4 8-A TJillJ OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: PECEaLUEli 14, J Christmas GiftWhat I Christmas Gifts F00rfTyfS?er con bo had at this store in a variety that will surely please you, and at a most reasonable price quality considered. (Wo call for and delivor clocks without extra cost.) LINDAY, THE JEWELER Exptrt Watea aaa Clock Xeplarlnr. saiH South 18th Street. You Must JSurtly Visit Kieser's Book Store In the Y. M. C. A. Building ot volumes for your WherQ are assembled thousands Christmas selection of gifts. You will bo surprised at the variety and tbo menstty of tbo world's greatest books in thin Btoro. Tills Is tho Christmas shopper's paradise. Look over our da lux sets ot books. Ira- CIGARS For XMAS The smoker's Xmas Is not complete without clears. Our line U complete In fancy pack ages ot cigars. Tobaccos Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Cigar and Cigarette capes. Cigar and Cigarette Holders, Cigar and Tobacco Jars, Humidors. Xmaa Candles, German Pipes and Imported Smokers' Articles. H, BESELIN & SON We give profit-sharing coupons with all purchases, good for Premiums. 1405 BOUGIUUS ST. 1 We Save You 25 on Every XMAS GIFT Before Bayla See Our stock of the rineit line of DiaMoads, Watches Rises aad Novelties Q Frilz Sindwill uewsiry uo. 308 SOUTH 10th ST. S8TA8USXXD 1094 iHHMMnnMmwnHM I'll--- -n- I m r if I , IS I II WE WANT YOU TO HAVE A VIOTROLA' Hospe's Great Victor-Victrola Offer For Christmas 1913 This Beautiful Vic trola, Style XI, and 20 Double Face Victor .Records, all complete for ONLY $115.00 EHJOY IT WOW-PAY FOR IT LATER Lt,u MBdyoua Victrola, exactly what you want. A Victrola that will pla you in every way. Our large stock, guarantee this. Oome to our store, seoure the very Victrola that you deeire, have it sent to your home on our re. aarkable TREE TRIAL PLAN. After you have fully made up your mind that it is just what you want, you begin paying for it FIVE DOLLARS A MONTH. Santa Claus Can't Gat Enough Victor-Vict ro I as No jnatter when you. want your Viotrel delivered, our advice is to order now and avoid possible disappointment later on, as the demand this year for Xmas delivery will be greater than ever. , AHOfiPE GO 1513 Douglas W b Way "Th Victor Store)" We Will Send One to Your H o m Free Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks for Xmas Presents Buy your traveling goods at a leather goods store, where they know what lea ther iB. Wo will toll you just what you are. buying. Wo have a large asortmont and lower prices than anywhero olso in tho city. Auto mobilo Robes at a big reduction. Alfred Cornish & Go. Harness, Saddles and Leather Ooods Store, 1810 raraam St, Phone B. 2314. Christmas Gift for tht Whole Funny , A Flayer Piano of Genuine Hake, tho Ttchmii, only $450 This announcement will in terest a great many people. The player piano is beeom ing daily more popular moje and more people want a.piano thatcan be played in two ways, by hand and wita a music roll, instead of the old stylo piano that can bo played only after years of study. Tou have perhaps hesitated ,to b sons, you do not -wish to pay a high menta so widely and extravagantly at be Interested in a Genuine Aeoltaa ic bought on low monthly payments. Everybody knows that the Aeo" the most player pianos, and make t You must compare the Technol Piano sold elsewhere. Besides tho Tochnola Player 31' entire line of Aeolian Pianola Plan STEINWAY, WEBER, STEO: and We also have several slightly i $290 a smaii deposit wiu place o can pay for It on easy terras. Yo, ment toward the purchase. I Schmoller & 1311-13 r The only storo where you can TAiy t Holiday Suggestions Wardrobes, Trunks, Good Leathor tioods, Traveling Bass", Trav eling Bags fitted with Toilet Af tides, Suit Cases, Ladles Shopping Bags, Toilet Sets, Toilet Rolls Not Fitted, Music BoIIb, Drinking Cups, Flasks, Pullman Car Slippers. Card Cases and Bill Folds, Manicure Sets, Lawyer' Brief Cases, Pocket Photograph Cases, Jewel Cases, Stick Pin Cases, Collar Bags, Handkerchief Casos. Freling Steinle Exclusive Dealers in Traveling Equipment ana. leatner Uoods. 1808 Paraam Street. Let hs deliver your Xmas Goods by onr Rapid Auto Delivery IGO EXPRESS Douglas 2497 216 South ISth. Whea Called Ws it. TRY US. gVgVgHaaaaaaaaaaaas 0 Us For Reliable Dental Work Consult y DENTIST A OPPOSITE OSFHXUM. ' Consultation Tn. Serviceable and Suitable Christmas Presents Office Chairs, Office Desks, Office Tables, Emerlito Desk Lamps, Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, Kaoy Sectional Bookcases, Loose Leaf Memo Books, . Self-Closing Ink Stands, Steel Safe Cabinets Emboased Stationery, Engraved Cards, Season's Greetings. Omaha Printing Company Kef, S1I-S24 Finns Next Yur, 13th Firm The Gifts That Delight Give lasting pleas ure, service and sat isfaction, are of use daily, are the kind you'll find in our magnificent Holiday stock. Don't delay, but come in early and make your selec tion before the stocks are broken. Card Cases Letter Hooks Pocketbooka Bridge Whist Seta Crlbbago Sets Poker Sets Brass Desk Sets Address Sets Address Books Calendars Christmas Tlox 1'npcr Paixsr Cutters Ink B tan da JIauk Racks Desk Bets Portfolios Writing Cases Rubber Rand Roses Tvrine Boxes Ink Stands Etc., Etc. Tta Moyir Stitioirirjr Comity 1616 Faroti Street Diaries, Desk Calendars Aro oMico necessities for the coming Year. We carry tho standard line. HOLIDAY CARDS AND BOOKLETS Our new line now on dls Play. A beauUtul assortment of seals and tags will soon bo on display. Ask for one of our free busi ness calendars. Omaha Stationery Company 307.300 8. 17th St. Look For Our New Signs. NOVAK CAFE Merchants Lunch Served 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. . Wo guarantee to please with food and refresh ments and sorvice. Cor. 15th and Howard For Your Xmas BAKING go to ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY A large line of specialties and homo baking. . Fresh all the tlmo. Just try one ot our lunches or dinners, they speak for themselves, 212 North 16th St. Opposite Loyal Hotel a Presents for Ready for tile BLACK the $ Same Old Location 109 So. 16th Sfc Ch if WE KNOW WHAT MEN and BOYS WANT-IT'S SPORTING GOODS THIS SAFE III YOUR HOME HAKES YOUR HOME SAFE Built tor prlvato homes exclusively, In, two sizes and at prices within even a poor man's reach. Tho burglar passes it up and Jewelry and valuable papers repose in great security. Right now It's the most valuable house hold article you can purchase, corey & Mckenzie, 1407 Harney St. Doug. 2644. , . , , itww, v.pUtJo,M Tou caruiot buy anything of anv kind that ia so much desired and appreciated for Christ mag by tho men and boys as SPORTINQ GOODS. Come in and look over our magnifi cent stock that has been especially selected to please father, brother, son and friend at Christmas time. GUNS SKATE SLEDS FOOTBALLS Here are a few suggestions: FLASH LIGHTS HUNTING CLOTHES SWEATEES VOLLEY BALLS GAME BOARDS REVOLVERS FISHING TACKLE DUMB BELLS GOLF GOODS TENNIS SETS THERMOS BOTTLES STHCCTOjThe wonderful aolld steel building- seta for boya from 5 to II year. The rreat.it vew .a,,,.. th.04aft nd ",Ure,tod tho rou1- tb.'outVu.'V llUNDnKtlS OF OTHER ITISMS THAT WILL FILL THE BILL EXACTLY. . . 5.'?. r,Bht now to com in and Re wh .o.n.i"t and appropriate prcienta you can secure at our .tor. &l iWVffkJS SrKveou,huent,l?,wid,0n- H8 "MD" C ,n "CT.lWt.M?5 ieslre and we w We want vol within th nxt day or two. We want your buifnau. we will treat you right: that VAtl fAh r.lv An Waa 1 1- . Our friend., thi Ni-nKTHiikv win - K i L . u -,n u Did you know that the TWO of ua had bought out the old.tlme atock holder, and "that we are workliir Ilk. TroJ.n.. puihlnic, boosting-, expanding- and malting- thU the OXE GREAT EXCLUSIVE MMIRTlvo onnnt ?inm THE WALTER G. CLARK GO., 1408 Harney Si. Beaut an Use Elect Gil From this sple in Electrical A gifts of beauty and real utility. READ OVER THIS ELECTRICAL GIFT Electric Library Lamps 4 Electric Irons , Electric Toasters i... Electric Percolators Electric Vacuum Cleaners Electric Curling Iron Heaters Electric Arnold Vibrators . Christmas Tree Electric Lighting OutfltA.. Electric Pocket Flash Lights A- Electric Warming Pads Electric Chafing "Dishes , Many other Electrical AppUances BURGESS-GR 151 1 Howard 1 gW -jLv