THE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1913. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY BP WARD KOSBWATKlt VICTOR ROSKWATKR, KDITOR. HKK HUttiDINO, lfARNAM AND KTH. " Entered at Omaha. postofflro as second. ciwa mauer. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Sunday Bee. one year J" Katurday Bw, one y?ar. "" r5J Dally Dee, without Sunday, one year. .w Pally Betv, and Sunday, one year -w DELIVERED BY CARRIK"- Evening and Sunday Bee, per month. .c Evening, without Sunday. Pr month DaUy Bee, Including Sunday. Ir mo. .w Dall? Bee. without .'ffiiS Address all complaints iw In deliveries to CTty Circulation Dept. Pa s sftsKsgff; Only -cent stamps received In PW ccpteo. v-a-w Omaha-The South Omaha SOS N Btreei. RffW Council Bluff -M Kofth Jlaln Street. Wneoln-W Little BudJn- it.'n.TMl,nrlM Department, KOVEMBER CIRCULATION. 52,068 JM3, wsH.s. v(4ulatlon Manacor. . mo'Woay of DeVmber" to before mo thUMgr H,,NTER Bel.) Notary I'ubllo. artaerlbera leavInK the cr emerarlly ot.l ave r,, n' mailed to he. Address Trill to. chABKed aa often eaneated. Thes aro times when a follow 1b tempted to tako tho nest egg. WouIA It bo too much to hope for a halt dozen egga for Christmas? Texas, dowa there oa the bottom liouRiary, seem to be the butt ot all weather Joke. Charities and Churches. A misapprehension scemB to exist with reference to tho list of endorsed public charities put out by the Com mercial club commltteo notwith standing the accompanying explana tion that It docs not purport to cm braco all worthy charities, but only ouch as have made application for endorsement, and havo been favora bly passed on. It la pointed out par ticularly that the various philan thropic activities of the different churches, especially the numerous Catholic benovolencos, aro not listed. It should be understood that tho en dorsement commltteo confines Itself to organized charitable- Institutions that look to general public solicita tion for a main part of their finan cial resources. It docs not consider at all charities supported by tho membership ot a church or a frater nal society, or of any distinctive as sociation which does not send solici tors out generally, no more than It does charitable undertakings for a particular and ono-tlmo purpose. For many years one of tho bost known Catholic priests, since become a bishop of tho church, served as a member of this committee. It is to tho credit ot tho Catholics that they prido themselves on taking caro ot their own benevolences, and ho rarely call on outsldo assistance. It tho plan of tho endorsement committee docs even In part what it aims to accomplish, namely, to weed out impostors, prevent duplication and conserve tho charity funds of tho community, the charity work ot tho churches will ho holpcd, and no worthy charity suffer by it. now admit ted te practice law, unlike fathor, is going te jH-actice it. The 8loux City Journal saya tho c& market la rotton. All right. It it Is only tho markot, Prett4eat Wilton had hoped to have ate currency act In shape for rly ChrtetBias popping. la 9Ue the platform oa which fee Ua4g, naay a map box speaker 'laAvJgfti la awMBl eratory. ' Ne, gstle rMr. the Natloaal la. Me awoelattea bm aothlag to do wKa tttPPlylftK the iaaer aaa with autrhaaat., , Huerta. wmU fee en tap ' of the kM It only be eeaW ake' the ea eaiy aire hp a eaeiiy as his own gea era) 4e, Claetaaatl fe a water famine. Oh, we'll lead you our hydraulic water works woader-weker if you previlse at te keep a-lia eTertlme. OmWi mayor ot twenty years aco kM taken uato Mmeelt his third wife. Peace de Leoa looked in tho vmm nlace for the fountain ot youth. Women in Washington and London. Drltlsh cabinet ministers might pick up a valuable point or two from Presi dent 'Wilson's manner of receiving suffragists. His doforentlal indecision may not wholly satisfy Dr. Anna Shaw and bor followers, but nelthor does It offend them. They know they aro permitted to present their claims In porson at tho White House, which is as much as anyono may rea sonably demand. Tho contrast bo. twocn tho rocoption of tho women In Washington and tho absence of it In London Is eaUal to the difference between conditions existing In the two countries. BrltlBh officialdom has dono much by lta absolute re fusal to hear the women, to Inflame tbem and precipitate the coB.soa.uent reaction, Even though the right of orderly petition, fundamental in the Uaited States, may not ceuat tor so wuch abroad, England, undoubtedly, would havo been much better off, had It accorded thte much recognition. Americans, la the eyes ot the British, are not much la diplomacy, but In this relation we seem to surpass our ceueliiR ia London completely. Whether diplomatists or aot, wo kaow enough aot to try te atop the women from talking and even the leader ot British mllltaatism. aeee ao occasion to hurl Uricka ever here. Old Santa Clau may well sing ot Mr. Parcel Poet, "Ho'b certainly good te e," for he Is bearing a good ataay ot the old gentleman's former iHtrdeas. The alacrity with which Huerta'a waerahi are tearing for cover in Mr there Mexico eae thing, at least, that they kaew whea they havo had eaeagh. A public apeaHer saya business seU gets a fair hearing ea the Chau tauqua platform. Certainly not. That klad et caautalklng does not pay a well. Fre4ergt ot New York la tho UUftt ot the unafraid men, who pre fer to fight under the old banner ot Lincoln, Grant and McKlnlcy. The young woman who baa ottered herself as a candidate for the wlfo la that model eugenic marriage says fce doca not believe in, false modesty Nor, apparently, In tho other kind. That Chicago Judge who holds that women election officials need net state their ages In qualifying has waked ud to the fact ot votes tor women In Illinois, all right, all right That Ohio man who, while hunt lng, was shot and killed tor a skunk can suffer no penalty In the great bo yond half equal to tho Insult ot bis death. oeaklne ot tblnn that are swift, fio you kaow anything that will keep up yeUh a aaa bUl?-Uncoln Journal. Sure, a "robber rate" water meter will give it ten yarda etart on a hun 4 red and beat it fifteen. ' A telegraphic dispatch tells of tho slrth ot the twenty-first child in an imports family with the 'further In treating Information that the Wother Is 40 years old. Yes, but lw old Is the fatherT i ; Up in Hentrea! the archbishop Is Kerektag a censorship over operatic jkr4aetkas, hh edict being accepted frftluwt protest. Would that the e archbishop would move to a and blue pencil some of the aadd to our theater-goers ec4 The Senater ad the Baakeri. Senator Hitchcock's paper la labor ing hard to mako people believo that tho banks aro opposed to his scheme ot rollovlng them of the necessity ot furnishing the capital for tho pro- osed regional! banks, and taking the money out of tho gonoral public in stead. That may bo n good thing, or a bad thing, as a person viows it, but no ono who recalls tho largo and Inspiring group ot Omaha bankers noisily applauding the distinguished senator as ho explalnod thte feature In his Commercial club address, will ever be convinced that the bankers are opposed to it. All our experi ence tcachea us that bankers never give such signs ot enthusiastic ap proval to anything that they believe runs counter to their own interests. Incidentally, the senator, hlmsolf, re marked that he had had letters from the great majority ot Nebraska na tional banks endorsing his proposi tlon. In view of the facts, then, tho protenso ot tho senator's' nowspaper organ that the bankers are opposing thin groat stroke ot financial genius Is arrant hypocrisy. mring a uuy manager. The llttlo town of Olencoo, 111., ad vertises In the Chicago uewspapors for a city manager, "an experienced man between 30 and 40 yoara ot age, capable ot systematizing details. managing employes and meeting tho public." For such an all-round genius the town is willing to pay $1,800 a year. Explaining further what Is expected ot the manager, an official ot tho municipality says he will be In active charge ot all depart ments and expected to give scientific attention to every Item of business "A village's affairs aro purely a mat ter or uusiness and should bo at tendod to like the business of any commercial concern," he adds. But between the municipality and tho average business concern there la this essential difference, that when the business concern goes after general manager expert In all de partments It leaves the matter ot salary for secondary consideration unaouoieaiy, uiencoe win not go begging for pert, progressive young men fully capable, at least In their own estimation, of running its at fairs, even at that price, though elm liar ability In private linee' ot em ployment might bring several times that amount. What Glencoe achieves through tho city manager scheme may not, therefore, be taken as typ leal, for It admits at tha outset It te after only J 1,800 worth. ft efficiency looking JJackwardJ , 7nbJ)ay in Omaha" covfiljd roM ate nut DECEKMJTJEIt 10. Thirty Vcnrs Ago At the regular monthly meeting ot Ui Board of Trade a commltteo conalitlhff of N. R Falconer, J. Wlndhelm and b. Driscoll wa appointed to report bn tho cost and location for aultabla lota for a market house on lower Capitol avenue. General Eatabrook thought the Ity ought to chango tho name of Cap itol avenue to Market Street The Board of Education la to open an evening school on Paclfio between Thir teenth 'and Fourteenth for thoaa who cannot attend the day achooln. Twd new atatloni on tho Burlington ate pened In Phelps county, one of them being Holdrege, forty miles west of Ken- esaw. Charles W. Tauiley left for his new homo In Centerville, Custer county, where e win do located on an extensive stock ranch. House fto. jail Farnam street, may be rented for 150 a month by applylnir to red'W. Oray at his lumber yard, Sixth and Douglas streets. A girl willing to sew and holp In a mall family can obtain employment with Mrs. J. W. Petty, 2223 Douglas street. which. It Is explained. In near Twenty- third, between Farnam and Dodge. About 10:30 In tho evening whllo the fire bell was being repaired and ad justed, two unintentional taps were given, causing many people to think It nn alarm. Jlr. and Mrs. Patrick Gurnet of Ilelena- Mont., arrived in Omaha to remain over the holldaya as tho guests of Mrs. Thomas Smith, Mrs. Gurnet being J Irs. Smith's sister. Twenty Year Ago P. A. Valentino, financial agent for the Armour Packing company of Chicago, camo over on a business trip to Omaha. Governor Crounse. who had been snend. Ing the last week Jil tho cltyi was re ported as gradually recovering from an attack of the la gripp. Rov. T. J. Mnclcay at All Saints Epis copal church read a sermon written by working man on tho question pro pounded by tho preacher,. "What have you to bo thankful for?" Tho workman pictured a dismal state, ot affairs, saying that unjust social conditions make .the ttrugglo of tho tollers with want and misery a hard one. Hil Block, 65 years of age, died at his home, Mil Cuming street, at 1;S p. m. The women's Loyal league waa the namo of a now roclety formed through tho Inltlatlvo of Mrs. O. Lleberknecht, formerly president of the German Women's Aid eocloty. The purpose ot tho new organisation was to secure to every member a sufficient sum ot money to meet the demands of adversity, should It befall any. AU married women and un married over IS year of age were eligi ble to membership, which was to be sus tained by dues. Ten Years Ago Edward Rosewater, In discussing "Evils of the Trusts" at tho First Congrega tional church, said over-capltallsatlon was natloaat menace, liable at any time to disturb the. equilibrium ot the country and a cause a financial stringency. That and unsafe expansion, he said, so con' trotted trust securities as to depreciate the value ot common stocks very greatly, making the common stock m common tt was hardly saleable. The federal grand Jury, directed by W. S. Summers, district attorney, returned twenty-two true bills, some Involving big land men. Benator W. D. Glffln of Gothenberg came to the metropolis with the enthrall ing news that rose-wreathed prosperity won silting enthroned upon the beautiful brow of his little town. A northbound street car struck the two- horse carriage of Dr. W. IX. Hanchett In front of 1511 Bherm&n avenue, demolish' Ing the vehicle, seriously injuring the horses and hurting the coachman, Martin Walthaii. Dr. Hanahett had Just emerged from the home of a patient and signaled his conohman to drive across and get htm, whon the car run into his rig. The Chemical National bank of New Tork brought suit against the city or Omaha to recover a.SOT.SJ on some city warrants held by tho plaintiff. . T. Graham, one of the owners of me oki coliseum, saia he had "at last received notlco after thin thing had been m tha papers for days" from BttlhMasr In specter Wlthnelt of his Intention to con demn the building aa unsafe. Ak-Sar Ben governors, who had tho building leased, threatened to resist the actloa In court. People Talked About T, Anate was killed In Denver the other day by a bottle falling from the fourth story of a building and hitting him in tho neck. w. C, Atwood, a Drookfteld, Mo., preacher, admits kissing a woman mem ber of his flock, but pleads that he 'did It foolishly." J. B. Patterson of Kast St. Louis. Jit., finds himself with two wives on his hands because a Judge has annulled hie divorce from No. 1, A Wall street authority estimate, that between thirty and forty Stock exchange firms will go out of business on tho first of tho year. The gold mine ot other days Is petering out. An ungallant paragrapher cites the Pickup of saxooo In this country by Mrs. t'ankhurst aa conclusive evidence of the charge that "we are a nation ot easy marxs. tho mean thing. The twelfth consecutive son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis K. Slnton of Yorkvtue, Pa,, recently, and thero is rejoicing. Blnton declares he'll organise a base ball club from his own family yet. Two of the Thanksgiving bunch of crooks pardoned by Governor Dlcaso of South Carolina, are not quite back on the Job, but aro on the way. One was arrested for shooting a man, the other was run In for robbery. Miss Irene Vogels ot Los Angeles. Cat Is the first girl who has ever Set out to be a locomotive engineer. She has been at practice for some time, operating ten-wheel passenger cnjlne. and expects to qualify for a regular run within two months. Business men ot Bermuda have petl Uoned tho governor to postpone the hanging ot a resident until the tourist season closes. So long as there Is tourist to be trimmed business cannot afford to take a day oft for an of' flout killing 7 SMPi? LI Street Should lie Opened. OMAHA, Dec, . To the Editor of The Bee: I notice In Tho Bee a publication notice ot a new addition to Omaha by the name of Mont Clair, located between Cuming and Hamilton and Twenty-ninth and Thirty-third streets. It haa been graded And platted, but there Is no street open between Cuming and Ham ilton, so there Is no way of getting through this addition with heavy loads from Twenty-ninth to Fortieth streets, tf Thirtieth street were opened. It would be the easiest grade from Twenty-fourth to Fortieth, and It Is also one ot the longest streets, extending from Florence to liana com park. A few years ago the city built a storm sewer from Hamilton to Burt street to carry the water from Prospect Hill with the understanding that when the ground was platted Thir tieth street would be opened up. Now lots are laid out all over tho sewer, and over sixty property holders havo signed protest to the council against the granting of the addition- P. S. BOIEN. In Strpilrn Itomnnlslna OMAHA, Dec. .-To the Editor ot The Beo: It seems strange that knowledge of European affairs must be so Incorrect thalj writers like "B, C. P." can speak of Sweden rapidly returning to Catholic- Isirv" His whole article Indicates scant acquaintance with tho European cnurcn world. Sweden Itomanizlng and falling Into paplstlo ranks? Not a bit ot It There are a fow little missions In Sweden, but no landslide. In 1900 thero were 2,000 Bomanlsts In Sweden, a land of 6,000,030; ono Romanist to every 3,000. Thero are 500 Jews in Sweden. Almost aa false Is tho similar statement made for Nor- ay and Denmark. "B. C. P." does not know those lands as soma of us do. He has followed some second-hand Informa tion. And how astounding the news to any ordinarily well-informed public that Protestant Germany has more Roman ists than Protestants. Ask Germans about that monster error. Sweden is Incomparably less "rapidly returning to Catholicism" than Roman Austria, through the "Free from Rome" (Los von Rom) movement is turning Protestant. It Is welt not to have eyes that open and shut with automatic rapid. Ity on comfortable or uncomfortable facts. Thero are several times more. Romanist In Austria that havo turned Protestant since 1898, whon tho "Free from Rome" movement began, than thero are Roman ists total in tho three Scandinavian coun tries. From 1S0S to 1900 no less than 5,- XAK turned from Rome to Protestantism. Will "B. C. P." give lis an exact list of all in Romanist lands and In Germany and America who are leaving Rome? Then will his figures have a trlflo sta tistical value. Will he tell us of the C.1W Romanists that in Prussia alone became Protestant In 1910, with less than 600 go ing the other way! Or ot the appalling situation in France, Italy, Portugal and latterly Spain? When the popular Ro man Cathollo Gorman priest, Hans Jacob ot Baden, in 1WC made an extensive tour In Austria and studied tho "Free from Rome" movement there, he wrote the fol lowing on his return to Baden: "Con ceralng the falling away from the church, ws la Germany certainly do not need to glance accusingly over to the Austrian clergy, remomberlng the many who long slnoo are Inwardly apostate Catholics among us. Ninety per cent of all cul tured, 60 per cent ot the half-cultured and CO per cent of tho labor class aro With us estranged from the church. In wardly fallen away, and stand either on the standpoint of the shallowest deism or even ot atheism." So wroto a man who knows the rank and Hie, the common people. Statistical summaries require care. Aside from all tills, the proof of the church's health or decay lies not In counting heads, but In tho personal re latton to Christ and the faithfulness to QIls "word. B. C P.". Is again repeating the an cient humorous . statement. "What the Cathollo church lost In Europe during the reformation, It has more than made ud In North and South America." That logto of Its own kind. If the sixteenth century reformation, or some similar ro Juvenatlon of the Christian church had not come, does "B. C. P,'' not see that then Rome would havo had all? How in the name ot common arithmetic can nortlon. albeit also lying In south America among the Spanish-Indian nail breeds, equal tho whole, which Rome would havo had It the reformation haa not been sent of God to the church? It a man could havo 1100 and has . ot which 110 Ilea In a diirorent oanx irom formerly, how can be a comfort for 1109? Oh. but the old "threo R'r' in me nubllo school do need to be stuaiea. The counting that lasts is mo jaun life in Christ by Hla word, In his cnurcn. All else Is vain boasting, wnciner n o la Romanist or Protestant ranKS, ADOLF HULiT. wn.v in Anarrer to Critics. rtt.veu CREEK. Neb., Dec S.-To ,k. raitnr or uee. noiwu. inhn n. nr nos oeen quc m w upon me contumely ana souse; uway he speaks of me most unkindly. Then h was acting llKe a smo -inww.., , ! behaving more as bocomeo a m.n nii old comrade. I have BV..i.v..... -.- f him ana trust mai r"n k.n h .ha.ll hear tho celestial bugler ..inrtinr at8. the scales of superstl- will have all fallen from " and that his reformation will have be- rammete. And vet I have complaint agamsi mm - Even today he aoca mo rou. ,m ntwOa me: he slanders me, He charges that I havo In my possession an im mnrtai aouL I deny tha charge and de mand that he prove U or make publlo retraction and abject apology. He earns, however, to be laoonng unuer th Impression that I am. nevertheless. a human being, tor which I am duly grateful. Mr. Dey says the Diwe is actcnowi. edged by all right-thinking people to be the word of God. If so, then there are not leas than TS.000.000 people in the United States who do not think right, for the United States census shows that only about one-third ot the population ar professed Christians, and probably not more than one-third ot those Chris. Uaaa are sincere in their pretensions. As a matter of fact I don't think Mr. Dey himself believes the Bible to be the word of God. Every person of sense who lias read It knows that It la full ot contradictions, absurdities, false state menu and all manner ot nastlness. It the Bible Is the word of God. then H aurely follows that God upheld and ap. Ing, robbery, adultery, murder and every crime In the decalogue. Mr. Dey holds me up as a horrible ex ample ot those who seek constantly to be In the limelight, and says that I sometimes even havo to go way down Into old Pennsylvania for a suitable sub ject. But what Is the matter with Mr. Dey? Is he Jealous? Let him put tt away, for "by that sin fell the angels." Or was It by ambition, tho twin brother of Jealousy! or was It through the lore of women? (I sometimes get Shake speare, Milton and the Bible a little mixed). If I went down into old Pennsylvania, It was for the purpose of Indirectly call ing attention to the fact that no one coutd at the same time be both a woman suffragist and a Christian. Either Mr. Dey and Mr. J. P. Preston did not see the point, or for some reason did not care to meet the lssuo thero presented; but Instead reviled me and tried to be little me. Such people are continually trying to give their religion a boost In the Letter Box. But If I, a humble rep resentative In part of the 75,090,000 who have no religion, attack some of their pet dogmas, Instead of defending their ancient mythology, they get up on their hind legs, render Up a great howl and demand that I shall be bucked and gagged and cast Into outer darkness. It Is about time that each of these narrow mindod. holier-than-thou, would-be per secuting religionists took a stiff doso ot tho Sermon on the Mount, clothed him self In an old gunnysack, and then Went off Into some corner, sat down and poured about a coal scuttle full of ashes on bis head, CHARLES WOOSTER. Wnntu nn Ensrentc Cnpld. KEARNEY, Neb., Dec. .-To the Editor of The Bee; The poor, sweet, little Cupid In the cartoon of today, "The Con spirators," is mortally sick, poor thing. See that "Bab-ln-ski too reflex7" How dreadful why this Is a sign a "path-og- no-mon-ic signs," which Is a sure thing, that organic degeneration (disease) of the py-ram-l-dal tracts of the cord are dls cased mortally diseased no help. Now, Is this not sad? Yet who doubts that the good tho pure In heart the truly beautl ful, dlo early? When the doctor tickles or gently strokes the sole of your foot- why If the big toe erects Itself to high heaven 1- In the direction of heaven, Instead of pointing downward or in the direction of hades-ae It does normally- why you can get ready for tho daisies t-e your big toe will soon bo pointing to the daisies. Is this not sad I II. S. BELL. M. D. LAUGHING LINES. "I thought you told me Jenks wai n actor." ' "I told you nothing ot the sort" "You certainly did." "I certainly did not I told you he was on the stage." Baltimore American. "Why did little Mrs. Dare change her hair from brown to golden?" "I betieve It was to gratify her hu band s dyeing request." Baltimore Amer ican. y("i th,nk y6ur constituents will approve of your attitude on this bill?" -u?. don..i know- replied Senator Bor- hive tried to make speeches enough to keep them from knowing ex actly what It ls."-Washlngton Star. v,U h ha had "-n omelet Docker Wrtl, ho-had one egg a day for four daya-iNew York gun. They wer naalvnln- ... of difficult job,." which" he Cperfo"ed wunout a murmur. "Next you can be a parcel post car r'" 'during the holiday season." This Wnx tha. nnL l. I,. i- balked.-Pittsburgh 'Port! "wul" "Where la ihat . . . bosV.0" hlhL:,J the "Whaddr Va mein. t.i.,r j customer. """ ,ne IlA Pnt mn Ia lti.., . .... with rnti u ",u"1" nis stor es Ixnlahw u h5 w4t.8 hvlng people." explained the boss.-cinclnnatl Enquirer. "I'm afraid my boy will never amount to anything. Wants to tell nil he knows " "There s aJwai-s hone. Get him to nut It In the form of a lecture." Louisvillo Courier-Journal. "Could rou contribute some cast-off clothing for the flood sufferers of China?' Flood sufferers? I nave an old bath ing suit that I don't need." Kansas City Journal. Wlggs Did you ever ask your wife to go out somewhere with you and have her turn on you with the remark that she. didn t have anything fit to wearT Biggs Oh, man), many times. Flvo or ten years ago I didn't pay much attention to tt, but now, to think of It is roost mor-Ufylng."-8t Louis Republic. A TOUCH OF BLARNEY. Grit Alexander, In Pittsburgh Dispatch. When Barney O'Shaughnessy walks through the streets He has never a care that annoys. There's a smile on htn face for the girls that he meets And a word on his tongue for the boys. A wee bit of praise Makes the gloomiest days Blossom goldenly. all will agree. "'Tls a bit of a comfort Is blarney," says Barney, "A touch ot the blarney," ears he. Now, Barney at all kinds of work Is a bird. He discourages growing of moss. For the man at his side he has some pleasant word "You can smooth out all toll With tho right kind of oil." (I can see him now grinning at me.) "And the name of that oil, sir, Is blar ney," says Bamey, "X touch of the blarney," says he. Ilrailr Roosts for llollenbeck. ALBION, Neb., Dec 9.-To tho Editor of Tho Bee: Next year the people of the state will be called upon to select a chief Justice of the supreme court, under the nonpartisan Judiciary act The office calls for a man ot sterling Integrity, learned In tho law and possessed of a high degree of executive ability. Judge Conrad llollenbeck of Fremont meets all these requirements In the last election ot this district hn received the unanimous support of all tho parties. He Is a man who stands four-squaro to all tho winds, and Is a general favorite with the bar and tho people ot this county. Irrespective of party, and, taking into account his character, his attainments as a lawyer, hla rrnrrl na fi. turiff. Via la nn Mil nonpartisan candidate for the position of Over the Spot that Hurts Thafs tho place to pat an All cock's Plaster. Many of the most intense pains are of local origin, and the way to relieve them is by direct outside application. For a crick in the back, a sudden twinge of rheumatism, and ail over soreness arising from a cold, in feet; for any kind of ache or pain, an A11tfAflstffi roiuKis It hr far tie qatcVesty safest tmA raoet certain ronedj. Cheap, too. (A&a, hest of an, jon needn't star at home all bandied up, bat can go Tight ahead with vcrar work wfefle tbe healing process goes est Lots ef lactations ea the market, tat remember there Is ONLY ONE POROUS PLASTER AND THAT IS ALLCOCK'S THATArOftCHM WASTBR SHOULD DO. chief Justice ot tho supremo Court of this state. JAMES T. BRADY, Catholic In Ireland. OMAHA, toec 8.-T0 the Editor of The Bee: Our talkative travologulst must have negleoted to consult statistics recently, for Sunday evening he announced that the proteatant population of Ireland ex ceeded the Catholic by 96,009. As a matter ot fact, tho British census for 1911 gives the Cathbllo population as about U per cent more than the protestant; or Catholic, 3,212,679; Protestant 1,H7,M9. f. "w. rmiscoLU Twice Told tales m IF YOU ARE GOING EAST OR SOUTH OF CHICAGO A Good Day Par It. A garrulous old negro in a southern City used to meet tho Judge ot the county court nearly avery day on the way to market Long friendship between the two had let down the bars a little, and the black man's invariable) salutation was: Mornln1, Jedge; what's the news today, Jedge, sahT" The white man once varied his usual answer of "No news today, Jerry,' by giving the negro a real bit. "The United States has just declared war against Spain." he said. For a minute old Jerry was flustered by this departure from routine, but quickly recovered his balance and, with a wise eye cocked up at the cloudless sky. he chimed: "Well, Jedge, dey' picked a good day for it" Everybody's Magaslne. Everytatnir Taken. The good old summer time and crowded seashora hotels were remlnlscently re ferred to the other night when the expe rience of Smith was recalled by Congress man Charles R, Davis of Minnesota. Smith took his suitcase and headed for the shore one Saturday afternoon, only to find that the hostelry at which he de sired to stay was unable to accommodate him. "I am very sorry." said the landlord. "but every room Is taken. We are full to tho doors." "You don't really mean It!" disappoint- 1 edly responded Smith. "Couldn't you make me up a bed In the bathroom!" 1 "Bathroom T" returned the proprietor. "Well, I should say notl Tho bathroom ' Is. already occupied by two families and sublet to some of their friends." "Wash ington Herald. Money's Worth, or Money IlncU, The clerk wan at a loss, and a floor walker minced up and took a part In the conversation. "Now, how about my money back 2" de manded the red-faced lady, "Wo return money when cases so Jus tify. What Is It-ribbon shoes r "Xaw; It's a book." "Has tho book been read?" "Of course." "ITm. We can't return money on books. you know." The red-faced lady grew purple. "You aim to have only satisfied cus tomers. That's the way you advertise. Ain't it. now?" "Yes. madam." "Then why can't you take this novel back and return my money?" "Is the book damaged In any wayf sparred the floor-walker- "Print tmper ftct. or anything like that?" Van't say tt is." "Then why arc you not satisfied with the novel?" Why. I don't like the way it ends.- Judg Here Are Your Connections CHICAGO LIMITED 6:30 P. M. IN CHICAGO 8:09 A. iVS. AFTERN0I N EXPRESS 4:20 P. M. MORNING 7:15 A Ma MICHIGAN CENTRAL at 9:05 a. m. and 10:30 a. m., for New York, Boston. PENNSYLVANIA at 8:45 a. m 10:00 a. ra., 10:30 a. m. for Now York; 9:50 a. m. for Cincinnati and South. LAKH SHORE at 10:15 a. m. for Now York; 10:30 a. m. for Now York, Boston. BIG FOUR at 9:3C a. ra. for Cincinnati, South. ILLINOIS CENTRAL at 9:10 n. m. for Now Orleans; 8:15 p. m., Florida. Seminole Limited. MONON at 10:05 a. m. for Louisville and South. O. Ss E. I. at 9:10 p. m.f "Dlxlo Flyer." GRAND TRUNK at 11:05 a. m. for New York. ERIE at 11:00 a. m. for New York. D. & O. at 11:00 a. m. for Now York. jnCJCEL PLATE at 10:35 a. m. for Now York, Boston, a. m. for New York, p. m., "Royal Palm," ARRIVING CHICAGO 7:00 A. 31. for connections. LAKE SHORE at 8:25 Boston. B. O. at 8:00 a. m. for Washington. ARRIVING CHICAGO 0:00 P. M.t SUN-PARLOR, LOUNGE-CAU TRAIN Connecting with BIG FOUR at 10:15 Florida. PENNSYLVANIA at 9:50 p. m., and 11:45 p. m., Cincinnati, Louisville. Attractive Winter Tours through tho South, land, with diverse routes, Including ouo way via Washington, D. C. Ask about Winter rates to Cuba and Panama. Very attractive southern railroad and hotel literature, "Low Rate Winter Tours." J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha 'Phone Douglas 1238. YES, some firms succeed without Advertising, but they are following the li?ie of the most resistance. With Ad vertising, sales are quicker, easier, surer. V A 1 L i.i X torn) 4: v V K )