Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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local Grain Center Excitinj Pit !
Dealers in Metropolis.
.Shipment nnil Itrrrlptu l.opallj Ire
Umi( MtiriinxsInK Thnp tlml , f
llpln'ir llntiillptl nt I
Illinois Clt. '
Around the railroad freight of fire and
the grain commission houses the report
la acaln curtent that Chlrngo Is alrout to
make dome kind of a move to regain Its
ItcmIbp as the Kreat grain market of
the country. What the move will be no
c ne seems to have nn Idea, though It la
thought that Chicago will go before the
Interstate Commerce commission and
charge that the rates, as compared with
Omaha, are not equitable.
The move upon the part of Chicago
comes about by reason of the fact that.
Omaha Is pressing It closely, for first
place as the grain market of the 1'nlted
Ftates. Thnt Omaha Is crowding up to
ard first place Is said to be proven by
the Increase In grain receipts and ship
ments last month, as compared with thi;
corresponding month of last year.
During November, 1911, Omaha handled
carloads of grain In, and I.7ST out
During November of this year the busl
r.ess almost doubled, the receipts reach
Ing 4.61 1. and tbe shipments 4,fi?l car
loads, a record reached but once or twice
during any month In the history of the
Omaha Ura,nd exchange.
Illaht Ann)' from Its Doors.
It Is said that what Is worrying Chi
cago the most Is the fact that Omnha Is
going right tip to Its doors and taking
the grain nway, bringing It to .this
market and then sending It on south to
Its untlmate destination.
During November, the Northwestern
brought grain Into Omaha from Mor
rison, III., 37 miles distant from this city
and but 121 miles west of Chicago. This
was the nearest to Chicago that Omaha
went to gel any grain, but from Clinton,
la, 13S mllen west of Chicago and 358
miles east of Omaha, there were large
and frequent shipments to this market.
The reason why Omaha Is able to go
Into Chicago territory and purchase grain
Is explained. It Is not becouse. the rail
roads have favored this market In any
particular, but by reason of the fact that
the combination of rales from central
Illinois to the. south by way of Omaha
makes a lower rate than to send the
grain Into Chicago, there, put It through
the elevators, and then send It Into tho
gulf states, that have come to be looked
upon a this market's territory.
During November but little grain from
this market went to Chicago, or the east.
The bulk of it went south, and grain
men predict that the movement In this
direction will contlnuo for some time
and perhaps permanently, as many of
thorn lean to the opinion that the opening
of tho Panama canal will give about all
the grain passing through the Omaha
market a southern outlet,
Jlves liootl Idpsj, .
The buslnrsg dono In and out of Omaha I
during November gives tho best idea oft
now tno grain has been moving.
During the month the Northwestern
brought Into Oiiiahu 2,170 carloads of
grain, but Old not Imul anything out.
Tho Hurllngton, that has n southern con
nectlon. haulod 100 carlouils in 'and took
1.4T out. The Missouri Pacific brought
but ten earn of grain Into Omaha, but out
and to the south It hauled 1,K9, Other
lines did n business as follows.
Illinois Ccntraf: In, 412; out, 7tl cars,
Itock Island: In, Ul; out, C27. Wabuss
In. S; out, VS. Union Pacific: In, ;
out, 103. Chicago Ureat Western: In,
111!., out, ISi. Milwaukee; In, 920: out,
Thus It will be seen that while, all the
roads centering here, during November.
loured grain Into Omaha's lap, only those
having lines to the south, or close south
ern connections, carried any out.
7 A, mr
Talks .it Commercial Club Thursday
Trying to Collect
on Pool Hall Fire
in Easter Tornado
Whether or not claim tan be made for
fire losses In the Omaha tornado under
fire Insurance policies that have- no "'tor
nado" clause, when the flro broke out
before the building burned was blown en
tirely down, will bo .determined by the
verd(ct In a suit which was called for
trial In the court of District Judge Ie
H.' Wednesday morning.
Prank Wilson, a colored preacher of
Topeka, Kan., who owned the wrecked
Idlewlld hall at Twenty-fourth and Kr
sklnn streets, In tho tornado district. Ir
suing tho Northwestern National Kite
Inwuranco company of Milwaukee for
Indemnity under a policy of tho com
pany. He alleges In his suit that fire
broke out In the building while It was
still standing, and that the total toss by
damage to the building Is therefore col
lectable under the fire Insurance policy,
although thopollcy had no tornado
clause In It.
The caso presents questions of both
fact and law, and upon the outcome hang
the prospects of many tornado siiffererr
to collect damages under their fire In
surance policies, If fire occurred on their
premises In connection with tho tornado
Heavy Snow Falls
Over the Western
Part of the State
According to the weather reports com
tiuj to the railroads, a drilling rain con
tinued over all of Nebraska, South Da.
kota. Kansas and Iowa Tuesday night In
the western part of this state and
Wyoming changinc to snow after mid
nlrht. Reports to the Northwestern, the Bur
llngton arid the Union Pacific Indicate
from four to alx and seven Inches of
wet anow west of Valentine, Ilyannls
and Sidney on the respective lines and
continuing well into Wednesday. The
rainfall, according to the railroad reports,
aggregated from one-half to two Inches
during yesterday and last night ami still
falling this morning. The coldest tern
perature recorded anywhere was lust be
low freezing. In Nebraska the towns re
porting six Inches or more of snow were
Alliance, Bridgeport, Scott's niuff, Del.
mont and Crawford,
Rotary Club is a
Social Organization
Addressing the regular Wednesday noon
meeting In the rathskeller of the Hen
shaw hotel of the Omaha Rotary club.
Duana Arnold, chairman of the club, de
livered himself of an effort to refute the
implication that members of the organ
ization are banded together so'ely for
material gain.
Friends have said to me." declared Mr.
Arnold, "'you must find the Rotary
Mub a great business help,' and I have
Invariably replied. 'Business be hanged!'
If I knew the club to be a business lia
bility to me rather than a business asset,
I should still want to belong to It. It Is
the fellowship that we enjoy here that
la the chief Inducement for becoming u
member. Here I, who have been In
Omaha only three years, find many who
lay aside formalities and call mo 'Duane,'
ust as they did In my former home, u
town of 8.0W, where every one knew every
ones first name. It Is this spirit of
Hail fellow well met" that appeals to
the stranger to Omaha, and on such spirit
has the Rotary club been founded."
Th Omaha Rotary club has lit mem
bers. each a representative of a different
line of business. The unique organization
was first conceived In Chicago about five
ear ago. Since then others have
prung up In the larger cities of the
I nlted States and Burope. The various
Rotary clubs have a combined member
h'p of 11S.UU).
A Klrrpp Attack
of malaria, liver derangement and kidney
trouble Is easily cured by Electric Bit
ters, the guaranteed remedy. COc. For
aale by your druggist-Advertlaemeot.
Test Case is Filed
to Turn On Water
Without Guarantee
Alleging that he needs city water, but
has lieeu denied It by tho Omaha. Water
board until he puts up J5 In advance and
his landlord, Harry A. Tiikey, signs nn
agreement to guarantee the payment ,f
the water bill above that amount, Ueorge
F. Jones, a resident of Bedford addition
to the city, has petitioned In district
Court that the court order the Wotor
board to turn on his water without the
demanded deposit Btid landlord's guar
antee. The suit Is n test case to test the
Validity of the Water board's recent
decision to exact payment In advanco for
water consumed, and also require land
lords to stand good for futuro water
bills above" the amount deposited by th6
Tt is asserted In the petition that the
Water board has no authority under the
statutes to lay down such rules, and Is
exceeding the authority vested In It to
manago the municipal water plant. The
Interests 'of all tenants and landlords of
houses served with the municipal water
supply are affected by the ault.
Will Try Tennyson
in District Court
Brownie M. Tennyson, former janitor
of the Leonard apartments, 2iCl Farnam
street, who bound -year-old Harriet
Johnson In a trunk a few weeks "ago,
was arraigned In police court on a charge
of kidnaping. Preliminary examination
waa waived and Tennyson was bound
over to the district court, with bond
fixed at S3.000.
Former Associates Try to Keep His
Name Out of His Business.
Plnlntlrr Asserts thnt Nunir of ICIopi.
Allnrhril tci Neir Outfit In MU
IrmlliiK In I'lrni Customer.
Mr klopp. personally Mall matter t-ar
lesv addressed to "The Klopp com
any ' and Intended for the Klopp
Bartletl company. Jt Is alleged, has beer
secured by Mr Klopp, thcrebv affecting
HIT" UTtl-IIUVWl Uk Hit- l III Vll.liw.j .. .i.
Ing the name of Klopp connected with It
Aaron T. Klopp Is also alleged In the
petition to have threatened to ruin the
tHislness of the Klopp-Bartlett company
after he was ousted from Its control,
stockholders of the Klopp-Hartlett
Pr ntlng company have filed a petition
n the district court risking that Aaron
T Klopp and his son, Walter C. Klopp,
be restrained from using their names In
and the plaintiff asserts that the present
use of the name "Klopp" In Mr. Klopp's
new printing company Is In furtherance j
of his alleged threat.
The newly filed petition of the firm
now controlled by Joslah B. Redfleld ,
and others has been assigned to the '
docket of District Judge James P Eng-'
llsh, who heard A. T Klopp's original
petition for an Injunction against the ,
Klppp-uartlett company new manage-
tho tltlo of their present business.
Mr. Klopp recently purchased the I.ew ' ment, and decided In favor of the latter.!
Rab r printing shop nn changed the
n.,m,. nf .h u. t... WOMAN fiFTS UPRiURT FROM I
Printing company. HOTEL FOR LOST COAT
i nis is ine rinai sung or ingratitude,"
said Mr. Klopp. Not only the btislnesf.
I have built up and really should con
trol In bring dnled me. but my own
personal name Is ultn being contested
as a possession of mine."
Tho petition was filed In the office of
the clerk of the district court and al
lege that the present business of A. T.
Klopp and his son Is an Infringement on
the rights of the Klopp-liartlett com
pany, In that It misleads the public and
deprives the plaintiff of business whlcn
was really Intended for It, rather than
A verdict against the Thompson Hotel
company of Lincoln, and Judgment In ,
the sum of l.17r.4.. was rendered In Dls-
trlct Judge Isllc's court In favor of ,
Mrs. Mayme Hcnderoson. She sued the ;
hotel company for the loss of a X6u0i
sealskin coat i-cnt by George N. Aula-
baugh, the furrier, to tho Lincoln hotel
two years ago and delivered to a third
party without alleged authority. !
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
Business Success
Buy Christmas Gifts at Omaha's Great Christmas Store
Visit Toylu,
On, 4th Floor
little folks greatest
stock ever shown In
FSr lTh"dar $1.50
Foot Balls. 100 of
tlwra, choice.. Og
f Visit Toyland
On 4Ui Floor
A display without
an equal In Omaha
Toys. Dolls, Games.
Special Thursday -1
lot of games, to ll
vals., choice... 2oC
Get Out "of the Rut"
Don't continue, dny after tiny, in thnt half sickly
condition with poor appetite, sallow complexion and
clogged bowels. You can help Nature wonderfully in
overcoming all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles bv
taking a short course of
Stomach Bitters
Here Are Your Connections
r:30 P. M.
8:09 A. M.
4:20 P. M.
7:15 A. ML
MICHIGAN CKNTItAL at 9:05 a. m. and 10:30
n. in., for Now York, Boston.
I'KNNH V IAA NI A at 8:45 a. m., 10:00 a. m
10:30 a. m. for New York; 9:50 a. m. for
Cincinnati and South.
IjAKK WIOllK at 10:15 a. :n. for Now York:
10:30 a. m. for Now York, Uoston.
1HG FOUR at 9:25 a. m. for Clnclnnatl, 8outh.
IM.INOIH C'RNTKAl at 9:10 a. m. for New
Orleans; 8:15 p. ni.. Florida. Seminole
MOXON at 10:05 a. m. for I.oulsvlllo and South.
K. I. at 9:10 p. m., "Dixie Flyer."
GUAM) TRUNK at 11:05 a. m. for New York.
KIUH at ll:oo a. ni. for Now York.
II. & C at 11:00 a. m. for Now York.
NlCKIJh PLATO at 10:35 a. m. for Now York,
ARRIVING CHICAGO 7:00 A. M. for connec
tions. LA UK HHORK at 8:25 a. m. for New York,
B. & O. at 8:00 a. in. for Washington.
at 10:15 p. m., "Royal Palm,"
A Joint committee of thrse from the
Commercial club and three from tho
trifflo bureau la to consider and report
on a policy to rrovcrn the future rela
tion of the traffic bureau to the Com
mercial club. A committee from the
trafflo bureau has complained to the
club's executive committee because mem
bers 'of the Commercial club get regular
service from the traffic bureau while the
club does notched) to support the bureau.
The trafflelrtireau Is supported by private
contributions from some of tho business
people of thi; city, and has no real con
nection with the Commercial club, al
thoiiRh It has Its offices on the samu
floor with the Commercial club and Is
closely associated with It. There was
talk of a consolidation of the two or
Kanliatlons after Commissioner Guild of
the Commercial club resigned. I-ater it
was announced that this had been slven
up. Now It Is said that with the ap.
polntment of the Joint committee th
matter of a possible consolidation may
be reopened.
PENNSYLVANIA at 9:50 p. m and 11:45 p.
nt., Cincinnati, Louisville.
Attractive Winter Tours throtiRh the South.
Inntl, with illvcrse routes, Including one way
via WiuliinRtnit, 1. c. Ask about Winter rates
to Cuba anil I'atuimn, Very attractive southern
railroad anil hotel literature, "Low Rate' Winter
J. B. REYNOLDS, City Pawenger Agent, j
1502 Farnam Street, Omaha
Thone Douglas 121J8.
For Sprains
and Braises
The Crxt thin to do when you meet
with an injury is to soak a piece of
flannel with this wonderful oil and
wrap it over the place that hurts. It
is antiseptic, soothing and healing, and
fives quick relief. Trial bottle ioc
Invalids Need Pensions
Magazine Readers Can Help
Ily HAVINU a trifle on their MAOAZIN13 OHDER at the lowest pub
lished prices, inacmlnn readers can help earn $3,000 for THK IN VAMPS'
J'KNHION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal contributes 60c or more
towards the aupport of KIG11TKBN INVALIDS, who have received their
pension checks each month since spring Five with neck or back broken,
paralyzed like myself.
An Extraordinary Sale of Women's Ready-to-Wear Gar
ments. Which Has Set All Omaha Talking, Is Now in
Fill Blast Here. Valve Civin Nnvnr Surmised Is the Rule not
the Exception Our customers
are profiting by the losses of
our overstocked manufacturers in
a way that is certainly gratifying.
Many new lots brought forward for tho
'Thursday splliuir every one a choice bargain.
I Not a single disappointment possible in select
ing from these Evening Gowns and Afternoon
Dresses. Elegant and distinctive designs, in
exquisite colorings and weaves brocades,
crepe meteors, crepe de chines, silk moires,
charmeuse and other most desirable fabrics,
made to sell at . $45.00, $55.00 and $G5.00;
Fine Assortment of
Beautiful New Dresses
$25 to $40 values, in broad
choice designs, suitable for
evening, afternoon or street
wear; fabrics are silks and
laces, In the most popular
weaves and colorings; your
choice, at
Stylish Waists
Made to sell to $7. GO.. An en
tire maker's stock -j ohlffoca,
nets, messallncs, lacee, etc.,
etc.; Jn both white and colors;
big assortment for
selection, choice.
Your Choice of. 1,000
Handsome New Coats
Made to sell at $25.00, In astrakhans, Persians,
Doucies, cut cnincnuias, brocaded
velvets, sealottes and fancy novel
ties; over 100 different designs
ror selection, In this sale Thurs
day, your choice,
Hons Srtssss, made to sell to 11.25,
choice, at S9o
Zadles' Black Fattlooats, 75c values:
Just 10 dozen In the lot, at..., 360
$3.00 Kessalln Fettlooats, on sale
Thursday, at $1.59
Marmbas Soarfs, made to sell to J5.
choice, at $1.95
v .J
Tailored Suits
Made to sell nt $15, $18 and
$20; nobby new styles In diag
onals, Bedford, oponges, fancy
suitings, etc., etc.; all beat
colorings, your
choice at
Silks or Wool Dress Goods
Always Acceptable and Appropriate
Yard wido Silk Messallncs and Poplins, novelty
satin stripes and black and navy bcngalincs
$1.00 and $1.25 values G8d
Yard wide Black Dross Silks, In raessalines, Peau
do Sole, Satin Duchess, Chiffon, Taffeta, etc.
$1.00 and $1.25 yard values, choice. 78d
36 Inch to 44 Inch all wool Storm and French
Serges, fancy worsted plaids and striped novel
ties, big special, at 48
Fine Cloaklngs, 54 Inches wide,-big line of colors
and weaves, to $3.60 values 98
Quest Towels;
strictly pure flax,
hemstitched; 76a
values, ea., 50
Guest Toweling;
18 Inches wide,
pure linen, plain
or figured; worth
$1 yard, at J5
II a n d k e rchlet
Linen for fine
sheer needle
work, pure flax;
89c grade, at, a
yard .59
Unhemmed pat
tern Table
Cloths; size
SxlO; pure flax;
worth $5.00, at.
each ...$3.98
lmmed Hats ijBB
5R This season's most. 4mI I
wmi H i " in
This season's most
desirable styles in Black
and most desirable colors.
Over. 200
Beautiful Hats
in the lot
for your
C m AA
The Most lelisMful lot of Millinery Bargains ever altered In Omaha.
.Make Yoyr Selections Early.
for the
I. P. A.
For 4. MS subscriptions to the above magailnes publishers will deposit
$3,000 for the benefit of ' 1
We Must Have 1,645 Subscriptions by December 30th to Earn the
First $1,750, or Pensions Cannot Be Paid Next Year.
Pear Friend. You at least understand that all prices are AUIKK.
I duplicate ANY printed offer. Over 100.000 people In Iowa and Nebraska
alone read the above magazines. Thousands of OT1IKR maRailnes ex
pire. If YOim OUUKH or renewals will provide for these EIOIITKEN
INVALIDS, surely you will not withhold It Write for story and catalogue
or use ANT price lint, but be sure and
MakoAIl Checks
Payable and Ad
dress All Orders
Urgent, Plea so
Hurry. Tele
phono Douglas
Holiday Handkerchief Specials
Three Homstltched Handkerchiefs, in fancy box,
great snap, per box 7&d
Three Hemstitched Inltlnled Handkerchiefs, in
fancy box, on sale, at box
Three Very Sheer Homstltched Hmbroldornd
Handkerchiefs, In fancy box, at 25d
Six Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, in box,
very special value, at '-25i
Six Elegant Embroidered Handkerchiefs, in fancy
box, Thursday, at , .79ci
Six All Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs, In a
fancy box, Thursday special. v' .,Sl.O0
uiner iianuKercnieis, special at. . .35J to 50
Specials in Our
Wash Goods
Domestic Room
Poplins, all the
wanted colors, 26c
values 15o
Itobe Land Fleece,
for bath robes, '.'Be
values ISO
Outing Flannel
food patterns and
weights, 10c val
ues, at 7 Mo
Percaleo. light and
dark colorij, per
fect goods, 4 He
values SHo
Cotton Challles
rood patterns, 6V4c
values ........So
Long Cloth. 86 in.
wide. 10c values
tt ., 7Ho
Flannelettes, good
weight, 10c values
at 7Wo
Unbleached. Muslin
Inches wide,
3c values 60
impress Sheets
72x90, good muslin,
60c values . . . .39o
Table Covers, tur
key red, fast col
ors, 8x4, S1.25 val
ues, at 91.00
Shantung Silks
good colors, lie
values lavio
Hats trimmed
with Ostrich
Ostrich Stick
Ups, Bands,
Ribbons, Flow
ers, etc.
I BOO Farnam Street. 90 Tsars Bam Office. Phon liouv t trh
Extractl&g 28c Up
Filling 50c Up
Hrldgework ..,.$2.60 Up
Crovfaa ...... .92.B0 Up
I'UtM xxtif.i. $2.90 Up
Missing Teeth supplied 1
without TUtea or I! ridge- j
mirk. Aerrea r mo red
without pain. Work guar,
steed tea yean,
Clearance Bargains Domestic Room
Closing odd lots of Ribbons and Laces before the
Nearly all kinds of Ribbons included In three big
lots Thursday, 2HS 5 and 12J4
One-half to one-third actual worth
Two big rpeclal lotB of Laces 2 and 5
Several Other Rousing Specials Thursday
Spitials in Corset Section
Fancy Brocaded Corsets, standard makes, to J5
values, In white or pink, on sale, choice 2 f)S
Fancy Brnsslers, cross back, In all sizes. to50c
values, choice, at , 25
81.BO Juvenile Sweaters, big assortment to choose
from, on sale, at flRr
BUlflrsn's All Wool Sweaters, regular $2 "value" aU
sires and colors, at ina
Z.adlea' Sweaters ji.45 up to $10 00
Something- she'll appreciate as a sift
Read Hayden's December Holiday Special Grocery Sale
We Make th Prices for tbe People, Wot the Trusts,
20 lbs. best Granulated Suicar. . ,$1.00 1 The best Soda or Oyster Crackers.
18-Ib, sacks best High Grade Diamond ' lb, , , 6Vio
it. i-iour; nomine finer ror your 10 varieties Fancy Sweet Cookies.
pudding's, pies and cakes, sack, SI, 10
10 bars Beat-'Km-All or Diamond C
Soap 03c
10 lbs, best White or Yellow Corn
meal , , ,190
S lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oat
meal ...35o
The best Domestic Macaroni or Spa
ghetti, package 7Vo
Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup. 40o
1Mb. package Diamond H Self-Klalng-
Pancake Flour '.8V&0
The best Condensed Mincemeat, per
package 8o
Herahey's Cocoa, per lb. ......... BOo
2-1 b. cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn
t 7Ho
1- lb. cans Wax, String, Green or
Lima Beans 7l(o
2- lb. cans Early June Peas 8Vo
McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb.,.18H
4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice. 10c quality,
for , 85o
E-C Corn Flakes, pkg So
3 rape-Nuts, pkg. lOo
lb lOo
Yeast Foam, package .. , 3o
6-lb. box best Gloss Starch, 3 Bo
1-lb. package best Gloss Starch.. .Bo
S cans Mustard Sardines 26c
The best Tea Sif tings, lb., .lOo
Golden .Santos Coffee, lb... 30o
The best brands Custom Creamery
Butter, lb. 380
The best No. 1 Creamery Butter,
bulk, lb 3to
The' best Country Creamery Butter,
lb 33o
The best Dairy Butter, lb 880
t lbs. Good Butterlne aSe
Good Table Butterlne, lb 17Hc
Fancy Table Butterlne, 1-lb, .carton,
equal to lots of the creamery but
ter, lb 8A0
Fancy Full Cream. Young America or
Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb... .300
Fancy Domestic Swiss SSo
Imported Rouquefort Cheese, lb 38o
15 lbs. best Ohio Potatoes to the
peck 3a,
Fancy Holland Seed Cabbage, per
Fresh Beet's. Carrots', ' Turnip's. ' Shal
lots or Radishes, bunch..... Vo
torY 8er Sweet 1otatoes, s' ibs!,
2 staiks fresh' celery 1S2
: heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce. '. '5o
for 68 h not,,ouse Radishes.
Fancy Cape Cod Cranb'erries.' At ' "71
W a(la!,f.0.rn.,a. Cfull "er.qpVr u
Fancy Ripe Toniat'oVs. lb.' ' a
Fancy Cooking Apples, pk. .'.'." l
3 large SOUD Bunchna
. - - " 11m
.a n r ,- ' .''
" V c"w unions, per lb
The Best' Mixed Nuts,' lb. ' "3
i,'nnCJ.Irpor,ed 7"Crow" FU; 'per lb
Highland and Naval 6.. -V ??
dozen . Jf !"
!i Try HAYDEN'S First
-30C, S5o, 30c