Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Christmas Dress
Nothing can take
practical, substantial gift as a dress, skirt
or waist pattern. There are enough
beautiful, desirable weaves and designs
to please everybody.
Put in neat boxes for Christmas.
The Fur Shop
Where furs don't
masquerade under as
sumed names.
An extensive as
sortment of choice
scarfs, muffs and
coats at reasonable
prices. Black wolf
muffs, $6.50, $12.50
and $14.50.
Special Sale of
Genuine Millinery Bargains
Trimmed Hats, value
$10.00, for
Trimmed Hats, value
$15.00, for
Trimmed Hats, valuo
$20.00, for
Trimmed Hats, value
$36.00, for
Indianapolis Employers Asked to
Sign Limited Agreement
Provides for Minimum Union "Wnge
nnd for No Discrimination
Against Members of the
INDIANAPOLIS, Dec, S.-Offlclals of
tho teamsters' union, which has been
on strlko he" since Sunday midnight, b
Kan 8 concerted effort today to get em
ployers to sign & tentative agreement.
It 1 binding for only ten days, ajid tho
only demands ant that the employer
pay the minimum union scale and not
discriminate against union men.
It wa ald at labor headquarter that
the employes of team owner who sign
the agreement probably would be per
mitted to return to work at the general
meeting of the union late today. Th
Central Labor union yesterday requested
the teamster' official to send the driv
ers for employer who had signed con
tracts, back to work, but Thomas J.
Farrell. general organizer of the union;
decvlared that no one would return to
work until 1,60 men were Insured union
condition, and. wages.
Tho shootlnr affray of yesterday. In
which one man wa killed and five In
jured, had a tendency today to keep the
curious at home, there being few person
HBWy9RP. K?Mi341)tBBt3BJP( fitfQfiHyAk
T isssai Jim us a refsJsr rssssr jm mmtl fntt Six Coa! tit t-kli est.
teed to be the greatest collection and biggest bargain in
patterns ever offered. The ICQ patterns have a retail
value of 10 cents each, or more than $10.00 in all. Bring
SIX Coupons and 63 cents to this office and you will be
presented with One Complete Outfit, including Book of
Instructions and one All Metal Hoop. The 681 cents is to
cover duty, express, handling and the numerous over
bead expenses of getting the package from factory to you.
A. B. Out of Town Reader will add 7 cent extra for
pottage and expense of mailing.
Goods and Silks
the place of such ai
Cape Gloves
Elite, Fitwell
Cape Gloves, soft,
pliable skins, im
perial stitching,
black, gray, tan
and white, at $1.35
a pair.
f i,m
up to fc 1" Q e
? l.ZD
up to a. r rrt
. yJ.zJD
up to ri
4 O, I D
up to Q T ft
3 S?. L D
on the street.
Uugene Luttlcdge, Is year old, wa
hot In tho leg when li crowd attacking
a coal wagon wa fired on by strlko
breakers on the wagon. The five when on
tho wagon who were arrested did not
have special police power. Three of them
ore from Chicago and one from Whiting
Ind. They sold they had been rent here
by a detectlvo agency to guard wagon.
(Continued from Poge One.)
and from tho elevated railway structure
In front of the building.
The fire wan m the heart of the tene
meut district. Hundred of occupants of
adjoining buildings rushed to tho street
when the great quantity of apparatus
called out by three alarm clanged up
to their door. Score of excited for
eigner crowded about the burning build
ing and Impeded the firemen in thulr
work. A large squad of police had diffi
culty In forcing backHhe throng.
It was nearly an hour after the fire
men arrived beforo they were able to
enter the lodging house.
Colds Cans lleMAaehft nntt Grip.
Laxative Bromo Quinine tablet remove
cause. There I only on Bromo Quinine.
Has signature of E. W. a rove on box. 23c.
Patters Dept., Omaha, Nefcj
Suffragist Delegates Throng Rules
committee Room.
Pint la .Mnrir for Crentlnn of Stnnil
Iiir Committer on MnffrnKC
fflmllnr (n tlir One In
I hp Ncnnle,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.-The suffrago
convention suspended for a few hours to
day whllo delegates moved on the cnpltol
In tirt-n a fa.nali1.i 1... .
to urgo a favorable report by the house
committee on rules on a resolution to
create a standing commlttco on woman
suffrage In the house.
Women suffragists have long been
I pressing for n hearing on the resolution.
They sought it persistently during the
extra session nnd were promised that
attention would be riven to the ineasuro
i early In the regular session. Womn of
j the antl-suffrnge movement also have
'been granted n hearing In opposition to
the resolution nnd they will appear later.
Tho scene resembled a charge on a
citadel when moro than 1,000 suffrage
(delegates closed in on the capltol. The
women ndvanced in regimental formation
In quickstep order and crowded tho hear
ing room long before tho commlttco ar
rived. Dr. Sfinvr Lends Attack.
Dr. Anna Howard Hhaw, president of
the National American Women Suffrago
assocltlon, hod churgo of presenting ar
Kuments for n commlttco. She told the
members It was not the purpose of tho
rpeskers to convert the congressmen to
suffragist, but to convinco them that
the suffrage movement was entitled to ji
houso commlttco equivalent to a similar
one In tho senate.
Mrs. Ida 1 lusted Harper declared tho
suffrage movement had grown to na
tional proportions, Justifying a house
committee; that tho movement had not
recolved Its Just treatment and that Jus
tice required that the movement should
como under tho Jurisdiction of tho na
tional cot. Kress.
Helen Gardner, Miss Jano Addams,
Mr. Desha Ilrcckcnrldgo, Mrs. Mary
Heard and Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt
nloo pleaded for tho committee. Rep
resentative llaker of California spoho for
his resolution, which would provide a
suffrage committee of thirteen members.
A resolution by Itoprcscntatlvo Kelly,
Progressive of Pennsylvania, was adopted
providing tho final vote of tho rules com
mlttco on the women' proposal should
bo taken In public.
ArKoniriK hy Minn Addition.
Miss Addams argued In refutation of
a, contention that congress could not pre
scribe conditions' of suffrage In the
states. She declared congress hod done
so In the caso of tho negro and the In
dian and cited direct elections of sena
tors which congress had passed on. She
further cited as illustrations tho dlBfran
chlscment of criminals and naturalization
of Immigrants by federal authority.
Mrs. Mary Beard declared tho suf
fraglsts, "iko President Wilson, want to
bo their own masters." She urged suf.
fraga on democrats as a matter of po'
llttcal expediency, If for no higher mo
tlvc. If they wished to maintain their
political supremacy
Mrs. Carrlo Chapman Catt summed up
an me arguments. Women from fho
antl-suffrago movement will bo heard In
opposition to the proposal tomorrow,
(Continued from Pago One.)
"that the action of the department should
bo nonpartisan and nonpolltlcat; tho crop
of republican, democrat and pro
greslvcs, and nil other clascs of people
had to to be moved ,and the earnest ef
fort of the department Was to have tho
benefits of this action diffused as widely
and Impartially as possible."
After praising the psychological value
of these Incidents, the report continues:
"Thoy demonstrate clearly that any 1m
provement In our financial system which
will permanently establish confidence will
In Itself be an Immcnso gain, and If that
Improved financial system assures the op
portunlty to secure at all times the neces
fcary funds and credits to meet tho ex
pandlng and legitimate needs of the com
merco and. Industry of the country, it
will be an achievement of enduring bene
Argument for Altruism.
"Those Incidents also show conclusively
the enormous value of an altruistic gov
ernmental agency in the financial affair
of the country. Bo long a the govern
rcent ha tho power to- Intervene In
beneflclent and unselfish way. the danser
of panic and of unjust practices will be
largely, If not wholly, destroyed, This
I one of the chief object sought in tho
proposed reformation and rjeoi ganlzatlon
of our banking and currency system. The
eople of the country are to be con
gratulatrd upon the early prospect o
sound legislation on this vitally import
apt subject. Should the congress cna:
the fundamental of tho pending aeeosuro
It Is believed that permanent protection
will bo provided against recurring com1
menial crises and that adequate facilities
will be created for that legitimate and
sound expansion of credits so vital to the
prosperity cf our great and growing
country "
Of tho new tariff act. Secretary McAdoo
say it ha not ben In force a utflclont
length of time to make possible an ac
curate estimate of It ultimate revenue
producing power. He ask congress to
Impose a nominal tax of 1 per cent proof
gallon on all alcohol withdrawn from
denaturatlon-nnd legislation requiring
every dealer m leaf tobacco to make an
Inventory of stock January 1 of each
year, and make a report of hi transac
tions quarterly or monthly, and that ev
ery dealer be required to give bond.
Klnt Tax nil Olenmarirarlne,
The present oleomargarine law I de
clared to bo unsatisfactory and the gov
ernment I ald to lose more taxes from
Illicit practices In oleomargarine than
through moonshine stills. The difference
In the tax on colored and uncolored
"olco" Is held responsible for the loss,
and congress I naked to Impose a flat
nominal tax without any difference for
color, with provision for Individual
stamped or original package of certain
site adequately marked and safeguarded.
The law governing the aalo of adulterated
butter 1 declared to have brought about
unfortunate condition through the dif
ficulty of It Just enforcement.
Among the principal recommendation
to congress, the secretary placed the fol
lowing: Knlargement of the public health serv
ice and a closer co-operation with state
authorities to prevent and stamp out epi
demic of disease.
Building of four revenue cutters, for
nerd of which the secretary point out.
the service la seriously crippled
ConsolU atloi of the revenue cutter and
ft consolidation, the secretary sys, would
Increase the efficloncy of each s-ervlce,
with the Wen that the new coast guard
should become a flist naval reserve In
tlmo of war. The Increaso In cost would
bo about 1400,000. In that connection the
secretary also recommends passage of
leBlslntlon for the retirement of life
savers on pension, and declares that un
less some suoh measure la mnde iaw, the
efficiency of the sot vice will be Impaired
nnd It will become increasingly difficult
to obtain good men. Ho gives point to
his argument by showing that the rev
enue cutter nnd life-saving services saved
Uvea in 1913, and salvaged property
U - f.fth .-. L- ...
worth more than !1,COO,000.
Life Mnrlilur on Itlvrrn,
Kstttbllshmrnt of' revenue cutter head
quarters at Loulsvlllo or Clnclmiu'.l. at
St Louis or somo other point on the
upper Mississippi and nt Helena, Arl:.,
or Vlcksburg, Miss., Is urged as a meas
ure for tho saving of life In the flood
times in tho Ohio and Mlsslsslnnl vhJIm-k.
Threo light draught cutters to cost about
mooo each aro recommended. With the
rivers nt normal stage thev would 1m.
used In patrol to enforce tho navigation
and motor lwat laws.
The report refers to the renu!remn
that banks which hold government de
posits mado April 30, 1913, pay .nterost
at 2 per cent, declaring that It mean
an annual revenue of U.anflnn
government and showing that If such n
regulation had been made In 1897 the gov
ernment would not have received In In
terest more than J.10,000,000.
The Income tax Is not dwell unnn
length, but tho report estimates that
428,000 individuals are subject to It find
mai corporations not heretofore subject
to tax will number about 150,000.
Hnfnriinrillnir Life nt Sen.
International action to nrevent minh
disasters at sea as resulted in tho sink
ing or tne Titanic Is urged.
'The Important maritime nation
should unite," says the secretary. "In
defining lanes of travel across tho north.
Atlantic to nvold all danger of Icebergs
during the months of April, May nnd
Juno of each year, and compel steamship
companies to observe them. This would
result In increasing to some extent tho
time of ocean passage, but it would on
the other hand. Insure Immunity from
tho dangers of Icebergs during this sea
son. Tho steamship companies should
not bo permitted to Jeopardize needlessly
human life for tho purpose of shortening
the transatlantic Journey by a few hours,
nnd saving a comparatively few dollars.
but If they are. they should h mm.
pelled to maintain an effective ico patrol
at their own cost"
The question Is to be taken un bv thn
International Conference on Safetv at
Sea now In session In London.
On the Tried inn ii Cure,
Hpeaklng of scientific research bv ihH
publlo health service the report say:
"On account of tho announcements of
discoveries of alleged euros for tuber
culosis and their bearing on nublln
health. Important investigations of them
havo been undertaken. Studies of the
Krledmann treatment wcro sufficiently
ndvanced by May 16. 191S. to luntlfv
report that the observations mado up to
that tlmo did not warrant the confidence
In the remedy which had been Inspired
by widespread publicity. This Invcstlgo
tlon is being continued, ns are also stud
ies of other preparations claimed as
Kstlmnte of Ilevennes.
Secretary McAdoo estimate thnt ih
revenue for tho flscnl'year exclusive of
postofflco receipts will .bo 4728.000.000.'
only ,0), less than the 'estimates
for tho fiscal year 1814. To make that
total ho expects the customs to bring
In $243,000,000 ordinary internal revenue,
S31S,OC0,000 and. the Income tax tloS.oof) (VM
of which O,00T),O0O la to come from cor
poration, th remainder from Individ
uals. From sales of public lands he ex
pect to cover Into the treasury W.00O,-
w and from miscellaneous sources
He expresses tho belief the ordinary
receipts for 1915 will exceed the dis
bursements sufficiently to pay out about
$26,000,000 from tho treasury's general
fund for tho Panama canal.
Bryan to Deliver
Club Banquet Speech
LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. 3,-Sccretary of
State William J. Bryan in a telegram to
Charles W. Bryan, received today, ac
cepted the Invitation o fthe Lincoln Com
mercial club to attend the annual ban
quet on Tuesday, January 6, and to
make the principal address of that oo
cnslon. The subject of Mr. Brian's ad
dress has not been announced.
(Continued from Page One.)
must do ine error or one case In a
inousana. nut tne real estate men
called his attention to the fact that In
spite of the fact that he was now willing
to acknowledge this might have been an
oversight on the part of the board, the
board had refused to come half way
with the owner, but had Insisted on col
lecting tho full six months' water rent
on their own carelessness.
Wead here declared it would set a bad
precedent to begin taking off anything
In any case, because, ho said, the offlco
would be crowded from thenceforward
by persons seeking rebates.
President Myers pointed out the Injus
tlce In compelling tho owners to guar
antee the water rent, because, he said,
It It ever became necessary to raise
money by taxation to pay off some of
the wuter bonds, It would not be the
tenants that would bo taxed, but it
would be the property owners again; and
he saw no reason for stinging them at
every turn,
The argument was so exciting that the
meeting held until 2:30. although It Is an
established custom of the exchange to
adjourn at I o'clock.
The report of the Auditorium commit
tee was adopted. It recommended that
the city lease the Auditorium of the
present owner for a period of five years
at a rcaonablo rental for civic pur
Mm. Knieltne O, Watson.
ANSI3LMO. Neb.. Dec. 3. (Sneolal.l-
The funeral of Mrs. Emetine f. Witmn
agwl almost 80 years, who died In Thed-1 breath and lung and bronchial trouble,
ford. .Net)., Sunday, took place from the f"1'8 remedy overcome cough and re
Christlan church Monday, Rev. Mr. Gas-; mores catarrhal matter from the system,
ton of the Baptist church In Broken Bow, j,b" ,u tonlo-laxatlve action. It Improve
officiating. Mrs. Watson had bw an In-
vulld for moro than a year. Her husband
died some six years ago. She leaves a
large number of relatives In this com.
J The Persistent and Judicious Use
1 Newspaper Advertising Is the Itoad
Lousiness Success,
Christmas Rush Will Give New Sys
tem Great Trial.
Kvery Kffort Is Ilrlnur Made to
Handle Mnmmnth Volnme of
nnslness nnrt All Persons
Cnn Aslst.
WASHINGTON, "D. C, Dec. 3-Dur-Ing
the next four weeks Undo Sam's In
fant prodlgy-the parcel post service
will be called upon to perform a hercu
lean task In connection with tho trans
portation and delivery of millions of
Christmas gifts. Postmaster General
Ilurlesoti, who is responsible for the
conduct of this service, has made extra
ordinary preparations to prevent con
gestion In postofflcen and to Inauro
prompt delivery of these parce's. Sev
eral thousand additional employes will
be added to the force during the holiday
season and the collection and delivery
equipment will be augmented wherever
necessary. Every possible effort has
been made to strengthen those parts of
tho postal organization which will be
under the greatest strain nnd Mr. Burle
son slated today that with these special
arrangements he is confident of tho
ability of the servlcq to handlo suc
cessfully the nvalanche of parcels that
will be thrown upon It during tho rush
Tho postmaster general Is anxious,
however, lest tho public fall to co-oper-oto
with him in observing certain Im
portant conditions necessary to enable
the postal authorities to effect tho timely
delivery of Christmas gifts. In order to
securo this co-operation ho has caused
to be printed for distribution through
out the- country hundreds of thousands
of circular and placards containing di
rections for tho proper preparation o'
Christmas gifts for transmission by mall.
Shonlil Stall Early.
Christmas parcels should be malted
early. For local delivery they should be
mailed not later than December 23 nnd
for out-of-town delivery as early as pos
sible, but in any event In time to reach
the offices of destination at least two
days prior to Christmas.
Christmas gifts sent by, mall should
be wrapped securely. Tho containers or
wrappers should be sufficiently strong
to withstand the necessary handling In
cident to transportation and delivery.
Glassware crockery. Christmas toys
easily breakable, gloss framed pictures,
etc., should be carefully packed In boxes
of metal, wood, leather or corrugated
pasteboard with sufficient excelsior, raw
cotton, or similar matter to prevent the
contents from coming Into contact with
any portion of the box. These parcel
should bo marked "Fragile." Postmas
ters will refuse to accept for mailing
pnekages that aro Insecurely prepared,
Parcel should bo addressed plainly.
Tho addresses should bo complete, and
plainly written In Ink. The regulations
requiro that parcel post packages shall
bear the names and addresses of both
tho sender arid the addressee. If a tag
Is used the names and addresses of tho
sender -and the addressee should also
bo written on the parcel Itself.
Mnrlc Them for Christmas.
Parcels sunt In advance of Christmas
may be marked "Not to be opened until
ChrUtmns" or some similar illrortlnn
Written Jbri printed messages such a
"Merry Christmas." "Best Wishes."
etc., may be Inclosed In parcels, but ho
Other written or printed communication
snouia oe placed therein, ns this will
subject the parcel to a higher rate of
postage. Parcels should not be scaled
or otherwise closed against InsDectlon.
Sealed parcels are subject to the first-
class rata .of postage.
Photographs, printed books and other
printed matter arc not Included In the
parcel post, but are third-class matter on
which the postage rate Is 1 cent fpr each
two ounces or fraction thereof.
rarceis not exceeding foor ounces In
weight may be mnlled In street boxes.
wnen prepared in conformity with the
foregoing requirements. Tho postage on
such packnges is uniformly 1 cent for
each ounce or fraction thereof. Parcels
wolghlng more than four ounce are mall
able only at the main postofflco or It
Ofllnnrr Stninns Vnllil.
Ordinary postage stamps are valid for
postage on parcel post matter. Christ
ma stamps or stickers of any kind other
than postage stamps should not be placed
Sufficient To Last Throughout the
Splrnilitl IIonic-Mnde Cold nnd Cough
Medicine Made From Pure Essence
Mentlio-Lnxeno; Cheap and Ef
fective, Too.
Usually a family spends two to five
dollars every winter for cough, cold,
and catarrh remedies, buying 25c worth
at a time.
For Instance, a two-ounce bottle, at
35c. 111 contain about four-fifths "syrup"
and one-fifth "medicine." That's paying
too much for ordinary syrup; you can
make a half gallon of syrup for Sic.
The syrup, extra bottles, labels, corks,
cartons, etc., make this method of buy
ing very expensive by the end of the
A little thought and wisdom will save
any family several dollars and give them
purer and better medicine, too.
Make a simple syrup with a pint of
granulated sugar and a half pint of
holllnc water; then buy the pure con
centrated essence Mentho-Laxene at your
drug store (JVi oz. bottle) and empty
It Into a pint bottle or Jar and then fill
It up with the yrup.
Now you have a season's supply of
the purest, best and most promptly ef
fective cold and catarrh remedy and
rough mediolne that It Is possible to
obtain. It keeps Indefinitely, and relieves
young and old of colds, catarrh, coughs,
1 bronchitis,
hoarseness, shortness of
the appetite, reduce fever and strength- '
en - thn system, thus avoiding chronic
ailments and consumption. i
Direction with each bottle of Essence
Mentho-Laxene tell how to make and
how to take. The manufacturer also
guarantee to refund money to any on
not pleased by its thorough effective
ness. Advertisement.
on the address side of mail matter as
this renders such matter unbailable.
Valuable parcel post packages may bo
Insured against loss in nn amount not
exceeding $S on a payment of a fee of
S cents In addition to the postage, and
for a fee of 10 cents such packages will
be Insured In any amount not exceeding
'SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Dec. 3 (Special
Telegram.) The majority faction of
Minnehaha county republicans todi
elected Hans Vstrud, a supporter of
Senator Crowfonl, state proposal commit
teeman. Tho minority faction elected
Dr. 11. M. Bgan, state proposal commit
teeman, while the democrats elected
Georgo A. Harris.
Today's meetings In even' county In
South Dakota constituted the first try-
out of the new nichards' primary law
The supporters of Senator Crawford
claim to havo elected a majority of the
state proposal committeemen, assuring
his selection ns the regular republican
enndtdate for senator.
FAIRFIELD, S. D., Dec. 3.-(Ppoclal
Telegram.) At the republican mass
meeting here today to nomlnnto majority
and minority state proposal committee
men under tho Itlchards' primary law,
Frank Mace of Boncsteel, was chosen by
tho majority and B. R. Cash of Bone
steel by the minority. Precinct proposal
committeemen were chosen by both par
ties throughout the county. At tho ma
jority meeting a resolution endorsing Coo
I. Crawford for senator, Frank M.
llyrno for governor, and Ford Relchman
of Dallas, 'for state auditor was voted
down. A motion then made to endorse
Crawford and Byrne was tabled.
PIERRE, . D., Dec. 3.-(pcclal Tele
gramsProbably something over 10 per
cent' of the voters of the county attended
the different meetings under the Richards
primary law for selection of precinct and
state committeemen. No attempt wan
made to select socialist or prohibition
The republican state selections were
T. B. Roberts for the minority and Al
bert Wheelon, majority. Frank fcantow-
ski was selected by the democrats as a
Johnson democrat. C. E. Coyno Is the
republican majority representative' from
Stanley countr. No minority was chosen.
Persistent Advertising is the Road to
Business Muccem.
Meat Injurious
to the Kidneys
Take a tablespoonful of Salts if
Back-hurts or Bladder
We are a nation of meat eaters nnd
cur blood is filled with uric acid, says u
wcl-known authority, who warns us to
be constantly on guard against ktJney
The kidneys do their utmost to free the
blood of this Irritating acid, but become
weak from the overwork; they get slug
gish; the cltmlnntlve tissues clog and
thus the Waste Is retained In the blood
to poison the entire system.
When your' kidneys nche nnd feel like
lumps of lend, and you' have ''stinging
pains In the back or the'nrine' is cloudy,
full of sediment,' or the bladder -Is. Irri
table, obliging you to seek relief during
the ntght; when you have Bevere head
iclies, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepless
ties, acid stomach or rheumatism In bad
leather, get from your pharmacist about
four ounces of Jad Salts; take a table
spoonful In n gloss of water before break
fast each morning and In a fow days
your kidneys will act fine. This famous
salts Is made' from the acid of grapes
and lemon Juice, combined with llthla,
and has been used for generations to
flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to
neutralize the acids In urine so It I no
longer a source of Irritation, thus ending
urinary and bladder disorders.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and cannot In
jure; make n delightful effervescent
Uthla-woter drink, and nobody can make
a mistake by taking a little occasionally
to keep the kidneys clean and active.
things Go
Easier by -Telephone
In work-time, or play
time, a few wordB over
the wire will work won
ders for you.
With a Bell Telephone
you are just across the
street from every store
keeper and almost every
friend and neighbor.
By Bell Telephone local
stores and shops and
friends, as well as those
in distant cities, are
brought to you.
Have you a telephouet
Rheumatic Blood
is Whole Story
SeUtlca, Lonbaro. "!
Dreaded Articular
yon Will Feel Like nn Acrobat After Using
s. s. s.
Thero la n host of pills, powders, tablets
and what-not for rheumatism, but thoy
nil lack the first essential to being a
natural medicine. To begin with, rheu
matism Is simply a name given to desig
nate a variety of pains, and can only bo
reached by Irrigating tho entire blood
supply with a naturally assimilative anti
dote. True, the pains may bo eased with
narcotics ' or the acids may bo neutral
ized for tho tlmo being. But Buch
methods merely temporize nnd do not
even lcdd to a cure. There Is but one
standard rheumatism remedy, and Is sold
In all drug stores under the name of 8.
B. S. Attempts are often mado to sell
something claimed to be "Just as good."
Insist positively you will have nothing;
but S. 8. S.
It contnlns only puro vegetable ele
ments and Is nbsalutely free of mercury,
lodldo of potash or arsenic.
The recoveries of alt types or rneuma-
tism by the use of S. S. S. Is a flno trib
ute to the natural efficacy of this ro
markable medicine, for it Is assimilated
Just as naturally. Just as specifically, and
Just as well ordained ns the most accept
able, most palatable, nnd most readily
digested food. Do not fall to get a bot
tle of S. S. S. to-day. Tou will be as
tonished at the results. If your rheuma
tism Is of such a naturo that you would
like to consult a specialist, write to tho
medical department. The Swift Speclflo
Co., 220 Snlft Bide., Atlanta, ua.
Office For Rent
The large room on ground
floor of Bee Building, oc
cupied by tho Havens
White Coal Co.
Nico Farnam street front
age. About ,1,500 squaro
feet of floor space with
large vault. Extra en
trance from court of tho
Fine office fixtures aro of
fered for sale. Apply to
N. P; Feil, Bee office.
Brandeis Stores
Christmas Pictures,
Saturday at $1
Winter Blasts
in Your Store?
Papers Disarranged,
Clerks with Colds,
Patrons Disgusted .
and Business Poor?
Use a
Revolving Door,
and Eliminate
This Trouble.
A standard pattern, collapsible
Revolving Door solid oaH.
heavy plate glass, with solid
brass push and kick plates.
The Bee Building Co.
Boom 103.
1(2 lT1 Jt lST3t. UnUy Mat, 13-35-800
AJlrrt rngs, 16-35-50-730
WEBEB In tbt
Brand new thow throughout. A scfnl t
cntulQii- dtlltht By eddi cot fan la
ton. nrtutr C'hotun of Ileal Dtllei.
Ladlss' Dime Matinee Wok Pays.
This Afternoon and Tonight
Company of 70, Including
Prlctsl Xtlgnts, 81.53 to 25c J Mtl
inss, 11.00 to 35c
Mtints Thar47 and Bturdy
ETsry ZUjrnt This Wsek
American Theater Stock Co., In
The last week of stock compauy
PrtcsSI 100, 350, 35c, BQo.
Mat. ETnr Oar. 3:15; Ersry Slffht, 8 ill
ThU tt bltdi Uixbtv and WUlt Tailor;
EU& flueggcr Kiaonatau and Edvarda; XouU
Hanlt (alsu'l Europe Kurcllr, Cbarlaa A.
Dalmor and Oca IJxU. Jack Uettlta sad
Uar Carson. ia Special yamttra Hutu. "3o
chls Haro."
ITtcea M&Uom Gall, rr. Me'; beat ttaU (n
J tasl Sax. aid Sn.L tU. KlxlU. 19c. Sc. 10c, Tie.