Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: 0MAT1A, Till RSI) AY, DECKMHCT t. 1013
Governor Has Not Replaced State
UnUldrr Say the Exnmlnrr Are
I nrrlltlnR; to Ailmlt JTbtt Doctor
tor Fciir of OTercrorIlnsr
Iinrrntlre Field.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCOLN, Dec. 3.-(Speclal.)-Vhile It
naa given out that the state veterinary
hoard would appoint a board of ex
aminers the first of this weelr, nothing
ro far has been done, and there Is much
Peculation who will be appointed.
While there has been some criticism
of the present examiners It Is genera!
conceded that they have done Rood work
and most of the criticism comes from
tl'ose who would like to so an entirely
new board nppolntcd, Mr. Anderson of
Reward, Dr. Sprague of David City and
Dr. Tuck of Weplng Water compose the
old board and It Is understood they will
not feel at all bad If they aro relieved
of the work, which has been had for
each member has suffered a great finan
cial loss In time and practice because of
Hie work of examination.
Everything seemed to be going alon?
smoothly until a week or so gao when
Governor Morehead and Pecrctnry ot
State Walt, members of the state board,
on recommendation ot State Veterinarian
Klgan. Issued a certificate to Mr. Davis,
who had taken the examination before
the examlnaters and failed to pass.
Davis claimed that tlio board had been
partial In their examinations and that
It had been their practice not to pass
new applicants for veterinary certificates
because they wished to keep down the
number of veterinarians In the state in
the Interests of those already holding
Why CJovernor Acted.
lie cited as an Instance the examination
held at the time he lost out and showed
that out of twelve applicants only one
insscd. On such a showing the governor
ind secretary of state Issued a permit
-ier the heads of the examining board.
The question now arises If tho other ten
xho also failed aro not Just as much
Fntltlcd to permits as Davis, and cannot
.hey receive certificates upon application
in the board.
One man In the state house said this
morning that It seemed strange that
with an many good veterlnorlans as
there are In Nebraska It should x
necessary to appoint an Illinois veterin
arian aa state veterinarian and tnat upon
his recommendation his partner, who had
nlled to pass the regular examination.
ihnuld b Dassed over the heads of an
sxamlng board and also over Nebraska
veterinarians who had failed in examina
tion with him. He doe not think that
n, eharire of Davis that tho board de
iih.mtVlv turned down applicants is Jus
tified by the records which show that
In the last two years
of , certificate hi have
..mkan nf the board
Ration 7 of the law says "the board
may refuse to Issue a certificate or may
r. ,.nrJ,i ono already Issued for any of the
fnttnwine causes: Tho employment
fraud or deception In applying for a cer
..-.... In nasslng examination f"
,,aa for in this act: conviction of crime
t.,i immnrlal turpitude; habitual In
tcmperanw etc but no where In the
aw does it give the board power to
Issue a certificate to any applicant who
has failed to pass the examination,
llonnnldn Appeal t'nsr.
John O. and Charles A. Honnuld of
Dawes county have appealed to the su
preme court from an order of the dis
trict court of that county In a casa
wherein Isaac Scegrlst, who received n
permit from the stale Irrigation board
to use water from Indian creek, brought
suit against the Honnulds to restrain
them from filling up a ditch running
through their land.
llnrtna rtnle I.rntnn.
Senator Bartos of Wllber has sent sev
eral samples of lemons grown on his
place to Labor Commissioner Pool, thd
largest weighing eighteen ounces. Sen
ator Bartos runs ft brewery at Wllber and
the question arises whether he Is raising
lemons for lemonade purposes In order
to corner the temperance drink market.
tlnah Work on IlrldKF.
The Burlington railroad expects to have
Its work on the Ashland bridge com
pleted before the spring freshets come,
and will keep a force of n:cn at work
atl winter placing tho piers. The bridge
will be considerable higher than form
erly and will Ktand on cement piers,
which rest on bedrock.
'Comnilaslonrrn Mnjr TnWe Trip.
It may be necessary for representatives
of the state railway commission to go to
Washington to nttend a session of the
Interstatecommerce commission o nnext
Monday. The application of railroads
to Increase the rate on bananas from the
Gulf of Mexico to Nebraska Is the cause
of trip If It should be taken.
a large numow
been signed by
Morehead Accepts
Heat for Mansion
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dto. i (Speclal.)-Oovernor
Morehead has renlgged on his campaign
promise not to accept anything from the
state ot Nebraska but his salary, and as
a result the state will furnish heat for
tho mansion.
When the governor took charge of af
fairs ot state he wanted It distinctly
understood that all bills outside of salary
would be paid by him, as he did not be
lieve the governor ought to accept any
thing outside the salary paid. As a gen
eral thing the executive has kipt his
prmnlso to the people not to accept extras
given to other governors.
Last winter the governor paid tho coal
bills of the mansion and never made a
klcli. it was a hard, cold winter, and the
executive salary looked mighty small
HI "The Store With a Conscience." " -
rum nmn add nnim mm no ssi
una UAuiD urr nuiua riDuuo jjg
Move in Vallev that Will Permit Bie i IZl
" u
Contest in 0mahav J
Session Culled for Lincoln .Nine
teenth of Jnnnnry lo Conldrr
Mnttrr Bronuhl lip by
Knnn Men.
LINCOLN, Dec. 3.-A meeting of tho ,
heads and governing tinnrds of universi
ties In tho Mlrsouri Valley conference .
has been colled for Lincoln, January in.
i ..-lit.... . . v. i . -r .. 1 1 I . ..
it, wimi.- ill, i if mi. in vi . .lunula, ipih- . i
foot ball game each season to be played J
off a university campus. The meting has
been called ns a result of Kaunas alumni ,
In Kansas City, who have petitioned
Chancellor Strong of the I'nlvcrslty of
Omaha Bankers, Lawyers, Business and Professional
Men are fast deserting Tailoring Establishments to
have their Apparel Needs Sup
plied by This Quality Store
Finest Hand Tailored Clothes
25-$3(M35 $40
when the coat man got through present-1 Kansas to have the annual Kansas-Mis-
ourl game moved to Kansas City Tho
proposition Interests Nebraska Inasmuch
as Omaha, having probably marc grail,
mites than any place In the state, has
frequently petitioned to have one game
played In that city. Other initio; matters
may be considered at the Lincoln meeting.
Faulty Grammar Jars
Lincoln Professors
Ing bills. With the experience of last
winter In mind, ho has faltered nnd to
day the Board ot rubllc I-ands nnd
Funds awarded a contract to Ocorgc W.
Wentx of Lincoln to install connection
with the state lion so heating plant to
that the mansion may be heated nt state
expense. The cost of the connection will
be J946.
llnlitrricr KnXrrn Slurs Inspected.
HOLDRKOK. Neb.. Dec. 3. (Specian
The Eastern Star lodge hold a special
session last night with Mrs. Oeorgo Wll
lilts, associate grand conductress, of the
grand lodge, as Its guest Mrs. Wlllltts
Is on a tour of Inspection. The McCook
lodge of Eastern Star was present. After
th regular session a banquet was served.
Grand Champion
Beef Will Be Served
at Home Barbecue
"Cascarets" Always
Straightenjf ou Up
If Costive, Headachy, Bilious, Stom.
nch Sour, Breath Bad Clean
your Liver and Bowels.
Oct a 10-cent box now.
You men and women who can't get
feeling right who have headache, coated
tongue, foul taste and foul breath, diz
ziness, can't sleep, are bilious, nervous
and upset, bothered with a ick, gas.,
dlsotdcred stomach, or have backache
and feel worn out.
Are you keeping your bowels lean with
Cascarets, or merely forcing a passage
way every few days with salts, cathartic
pills or castor oil?
CnRrarets work while you sleep; cleanse
the stomach, remove the sour, undigested,
fermenting food and foul gases; take
the excess bile from the liver and carry
out of the system all the constipated
waste matter and poison in the bowels.
A Cascaret tonight will straighten you
out by morning-a 10 cent box from any
drug store will keep your stomach sweet;
liver and bowels regular, and head clear
for months. Don't forget the children.
They love Cascarets because they taste
good-never gripe or sIcken.-Advertlse-ment.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 3.-(8peclal.)-Tho IJn-
coin Traction company has stepped out-
sldo the Influence of good grammar by
posting on Its trolly wires near all school
bouses the admonition to "(Jo Slow."
Now the Lincoln Auto club has fallen
under a ban by placing on telephone
poles near the school houses of the city
boards on which Is painted "Go slow.
Public school next block."
University professors are criticising the
public showing In a known far and wide
as an educational center. They say that
the signs should bo pulled down and
others put up with the notation "Go
slowly," placed thereon.
Tho state legislation may be called
upon to correct tho evil of Ignorance In
educational centers by the passage of a
law which will fit the situation.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Doc. 3.-(Hpcelal.)-Accord-lnff
to Information received by tho State
Board of Agriculture, farmers In Arthur
county are preparing to provent waste
on the farms In that region by utilizing
potatoes that cannot be markettd.
Many of tho producers ot Arthur county
are far removed from a suitable market.
For this reason thousands of bushels of
potatoes are wasted each year. The
farmers have conceived the Idea of manu
facturing denatured olcohpl from the.
waste. Twenty-five farmers havt banded
themselves together to erect a denatured
alcohol factory.
A change has been mad In th de
natured alcohol law and after January,
WH, farmers are allowed the privilege of
manufacturing the product from the
waste of tho farm.
It Is estimated that denatured alcohol
ran bn mode from potatoes at a cost of
between SO and 25 cents a gallon.
Wealthy Mexican
Executed by Rebels
HEHMOSILLO. Mev., Dec 3-A wealthy
Mexican resident of Slnaloa was shot
to death hero early today by a firing
squad of Insurgent soldiers, lie was An
tonio V. Gaballero, convicted of plotting
against the constitutionalist government
of his stats.
It wan at the darkest hour, lust hefmv.
dawn, when Canallero was placed against
a wan or sun-baked brick, facing the
cemetery where his body now rests.
ine prisoner walked alone to the wall,
received the blessings of a nrirsi nn,l
placed tho executioner's liandafirn ovr
his eyes with his own hands.
Mark well the heart," he said.
Nothing was visible to tho marksmen
oxcept tho silhouette of his shirt sleeves
nn tne white bandage over the head.
The firing squad moved to within t.
feet of their human mark and the flvo
rifles fired as one.
HOLDItEGE. Neb., Dec 3.-(Speclal.)-Chlef
of Police Bailey, with Officers
Smith and Porter and Sheriff Anderson,
arrested seven persons for alleged raid
and all were landed In Jail In less than
an hour.
Alfred Abrahamson. Jud Olson, Ike
Christensen, Lou McKenzlc. Robert Jack
son, Henry Williams and Jennlo Leiter
aro the persons arrested. All but Jack
son and Williams, who were colored men
are out on ball. All are bound over
to the district court. ,
At the home of Alfred Abrahamson
who Is a drayman. Chief of Police Bailey
found only a little fire water In the
"usual place," but upon searching the
havloft ho located large quantities of
whisky and beer hidden In the hay.
The officers have been working on the
casa for some time, but have been slow
In making the. arrests so as to do It on
the wholesale basis.
Brandeis Stores
Christmas Pictures,
Saturday at $1
BROKEN BOW. Neb., Dec. J.-(Sp
cial.l-Charged with gambling. J. A
James of Grand Island, Silver. Crist o
Anselmo, Tom and Charles Sweeney o
Merna, were taken before Justice G
Schwlnd of this city and bound over to
tho district court In the sum of H0O each
The game was raided last Saturday night
in a private house at Merna, Sheriff
Wilson and Constable Towsley making
the arrests. In effecting an entrance
the officers discovered seven players
grouped about a table covered with
quilt, in the confusion that followed th
lamp was upset and three of the players
succeeded In making a getaway. When
' the accused appeared before the Justice
J they waived preliminary hearing and were
accordingly bound over. Uonds were
furnished by friends.
CHICAGO, Dec. 3 "Grand cham
pion" steaks and roasts, which aro sold
each year by Chicago butchers at tho
close of the International Livestock ex
position, will be missing this year. Glen
Carnock, Victor II, owned by J. 1).
MacQrcgor of Brandon, Manitoba, who
was awarded the grand championship at
this year's exposition, yesterday, will lw
eaten at the great Christmas barbecue
In Brandon. (
Former grand champions havo been
slaughtered at tho stock yards and tin
meat sold nt auction. Choice steaks have
brought as high ns Jl.KO a pound. After
th auction, grand champion meat han
been offered for sale by scores of
butchers. It has been estimated that to
supply all theso cuts of blue ribbon meat",
an animal weighing as much ns a battle
ship would be required.
The prise winning steer has never
tasted a grain of corn. Barley, oats and
alfalfa have composed his fare.
i pa vtm
Pi . -9 V M Win
I sj . v i sum i
m .wwi
A It I iio.l Affnlr
Is lung hemorrhage. Stop It and euro
weak lungs, coughs and colds with Dr.
King's New Discovery. 50c and It.W). For
salo by your druggist. Advertisement.
You Will Get
An Invitation
to a Birthday Party t
be given Monday. The
invitation will be print
ed in this paper.
Watch for it.
mo i AHO health to mother and child.
Mil. Vimlow' Soothixo Svacr h bfra
ltd for oircr SIXTY YKAXSby MILLIONS ot
U the best remedy for DIAKRHCEA. It U ab
solutely hrmlt. Be mire sad ik for "Mn.
V DtUir Bnothlns Bjrrcp." and Ukt SO oUitf
kiiIwl iussm frU.
limelinn I'lonrer IJliitr.
ANSELMO, Neb.. Dec. 3. (Speclal.)
Mr. William Moore, one of the oldest and
most respected citizens of Anselmo, Is
lying at the point of death suffering from
pneumonia and other complications. He
has a been a resident ot this county for
many years. He Is the father of the
Moore brothers, hardware and furniture
dealers, here.
finardlnir Aijnlnt Croup,
The best safeguard against croup Is a
bottle of Foley's Hone) and Tar Com
pound in the house. P. II. Glnn, Middle
ton, Ga., writes; "My children are very
susceptible to croup, easily catch cold. I
give them Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound and In every Instance they get
prompt relief and are soon cured. We
keep H at home and prevent croup" ls-:
jt also for coughs, colds, hoarseness, tick
ling throat, bronchial and la grippe
i-4jugu. it ioniums no ajiiaies. Jieiuse
substitutes. For sale by all dealers
everywhere Ad vert'tement.
Bee Wunt Ads Produce 'tesulu.
The average mnu has about all he can do to get
ahead without bucking the setbacks to miud and body
Coffee Drinking
Coffee isn't a food. Anything not a food which is
taken into tho system makes the diminutive processes
work overtime to throw it off. Often the unprofitable
thing, when taken regularly, accumulates faster than
it enn be eliminated, and becomes a destroyer.
Besides, coffee contains caffeine, a subtle, poison
ous drugabout 2VL grains to the cup. It is well known
that caffeine frequently causes heart trouble, nervous
ness, sleeplessness and biliousness serious handicaps
to progress and comfort.
If something is hindering your efforts, try the sim
ple test of leaving off coffee ten days and using
Jf after a few days you begin. to feel better sleep
well, nerves steady up and brain gets clear, you will
know how to avoid that kind of trouble. ,
Postum, made only of prime wheat and a small
per cent of New Orleans molasses, is a pure food-drink
wholesome, nourishing and delicious. It is abso
lutely free from caffeine or any other drug.
Postum now comes in two fonns.
Regular Postum must be well boiled to bring
out its delightful flavour and food value.
Instant Postum (tho now form) is a soluble
powder. A teaspoonful stirred in a cup of hot water
makes a delicious beverage instantly. Add sugar and
cream to taste.
"There's a Reason"
Sold by grocers everywhere.
Distinctively more superior and
at about half the cost of a made-
to-order suit. No tiresome waits or long
delays, here you see the completed gar
ment. You choose from hundreds, not n limited
few. Tho broadness of our stocks nseures you
of being able to get a perfect fit. Tho styles aro
the work of tho world's master designers and
every garment Is especially tailored according to
our exacting schedule Why then should you pay
twlco the price for "Tailor Matins," when such a
Btoro bb this Is at your sorvlco?
The Chandler Six, $1,785
The Light Six ( handler is tho snappiest six offered tho 1914 buyer. -
JT HAS TJ I Li WOULD BEAT for a light six. You aro in tho mnrkot for a cnr.
You have possibly made up your mind to buy some car in tho Chandler price class.
You will make the biggest mistake of your life if you don't at least see the
Chandler before you buy. It is tho classiest, snappiest riding light six evor budt.
It was designed and built by the wisest automobile men of tho age.
You can get into any car at any price nnd follow a Chandler up and down hill,
through rough places, in mud or "sand, and we can prove to your satisfaction that
the Chandler Light Six has the world beat. It will glide over sandy or muddy plncos,
up tho steepest hills, over rough roads with more easo and -comfort than any other
car made.
TJ1K POWER, THE WEIGHT and THE SNAP has placed tho Chandler in
a class by itself.
Dealers, bore is an opportunity. Write if there is no representative of the Chand
ler in your territory. . .
W. L. Huffman Automobile Co.
1814-16 Farnam St., Omaha i
lMslributorH for Xebrnakn, Wentcm lown nnd South Dakota
CHANDLER MOTOR CAR CO., Manufacturers, Cleveland
The weather lets you relax
out-doors -in Florida now.
That could be you, idling along shore;
a companion of a congenial climate.
Go! via Frisco Lines, the direct way.
Leave Kansas City at 5:55 p.m., reach
Jacksonville 8:40 a. m., second day.
The whole train goes through.
IBssrty Florida
Trains from poinu norlh and wm niaka nol connection-) in Kantian Oly ',,h
this uplendld through train I'or fare, reservation!!, anil a new book noout
I lorl'la, Hildrcca
7. C. Lovrltn, Division Faitnrr Afftnt, Waldhelm Building; Xinm City, Mo.
Fastest schedule:
axr. Memphis
Birminghim 3:50 p. m.
AtlintalOt 15 p.m. Jack
sonville MOa.m.second
day. Electric light
ed drawing room sleep
ers; observation diner,
Fred Harvey meals.
Line to
in :j
a i V liuuua
than any other