Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Kebmskan in Waahinton Voluntar
ily Leaves Office.
ATe Fnsltlon Open for Which
Friend if llrrnn nnd Friend
of Hitchcock Ar Openlr
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, Dec. lS.-(8pclal Tele
rram.) Tho resignation of W. T. Thomp
son, former attorney general of Nebraska,
as solicitor for tho Treasury department
wu filed with President Wilson today.
It Is ti tako effect January 1. after tvhlch
Mr. Thompson wilt engage In general law
practice In Lincoln.
No announcement has been made of,
Mr. Thompson's successor. A. 8. Tib
bots of Lincoln and Merlon L. Corey of
Clay 'Center have been applicants for
tho position for some time. The former
Is said to be backed by Secretary Dryan
and therefore to have the better chance
for landing It Senator Hitchcock has
endorsed Mr. Corey.
Mr. Thompson's resignation was purely
voluntary, he said, and was tendered be-
The True Source
of Beauty
is, and must: be, good health.
Sallow skin and face blemishes
are usually caused by tho
presence of impurities in the
blood impurities which also
cause headache, backache, lan
guor, nervousness and depres
sion of spirits. If, at times,
when there is need you will use
you will find yourself better in
every way. With purified
blood, you will improve diges
tion, sleep more restfully and
your nerves will be quieter.
You will recover the charm of
sparkling eyes, a spotless com
plexion, rosy lips and vivacious
spirits. Good for all the fam
ily, Beecham's Pills especially
Help Women
To Good Health
BeM TtrpmittH. la !, He.. 3fe.
Th. tofttt ! o( say wJi. Th ArcetteM
with every bea pe war ; beat.;
Cum CjK sac
HYm ICQ Bert
in a VWj Tufee
Office for Rent
Ttielarge room on ground
floor of Bee Building, oc
cupied by the Havens
White Goal Co.
Kk Far nam street front
age. About 1,500 square
feet of floor space with
large vault. Extra en
trance from court; of the
Tis office fixtures are of.
fered for sale. Apply to
M, F. Feu, Bee office.
cause he wanted to quit office holding
and ko back to private life.
'No one has sugxested that 1 resliw,"
said Mr. Thompson. "I am not quitting
because I dislike to serve under the pres.
ent reglmo, for X could not ask to re
ceive better treatment than I have list
accorded ma by tho officers appointed by
President Wilson with whom I have
been officially associated. They aro all
men for whom I have gTcat admiration.
The assistant and all the clerical force
In the office of the solicitor are able,
agreeable and trustworthy, and I have
enjoyed the work of my office exceed'
To Takt Up Practice.
"I am resigning because I have become
connected with somo Important litigation
In Nebraska that demands my attention
the first of the year. Besides, I have held
nubllo office continuously for tho last
nine years and I feel that I should
quit and engage in tho private practice
of my profession which ,1 llko so well.
For tho present I will be In Lincoln,
where I have my home and whore my
family now lives.'
Mr. Thompson has been In the Treasury
department for three years, during which
time he has rendered BO written opinions
and passed upon tho legality of 15,030
bonds and contracts. Nearly 110,000,000
has been collected by his office and Mr
Thompson feels satisfied that he has set
aside red tapo for substantial accom
plishments, lie gave moro Uian twice as
many opinions during his term as his
predecessor nnd otherwise materially In
creased the business. 6f 'the office.
Klfckitld'B. New Hill.
Bottlers living" near irrigation projects
owning largo areas of land that can bo
Irrigated under limits of the present law
will bo able to trado part of .their land
to tho government 'for water on the rest
of It It a bill Introduced by Representa
tive 'Klnkald today, bocomes a law.
Ills measure amends the reclamation
law to that extent, and Is sold to be
looked upon with favor by department
officials with whom Mr. Klnkald has
Settlers south of tho North Platte river
near the Laramie project are Interested
specially in the proposed legislation, as
are. also, settlers near Oerlng. Soma of
them own halt & .section and others a
section, but under the law cannot get
water on more than the restricted acre
age, in most cases a quarter section, and
In some Instances only eighty acres. It
Is believed that by permitting tho govern
ment to Irrigate part ot the land in ex
change tor tho proper amount of ths
balance ot these privately owned lands,
both government and setUera would
profit. The government could sell lands
so acquired to others who wish to -euro
Irrigated lands.
Mlacellnneoas Notes.
Hiram D. Cunnron tin. tiA.n tWMiii
mended by Congressman Lobeck for post
mter at Herman, to succeed Mr. Ilalley.
ina uuiiiiiiB.uun oi j. j, iicunriny to
istmaster nt Greeley In, placer of W.
orfran. riutifftifkri. mi in t.M ,n.
ate toddy. "
Jmrtcm. He la much Interested In nro-
posed anti-trust legislation, and especially
that affecting tho so-called money trust.
He colled upon Itcpresentatlve Btephens
today. I
A. I). Rtrvkar anil Vila mrln.. will
Tagg, of South Omaha aro In Washington
mo now wmara. TJiey lunched with
Mr. Lobeck at the' house restaurant
W. S5. Patton of J3outh Omaha has been
appointed an. assistant Inspector In the
bureau of animal lfcu9mtrv in Vi tnat,
Nosalnatieaa to Senate.
Preside! Wilson nt to Ihn .onnfA
today tho following nominations for post
masters: IOWa WttllMa M. itls-h. V.lrh.nt.
Jay Bulllvan, FonUnelle; jobn J, Dun
levy, Lansing.
Bouth Dakota-J. W. Applegate. Edge
moni Matthtrw F, Ryan, Mclirtdge) l.
J3. Boyle, Corsica.
Nebraska James J. McCarthy, Qrcotey,
Parents of Infant
Left Near Douglas
Bridge Are Traced
rollce of Council Bluffs lost night
learned who wero the parents of an
infant girl, discovered yosterday near
the east end ot Hie Douglas street bridge.
A couple came Wednesday evening to
the home of Mrs. Pethybrlde, 233 Vine
street, Council Bluffs, and represented
that expert medical care was sought for
the woman at the tlmo ot tho birth of
her child. The child was bom Thurs
day Bight and tho couple left Saturday
morning taking the child with them, Yes
terday noon the baby was found near the
river, almost dead of exposure and in
such a condition! it may not live.
By means ot a check given Dr. W, M.
Oreen, who attended them and which
was proved to be genuine, the identity
ot the father was disclosed. It was
drawn on a bank in a nearby Iowa town.
The names wero not disclosed so that
an arrest may be made. The couple rep
resented themselves as husband and wife
and made no effort at concealment,
r r .vt.TT.vT I UVIilJItlU UUV II U 1111 liVllliJMIJ
Figures Being Gathered Indicative
of Gain in Business.
be .
Etm' '' i " uHsssi
Aft rlctit turn! Implementn nnd Anto-
moblles Miott the Wonderfnl
Strides Ileitis; Made In This
Section of the Country.
Head of Seoret Service of Union Pa
oifio on a Pension.
The Jobbing business In asbestos and
magnesia products has probably more
than doubled this year in Omaha over
tho simitar business ot previous years.
These and many other lines of Jobbing
and manufacturing In tho city ore show- I
ing great Increases over the llko business ,
last year, according to figures that
are being gathered by the bureau ot pub
licity of Omaha. Not over 65 per cnt
of the figures ot the entire city have as
yet been" gathered, and more will come.
between now and the close of tho
yenr, Practically all will show a sub-
tantlal increase, according to the pres
ent estimate of E. V. Parrlsh, manager
of tho publicity bureau, and quite a
number now Indicate that they will show
an Increase ot 100 pec cent or ovor.
Agricultural implements and automo
biles are showing a large gain, as far as
the figures have been obtained. Coal and
lumber are showing an Increase. This
has surprised soma as It was thought
the coal business would run down owing
to the mild weather this fall. The strikes
n the west, however, have stimulated
the activity in buying from the whole
salers, ns there Is nn effort to lay In
supply in preparation for what might
possibly occur it the strikes should con
tinue long.
Fruits and produce aro running heavy
also. Bank clearings will likely show
near $300,000,000 this year, which will be
tho record for Omaha, beating last year's
clearings by some 110,000,000,
Not a Single Mnn Who Has Held Vp
n Union Pacific Tritln Dnrlnic
That Time llns Ilcen Per
mitted to Kdcnpc.
Bllvestro riOBcardln. whose 8-year-old
daughter was run down and seriously In.
Jyred by the police patrol, has notified
the city commission that he expects sub
stantial damages. The girl, according to
(her father, Is in the hospital and it will
be necessary for her to submit to &
dangerous operation. Uoscardln. says his
expenses have been heavy because pt the
accident and whether It was the fault of
the chauffeur or not he believes the city
should recompense him. The matter hoa
been referred to the logo! department
AX, ma aVms? Acer's SarsapariHa
i astfMj Bsrve kxtic. No skeheL
stole! for SO ymmrm.
As Ynt Doctor. LZJiTuZz
William T. Canada, for twenty-three
years ,chlot of tho Union Paclflo's secret
service department and for nearly seven
years prior to that a clerk in the com
pany's claim department, has resigned to
go onto the pension rolls after January
1, 19U. Mr. Canada will bo succeeded by
C. L. Patterson, who for six years has
been In charge ot the secret service work
in connection with the Colorado lines of
the road.
Prior to going with the Union Pacific,
for many years, Mr. Patterson was a
railroad contractor, residing at North
Platte, whero ho stilt has his home. He
is about 0 yeas of ago and is regarded
as ono of the best mon Who has ever
served under Mr. Canada.
Mr. Canada will continue to reside in
Omaha and will devote much of his time
to tho caro of his wife, who for a num
ber of years hoe bocn on invalid.
To his credit Mr. Canada has the cap
ture ot nurnorous bandits and train rob
bers who frequently plied- their, calling
throughout western Nebraska and Wy
oming twenty or so years, ago and who
at different times made raids on the
Union Pacific trains as they passed
through the sparsely settled sections ot
Twenty years ago and more the posi
tion of chief of the Union Paclfto'a secret
service department was a more strenuous
position than now. In those days
armored cars werte kept at such points
as'North Platto, Juleaburg. Cheyenne and
Rawlins. Horses were kept at stables
nearby and whenever a robbery or an
attempt at robbery was reported Canada
hurried to the point nearest where the
robbery occurred. Tho, armored car,
filled with tried and trusty deputies,
followed and on their mounts, with Can
ada at their head, the man hunt began.
In all tho Years that Canada has
been at the head of tho Union Pacific
secret service department not a man
who robbed, or attempted to rob a com
pany train has over escaped. During
these years they have been hunted and
shot down, or captured, convicted and
sent to the penitentiary.
The last big Job in the way of captur
ing train robbers occurred several year
ago when a train was held up and robbed
at the Lane cut-off. Canada took charge
ot the work and before he finished the
men were serving time In the federal
prison at Leavenworth, Kan.
Oakdale Man Held
When Bloodhound
Points Suspicion
NBUQU, Neb., Dec. 16, (Special.)
Saturday night someone entered the cen
tral telephone office here and stole about
13 from the cash drawer. A bloodhound
was obtained from Fremont and the dog
took the trail and went from the tele,'
phone office direct to the home of Charles
Ht raw in Oakdalo anU went up to Straw
Drought pa,ck, he went over the same
trail again, and followed Straw from his
home to where ho was working. He was
arrested and Is being held In Jail here.
Finger prints left on the window where
the thief obtained entrance are belnx
photographed and together with finger
prints of Straw will be sent to the Be.r-
tillon bureau in Omaha,
Rub Lumbago or
Backache Away
Rub Pain night Out with
trial bottle of old
"St. Jacobs Oil."
Mrau and
HX M a sew days
a wiralcsl
or leas' of
Our work is
Call or
sair "
Bos. "Wrajr & Math.
itacK nurt your can't straighten up
without feeling sudden pains, sharp
ache and twinges? Now listen! That's
lumbago, sciatica or maybe from a, strain,
and you'll ret blessed relief the moment
you rub your back with soothing, pone
tratlng "St Jacob's Oil." Nothing else
takes out soreness, lameness and sdtf-
ness so quickly. You simply rub l on
and out comes the pain. It Is perfectly
harmless and doesn t burn the skin.
Limber up! Don't auffer! Get a smlll
trial bottle from any dnnf store, and af
ter using It Just once, you'll forget that
you ever nan Dacxacoe, inmpogo or
sciatica, because your back will never
hurt or cause any more misery. It never
disappoints and has been recommended
for CO years. Advertisement
Try Sail-Tons, Qood
for All Stomach and
Liver Troublts. nook
Pre. Address a&llstnna Rtnttdv
Co. Beyt. 715, 319 8. SearborW It, Chicago
Good Things to Eat
for Christmas Are
Coming from Abroad
Scores ot Christinas presents from little
cousins and brothers and sisters, and
aunts and uncles, and even from fathers
and mothers in faraway Sweden, Ger
many and England are arriving at the
customs office In Omaha alredy, ad
dressed to relatives and friends In Colo
rado, Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota.
While the majority of these presents
are free of duty, nevertheless all must be
examined by th officials here, and the
contents of the various packages are
often amusing.
The huge egg-shaped cheese from Ger
many and plum puddings home mode
plum puddings, if you pleaseore the
most common articles among the Christ
mas gifts from abroad. The plum pud
dings are packed In quaint boxes, and
often amusing precautions have been
token by the friends abroad to see that
theso packages arrived in eatable condi
tion here.
The plum puddings vary most In slxe.
All of them have that spicy odor for
which the plum puddings of which Dick
ens wrote are famous. The cheese shipped
from Germany forms the next Important
Item in quantity . among the Christmas
packages whlil. arc arriving here now,
though other dainties for tho Christmas
dinner are by no means uncommon. They
seem to bring with them a certain homely
atmosphere for the holiday season, that
the brothers and sisters and sons nnd
daughters nnd friends hero could not
otherwise have In the big United States.
Th ninil Hand
Is seen when liver Inaction nnd boWel
Stoppage flies before Pr. King's New
Life Pills, tho easy regulators. 53 cents.
For sale by all druggists. Advertise-rrcnt.
14th and
r Z IT aT AIM!
14th and
We Slash the Prices on Dentistry
Why pay $6.00, $8.00 or $10.00 for a gold crown when McKenney will make just as
good or better for $3.00? A like cut on all kinds of work. Come in and let us show you
how much we can save you on your dentistry.
Colli Crowns SFiH?? 53.00
Bridge Work tylnar qu5uybeha $3.00
" " " nover been excelled ",
Silver Fillings 50c
Wonder Plates Jt28"SdoIn".:'''.,..,55
8:30 A.M. to
8 P.M.
10 to 1.
nover been excelled.
Gas or Somnofonne for rainless Extracting
The McKenney Dental Company
Corner 14th and Farnam, Over Union Pacific Ticket; Office.
No Students.
It is the richest purest- most delicious whiskey
you ever tasted guaranteed
please you in every way or
Your Money Back
This U tke Ideal
Whiskey for the Hose
Front By This Great Saying
Over L000.C0O men in the United States are not steady
customers they know and appreciate the quality of
Hayner Whiskey and send us their orders time and
time again for more of the same good kind. NOW
we want an opportunity to prove our claims to YOU
we want to show you we are producing we
want ta convince you of the great saving our Direct
frost-Distillery plan of selling means to you.
Send Us Your Order New
Try this Whiskey our risk and on our positive
guarantee that you will find it all we claim as fine a
whiskey as you ever tasted and the best value" you ever
bought or you may send back balance of goods at our
expense and we will return your money without a word.
Yoa Take No Chances
Our guarantee is as fair and square as we know how
to make it it means what it says we MUST make good
we must send you a quality that will strike you as rich,
pure, delicious right In every way and we will do it
Dea't Put It Off
Attend to this right now while you think of it no letter
is necessary use the coupon below fill it out and
mail it to our nearest Office and Shipping Depot and
we will surprise and delight you with the quality of
the goods we will send you.
".T 7E k now you will want some good, pure whiskey
vy xortne Holidays tor your own use ana to set
before your friends. Be particular in your
ejection avoid blends and ce-tn pounds consider
quality as well as price and remember there Is only
one way you can be SURE of getting absolutely pare,
straight whiskey and that is to insist on BOTTLED
IN-BOND the kind with the Government's Green
Stamp over the cork.
That's What W Offer Yo
Hayner fine, old Private Stock Bottled-kvBoad
Whiskey rich, pure and delightfully pleasing
shipped In strong, sealed case direct from distillery
to you and all it costs you ts $3.20 for FOUR full
quarts express charges paid by us.
Tksra h No QussMoa
About a Whiskey Like This
You KNOW it ts good you KNOW It Is pure the
U.S. Government's official Green Stamp over the cork
is put there for your protection and it tells you in plain
words that this whiskey Is, fully aged,
full 100 proof and full measure and is your assur
ance that it comes to you just as it left the original
barrels as pure and good as it is possible to produce.
Nswhcre Eke Caa You Do So WeH
Blends and compounds can be bad anywhere and at
'aay price the papers are full of such offers but when
it comes toBOTTLEDIN-BOND the kind with Uncle
Sam behind It the kind with the Government's Green
Stamp over the cork Hayner Whiskey stands abso
lutely alone the greatest value offered by anyone
in America at our price of osJy 80c a quart dslivered.
Kw Caa Wa Afford To
Name Sa Low a Prie7
We are the targmt distillers of pure, straight whiskey
la America and the oydifttUlera who sell their entire
product direct from Distillery to Consumer thrssav
tag you all the profits of the middleman and dealer
i a t r.ii.a ,it 3 t . f i
BfgaaingyouiataBse,pure,xxnuea-in-oonawnisKey thetwsls of Quarts lor V
direct from distillery at the distiller's price. si&20 by Freisnt Prepaid.
THE HAYNER DIS1TI11NG CO., Dept. J-105 2111 Ceitral Si, KANSAS CITY, M0.
to w
Enclosed And S3 .20 for which send me FOUR full quart bottles
of Hayner Private Stock Bottled-lnBond WhWcey expreai paid
as per your offer. It is understood that if this whiskey is not
feaaa as represented aad satisfactory to me in every way. it may
be returned at your expeaje and my $3.29 is to be promptly
Nam i
No orders filled for less than 4 quarts
e hayner distilling company
a erncowwTMNOTV e9"
wsTtm. suss. n S'sv. uiaKal ii UWUSsaawaisaaw
Capital S300.OOO.O0 FuU Fold H'jM I ffiH ! IliftMB QIBLaaWl
MkttaaaSUtplflfStiMbefcaat ST.IAM.M.
puunerr as Troy,
tr.rm.mM. whuxu,li. aiTTw.e.
K - Ifebraaka Buick Auto Company,
Lee Huff Mgr. 1912-14-16 Farnam Street.
Mayor Endorses the
New Orleans Expo
In a communication to the management
ot the proposed exposition in New Or
leans to celebrate tbe completion ot th
l'anama canal. Mayor Dahlman en
dorses the project and wishes the south
ern city success. Tho Commercial club
of New Orleans Is asking the opinions
of the mayors of cities on tho advisabil
ity ot the proposed celebration.
The J. M. Guild home. 1S South Thirty-fifth
street, has been sold to Sam Or
loff for 19,000. Although .Mr. .Ouild. for
mer commissioner of the Omaha Coni
niercial club, 'went to Dayton nearly a
month ago as executive secretary of the
1 renter Dayton association, his family
has remained here. Mr. Guild said be
fore ho left that his family would remain
In Omaha until he could sell the home,
when they would tso to Dayton to Join
him. He expects to be In the city t
spend the holidays. His family will then
go back to Dayton with him.
G. P. Rebn. Pres.
Cadillac Company of Omaha,
2054-6-8 Farnam Street
Doty & Hathaway,
2027 Farnam Street.
Doty & Hathaway,
2027-QD Farnam Street.
Marion Auto Company,
W. McDonald. 2101 Farnam Street.
Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation,
205-207 State Bank Building.
Doty & Hathaway,
2027-29 Farnam Street,
. N. Howes.
Fred C. HilL
2102-4 Farnam Street.
E. R. Wilson Auto Company, I
2429 Farnam Street;
Drummond Motor Company,
26th and Farnam Streets.
Van Brunt Automobile Company,
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs.
Van Brunt Automobile Company,
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs.
Van Brunt Automobile Company, c
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St Council Bluffs.
0. W. McDonald.
Marion Auto Co.,
2101 Farnam Street.
Dnunmond Motor Company, i
"6th and Farnam Streets.