Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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Bounded bv kuwabu noss water
J3EB HUll.Dl.NO. FAlt.VA.M A.NU 1TT1I.
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Communications relating; to news and
editorial matter should bo adressed
Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
State of Nebraska, County of Doucla. s. :
Dwljht Williams, circulation manager
ef The Bee Publishing company, being
dulr sworn, says that the nverage dally
circulation for the month of November,
1M3. was 62.068. DWIOHT WILL-IAMB,
Subacribed In my presence and sworn
w colore mo mm i ay or uccemoer.
(Heal) Notary Public.
Salxertbera leaving- (he cUy
(emperarily afcoald ha. re The Bee
maJIed to them. Address Trill he
esssfi m often ns reauestrel.
1 la case of doubt or foe, look both
1 ways ud go stow.
Moa& Lisa's thoft was a sonsatlon,
but her rccorcry merely a bit of
, routine.
KInsr Mcnollk Is dead again, ac
cording to an African cable, or cabal,
we are not suro which.
"Shall we bathoT" asks tho Chi
cago Inter Ocean, Suro, come on in,
the water Is fine at 'robber" meter
Oh horrors! Our great reform
Water board boss voting with "Boss
Barnes and Senator Smootl Who
would have thought It?
As a true chip "off tho old block,
Sylvia Fankhurst has gone her
mother one, better by adding to her
repertory a no-sleep strike.
To be beatee by Just one vote, of
course, it particularly and especially
, liumltlatlag, but to win by one vote
.would cwflUUt. a glorious victory.
In this free, eentatry It should be
understand that "Jerry' Howard has
as muck right to circulate a pie
counter petltioa as aay other demo
crat. No sadder picture was ever drawn
than one showing little children with
empty stockings on Christmas morn
lag wondering how Santa Claus camo
to si them.
The. steps toward harmonious re
publican realignment are diabolically
dlMppelntia; ta tfi democrats, who
may' fee ieWtided. upon to manifest
their iee displeasure.
It weuVd aot he a fead Idea for the
street ' eesmlwMBer to get busy on
seme ot the reeldeatlal thorough
fares, and have another clean-up be
fore the 'fiwt" falls.
y rapUe, urdr, ,aad ctaOaca
tloji ta s-Jld ceastltutleaallits
la Mxle m to be -faat making
themselves' as Impossible as Huerta,
a si kfs faHwW, If not more so.
Kits Jaaa AdJama desires to know
"What's sillier than a -derby hat?'
JHaw a front one of those hoods with
a dagger sticking out sldewieo and p
bswhoo plume rising' a few feet up
ward? Milwaukee medics balk on making
the examination of parties to soi
caljed. eugenic marriages for the f 3
statutory price. How foolish l Why
net furnish 3 worth, of health cer
Utfets, and stop there?
The house rejected a Dill apt
proved by Postmaster General
Burtesda favoring aeroplane malt
delivery. The postmaster general
should be content for. a while with
elghty-slx houra from New York to
8an Francisco.
The votes-for-women campaign in
Nebraska will have-no side issues or
entanglements with tho promoters of
otuer propositions. In other words,
the women suffrage seekers will helu
no One else, but will be glad to accept
help from eyerybody.
Of Ellhu Root as u candidate for
president there may be divergent be
lief. tut mighty few will dissent from
the opinion that as president. Elthu
Root would bring to the White Houso
as rare ability and rjpe .statesman
shlj as any who have' occupied that
The animus of that double-barrel
assault on the New .York World may
be fpund by.coftsulting a back file of
the same paper about the middle of
November, when a similar tirade ap
pealed aias the World for having
laid vieleat sands on Senator Hitch
cock's pet currency and trust-busting
Ideas. "There's a reason."
Santa Clans Officially Alive.
Who are those who insist on dis
pelling the Santa Claus Illusion In
tho child's mind? Every year at
this time thoy vent tholr notions
and attempt to prevail upon Uncle
Sam to cast aside tho mall addressed
lo tho Good. Saint Nick. Suppose
tho government rebuffed tho chil
dren who wrlto letters to Santa
Clans, and did all It could to dissi
pate tho fancy, What, will someono
tell, would bo gained by It? What
and who would profit by robbing tho
child mind of this age-long source
of Joy and anticipation? What, on
the other hand, docs it hurt to let
the Uttlo folks go on Indulging tho
belief? They havo boon doing so
for cons, and where is a slnglo evi
dence of resultant harm? What is
all tho remonstrance about, anyway?
Can thoso making it tell?
The postmaster general deserves
tho commondatlon of ovory man
with rod blood in bis volns for offi
cially declaring that tho government
will not publish abroad to the chil
dren of Amorlca "There is no Santa
Clans" by refusing to accept their
pitiful llttlo letters addressed to that
great being. Destroy tho illusion
and you destroy tho spirit of the
season, and who cares to ossumo re
sponsibility for that? Until it can
bo proved that America and other
lands humoring this fancy and this
spirit havo In tho years gone by pro
duced races of simpletons or dissem
blers, it is idle to say, as eomo do,
that fostering tho illusion Inspires
deceit. Thoro is a Santa Claus, and
long may ho llvo, with tho fiat of
the federal government to add to his
legitimacy of being,
Our December' Dandelions.
"Panslcs aro blooming, gross la
groon, lilacs and trees aro budding
and spring plowing In progress In
Nobraska," says a gontle breeze
floating out from Omaha in the
form of a dispatch to newspapers of
other cities. But why discriminate
against our Docomber dandelions
that havo boen In full bloom for
wooks? To somo extent the dis
patch may present a case of going
away from homo to learn tho news,
for one hates to think of trees sub
jecting their buds to exposure at
thla tlmo of tho year with all tho
withering blight of winter before
them. And what pansloB are bloom
ing must be In some carefully kept
hothouses, but the dandelion there
he has been standing in full view of
all who look. It Is the same little
yellow thing that, though fondled
and admired in the middle of De
cember, is acoursed by the lawn
.keepers in the summer, our oae
.perennial flower. Thay say dande
lions only grow where the soli Is
very rich and fertile, which Is ex
planation enough for their never-
ending ubirrulty in Nebraska,
fie at Rome and Abroad.
Reporting on conditions 'in the
Philippines observed during a recent
islt tbore, Congressman C. B. Mil
ler of Minnesota, of tho house insu
lar committee, says:
Tried and trained men have iin r.
moved from positions of Importance;
they have, figuratively, been kicked out
In a way that Is nothing short of 'bar
barous, and as a result it Is not golnff
too far to say that chaos exists In the
Evidently, the ravenous hunger
for pie has swept the party in nower
past all thought at its high-sounding
platform express-lea that "merit and
ability shali be the standard of ap
pointment and promotion rather
than service to a political party."
The investigation Congressman Mil
ler helped make is unofficial,
though nonetheless significant, wo
take it, for that reason. A party
that incessantly for fourteen years
has dinned into our ears Its denun
ciation of so-called Imperialism, as
spoliation of a subject people will
require but a short time to stultify
ltBelf in this frenzied pursuit of po
litical plo at home and abroad. Re
publican rule never produced chaos
In tho island, but, on the contrary,
overcame chaotic conditions with or
der and peace, a growing measure
of contentment based upon tangible
evidences of good faith and service
unselfishly rendered, In the mean
time men who went to the Islands
years ago, many at personal sacri
fice, to help elevate the natives to
a point which they might better
swim the tldo of civilization, have
learned lessons of experience valua
be to the Filipinos, which are now to
be ruthlessly thrown away by the
democrats despite all their fine
soundiog professions.
Piffle! It is to Laugh 1
The offense (of the Carabaos) Is fla
grant. The president In withdrawing his
membership, and ordering an Investiga
tion, will have the sympathy and aupport
of the American people, World-Herald.
Piffle! It is to laugh!
Just try to imagine the shafts of
satire and ridicule that would bo
coming from, the democratic hyphen
ated if the incident had occurred un
der President Taft or President
Roosevelt, For a republican presi
dent to bo devoid of appreciation of
satire and humor would be a venal
pffense, but, of course, much more Is
to be expected of a democratic presi
dent if he Is to uphold and defend
the dignity of his high office.
Big a task as the Christmas shop
ping is, it is a snap to most people
as compared with paying the bills
I that come on New Year's (Jay,
If t u i
I TPsy Omaha
commix rsoM au nus
Thirty Years Ago -
Menator aiandorson has introduced a
bill Into congress to charter another
bridge across the Missouri. The names
of the persons o whom the privilege Is
lo be accorded are 8. IV. Johnson, Charles
Turner, Milton Rogers, Joseph Barker, V.
A. bchneldcr, John McCrary, John B.
Collins and William A. Paxton of Ne
braska; Oeorgo T. Oliver of Pennsyl
vania, J. H. Cook of Ohio, A. E. Leavltt
of Michigan. O. W. K. Griffith of Kan
sas, William M. Pnow of Massachusetts,
J. M. Parker and Oe6rge IL, ' Marsh of
Tho city council voted leave of absenco
to City Attorney Connell ,wlth the under
standing that C. R. Kcdick was to act
durlrur his absence.
The Boston Ideals made another hit In
"The Musketeers." The headllnera were
J. W. McDonald, Hcrndon Morsell, Ger
aldlne Ulmer and Marie Stone.
It was Intended to open the new skat
ing ring tonight, but the water broke
through the northeast corner and ran
across the ravine due to the weight of
the lec, so the opening was Indefinitely
Miss Ellratetn Poppleton has gone to
Boston to visit her brother, who is at
tending college there.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gurnet, Mr.
Thomas Bwlft and Mrs.,T. J. Fitsmorrls
went lo Columbus, Neb.i to visit old ac
quaintances. This morning the mercury got below
the xero mark for the first time.
Mrs. Dr. Wooley of Davenport Is visit
ing relatives In this city.
A. J. Totter, late manager of the St.
Charles hotel, has gono to New York
for a month's sojourn.
Twenty Years Ago
Hungry, homeless and without work,
200 men, white Bnd black, stretched out
for a night's rfeep at Rescue hall, pre
sided over b'y Rev. A. W. Clark, indicat
ing something of the lengthening bread
line winding Its way through the coun
try. Through the crfort of Mayor Bemis,
the Omaha Oas company made some con
cessions to tho consumers of Omaha. The
mayor held a conference with rresldont
Frank Murphy and Attorney Morgan of
the company lastlnsr flvo hours lln nr.
slstod for $1.60 per 1,000 cublo feet for
illuminating and $L2S for fuel gas, and
the company finally agreed to compro
mise on It.CO for Illuminating gas and $1.35
for fuel. Beth had been sold at $1.76.
The Thurston Rifles, fifty-nine strong,
were mustered Into the ranks of the Ne
braska National Guard by Adjutant Gen
eral Oago and some of his staff at the
armory, 1510 Harney street. Governor
Crounse and Hon. John M. Thurston, for
whom the rifles were named, promised
to attend, but were unavoidably pre
vented. The officers wcro: 'Captain,
Arthur H. Bcharff; first lieutenant, Wil
liam J. Foyei second lieutenant, J. John
son. A large number of representative men
met Count Ltiblenskl of Warsaw, Poland,
heading a syndicate willing to finance a
sugar factory In Omaha. The meeting!
was at the Commercial club and presided
over by W .A. liTGIbbon. W. n. Rober
son was secretary, The count said it was
action, not talk he wanted. Asked by
James Walsh. to submit a definite, propo
sltlon. he said he wanted tha rliizona r
Omaha to subscribe $109,090 worth of
stock in the now enterprise before he
moved. Many plans were discussed. An
executlvo committee with. Eraatus A.
Benson as chairman was named to pro
ceed to tangible action.
Tch Years Arc
weivln H. uhl was named as admin
istrate of the estate of his father.
Charles A. Uhl.
I D. Spalding was named as admin
istrator of the estate of c. A. Parks.
Mrs. Catherine Christy, SO years of
age, mother of three children, died at her
home, 2030 Burt stfceL
Prof. Nathan Bernstein of the high
school was preparing to leave for Cin
cinnati and Louisville, to visit a brother
attending theological seminary at tho
former city and his birthplace in the
Kentucky metropolis.
Charles Robel. who came here from
Duluth. and his associate. Rev. K. A.
Potter of Milwaukee, were preparing to
Incorporate the International Christian
Institute and buy the Dellone hotel" build
lng at $50,000 as headquarters. Mr. Robel
was drawn to Omaha through Dr. W. O.
Henry, whom ho met In London. Dr.
Henry learned of a similar work carried
on by Mr. Robel in Duluth and deter
mined that such might be done In Omaha
with excellent results.
Prank Dunlon
to General Agent Thomas of the Chicago
u,t" "esiem railroad in Omaha, Dun
lop to look out for nuiini hn.u ,
, . - . I II
Omaha, South Omaha, Council Bluffs nd
... -.0us.. um appointment was
understood to havo come directly from
President Btlckney.
People and Events
Mrs. Marie Louise Elklns de Gubma is
to receive a Christmas present of
tim from the estate, of her grandfather
William U Elklns.
Mrs. Clara La Tourelle Larsion,
daughter of an Oregon pioneer, was re
contly elected mayor of Troitdale, Ore ,
with a plurality of five votes.
Mayor Mltchel or New York is obllge-1
to defer his Initiation Into the "Don't
Worry club." He has about 9.000 Jobs to
dispense around the first of the year.
Chief John Kenlon of the New. York
City fire department recently attracted
Attention by wearing to a fire a napkin
which he had left his noonday meal too
hurriedly to take off.
Mme. Kin Beno Is the only woman to
have been elected a bank president In
Japan. In taking the position she was
fulfilling the wish of her. husband who
died several years ago.
Pool and bowling alleys In the base
menta of sohoot buildings Is being urged
In Cleveland. Probably the authors of
the idea need relaxation from the strain
on their domes.
Captain Charles K. Halsey, who for
more than half a century was master of
whaling vessels and sailed around the
world twenty-two times, died recontly In
Orange. N. J. He was i0 years old.
Hats oft to the American duchess
"loafing around the throne" or Britain!
May Ooelet of New York, now the
duchess of Roxburgh?, has been ap
pointed "mistress of the robes" by
Queeq Mary.
Twice Told Tales
Too Stmnsr,
Mrs. Van Alen Thorripaon, whose entry
Into the country gave her much difficulty
with the customs officials, was recount
ing her experience to a few friends in
Boston. She said:
"it was all very unpleasant, but not
the least unpleasant part was the atti
tude of the cujtoms officials. I hope they
don't Intend to bo as rude aa they appear
to tho returning traveler.
"But," continued Mrs. Thompson, phil
osophically, "I suppose It would bo dif
ficult to be popular as a customs in
spector. Everybody dislikes these poor
men. Everybody fecla toward them llko
the old skipper.
"The aklpper, after undergoing se
eral hours of suspicious cross-questioning
ifrom two Inspectors regarding his cargo,
waa at last leaving the wharf when a
young official, unaware of his previous
grilling, accosted him.
"Have you anything to declare, alrP
he demanded sharply.
"Furious, the old skipper glared at the
young man, and shouted:
" Tes, young man, I've a good deal to
declare, but I'd be ashamed to say it
before a boy like you. You're too young
to hear what I would like to declare!' ''
New York Bun.
Wanted Information.
Here Is one that wa told nt a tea by
-Miss Oeraldln Farrar, the singer, when
one of the party referred to the Judiciary
and tho peculiar cases that frequently
come before the courts:
"Some time ago there was n homicide
cae in a western court In which there
was considerable doubt as to the guilt
or the accused. Tho trial Judge seemed
to share the popular belief."
Gentlemen of tho Jury, said he. In
concluding his charge, 'If the evidence In
your minds shows that pneumonia was
the causo of tho man's death you can
not convict the prisoner.'
"Whereat the Jury retired and In about
ten minutes the constable returned and
presented himself before the Judge.
"Your honor,' he remarked, 'the gen
ttemen of the Jury want some informs
"On what point of evidence?' asked
the Judge.
"None, Judge,' was the rejoinder of
the constabe. 'They want to know how
to apeu' "pneumonia. -Philadelphia
Nothing Doing, Girls
Des ilolnes Register and Leader: Pres
ldent Wilson, more than most men who
have preceded him, is his own platform,
and the modesty with which ho has as
sured tho women that he could do noth
ing for them- because the democratic
platform writers had neglected to say
anything in their behalf Is the measure
of his Judgment that this is not the
time to agitate their reform.
New Tnrk Wnr11 TJn nr tu.
United Btatea will confer the ballot upon
women. No teongress of the United States
at this stage of the agitation will attempt
to confer the ballot upon women.' It
women are not content to urge their
cause in the various commonwealths,
where they have already won notable
victories, 'It Is highly probable that the
movement will soon be halted.
New York Tost! President Wilson's ex
planatlon to tho suffragists of the sharp
line which ho draws between his private
opinions and those which he feels at lib
erty to urge upon congress would have
delighted tho heart of Monsieur ni.
tlnguo. It Inevitably recalls the school
ooy wno, when asked to define the art
of logic, said that lode wu nM n
but a dodge. Wo say this quite irre
spective or the particular demand made
upon the president.
Bt, Louis Globe-Democrat: Waiving)
such points as that the Baltimore plat
form does not lay upon the president
elected upon it, such a recommendation
as he mado to congress in his recent
messsge for a federal law establishing
presidential primaries and that if a
obligate him to recommend a constitu
tional amendment limiting presidents to
one term, which he didn't, do. he was
nonetheless adroit In putting the blame
upon that instrument for his Inability
to comply with the women's wi.. w
are wtlllnr to loin hoartiiv itv. v,i
calling attention to tho defects in that
document. Among these defecta we would
place Its demand fat iflnaHlitel-. t
amendment limiting presidents to one
Editorial Snapshots
Washington Post: The lncnm. nY .m.
step Is regarded as more difficult and
less graceful than the tango.
Philadelphia Ledger; Another
for guaranteeing bank denrndts l n,.t
some of the political banks havo not
fceen taking In so much money nx thv
used to.
Chicago Record-Herald: President
Wilson caused a sensation at the capltol
the other day by walking In unannounced
and looking through the building. For
tunately he was not mistaken for &
lobbyist and bounced.
Brooklyn Eagle: With the teas that
puxxle we used to import puxsles that
tease from China. The income tax has
changedvall that, a home-made and In
comparaKi puxxle that drives men from
ten to all sorts of oblivion-concoctions.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: A physician
says: "Don't eat eggs. Eggs contain
lime; lime la dead matter. Eat live mat
ter." This Is cheering and timely. Now,
one wouldn't eat an egg, even though he
was assured there was something alive
in It,
New York World: The house by an
overwhelming vote passed the Hensley
resolution favoring a navy-bullding holi
day. A noble bit of true idealism Is this!
and very far from lacking practical ef
fect Some day the example will have
Houston Post: Mr. Bryan managed to
elude the corner In which the cuffs Im
prisoned him. The women are resource
ful, but In politics they roust expect to
find the. paymasters equipped with a side
door to escape through In case of fire or
other emergencies.
Springfield Republican: Physicians and
surgeons, because of the risk of blood
poisoning they incur, will have special
reason to hope that a cure is at bond.
Dr. Lewis Hart Marks, an American who
liaa been assistant to Dr. Ehrllch, Is re
ported from Germany to have Invented a
chemical compound with which he has
auscssfully treated small animals.
7&r ffi
Fear Folk Can't See the Joke.
OMAHA, Dec. 17.To the Editor of Tho
Be: I notice an article in Monday's
paper purporting to describe a celebra
tion Sunday at the home of Nick Dar
gacxewskl, in which he referred to as
the "mayor of Sheelcy," "tho leading
Polish cltlten," etc. Of course this article
nas written In a humorous vein and peo
ple were supposed to take It ns a Joko.
I wish to say, however, that the Polish
citizens of Omaha seo no Joko In the
matter, but rather a sorlous reflection
on their nationality.
If you hove read history carefully, you
know that for centuries tho leaders of
tho Polish people have been men of
hralns, of high Ideals, of education, of
tcflnement and of Intense patriotism. T
think our people In this country nro also
possessed of these characteristics In at
least as great a degree as any other
nationality and hence the Implication
that the Poles of this city arc led around
tiy a nian of Nick Dargaczewskl'a caliber
Is highly displeasing to the better class
or people of this nationality.
jsow, we havo nothing wlintover
against Mr. Danraczewskl nrftnnfill v.
He Is a good citizen as far as we know.
but wo are sick and tired of his con
stantly posing as a leader of Ills rnr.A
tho mayor of Sheelcvtown.
ptople need leaders, and we havo a num
ber of them, men who by nature, by ex
Iericnce and "by education are fitted for
ral leadership. Thoy are called to their
position by their fellow countrymen nnd
ao not have to foist themselves onto the
A little Intelligent Investigation In
Sheeleytown wilt convince anyone that
nick Dargaczewskl Is not a leader of
tno l'oies, nnd that tho people of that
nationality resent his presumption in
giving It out to tho press that ho is tho
whole thing. It Is reirarded as a loltn
by well Informed people ns well as by
the Poles themselves, but Its constant
repotltlon by the press mnv fool nm
The Polish people want It distinctly un
derstood that they repudiate that kind
of leadership. They demand brains,
loyalty and Intelligence In their leading
men just the same as other nationalities.
Twenty-ninth and Elm Street
Twenty-ninth and Walnut Streets.
Twenty-ninth and Walnut Streets.
The "White Sin-re's, Lament.
OMAHA, Dec. 17. To the Editor of The
Bee: I am a poor woman of the under
world. When I waa only SO years old 1
waa drugged and taken to the ball room
and forced to dance the "bear claw,'
tho "chicken dip" and the "Kangaroo.'
I struggled hard to earn my bread like
an honest girl, but my $S a week hardly
paid my powder and laundry bills, and
oh, how I suffered. Little does the
world know what overwhelming temnta
tlons assail the poor working girl. Many
a summer's evening while taking exer
cise In the crowded parka I havo been
kidnapped by a vllllanous white slaver
and automoblled until sunrise the next
morning. I have been In this horrid
place for flvo long years, and every time
I have tried to leave off my wickedness
and folly and earn an honest living I
found that as a dishwasher or a waitress
I attracted no attention, and that unless
I made dates with thoso cruel patrons of
the restaurant I would be laughed at. I
nover was strong enough to scrub floors,
and often after I had tangoed seven or
eight houra I would be completely ex
hausted. I havo Just read an article by Mr.
Brutality, who says that it tho city will
build a large, roomy workhouse and In
stall htm as manager at a good salary
ho will undertake to cure every "soiled
dove," every poor, homeless, beggarly
tramp ana every incorrigible dope fiend
In thb city. Ho says he can make a
washtub so interesting for a woman that
she will have no time for tears and no
lndinhtlon to blow out the gas. He will
guarantee a lasting cure, he says, for
every delinquent that the police will bring
into this workhouse.
But, thank heaven, wo "down-and-outa"
have the sympathy of the public, and
such a dray-horse program will never be
adopted. The people know we are not
to blame. They know wo are all victims
of tho "poisoned needle," and that we
havo all been kidnapped, starved, im
prisoned. I ask the sympathy of all
tender-hearted people.
Industrial Uplift
More than 400,000 pianos are built In
this country annually. Value, nearly $70,-
A new Minnesota law requiring the
safeguarding of machinery became ef
fective last month.
An English sportsman works his auto
mobile and yacht In combination. When
the latter la aboard it drives the boat.
One Idaho county has more than S3)
boys and girts organized In sewing,
cooking, potato and corn club work.
The, largest motor vessel in the world
Is the Slam, recently built at Copen
hagen, with a displacement of 13.200 tons.
During the first seven months of this
year 143, JM persons left the United King
dom for permanent residence outside of
Large deposits of sulphur have been
found in southern Texas and are to be
developed In a similar manner to the
development of' the Louisiana sulphur
The two self-propelling railway cars
acquired In England by the khedtve of
Egypt have arrived in Alexandria. One
car for the khedlve's personal use con
sists of observation room, a sitting room,
a bedroom and usual offices; the other
for his staff contains sixteen second-
diss and thirty third-class places and a
luggage van.
Stories in Figures
Fuel oil consumption this year by the
United States navy Is estimated at 39.00,-
000 gallons.
Imports from the United States into
Belgium In 1912 amounted to $7,S6S,997, as
compared with JS3.S94.eS) in 1911.
The trolley lines of Qreat Britain dur
ing 191! carried S,1S7,000,00 passengers on
1J.000 cars and M2 miles of track.
While there are no reliable statistics
of the pastoral Industry In BraxH, It Is
estimated that there are S0.0W.000 cattle
In the country.
"What did he get for confessing?''
"Immunity from the district nttorney,
2 cents a word from the magazines and
fits from his former friends."
When he put on her skates, he tarried,
For she tins quite a charming elf.
I notice now, slnco they are married,
She's learned to put them on herself.
Mentor Consider tho owl. He's the
bird of wisdom, nnd he gets his reputa
tion by keeping silent.
Stentor How about the screech owl?
"It must be great to be a manl One
dress suit lasts you for years and years,
and a woman must have a new gown for
every party."
"That's why one dress suit lasts a man
for years and years."
"IIoW much allmonv did she demand?1'
"Twenty dollars a. week more thnn his
now rooiish!"
"Well, she said she ttuessed ha could
afford It, since he always had spent twice
what he earned."
Nurlch (furnishing his gallervi Let me
seo. I've got lots of tho old masters now,
uuvrn ill
Clerk-Yes, sir.
Nurlch Now I'll want something for
myself. What havo you In enrtoons and
funny pictures?
.iftpW1-" ISO
.-CYV- L..f P.S
It's la the blood of every American, and
really it's a very practical thing if tho old
saying; "time Is money" counts for anything.
Much depends on punctuality, therefore
business men In a hurry, thoae who want to
make sure of connections with trains beyond
and all other hustlers use the Great West
ern's Twin City Limited
Leave Omaha 8:30 P. 31., arrive St. Paul
f 7:30 A. M., Minneapolis 8:05 A. M.
Day Train Leaves Omatia at 0:30 A. M.
Use Your Telephone It's Handy.
Ask P. P. Bonortlcn, C. P. & T. A.,
1023 Faroani Street. Omaha, Neb.
Thono, Douglas 202.
THE advertised line makes a
good salesman a better sales
man, because it overcomes
the resistance that every sales
man must meet to get a hearing.
New York Times.
If you were Santa Claus, would you
Do as he docs and hitch
You reindeer to the chimneys of
The overladen rich?
If you were Santa Claus, would you
Kill up your sled with what
They didn't need at atl because
They had already got?
If you were Santa -Claus, would you
Go past the open door
Where you might enter In nnd leave
Some Christmas for the poor?
If you wcro Santa Claus, would you
Neglect tho ones who need
Some merry Christmas iu the lives
Of poverty they lead?
If you were Santa Claus. would you
Bo glad If you were fpund
Dividing up the gifts you had,
To make them go around?
If you were Santa Claus, would you
Be passing out tho stuff
To them that hadn't anything, i
Or them that had enough7 ,
If you were Santa Claus, would you
In going through a block,
Mako any dlfferenco If It were
A silk or cotton sock? .
If you were Santa Claus, would you -
Consider that your hike
Had failed because you didn't treat
Tho rich and poor allko?
If you were Santa Claus, would you '
Of course you wouldn't. Say,
If you wero Santa Claus you'd do
The same old Santa way.
,,n .,o60
( v -
TSTOPo60per mile
ior improvements
A Telephone the
Ideal Christmas Gift
A telephone combines all you
have imagined an appropriate
Christmas gift should be.
Why not bring pleasure,
comfort and security to the
lives of those about you by
TODAY ordering a Bell Tele