Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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if t m
Hosiery of Every Kind That's
Desirable and Satisfactory
Silk Hose, $1.0Q.
Silk Hose with
"But-J-Not" top $1.50
Misses' Silk Hose,
' Infants' Silk Hose
Women's Outing Flannel Gowns
Gowns White nnd colors, high neck, long
Bleeves. or low neck, short sleeves, 85c, $1.00, $1.25
'to $225.
Outing Flannel Short Skirts A very good
quality, cither plain or trimmed, 65c nnd 75c.
"Women's Knit Skirts cotton, part wool and
nil tfool, 50c to $2.50.
.... 'ii1 - :
Heniley Resolution Pasted by Nearly
Unanimous Vote.
resident Ik ItrQnestrd to Co-Ope-
rm( torltk Movement Far i
Ui Vttt-HVwi'tK TtaterfcaW
of United States.
WASHINGTON, Dec S.-Dy an over
whelming vole the. house today passed
the Hensley resolution requesting Presi
dent Wilson. so far aa lie can do so, with
duorrd.for tho'lnterests of the United
States, to co-operate with the suggestion
of Wast cm Churchill, lord pt the UrlUah
admiralty, for An International naval
holiday of one year.
Tho resolution expressed It to be the
opinion of tho houso that Mr. Churchill's
suggestion offers means of "Immediately
lessening tho enprmqus burden on tho
iMRrirtis Itt F1EE
YreitMtRt fir tuptiirt
it ROMB Nttil
lm at. nrltHtirM At wKnAMlntf it most
'raninrkabfe- oemoftatratton 'Bf what.
rniAKTU I'LAPAO.l'AD do for rup
tured pot4. . Tlie i J'tapao-Pada . ara an,
tor rupture, curing as they d the wrt
forms In Um. prtoMTC iJ,?,?fc.!i'!h0Wt
hindrance JaoMriWblte M Mrt 'fWrtlt ex.
lurtraaa aJUinr, .wier are iwn
f JHiSriiarai jsr sat
hertng closely -. Mw koAy W1MN
ImaoaslMe, therefore IMr rL i
Important factor In retaining rupture
that cannot be held by truat. No
trap, buckles of pritW. NO THU88.
Demonstrator tce. who M Authority
on matters pertaining to rupture, will bo
atjihi Hbttl Home, two days; December
loth and llth. Hours, a. ni. to.? VsP
Midtho will be pleased to. glva without
xhrs to- all who, call, os
it.JUI. ia call on
aa thlaTT "Chance ob a llhtlme:"
Made - to - Order Suits
Sicily Reduced Prices
$40.00 Quit's n6W $33.00 Ttieiday
;0aSiiitsr;now0.00 ( w- f
$?Q,00'Suif s no $25,00 ) oly.
.1512 1-2 Dodge Street.
T hsStsli t an a rdtf taaisr yea nut pMMrfU Cessnas Hke tUt eae.
to to be the greatest collection and biggest bargain in
patterM ever offered. The 1G0 patterns have a retail
Sjoe ef 10 cents each, or more than $10.00 in all. Bring
8D Coupon aad 68 centa to this office and you will be
MtMaUil with 0e CfflapVete Outfit, inciting Book of
iMtructions mi one All Metal Hoop. The SHcenta ie to
eover duty, expreea, handling and the wamereue over
head expenaee o getting the package from factory to you.
V. B.Omt mf Tom Rtmdmet will add 7 cm(i extra rVr
jteefdY expMMMt mf mmitmg.
Silk Hose, all silk
or silk with lisle tops
and soles, $1.5CL
Women's Silk
Plated Hose, 50c.
Women's Silk
Boot Hose, 50c.
I-eople and averting the waste of Invest
ment In war materials,"
A motion to recommit the resolution,
rrado by llepresentatlve Moore of Penn
sylvania, who led the opposition, was
voted down hy 1S to i0. Mr. Moore's
motion carried with It the substitute re
questing th president to use his influence
to- consummato nn agreement with nil
nations for a suspension of n naval pro
gram for one year, but containing no
reference to Urcat Urltoln or Winston
Churchill.- ,
The vote passing the llcnsley resolution
nns 317 to 11.
Belief that Lopez
Escaped is Growing
IJINcmAM, Utah, Dec. S.-Poses con
tinued their search of the Utah-Apex
mine today for Ilalph Lopez. The dis
covery of his blankets and his traclis yes
terday Indicated that If he waa still In
the mine ho had not succumbed to the
poisonous gases forced Into the tunnels
last week to asphyxiate him.
Armed with shotguns, the deputies ex
"plortftg the workings were prepared for
another underground battle, such as oc
curred November , when two of their
number were killed. That Lopes had es
caped from the ml no several days ago
was still a general belief,
Lope entered the mine on November
21 after he hnd killed n Mexican miner
end three peace officers on November 1.
Y-AlJPPf cr&Pclal Tele-
'gram.1) No mint- fata seewrM today In
.the case of the State of NetHLska mralnst
li'Wsgglf 'Whneon,. .who; M'a cptrged with
rWyGW, lAAusAwt thTs year.
,',Couly, Attorney tlergren H" being us-
aisteatVXf -lonn erry in the proceed
,tlQnnd Donaa tc Vlacek represent tha
dcfnilanL '. '
(dacfmlant, '
ifltjon, Jlpd by the defendant's at
torneys obcctlng to the sheriff or coro
ner subpoenaing the talesmen wis sus
tained by. Judge Oood and ho appointed
Justlco . W. Ollchrlit as special bailiff
to perfom this duty.
Threo of Qua Johnson's seven children,
vjho aro'bflng kept at the county larm,
called at the court house to see their
iftother this afternoon.
Fa BKn Osaka,
Suffragette EscorteiHome by Taxi
cab Proceiion.
bender of Wild "Women Who "Wan
Rearrested on Itetnrn front
America fJIrrn Liberty on
Seven Days License.
. LONDON, Dec.,8.-MlllUnt suffragettes
gathered In force to welcome Mrs. Em
mellne Pankhurst on her arrival today
from Kxeter. She was released from the
Kxeter Jail last night 'nnd given her
liberty on ten days' license.
Although an ambulance and a stretcher
were taken to the station, they were not
needed, as Mrs. Tankhurst was able to
alight from the train with tho assistance
of a nurse and another, companion, fiho
looked very weak and made her way with
tottering steps from the train to a car
riage. She was taken to a nursing home
at the head of a long proceeslon of taxi
cabs containing her cheering supporters.
Will liven race Rnttleshlps.
Not anticipating the early release of
tMelf leader, suffragettes gathered last
night at the Empress theater to protest
against the Imprisonment of Mrs Pank
hurst The house was only three-quarters
filled. "Cleneral" Mrs. FlorA Drum
mond, who presided, explained the empty
seats by accusing the postofflce of .tarn
piling with letters containing invitation
tickets. In the courso of & speech de
nouncing the government, sho exclaimed:
"Ilnro and now' we -swear that never
again will the government get Mrs.
Pankhurst Wo shall organize a body
guard, which will even faoe battleships."
' A resolution demanding the Instant release-
of Airs. Pankhurst was adopted
with enthusiasm, but as the meeting waa
dispersing the news of her liberation was
announced and was greeted with Pro
longed cheers.
Donations Co Cnnse. w
Several large donations to the cause
were made and 'promises of further dona
tions given, amounting In ail to WO.WO.
This amount fncludes. Z2.C00, the pro
ceeds 6T Mrs.' Pankhurst's American
Scores of suffragettes Invaded 8t.
Paul's cathedral Sunday morning and
chanted "(Jod save Emmellno Pank
hurst" Paris Press Predicts
Short Career for the
Doumergue Cabinet
PAniS, Dec. .--Tho cabinet, under the
premiership of, Senator Oaston Doumer
gue, wlto Is not a socialist, as has been
announced, but a radical-socialist, was
organized today during a conference of
the statemen whom M. Doumerguo has
asked to accept portfolios.
Tho radical-socialist party, to which
the now premier belongs, Is tho strong
est group In the chamber of deputies.
Its principles are democratic, but aro
wldojy divergent from those of the uni
fied socialists, who ore In reality the only
true socialists In the political groups of
Senator Oaston Doumergue succeeded In
forming the cabinet as follows!
Premier, and Minister of Foreign Af.
luira uasion Doumergue.
Minister of Interior Ilene Renault
Minister of Justice Blenvenu Martin.
, Minister of War-Joseph J. . 12. Nou-
Minister of Marine Erneet Monls.
Minister of Finance Joseph Calllaux.
Minister of Public Instruction Ilene Vi
vian!. Minister of Publio Works-Louis J,
Mlnlstor of Commerce Fernand David.
Minister of Colonies Albert r. Lebrun.
Minister of Agriculture Maurlco Ray
naud. Minister of Labor Albert Metln.
The new commission comprises radi
cal, radical-socialists and socialists, wltli
the exception of Lebrun and Raynaud,
who are regarded aa moderates. All, ex
cept Noulens and Malvy have served In
former cabinets.
The Paris press receives the announce
ment of tho new cabinet with disapproval
and predicts a short Ufa for It
Six Men Killed by
WILMINGTON, Detf, Dec .-filx men
wero killed and two fvjurtd today In an
explosion In the Oelatlne mixing house
of the Repautto Chemical company at
aibbstown, N, J, The dead Include Harry
Homer, foreman; Howard Clark and Her
bert Mullen, all of Paulsboro, N. J.
Seven hundred pounds of powder ex
ploded from an unknown cause.
The one-story corrugated Iron mill In
which tho powder was being mixed was
completely wrecked. The concern Is a
subsidiary of tha Dupont Powder com
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Deo. . With
1,000 union teamsters resuming work to
day for friendly employers, according to
au estimate made at labor headquarters
there was little evidence of a strike
railed a week ago by the teamsters and
chauffeurs' union. J. Callahan, chairman
of the strike committee, however, said
1,300 men were still on strike.
Ferd Btaldrr,
HUMBOLDT, Neb Dec 8.-8peclaL)-
Frrd Stsider. aged about 43 years, died
tn a hospital at St. Joseph Saturday and
the body was brought here for burial
Mr. Stalder waa a prominent and pro
gressive farmer. He leaves a wife, four
children, and several brother and elsters.
HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Dec. s.-(Speclan-Mra.
Effle M. Clark of this city and
John McLean of BrookfWd. Mo., were
married yesterday at the court house In
Falls City by County Judge Qagnon.
Kulrbury Conductor Paralysed.
FAIRBURV, Neb,, Dee. .8peciat
Hugft Mitchell, a prominent railroad oon
duotor of this city. Is lying at death's
door here as the result of a paralytlq
stroke he suffered at Hallam, Neb. Mr.
Mitchell, It Is said, waa crawling between
a couple of car and accidentally bumped
his head. He was brought to Falrbury
arid has not recovered consciousness.
To Car a Cold In On Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money It It falls to
cure. E. W. a rove's signature on each
box. XSo.
Modistes Would Keep
Photographers from
Paris Race Course
PATHS, Dec. 8. A trade defensive com
mittee Is being formed among Parisian
dessmakera In support of their demand
that photographers shall be henceforth
barred from Pnrls race courses. In order
to prevent the creation of Paris fashions
from being copied by foreign rivals. It
Is pointed out that If foreigners get frocks
made from photographs of the latest
Paris fashions they will cease coming to
Paris on shopping excursions. A strong
protest already has been made to tha
rollce, but without much prospect of suc
cess, and the dressmakers are seeking
some protective measures of their own.
Clothing of Cashier of Colfax Bank
Found Near River.
Hock Islnnrt Rallrond Tnklwr Longer
Time to Anavrer In Drnlnl of
AsKesninent Rlicht of His;
Stock Holdings.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DE8 MOINES. Dec. ".-(Special Tele
gram.) The relatives and friends of
Cashier M. B, Wheclock of the Colfax
bank now believe ho did throw himself
In Des Moines river a week ago. Ills
brother and brother-in-law today Identi
fied clothing found north of the city
near tho river a sthat worn by Wheclock
when he left home. It was found In the
brush near th river and hod apparently
lain there a week. There were also tracks
running up and down along the sldo of
tho river. The police commenced to drag
tho river at that point for tho body.
Announcement Is made the bank will re
open In a few days and Impairment
of capital will bo made good.
Road Dors Not Mnke Shoivlnsr,
The Rock Island did not make Its show
ing before the county auditor today why
the stock of the holding company, which
has headquarters here, should not be as
sessed for this year, the county officials
granting time In which to prepare tho
case. i
The county auditor has given notice
of Intention to assess the stock, which
amounts to 1100,000,000.
(Continued from Pago One.)
appeared unusual and that tho day before
Dclucca's diath when he passed by the
houso and laughed she fell In n fnlnt on
tlie floor. He said the girl repeatedly
said: "I must die" and pulled her own
hair and scratched her faco. The testi
mony of other relatives was similar.
Tho evidence Introduced by tho prose
cution was brief,- being limited to proof
that Delucca had died of revolver wounds
nnjl that the girl stood in the street near
his body with a revolver of which every
one of Its five cartridges had been, dis
charged. Mather Comes front Itnly.
Mrs. Josephine Sortlno. mother of tha
young woman, satwith kff and assisted
ner in caring xor tne- t-monins-oia
child of the dead man. The mother came
from her home In Italy to be with the girl
during tha trial which may result In a
penitentiary sentence for her. Tho younff
woman Is charged with manslaughter.
She killed him," the aged woman told
an Interpreter, "that was as It should be.
He left my girl In worse condition than
It he had murdered her and laughed at
Tho unwritten law and insanity will
bo the girl's defense. Several talesmen
during tho" examination of prospective
Jurors that occupied tho morning session
admitted that on account of tho circum
stances which led the girl to kill De
lucca they woutd not be abl to try the
case with Impartial minds and were ex
cused. Miss Sortlno, dressed neatly and mod
estly, and of prepossessing appearance,
apparently disregarded all tho machin
ery of justice which was In motion
against hor and gave attention only to
her baby. The Infant clothed In aa fine
garments as the mother can afford re-
ponded with loud gurglings and so far
has not disturbed the proceedings of tho
court by crying.
Attorneys for the defense asked all
prospective Jurors whether If the evidence
indicated that tho girl's mental condition
at the time of the shooting was such as
to render her Incapable, of commuting a
crime, they would take this fact In con
sideration In arriving at a verdict The
talesmen generally responded that they
IMerr Hnilnria Man Stricken.
PIHRRB, S. D., Dec. 8,-(Rpeclal Tele
gram.) A. C Brink, one of the leading
business me nof this city, suffered a
stroke of paralysis this afternoon and his
condition Is serious.
A Most Extraordinary
Sale of Furs
A Famous New York Manufacturing
Furrier Wa$ Forced to Sell His
Entire Overstock of Fur Coats and
Sets. We Bought Them All at a Re
duction that Means a Big Saying to You
Locomotives Come Together
Union Pacific Yards,
John Kramer. Whoe Parent Ltrr
nt nrlghlrfn, Colo., Una Skull
Fractured ' nnd Ilody
ftcnlrtrd liy Stentn.
ORAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec 8.-(Spe-clal
Telegram.) Two Union Paclflo en
gines while '""light" and switching In the
local passenger yard collided and John :
Kramer, fireman of passenger train No. 1
23, waa caught in the cab and instantly :
None of the other members of the two
crews were hurt Both crews claim to
have had signals to back up. They were ;
on different tracks and came together at
a switch. Kramer's skull was fractured
and his entire body was scalded from
steam escaping from a pipe broken by ;
the collision. Death was caused, how- '
ever, It Is believed, by the fractures of
the skull received the moment the two ,
engines collided Kramer Is a single matj,
age 47 years, whoso parents live at j
Brighton, Colo. An inquest will prob
ably be held late today.
(Continued from Page One.)
Mibject Ono member of tho rules com
mittee did come- to me and uak me what
I thought about the suggestion of yo.urs '
of appointing a special committee of tho
house as the senate has already ap
pointed a special committee for considera
tion of women's suffrage and J told him
that I thought It was a proper thing to
do. So, that so far aa my personal ad-1
vlco has been asked by & single member
of the committee It has been given to
that effect. I -want to tell you that to
show that I am strictly living up to my
principles. When my private opinion is
asked by those who are co-operating with
me, I am most glad to give It but I oin
not at liberty until I speak for some
body else besides myself to urge leglsla- f
tlon on congress."
Qneatlcm 'T Dr. Shavr.
There was a pauso and Dr. Anna Shaw
spoke up.
"May I ask you a question!" she said.
The peeident nodded assent.
"Since we afe members of no political
party, who Is to speak for us If we don't
speak for ourselves?"
"You do that very admirably," re
marked the president, and the entire as
semblage Joined In a laugh.
The president thanked his visitors for
calling and said he would like to shako
hands with them. Dr. Shaw thanked tho
president for his courtesy in receiving
the delegation, and the members filed by
tho president
"I come from Salt Lake City," Mrs.
Lulu L, Shoppard told the president, "and
though my husband voted for Roosevelt
I and my daughter Voted for you, so you
see what woman's uuffrage can do."
"I hopo you will make him a convert,"
laughed tho president
Conflicting comments were forthcom
ing from the delegates when they lined
up In 'front of iho executive offices to
have ' their pictures taken after tho re
ception. Dr. Shaw expressed the view that the
president's Interview was very satisfac
tory. "It was all that we could ask
for," she said. "Ha Is In favor of a com
mittee of the house; that was our chief
purpose In coming to see him."
Mrs. Shaw added sho was encouraged
and expected action by congress.
Some one naked Mrs. Medlll McCormlck
If she hod any comment to make on tho
president's reply.
"No," said Mrs. McCorralck, "I want
to think'
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 8. Nine hundred
Industrial Workers of the World arrested
Saturday afternoon after street disturb
ances were fined $100 each In police court
today. All admitted answering the call
for men to lead a so-called war de
clared on Kansas City because the police
would not permit street speaking. They
will work out their fines.
Tlit Bnbonle 11 name
destroys fewer lives than stomach, liver
and ktdney diseases, for which Electric
Bitters Is the guaranteed remedy. 60c. For
sal a by your druggist Advertisement
recently Instructor In the Hickman
Bchool of Hpeech and Drama of Washing
ton. D. X, and Pawhatan College, Charles
ton. W. Va., has opened a studio In the
Metropolitan Club. 2101 Harney street
8he will teach Expression, Public
Bpeaking nnd Dramatlo Art.
BoaglAS 417. Xarnsy 8037.
i Prohibitionists
Plan to Take Over
Some Larger Party
KANSAS CITV, Ma. Dec. 8.-A new
campaign for national prohibition legisla
tion,. In which an effort wilt be made to
enlist the support of every temperance
league and antl-llquor society In the
United States was outlined here today by
Charles J. Halt of Los Angeles, a temper
ance lecturer. Mr. Hall nnd. Eugene W.
Chafln. former presidential candidate of
the prohibition party, are on a speaking
tour In support of the movement
"The movement probably will mean the
death of the prohibition party," said. Mr.
Hall. "Thoro will bo no need for that
(Party when ono Of the b'g parties has
been forced to' put the prohibition ques
tion in Its platform.' We don't care
anything for the name of the party. It
is prohibition we want and all us prohlVt
tlonlsts will be absorbed in the frst party
that declares for national prohibition."
Mr. Chafln In a speech hero last night
said the "great army of nonprohlbitlon
ista" is composed of saloon forces of
America nnd he blamed thu high cost of
living on them.
"Here aro 1,000,000 men," said Mr.
Chafln, "who produce nothing, whllo they
consume the earnings of millions of men.
"Wo speak with fear of vthe high cost
of living. Tho greater part of our taxes
go to maintain the poor farms. Jails, hos
pitals, penitentiaries and the big police
departments. We are paying whisky's
SIIELBYVILLE. Ind.. Dec. 8. The etatn
rested its esse In the trial of Dr. William
B. Craig, charged with the murder of
Dr. Helene Knabo at noon today with tho
completion of the examination of Miss
Augusta Knabo, cousin of the dead phy
sician. After recess tho defense moved to take
the case from tho Jury and dlsm'ss Dr.
Craig. The motion was argued at length.
Miss Knabe denied that either she or
Mies Catherine McPherson. Dr. Knabo's,
office girl, who found the body, tried to
cover up any evidence that the physician
may have committed suicide. , She told of
the, friendly relations between Dr. Craig
and Dr. Knabo and declared It was 11
o'clock when Miss McPherson called the
defendant and told him of the physician's
death. Dr. Craig Is alleged to have re
marked earlier In tho day that Dr. Knabe
was murdered.
Miss Knsbe's cross-examination was
Girls! Dont Wash
Hair With Soap
8oap drlen your scnlp," causjnj? dan
druff, the,n hair falls out Trjr
this next time.
After washing your hair with soap
always apply a little Dnndertne to tho
scnlp to Invigorate tho hair and prevent
dryness. Better 'still, use soap as spar
ingly as possible ,and Instead have a
"Danderlne Hair Cleanse." Just moisten
a cloth -with Danderlne and draw It
carefully through your hair, taking ono
strand at a time. This will remove dust
dirt and.. .excessive oil. In a few mo
ments you will be amazed, your hair
will not only be clean, but It will be
wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess
o'n Incomparable softness and lustre.
Besides cleansing and beautifying the
hair, one application of Danderlne dis
solves every particle of dandruff; stimu
lates the scalp, stopping itching and fall
ing hair. Danderlno Is to the hair what
fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to
vegetation. It goes right to the roots, In
vigorates and strengthens them. Its ex
hilarating and life-producing properties
cause the hair to grow long, strong and
Menl Ladles! Toil can surely have
lots of charming hair. Get a SS cent bot
tle of Knowlton's Danderlne from any
drug store or toilet counter and try it
Office For Rent
The large room on ground
floor of Bee Building, oc
cupied by the Havens.
White Goal Go.
Nice Farnam street front
age. About 1,500 square
feet of floor space with
large vault. Extra en
trance from court of the
Fine office fixtures are of.
fered for sale. Apply to
,N. P. Tel, Bee office.
32 01 mamm'
Store in Gala Attire and Stock
Splendidly Ready.
Christmas Is rapidly approaching, an
although the weather of the last week
has not been the most conducive for
shopping, the buying public realizes thi
short time left and has been taking ad
vantage ot it Each day the crcjwd
havo grow larger and buying moro liur
In commenting on tho holiday business
Mr. il. E. Orkln said: VWe aro lendlnf
our greatest stress to get the ChrlstmaL
shoppers out In the mornings. By start
Ing to do their at 8 o'clock It
tha morning, they gain Infinite satlsfae
tlon from the saving time, comfort an
ease with which it Is accomplished.
"Thousands are obliged to wait unt!.
after lunch, but those who do not hav
to should start early In the mornlnx
thereby reserving their energy, good tern
per and patience.
"And what a great help It Is to th.
people who serve them and our deliver'
Then, asldo from that fact our stocks
are now at their best many of then
havo been greatly entargod to care fo
this great holiday buying rush.
Now, take, for Instance, the handker.
chief section. It has boon quadrupled 1
size. Ono cntlro section In the Center als.4
on tho main floor has been given over t
the display and sale of handkerchiefs.
Then thcro Is tho toy and doll section,
a veritable fairyland, resplendent with,
every kind of toy, doll and plaything t.
make the little folks glad.
The book and stationery and the Jewt.
elry factions, too, havo beeri given ad
dltlonul space for display of their h6!lda
And, so on through the store, every seo)
tlon Riven ov&r to dlsnUv nnd .Alt ni
holiday merchandise is splendidly readj)
with greater stock and creater selection
than ever before.
Summing up this brief appeal one see
the paramount points for consideration
Shop early In the season Shot) earty l
uie aay Tako small parcels with you.-i
Mas.WixsLow'a fioormxa Bvxor has tore
saed for orer SIXTY YSAKS by MILLIONS f
M0T1I8K8 for their CltlLOnEN WHItf
ii tile beet remedy for DIARRHQJA. It It sir
olntely hsrrates. Be sure and aik for "Mrw
Winslow's Boothlng Syrup." and tak? bo olbct
iud. Twenty-Ore ceaU bottle.
Aycr's Pills
Headaches DtHotttACM
Constipation Indlgestiea
Sold for 60 years.
Aak Your Doctor. fc&frTfii
I don't care what he is, a
millionaire or a good, hon
est, hard working section
hand, 7 can tip his wife o: f
as to what he will most a
predate as
A Xnias Gift
Fer luslanee
Clgora In Xmas packages;
Tobaccos; greatest showing
of Pipes tn the West; Foun
tain Pens! Electric Flash
Lights: Safety Razors', 63
styles of Eleotrio Qlgar Light
ers; Poker Sets; Playing
Cnrds; Cigar and Clgarvtto
Cases; Humidors; Cutlery;
Collar, cuff and Neckwear
ISoxes; Tobacco Jara; Match
Safes; Cigar Cutters, and hun
dreds of other little dew dada
that fit well In hla pocket and
look well In hla den.
Cigar Store
16th snd Howard Sts,
Dec. 11-12-13 "J.Y
The Slay the Entire Country la Talk
lag about. "TH I.TJM." Beats sslUng.
One Hay T)pr 14 Xattaea aad
only woo. a aright
Taa Winter dardan Compaay Pre
ants tba Idol of Two continents
SAgy BS4H.TS. (Stagisg and Speak
lnr atlrslr in Xagllsh). In
With Xarry nicer aad the Gaby
$2i3BlU(3r2i. Dauy -. lS-5-50g
CJ-ttrT Etiuts, 18-35-60-760
tuUm "JtAWKEXPirrrEX" orr in tni
Identical big company that dedicate
the beautiful, new Qayety In Cincinnati
last Oct Alice Lazar. Nettle Nelson
Virginia Ware, Frank (Bud) Wtlltamaoi
Billy Inman. Harmony Trio, Beaut
Chorus of Honeymoonera.
Uiilii Dims Katla Wk aya. t
wit. avsry day, a:18; every slgot, stlf
IbU Wk Wlllfua BurreM. Jck Ktnnedr 4
Co. T4 Umlu a IUU1 Bnrki. Carl MeCvl
louih, Sottas. Mclntr A Button. lUl.a Xlniit
tUrt B.S.LI ia BpUI FrUttf. Plctuna, "Cot
Hmu Llr la Atrtct" 4 "ailaum of Fool
ftlcMi Mat. 01Iit. loot tt -U tacmt
gat iaa' Sua.) t&e-NUaUi lo. SK. Ko aa T
1 rjllf Thar. Vat. aad Vlght.
IVKUVA wed. Scat, aad Hlgat,
GO. Freaeat
THE X.MT aXIX? aad
MXITBXX, BETLM. tao Jswt Marty!
Prices I 86390,600,7901; Mat. MoO,50