewel Boxes, $1 Pompelatl sold plated, footed, floral design, pink or blue, silk 1 lined, ea. .,. $2 Collar Bags, $1.00 A sample lot of II. BO to $2 leather collar bas, I for each Coat Chains, SOc Platinum f 1 n Ish, fancy links, col- ?orred..B.e.t."...500 $2 Fans, 91 Beautiful lace si.00 $t & $5 Leather Bags, $2.08 The new, narrow nnd ions; shapes, very nlri. a oai- eft r!'. $2.98 Clocks, 80c Parisian Ivcry. 2 Inch dial, g-uaran-teed for a veax; ,$1.60 val- OQn ues for... uou $18 Match boxes, $18.75 Solid sold, hand Taved.SI3s75 Manicure Pieces, 30c Sterling a 1 1 v e r handles, 60c. 76c, and II manlcuro 39o Sugar Trays, $2.2S Quadruple silver plated, perforated 11T:: S2.26 Napkin Rings, OSc Sterling; silver, various d e s I k n a J1.60 nd 12 nap- a!n.r.'?!?:.. 95o $3 Beaded Bags, $1.05 A select collection of various sizes, shape and colors; 13 val- 1 QC ues for.. . Pearl Handle ICnlves & Forks, $10.00 Six knives and six forks, mother of pearl handle, ster ling silver ferules, regular $17.60 val- aT. SIO Casseroles, $1.05 Rochester stamp In Co.'s fnncy polished n 1 c k o 1 Querns ey lln- a... sr. 95 Chafing Dishes, $3.00 New patent burn ers, eDonlzed hand- J.rh ss.oo Bead Necklaces, 50c Colored bead neck laces, the new ope- ?o!e.7.t.h:...50o $5 Toilet Sets, $2.08 nrtiih, comb and mirror, decorated porcelain, 1'u.rlnun Ivory or German silver backs. 6.00 T. ... $2.98 Souvenir Simons, $1.00 Sterling silver Omaha Views ou venlr spoons, I each Puff Jars, 48c lhilr receivers to match crystal jars F rtnch Krav covers. Jfln eacl ,..ou Gold Bracelets, $1.05 Gold bracelet, plain or emboused. r':. SI.95 $12 Gun Metal Watch, $0.85 Open face, with 12 1 ffl n w o r ks, .r,?...S5.85 $10 Elgin Watches, $10.50 Open face. 20-year case, screw back and (told filled. Klicln works, your fc0hr01?? Si 0.50 Hat Pins, 50c Cut stone heads In various colors, per Sr? ...... 800 Boys' $10 Watches, $0.50 Twenty-year sold filled open face case with a guar anteed. American movement, vour on?!?.'.. S6.50 $10 Silver Watches, $5 Sterling Silver, open face, thin model watoh for men, fancy dial, runrsmteeri move- 5.00 PETTICOATS and NEGLIGEES Crepo de Chine Petticoats in pinK, blito and wnito, trimmed with wide laco insertions, dainty bows of satin ribbon and rufflo of Val. laco, special, at $1.08 Crepo Kimonos, $1.25 Women's orepo kimonos, om plro stylo, made of good qual ity crepo, in floral deslxns trimmed with bands of satin In contrasting colors, 4 OC 11.08 values Crepo do Chine Negligees, $15.50 Accordion ploated skirt, waist of fine Val. laco and dainty tucks, light, blue, pink and zr.::: $15.50 Blanket Bath Robes, $5.00 Women's bath robes mud of rnnd quality blanket material in ptalds and flrured designs; trimmed with saun ana cora ana taos.1 at waist, special value at,. FaBcy AprtiRS, 90o Maids' and fancy apron. In at tractive styles and materials, elaborately trimmed with lace In ifrtlorvn. Allovar embroidery, fin. dotted Swiss, with embrold- YlttZV 29o t0 SI.25 S5 54.98 SLIPPERS for Gifts WOMEN'S felt slippers, Juliet and moccasin style, fur and ribbon trimming; complete range of sices, tne pair, at $125 $1.25 Crocheted Slippers, 08c Women's crochet ed slippers, mada from s e 1 e c t ed yarn, In large a s s o r tment of colors, with both scallop and cuff styles qo . 11.25" values, per pain at IOC $1.25 Pullman Traveling Slippers at 08c Soft kidskin traveling slippers with case to match, black, tan and red 11.25 values, per pair, at , 98 c FURNITURE Will Make Practical Gifts for the Home Utility Box, Xattlar Oov.rsa. Ideal box for shoes, shirts, waists or skirts, and makes a very rood Xmas present, 2. GO Box, six. 97x13 , $3.00 3.75 BOX, six. 30x16 f3.00 SS.00 BOX. six. 36x17 , S3.38 7.00 BOX, Sis. 40X19 63.60 $10.00 Rocker for $8.00 Fumed oak rocker, up holstered genuine lea ther seat, tfQ ff 10 value.-. ipO.UU $1.75 Sewing llocker, $1.85 Sewing Rocker, golden oak color, spindle back, value. , $1.35 $3.75 Sewing Rocker, $2.75 Solid quarter sawed golden oak sewing rock er, full box frame, sad dle seat, panel back $3.75 n ijK value 4cw. I J $4.50 Smoking Stands, $3.25 Fumed oak smoking stand, locked drawer match holder and ash tray, $60 tf oe values ipO.awiJ $2.00 Smoking Stands, $1.45 Kumed oak h m okintf stand with match holder and ash tray, $2 value $1.45 $4.25 Smoking Cabinet, $3.00 Smoking cabinet, wea thered oak, p 1 c t u r o panel door rack for pipes $4.26 0 ffi value 5PJ.Vvr $1.75 Pipe Rack, $1.25 Pipe rack, made in wea thered oak with picture panel, $1.76 rfj-i value pl CtJ $3,150 PIpo Rack, $2.75 Smokers' pipe rack and shelf, made In weather ed oak, plcturo panel $3.50 value. . , uru I'oiiui $2.75 Chair, odd bedroom, at 3.00 B m ok.r tand J3-76', Fumed oak mahog any, like cut, with lira, drawer and shelf. $5 value, for jiiece $2.00 WAISTS For Gifts EXQUISITE, now orcations in waists made up in fine lingeries, voiles and Imported crepes. They embrace all the very newest Ideas; the new large shoulder effect with high or low neck and long sleeves, soma trimmed with lace, in dainty designs, other neat embroidered pat terns, also net or lace frilling in neck and 51,95 to $2.95 jOrkin Bro?. 16th and Harney.. .Orkin Bros. 16th and Harney.! .NOW AN OFFICER IN THE NAYY Lieut McGuire Here After an Ab sence of Five Years. .IN CHINA AT THE UPBIBING Given an Opportunity to Witness ' Battles Between tne Imperial ists nnd Rebels nnd See fiends Cot Off. Henry D- MeQuIre, who left the Omaha Hlxh school, entered the United SUtea naval academy, became an offloer In tho navy and was given two promotions. Is in Omaha for the first time in five years. He Is on a three month's leave ot absence- He has been In the service five years, three years as a midshipman two years as an tn'sn and has be n n Junior lieutenant since last summer, when he successfully passed a ten-day exami nation for promotion. Lieutenant MeQuIre relates some ex periences as an officer In the Pacific and the Asiatic squadron. He was on the cruiser Albany when It traversed the waters of the Yang-tse-KlanE river dur the Chinese revolution In 1911 and 1912. The Albany was the first American vessel to be sent to China. Lieutenant MeQuIre saw considerable fighting, or at least what the Chutes, call fighting. "We went from Manila, where we wero stationed when ws learned that China was In a state of uprising- and that Amer ican residents were In Jeopardy. We went direct to Shanghai, and when we arrived found the rebels preparing to take the city. Formal notice had been given that Manchu City would be burned, and the notice was carried out, but In a most extraordinary manner," he said. The rebels burned the faotat's yomen to the ground Tho taotal Is the mayor of the Chinese city and the yomen it bis dwelling. This was a great victory from the Chinese standpoint, but from our conception It was merely unnecessary destruction of property. The capture of Manchu City was, of course, a disap pointment to us, for we were anxious to see warfare as It Is popularly supposed to be conducted. "From Shanghai we went up the river to Woosung and were surprised to find that the forts were flying rebel flags. Tho forts had been captured Just as we arrived, but it was a very quiet per formance. 'Three days later we sailed for Amoy. That olty was still imperial and all was quiet. The high Chinese officials were gone and the government In the hands of foreigners. The emperor bad Invited the viceroy ot Amoy to loan him l.W.ono taejs. which Invitation the viceroy did not receive favorably, and on con sideration of the pros and cons, he lost his nerve and departed for parts unknown. "We then sailed for Nanking, where conditions were unsettled and both .Im perialists and rebels appeared to bo very bellicose. On the night of November 2 Tiger Hill was very mysteriously cap tured by the rebels. From our previous observations ot the warfare wo decided that the rest of the forts would also be captured without the firing of more than half a dozen shots. But we were mis taken, for Sunday morning the rebels decided to burn a little surplus powder. Both sides began firing. Purlng the en gagement the crew ot tho Albany manned tho rails and rigging and shouted encouragements to both sides. One Ifrad Chopped Off, "The next day the Chinese servant of the American consul came on board and announced that the battle would com mence once more. All was quiet until 2 -IS, when both sides started firing. During the firing Imperial soldiers I chopped off the head r.f a prisoner The day after Thanksgiving terms of surrender were arranged. (Saturday morning white flags appeared and the city was taken by the rebels. General Shun had made his escape In the mean time and was several miles away by daybreak. "We then learned something of Chinese discipline. We were told that General Chans Shun beheaded over 700 people In Nanking. He Is said to have decapitated his own gunners when they failed in marksmanship. "When the rebels got control they Is sued this order: 'The following are liable to decapitation; Those who shrink in battle; those who conceal munitions of war; those who attack property; those who kilt the Innocent; those who recclvo and entertain Manchu slaves; those who spy for the enemy: those who embarrass foreigners; thoso who misrepresent mili tary circumstances, and those who mis lead the rubllc by fabrication. ' Besides Ills Chinese experiences. Lieu tenant McOulre visited nearly all the eastern Islands with which America has, any connection, and he visited several Central American republics. He spent several weeks In Japan, too. M. STEWART NEWSPAPER MAN IN THE PHILIPPINES Word has been received In Omaha that Mortimer L. Stewart, who many years ago w connected with the auditing de partment in the state house at Lincoln, has resigned his former position of director of the bureau ot prisons of the Philippine Islands to take the managing editor's chair of the Manila Dally Bui letln. Mr. Stewart occupied the position at tho head of the prison system for a number of years and It was under his regime that the famous BUlbld priuon became such art efficient penal institu tion as to acquh-e a name the world over, Many expert penalogtsts have proclaimed Stewart's UlUbld system tho finest In history' His new position Is a very important one, as the Bulletin Is one of the leading newspapers of the far east and has a wide circulation throughout that section of the world. MISS O'REILLY LECTURES HERE ON IRISH ART Miss Gertrude U'Rellly, recently ot Dublin, Ireland, gava an Illustrated lie ture on Irish art at the Young Women' Christian association on Friday even ing. It was under the auspices of the Omaha Society of Fine Arts, and proved to be a most interesting occasion. Suffrage will ba discussed by Miss O'Reilly on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. In the council chamber of tho city halL Although the Equal Franchiaa society, an organization of women, has charge of the meeting, the men of Omaha are especially Invited and the speaker's talk will be addressed par. tlcularly to men. She Is an ardent ad vocate of the ballot for women, but Js opposed to militancy. Her experience has been quite extensive In the sufrage cam paign, both abroad and In America.