Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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    rnrc bbb: omaha, Wednesday, December 10. 1913.
Tuesday, ifocember 9, 1913.
ABOUT a year ago two of Omaha's most accomplished and attractive
young women, Miss Gwendoline White, daughter of Mrs. Ben T.
White, and Miss Josephine Young, decided to give up society and
to turn their accomplishments to a business career, but Cupid has
Interfered with both careers.
Miss Whlto, besides haVlng unusual beauty, was also the possessor of
a charming soprano voice, decided to do concert work and voice culture In
San Francisco. Miss Young had literary ability and had soveral months'
experience writing for "Tho Wasp."
Both were popular In the army set horo and at the Presidio, and a few
months after moving to California came the announcement of the wedding
of Miss Young to Captain Walter Harvey, United States Infantry.
Miss Gwendoline Whlto has written friends this week of her engage
xnent to Lieutenant John Cowgtll Pograra, United States cavalry. Tho wod
dlng will tako place during the holidays and will be celobrated quietly at
her home In San Francisco. They will call January 6 for tho Philippines.
At the Omaha Club.
Mr. 1!. W. Yates, jr., trill entertain at
dinner ibis evening at the Omaha club
fnllo.vjn-r tho woddtnk rehearsal for the
Vctero-Morfinn wadding- party. Thoio
rtif)t will ne:
KllEAbth Ptcktus
Onhlina retera
K-inneth PaUiaon
Ware Hall
Hal Ilrady
eorse J'rotidflt.
T. JlUrni.
1onUliJ Mors-.ii
Clmlr Poter
3tlph l'tort
llsl Vata
Mim Uallachv.-
Jlf. Hi! Mrs.
Mr. and Mr.
At the Orphenin.
'Hhlle in Omaha this tvAek an a faa
turn uf the1 Orphfiim Die comedian, Carl
McCulloutti. In rilllnK a number of so
clnl ciiKUKC-nieriU. On Sunday n waa
host at n dinner iart of Lincoln
friend it tne Htnthaw. HI guests
triads up a fcox party of eighteen later
in tho event!- Among them were Mr.
and Mrt. Harry Urader, Mr. and Mrn.
Crawford, Mr. Chtlders. Mrs. McAlplu,
Mr. Cunningham ami Alls Whlto. To
night Dr. and Mrs. Melllngcr wjll en
tertain a box party after a dinner for
Mr MeCulloiigh at their home. Wcdnes
day ovenlng lie will nee his friend from
Thurmun, la., for on that evening Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Paul will entertain a box
party ot eighteen.
T6r Weidinj Party.
Mr", I-ester Klrschbraun ot Chicago
entertained at luncheon Monday for the
members of the Jacobs-Ililirr bridal
parti'- Covers were placed for ten.
Monday evening Ml Mildred Jtubcl
entertained at a theater party at tho
Orpheum f followed by upper at her
Mr. Selrvyn Jacob entertained his best
men, Jlr. J. I,. Jacobs and the ushers,
Mr. Morton Hlller of NcW York City nnd
Mr. Icstr Klrschbraun of Chicago and
a few other frlrnda at' luncheon at thn
Henihaw Tuesday,
Mr. and Mr. Ixul Hitler will entur
tain at dinner' Tuesday evenlpr.
Orphesm axel Tangs Party.
On at tk eajeyatrfa affairs of Monday
Mr Riven hy Mr. as Mrs, Gould Diets,
per Igven W Mr. and Mr. Gould Diets.
The urts occupied the four lower
boxes an after the theater went to tho
home of Mr. an4 Mrs. Diets. Supper a
Mired from mall tables and candles
lighted the room and were used In
decoration. The out-of-town guests were
Ml, Kvelyn Wlcknry of Minneapolis
Mrs. Lester Brldaham ,of Denver and
Mr. Olive Wation of Lincoln.
At tke Gvrar'i XaNsien.
Mr. P. H. Crte and Mr. C. Vlneent
were tha guests of honor at a luncheon
lven Monday by Mr. John It. Morehead
at the governor's mansion In Lincoln.
Tnelva were pretext. The table decora
tlona wero red roes. itra.. Vincent re
turned home today and Mr. Cole will
probably remain until Wednesday. To
ttay Mrs. Howard Kennedy entertained
for Mr. Cole.
At the HMtferi.
Miss Alma Ilutler entertained at a
Tanra fiance at tha Santera hotel Mon
day evening In honor ot Miss Alberta
I'iouka of Chicago, guest of Mrs. L, M.
Tetau. About forty gueats war present.
lilyw Anniversary.
A surprise km given Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Swen-on. 33U Houth Twenty-fourth
U"vt In celebration of their twenty
fifth wwMimc enalversary Monday eve by ftfty of their friends and rela
tHe. tactual a number from Oakland
an Walioo. During the evening Mr. and
Mr. 8wenaon wero presented with a
set of flat silver table service, Ited and
whlta roses were used, throughout the
house and an enjoyable evening wa
T?r the future.
Mrs. II. II. Whltehouse will entertain
at a bridge-luncheon on Thursday. Thirty-two
gueats will be present.
Mrs- J. M. Metcalf wilt entertain at
dinner at Jier home Saturday evening In
honor of Captain and Mrs. William C.
Cowln of Porto Illco, who are spending
the holidays with Captain Cowln's par
ents, Qenetal and Mr. John C- Cowln.
Returns from Europe.
Tor Mrs. Arthur Itemlngton, who has
recently returned from Europe, Mrs. H.
H. Baldrige entertained a few friends in
formally today at her apartments at the
Mrs. r. 1 Klrlcendall will entertain
at luncheon Thursday for Mrs. Arthur
Itemlngton, who recently returned from
a trip abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Uans will entertain at
s. musical Saturday evening at their home
In honor ot the Cohn-Meyer wedding
party. Twelve guests will be present
Bridge Parties.
Mr. and Mrs. B. 1. Hoyer will enter
tain at two bridge parties this week.
Wednesday evening they will- entertain
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sharp,
who huva recently returned from their
weddlnir trip. Five tables will .be placed
for tho game. Krlday evening .Mr. and
Mrs. rioyer will entertain and four
tables of players will be present.
Pleasure Pait.
Mrs. Harry Welter entertained Infor
mally at luncheon Tuesday In honor of
Mrs. Alberta Plonka of Chicago. Covers
were laid for six guests.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. Fred Hubbell and Mr. 'B. Denman
of Des Moines, who camo for tho danc
ing party Battirday evening given by Mr.
and Mrs. M. C. Peters fdr Miss Morgan
and Mr. Ilatph Poters, expect to retf.rn
home today, Mr. Hubbell nnd Mr. Den
man did not count on the train being
late Saturday evening and Vmly arrived
In tlmo for the supper dance and "Home,
Hweet Home." They remained for the
dinner dance Monday evening given by
Mr. Ware Hall and Mr. Kenneth Pater
son at tho Country club.
Mf. Lester Ilrldahsm of Denver, who
has been the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. E. T.
jHwoho for a fortnight and who has berfn
t tho honor guest at numerous social af
fairs, returns horn this afternoon.
Ml (mi Alberta Plonke, who has been the
guest ot Mrs. L M. Pesau, returned
Tuesdsy evening to her home In Chicago.
Mrs. 13. V. Lewis has returned from
Chicago, where alio was jdlned by Mrs.
Arthur Lewis ot Toronto, who returned
to Omaha.
Anti-Saloon League
to Protest Against
Saloon Licenses
Tha Nebraska State Anti-Saloon league
Is threatening to muke trouble for some
of the saloon' keeper who will In a short
time seek renewed licenses to do a liquor
business In Omaha. District Superlnteu.
dent V, A. High says that In the Uglit of
the recent violations of the liquor laws
of thn stato by many of the Omaha sa
loon men, tha lesguo will feel Justified In
protesting tha renewal oMthelr licences.
"Wo will probably tnnko It hot for soma
of them," said High. "The. petitions for
licenses say that tho applicant is a msn
ot good moral character. Will a man of
good moral character violate the laws
of the state as recklesVly as many of
these fellows did, Wo will put It Up to
tha council as to whether they will dare
renew the licenses of some of theeo men
who have been guilty of tho most
flagrant violations ot the law."
Arra measles
mrltltml ptlmi tMoJUW
wis- W atMtcrUflJteW mi
GssWsif sfcSsVsC sjtsstfs fHotfff VMt6
iafwsWa( tr Acer
tehasi TfmtfOyi rtffvkrly afiar
Um fir 1.-IJ-- I aaM.1.
stofMtwtUMa mU
tM SMirstMirastAs-!
. lauc tka -
fcaitfet It im utmUf frt
tnm aOoaM ImvmM
Insui'aince Agent and
Collector Loot Alike
K. D. Henlllnger, Insurance man "par
excellence," who. has a propensity for
making trips to the wild and woolly parts
of this city In quest of prospectlva policy
signers, is a past master at the art of
selling Insurance policies to foreigners
Who have difficulty In speaking tha Eng.
llsh language. But for all hi cxpertness
Herdllnger met his Waterloo yesterday
somewhere on South Thlneenth street,
where he had gone to Ilnd out If a cer
tain party, whose name sounded like
Casltskl. knew what he was doing when
ha signed an Insurance policy.
Herdllnger found Cazltakl's wife at
noma and attempted to drag tho Informa
tion out of her with tho aid of him r.
i ported Infallible sign language. He had
great luck, he thought, until he had com
pleted, when the woman gravely handed
him ftl and the rent receipt. Herdllnger
had talked halt an hour In tha IntereaU
of the landlord, which so peeved him that
he has not emerged from his office today
and Is as mum as an oyater.
Mr. J. Meldllnger. 1!7 South Eigh
teenth street, was nearly asphyxiated
early Tuesday morning by gaa ecaplng
from a heating stove In the room In which
she slept. Her son, Albert. In the next
room was awakened by the odor and af
ter throwing open the window called tha
police Dr. Kochtraan responded and
with tha use of the pulmotor revived the
woman. She Is now out ot danger
Uri. George Tildcn So Honored by
Trustees of Old People's Home.
neenmra Kxecntlvr 1 1 end of Orirnri
ixntlnn, hot Will Look lo Ilr
tlrlnir Official for 31 rich
Mrs. Qeorge Tllden, who lias served for
fourteen consecutlvn years as president
of the board of trustees of tho Old Peo
ple's Home, and for eight years previous
to that served as treasurer, was in nil o
honorary president of tho homo at tho
thirtieth annual meeting held In tho par
lors of tho North Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Tllden waa obliged to announce that
she would not be n candidate, for re
election as president because her health
will not permit her to engage In active
work. Mrs. Tllden Is gradually retiring
from various offices In various organiza
tions of tho city on .that account. She Is
honorary president of the Young Women's
Christian association, an office given her
as a reward for many yearn' service as
active president.
Other Officer Elected.
Mrs. Tllden thanked tho board ot
trustees for presenting her with tho
honorary office and asked that they give
hor the privileges of attending all meet
ings, because sho felt a part of tha or'
ganlzatlon and wished to attend when
ever her health would permit It. Mrs.
Edward Johnson, who was elected presl-i
dent of the board, told the board of her
thirteen years' active work alongside ot
Mrs. Tllden and said that ahe know that
sho would not be the real president ot
the board because she woura always look
to Mrs. Tllden foe Instructions be.vuiso
no one could be tho executive head as
lonr as Mrs. Tllden was al(ye
Mr. Oeorga B. Eddy waa elected vico
president of tho home, Mrs S. K
Hpatdlng. treasurer. Mrs. J. C. Ham
mond, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J.
. Olll, recording secretary. The fol
lowing were elected to the board of
trustcos: For three years,- Mrs. J. W.
nedford. Mrs. C. It. Sherman. Mrs. Ii J
'). Loomls. Mrs. Cadet Taylor and Mrs. i
M. K. Spalding; for two years, Mrs. H.
I. Adams, Sirs. J. W. QUI, Mrs. Kdward '
Johnson. Mrs. A. B. Jacqulth and Sirs.
It. 8. Wilcox: for one year; Mrs. J. C
Hammond, Mrs. doorge B. Bddr, Mra
Prank Martin. Mrs. O. H. Gillespie and
MIm Alice Troxelt.
Tho following were elected as chair
men of the committees: Admission com
mittee, Mrs. 15. O. Loomls; board of man
ngrrs, Mrs. J. W. Bedford: house com
mitter, Mrs. J. W. Bedford; wardrobe
and linen committee, Mrs. C It. Sher
man; outside repairs committee. Mm.
Cadet Taylor. Miss AUco Troxell was
elected to tho position of clerk of the
board of managers.
Mrs. Jeff W. Bedford read the report
of the board of managers for the year
Just passed. Mrs. J. C. Hammond read
the report of tho corresponding secretary
and Mrs. J. W. Olll read the report af
the recording secretary. Mrs. E. oJ
Loomls told of tho activities ot the ad
mission committee. Sho announced that
thtro were twenty-three Inmates In the
homo In addition to two boarders. Three
wero admitted during this lost year,
while five had died.
After a chicken luncheon In the base
ment of thn church the afternoon (sesslon
was Inaugurated at 2 o'clock. The most
Important of tho reports read in the
afternoon was that ot the treasurer, Mrs.
S. K. Spalding. She reported that the
board lacked approximately $50 to cover
all expenses of the last year.
Llva experienced salesmen to handle our"
Una in the states of Nebraska, South Da
kota, Missouri and Kansas. Give full In
formation In first Utter. Gunthcr Con
fection and Chocolate Co., 7TM W. Jackson
Blvd., Chicago. III.
l:j Burden, of Council Bluffs was ar
rested by Officer M. K. Anderwm at
Fourteenth and Douglas streets Monday
n'ght where he waa attracting con
siderable attention by dancing, clad only
In a pair ot trousers. Burden waa under
the Influence of a drug at the time un-l
was fined M and costs In police court
for the often
Now's the lime lo make sure lhat
your children get all the food necessary
to build up their muscles and bones and
out ort flesh. Their Dhvsical future denenrU
largely on what they eat now.
There's more real nutrition In a Me riarkarrrV'lnf
Faust Macaroni than In 4 lbs: of beef prove it by
your doctor.
is extremely rich in gluten, being made from Durum wheat.
uiv v.cicu iiiui launa inu in pruicm. very
ensilv dfpestrri Is Faust Mnr.ironi Sntmrt-
i it- 9 t .
ioo wnie lor iree recipe dook ana
see now many aiuerent ways
it.)- .... il. L..IUI r
una aucugui -uuuuiiig
tooa can dc served.
At all grocers' Sc
and 10c package
St. LohIs, Me.
I 2saV5-r.-
If You Want to Give
Distinctive Gifts
tomethkg a Utile out of the ordisary choose them at Peacock.
The fame of the Peacock store it wotld-wkle. People from al
. ...ww wwn, uvm an
over the world who with to 'give gifts of assured quality and artistic
mem tcna to reacocic s.
You can buy here with the same degree of satisfaction whkk
they know, either in person, or if you ate unable to visit our store,
by means of the Peacock 1913-1914 illustrated Shopping Guide.
The Peacock name and reputation - three -quart era of a con tiny
old are all the guarantee you need.
(Established In 1837)
Hants Dana la
here nil day Ions
-Ho wnnLt to
meet crerjr little
lKr nnd KlrJ In
Ovnalin with
their parents.
All Rifts hniiRht
here sent free by
rarccK Post any
wlierc in the
I nlted States.
Omaha's Greatest Showing of Gift Jewelry!
16 I,art(-V Watches, q slse. Hunt- JmmPnSg Rhmnina Main Jilnnr Citrnr Jars. Ash Trays and varl
Inrc or opn face, sold filled cae J-tnmeHSO OHOWlTig , Main JJlOor ou other wortM J3 Bt...8l
Kiiarantooi 20 years. Klein or
waltliani 7-Jewel movement, pe
dal 16.98
12 Men's Watches. 12 and 16 size,
open fare or, closed case, 10, yfar
KUarantced gold filled case. Elgin
or Waltham movement, "-Jewelled,
special ....i. 17.98
Women's tiracelet Watches, silk
bracelet with silver watch, spe
cial ... S3
Sterlln-r Military Sets In lined
boxes, ,nt... 93.98
Heavy HterllnB Military Druslie.
special, at .....$a
Sterling; 8llvr Manicure Pieces,
holly box .'. aso
3 Sterling Silver Manicure Setn.
at 81.75
Quadruple Plated Chllds' Cup.
Bold lined ...,33e.and 70o
17 Sterllne SJlver Tea Spoons, net
of , very heavy 83
$5 Quadruple Plated Toilet Rets,
brush, comb and mirror. ... .83.03
It Vanity Cases, special, at, 69o
Quadruple Plated and Solid Bras
Smoking; Sets 81.98
J and $7 Solid Gold, Diamond set
Tie Clasps 93.98
Solid Kohl Brooches that are
worth to 3, at W9
Solid Gold Pocket Knives, splen
did gift for a man 93.98
tl Bass of real leather, reul
leather lined, all- slies and new
shapes, worth to -.IS. at. .
5 Real Pin Seal, real seal, real
walrus and real morocco baps.
at 2-88
S3 German Silver 7-Inch Mesh
Bust?, kid lined 93.98
13 Reverse Blii Mesh Bags. 4V4
Inch frame $1.98
We sell the famous
Community Silverware
Advertised In leading
It lasts a lifetime.
Toys and Dolls
This is Omaha's one great Toy Center. Every child
knows It. Every boy and girl pick out tho toys here that
they hopo to get on Christmas morning. Thlq, Is the Toy
Wonderland that has ovcry new toy.
Coaster Wagons Made with welted steel
tires, extra well braced, removable top, best
makes, at.... $1.1)8 to' $1.00
Celebrated game of "Flinch" at tho game
counter .25c
Rugby Foot Balln,; standard
size, at .08c
Christmas tree ornaments
Our stock is complete with
now, attractive ornaments of
all kinds for the Christmas
treo candles, etc., each, now
at 2)c to 10c
Toledo Velocipedes Front
wheel, 20 Inches; ?s-lnN rub
ber tire,- at $
Others at 08c, $1,115, $1.50,
$1.08, $2.50 and .'$'1.08
Galloping Horse Brightly
ornamented, English saddle,
leather stirrup strap, martin
gale and reins, fancy breast
band, at $4.50
Ball Bearing Roller Skates, ad
Justablo size for. Juniors n to
B years 91.90
IVes Toys
Make Hapt-gtf
Never a dull minute for the youngster who
uwjih on ives .Miniature Jlauway system.
No. 0, at.. , 980 No. 1, at.... 91.35
No. 2 a V.-. 81.60 No. 3, at..,. 8138
No. 11, at.... 89.98 No. 13, at.... .83.98
No. 1102, at. .83.50 No. 1105, at,. 94.50
No. UH, at. ...97.50
B-lnch Kewple Dolls 35o
7H-lnch Kewpie Dolls 50o
9-inch Kewpie Dolls 76o
Collapsible Doll Carts Double spoke, rubber
tired wheels .81.69
Collapsible Doll Carts rtequlres one motion only
to open or cosc; stationary back, wheels do not
fold under tho rnrt bent mini-
Ity black Imitation leather. .850
Baby Dolls New and attractive
character dolls; they certainly
look like real babies, 98o, 81.35,
81.60, 91.98 and .83.50
Xsstasr Xld Body Dolls This
store Is headquarters for these
famoun dolls. Prices, 35o to 810
rally Trimmed Doll Beds 30.
24, 18 and 14-lncn sizes, at, 91.35,
98c, 78o and. 49o
Monarch Hand Cars Seat fin
ished In auto green, decorated
with black Htrlpes all parts of
this handcar made of steel ex
cepting the feat and crtfss handle
runs 10 feet with each com
plete stroke of tha lever ..8X98
Holler Skatss for Girls and Boys
Steel heel and toe c!amps,49o
Boys' and Girls' Holler Skates
for 980
We are agents for
and Society Brand
Clothes for Men
1 1 Useful and Beautiful
IT ?,r y? Ung or oJd fpr cvcry member
IX of the family there is a lastintr comfort
ann nlM!M-( n 1 r n
r - ... uh, iuuh practical OI
Holiday remembrances
Piatt $1.59
Qstrt $2.59
Cartfit 93.59
Improved in quslity, yet io!d in America for leu than sn
other country in the world.
Thermos hu a thouiand uiei keeps fluldi or solids plpinr hot
2 hoursicy cold 71 houri.
Thermos BotUei sre priced $1.5010 A Gift d Lux,
the rhermo Carsfe costs only $3.50 to $$.00.
At all Gsed Scalers In Your City
fjioJb for Ihr
AmerlcaH Thermos Bottle Company
v Nrwlek. Cms.
IfJf Full Dress ylfM' Mackiaaw Ceats
and Tuxedo W'H PIa,n bron an?
uf o . M' lre)r check, refl and
Mi OUltS V W b,ack checks; all wool
W In all size rji blue and, brown chln-
M stout and rogu- tAi chlllaa; ahawl collars;
X: lar porfoctly yl(l' yoke hacks values
W tailored. Sa9-L from 7-G0 to S17.5P:
W. 7 K( at S5.00. 80.08
W: X.OU Rlui $10,00
I il
jif. 9BEKZfxS per pair, at
ft: x-
ail I -JSf I KPKf'lAI
I , I kt A4I.U
;t . a W st. w 9.a W ?-a VA
The Man's Store That ALWAYS Has the Greater
Varieties. Newer Styles. Better Values in
It i8 a fortunate man who comes 'hero for his-overcoat
this week. You will find here the overcoat you
want at a price that you feel you can afford to pay
That meiiri8 a lot these days.
Chinchilla Overcoats, Shawl Collars
The neason ble hit notlilne else is sn nnniilur;
dotiblo and single breasteil, belt backs n to 00
inches long; black meltons with con.
vertlble or velvet collars, 44 to 50 in. J);
long; tne classiest coat of tho winter,
in a splendid variety, at. ..... ,
Men's $20 Overcoats at $12.50
There are a great many $20 overcoats In this group
many all wool kerseys; fancy mixture and plain"
color coats; many ulsters for extremufn rn
weather; nowhere, else are there coats I "J ull
like these, at
Men's $15 Overcoats at $10
All wool overcoats, in black and colors; many 30
inc"es long, with convertible collars or
shawl collars. You can buy those coats
in other stores at 815.00 Buy them
here how at, . . .. ,
Men'H S.S and $30 quality winter Suits, imported
fabrics, at
Men's fancy worsted, tweed and -serge Suits, worth
up to 820, at S12.5D
A $7 SMOKING JACKET at $4.98
"Double Fare Cloth; wide variety of colors; all the
latest cuts; values actually $7, at 34.08
Specials in Women's White Kid Gloves
The quantity is, very limited and will only outlast the day.
divide them Into two lots:
Women's 16-hutton White Gloves of Imported Skins
Light or medium weight, with 2 clasps at wrist; cut and care
fully sized to fit well and hold their shape they wear splendidly.
Worth $2.36, while the lot lasts
Perrin's $3.50 Real Kid Gloves, at $2.55 pair
10-button length, will turn at elbow several inches. Every
pair stamped with "Perrin's name. The regular prlco is
$3.60; In white only, while this small lot
lasts, per pair, at
About ten dozen pairs Women's 20-button length White Kid Gloves. These gloves reach
almost to the shoulder, and suitable for tun dress affairs. Tbis length glove particu
larly adapted for women witn stout arms, as tney reacn nigner and do not
take up like the 16-button length. They come In white only. While thlB
small quantity lasts, per pair, at
oil Are Thinking of Buying
A House, a Lot, a Horson Automobile, a Business, a Musical Instrument, Etc.,
you will serve your o interests best by xeading or using
Bee Want Ads
Phone Tyler 1000