TEEB OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 21, 1913. STORES OPEN UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK MONDAY EVENING ffigSsSr" Solid Gold Jewelry Diamond Set La Vallleres, at. .(3.08 17.60 Pendant La Vallteren..... 93.99 Brooches, worth to f 4.00; at 91.49 TOILET SETS jaVBXBT SZSTAKTKBBT, As a special event for Monday wo offer ft Kreat number of f Ino Silver Plated Toilet Sets; the regular $500 rfQ f?Q kind, at..- J)OeO7 HUNDREDS OP HIGHEST GRADE TOILET SETS, Aj worth up to $10; at. . . . pO The aaost complete showing; of fine Toilet and Kanicur Bets of Praneh Ivory to be found la all Omaha, Scores of beautiful soony Toilet Sets. Solid Gold Pocket Knives 94.94 Women's II Solid Gold Rings, gem let .. 91.60 Boys' and Girls' Signet Rings. .91.80 Diamond Set Tie Clasps for. ...99 Babies' Solid Oold Locket and Chain for 9U99 Men's Solid Gold Waldemar Chains, for 9&60 and 98.9a Monday Evening Specials nUIX 7 TILL 10 p. m. We will sell the Ileff ujar fl 25 sue of Kcstner Kid Body Dolls fully jointed hip, knee and-elbow; sewed wig, moving eyes, with lashesv shoos and stockings; a wonderful bargain; In casement; each 59c Prom 7 TILL 10 P. M. Women's Fine Fnr Trimmed Felt Juliet House Slippers Splendid quality, nil bIzos, "var ious colors, carefully. Blzed; tbo most comfortablo bouso shoes; regular values, $1.26 pair; Monday even lng only at pair MARABOU SETS Beautiful, fluffy sets of marabou and ostrich in natural , and colored ef fects, plain and combina tions, at 810, $15, 919 and $25 Separate Muffs, of fluffy mara bou, white and natural. .85.00 Leather Bags tBBMSBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBWSHaBBSHSBBaSMSMaSWaBBBMaMSBBBf, Real Seal, Real Walrus, Real Pin Seal and Real Morocco , Bags, worth $5; at .$2.9S i Leather Bags of Roal Morocco, Safflen and Real Goat Seal, all colors, new shapes; worth to I3.G0; at -81.08 Notable Purchase & Sale Women Pure Thread Silk Hosiery The best make of Silk Hosiery In the world; heavy and medium weight all silk to tha top; others g-llk to the knee; all allk with wide hem tops, also lisle dou ble hem, tops, lisle double soled; .full faahloHftd, Tegular made; high spliced heel' and toe; reg ular and QHt Ue; aoaae flare taps; mostly hkfk, some taw, :mb . whites; actnally se te' sell at l.ce, 1.7S to H.2S; Monday at paliv- ? XT! MESH BAGS $5 German Silver Mesh Bags, rlns; or unbreakable mesh, oh sale at 82.08 93 German Silver Ring Mesh. Bags, frarao 91.98 98 and 9S Vanity Cases, fine silver or gold plate $1.98-82.08 91 German Silver Vanity Cases, bright or French gray finish, at Mo Hair Ornaments Our .Jewelry Department shows every pretty novelty this season, In hair ornaments, combs, bar ettes, etc Many extreme styles imported from Parte and prised Tory moderately. MONDAY SPECIALS IN TOYLAND TS H8W tor from tne famous toy makers of Europe. Scores and scores of clever aov oltlos that have never been seen until this season in Brandels Toyland. Thousands of pretty dolls want to be adopted. Scores of exciting games. Bovry thing a child could, ask for. Xaadre of 91 IHMHl Bells will JtrH 5 W Our 91.80 Doll So Out will be sold T'r.. 98o ear 8e CHsabia Xeakey at the SH11 I Cm eoaater at, OU 91.50 BUok Bear As will a set, roceikl at Our 80c Doll Beds will be sold je Monday at Our regular 91.00 Furniture will be sold Mon- A f day at .... Ow $S Coaster Wagons will be aold Monday at a 0 QQ special price ;. OiiO Soorfs of soldier sets and soldier games will be seld 'Monday, extra special at OMX-HAU PKIOX. 1 98c I Our 91.50 Aeroplanes Will be sold jo Monday at "t& All our 60c wlll.be seld Monday at. Aeroplanes .. 25c Our regular BOc doll fur niture will be QC 'sold Monday at. . mOC Our 92 China CablneU, Side boards arid Dressers td at 70C Hundreds of other extraor dinary values in Toyland all day Monday. The toy store that has everything for Christmas. WSIOBT'S WATCOOM. Women's O te gold filled case, hunting or opta- face, guaranteed-tto years; Elgin or Waltham movement? worth 116.E0; at 9VW WEtKUKMsMM ti,m Ml 1 Xaowa all over tli world as the best plated war made. The pat terns are beautiful. The silver' war lasts a lifetime. A. mora practical Christmas gift could not be conceived. FUR SETS White Iceland Fox Sets; large, fluffy muffs with satin lined scarfs .... 912.50, 915 and 919 J Red and Black Pox, Blue Wolf, Jap Mink, Civet Cat, Boaver and Pony Fur Sots 925 and $35 Senarate mirffn of French coney. fox, civet cat, Jap mink, etc, at 91, 91.08, $2.08, 95 up to 950 GIFT JEWELRY Bracelet Watches, up from. . .98.00 BoUd Oold Unas, worth 95 at 83.98 93 Solid Bold Scarf rins 91.79 Solid Sold Baby Bracelets. .91.96 Solid Sold Xapel Chains.... $3.98 93.00 Scarf Ma and Tie Clasp Set or 91.00 Sl.OO Xlak and trie 'Ma Set. ..COO 9A.00 Oold rilled la TaUleres, 91 91.00 Bar and Beauty Mas, set, 6O0 ANNOUNCEMENTS SHOP IN THE EVENING or EARLY IN THE MORNING. Aisles will not be crowded, street cars will not be so congested and stocks will be in better order for your selection. WE PACK AND SEND YOUR GIFTS FREE BY PARCEL POST ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. You will find this a wonderful convenience at holiday time. SHOP ON A TRANSFER. It will save your val uable time. If you will come hero you will find just the gifts you -seek at just the prices you want to pay. THIS IS THE STORE THAT HAS EVERYTHING. Silver Hollow Ware Baking Dishes, Casseroles, Syrup Pitchers, Plates, Dishes, etc., all quadruple sllvor plated and made by the Knickerbocker ,8ilTer..Co., Reed & Barton and Homan Mfg. Co. We offer them "at about one-half their regular price. FANCY GOODS Xaad Bmbrolderod xdbrary Scarfs and MUow Tops. s&broldrd la silk and floss; value) -1094, at eso Taney .HorelUes ia Coat 'Xaagers, Cretonne Boxes, ;Zenlagton Bags aad .Stand Orooheted Slippers; Tai nts to 85.50; at.... 1 91.00 I" aiiey .Wk Baskets aad. Satin . lined Baskets! at ( greatly reduced prices. ' " ' 915 Baskets $10 97.50 Basket at ;...), ,'...9,e, 99 Baskets at w..-.$4,00 94.50 Basket at 93.ea Dainty Gift Handkerchiefs Women's Taney x,laea Handkerchiefs Fine point Vense, Madeira nnd Armenian edges, hand embroidered corners or Princess lace: also Men's Pure Irish Linen nnd Colored Sllk Hand kerchiefs; many actually worth BOc; each..95o Women's S5o XJnea Handkerchiefs Fancy em broidered corners, or all around embroidered; some figured with butterflies and flowers; also Men's Plain nnd Initial Irish Linen Hand kerchiefs at 150 Women Handkerchiefs, embroidered corners and edges, scalloped and lace trimmed; also Men's Plain and Initial Pure Linen Hondker- chief; worth 15c and 20c; at, each 100 Women's Linen Initial Handkerchiefs, sham rock initials and, embroidered; Men's Plain White Handkerchiefs; each 60 Sample Handkerchiefs In point Venice, real Armenian and Princess lace, hand embroidered corners; also colored Madeira embroidered many worth $1.00: at, each 50o Women's and Men's Initial. All Linen and Women's Kmbroldered Handkerchiefs; 6 In a fancy box; worth $1.'26; at, box 91.00 Women's Armenian Edged Handkerchiefs, hand hemstitched and new. long etylo initials; 0 In box; worth 13.00: at, box......... .. 92.00 Women's Embroidered .Linen . Handkerchiefs, 6-'ln box 91.00 'Men's All Linen, Narrow Hems; some with initials; 6 in box; worth J1.7B; at, box ..91.00 Men's Black Silk Muffler Handkerchiefs, corded border 15o Children's Colored Border Handkerchiefs; also colored initials; 3 in fancy box for ' i;...aco Children's Handkerchiefs, colored border and initials; box of 3 for lBo Every Woman Appreciates a Gift of Silk Underwear Women's Venetian Silk Vests; shield reinforcement; pink and whl-.o..... .$139 Women's enetian Silk Vesta In pink and white; I2.C0 quality 91.98 Women's Venetian Silk Bloomers, reinforced, in pink' and) wnUe 91.38 scBsasturBtsx OEsnrioaTBa are splendid gifts. They enable a woman to select her own present. Renaissance Bed Spreads Silk Waists and Blouses Stunning now creations in laces and silks, spe cially selected for gifts, $3.50, $5, $6.98, .$8.08 and $10 SPECIAL Dainty waists of. silk, chiffon, messallne and crepe, cloyer tfr CiO new styles ... SfCttiJO Silk House Robes Dainty robes for lounging and house wear, in crepo de chine,, China silk, also embroidered Japan ese robos; attractive styles and colorings, at $3.08, $5, $0.08, $8.08, $10, $12.60 and $15. Blanket Bath Robes Warm and practical, In pretty colors; cords to match 81.98 82.50 82.08 83.08 and g-c Silk Petticoats Messa llne and Jersey top; many styles 81.08 82.50 82.98 83.08 and 85 Pretty APRONS for Christmas Dainty tea aprons, maids' aprons, band, Gibson, bretelle, chafing dish and sewing aprons at 39c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Special Lot of Aprons at 25c 10 styles In long, short, round and square; some with bib and bretelle; dainty materials. CREPE DE CHINE LINGERIE yasssssKKjrK)PSJPfcaJ AliKifBSMflBBSBiSBlBSsaSS All hand made Bod Spreads, slxe 78x80 In., In bautlful de olgno. These spread would regularly sell as high as S1S.60, Monday while they last, (like cut), at $1198 9 v Alt YhiMi T.lsasfcsBi f2itat TaivaI a n r ova nnlk t 86c; broken lots; choice Monday, in our iq linen Dept., matji floor, each, at friC Rama.rka.ble Values in ORIENTAL RUGS Wo liave determined to dispose of all our Oriental Bugs now rather than invoice them after Christmas. Wo have taken every rug in stock and marked it at a re duction of 30 to 50 per cent. The prices range an low as 6.B0 and $7. Plenty of Orient als at $11 and 112, many at 121, 125 and up. Never was there an opportunity like this in Omaha? SUPPERS are GOOD SERVICEABLE GIFTS Immense Section Main Iloor Devoted to Slippers. Women's Vrtaces lelt, ribbon trimmed, pastel colors.. ,,..91.sa Women's relt Operas, ribbon trlsuaed, pastel shades 91.75 Women's Pelt Comfy Style, padded soles , 91.85 Women's Boudoir Slippers, lavaader, plak aad Ma..., 91.49 Women's rallman Slippers, la leather case....... 91,49 Satin Saaclnff slippers, high or low heels 99.43 Carriage aad Automobile Boots, la black relret .93.95 Xea's 3.50 rancy leather Slipper, taas aad black .....93.40 Ken's Tan aad Black HI Opera an Sverett Slippers ....91.75 Ken's Breakfast Boot, wise and taa colors. 8X98 Ken's rullmaa Slipper la leather case , 91.49 Ken's Telt Slippers, comfy styles , 91.85 Ken's Borneo Slippers, tan aad black. , . . . -91.98 caxtAxxH's s&rrrsxs. Bed Top Boots, servLoeablal at 9i.9 Pelt Slipper, comfy or fur trimmed Wool Xdued SUpper at.. 9So Soft Sole Shoe for Zafaata .t Bee Soft Sol Shoe aad pair of hose to match ....91.00 CHRISTMAS CANDY IB. Oar BASBKBKT SKOS SBPA&TKTjrr Ken' Velvet aad Imitation Alligator sup per 590 Ken' Taa aad Black Sous SUppers, 91.85 Ken's SUppars, odd 'aad. aaa, at Mo Ken's Velvet SUpper. carpet soles.,.. 85o Wosaea'a Crocheted SUppers at ...... . H9o Women's Pelt Pur Trimmed SUppers, f 1.33 Women's Pelt SUppers, felt sole 49o Women' Kid Skia Boudoir SUppers. . .980 Bot Candies M-lb. slie, 10ct M-ib size, lBo 1-lb boxes at. 25c, 30c up to $1.00 Christmas Candles in beautiful baskets. KXTItA SPKCaALOOc Chocolate dipped Almonds, at 99c Barbf Pamoaa Whipped Oreaaa Ghooolatea, par la. .Me. Gaady Bead, 5 yaras for So Bfoa of Oajisteaa Caadle. lb. loo A Man Likes Something Useful Silk Four-in-IIand Tics, the large, new shape; all netr patterns; positively $1.00 values; at ftuo Meu'8 $2.00 Dress Shirts, new patterns, plain nnd pleated bosoms $1.00 Four pair Men's Silk Hose in fancy box, $1 Men's Silk Gift Suspenders, 76c, $1, $2.B0 Suspender, Arm I land and Garter Seta at 50c, 75c and $1.25 Tie and Hose Sete, special at, the aet. ,30c Men's Silk Ties in holiday boxes. . 25c -,15c Men's Sweater Coats, worth to $7.50; at $2.98 and $1.08 Men's and Hoys' Gloves, mostly samples; worth to $1.75; at 08c Men's 35c Silk Hose, tan, slate, navy and black; pair ... .210 Men's 11a th and Lounging Robes At $2.US and $1.08 Men's Pajamas, initial on pocket. . .$2.00 Men's Genuine Austrian Vclour Hats, at $2.05 and $5.00 Joltn B. Stetson Soft and Stiff Hats from $3.50 to $10.00 Urandels Special Soft and Stiff Hats, also Velours $2.00 Men's Genuine Sealskin Caps .now on sale at.. ............... .$5, $(1.50 to $15 lllark Russian Squirrel Fur Caps at $1.50 and $2.50 Men's Winter Caps, worth to $1.50; at 25c, 50c and 05c lllark Seal and Genuine Walrus Lea titer ltags for men and women, with white ivory and genuine ebony fittings. ... $10 to $35 SPP with beautiful lace, hand em broidery and ribbon trimmings; gowns, chemises, combinations, princess slips, drawers, etc. $1.98, $2.98, $5 up to $15 Children's Raincoat Sets Bain proof coat or cape; some with hood to match and waterproof bag for books $1.98, $2.50 and $2.98 Infants' Trinkets and Novelties Everything for baby's first Christmas, at 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c and $1 KID GLOVES Will Be the Most Welcome Gift for "Her" on Christmas Morning Several late Importations of gloves make our glove Btock complete in every detail. "PKURIN" KID GLOVKB p,TLD ?.Ve5ywbrV?r the,r "Silence. The name Porrln is tfn absolute guarantee of quality and glove perfection. We carry all styles all colors including black and white. Pr ces range: Perrin Short Gloves s 6 Perrn Long'G1'80' U7S' -l Pa,r VSAt. $3.50, $3.75, $4.00 and M.2fl FACIALS IN GLOVES T !), .-iV2f,eS KM Gloves. ifn . 'Sht 8k D8' overacam sewn; imported to sell at higher price; pair .eoc v Wo1"00,'? Imported Kid Gloves'. Very finest quality, overseam sewn; with Paris point backs; black, white and a few colors; splen did gloves for .fit and wear $i ..5 Women's 16-button length Imported Kid Gloves, white only, per pair $1.05 We have complete stock of Children's Gloves Mit tens and Gauntlets, very, comfortable will tit h wear splendidly- gloves that will delight h ? dren as gifts. Prices are.. 40c, goc, 08e and Viik SCHOOL Af PENNANTS z& r 4f n" t each .....