Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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i '
rcci ugiici niiui
, Using Duffy's
Representative McDermott i Cen
sured by Committee.
Mflnnfnctner, Xnhor Unions, Tar
iff Comtnlmilnti and Iilqnor
Denier llnVe Pnld Agents
nt the Cnpllni:
So ttrtat was the Improvement In
Christian Thoraeth's health utter taking
Duffy's Piiro Malt Whlker thnt hla
friend marvelled at hla chanced ap
pearanceho says no hunfielf :
Duffy'n Pure Malt Whlnkey haa done
wdndera for me I became no well' that
no one would believe it ' was I. I am
better after using Tjuffya Pure Malt
"Whiskey, no I will continue, same."-
Christian Thorseth, Norway Lake, Minn.
AVhat Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey haa
done for 'thouaanda of othera It will do
for you; enabling cveryono to enjoy real
lite, vlctorloua life. ltfo that atcom-
pllahca much and will have ambition
to do more and better work tomorrow.
If you wish to keep young, strung and
vigorous and have on your ctuvoks the
t Pun
Malt Whiskey
regularly, according to directions. It
tones and strengthens the heart action
and purifies the entire system. It U rec
orfnlzrd as a family medjeine everywhere.
it is irrvaiuabie for overworked men, del
icate women and alckly children. It la
a promoter of health
and longevity.
At most druggists,
grocers and dealers,
tlfco a large bottle
nefwte substitutes
and ttnltatlona; they
are Impure and dan
gerous. Bend for
free medical booklet.
Ike SaXfy Matt 'Whiskey O., Rochester
M. s.
Hqw Thl "WewlerfMl Ointment Knita
Itching and iiwMs Hkhi icrHimQWf,
TM soothing, healing fncalcatlpn In
KeMnot Ointment and Reslnol 8op
penetrates every tiny pere of tho skfei,
cleeim It flf;eJ iHMMirtis, .and tU
ItcfRitK Instantly. Reetnel -peeMVdy
piHy heels Mtiwt, raehts, ring
worm, and ether ermrttana, ami clears
away disfiguring ptmHee and black
haute, when other treatments prove
woia than ttalM.
Mslnol . U. 'not aw experiment.' RV)ia
a doctor's KescrjeHla,. wwlehu ,JHy4
so .wonderfully successful for scl tretf'
be that It has been twod fey other doo
tors" alt over the country tor ' elg-hteen
year. No other treatment for the skin
now before the public can show such a
record of 'professional approval. Every
druggist H Rcelnol Ointment (Wo and
tl.W), and Hrlnol Boap ,(Kc; bt tor
trii size, free, write tp Dept. SO-It
Itesinoli Haiti more, Md Look tor the
blue package and avoid "substitutes,"
Every woman knows that Furs
are the moat elegant and luxurious
of all gifts for Christmas.
A deposit will hold any fur piece
or garment for you, to be delivered
just before Christmas.
WASHINGTON! tec s.-ltesults Of the
house lobby Investigation by a commit
tee headed by Ilepresentatlve Garrett of
Tennessee were made public today In two
reports, a majority report signed by
democrats and. republicans alike and a
supplemental report filed by Representa
tive McDonald of Michigan.
The majority made no recommendation,
but declared that Ilepresentatlve Mc
Dermott ot Illinois (had been guilty of
acta of grave "impropriety, unbecoming
the dignity of his position, . though "we
cannot say that :ho haa been corrupted
In hla votes." i i '
The majority1 Report atio held that
McDermott. ' having Intlmato relations
with I H. MbMlcjiael, former chief page
of the house, knew that "M. M. Mulliall,
"a 'lobbyist for the National' Assocla
Uon of Manufacturers," employed Mc-
.Mlchael. .The majority held that both
the National Association of Manufac
turers And tho Ajncrlcan . Federation of
Labor engaged -In political activities and
expended '.money (to effect -nominations
and elections of (the members-of the
house of representatives;
t'nngrem In 111 Repnte,
Representative McDonald, who ngreod
with the maJ6rlty findings, declared that
congress had fallen somewhat from its
high citato lit tho cntlmatton of the
American, people that there haa been
a broadcast suspicion of conditions ex
isting In congress that a system has
been bultt up for def eating" ,or preventing
remedial legtslatldn. lie made recom
mendations for legislative reforms.
Tho main conclusions ot the majority
define a lobby as "a person' or body ot
persons Busking to Influence-'legislation
by congress In any mannor whatsoever."
Tho National Association of Manufac
turers, the National Council for Indus
trial Defense, the National Tariff Com-
mission association, the American Fed
eration of -Labor, the Washington City
Associations ot Liquor Dealers, and lo
cal loan sharks ore found to have main
tained lobbies, '
Mulhall' Claims Kxtrarngnnt.
Martin M. Mulhall Is said to have ad
mltted errors In some vital statements
made in hla charges to have been cor
roborated In other subjects of Import
ance by officials of tho National Asso
ciation of Manufacturers and tho Na
tlonal Council for Industrial Defense.
Mulhall, the report says, was extrava
gant In many ot his claims and over
stated his potency and Influence with
members of congress and publlo men
generally; he entertained animus against
many ot thoso against whom he made
allegations nnd used names of publlo
men with an unjustified freedom! High
superior officers of tho manufacturers'
organisation and the Council fcr Indus
trial Defense' used him "very largely and
primarily, for jsersorfal lobbying,". sy
Ilia ruvrl' . ' .
the reffert'.
The febby ot the associations' at man
Industrial defense li
hl gHtlty bi Improperly preventing and
.aWmT. sbUsbsb
aits vrxsHUY rrsss
Take advantage of our won
derful holiday offer With
each order we send free this
beautiful cut Blast decanter
ruled wiui our ramous
private stock whiskey
absolutely tree.
Our big offer
1 galloK Monarch rail. tm ff
rroof Xsotwoky "WW-1 fV
ksy, agsd la bond.
Ksgolar yrloe
1 galls Old Vintage
ort or Marry Wine.
Xsgolar pries 98X0.
J 3ft thiBkTvs sallau tu IMor n4 al
(Uk 4cMi fill 4 with r1u itock tr
H. fni Mitt tixitr Batiittctloa w
tt4 r bihi rtt4d
6r W slant aH. Xaasaa City. Ho.
k New York Manufacturing Furrier, Forced Into Financial Straits by Reason of Mild Weather
t.' His Entire Overstock at an Unheard ot Sacrifice
Which Maks Possible the Most Amazing Values Omaha Women Have Ever Experienced in a
Sensational sale of furs
fur SETS
of beautiful matched furs, muffs
and scarfs of newest shapes.
Plain and fancy
Scarfs, full sized
Muff brown Bable,
black French and
Belgian Cone, nt
Think of co?ni?tg to Omaha s Most Reliable Fur
Store Wednesday a?id buying the newest, most beauti
fully made Furs at Prices that Will Save You Nearly
One-Half the Money You Have to Spend for Furs.
Buy them now for less than you can buy them later.
The graceful long and three-quarter
coats Many beautifully
Varitie8 nro enormous. Every popular fur is hero.
Extremely large variety of Fur Scarfs in newest
modelsevery desirable fur; wonderful values are of
fered in this stock, at $3.98 to $98
Choice of sovcral style
in French conoy and Ilol
kIhh lynx, brook mink,
northwestern mink, kit
coney, grey fox, etc.j
some worth up to 915.00,
Two 950 Russian Pony Coats.
swVIhk to prevent legislation.
flravest doubt was expressed as to
propriety of aets of Mughal! and Counsel
James A. Kmery. 'for fa manufacturers.
The report added: "It Is outrageous and
etfenslya. ttht these associations hayj
had taelr paid hirelings about the capt
tol. buttoriholini niefcibers of conferee.
to Muce them to remain away when a
yote "was belnc taken." I
Nothing Illegitimate was founa n mo
activity 6f tho American Iteration of
Cabor, Lobbies of liquor dealers and
money lenders In Washington were
found to have neither affected nqr pre
vented legislation Improperly.
Methods used by tho manufacturers'
organisation In sending Mulhall through
tho country with funds to orgatjUoi tem
porary associations was denounced as
'Improper, -disreputable" and dishonest."
No. evidence was found of employment
pti nenbrs .ofthe house for Improper
purposes. .
Tis)tBa;EmpIires neHHHeil.
Tipping- 9t house . employes waa de-
neUHced ae reprelieMrible. -'Kmploymont
by. the manufacturers', association M
torwer Chief, furfe MeMlchacl of the
house was severely, censured,, ,
Representative Dartnoldt of Missouri.
Burke i ot Pennsylvania, Calder of New
Vork? Bherly of Kentucky and Webb pf
North .Calorlna were upheld as "neither
reached nor -Influenced by the manufuc-tdrers."
Tho committee held that Representa
tive McDermott minimised hla relations
with MUlhall, that ha obtained small
loans from Mulhall, but ' added that
'these were personal acta of Mulhall.
and we don't believe that he let Mc
Dermott have the noney with a view to
corrupting him, nor do we believe Mc
Dermott received from Mulhall In loans
or otherwise anything near the 1,(00 or
11,000 as alleged,"
The committee cohcluded that Mc-
mott's training and! associations have
not given him tho I ethical perceptions
and standards relative to publlo office.
that usually characterise publlo men.
"We cannot say that he has been cots
ruptod In his votes," It added, "but somo
things which a private cltlten miy do
with Impunity must bo avoided by one
in orriciaL station."
McDonald HuwKrsts Kspulalan.
IlepresenUtlvo McDonald introduced
two resolutions after a conference with
Doctors Endorse
li WC iUL ImUC tilodOM (Mte&dftAlal
AVer's Cherry Pectoral tot coughs ud
coMs, f e waiufl Bat etcr K to you.
A Yew Decter. ioSfTi
stresg aae
Ut a few days
without a surgical
or lose ot
Our work la
snianutee4. Call or
write tor particular.
Pre: Wrejr & Math-
Ouch! Lame Back
j Rub Out Lumbago
,Rub Backache away with
small trial bottle of
"St. Jacobs Oil."
Kidneys cause BackarhsT Not They
have no nerves, therefore can not cause
Dain Listen! Your backacha la rnii.1
by lunibago, sciatica or a strain, and the
quickest relief Is soothing, penetrating
"St Jacobs Oil." Rub It right on the
ache or tender spot and Instantly the
pain, soreness, stiffness and lameness
disappears. Don't stay crippled! (Jet i
small trial bottle ot "St Jacobs Oil'
from your druggist . and Umber up. A
moment after It la applied you'll wonder
what became of the backache, sciatica
or lUmb&go pain. "St Jacobs Oil" stops
any .pain at once. It Is harmless and
doesn't burn or discolor the skin
It's the only application to rub on s
weak, lame or painful back, or 'tr lum
bago, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism
sprains or a etraOi. -Advertisement
Kit fox, coney, nat
ural raccooM, (trey1
fox, JielRlaa lynx,
black, mink; large
muffs with plain or
fancy scarfs ; satin
linings t north, to
jauj nt -
Three geO Itnselan fony Ooats t88
Two 999 Basslaa Poay Coats, clrst oat collar K48.5Q
Tonr $73 I,ong Basslan Pony Ooats g9
78 Husslan Pony Coat, AnstraUaa oposstua coUar... 99-
$78 Russian Pony Coat, ehlnohlUa sqalrrsl ooUar 99
Two 999 Xrimmer Ooats at 38
Kla 830 Ijpng Prenoh Coney Ooats at....
889 Kit Coney Coat, ermine trtmmsd 837.60
$188 Hsar Ssal Ooat. hearer collar ana ontfs
81BB XoTSlty Mol Conor Ct t .... . .999
8X80 Ksar 8sal Coat, raccoon collar and caffs 999
aeaalae Hudson Baal Coat, fancy eat 998
9199 jfataral Bark Pony Coat, Xadeea seal trimming.
9099, yoTslty Xsar Heal Coat at .....
8978 rl gollask "gahls Coat at.
. .808
8880 Plae Xovslty Xsar Beal Coat at:
8878 aitra Tins Hudson Bay Otter Ooas at. ,99Zi
999 fcong Caraonl Ooat........ 99
tUx $1B8 tong Oaraeal Ooats
8109 KoVby arsai1 gt Oeat. . :.v.W
Tour $108 Itoag Oaraeal Ooaf .999
Varied assortment of Children's Fur Sets in all ages
and sizes Angora, Thibet, Squirrel, Coney, Brook
Mink and others, $1.50, $1.98. $2.98 up to $15.
Fancy and plain;.,
somo with silk or
naments; blended
brook mink, north
western mink, etc;
worth up to 112.50
Special, at
8880 Pine Bootch Mole and Bknnk Marten Bet 8135
$186 Eztra Qood Quality Kolinsky Bable Bet .....869
8150 Belset Scotch Mols Bet, extra large............... 885
889 Molred Hnsslan Pony Bet, fancy, at ...849
898 large Pancy Mole Coney Bet .869
$138 Pine Scotch Mole Bet, good alas 889
$68 ClTst Cat and White Bknnk Bet at '. $35
$59 large Mole Oonsy Bt at .$33
$59 natural Wolverine Bet at .' $88
$83 Hudson Beal and Imitation Bnnlne Bet...' $33
$69 Mole Hndson Seal Set, large, faaoy, at..... ............ .835
SO styles of Fur Seta;
largo plain or fancy
muffs, with large and
medium scarfs in red fox,
raccoon, gray -fox, Jap
mink, brook mink, bin a
wolf, etc.; worth up to
$30.OQ; at r
A wonderful assortment of separate Muffs In all the furs most
In demand this season. Many new styles and sixes not shown before.
Trench Coney Muffs, at .....81.00, $1.50, $1.98,. $8.98 Bp to 87.50
acwo $88 Hear Beal Peats. .... U
$180 Paaey Hsa Beal peat.. ...$88
Choice of Entire Mink Stock
-MJak.Mfetfs, -Mink Soarfs, .and Mink
Bets, regardless- of valne, at'
, y3 Off Regular Price
Our varieties of tbess popular and
dnrahls furs ara Jarger than ever.
Bleaded Brook Mink Malta at $8.98, $8;.$6.9B.
$6.98, UP to , ...$17.50
Canadian Marten Muffs $5, $7.60, $8J8, $10 to $88
Black Pox Mafia $15, $18, $88. $88' up to $83
Civet Cat Mnffa at.... .$13, 819, $89, $88 and $49
Husslan Pony, Hndson Beal Pitch, Marten, Wolf,
Hear Beat, Meleslda ana Mols Ooasy at $19 to $98
Topular and staple
furs in muffs and
scarfs; new shapes,
and" styles. In' Jap
mink, red fox,
-American marten,
near seal, Mu .wolf
ana raccoon; Worth
up 'to lldf;' atJ
-. asaifi &r t-J&tiltiiiltti 9&fit& ttr &'& L asafi tgVy bsVi aasY. aaUi kts aaVi' sisfi sliii ftsai ttL9fX. safc bA saW assay tsssiif ssssflf aVAT Jif -v?'
H Safll$CTtWW
nepresenta,tlvc Murdock of Kansas, tho
progressive leader. ,
The first provided thftt th9 house
should forthwith p'roce4 to determlno
whethfer the rebort 'klld not show Itepre-
ecntatlve McDermott to have been guilty
or aisgraceiui viu unwuui.
in kill nffiriai rcantcltv. renuenng nun
unworthy At remaining i'a a member of
tho hduie land Uable ito expulsion.
Tho other requested the house to ue
rmlif whether the' officers and agents
o'f tho'. National association of Manufnc-
InliiAUnr frmsrL Illrd. KlfbV.
J3intr, Mulhall and others had not been
... ' m .1 MlA.ttrf nr.
guilty Ol coniinuov
iigalnst the good order and dignity of
tho house, rondenng1, mem name io pn
Uhme'nt for contempt i
British Columbia
jBars' All Artisans
and Laboring Men
VICTOMA, B. C, Dec 9.-An order-
In-councll, promulgated yesterday Dy mo
Hrltlih Columbia government, prohibits
until March SI the entry to the province
of all artisans and laborers. The order
Is general In Ita terms and Is not re
stricted to any particular race or pop'e.
Officially the reason set for the gov
ernment's action Is the present congested
condition of labor on tho raclflo coast.
The matter was brought to a head, how
ever, by tho Hindu question arising out
of the Judgment of Chief-Justice iiunier
of British Columbia, declaring In effect
that tho restrictions heretofore imposed
by the government in respect to Immi
gration of this class are untenable and
not constitutionally operative,
The government realized that the situa
tion was serious, as there was nothing
to prevent whole shiploads of Hindus
from entering British Columbia, precip
itating possibly an Imperial crisis.
The government decided to avail Itself
of the law which gives wide powers In
excluding Immigrants and the present
order-ln-councll was pasaed.
The present Is a temporary expedient
An effort will be made to work out a
permanent solution of this problem before
March St
No hardship will be worked against
desirable Immigrants. The provisions ot
the new enactment. It Is stated, will sim
ply not be enforced against them.
To the Housewife.
Madam, If your husband Is like most
men he expects you to look after the
health of yourself and children. Coughs
and colds are the most common ot the
minor aliments and are most likely to
lead to serious diseases, A child Is much
more likely to coratract diphtheria or
scarlet fever when it has a cold. It you
will Inquire Into the merits ot the various
remedies that are recommended for
coughs and colds, you will find that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy stands
high In the estimation of people who use
It It Is prompt and effectual, pleasant
and safe to take, which are qualities
especially to be desired when a medlctn
is Intended for thlldren. For sale by all
'dealers AdvcrtUctnn
It is the richest purest most delicious whiskey
you ever tasted guaranteed to
please you in every way or
Your Money Back!
TM. is tke Meal
Whiskey far the Host
WE know you wsl want some good, pure whiskey
for the Holidays for your own use and to set
before your friends. Be particular in your
selection avoid blends nnd compounds consider
quality 9 well as price and remember there is only
one way you can be SURE of getting absolutdypure,
straight whiskey and that ia to insist on BOTTLED-IN-BOND
the kind with the Government's Green
Stamp over the cork.
That's What We Offer You
Hayner fine, old Private Stock Bottled-ln-Bond
Whiskey rich, pure and delightfully pleasing
shipped in strong, sealed case direct from distillery
to you and all it costs you is $3.20 for FOUR full
quarts express charges paid by us.
There Is Ne Quertiow
About a Wyskey Like This
You KNOW it is good you KNOW it is pure the
U. S. Government's official Green Stamp over the cork
is put there for your protection and it tells you in plain
words that this whiskey is botUed-in-bond, fully aged,
full 100$ proof and full measure and is your assur
ance that It comes to you just as it left the original
barrels as pure and good as it ie possible to produce.
Nowhere Else Caa You Do So Well
Blende and compounds can be had anywhere and at
any price the papers are full of such offers but when
it comes to BOTTLED lN-BOND-the kind with Uncle
Sam behind it the kind with the Government's Green
Stamp over the cork Hayner Whiskey stands abso
lutely alone the greatest value offered by anyone
in America at our price of only 80c a quart delivered.
How Can We Afford To
Kerne So Lew a Prk7
We are the largest distillers of pure, straight whiskey
in America and the ony distillers who sell their entire
product direct from Distillery to Consumer thi s sav
ing you all the profits of the middleman and dealer
ana offering you this fine, pure, bottied in bond whiskey
dtrsct troa osetuiery at tne ueuiiera price.
Profit By This Great Saving
Over 1,000,000 men in the United States are our steady
customers they knoto and appreciate the quality of
Hayner Whiskey and send us their orders time and
time again for more of the same good kind. NOW
we want an opportunity to prove our claims to YOU
we want to show you what we are producing we
want to convince you of the great saving our Direct
fronvDistillery plan of selling means to you.
Seed Us Your Order Now
Try this Whiskey at our risk and on our positive
guarantee that you will find it all we claim as fine a
whiskey as you ever tasted and the best value you ever
bought or you may send back balance of goods at our
expense and we will return your money without a word.
You Take No Chances
Our guarantee is as fair and square as we know how
to make it it means what it says we MUST make good
we must send you a quality that will strike you as rich,
pure, delicious right in every way and we will do it
Don't Put It Off
Attend to this right now while you think of It no letter
is necessary use the coupon below fill it out and
mail it to our nearest Office and Shipping Depot and
we will surprise and delight you with the quality of
the goods we will send you.
Enclosed find S3 50 for which send me FOUR full quart bottles
of Hayner Private Stock Bottled-in-Boad WhUkey express paid
as per your offer. It Is understood that If this whiskey is not
found as represented and satisfactory to me la every way. It may
be returned at your cxpasse and my SU8 is to be promptly
J , J-1&S
No erdere filled for lass thsa 4 quarts
Orders tor Arizons. California, Colorado. Idaho, Montana. Nevada.
New Mexico, Oregon. Utah. Washington or Wyoming must be on
the basis of 4 Qui its for W-00 by Express Prepaid or 29 Quarts for
tlSJO by Freight Prepaid. ll-B
TIE IAYNEE BiSTSJJNG CO., Bet. J-105 2111 Ceitral Si., KANSAS CUT, M0.
Mace see SUee4as aka at
BteUHerj at Troy, Oslo
i ii
.uk uiwg
"SET ""oteumttt
. wUi fttv asA .. rwtni If JtA
i aka St ST.U8fJ.HSv
ST. rttt. MM. MWeUUJM.U. BATree, ,
capiut aee,ooo.oo ruii rau
4. Little Want Ad in The Bee does the business