Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1913, PART ONE, Page 2-A, Image 2

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    2 A
lm This is more than merely
jSpLrit" Ifs that of course, but in
Christmas Merchandise" which
discriminating buyers during the
: All those who begin today and keep busy will enjoy it most,
for now the whole world turns a bright and happy face toward
Christmas. .
Silk Scarfs
and Veils
A $.50 Auto Veil
for' $2.75; it's a special
and comes in all col
ors. : Then i n e $1
veils In all colors .are
especially good too.'
, Silk Scarfs, floral
$1.50 to $7. "
Lace Scarfs that are
extremely' handsome,
all prices.
Exclusive Hovcltios raado
hero in tho store by Mrs.
David. Hoses nnd Violets for
corsngn bouquets; Sachets of
various kinds; fancy, "bags
made of floral and velvet
ribbon; Ribbon Aprons,
with late iaaeHs; needle
books, inn bqoks, coat
hgr8,' hairpin koldera aad
hiimfpja. ' '
Thi lit Indeed n Vaist Asaort
nient of Handkerchiefs
go krft $jpMMftfi- im Um apaot in which w tyrt to till'
about iifajlJJut'Ytfc oaa't' rafly appreciate how maay
are here. gk&mmT?M tUdity haadkerehlef s are areHy
eloeely Unlwd eifaer. 1 '
Pine Embfidr4 AJl .tiaea Three in a box; three differ.
ent pattest a box. . r.' ItOQaad $1.25
BeMUfal'xaodl Imbreiiiery Stylee $l.0O
A Pretty ,tJ cMort.IaiUal .Mo;. 3 for $1.00
Ttojjkft . ., .mi? for $:oo:
Jtobredertd IaHitUi'. . . . ,Y... . .15o to m
ArmeidM "TrlrmKd. Xdfcettif i 50c to $125
1Pm)iW. Art pirj.t JTmfi Kax
Ut )'.'ew BMn Slepra, Wltlek
jBIN-aHAM, UUM, "Dh(, .-8Ult hbpo.
- 4. it'th boily Jlaph 0in, lyer
jf tx fnen, woWd b f0unl In t'ta
Ap?. ml.nvthJfrirr.4 their dyputlrt
5uroa tbcW.W4reh tSday. Drift,
i4lBM;n JLnclIae In the thirty mlla c
Wefw mtpjclmst yrtrt, Tptrfttyl
- ut, the- y aSK-awowjo srord re avhei
' tWUBk int ttjkiw, mouih.
; f . f "
I! ffiw &$Wbwk$wjpn9y and war
if j 'S"11 Diamond at Frenzer's.
the-reallue,for that reason you
'Wy hwhatjyoti gave for it at any
t tl(me $hlpruldouMesre a larger or bet
Y terona-tTorif cash is preferred during
S y the year we will returni't to you less
s -"Terf per den't; : ..
wQ9Q e Tpw
. owt9i4 ouf. All-.
.wtmsmjm mm
,.,f,..:... . ..
Good Service Good
J.'lIL -SJ'.. -----
New Linens Help
to Freshen Any Home
As gifts their beauty always wins their
way to tne heart of every housewife. At this
season decorated linens hold first favor. The
sturdier kinds are just as much liked, though.
Luncheon Sets of many kinds.
, Separate pieces, scarfs, centerpieces,
doylies, embroidered pillow cases, towels, and
so many others, gathered only after' months
of diligent search through the markets of
many luuus.
Th. poWi&vw drlva tnto tb
lw rrort Mondty until Thursday Right,
Mrer eWared tram the -worklni today sceptics cf a taw bllna rtopta,
wtUy th hwvy a4 Sly Ul&rk damp
fMMrattA fey feWHlm wt Kunpowder,
fcwwf. Howrtr, It wa thought that
by lata toiy th rchra would I
Mt9 Atrat every part of the mis.
,:rM cv-ln that vas found yetterflay,
bjotljlnf . a, blind ttopt In tho lamU
tUnntL WU ta b otwined Irvl. v. Mltknnch
Ibtra.'wM little hope Lopi had awled
Bjnce . Js'o'vemtxy tl Lopes haa killed
fl)-, peace otflcera who puraued him
after ha had killed a fellow Mexican.
. , Bryan. Uoc-e (o rklladelphla.
WAeHlNaTON, Dec. 6. -Secretary
Bryan went late today to Philadelphia,
where tonight he will apeak at a ban
quet pt the Sona of Delaware.
"The Store of the Christmas
addition it's "The Store of Good
has been wisely chosen by our
past several months. ;
"ill ':ffLli,
You Can Select the Gloves Yourself
or Purchase a Certificate
Gloves .appear on so many Christmas
lists that we believe their usefulness
and attractiveness as gifts are known to a
great many people.
The makes we carry will please your friends
as well as yourself. This is a complete glove
stock, chosen with care, and presents all
styles, all prices.
Certificate! issued for any amount redeemed
after Christmas by the recipient who selects
her own gloves and has them properly fitted.
Delegation from Omaha te ElkhDra
Ceaveatioa Saewei Uader.
eld Pfarht nf 1ht Benarlaa Ceantr
AKrieBltsral Society Revived
at Annual Meeting at
The country faction of Douglas county
put on Us war paint yeeterday afternoon
nd plolctcd the course of a vr -ff.
clent aleam roller which completely oVor
ran the Cmaha faction at the iie-jtlon cf
the I'caid of CommUsloura of the Duc
la Cout'tr Agricultural society, at thi
snnunl netting at Klkhom. Tlie ..Id
board, with one exception, was tatct!
with the count standing about JO to 3.
although the Omaha band put n a
stronj. and animated fUht whlili vat
nuumented by considerable speeoh jiinh.
Invr and argument
The election o fthe board of torn
mlisioners has always been more or lens
a bona of contention between the Omaha
faction and the country clement, and
neither side can agree on ny point. The
County fair haa ilwiva h.n i.-.m in
Omaha as a part of the Ak-KarBnii
lesuvities, but last year the country men
Used 'all their Influence in l..iv ih
held at Florence under the pretext that
mo conaiiions were more fAvnraMt for
lhe stock. Their arguments alonr that
line wre overruled, ao thev e,t vir.
at the annual election.
The county commissioners and the
board of governors of Ak6arBen and
many Interested Omahana went to Elk
hom In the Intereata of the Omaha fan'
dldates, but the farmers had their rr.tjr
In excellent condition and It brooked nj
The only man who was not reflected
was Junta Walsh. A- B. Age was
elected la his place. The following are
the re-elected officials: Wlllli-n 8ht.
maker. Herman Ilosslg, -William Klckn.
E. a Lonergsn, U Henderson. Ji C.
.Hensman. George Dterks, J. P. McAtdle,
Charles Wltte; Peter Hoseldt, J. 11. Tay.
lor and W. I. Beno.
Psrsittent Advertising the Road to
Uuslness Success.
Robe Blankets
One blanket makes
up i n t o a beautiful
Bath Robe for any
man or woman; all col
ors to select from,
$2.50, $3. With
cords to match.
Bath Robe Flannels
For Children's Robes,
ligbt and dainty colorings,
as well ns darker; service
able effects, Basement, 25c,
30c, 40c, 45c a yard.
In now animal designs for
Children's Kimonos, etc.;
dainty and washablo ; price,
15c a yard.
Genuine Navajo Rugs
Prices are very reasonable
From $3.75 up to 830
According to size.
yqPS,. each, $1.75 a JS2
Trains Are Stalled
in the Snowdrifts
TOPEKA, Xan Dec. 6,-Twp Union
raclno passenger trains and ono Itock
Island train were stalled In the snow
drifts of Colorado today, according to
reports received at the local offices of
the two loads. Union Pacific! trains Nos.
110 and ice were held up by drift thnt
till the cuts between Denver and Lyman,
Colo.; Bock Island train No. 57 at TVnt.
kins, Colo., was unable to move in either
direction, A dining car la carried by each
train and no suffering among' the pas
sengera was reported.
Ellis, Kan., on the Union Pacific, and
Ooodland. Kan., on the Hock Island, were
western terminals of the two roods to
day. Between these cities and mint in
Colorado the rails were burled beneath
several feet of snow.
At noon today It was snowing through
out northwestern Kansas. Th Hf
were plied high with a stiff northwest
wind. Only local trains were being
operated on the Union Paclflo between
Ellis and Kansas City, On the Itock
Island a ilka service was maintained east
of Qoodlajid. Botary snow plows and
xtra men were being assembled ready to
dig Into the congested cuts as1 soon as the
storm abatea.
CHICAGO. Dec . Shmlmldru, former
mayor of Toklo. Janan. and a. numh,r
of the Japanese Imperlat diet, addressed
a conference of Sunday school workers
here today In connection with the In
ternational Sunday School convention
to be held In Toklo In WIS. Mr. Shlmldxu
said ho was unalterably opposed to
woman suffrage,
FOrtSTTHE. Mo.. Dec l-Ralph
Pleake, years otd, who stabbed Sol
omon Johnson to death at a church
entertalntment near here last Christmas,
waa found guilty of murder In the second
degree here today, and entanr.i tn ...
yrars in the penitentiary,
Judge Joieph R Prailey to Deliver
Eulogy 'at Services.
Program Will Commence at lOl.tO
O'clock and Ihr FatiUc Is la--vltett
ta Attend the
Judge Joseph It. Fral'ey of Fort Madl
son, la., a prominent member of the
Elks' lodge, will deliver his eleventh
consecutive annua) eulogy to the mem
ory of departed Elks this morning at
10:S0 o'clock at tho Orpheum theater
The public Is Invited to the service.
In addition to having such an expe
rienced lodge orator mako the address
In Omaha this year, the local Elks also
have arranged a special musical pro
gram. Including selections and accom
paniments by a stringed orchestra of
thlrty-ttve pieces. The service Is the
annual memorial tribute paid by Omaha
lodge No. 29 to their brothers who have
passed away during, the year.
The program will be as follows:
"Romanee" Svendsen
Brother Henry Cox.
Accompanied by the Omaha String
Opening ceremonies .'.
cxanea nuier ana umcers of the
Opening Ode
i. Jjroxners.
Invocation ,
Acting Chaplain Brother Thomas
B. Dys&rL .
"Abide With Mo",... ...middle
Ilasel mlth Kldrldge.
"Songs My Mother Used to Sing"
(By request) Wakcfleld-Lewls
Council Uluffs Elks Lodge Quar-
The Mystic Hour".nev. Bro. A. R, Flske
"im, uram Williams.
T. ft T) n Y
Violin solo. "AndanUno" Lemarc-Cox
unncr enry uox.
Accompanied by the Omaha String
"Fear Not . Yiv Oh Israel.".. ..Duck
Address . .
""Spy! Joseph R. Fr&lley of Fort
iSrart2?iJioptf Hawthorn
ti5 T5,V?,T,ridtr5..Rn(1 MrA Turner.
8 JL0nS,?y.Ci0S6C' ..Suntvan
r.,.i -'" fjuae wuanet.
Closing ceremonies
xauea nuier and Officers of the
Doxoiog ,i .Z":. ...
brothers and Audience.
(Continued from Page One.)
appear in another column. The articles
advorUsed today are widely known. They
are high-grade In everv rnanmt. is-
are products that are used every day In
very nome-nousehold necessities.
Save Irfibcla and Cartons.
Buy certain brands-that Is, those ad
vertised In tho contest announcement In
today'a Bee. Save the labels, cartons or
wrappers a described. Then bring them
to Tho Bee Contest Department, 231 Bee
building, and get for them a voting bal
lot. Patronise the retailer tvhn a.
AWay M. & M. votinrf rmnwni tr1
coupon Issued by those dealers has a
specified voting value.
Hovr to Win Premlntns.
Gett an early start, trhat'a the main
thing. The ery first thing to do Is to
fill out, aad lgn the Domination blank
which you, wllj find at the bottom of the
.double-page. annosncetnentv Mall or.brlng
It to The Bee Contest Twnarmn ii
Bee Bulldlag. and reeelvn fnr it s.nm ti.
voles. But bear In mind that these votes
are given but once' to each cohtestaht find
that .votes are not transferable; Now;
you arq fairly started In the race for a
useful and valuable premtum.
when you buy goods, always iwlc fnr
artldles tho labels of which are aood for
voids, watctt for the list of ntyyr mer-J
cnants ana trio now products that will be
listed fro fa time to time In The Bee.
Remember these names will appear In
no other Omaha newspaper. A Uttle
time devoted each day in the contest will
work wonders. Get out, among your
friends. Ask them to help you. Get them
to save labels and M. & M. vntinn- vn.
pons for you. Every label you receive.
every coupon you get means Just so
many more votes.
By consulting with the contest man
ager, organisations and Individual can
didates can learn how to arrange a sys
tematic canvass ,among their members,
friends and acquaintances. In this way
you cannot fall to secure an increased
number or votes.
Don't forget that The Bee Contest De
partment Is always at your service. It
you are in doubt about anything concern
ing tho campaign, ask tho contest man
ager, lie will be glad to explain every
particular to you In a personal Interview.
If you can't call, phone. The number Is
Douglas U&-the Contest Department 321
Bee building.
Prof. Wilcox Com to China.
BOONE, la.. Dec 6.-(SpeclaV)-Prof. A.
C. Wlloor. formerly a high school teacher
of th!a city, but later assistant In the
botanical department at tho Iowa State
college, leaves In a few days to take up
Sim Htinstiig Facts Abouf
Kldniy Troubles
Fow people realise td what extent their
health depends upon the condition of the
The physician In nearly all casea of
serious Illness, makes a chemical analysis
of the patient's urine. He knows that
unless tho kidneys are doing their work
property, the other organs cannot readily
bo brought back to health and strength.
When tho kidneys are neglected or
abused In any way, serious results are
sure to follow. Recording to health
statistics, Bright's disease which Is really
an advanced form of kidney trouble,
caused nearly ten thousand deaths In
1313. In the state of New York alone.
Therefore. It behooves us to pay more
attention to the health of these most
Important organs.
An Ideal herbal compound that has had
remarkable success as a kidney remedy
Is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy.
The mild and healing Influence of this
preparation. In most cases, s soon re
alised, according to sworn statement
and verified testimony of those who have
used the remedy.
If you feel that your kidneys require
attention, and wish a sample bottle, write
to Dr. Kilmer & Co., BInghamton, N, T.
Mention this paper, enclose ten cents
and they will gladly forward It to you
by Parcels Post.
Swamp-Root Is sold by every druggist
In bottles of two sizes COc and JLOCU
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWP41 bbbbbbbbI
sbbbbbbbbbQbM V ' ' ' mm
bbbbbbbbbbbbbvBl 9hbbB
bIbIbIbIbH" VH
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbM& " ' 'BBf mmmm
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrbbbbe bbbbbbbbbbI
hts "duties as head of the chair of nhvulr
In the Tsing Hwa college, of Peking, an
institution that prepares Chinese students
tor" entrance Into tho American colleges.
Ills brother Is a teacher In the Philippines
and thev will rttlirn tn thla mrintrv In
July, 1115, by way of Europe, making a
leisurely trip hom.
Judge Gibbons Will
Resign if Tedford
Is Sent to Prison
CHICAGO, Dec. 6.-Ioshua Tedford,
who has arleen to commercial promi
nence hero In tho seven years during1
which a mandate committing him to
prison was misplaced, found a friend In
Judge John Gibbons today.
"If the laws of this state are Inter
preted to mean that this redeemed man
must go to prison. I will resign from
the bench," said the Judge.
He added that If necessary he would
be glad to Issue a writ of habeas corpus
for Tedford. un'oss the latter wer
proved to have been implicated In mis
placing the mandate. Thua far the
state's attorney has taken no action
In Uic case.
Friends of Governor Dunns who hava
Interested themselves In tho case havn
assured Tedford that he may rest easy
and that tho governor will pardon him
formally as soon as the papers are pre
pared. Three Hundred
Return to Work
..INDIANAPOLIS. Dec. -Three hun
dred, iinjorj teamstera who have been on
strlkBlnw''last"'Sunday' mldnfcht, ri
turned to work today and union officials
say ,l.p00 will be back In their old peaces
by Monday morning. Only,th6se drivers
whoso employers have signed' contracts
with the union are. permitted to lake" out"
teams, by the resolution adopted at yes
terday's meeting of the teamsters.
Labor leaders declare that SCO employers
have signed 4 contracts agreeing to pay
the union scale and not dlsctfmlnlatn
against union men. but at the offices of
the Vehicle Owners' association- it waa
said nons of the large employers' had
agreed to .the union's domatids.
Farmers Will Start
Marketing Agency
LA CROSEVls.. flee, t-Xfter an
a!l-n,lght soaslqn, the state convention of
the American, Society of. Equity .decided
early today to establish at tho. headquar
ters 6t the organisation at Madison a
state marketing and business agency on
a scale larger than, herotofpro attempted
by the farmers anywhere in the counr
try Experts and auditors will be em
ployed who will go Into the, price ques
tion on a scientific bails and will supply
co-oporatlve selling associations and
other farmers with prices prevailing In
all markets. Another ddty will be to
keep account of retail prices tn each
center so that the farmer may know at
all times what his products are selling
for to the consumer and how much of
the retail price the middle man Is getting.
I CUT Your Coal
Bills and Save
You 50c to $2
a Ton!
naco or stove, uur price, per ton or 2,000 lbs., a A r
only , J4.50
GENUINE CIIKUOKEE NUT Hand-ficreened. The best ijk
coal for underfeed furnaces. Our price, only. ....... j)4a 3 k
THE I1EST ILLINOIS COALS Our Illinois coals come, from the
best mines in Illinois and are free from slate and other Impurities
Egg, Nut and Lump sizes, hand-Bcreened, f ffl
only, per ton kpOUU '
In Pennsylvania. Egg, store and range sizes, ut e rr
only $10.50
North Yard, Sherman Avenue and Izard.
Orders Taken at 1812 Douglas St. and 704 South 16th St.
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
cordially invites your at
tendance at the special
exhibit of xlobe-Wernicke
Bookcases, from December
1st to December 13th.
Give a Glob -Wernicke
Bookcase to those you
-rant to xemejaber especially
veil this Christmas, and your
remembrance will be enjoyed
lor a -whole lifeline.
Tho impressive beauty ot s
SlobcW&r d ickc
Sectional Bookcases
is a'Joy to men and "Women 6f
refinement It Is alcauty that
comes ot flno Cabinet work and
- lasting stability. Asd the Util
ity of the Globe-Wenxkke Book
case mokes its use universal.
This, in fact, is ths Qiobc
Wernicko period in Bookcases.
Tho aiobe-Wernlcko Bookcaeo
protects the books nnd keeps
them clean and dustless. It
fits into the awkward spaces
nnd hartaonirea with the decor
ative scheme of the room. It
is made in styles to meet vari
ous needs.
Call at our store early and
make a Christmas selection.
Let us do all the worrying
about your family washing
and at tlie same time save'
you money;
Rough Dry Work
6c Per Lb.
Hut Wagm. fkoiic loug. SIS
chear coal mined, good for fur-