Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1913, PART ONE, Page 4-A, Image 4

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Beorganiiation Plan of Telephone
and Telegraph Company Accepted
riiyslclnl CnnnrclloM with All Othei'
Cnncrrnn Promised Will Dis
pose of It AV((rn Union
WASHINGTON, Doc 10,-Attorney Gen
eral Mclteynolds made public ant night
details of an agreement for reorganization
of the American Telephone and Telegraph'
company, "the telephone trust," which
Trill prevent litigation To dissolve that
corporation under the anti-trust act and
under which ocmpetltlvo conditions will
be restored In the telephone service of
(the entire country and tho combine will
dispose of Its holdings In the "Western
Union Telegraph company. The plan
originated with the company, although
it followed many reports that a. iillt
against It mlsht be filed.
It was regarded by department of
justice officials tonight as the most strlk
ng Indication offered in a. decade that
'blg business has come to tho conclusion
that It Is better to follow the Sherman
law than fight It. The plan met not
enly the approval of the attorney general
and his chief "trust buster," G. C Todd,
and official! of the subsidiaries of the
combine, but was heartily approved by
President Wilson. In a letter to Mr.
McReynotds the president expressed hie
admiration for the attitude of the tele
phone company and his conviction that
uch conduct on the part of business men
meant a building up of business on sound
and permanent lines.
Itaa Added fllarn If leaner.
Coming, on the heels of the announce
inent that Postmaster General Burleson
.was seriously- Interested in government
ownership of telephone lines, the action
of the Department of Justice had no aded
(Significant and some officials went so
far as to express the opinion that It In
dicated legislation to .acquire the coun
try's telephone business would not be
Trcssed by the administration at the
present session.
In brief the agreement provides that:
The American Telephone and Telegraph
compasy will x dispose promptly of Its
holdings in the Western Union Tele
graph company, so that' each concern
shall be under distinct management and
bo that all shall be entirely Independent.
The company will not hereafter acquire
control of other telephone companies, and
where control of telephone companies haj
been acquired but no actual physical
union has been effected, the American
Telcphono and Telegraph company will
mibmlt tho course it Is to pursue to the
Interstate Commerce commission and to
the Department of Justice.
The company will promptly make ar
rangements by which all other telephone
companies In the United States shall
have access to It toll lines.
Couldn't Get nm Maeb la Court,
Department officials tonight declared
that the plan save the government every
thing and more than it could have hoped
to obtain In court Officials were more
than pleased with the last part of the
agreement, by which the Dell company
give lone distance service to subscribers
of other companies, and did not deny
that they never had hoped to gain such
a point by suit vnder the anti-trust act
Tho agreement will Met aXfect the suit
.entered several months ace to dissolve
the connection of the Bell company with
the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph com
vany, the coast branch. This suit will
be pressed by the department to deter
mine bow far the Sherman anti-trust act
applies to telephone companies.
President Wlleon's letter, written to the
attorney general today, was one of the
most interesting documents mad publlo
In connection with the settlement It
Wllsou's Letter.
My Dear Mr. Attorney General : Thank
you for letting me see the letter from the
American Telephone and Telegraph com
pany. It Is very gratifying that the com-
Sany should thus volunteer to adjust Its
uslnesa to permit of competition. I gain
the Impression more and more from week
to week that the business men of the
country arc sincerely desirous of con
forming with the law and It Is very grati
fying indeed to have occasion, as in this
Instance, to deal with them In complete
frankness and to be able to show them
that all that we desire ia an opportunity
to co-operate with them. 80 long as we
are dealt with In this spirit, we car help
to build up the bus! bom of the country
upon sound and permanent lines,
OreMally and sincerely youra,
MeHeynelaV CemuiHHfeatlnn,
Mr. McKeynolee In accepting the
American Telephone and Telegraph com
fiany'a offer, wrote to K C. Kingsbury,
vice preeMent oz the company, as fellows:
Permit me to acknowledge with ex
preaetons of appreciation your letter of
Xoember IS, outlining the course of
ncUen which the telephone companies
composing the Dell system obligate them
selves to follow In the future.
Your frank negotiations in respect to
these matters compel the belief that what
you propose will be carried out in good
faith and It seejns to ine clear that such
fiction on vour part will establish con
ditions under which there will be full op
t.rtunlty throughout the country for
competition In the transmission of In
telligence by wire.
May I take this occasion to say that the
administration earnestly desires tn ro-
cperatn with nnd to promote nil business
conducted In harmony with law. and
that, without abating the Insistence that
the statutes must be obeyed, It will
always welcome opportunity to nld in
bringing about whatever adjustment
arc necessary ror the ret-stahiishment or
lawful conditions without litigation.
Months or NcRotlntlnns.
The announcement of the agreement
came tonight at tho conclusions of sev
eral months of negotiation In which the
attorney general and Mr. Todd and Mr
Kingsbury, Theodore N. Vail, pre-ldsnt
of tho American Telephone and Telegraph
company, and other parties on both sides
conferred. Mr. McReynolds took up the
question early In his administration of
the Department of Justice and officials
of the telephone company showed a will
ingness from the first to do anything In
reason to satisfy the government's lawyers.
A point by point In a tentative schemo
was worked out, Mr. Kingsbury carried
It. to New York, submitted It to the di
rectors of the American Telephone and
Telegraph company and to other com
panies Interested nnd In evfry Instance
secured the approval of the department
ami of officials of the companies con
cerned. Thero never was a serious hitch
In the plans, and Mr. McRoynolds clearly
indicated to the telephone officials not
only his desire to avoid litigation, but his
aversion to any scheme for government
The plan finally was submitted to the
attorney general with the statement that
the company wished to put Its affairs be
yond "fair criticism." Some of the de
tails of the reorganisation are yet to bo
perfected. Tho' department has such con
fidence in the corporation's desire to do
th right thing, however, that it has left
such matters to Its officers and any rea
sonabtn amount of tlmo asked for will be
About Thirty Per Cent,
Although exact Information as to tho
extent of tho Western Union stock held
by the Dell company was not nvailnhi.
here tonight. It was understood to be
about 30 per cent Mr. McRoynolds has
no aesiro to force the combine to clear
Its' treasury of this stock within a wmIc
or a month or In any set period of tlmo.
i-rom the point of v ew of a sun.
scrlber to an Independent tolephone sys
tem one of tho most Interesting parts of
the agreement Is that promising him
Use of the through lines of tho Dell
company. Under the agreement an Inde
pendent company may secure connection
with Dell toll lines by securing standard
trunk lines to connect with the Bell
toll boards, the Dell company- operating
tne entire toll circuit when connections
are made, Connections will be given with
Dell subscribers of other Independent
companies served by exchanges more
than fifty miles distant from the place
where tho call originated, Independent
subscribers paying in addition to tho
regular Sell toll charge a connection
charge of It) cents for each message. This
charge will not bo made on business
known as "long tines," business and long
lines business will be accepted for less
than fifty miles as well as for a greater
Bell Capital Stock.
Tho authorised capital clock of the Dell
company, December 31, MU. was ISTO.
090,090, Its bonded Indebtedness at that
time about tM,G9U,. From October to
April, 198 It has paid g per cent an
nually. The western Union has an au
pthorised capital of Sieo.oeo.ft, proctlcally
all of which has been issued. Lata In
1911, tho American Telephone and Tele
graph company held more than 1Z.V.
m of this stock.
Officials do not believe that cither
company will be affected, greatly, by tho
announcement tonight. They say that
these proposals have explained that tho
connection between two concerns has
never been such that tho earnings of
one went to pay the dividends of tho
other, and the operating expenses and
overhead charges, and all other accounts
of each have peen quite dlstlnot Mr.
McReynolda has been told that tho Atner
lean Telephone and Telegraph company,
despite Its stockholdings In tho Western
Upton, has treated, tho Postal Telegraph
company with equal opportunity for use
of Its facilities.
CHICAGO, Doc as, Tt was announced
by a lyceum bureau here that Vlco Presi
dent Thomas IV Marshall had signed a
contract to lecture at least four weeks
after the close of the present session o
congress. The vice president will re
ceive 139 n lecture, according to the an
nouncement Ills lecture tour, It Is said,
will cover cities tn the middle west
The Persistent ana s-uenclous Uso ot
Newspaper Advertising Is the Itoad to
Business Success.
'TA Stera mt the Town
Men buy our merchandise
Because it is correot.
Ladies buy it as Gifts
Because they know it will please.
Givea man or boy what he needs in
Wearing apparol and ho 'LI bo happy, providing
it has that touch of oxclusivoness nnd correct
nessthat men like.
His Christmas Gift if it comes from
Browning, King & Co. may bo roturncd if it
failB to pleaso from lack of stylo or correctness.
Time I Short Only 3 Days
Think and act quickly.
Everything for men and boys that goes
to make for better dross and comfort.
Mail tier receive prompt attention Parcel Pott Paid.
Browning, King Co.
GEO. T. WILSON. Manager
DECIDE UPOIT, rsmembsr
that the Christmas gift that
will touch the heart strings
Is not the one that costs the
most money, but the one that
shows thonghtfnl care la se
lection and affectionate re
membrance. Oood taste and
genuine good will are more
essential lit Christmas giving
than a bnlsiug pocket book.
Dnppose 7on make this
Christmas last for years. Rap.
pose you ohooos a gift that
wilt Increass In rains and ap
preciation as the years go by.
'xo do this your gift must be
useful. Why not make your
own family a useful Christ
mas gift of something for the
home for the common enjoy
ment of tne whole family?
Why not "Olvs Unto Others
As Ton Would Have Others
aire Unto Ton?" Wo hare
especially prepared onrselves
this ysar to meet the demand
for gift furniture which will
prove useful as well as orna
mentaland after all, what
makes a better gift than fur
niture? zt becomes the con
stant dolly companion in the
home of those whom we wish
to remember. Ton can
"charge' these gifts and take
a year to pay for them. This
Is the real way of making
each of yonr Christmas dol
lars hars more "cents," also
do not forget that onrs Is the
largest, highest grade borne
furnishing stock In Omaha
offsrsd at the very lowest re-
tall prices.
$10.98 SK
of Chairs
throughout of selected. American quartered imita
tion oak, very attractive and maaslvo In appoaranco
and of a strict colonial design. Top of table meas
ures 28x42 lnchoB. Has large drawer 7 A "
and strong lower shelf. Positively i jf
a groat value at.
Elegant Fumed Oak
Mission Rocker
Fra'mo is made entirely ot
solid oak, beautifully fin
ished in turned. Has a
large and broad seat, up
holstorod in guaranteed
Spanish fabrlcold over
full steel spring seat. A
rocker that will graco
any homo. A splendid
rocker and a w. wd p
real bargains
m LtlLrlL? Sto- Open Evenings Unti
V fclA OQ nristmas
1001 Suitable
Xmas Bargains
Solid Oak Smoke
would surely delight the
man of the house. Con
structed throughout of solid
quarter sawed oak in either
fumed or Early Knglluh
Mntsh. Top la fitted with
brass tray, cigar, match
and cigarette holder Also
small drawer for pipe and
tobacco. On sale tills week
at $3.75
Six Solid Oak
Genuine Leather Seat
Din in or Rnnm Pknifi
polished. Upholstered in genuine high grade leather, with broad backs and
roomy Bomi-box seat Wo know abaolutoly that these six a
chairs cannot be duplicated at any store In Omaha for less 1 ft QR
than $18.00. A world beater at this price 1 JfQ
To make your shopping easlor we have added a splendid as
sortment of toys to our regular lines. They represent a lucky Dur.
iuubo ana we auer tnem not for profit, Just to get your good will.
Mechanical 1A
is made of highly seasoned wood, finished In a
rich flaky grain American quartered imitation
oak. Tho upholstering is ot guaranteed Imperial
leather over fine oil tempered steel springs,
when open up It is a full size bed, complete
with separate steel spring. A child f g
can operate It. A most amazing JUL
value for this week at kt9J
Billiard Player
YOUNG AND OLD. Table Is fit
ted with strong clock work
motor, which when wound sets
man and blllard ball t r
in motion JL7C
SET. Each set packed in a neat
oox wiin paper iace eagc, worm
just tne tning tor
the little girl.
nyas .iAUf a)S iSBiiiVa'w9 Hf
Massive, Imperial Leather
Solid Comfort Rockers
Strongly constructed
throughout of Amer
ican quartered imita
tion oak nnd nnhnt.
stered In a high grade
Imperial leather; back
is beautifully tufted,
set off with carved
eldo panel. Seat e
ffi1 an,d roomy up
holstered over steel
spring con-
b ruction spe- QC
clally priced f ' 'j
for tlila week.
Let Hartman
Fealkr Yoar Nest
anil two
consisting of track, locomotive
tender andcoach; locomotive equip
ped with strong spring motor o E
-worth fully f l.?B, our price OOC
1NG metal garage and two
clock work nntnmnlllp
beautifully onamTd.
worth 75c, at
Nickel Plated Gas Sad
Irea (Wer th $3.00)
UAH IKON, worth dou
ble the price we ask for
it. Consumes only two
cents worth of ros In
four hours' use. Com
plete In box with Hand
and six foot of felted
rubber hose. While they
last (one to each custo
mer) at this ridiculous
- auction, of th mo.t r m n . vy,.. . p"ur?- "ir
. wnuo mey lasi at tins price....
Hartman's New
Model Sewing
are made with every
modern improve
'mont that cogs
toward making
a first class ma
chine. Has high
arm, drop head,
five drawers and
cabinet ball-bearing
stand. Made
of solid oak and
complete with a
full set of at
tachments, only,
1414:1416-1418 DOllGiaS ST.
Large Size FOLDING
TAULH. Can be had.ln
mahogany, Rolden or
fumed oak. with either
sxecn felt or Imperial
leather top. Folds up
completely as shown in
Illustration. Top mcaa.
HHw 30x30 Inches, haa
nickel ends and verv
strongly made. Very
BiieciHi hi-
Omaha Theological
Seminary Beneficiary
of the Stuart Estate
By the death of Mrs. John fltuart of
Audubon, la., which occurred a few days
ago, the Omaha Presbyterian seminary
becomes heir to a S2,q bequest.
Mrs. Stuart was much interested in
Christian education and. It Is told, cave
substantial assistance to several Insti
tutions In the middle west.
Several members of the senior class of
the seminar" have recently received call
for settlement, among them Ottle CI
Carden to Shelby, la.; Sampson Cocks to
Adair, la.; and Urnjamln C Bailey -to
Carson, la
The holiday vacation of the seminary
will begin toduy ml continue until Jan
uary 6. l'resldent Murhall will spend
the holiday In Minneapolis. Irof. Iter-
ron and John K. Hees. the latter of tho
senior ctajis, with K. M. Smith and Gerald
rttagetald of the Junior class represent
the seminary af the Student Volunteer
convention in Kansas CHy-
Dr r. K- Jenkins spent last week In
New York City meeting with one ot the
committees appointed by the last general
canno be disinherited owing; to the ex
Istcnro of a deed establishing his rights,
MUEIJIEIM - AN . Dlirt - RUHR. Oer
many, Dec. 20. August Thyssen, Jr., son
of the great mine owner and roanufao
turer and heir to one of the greatest for
tunes In the world, was today sentenced
to a month in jail for libelling the direc
tors of his father's firm. The elder Au
gust Thyssen employs nearly 33.000 work
men and Is the owner of Iron works anl
great stretches qt mining property.
Father and son have been estrange.
for a long time owing to the spendthrift
character of the son. who two years ago
was brought up In the lterlin bankruptcy
court with debts said to aggregate some
In February this year he rejected an
offer from his father ot t.Ono a year to
renounce his rigbU of inheritance, lit
Nobleman Murders
Wife and Nephew
QUARTZ, Germany, Dec. 20. Count
Matthias Mleliynskl, a millionaire Polish
nobleman and a member ot the Qennan
Imperial Parliament shot and killed hla
wife and hla nephew early today.
The count, who la residing near here
at Castle Dakowymokrx, one of his many
country seats, heard sounds In the night
which he thought were caused by thieves.
He seised a rifle and made a soarch,
during which he found his wife and
nephew together In her room.
Without a word of warning or explana
tion the count shot both dead. A woman
companion ot tho countess was the only
witness of the affair. Bho was also
seriously wounded by one of the bullets.
The count promptly notified the pub
lic prosecutor of the tragedy.
Tho count Is 41 years old. lie was
married tn lssti to Countess Vellela Von
I'otok-Potocka, who was born In HTS,
For some years the couple were separ
ated, but re-unlted a short time ago.
Count Mlelzynskl has been a member
ot the Imperial Parliament since 1903, He
was one ot the Polish aristocrats who
dined with the emperor during the let
ter's visit here on August 2T to dedicate
the new city hall and the chapel In
Posen castle. The function waa. boy
cotted by the Polish populace as a pro
test against the Prussian policy ot Oer
manUatlon ot the Polish provinces. The
count's carriage was stoned and its in
mates drenched with water while they
were on the way to the castle.
Bank Robbers Flee
and Leave Working
Capital Behind
VANCOUVER. B. C. Dec 20.-The
Bank of Ottawa of this city Is S10 rlche
as a result of an attempted bank robbct
by two armed bandits today.
Shortly after the Robson street branch
of the bank opened two young men pre
sented themselves at the teller's window
and asked for change for a $10 bill. Ae
the teller reached for his cash the men
drew revolvers and commenced ahootlna.
The teller dropped behind the counter
until business men In the neighborhood,
hearing the reports, rushed In and fright
ened the would-be robbers away.
The bandits had failed to reach the
bills on the counter and in their hasty
departure they left their working capital
Denind. a heavy fog aided tholr escape.
Angeles provide Si.ono.nao in h ,..,! i
Elvlng employment on public work to
the city's unemployed, estimated to num
ber 50.000.
PORTLAND, Ore . Dec. 20. -The Port
land commission pusscd an emergency
ordinance today to glvo work to 1,000
uucni.iuyca men in tne city pnrks and
by the water bureau, beginning tomor
row, at W a day.
t3 ANGELES, Cal., Dec .-As a
Christmas present to the poor of the cJty
and n measure of relief for conditions of
unemployment, the city council voted to
day to appropriate tl.CCO a month for
three months.
The appropriation was the outcome of
a demand by severa' civic and labor
bodies that the t-lty and county ot Los
BAKKRSFIELD, Cal., Dec. JO.-Wlth
lumber, nails, fixtures and other mate
rials donated by business men, thirty
one carpenters, bricklayers, plumbers and
electricians today built In seven hours
a house for tho destitute Van Meter
family, consisting of a mother and five
children. It was a Christmas present to
the family, who have been Ilv'ng In a
wretched tent hovel for months.
Tho house Is w re l for Jectrl-Ity, p'ped
for gas, contains complete plumbing fix
tures and connections with sewer and
water mains.
WASHINGTON. Dec. KWenstor 8ton
of Missouri Is ill at his home here. He
caught cold a (ew days ago. which de
veloped Into pleurisy. Ills friends were
anxious about him today, and Speaker
Clark and several others who Inqulml
concerning his health were told ho wan
quite sick. President Wilson sent some
CLINTON, la., Dec. lOCongressman I.
S. Pepper, convalescing rom a prolonged
attack of typhoid fever here, has suffered
a relapse. Complications due to a re
currence of an old trouble have affected
his gall bladder and his condition today
was considered serious.
Slenetlk l iiUoutiteilty Dead.
ROME, Dec. !0. That Emperor Mene
like of Abyssinia died. December IS. Is
confirmed In tho lateest despatches re
ceived here from Addl Abeba, the Abys
sinian capita. Although official annaunce
ment of the emperor's death Is lacking,
this due probably to the necessity of pre
cautions being takne to Insure the sue
session to the throne
Persistent Advertising ts the Road to
Big Returns.
133-137 West 47th St., New York City
just orr XSOIQWATC,
The right kind of hotel in the right locality. In the heart of th the
ater district and adjacent to th shopping centers. positively fire-proof.
Excellent cuisine and an exceptional orchestra. A large addition Just com
pleted, containing library, grill and billiard halt
Handsomely Furnished Rooms, Private Bath,
From Grand Central Station, cars marked "Broadwsy" without transfer;
Peanaylvania Station. 7th At, cars without transfer.
Booklet upon request.
The Hamilton ate
24th and Farnam ?!
A&7BSO JONES, Xicsses and Manager
formerly with th Omaha field Cu '
"Phone Tyler 1293
An Elaborate
Five- Course
Xmas Dinner
Dec. 25, 1913
Sl.OO Per Rlate
Vbcaand Instrumental Music