THK BEE: OMAHA, Tilt KSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1913. 7 BRIEF CITY NEWS CopWjr, Jawalar, SIB 8. lsth, 35th year. rid.lity Btorag- fc Van Co. Dou-.181. Ht Boot Print It Now Deacon Tress. Ufa InaT Ya. Ttnn Mutual. Oonld. lighting- flxtnrta. Burrass-Qranaan Oo. By Maktnr TM responsible trust com pany executor and trustee you will avoid all contingencies and disabilities of tndl Mduat trusteeship at moderate cost to J our estate. Tetera Trust Co.. 1623 Far nam street. Baturna from Tlalt to Scotland After a two months' vacation spent In the vicinity of hla old home In Glasgow, Scotland, James Burness, deputy col lector of customs, has returned to Omaha. Glasgow was Mr. Burness' home for thirty ycara. Colnmona Merchant a Bankrupt Abraham Roecnbenr. a merchant at Co lumbus, Neb., has filed with tho cleric of the United States district court a pe tition In bankruptcy. Inabilities are placed at 2,791.42, with assets of 2,7M.65. An exemption of V37.7S Is claimed. New Parcel Post Station at Depot Open for Business Omaha's new parcel post terminal sta tion at the Burlington passenger depot waa opened for business yesterday with B h. Cain In charge, assisted by lBht men. The new station Is located In the express rooms of tho depot, oc cupinff a apace of about 40x100 feet. With the locating here of the new ter minal station for handling parcel post mail, Omaha la placed upon the mall maps as one of the most Important mall points In the United States, And while the station Is known as the Omaha ter minal, more correctly speaking. It Is the terminal, or rather the clearing house, for all Nebraska parcel post mall. Malt out on the many lines east, south and north of Omaha ami destined for offices In Nebraska, will come In bulk, or bo pouched on the Nebraska termlnaj and there worked out for the lines or offices to which It la to go. I'or the present the blue tag, or mag ailno mall, will continue to be worked at the Coun(ll Bluffs terminal, but eventu ally It la expected that It will come to this aide of the river for distribution to the line west, north and south. The business of the first day, or rather of the early morning, at the now ter minal consisted of 163 packages. It Is expected that this will be doubled btfore the end of the week. Alfred E, Duncan, j Former Omaha Man, Dies at Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 3. Alfred K. Dtineani president of the Franklin Insur ance company and widely known In In turace circles throughout tho country, iled early today. He waa 49 ycara old. Mr. Duncan- waa at one tlmo connected with tho Inaurance bualnesa In Texas, Ne braska, Utah, Idaho and Montana- He waa vice president of the Eastern Union of Inaurance companies and a member qfhe executive board of the Southeast ern, union- Mri "Duncan lived In Omaha during the latter ..part' f the 0s aod waa engaged In the Insurance business then. While hare- he married Margaret Mltlett, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mlllett, who are now residing- with their second daugh ter. Mrs. Frank McCreary, S416 Mander aon street, Omaha. Mrs. McCreary leaves this evening for Philadelphia to bo with Mrs. Duncan until some time after tbe funeral. At the time of the San Francisco earth quake and fire, Mr. Duncan waa among the Inaurance adjustera who straightened out the losses, and at that time la said to have overworked himself, it waa ahdrtly after completing tho work at the Golden Date city that he waa elevated to his present position. No preservatives Are Found in Milk by City Chemists Clauds F. Bossle, city dairy Inspector, has had milk sold by Omaha dairy men examined bv chemists for traces of Pre servatives, believing the unusual ab sence of microbes Indicated the uae of a solution, of some aort to destroy the germs. The report of the chemists re ceived shows no trace of any of the known preservatives. "Tho bacteriological teats of milk aold by Omaha dairies are made by two bac trln1nelts." aald Bossle. "Dr. Millard Langfeld and Prof. C. F. Crowley ex amine samples of tho milk which I take from wagons and send their reports, without comparison, to the health office, wher they are filed. vnr tha month of November these re- nnrti indicated a tnoit unusual absence of microbes. The milk, under theae testa, proved to be the cleanest milk sold In the city for many months.' PITY MOW WANTS PAY FOR FILLING WATER DITCH The city of Omaha Intervened Wednea- day In the suit of the Water board a walnut Jackson & McKenile, contract ors bv becoming a cross-petitioner with a claim of $300 for work done in filling the ditch left by the contractors after their work on the Wg main from Lake afreet to Miller park had been aban floned. The Water board had originally sued th contracting firm for alleged failure to complete Its work of Installing the water main aa It had contracted to do. The board held money due for the work. nd many Individuals and flrma then pe tltloned that the Water board pay them mnnev on claims hold against Jackson McKenzle. As one of these latter cross-petltlonera the city now appears with Its claim of 300, alleged to be due the city for filling tho ditch left by the contracting firm. The Stan Who Weleot Himself When hla condition points to kldna? troubles takes an unwise rlak. Back ache, pain and soreness over the kidneys, nervous or dliiy spella, poor Bleep, ara all aymptoma that will disappear with the regular uae of Foley Kidney Pills They put the kidneys and bladder In a clean, strong and healthy condition, and rheumatic pains, stiff joints, lumbago and Irregular bladder action are all relieved promptly when Foley 'Kidney Pllla are taken. For sale by all dealers every. GIYES UP FREE JOB BUREAU Patiey Havey Abandons Benevolent Scheme to Help Workers. NOT GENERALLY IN EARNEST Moat of the FcIIcmt Seeking Km ptnymrnt Are I.nWcvinrm Ahont Keeplnsr Occupied and MnUr No Itenl Effort nt It. Patsy Havey. assistant to Tollce Com missioner J. J. Hyder, has sadly aban doned the fret, employment bureau of which he Was the proud proprietor a few months ago. Havey's reasons for aban doning tho bureau In the winter, when long, thin lines of men are looking for Jobs, are two first, he could not find employers for laborers, and second and last, he could not find laborers for em ployers. "Business men called up this office several tlmc," said Havey, "und asked me to send them some workmen, and I couldn't. After a while they quit call Ing. Then the laborers came In and wanted work and I called up the busi ness men who had. wanted help and found they had all the labor they could employ." Not only Kyder's office, but the mayor'a also la besieged In winter by tho scorca of Jobless men who seek, or assert they seek, jobs to save them from freezing and from starvation. Havey, speaking out of vast experi ence, said the majority of them had no real yearning for work. Ho thinks tho Associated Charities takes care of tho unemployed married men, nnd that tho single men have no desire to bo taken earn of. He said: "A lot of these fellows bum through tho winter or until their money Is gon. They go out and work for a while, get their stake and como to town to spend It. first thing they do Is to secure their lodging, or flop, and then to proceed to blow their change. "They all hang together. If one man cornea In with a lot of money and don't want to spend It, they get him drunk and steal It. And that Is all right with him. He Joins the gang then. "However, the majority of these men deposit enough money with some agency when they como In to pay their ship ment back to work when they're broke, which Is about all they noed." Lincoln Wants the Omaha Office to Handle the Mail Because of the Increased volume of bus- Inesa slnco the advent of tho parcel post, facilities for handling mall, pending the erection of a new building for which a $275,000 appropriation haa been made, are Inadequate nt the Lincoln postofflce. In an effort to devise waya and means of coping with the situation until the new pc-stoffce haa bn built. Colonel E. It. Blxcr, postmaster at Lincoln, la In Omaha to confer with local officials of the de partment. He hope to arrange to have some of the capital city poatofflce busi ness transacted at this office tempo rarily. not an A-rrfnl PxUcht i" by fear ot appendicitis? Take Dr. King's Naw Life Pllla and soon see bowel trouble vanish. Guaranteed. 2tc For sale by your druggist. Advertisement. The Beer of individuality and qu Frorn a German J The intoxicating action of beer is very much less than that of wine and whiskey; and as it gradually tends to suppress the use of the latter, it accomplishes a high mission in the history of civiliza tion. The intoxicating action of the small quantity of alcohol (in beer) is neutralized by the carbonic acid and the malt extract. Hops in small quantities stimulates the appetite and promotes evacuation, (or acts as a laxative.) Beer is very nutritious when consumed with meat, cheese and bread and it is greatly undervalued as promoting .health and robustness, DR. KIRBACH t BLATZ COMPANY Phone Douglas 6662 802.810 Douglas Street, Omaha, Neb. Article VI. Omaha's Public Schools TOTAL SCHOOL POPULATION. . . Average number belonging. Average dally attendance . . Average per teacher On enrollment Number belong"!? On attendance Average per school (grades) Knrollment Attendance Number of teachers The present school population, Including all 'minors between tho ages of S and tl years. In Omaha Is 3.S. This number comprises those attending schools of any character elsewhere aa welt aa those In local parochial schools. The population figures have varied very little In lato years. The public school enrollment, according to tho census for the present school year, Is 21,305, divided as follows! In high school or nlnln, tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades, 2,496. In grammar or fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades, S.K3.. In primary or first, second, third and fourth grades, 9.S7.1. In kindergartens. 2.111. In night school, EWi. The aveirago dally attendance falls 6,490 below In the following divisions: High school, 1,981; grammar and primary, 11,316; kindergartens, 1,375: night schools, 310.4. The public school enrollment of 21.505, comprises 20,635 whites and 650 colored. The Incmuio In tho total enrollment over the last school year, ending Juno 14, 191S, is 696, but the comparison Is not accur ate, for the reason that new enrollments are always made In February, and the figures given for the present t-ehool year will, therefore, be Increased. Compari sons ot any of these figures with the statistics for the ending of tho last school year would not be accurate for tho samo reason. As a matter of fact. Increases will 1)0 shown all along the line, from population down. The total population for the last year was JS.7T0, and that figure will undoubtedly bo surpassed next February when the new censua Is taken. There are some S.000 children In the parochial schools of the city. Subtract ing these from tho 28,368, the total school population, we have 25,308 of whom 21,315, as we have seen, are enrolled In the pub lic schools, and 14,815 are attending, about half tho total census, which la regarded as very good. That seems to leave a very small margin for those attending no school or colleges and universities away from home. Why are even so many out of school entirely? Do not our state compulsory school and child labor laws require at tendance of all? All under 16 ycara of age, yes. And about November 1, a aur vey showed some thirty-five youths un der 16 years of age In Omaha not attend ing any school, a record rightly regarded as remarkable. Every orle of theso was reporting punctually to the truant of ficer, n. I Carver, who, by tho way, la a busy and hard-working school of ficial. He la all but ubiquitous and knows every chltd, It seems, by hla rough. All boys out ot school must make regular reports to the truant of ficer and their employers are responsible for such compliance. The. vast majority, then, of those out of school are under 16. Everybody knowa that many boya and girls over 16 are earning their livelihood, and so the state .Mi 2ir man sk. '.'fx Dietetic Value of Medical Opinion 11 n Member nf Thr nee Staff. 28,!10K 1B.710 14,81ft so.n iM.l 550 mix roa does not concern Itself with keeping lab on them. There Is a sharp difference between enrollment and attendance and also be tween enrollment and members belonging. For Instance, the public school enroll ment la 21,306, the remainder, after sub tracting from the total school popula tion those' In parochial and distant school and no school at all. The average dally attendance, la 14.M5 and the average number belonging, 15,110. Uaually when a teacher apcaka of her enrollment she really means the number belonging, for f,h la scarcely concerned with the en rollment. Many boys and girls drop out. The number ot withdrawal for the preaent school year Is already above 4.00O. while last year It waa not quite 4,(0). At present Omaha has 563 members of Its public school teaching force, appot tloned aa follows: High school 72, high school of commerce 29, grammar and primary grades 333, kindergartens 55. night achool 8, apeclal teachera' auper vtsors 9, prlnclpala 35. manual training 21 How many puplla to a teacher? First. the high school haa n total enrollment ot 2,496 and attendance now of about 1.40O. Ist year the attendance went to 1.700. and It will this year when the February Influx comes. At ono time a year or two ago It had about 3,400, but could only care for them by holding half-day ses sions. Incidentally, those who are dla posed to think the high school ought to care for 2,000 pupils all the time, may overlook the fact that a great deal of space Is taken up by manual training tables and apparatus. But the seventy two techers of tho high school at pres ent haa an average per teacher In actual dally attendance of a fraction over nineteen pupils, sufficient to aggregate for the school about 1.390, Now, there oro thirty-four schoela comprising the grammar, primary and kindergarten grades, with a combined en rollment ot 18,708. giving to each schoot an average of B60; a combined attend ance of 12.703. and averago attendance of about 373. That takes In all the large and small grades schools, but excludes the high school of commerce, the tech nical school and the night schools. Each teacher, Including the principals. In the grammar and primary grades has an average enrollment of 60.1 pupils and attendance of 34. Each kindergarten teacher haa an averago enrollment ot 38.4 pupils and an attendance ot X. Tho little folks. It will be seen, aro rather Irregular In attendance and yet not more so than the others. The dally overago attendance for each teacher In all the public schoola ot the city ten ycara ago waa thirty-five, and previous to that It had run aa high aa forty-five, though not for many years. The city employed, all told, 420 teachers ten years ago for the same number of graded achoola end the high school, wlilch was very much smaller then than now, Tho Increase In the teaching force of 143 In these ten years Is not large as compared with the progress and develop If in doubt r am try it out Beer ment of the system of education, com passing the growth In klndergartena, the high school, manual training, nlchi schools, the addition of the hl6h school or commerce and the technical achool. Which IS Starting OUt with Rhnllt fnrlv boys. Another 5rhonl Article Hnon. BIG TRACT IN MONTANA NOW SUBJECT TO ENTRY 'I'iMiiireiu n uin nuriingion has been advised that December 6. In Montana, In Yellowstone and Rweet Orass counties west of Billings, l,000 acres of land that since 1 haa been held subject to entry under tho provl slona of the lawa applying to Irrigated tracts, will bo thrown open to settle ment and may be take, ut, n home- cKii.m .ii 0.11 acres eacn. In 1903 the land now to be opened to arttlcment ., . ,. -", limn inn pun lc domain on the theory that It could be .......... ,v Dr).n aeterinlncil that water cannot bo turned upon It. hence It becomes a dry farming and straight agricultural proposition. P0ST0FFICE READY FOR THE RUSH FOR STAMPS More postage stamps are used In De cember, owing to the Christmas mall, than at any other season of the year, and to meet, the Increased demand for them the Omaha postofflce haa received $30fi,SK worth of stamps of all denominations; totaling In number l!Ano.OOO, Live experienced to handle our lino In the statea of Nebraska, South Dakota, Missouri and Kansas, dive full information In flrat letter. Ounther Con fection Chocolate Co., 726 V. Jackaon Blvd., Chicago, III. Useful Gifts For Men Practical presents In endlera variety are here. 900 Silk and This Purchase Includes all the Samples and Surplus Stock From a Well Known New York Maker of High Class Waists. Some are worth $6.50 Some are worth $7.00 Some are worth $7.50 Some are worth $8.50 All on Sale Thursday at Odd Sizes in Popular Corsets Kabo, La Vida, R. Not a completo lino In any ono i! sizes, and all aro excellent, up-todato models. The former prices wero $5.00, at. Perfect Fitting Brassieres and Confiners, Worth $1, at 50c Each 3 Our Immenso Basement Salesroom has boon trasformed into a Fairyland of Toys. It la tho delight of every little boy and girl In Omaha. Tho toys they will hopo for on Christmas morning aro the toys they will seo here. Everything that Is new In a toy.doll, game or novelty for Christmas is surely hero. Cnt-Out lllock Figures anil Letters 08fr The Popular Game, Flinch, at 25fr $a Quality Kugby Foot Halls at Q8 Combination Hoards, 20 Games, nt 08 d All Hoys Want Meccano Seta gl to g3Q The Gift a $1 German Sil ver Vanity cases, with coin bolder, powder puff and card case, all for GOd German Silver Picture Frames, all slzos up to cabinet platl nene "finish, will not tarnish- at 25 Silver Plated Ini tial Napkin Rings at . .256 $2 Sterling Silver Manicure Beta, in liollf boxes, at 1 $10 Solid Gold Shell Vanity Cases, 10-year guarantee 5 $2 Solid Gold La Valllcres, spe cial at gl $2.(50 Baby Lockets or Cross ana Chain, special gl OVERCOAT SALE SATURDAY The ityUs and qualitut are all th$ moat desirable and fashionable Mnda. The values will be most remarkable ever offered in Omaha. Watch every daily paper for later particulars. See the window displays. Jimmie Hoye of Tammany Hall on His Native Heath James (Jlmmlel J. Hoye, deputy stato Insurance commissioner of New York, Is taking a few days off from work and spendlitf them In Omaha, the guest of A. V. Klnsler, 3SW Farnam street He and Mr. Klnsler are old friends and he and W, J. Hynes were youngstera to gether out In old Oroeley county. The fact la Mr. Hoyo Is one of the many young Nebratkana who have made good In New York, and he Is really back on his native heath, which applies patly In his case, for he Is an Indian nf the big camp Tammany. For a number ot years he haa been an active figure In politics as a Tammany man. Ho served In the state legislature, where among other things, he pushed through what Is known aa tho Hoye fire protection law, a law much commended for Its sub- aequent usefullness In the atate. In tho late campaign, Mr. Hoye came In for a good deal of prominent service to the Tammany forces, nnd ho Is good enough a loser to snillo at tho defeat. A friend facetiously observed that "Tammany lins been put out of business again, I see." "Yes. We are still maintaining the head quarters, though, as a matter of form. Aa for myself, I have yet a year and a half of my term to servby which time," he laughingly remarked, "the women nnd children may rl?o up and demand that I be kept In office." Mr. Hoye'a friends noticed that he seemed to have added weight In splto of hla grief, evoking the confession that he had put on thirty pounds more, which gives him every earmark ot a genutno cornfeit Nebraskan. Itee Want Ads Produco Ilesults. Lace Waists150"1 50c $ & G. and American Lady modol, but thoro la q good, full assortment ot . A Regular Joyland i is YLANK Mechanical Trains, Chlldren'H MisMon Woman Loves $5 Silver Plated Toilet Sets roinb, brush anil mirror. 82.08 Silver Plated Comb, Ilrush and Mirror Sets, excellent values, t 81.40 Heavy French Ivory Pin Trajs, nrush Trays, Manicure Pieces, etc, at 256 Breaks a Bad Cold in a Jiffy! 'Tape's Cold Compound" ends cold and grippe in a few hours Don't stay stuffed-up. Too can end grippe and break np a ae vera cold either In head, chest, body or limb by talcing a dose of ''Pape's Cold Compound" every two hours until three dosM are taken. It promptly opens elogged-up nostril and air p&mage In th head, atopa nasty (Uncharge or none running, rotlovea sick headache, dullness, fererlahnees, aor throat, aneealng, sorrneaa and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Rase your throbbing head nothing else In the world rives such prompt relief aa 'Tape's Cold Com pound." which coats only JS cents at any drug store. It acta without anslstance, taste nice and causee no Inconvenience, n aura and gat the genuine. Advertise-ment. For Baby's First Xmas Pcores of useful & dainty article lit Infanta' Dept. Laces, Nets, Chiffon and .Painty Silk Waists. Every One of Them, a Chic New Style, all Women's and Misses' Sizes, Stunning shadow effects of allover laces, over ribbon and tinted silks; pleated and shadow nets; two-tone chif fons, messalines and char meuse; all colors and shades $139 2.00 to 3ft- .vs The Newest Character Dolls here at 15 to glQ Doll Hods, with canopy tops, at 306 Doll Carriages, sljk upholstered, S7.50 complete 4.Q6 to 825 i Furniture nt Ono Half Prico Best of All Sterling Sliver Manicure Pieces, in holly boxes, nt 204 tl Royal Purple Maulcuro Sets, 4 pieces, In ro I box S06 $3 German Sil ver MeBh Bags, ring mesh, kid lined ...81.08 fC German Sil ver Mesh Dags, 7-ln. frame, kid lined ...82.08 $2 Men's AVahlemar Chains, spe cial at, each 81 French Ivory Hair and Cloth Hrtishes, worth $3 to 35, Jewelry Department at Half Price $3 Solid Gold Rings for Women, Bet with turquoise, pearl, ame thyst and rubles, at 81.50 where. AdvertUement.