Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    TirE BEE: OiLUIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1913.
Dr. Beghtol Outlines Purpose of
Movement Within Order.
Old Line na(M rromolet ly Hwl
Officer Col Million Ilollnrs
nnil Quarter Million
HASTINGS, Neb.. Dec . (Spcclal.)
That the Modern Woodmen of America
hart lost fco.OW members as a result of
the passage of the "Chicago rate bill,"
Is the assertion made In a statement Is
sued by Dr. James V. Ucchtol of this
city, chairman of the national Modern
Woodmen of America federation.
The defense of these rates. Dr. Begh
tol declares, has coat the order directly
and Indirectly, approximately I1.00O.W0.
Dr. Beghtol's statement follows;
"Tho Chicago rate bill was an admin
istration measure, it was prepared by
the head officers together with a com
mittee of their selection and actuaries
from old llno 'companlcs hired for the
purpose. r
"Although It was prepared' In adrahce
of the head camp- meeting at Chicago,
Ha provisions were, not published In the
Woodman paper and no notice of any
kind was given to the membership of the
proposed radical change In rates or plan
of Insurance. When (ho delegates met In
Chicago they were wholly unprepared for
the program which had been prepared for
them. Being uninformed, without leader
ship or organization, many of them with
out experience In convention tactics, con
sequently could not cope ,wlth Jhe power
ful machine which had the bill In charge
Co,ntps Are Threatened.
The head officers went so far as to
threaten camps and membership with
expulsion from the- ordr. As soon as
organisation could be effected the mem
bership appealed to the courts for relief.
The head officers were enjoined and pre
vented from putting the rates Into effect
"Tho passage of tho Chicago rate bill
cot the orde?' 170,000" of Its best members
and 800,003 morn stood ready to go out
had the suits brought- by 'tho nlember
chlp been unsuccpusftl. Thus the order
would have been decimated fully to per
cent had tho Injunction suits not been
During the years 101J nnd 1013 the
head officers defended tho Chicago rntes
both In and out of court, on the platform
and In tho press. Their defense has made
their names and their offices practically
synonomous with tho bill. The meeting
of the Chicago head camp held for tho
purpose of passlnir the rate legislation
cost the order pmctically 00,000 nnd the
defense of-the rates has cost tho order,
directly and indirectly, during the years
1913-1913 practically 11,000,000 nnd one
fourth of Its membership.
"After two years of warfare we are
now risked by the head officers and their
friends to separate tho Issues, that Is,
tho rates and the authors of them. We
cannot They are Inseparable, bound to.
gether by a lio which cannot be broken.
Tho head officers now proclaim the rates
lend, yet .thojr are .chained ,to the corpse;
they, cannot get away from It! It follows
them wherever they go; they cannot hldo
If, they cannot bury It. We. cannot epa.
rate th 'k'Usifpwn tfceSauihbrs. ,. v
'Ths Modern Woodmen federation Has
MftrVotbjja, ?
f Ol.Jc't (fWclerlori:
it "1. The repeal of the Chicago rates
' "J. The restoratfonof yia control of tho
order to the mcmbcrshlp'and the election
of on entirely, new set of. head officers
0 "Tho head consul how Issues a cir
cular called the News Letter. Examlna-
tlon of Nos. 1 to 7 shows almost the
.entire .space given to an exhibitioner
.fear that the Insurgent leaders want
frofflfe. The folding of office Is now
VwlthMltm the nrnnAl( li'iM
K$kW $f1f)fl o. PeH Wo Jrea'ra
wdrk lit he federation I do not know
of one- tingle Insurgent who Is a candl
.data tor any bead office. 1' know thero
at none in Nebraska. Tho only1 candi
date so far nominated or seeking nomina
tion with whom I am acquainted Is the
present head consul nominated by Mr,
Bryth 'and who evidently Hopes to c6n
tinue In office through Mr. Urynh'ft pop
ularitr. "Tho- members of the Modem Wood
nkn of America federation embrace prac
tically felftfr-ttfiths nf ihm
THey are the. patriot of the order. They
nave save to the members of th' order
In Nebraska durlnc the year 101! rtrac
tlcally They have saved to
tl8 orper 346.480 of 'Ha m.mtiri ami
vented Its threatened dissolution.
Want Return to eld IMan.
"e. adhere to the' old 'plan of Insur.
nee upon which our order was founded
?1 which has been In existence during
theHasl1 thirty' -yoars; We deplore the.
rArastf now "used "by tho head consul,
that our plan Is a "pass the hat plan."
a phrase calculated to deter applicants
Iron Jelnloc the order rather than secur
ing (hem. The whole deputy system ha)
long since departed from its legitimate
work and U engaged solely In the at
tempt to save the head officers, lletween
J30.M0 and 110,000 per month Is now bejng
hpent from the general fund, and If thU
extravagance continues until tho meeting
of tho next head camp thero wilt not bo
money enough In the fund to pay the ex
penses of the meeting."
Art Exhibit at Lrxliiirton.
LBXINOTON, Neb., -Dec lt-8poclei.)
The art exhibit held under tho aus
spices of the high school closed Friday
night Tho exhibit aided with excel
lent programs each evening of the week
has attracted large, crowds. The Inter
est shown In the schools and tho ex
If Kidneys Feel Like Lead
or Your Back
We eat too much meat, which
clogs Kidneys; and they need '
a flashing occasionally.
No man or woman who rata meat regu
larly can make a mistake by flushing
he kidneys occasionally, says a well
knows -authority. Meat forms uric, add)
Which (logs, (ha kidney pores so, they
sluggishly filter or strain only part of
the waste and poisons from the blood,
then you get sick. Nearly all rheuma
tism, headaches, liver trouble, nervous
tins, constipation, dizziness, steeples'
rasa, bladder disorders coma -from slug
U)i kidneys.
Tb4 moment you feci a dull acbe In
Javs k!dy or your back hurts, or If
Ifcsjirino la cloud, offensive, fulj of
hlbit has not been excelled by anything
In recent year. Another exhibit will
bo held next year. The schools of Lex
ington are In most excellent condition.
Judge Cornish Passes
On Election Problem
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. ll.-(Speclnl.)-Advo-cntca
of holding a special election to vote
on bonding Lancaster county for tho pur
poso of establishing a county telephone
system under th eprovlslons of tho Fuller
law met a temporary Waterloo In the
district court of Lancaster county yester
day when Judge Cornish In a mandamus
brought by 15. O. Maggl and others to
compel 'the county commissioners to call
n special election, decided that It was
within tho provinco of the county board
to do as they pleased In the matter.
Judge Cornish did not attempt to pass
upon tho constitutionality of tho Fuller
law, though ho stood that ho believed
It to bo valid. He ofund, however, that
tho county board had power to exercise a
reasonable discretion as to whether the
election should be hold nt a regular or
special election.
NORTH BEND, Neb., Dec. 14.-(Spe-
clal.) Tho roccnt high water tested tho
dyke under construction at tho Platte
river, but the work was so well fortified
that btjt little damage was done. The
temporary bridge was disabled, but has
slnco been repaired. Engineer Price of
Lincoln and Prof. Stout of the engineer
ing department of the University of Ne
braska have been hero looking over the
Work and nro confident that the water
can bo controlled nnd turned into the
proposed new chnnnel.
p. IJ. Howard Is In Lincoln M tne bed
sldo of his sister, Mrs. Fred Husband.
Mrs. John QHUa of Hoi no, Idaho, nr.
rived hero last evening" In reappnrv. to
the news of ,her mother-in-law, Mrs. P.
amis' declining health.
, George Crufckshank's pool hall effects
were sold at sheriff salo today. Crulck
khank left' tovn a few -weeks ago, leav
ing many debts, which-, he was unable
to pay.
(Continued from Pago One.)
requesting him to go at once to Chihua
hua and advise with Gcnoral Villa,
Thomas D. Edwards, United . States
consul at Juarez, attempted to tele
graph to Chihuahua, but was told the
wires 'Were not working. Mr. Edwards
finally arranged to send a messenger by
automoMle. . ,
H-liels Ileporteil Rontrd.
MEXICO CITY. Deo. 14.-A heavy and
sustained bombardment by two gunboats
. i 1 . , ... , i . . . . .
una iiict inienu noia nriiucry resulted
today Iri the complete rottUof, tho robels
at Tamplco, according to . a war office
report received from General Itabago
Hundreds of rebels,' the report states,
were killed within an hour's time and
tho remainder, of the xobol. army la re
ported ,to .bo Itv full flight towards Vlo
torla. '
(General Kabago'a' .report, as 'made pub
lic" by the war off lcew states the., gun
boats Ilravo and iarage4. started down
the river toward Arbol Grando and Dona
Cecelia, which havo been centers of the
reVcl operations for the last three days.
Hack In the city. General Itabago says,
it had been planned to give tho gun
boats tho co-operation of the land forces.
The rebels along the river 'bank ap
peared to believe that the gunboats were
attempting to escape, Is tho Impression
given y the report, and wewcaught'off
tholr guard when the shelling, which
swept their positions, began.
Tho report Insists that 800 men were
killed beforo the rebels could get out of
As soon as the fight began the federal
general started his cavalry In pursuit
and at midnight his troopers were hang
ing on tlia rear of tho fleeing rebels.
Hebela Reinforced.
VHTtA CltUZ. Mexico. Deo. ll.-Ad-vices
from Tamplco say General Agultar
has arrived from the south with 3,000
reinforcements, Mrhlch.ll Is believed will
bring the total rebel forco under General
Villareal up to about 8,060 men. The fed
eral garrison, defending Tamplco, does
not exceed 2.090, ot whom many are raw
' The fighting around Tamplco continues
with little Intermission; tho Insurgent
tactics apparently aiming nt wearing
out the defenders by long-range firing
and Inducing them to exhaust their am
munition in an Ineffective reply. The
rebels' commander, It la thought, wilt
not haiard heavy losses by making a
direct assault, and, In part, may be In
fluenced by a desire to avoid the de
struction of property, which would In
evitably result from street fighting or
a bombardment
The general belief Is tho city Is Incapa
Mb of defense much longer. The losses
ot the attacking forces and defenders up
to the present have been trivial, but both
are ruthlessly executing the few prisoners
captured. Yesterday, the federals began
by hanging several prisoners In full view
ot the Insurgent tines. The rebels Im
mediately retaliated by hanging all the
federal prisoners In their hands.
Hear Admiral Fletcher, in command of
the American warship, protested against
such barbarity, declaring they must cease
and the fighting must be conducted ac
cording to tho rules of 'clvlllted war
Bae Want Ads Produce Itesults.
Hurts, Take Salts
sediment, Irregular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, get
about four dumh of -In. Hlt tram anv
reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoon
ful In a glass of water beforo breakfast
for a few days and your kidneys will
then act fin. This famous salts la made
from the acid ot grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lit hi a and haa been
used for generations to flush clogged
kidneys and stimulate them to activity,
also to neutralize the adds In urine so
it no longer causes Irritation, thus end
ing bladder disorders.
Jad Baits Is Inexpensive and cannot
Injure; makes a delightful effervescent
llthla-water drink, which all regular meat
eaters should take now and then to keep
th kidneys clean and the blood pure,
thereby avoldlnr rrinm Udn.v
Rations. -Advertisement.
Winter Exhibit Will Be Larger in
Spite of Drouth.
Mnnr Lots nntt (Jrrnt Vnrlrtr '"f
Collections Upon Which (lrnnrr
3rny Scelc- to iiet Money
for ISxpertness.
(From a Htaff Correspondent.)
LtNCOLN, Dec. 14.-(8)eclal.)-The win
ter 'corn show will be bigger nnd better
than over. Anyone visiting tho Audi
torium at Lincoln- January 19-23 will bo
Imprestfd with what the drouth did not
do to tho Nebraska corn crop.
The Nebraska Corn Improvers' associa
tion has planned a display In connection
with the Nebraska State Horticultural
society's big fruit and floral display and
the stato llvo stock breeders' home-cured
meat show.
The corn show will Includo both junior
and senior exhibits', including the trophies
nnd the grand .champion prize, there will
be $1, W0 offored In prizes. The special
features of tho show nro the iiintor and
senior ten-ear exhibits, the boys acre
contest, tho single car entries, tho high
yielding' rar' contest, tho seed corn men's
display, tho freak' classes, tho five-acre
wheat contest, tho cxjxrlment station ex
hibits, the domestic art nnd domestic
science exhibits and tho nweepstakcs and
grand championship prizes.
Trn-Enr Kxhllitts.
The ten-car exhibits Includo the honor
ary, amateur and Junior clause). In tho
honorary classes thero tire two lots, U In
cash premiums being offered. In the
amateur classes there nro six lots, four In
tho eastern section and two In the west
ern pectlon of tho state. In theso nix lots
J12S nro offered as premiums.
In the Junior ten-ear classes there are
six lots, three In tho caitcrn nnd thrco
In tho western section of tho state. Thero
nro JD0 In theso six classes. There are
also two lots ot potatoes In those Junior
classes, for which $30 In premiums are
Tho ncro contest Is open only to the
Juniors. The contest Is divided, there being
one part open to the eastern and one
part open to tho western section of the
stato. Tho prlzo money aggregates XQ.
MliiRle Knr Entries.
Thero are two single car entries, one
Is In tho senior contest and one In the
Junior contest, Tho sum ot 143 Is of
fered for. tho best pars entered.
Tho high yielding car contests are prac
tically ttio snmo as last year, thero being
a contest open to both juniors and seniors.
Sixty dollars In the senior classes and
HO In tho junior classes aro the cash
premiums offered. The contestant picks
a high yielding ear and sends It to tho
experiment station, whero It Is planted
and tested.
Seed corn growers who wish to make
a display at tho winter show will bo
furnished space free of charge under tho
tamo terms as last year.
Frpnk Classen.
The freak classes, three In number.
are open to both the Juniors and tho
seniors. Thero are US offered In these
classes. These exhibits will bo highly
Interesting and all thoso who have found
freaks aro requested to. send them to
the show.
Tho millers' flvo-acro wheat contest is
open to the honorary and amntftur mem
bers. The premiums Include 3 in cash
and tho millers' club trophy, worth K0.
The domestic science exhibit Is held '
In connection with the Junior classes. !
This exhibit has been enelargcd this year
and Inoludes the departments of domestic
art and domestlo science. There aro nine
lots In tho domestlo art exhibit and five
lots In the domestlo science exhibit, JIM
being offered for exhibits In theso classes.
. Sweepstake Prises,
In the sweepatako prizes the following
are Included: Orlswold Seed company's
trophy, offered for the best ten ears of
yellow dent corn: tho Hudge trophy,
given for tho best ear of corn of any
variety and the millers' trophy. The
International Harvester company offers
this year a fully equipped Duckeyo farm
wagon as a grand championship prize
III tho tcmcar contest. This is open to
both Junior and senior classes;
In tho Junior classes the Commercial
club of Lincoln offers a trophy for the
best ten ears of any variety. Tho Daugh.
tors o fthe American Revolution give a
trophy for tho beat domestlo science ex.
For particulars concerning tho lunlor
ehuw write the superintendent of the
Junior show and for details concerning
the senior show, write Superintendent Ne
braska Corn show, University farm, Lin
coln, Neb.
Marsh Elder's Spell
Still Holds Elevator
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dep. 14 IHrwIul lTh
ghost of Speaker Marsh Klder still haunts
the state house, and while that gentle
man may be in the land of the living,
the edict sent out when ho was speaker
of the legislature. In populist times that
the state house elevator "don't go," still
seems to be on the job.
For nearly a quarter of a century, or
td be more exact, for twenty-two yearn,
the elovator has remained Idle. A few
weeks ago the Stato Board of Public
Land and Buildings completed the fitting
up of offices on the fourth floor of tho
state house and It Bectned necessary thnt
the elevator should be revived.
Instead of consulting Mr. Elder about
tho matter and prevailing upon him t-
take back the spell, which he had case
over the contrivance, they went to work
and attempted to get It going by Install
lng modern appliances. They paid out
to some firm a large wad of the state's
money to start the thing going and It
worked pretty well Until all the monev
was paid over. Yesterrisv it .t.j
I . - ."I'iTru JiH'l
way between the first and second floors
and despite the efforts nf .v....
i fm Wf ,nU IH,r,ut n remaining
t Immovable. There it stands today as si-
lent and ghostly as it haa all the twen-
u-iwo years while the specter of that
curse that "the elevator don't go." still
haunts it ' 1
Just what action the board will tako
-r,J th, com to make rood
after being paid for the Installation
the new machlneryhaa not been decided.
REPUBLICAN CITY. Dec. U-fSpe-clal.)-The
business men and citizens
of Republican City organized a Com
mercial club Thursday evening. c
A Lence was elected temporary chalr
man. Committees werp appointed and the
necessary steps taken toward a perraa
r.cnt organization.
(Continued from Pago One.)
off nnd his right leg was almost severed
at the thigh. Wallln's body will be sent
to South Omaha for burial.
George Blmer Wallln was a son ot Mr.
and Mrs. Den Wallln ot- South Omaha
and was 24 years of ago. Other relatives
In Omaha aro Carl Wallln, a brother;
G. E. Wallln, a cousin, and Mrs. Alfred
Anderson, an aunt. Tho young man
hod never lived in this city, his parents
having moved hero from Stanton, la.,
three months ago.
Mn Wallln was reared at Stanton and
was graduated from the University of
Iowa last June. . Soon afterward he
secured an Important position In New
York City. Hs father Is a retired Imple
ment dealer. ,
(Continued from Page Ono.)
meant when tho policeman unlit papa had
stolen somo toys and war a shoplifter.
And they said mother was a shoplifter,
too. What does shoplifter mean, in this
strange Americano tongue, anyway? And
why did tho father and mother groan
and burst Into tears and vehemently deny
that for little Mexlcano girls and boys
whoso father labors on the section there
is no Santos Claus.
It was alt too deep for little Mario. So
sho winked solemnly when Police Matron
Gibbons gave her a pleco of cako and
bigger pieces to little Juan and Ferdi
nand. I.nvr ainy Stared.
Whether a charge of shoplifting will be
pushed against tho Mexican laborer is
doubted. The police were touched at the
sight of the bright littlo Mexican chil
dren who could have no Santos Claus and
they were sorry for the father who would
rather steal than tell his children the
truth-that for poor little Mexlcano chil
dren there Is no Santos Claus! But tho
dotecttvo saw him take something that
had not been paid for.
All of tho children will be cared for to
day by the Juvenile authorities, who will
try to see that they have a real Christ
mas Just as their American playmates
describe It from the wonderful books.
And maybe the Judge will bo lenient Mon
day morning -when tho, older folks come
up for trial In police court, and after all,
little Juan and Ferdinand and Maria can
have tho things the glorious Santos Claus
said they should,
Dnnirerona Sorcery
In the abdominal region Is :.ften pre
vented by tho use of Dr. King's New' Life
Pills, the painless purifiers. 25c. For sale
by your druggist. Advertisement.
all healthfulness
Get Schlitz in
Brown Bottles
A. - -
.BBBsr SMBBssaaa
That Made Milwaukee Famous.
Governor Waiting to Hear Tread of
Marching Feet.
Sn-fi Joti of (iovcrnor Should lie for
l'oar Yearn to Permit Incumbent
to Get Ills'. Idea In M'ork- '
Inar Order.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 14.-(SpocIal.) Tho
sound of 60,000 pairs of marching feet
In the distance, treading their way from
all-'parta of the state toward the capital
city of Nebraska In an effort to con
vlnco Governor Morehcnd that he did not
mean what he said when ho proclaimed"
upon the platform last fall that he would
not be a candidate for governor for a
second term, has not been heard by the
state executive, according to a statement
made to newspapermen.
When asked If he would not reconsider
his stand in the matter if tho democrats
of tho state should demand that he ac
cept a renomlnatlon, ho admitted that
as yet ho had heard no very great rumb
ling along that line. Whether this would
Indicate that tho governor had been hav
ing his car close to the ground In an
ticipation of hearing tho "rumbling" is
not known, but he admits that some
time ago a Hastings editor of the demo
cratic brand had written him asking If
ho would change his stand in tho mat
ter If 50,000 democrats would petition him
to do so.
Looking to First District.
Between the times when the executive
ear Is listening for the call of tha un
terrified CO.000, he Is considering ways
and means how to pull off somo kind of
a stunt, which will start tho 18,406 demo
crats who voted for him for governor
In the First congressional district clamor
ing for his acceptance ot the democratic
nomination for congress In this district.
A study of the figures of the last bat
tle discloses that Governor Morehead In
his raco for governor polled LOW more
votes In the First district than did Con
gressman John II. Magulre, running on
the same ticket. While the governor
may havo received a great many re
publican votes on account of tho bull
rr.oosy tendencies of his opponent. Gov
ernor Aid rich, the same condition existed
aa regards tho race ot Paul Clark against
Magulre, so that the voto in each case
may not be far out of tho way as re
gards the relative strength of the two
However, tho governor has Ideas re
garding the governorship, which can be
taken both ways. In his talk yesterday
ho sold thit the torm ot a governor
ought to be four years, as he could not
accomplish much In two years. On top
of that he sold that no man could af
Beer is
The malt is a nourishing
digested food the hops
appetizing, tonical and have a
nerve sedative effect the trifle of
alcohol,' 4 l-2o . aids digestion.
Then you will get beer that is made
pure and kept pure from the
brewery to your glass. We go to ex
tremes in cleanliness. Even the air in
which Schlitz is cooled is filtered.
See that crown or cork
is branded "Schlitz."
ford to hold the office more than two
years. Of course, both ends of the demo
cratic mule are going In the same di
rection at this time, but If perchance
our end should reverse directions as It
has many times In the past, the gov
ernor might be at a disadvantage In keep
ing his seat.
Jtlngmlre Hanging? On,
While tho Nebraska executive Is devis
ing plans for landing Magulre'a Job an
congressman and the latter Is holding on
to the pommel of the democratic saddle
vtlth both hands to keep from falling off,
William Blsmftrk Price Is putting In good
licks himself to land that congressional
nomination. Thero are a large number
of democrats In the First district who be
lieve that Price should be recognized, in
asmuch as he has several times laid
down on jobs he wanted In order to
give some other democrat a chance at
the pie counter. Price would have liked
to have gone to Panama on some mission
In connection with the administration ot
Governor Metcalfe, but again the old
gamo was played and Colnel Charles
Branson, who has been a wild eyed
democrat over slnco he failed to land
tho Job of district clerk as a republican
n. few years ago, stepped in and Judgo
Prtco .stilled his throbbing heart and
again turned his eyes congressional way
Chance for Rnce.
With Price In the race It Is going to
bo a pretty fight to look at from the
republican side of tho fence, and If Price
cannot be switched again, tho row In
democratic ranks over the congressional
job Is liable to develop Into a warm
battle with chances In favor of nil three
men until the votes are counted.
But while the democrats are expecting
a squabble the republicans will not bo
entirely out ot tho lime light. Should
Lieutenant Governor MclCelvie finally
make up his mind that he cannot get
around the eligibility clause In the con
stitution which seemingly prevents him
from running for governor, It is likely
that ho will make up him mind to try
conclusions with Georgo W. Marsh,
Thomas Pratt, ox-Senator Selleck and
Edward G. Maggl, for tho republican
nomination for congress. In that caso
tho republicans will havo plenty to oc
cupy their minds while It Is possible that
the bull moosers may make up their
minds to go It alone and put up a candi
date or two.
PANAJIA, Dec, 14. Rapid headway has
been made against Cucaracha slide In tho
last week. Early today the dredges
touched bows and tonight there Is a clear
channel 100 feet wide and twenty feet
deep through the slide.
Three barges have been towed through
to the north end ot the slide and the
big ladder dredge Corozal will be taken
through tomorrow. Within the next few
days two ladder dredges, two suction
dredges and three dipper dredges -will
be concentrated at the north end and
the excavation of the slide will be greatly
are Phones: Doug. 1597; Ind. A a6ta
Schlitz Bottled Beer Depot
723 S. gth Street, Omaha, Nebr.
Phona 424
Hy. Gerber, :oi S. Mala St
uouscu muiu
"17 yN
lin rulrd
tjint nil Federal
Buildings must bo
Buppllod with indi
vidual tovrcls.
The Individual Towel
Caso Is tne nicest pian
ror largo u
tin all users.
They are neat
ly piled In the
case ready for
use. The soiled
ones slide on
the rod out of
sight into the
These are specially Intended fr
Kotsla arr Otflees
Btor.s Dspots
Sestaorants Factories
Tho cost is Tory low; let
us give 70U an estimate.
Omaha Towel Supply!
ao7 Honta lita s.
HOSPE'S Xmas Mottoes
Eo to 350.
Xtt'i C Hkm'i"
1513 Douglas St.
Hard coughs, old coughs, tearing coughs.
Give AVer's Cherry Pectoral a chance.
bold lor 7U years.
Asfc Your Doctor.
Get good
your home
life will
be more
Tho housewife who
is in need of a servnnt
'fllrnys looks over tho
want ads of The Bee
she is certain she
will get the riht
kind of a servant if
she accepts one
through The Bee. For
the snmo reason
because she knows
she will get the best
she useB Tho Bee to
advertise for a cook,
a rnnid, or nny other
servant. If you need
an employe, phono
your ad to
Tyler 1000
1" .1
Dsrottd to Btrlotly Clsan. Classy
Jos Knrtlg'a
The Show That SXads Musical Bar-
lssaus rirnoui.
It thert'i dtTdopment In th frontil
MCtloa ot jour httd, you'll fln4 The
Bowirjri ill captble. 1 aireuble. lt'
th Hindi rd ihow ot th circuit, ai tou
knoir. Don't overlook th Ttrtd
HhopserV mUlne dillr, ther're rew.
E. L. JOHNSON. Mgr. Qtynj.
Iff A. wH.f.
. F. . M. - - .. . yj
Motor Co, 36th and rarnam sts
sarst "The Oarety is called Oats t
Pan Osstsr leaus it baa 1b sverr
show soms of tho Tosst knows u.
msdlans bfor th public; extsnda
courteous treatment at all tlmss,
and always mors sntsrtsinntsnt
than your Conor's worth."
Brsnlntrs, Sunday fc Holiday Mats.,
ISc, 85o, COo and 76a
2.ykMATS. 15c and 25c
Cnw na It joa Ilk, but bo mokl.
-LAOXX8 g T lirr nrvwir
i warsg ia is L4bbr
QOUO. 494.
Mat. orory day. 3:19; OTry nlg-ht, BUS.
ThU k Jiuler Oabrlel LDibrt anil Ball.
N.lll V Nlckolt. MulUn a CVomb. Olnn.
Hluu ic lilsu. Alcld CfcplUla, Th Itockntr
Company and nUal ftur picture, "Tho Flnt
I nrlatmaa."
PrtcM Mtu Gallrrr. Itet bmt ut (ttcM
til Hi Sua. tto-NUfcUi loa, SH. M aa4 IJ.
IS? it