TIIE OMAILY STNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 14, lDia v The Brambach Baby Grand The smallest grand piano made in an upright's space and price. Wouldn't you bo keenly In terested If a friend said, "I know where you can buy the most wonderful little grand piano in the world! It is the Brambach Baby Grand. It will actually fit In that corner W.horo your old upright stands think) of that! Tho price? No more than you wore going, to pay for a new upright." A Perfect Grand Piano Pour feet, eight inches long- Four feet, six inches vvldo Skeptical folk come to see the Brambach and are im mediately convinced that in its small and compact dimensions aro concentrated every quality and superiority ot a large grand piano. If you love a grand planoj but are planning to buy an up right because it is less bulky and expensive acquaint your self with tho Brambach at this store. Its beautiful mahogany caso will add distinction to your homo. Its tono will com pliment your musical taste. A. HOSPE CO. 1510-1515 Douglas St. Our Fortieth Year. 77" A hard stubborn Cold that hangs on, is brokon up by Humphreys' "Seventy-seven" COLDS "Has served me faithfully for years," says a friend of "Sovcnty sovon," writing from tho Danish Island of St. Thomas. So say tho friends of "Soventy soven" the World over, when the Cough, Cold, Grip, Influenza and Soro Throat aro taken in time. If you wait till you're slck-a-bed it may take longer. The Dollar Flask, holds more than six twenty-tfive cent vials for sale by all Druggists or mailed. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., 156 William Street, New York. Advertise ment. SPECIAL CHRISTMA, OFFER We will give Free of Charge with FOtm full quarts of Premo Itye at $3.10, charges prepaid; 6 Premiums c o n s 1 a ting of a fine hand painted bread and butter china plate, a but tle of fino Cali fornia port wine, a gold etched whiskey glass, a pocket corkscrew, a kitchen paring knife, and a 1914 calendar. This whisky Is bottled expressly for our trade and is sold direct to you. We iruaran """- vMy tee this to be better than i other hlch crada old rye that sells i rtmihi- ih nri uiucia bc vi f. 5S?"S- ."!""! th call for 13 quarts Our reference Is Omaha National Bank. Mall your orders to MEYER KLEIN LIQUOR CO. ldtli and California, Omaha, Neb. The large room on ground floor of Bee Building, oc cupied by the Havens White Coal Co. Nice Farnam street front age. About 1,500 squaro feet of floor space with large vault. Extra en trance from court of tha building. Fine office fixtures ara of. fered for sale. Apply to N. P. Fell, Bee offic. "Sinn) i 1 v ir i Office For Rent TOPICS FOR OAY OF REST Ministerial Union of Omaha Will Hold a Meeting. TO CONDUCT SPECIAL SERVICES Pastor Fleming; of Clinrch of Cove nant Announces that on Comlnn Sundays' lie Wilt Spent on Serlea of Topic. A meeting of the Ministerial union ot Omaha will bo held ot the Toung Men's Christian association Monday. Business meeting at 10.30 a. m. Dr. D. E. Jenkins j will present a paper at 11 a. m., "Tho Deity of Christ." Uev. Charles H. Fleming, pastor ot the Church of tho Covenant, announces a series of Lord's day evening services on "Tho Great Gulf," spoken of by Abraham between the saved and tho unsaved, answering such questions as "How Great Is It," "Can We See Anything of It Now." etc. Sunday services at the Trinity Motho- . i - i i. ...m lij. It, rharirfl ut the Phllathea Sunday school class. Miss llyan. a visiting deaconess, will oo icupy tho pulpit in the morning. Miss ' llalgler will have charge of tho Epworth league service. The pastor will speak In tho evening. There will be special mualo at all tho services. Baptist. Zlon, Twenty-sixth and Franklin, Itev. w. v. nnii Pniitnr Mnrnlnjr service at "10.30; Sunday school, 1 P. m.; Baptist Young Feoplos union, 6:au p. m.; eveimiK services at 7:45; midweek prayer meeting , over? Wednesday eventng at 7:30. Calvary. Hamilton and Twenty-fifth, J. A. Maxwell. Pastor 10:30 a. m., "Tho Ministry of Suffering;" 6:30 p. m., young people's meeting, lett by Claude Pflas terer; 7:30 p. ni., cport from tho fifty men who make tho every-member can vass. First, Corner Harney Street and Twenty-ninth Avenue, Rev. W. Jasper Howell, Pastor The pastor preaches at 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.;. evening wor ship At 7:30. Itev. Wilbur F. Crafts of Washington. D. C, speaks; theme, "The Bible In tho Public Schools." Grace. Corner South Tenth and Arbor, ' E. B. Taft, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning worship at 11, subject, "Some Things Our Homo Mission Society Is Try ing to Do;" Young People's Baptist union. 7 n. m.t preaching service. 7:45 p. m., theme, "The Greatest Duel Ever Fought;" itha male quartet will sing. Mission Sun- t aay scnooi, ooum cuuiui buhii, u p. m. Christian. North Side, Twenty-second and Lothrop, H. J. Klrschstcin, Minister Preaching at 10.30 a. m.; Bible school, 12 m.; Young People's Boclety of Christian Endeavor, 5:15 p. m. The ovenlng service at 7:30 will bu in charge of tho Christian Woman's Board of Missions, and Mrs. Jay Burns will give a stereoptlcon lecture, showing many Interesting scenes on the mission field. First, Corner Twenty-sixth and Har ney, Charles E. Cobbey, Pastor Morning service at lL topic, "Tho Christian's Work;" evening service nt 7:30. topic, "The Marvelous Book;" Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor. 6f30 p. m., topic, "Lessons from the Men and Women nf the nible." lender. Dr. C. P. Brown; Junior Endeavor, 4:30 p. m., "Training tho Tongue," leader, Howard Buffctt; Blbio school, 9:43 a. m. Ckriatinn Science. First Church ot Christ, (Scientist), St. Mary's Avenue and Twenty-fourth Street Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; subject, "God, tho Preserver of Man;" Sunday school, 9:45 and 11 a. m. .Congrc'iratlonal. St. Marys' Avenue,. .Twenty-seventh Street,. andvSt.rar. AVopue-Mornlng service at 10:3W with. sermon, by Rev. F. S. Stein, theme, "Altruism;" bunday school, 15 m.; music, led by orchestra; no evening service. Plymouth. Frederlok W. Leavltt, Minis terService at tho university, Redlck hall. Twenty-fourth and Pratt streets; sermon theme, "Deliver Us from Evil; Sunday school, 13 m.; young people's meeting, :S0 p. m. ' First, Corner Nineteenth and Davenport, Frederick T. House. Pastor Morning worship at 10:30; Wilbur F. Crafts of Washington. D. C, will, speak, pn "The Holy City Coming Down." Evening serv ice at 7:45, tho pastor will speak on "What Is Secular nnd What Is Religious." Tho noon business men's class will be ad dressed by W. F. Baxter, on the "Immor ality of Our Present isconomio aysiem. YounK People's Society of Christian En deavor, 6:45 p. m. Kplacopnl. Church of the Good Shepherd, Twentieth nnd Ohio, Rev. T. J. Collar, Rector Holy communion, t a. m.: Sunday school, 9;S n. m.; morning prayer, litany and ser mon, 11 a. in.; prayer with sermon, 7;30 p. m. St. Matthias, Tenth and Worthlngton, Rev. George S. Southworth, Pastor Third Sunday In advent: Holy communion, 8 a. m.: Sunday school, 10 a. m.: morning prayer and sermon at 11; eyensong and sermon, Friday, at 7:30. St. Paul's. Thirty-second and California, Rev. John William Jones, A. M., Vicar Third Sunday in aaveni: noiy commun ion, 8 a. m.? Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.: morning prayer and sermon at 11; evening prayer with special music at 7:45. Church of St Philip the Deacon, Twen-tv-flrst. Near Paul, Rev. John Albert Williams, Vicar llliru uiiutiy in auruiiti Holv communion, 7:30 a. m.; matins, 10:30 a. m.i holy eucharlst (choral), with ser- Dreaming of Days When Appetite Was King Drlng Back TIioso Joyous Health Laden Days Hy Using a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet After Meals. One of tha sod memories of a stomach sufferer are the days when ho could eat o the meals that others ate. He recalls this 0 iov and the relish of many sncclal dishes. r .ilimnV ih. .nm tMnV n wnuld H"1 J5ltTpi.JhS.5fJ?5-t .nK?W S be followed by distress, If not painful suffering. . . . . Just a single Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet eaten like candy after a meal will assist -.-. --- - , f,raeiInh.aJ tlon will became normal and man may eat as ho desires. "And How Z Can Only Sat Soft, Mushy Diet." Then the occasional use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will bring to any one a more enjoyable and comfortable feel ing after a large meal than ono can possibly Imagine. The entire secret of Stuart's DvsDen- sla Tablets from a successful dlgeutlon standpoint lies in the fact that they are composed of those dement which the Don't delay. Go to your druircist and obtain a bar this very day Price M centi? ' mon. It a. tn : Sunday school, It 45 p. m.j evening prayer with sermon at 7-36. KrniiR-rllcnt. German, Corner Klghtecnth ami Cum Ing, Rev. F. Ostertag, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m and t P. ni.; catechism class, 6 p. tn. : Young; People's alliance, 7.1S p. m. ; prayer meeting Thursday evening; at 8. Lutheran. St Paul', Itev. H. T. Otto, rastor Pervjoes at 10 o'clock at Thirty-fourth and Seward: Sunday school nt 11:30; evening; sermon In Bngllsh at 8 tn Our Savior's Lutheran church, Twenty-sixth and Hamilton. Laying of cornerstone of church at Twenty-fifth and lSvans Sun day, December 21. at 3 p. m. Zlon EnRllsh, Thirty-sixth end Lafay ette Avenue. A. T. Ixirtmer, Pastor- Sunday school at 10; communion service and .reception i of new members ftt 11; evening service at S; services and choir practice Thursday evening at 7:45; young people's societies will meet Tuesday evening at 8 In the church parlors; Men's society will meet at tho Llndcll homo, 1019 North Thirty-eighth, Friday evening, when thero will bo election ot officers for 19H. Kountxo Memorial, Farnam and Twenty-sixth Avenue, Bov. Oliver D. Baltsly, Ph. D., D. D.. Pastor Servlcos for tho third Sunday In Advent: Morning worship at 11: subject, "Somo Dark Shadows Across Life's Path." Evening worship at 8 o'clock, subject, "Listening to or Hearing tho Truth." Sunday school at 9:45; Luther league nt 7 o'clock. Con firmation classes Thursday evening, 7:43: Friday afternoon nt 4:15; Friday evening at 7:5. St. Mark's English, Twentloth and- Burdette, Hcv. Dr. L. uroh. Pastor Services Sunday: "Highway to Heaven, nd rtooda Seven." at 11. "Saint's Femi nine of the Old Testament" at 7:S0. Sunday school at 9:45. Young people's f hristian Endeavor at 6:4$. Catechlsatlon, Fridays at 4:15 and 7:30, Methoillnt. First, Twentieth and Davenport, Titus Lowe. Minister At 11 a. m. Communion address, "Our Holy Places." Evening, 7:30, subject, "The Fool's Famulse." Bun day school, 9:45 a, m.'r Epworth league, 6:30 p. ni McCabe. Fortieth and Farnam. W. H. Underwood. Pastor Sunday school at 10; preaching service at 11 and 7:30; Junior lenguo at 3: senior league at 6:30. Prayer meeting and Blblo study class nt 7:45 Wednesday evening. Trinity. Twenty-first nhd Blnnoy. T. S. Blthell. Pastor Morning service. 10:30: Sabbath school at noon; Epworth league, 6:30 p. m.: evening service, 7:3a Miss Ryan, a visiting deaconncss, will speak at tno morning service. Hansrom Park. Woolworth Avenue and Twenty-ninth, C. W. McCaskcll, Pastor Preaching servlcos at 11 a. m. and 7:45 P. m.. conducted by the pastor; sunaay school, 9:45 a. m.; Epworth league, 6:30 P. m. Midweek prayer service. Wednesday evening nt 8. Immediately following tne prayer service will be tha annual meet ing of thn Hunrlav actioot board for tho election of officers and teachers for tho ensuing vear. . . First Swedish. Nineteenth and Burt, Gustav Erickson. Pastor Sunday schoo at 10; preaching service, 11: subject, 'Tlia Charm of the Past; Epworth league, 6:30; Ornn.1.1 i ..... n.m "Kttlir Saul, or tho Sin of Disobedience." Hirst Memorial, Thirty-fourth and Larlmore, Rev. 11. E. Hess. Pastor Sun day service. Trrnrhlne at 11 a. ni., subject. "Christian Adventure;". 7:30, "Aa uooa as His Word." EDWorxn ieaisuo ui. 6:30, subject. "Denaturising Holy Days ana Holidays." Leador, js. w. oinneii. Whlnnt inn. PYirfv.rittiv and Charles, William Boycrs, Pastor Morning worship anu sermon at w:sj a. m.; aunuay at noon; George T. Lindley, superintend ent; classes for all. Epworth league at 6:30 p. m.; all of the young people aro cordially invited; evening worship ana sermon at 7:30 p. m. . Dletx Memorial, Tenth an Pierce Sun day school, 9:30 a. m.: Dr. J. L. Franr, superintendent; preaching, 10:46 a. tn.; "The Poor Rich Man versus the Rich Poor Man:" Enworth leamie. 6:30 p. m.; R. & Deems, leader; preaching, 7:30 p. m.; "Tho Care of the Slclc," a special servlco and sermon for nurses; Mrs. John Stuehrk will sing "Come, Jesus, jieueemor. av a similar servlco last cyar nlncty-nlno nurses were present. Prayer meeting. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. The women of this church will hold their boxar at The Bco building December 19-20. Presbyterian. Falrvlew. Fortieth Avenue nnd Pratt. Charles A. Fleming, Pastor Bible school at 2. Afternoon worship at 3. Evensong at 7:30. Mid-week service on Tuesday evening at 8, Mr. McMIchai. leader. First, Seventeenth and Dodge Edwin Hart Jenks. D. D Pastor Morning ser vice at 10:30, subject, "The Economy of Trial Evening servlco at 7:30. BUoJect An Ordinary Man." Young PoopUVs meeting ut 6:15. Sunday Bcnool at noon. Castellar, Sixteenth anu Castellar, C. C. Meek, Pastor Babbath school at 10 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Junior Endeavor at 3:30 p. m. Senior Endeavor at 7 p, m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. North, Corner Twanty-fourth and Wirt, M. V. Hlgbee. D. D., Pastor Morning sormon at 10:30. theme, "The Greatest Success.' Babbath school at noon. Chris tian Endeavor at 6:30. Evening service at 7:30. theme, "Neglecting Christ." Dundee, Fiftieth and Underwood, Grant E. Fisher, Minister Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching service at 11 a. m., topic, "Running Past the Signals." Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Preach ing at 7:30 p. m., topic. "Cain and Abel: Types of What?" Church of tho Covenant. Pratt and Twenty-seventh, Charles N. Fleming, Pastor Morning worship at 10:S0, topic. "Tne (jnnsio-uenmo ure. uiuie scnooi at noon. Christian Endeavor at 6:45, Bible school , ..... 4!.lKl EVQnlng worship at 7:30, theme, "Can That Great Gulf Be.' Mid-week prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8, Dr. Curry, leader. Third, Twentieth and Leavenworth, Robert Karr, Pastor Sunday school at 9:30, for all ages. Preaching at 10:45 a. m.. subject. "Evil Speaking." Christian En deavor at 6:30, Norman Davis, leader. .uccvwi u. v.w, .iwiiimi tm. tvctuui. I Preaching at 7:30, subject, "Backgrounds or uie." xcacner training class on wed nosday evening at 7:16, followed by prayer J nitouim. wnoruo music uuuer tne direc tion ot John G. Gunn. Clifton Htl, Forty-fifth and a rant, Thomas D. Greenlee, Pastor Dr. A, 11. Marshall will fill tho pulpit at both the mowing and evening service, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Bible school at 9:46 a, m. Christian Endeavor at 6:Ji p. m., with lessons from the men ana women of tno Bible. On Wednesday evening at 8 thero will be a meeting for prayer and fellow ship, subject, "Tho Sheep and the Goats," Matthew 25;Jl-46. Parkvole. Thirty-first and Gold. Uev. A. E. Lehmann, Minister Morning wor ship, with sermon by the minister, and Ulblo school at 10:20. Junior Endeavor at i ?,?. H' JLe.?i0.r ?.n,ieavor l 7 P- - . fw mem ben s an d Vh lirSK I jfup"" ju". ntamLiXli K'4' I SXP.Pf 5' .r"5.-in'? y.0...0' oru" on i uncrnun ui wnurcn prayer rneetlng and senior choru rehcaraal on xnursoay evening at 7: p, m. gchool at 10 o'clock. Morning worship Tat ,,, .,'1 m' i?f: "fr p. .a Jienson. A. J. Mcciung, Pastor Sunday , -un nuarnittii win sing, 'l tome to .??.. Boma.. Men's Bible class at noon, junior nnaeavor at 1:30. Henlor Endeavor at 6.30. Evening worship at 730. theme, "A Faithful Saying." The cnoir win sing, -ui tora Most Holy," .by Harper. Prayer meeting Wednesday 1 evening at 8. Men's club on Thursday (evening at t. Lowo Avenue, Corner Fortieth and Nicholas, Rev. Nathaniel McOlffln. Pastor Sunday school at 10. Morning service at 11. Christian Endeavor at 3 and 6:5. Evening service at 7;5. Prayer meeting and Bible Teacher Training class, Wednesday at S. United Ilrethren. Hartford Memorial, Nineteenth and Lothrop. W, O. Jones, Minister Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a, m. and 7.30 p. at. Dr. Charles Whitney of x ayton. O., secretary of tha board of home missions, will speak at both tho morning and evening services. Mid-week prayer service on Wednesday at VX). Mlacellaneoua. Spiritualist meeting at 8 p . m., at Fraternity hall, 1814 Harney, conducted by F. A. Thomas, missionary. Subject. "The Difference Between Splrituallun and Other Religions," International Bible Students' associa tion meet on the third floor ot Baright's hall. Nineteenth and Farnam at 3 p. m.. subject. "Baptism and Its ImDort' Th KT'.ii L V Ft"' ru , . . ."t?!?? iainff pi"? J.Ut ot. 1 1?1 """"'.'r bazaar In The Bee cuiaing da weunesuay ana Tliursday. 'here will be a aerie of lectures on iierc w u. aeries ui tenures on spiritualism commencing Sunday at 8 p nt by V. A Thomas. P S. S at Fraternity hall, isi llnrney street The First Reformed, Twenty-third and Deer Park Boulevard. C. Edward Holyoks. Minister Preaching servlres at It a. m. and 8 p. in. Morning theme, "Compromises.'" Evening theme, "Tho Second Birth." 8unday school at 10 a m Christian Bndeavqr at 7 p. m. Mid-week prayer icrvlco on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clook. Y. M. C. A. Notes. On Tuesday evening an entertainment tOr tile ItAtflnn rwf.nln will Im rlv.n nt Thirty-sixth and U streets. South Omnha. A IJfe I rtibfom ffV11ln lin 1An fnrniMl at Mrs. Spragucs rooming house, ICi iionara street. A young attorney of the city, t , a. HarrK will lead the discus Mona and all the young men rooming mrru vevcnieen) have enrolled. Tho High School club, maao up of flftv older boys of tho High school, will rIvo a dinner at the association building Krl- ,y evClnf. December 19. Superin tendent K. IT flrntt ..111 Kv. ,,,..) nf honor and will address tho boys on, "The Choleo of a Vacation." K.1T iliS cnd time this year Dr. MIbUr F. Pmff will k ih. the men's meeting, Sunday afternoon at t c.lojr- ,Tne subject of the addrea wilt mo essentials or Manliness." nr w. O. Henry's Life Problem group, the hour preceding, will discuss, Habits." On Tuesday evening last a smalt group or men from the apartments met and discussed plans for the organization of n Permanent social club for tho men living In the building. This club will bo re sponsible for social and religious work among apartment men, Tho postponed muslcalo to be given by Mr. Jones ami those assisting him will bo Tuesday evening In the association auditorium. On the am evening 250 employes ot the Bell Telephone company will be entertained at tho building by the membership department. Beginning December 19 t vacation of two weeks has been doclared for all students of tho educational department, with tho exception ot those enrolled In public speaking, plain reading and esti mating. Salesmanship and commertlnl law. bchool will close on that evening with a social for all students. Ono week from Sunday Dr. Frank M Seerley will address the men's meeting on the subject. "Psychology and Sox Hygiene." Dr. Secrlev Is head nf the Physical training department of tho Springfield Training school for Young Men's Christian association sccrctarli-s nnd is recognized throughout t'io cast as an nuthorlty on the subject that ho will treat. At 3 o'clock on tho same day, December 21, he wilt talk to older boys about, "Tho Thrto Levels," On Saturdny nnd Sunday of this weok three of the series of state conferences for High school boys will be held. Mr Dcnlsoh will attend and address the ono at Falrbury, Mr. Flower nnd Mr Halloy go to the ono at Wayno and Mr Ringer to Holdrege. The two conferences held Inst week wero nttonded by 160 boys of the state, and It Is expected that the three this week will lie aa largely attended. Three more such conferences, arrnngod for by tho state secretary, arc to follow after tho first of the year. Oolnmerce School. i Seniors Entertain" Tne four-year seniors ot tho High Bchool of Commcrco entertained tho stu dents of that school at an assembly Fri day, which consisted of tho following numbers: Violin Duet Prnyor nnd Hondo... Albert Dowllng, Charles Edmonson, ltuby Davidson, accompanist. Talk by Dr. Holovtchlner., Vocal Solo When the Sands of tho Desert Grow Cold Klmer Kdman. Helen Horton accompanist. Talk by Superintendent Graff Recitation Queer English Carl Evans. Presentation of Class Pennant to tho School.... Klmer lJdmnn. Song by tho Class Love's Old Sweet Bong Miss Hoskln accompanist. Dr. Holovtchlner cautioned the students to "contlnuo diligently nt their work since the true success of a school Is really dependent upon those who attond tho school." Superintendent Graff spoko of the char acteristics necessary for successful busi ness men, laying stress on tho quality of perseryance. Ho contended that the essentials ot character have remained unchanged through tho ages, and that thoy are absolutely necessary for success. Auto Owners Want Law Against Theft A well defined tone of lamentation be cause the recent legislature "forgot" to pass laws fixing a punishment for auto mobile thieves and Joy riders who "bor row" cars Is one of the principal features of the annual report of Gould Dlotz, president of tho Omaha Automobile club, which was read at tho annual meeting last night at the Commercial club. Steps aro now being taken to prevent another case of forgctfullness In the some direction and a "roward and prose- cutlon" fund is being considered. . .. . ... . . Anotner teature ot tno report that stood out prominently Is a suggestion that businessmen who own cars be com pelled to house them somewhere instead of leaving them standing about In the streets, near somo office building. "Wo'ro way behind Kansas City, Kt, Louis, Chicago and other cities In this re gard," said Mr. Dcltz. Thero are about 3.D00 automobiles in Omaha and Douglas county. Four new directors were chosen at the meeting. They are: J, E. George, Sam uel Burns, Jr., P. H. Dcarmont and Ban dull IC. Brown. Funeral of Mrs.Pape Will Be Held Sunday Funeral services for Mrs. Martha E. Pope, aged 19, who died Friday at St Joseph's hospital from burns received In a gasollno stove explosion a week ago, will be held Sunday afternoon at tho home of James Pane, 1803 South Fifty sixth street. Burial will be in Forest Lawn. Mr. Pape, who was painfully burned alito, (a Htm In a serious condition,, but will attend the funeral. PACIFIC SCHOOL HEAD GIVEN FAREWELL BANQUET Miss LUzlo Banker, principal of the Pa clflo Vehool for twenty-six years, will re tire December 19. As a farewell to her Superintendent B. U. a raff and forty flvo principals and supervisors gave a banquet for Miss Hanker at the Young Women's Christian association's building last evening. She has been In educational work for almost forty years, twenty-s-:ven of which were in the Omaoa puii.ls schools. On account of property Inter ests In Colorado, which need her Immo dlato attention, she has decided to leave as soon as possible. Instead of finishing the school year. She will live on one ut her Colorado farms, SOUTH OMAHA POLICE RECOVER STOLEN FREIGHT A running fight ensued Friday night between South Omaha policemen. Hank Carey, Mike Gillln. John Gaughan and Joo Potach and freight robbers In the Burlington years near Tenth and J streets. A call came over the telephone l ., A , . , 10 tno I"0"00 tatlon saying that several A Sale Without a Parallel in Amtriia is Now Going on at the Ware rooms of the Sihmoller & Mueller Piano Company We purchased 500 Pianos and Playor Pianos, tho best instruments the world pro duces, at a fraction of cost of production, and wo aro prepared to demonstrate to the wiso buyor that his dollars will obtain twic o as much piano value here as anywhere else in Omaha. If you expect to purchase a piano or playor for Xmas, it will pay you to investi gate our tremendous bargains. In our Btock you will find nearly every famous piano of America. U Sfeinway Weber Schmoller & And scores of others offered on the unheard of tonus of $1.00 a week and 30 days' free trial. Free stool, free scarf, free lifo insurance and 25 year guarantee on every instrument sold. Slightly Used Pianos at Bargain Prices $000 Win. Knnbo. upright, now 9JI0O flco. Stock, uprlRht, now $500 Emerson, upright, now $225 IlooUio Itros.. tiprlRht. now 8:175 Stcscr 8ona, upright, 250 Decker & Sons, uprlKht, Fit K 13 $25 COUPON. DIAMOND KINO FltKE. This Coupon will bo accepted as part aaaamMnnc Stop Insldo and register for the 9150 of first payment on any NKW Piano or ' Diamond Ulng to ho given away Clirlst- riaycr Piano at our storeroom", If aaaaanasaassB mas KtJj pllrCh.aso necessary la presented before January 1, 1014. order to register. If you aro unahlo to call In person, pleaso write for our Free Catalogue nnd Price Tjlst. Ton can make no better Christmas purchaso titan a Piano or Player Piano. It will bring joy nnd pleasure to tho entlro household and your friends us well. SCHMOLLER MUELLER PIANO CO. Established 1850. men carrying sacks ot merchandise were seen in tho yards and that they looked as though they had stolen tha goods. Tho policemen responded and gave chase, re covering tho sacks which contained nbout 200 pairs of women's nnd children's shoes. Tho robl)cr8 escaped. URGES G. 0. P NATIONAL CONVENTION NEXT YEAR WASHINGTON, Dec IS. Tho national republican congressional campaign com mittee went on record hero todny as favoring a special national convention ot tho republican party next year. It was resolved by the committee called Brass Goods Thtrz is no finer gift than a box of Romeo Garcia Havana Cigars Recognized by lovers of a mild Pleasant Smoke. All Shapes. CUESTA REY Clear Havana Cigar We have them in stock from 5c to SOc Agents for.,,,, Bfron dc Kalb, Bull Dog, Win. Fargo and Mantel's Hand Made. Exclusive 11ns of Park It Tilford's and Webr's fins oandlas. Also carry Johnson's In fancy Xmas packages. N. MANTEL CO., CHRIS I MAS OF PIANO Hardman Emerson Mueller ..3325 SllO $275 $ J)5 now. ...... .$1J)5 now SlOO $1,200 Chlckcrlng & Sons, frrnntl, now. . . Oldest Piano House la Uw West. 1811.18 togother by Its chairman, Itepresentatlvo Woods, ot Iowa, that In Its Judgment: "A special national convention of the republican party should be held as soon as practicable to take action relative to the apportionment of dolegstes to the na tional nominating of tho party, to tho unit of representations to the full recogni tion of tho primary laws of tho various states pertaining to tho election nf dele gates and members of the national com mittee, nnd the time when tho latter shall tako office, nnd to such other matters as may seem desirable." The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Success. JULIA MARLOWE FIRE HAVANA CIGARS ' Look Good, Taste Good, Are Good Known to buyers of the best for Supreme Excellence i n quality and workmanship. Portable Ash Trays Have them at most any price. A GREAT I mam ass ass aw fTfc. Di r n msM SALE S Llndeman & Son Steger & Sons McPhall Segerstron $500 Chlckorlng & Son, upright, now S295 $225 NorrlB Hyde, upright, now g Q5 $1100 Kimball, upright, now S1?5 $250 J. 1. Ilnlo, upright, now S125 $750 Stelnwny, upright, now -SdOO $500 Mehlln, upright, now S220 .200 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NED, Prosecution Will Lie Under Federal Law LINCOLN, Dec 12. In on opinion rendered today by the nttorney general's office, tho county attorney of Custer county Is advised that a railroad deliver Ing Intoxicating liquors to a "dry" com' munlty may bo prosecuted If It Is shown tho railroad was aware the liquor was to be sdld Illegally, A brower at Kansas City, Mo., shipped a quantity of beer to a man In Brokon Bow, a prohibition town, delivery to be made to him when n draft was paid to the agent of the ralU road company, Sinkers' Articles ef Every Description. Fine Lin of PIPES. Special Holiday Packages of the El Sirrah Clear Havana Cigar A mild high-grade cigar appreciated by d is -criminating smokers. 2 for 25c 10c La Flor de Guerro, Diaz & Co. High Grade Havana , Cigars Made from special selected Havana Tobacco 1 8 O 8