Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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Entered at OmahA pottpffce as second
class matter.
Bunday Be, one year Yi
Paturdar Bte. one year. -gj
Dally Bee. -without Sunday, one year. 4.w
TaJly Bee, and Sunday, one year.... e-'y
Evening and Sunday Bee. ptr fnoJJ"--Js
Evening, -without Sunday. I'fr nonlh. M
Pally Bee, including Sunday.
Dally Bee, -without Sunday, per mon;'
Address aJl complaints of l'",,rt,';"
In deliveries to City Circulation Dept.
Remit by draft, express or poalal lowr,
payable to The Bee Iub Ishlnjc company.
Only 2-ctnt stamps received n Wmi
or small accounts. Personal checks, ex
eept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
Omaha-The Bee building.
South Omaha 2318 N ;tr't.
Council Bluffs-14 North Main street.
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New York-Room 1106. 2S6 Fifth avenue.
Pt Ixjuls-WJ New Bank of Commerce
Washington 725 Fourteenth St.. N. W.
Communications relating to ne"""?
editorial matter should be addressoa
Omaha Bee. Editorial department.
State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss.
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager
ef The Bee Publishing company, being
duly awom. says that the average dally
clrsulatlon for the. month of October,
191S, was pl.73. DWIQHT WILLIAMS,
P Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to before me this 1st day of November, 191J.
Nolaty Public.
Snbscrlltera leaving; the city
Irmpornrlty should have Tlic Bee
tan lied to them. Address Trill be
cbaaged ns often n requested.
Cider Is an InduatrlouB beverage,,
for there Is a Umo when it begins to
Any wonder dancing produces bo
many by-fadB, when dancing itself, is
a fad?
Pools are now open on the dato for
tho arrival of General Villa's army
at Mexico City.
If this keops up, tho Panama canal
rone will havo to bo rechrlstonod
"New Nebraska."
The now supervisor of Gorman for
the Omaha schools U to Btart in at
12,500 a yenr. Going up!'
"The Frisco deal Bhowod .Irish
profits," according to onp witness.
Yes, and a sort of Scotch. leave. "
What Is . this, Old Krla'Krlnglo
back on the Job? Thoro is one old
time serVant who defies them all.
That Massachusetts man who
boasts et living on 9 cente a day. has
nothing on the fellow who is living
on his kinfolks." ' "'
The old adage, "counting your
chick before the eggs are hatched,"
strangely enough antedated the day
of col storage.
At that, It to doubtful whether
Colonel Goethals' great Panama
slide really compare with Ty Cobb's
fade-away at second.
Now, the point Is, will the next
president of our School board glvo as
much time and energy to the work
with no pay, but kicks?
Huerta Is like, a man in the midst
of R prairie flro and displays about
the same sort of blind tenacity as the
boy who stood on tho burning deck.
The teamsters' strike at' Indianap
olis Includes the chauffeurs as well
as tke wagon drivers, which, of
course, puts a different aspect on It.
Nearly M8 violators of the automobile
peed laws Jammed the police courts to
day. New Yotk news Item.
Let, the speed maniacs of other
cities, catch the force of this.
OUr democratic United States sen
ator declares in one breath that the
"ideal system" Is a central bank, and
la the next breath that he dare not
favor it.
The Chicago Evening Post seems
to hit It right by suggesting that
the alimony income tax be collected
from, the corespondent to get It at
the "source."
In asking $145,000,000 for now
dreadnaughts Secretary Daniels, wo
assume, does not let the right hand
of the cabinet body know what tho
left one doe(h.
Of course, Sutler's flaying of Tam
many and Murphy put here 1,600
miles from tho scene can have little
effect on them, but It ought to help
the box office recoup.
Mayor Shank of Indianapolis com
pletely forfeited his chance on the
Chautauqua circuit by voluntarily re
signing instead of going through with
an impeachment trial.
The Nebraska State Pardon board
has turned -down fourteen applica
tions for paroles. There must be a
screw loose somewhere when the ma
chine falls to work to that extent
A contributor to our letter box ob
jects to pacing his telephone bill In
advance. Wonder1 what he has to
say to the new rule of the Water
board requiring tenants to make pre
payment of. $5. which. Is equivalent
-to paying ten months in advance at
the minimum rate.
The Menace of the Strike.
One of the by-products of the In
dianapolis teamsters' strike Is tho
temporary paralysis of the garbage
collection in the city, threatening nu
unsanitary condition. A mitigating
circumstance, of course, Is afforded
In the cool weather, which would not
be possible If the strlko had occurred
during the warmer season. In addi
tion to this, other business is crip
pled and personal safety to some ex
tent Jeopardized.
Yet we progressive, Ingenlus Amer
icans tolerate this medieval, semi-
barbaric system of Industrial warfarn
Instead of providing a peaceful meanB
of adjusting labor disputes. Tho
fault is not wholly on tho strikers.
They come In for only their share of
tho blame. The omployer must bear
hie, too, but tho full onus falls, of
course, on "the people," that term
with which wo conjuro bo much these
days. Everybody Is to blame for not
doing something to abolish tho strike
and substitute an adequate remedy
for It. And the anomaly of it is that
we all shun or shirk the duty with
ourselves as the chief victims in every
"My Section of the Committee."
The most significant part of our
democratic senator's explanation of
the proposed currency legislation Is
his repeated reference to "my section
of the committee." From tho
phraseology employed ono would sup
pose that "my section of tho commit
teo" wero equivalent to "tho section
of tho committee that belongs to
mo," and that It carried with it all
tho attributes and authority of abso
lute ownership, Tho fact that this
section of tho scnato currency com
mittee consists of republicans and
progressives who have kindly per
mitted the only recalcitrant democrat,
to Join them, nnd have lot him bo
their mouthpiece for fear ho might
othorwlso slip his trolley, seems to bo
somothtng of which tho lone demo
crat Is, consciously or unconsciously,
wholly oblivious.
Mark it Down,
Tako note of tho telegraphic news
item about tho decision of the United
States supreme court extending mu
nicipal regulations over floating bars
that sell liquor In harbor waters, and
mark It down for futuro reference.
Tho court holds against tho claim of
Immunity sot up on bohalf of steam
boat dram shops going In and out of
New Orleans,, and if tho rulo applies
thcro It must bo applicable also to
xlVor fronts In adjacent wators Hko
those, for example, of the Missouri
river skirting our own town right
here, in Omaha. Clamp the Nebraska
.o'clock lid law upon excursion
steamers, or even the Iowa 10 o'clock
law, and the inducement for moon
light picnics loses much of Its
glamour with the regular rounders.
On the other hand, the enforcement
of proper regulations may in time
mako tho rlvor steamboat excursion a
wholesome and delightful outing, and
a popular nnd profitable summer
amusoment for folks whoso llmltod
pocketbooks prevent them from
spending tho heated season at sea
shore or mountains.
Our Annual Toll of Hunters.
One hundred and thirty hunters
killed, 135 injured and not dead, is
tho open gaming season's toll, ac
cording to the record of casualties
kept by tho Chicago Tribune. Tho
slain are dlvldod between seventeen
states and Alaska, the others between
nlrte states. Wisconsin 1b the chief
offender, with twenty-nine Heaths
and twenty-eight Injuries, while
Michigan follows a very fair second,
Minnesota and North Dakota running
a tight race for third. Nobraska
does not appear in the lists at all.
Of course, some hunters must havo
been Injured and perhaps slain this
autumn in Nebraska, but. If so, the
records are not Included In this com
pilation. . . :
Dut what a fearful toll of life for
so brief a period. It challenges at
tention of a people so quick to cry
out against all manner of casualties
duo to preventable causes, such, for
example, as railroad, mine and auto
mobile accidents. But there Is still
nnother point worthy of mention.
How little attention, comparatively,
Is attracted by such heavy casualties
when they happen to be from, purely
private causes and confined to pri
vate "circles. It Is so with automo
bile accldonts. Relatively they, as
hunters' mishaps, excite almost no
general comment, but what if the
same number of deaths and Injuries
occurred In a railroad accident or a
mine? Instantly a clamor for better
means of safeguarding lite would
arise, and Justly so. As to the oth
ers, especially the hunters we are
apt to sigh and lay It onto certain
natural habits of carelessness diffi
cult, If not Impossible, to combat. No
more so than with respect to public
accidents. As a matter of con
sistency, we ought to be as alert to
correct our own private individual
faults as to insist on the correction
of those of public agencies.
People talk of the need for social
work by the church as it it were
something new, when in the begin
ning of its history the church was
bidden to minister to the wants of
the widow and orphan. It the lately
aroused zeal comes of the lack of
such effort, then it must be that the
church has simply failed of sufficient
response to the original command.
looking Backward
f t jh5j)sy in Omaha
commits rseM Mr nu
q e5
Thirty Year a Ago
The new Omaha roller skating rink on
Capitol avenue was opened with a grand
reception. At 9 o'clock Will H. Daniel,
"the skating king," gave an exhibition
well worth witnessing. Elliott A; Ftnton
are the proprietors of the rink and
Daniel Is to be the manager, y
The school board elected Miss Minnie
Wood (at present of the Jackson, street
school, to be principal of the Leavenworth
tchool, and Miss Anna Foos, at present
principal of the East school, to be prin
cipal of the North school. Miss Jennie
McKoon was elected principal of the
East school. Miss Ada M. Turner, prin
cipal of the Jackson school and Miss Eva
towe principal of the West school.
Mlln, the preacher-actor, who was to
have appeared at the Academy of Music,
has cancelled his engagement.
Several plumbers and steamtltters,
working for tho Western Steam company,
having been cut down to nine hours a
day, refused to go to work at 40 cente
an hour, demanding 45 cents, A number
of carpenters also struck, having been
refused a raise from 12.60 to H a day.
Borne one has said the first three days
In December determine the nature of the
winter. If such be the case, what a lovely
winter wo are to enjoy.
Thomas L. Kimball, assistant general
manager of the Union Pacific, has gone
south In his private car, which was fit
ted out for a three-day ;trlp.
A large party of Denver excursionists,
many of them city officials, looked over
the city, chaperoned by the railroad
agents, but were given no official recep
tion. The Turnvcreln, at a meeting In Its
new hall on Harney and Thirteenth
streets, elected the following officers:
President, .Philip Andres; vice president,
Henry Haubensj turnvolrt, Qeorgo
Anthea; recording secretary, Paul Wcln
hagenl financial secretary, George Par
Islenj treaaurer, dcorge Fruehauf; prop
erty man, If. Welse; standard bearer,
Adam Hnyder; trustees, Robert Stein, If.
Kunde, F. F. Elsasser.
Twenty Years Age
Edward Rosewatcr returned from the
east, where, he had been on business.
Rev. Frank prane, pastor of First
Methodist church, preaching there In the
morning on "Tho American Spirit," said
Its six chief characteristics were mor
ality, llborty, faith, common sence, tol
eration nnd intelligence."
Churches held a mass meeting that
filled every seat In Exposition hall. The
purpose was to raise money ' for carry
ing on the charitable work begun during
the sojourn a year before of the evange
list, B. Fay Mills. Singing, by a choir of
100 voices directed by Prof. Lee O.
Kratr, enllvoned the meeting. Rev. J.
T. Duryca of First Congregational church
outlined the work In hand, that 'done
during the year and that contemplated
for tho future and a hearty spirit was
roused for the task,
William Wooda whllo hunting near
Omaha was killed by the carelessness of
his faithful dog. The hunter had sat
down to rest, standing his gun beside him.
The dog came dashing by, struck tho
gun, which toppled over and as It struck
the ground, exploded, the shot entering
Woods' side. The body was taken to
palhoun, where Woods' parents resided.
Peter Bouse received word of the death
of his brother, John, In Cleveland,
whither Peter prepared at once to go.
John was known In Omaha, where he
had visiter Ills brother.
Ten Years Aro
Treatment of one waiter In a Dodgo
street restaurant was declared' unfair by
the Restaurant Walters' union, whloh
thereupon Issued an order for a complete
walkout of all such workers on the fol
lowing morning. '
Judge W. W. Slabaiigh, a zealous Im
provement club promoter, pictured a
vlson of the Omaha of 1910, showing a
city with a huge powor system adequate
to the needs of 7SO,0fiO people, a munic
ipal heating plant, boulevards skirting
tho hills and daleu In and about the city,
Farnam street paved with asphalt, church
steeples ond towering skyscrapers pierc
ing the skyline.
James Whltcomb Rlloy entertained as
many people ns could conveniently wedge
Into the Boyd theater, giving many of
his own delightful selections. It was an
evening filled with mellow Interest and
Joy and fun for all. At the request of
the poet. Edward Roscwater presented
him. Mr. Rosewater said that Riley had.
through his everlasUng poetry, Immor
tallxed his name In literature and his
memory In the hearts of men.
Colored silk petticoats, wide, with deep
full flounce, were advertised In The Bes
by Mrs. J. Benson at from 1&S7 tollT.W.
At a meeting of the West End Improve
ment club Chulrman g. P. Bostwlck an
nounced that the naming of a committee
to solicit funds for the purchase of the
Congregational church as a club house
would be deferred to another meeting.
People Talked About
It may be noted with melancholy em
phasis that automobile Joy riding too
frequently darkens the road to tho cem
etery. Colonel Goethals, chief engineer of the
Panama canal, declines to risk his repu
tation In municipal Jobs, and turns down
tho tenders of New York and Dayton.
Mrs. Charles K. George, wife of a San
Francisco lawyer, has been formally
adopted Into the Cree tribe of Indians,
whose headquarters la at Alberta, Can
ada, and has ben awarded 320 acres -
land In the reservation. She has been
given the name of Laughing Water.
Twin sisters, Misses Clara and Clarissa
Pritchard. were graduated from an A
bany law school a year ago, but were not
allowed to practice, as they were not of
age. Last week thej' passed the state
bar examination, now being It years of
Frank A. Munsey has added to his as
sortment of magazine grocery store and
newspaper enterprises a trust company
about to collapse In Washington, guaran
teeing several millions of accounts of
66.0M depositors. Washington now re
gards Munsey aa a life-saver.
Associate Justice Klrby of the Ar
kansas supreme court and W. II. Martin.
United States district attorney, clinched
and went to the mat In a hotel lobby In
Uttle Rock. The ring was too crowded
for a good exhibition of rough and tum
ble. Very little punishment was Inflicted
on either side, but the outflow of burning
words thrilled the spectators more than
thu punches.
Just in Mention
of Ourselves
Orhiln of Nerrsiinper Syndicated.
8. 8. McClure'a Autobiography In Mc
Clure'a Magazine.
The Idea of forming a newspaper syn
dicate first came to me through my re
membering my hunger when a boy for
something to read.
After I had started my newspaper syn
dicate, I did manage to get Stevenson and
Kipling, Consn Doyle, Stanley Weyman.
Qulller-Couch, Stephen Crane, the new
writers and the young Idea to the boys
on the farm.
I 'am always meeting young men In
business who say, "Stevenson? Oh, yest
I first read Treasure Island' In some
newspaper when 1 was a boy. It came
out In Installments," or "Why doesn't
Qulller-Couch ever wrjte anything as
good as 'Dead Man's Rock?' I read that
story In The Omaha Bee when I was a
kid and I think it the 'best adventure
story I ever read."
Consolidation That Sticks.
Grand Island Independent.
Perhaps, too, Omahans will be espe
cially thankful this year that Postmaster
General Burleson has tacitly put his seal
of approval upon the action of his re
publican predecessor In merging the South
Omaha with the Omaha postotflce and
that, at least In this respect, the two
cities are one. Nor be entirely
surprising If, merely by way of observa
tion. Editor Rosewater of The Bee en
Joyed an extra piece of the white.
Tht ."Unity of Simplicity.
Wallace Irwln'a ."Letters of a Japanese
School Boy" In Life.
Yesterday, while sneaking like a Japan
ese spy through aunty-room of White
House. I observed Hon. Woodrow giving
very snubbed interview to Hons. Root &
Lodge, who studied simplicity under Hon.
Vic Rosewater nnd did not learn the fright
"Good morning, Mr. Sire!" they say off
while approaching the throne.
No reply from Hon. Woodrow, who
gaze at them with Iced eyes. Silences.
Great embarrassment enjoyed by all. O
finally Hon. Wilson snltrh out peevly:
"How you Insult my majetyl' ,
"We do not mean this disgust!" thoy
say so for humble expression.
"Do you not know enough ceremony to
take your coats off In the presence of
your president?" ho pronounce harshly.
They did so.
"Bo seated!" continue on that professor.
"And now, If you will put your feet on
the table, we shall take up the central
bank where It was dropped."
Twice Told Tales '
Unci n Better Look.
They wero talking about the medical
fraternity at-a recent social affair, when
Senator Benjamin T. Shlvely of Indiana
recalled the case of Jake Adams, the
farm hand.
One day Jake, who was new to the com
munity, was taken 111, and his employer
sent him with a note to the family doc
tor In town. On the following morning
the patient returned to the farm consider
ably Improved.
"You are looking a whole lot better,,
Jake," remarked the boss. "Did you have
any trouble finding the doctor?"
"No, his name was on the door," an
swered Jake, "but I didn't go to tho one
you sent me to."
"You didn't," wonderlngly responded
the farmer, ."why not?"
"Because," said, Jake, "under his name
on tho door It said 10 to 1, while under the
name of the other doctor was 8 to 5."
"Well, what In the world has that got
to do with It?" demanded the puzzled
"Everything'," answered Jake, "8 to S
Is a whole lot better chances than 10 to
1, ain't lt?"-Philadclpla Telegraph.
What It Conies To.
"I've figured the whole thing out,
father," said Mabel. 'Tlie car, to begin
with will cost J5.000, which at 6 per cent
Is i300 a year. If we charge 10 per cent
off for depredation It will como to 500
more. A good chauffeur can be had for
I1JS n month, or 11,500 a year. I have
allowed $10 a week for gasoline and iS for
repairs. The chauffeur's uniform and
furs will come to about $200. Now, let's
see what It comes to: Three hunured plus
five hundred
"Don't bother, my dear, I know what It
comes to," said the old gentleman.
"What?" asked the girl.
"My. dear." said the father Impressively,
"It comes to a standstill right here and
now." Ladles' Home Journal,
Editorial Snapshots
Chicago Record-Herald: Save up .your
money and give your dearest friend a
dozen fresh eggs as a Christmas present.
Washington Post: Next thing some
cheerful Idiot will be forming an 8, S,
8., meaning theroby a "Society for the
suppression of Spurs."
Springfield Republican: The reason why
the secretary of war submits armv estl.
mates for the coming fiscal year larger
ny no.000,00 than the estimates a year
ago, may be seen In a southwesterly
Chicago Inter Ocean: George Washing
ton's personal expense accounts during
the revolution amounted to 178,000 and his
balance was within 30 cents of rtcht.
That Is the only thing about the Father
or His Country that looked like 30 cents,
Indianapolis News: It's too bad about
that mileage. Doubtless some of the con
gressmen not only knew Just exactly
where they were going to put It, but also
that there was a man with a fountain
pen and a duly filled in form waiting
tor it.
Philadelphia Ledger: The bureau of cor
porations wants 1600.000 wherewith n l.
gin a nation-wide Investigation of trusts.
Anybody who can get nothing else to, do
always wants to investigate, at a large
alary, although a little less Investiga
tion and a little more Investing Is what
the Industries of the nation, which means
the prosperity of the nation, require.
Pittsburgh Dispatch: There Is a dispo
sition In some quarters to interfere with
Mr, Metcalfe's project for polltlcallzlng
the Canal son. Some people are so simple
as to think that Colonel Goethals knows
more about what should be done there
than Mr. Metcalfe does, though the tat
ter's view Is unhampered by having spent
but a few weeks at the spot. Tilings will
be In a pretty shape If knowledge In gov
ernmental administration Is to be made
superior to Ignorance.
Kb yff tT
Illnhnp nnd tlrakeinnn.
OMAHA, Dec. J. To the Editor of The
Bee: Mr. F. J. Irwin closes his com
munication to The Bee with the chal
lenge: Will some correspondent of The Bee
tell jour readers, if he can why a bishop
should receive more pay than a brake
man? At the risk of engendering bootless
disputation, I will suggest as one reason
that It Is because he Is a bfshop.
To become a - brakeman a man must
be equipped with sufficient of physical
strength to endure considerable hard
ships and a degree of Intelligence capa
ble of assimilating the Instructions given
to a point where he can efficiently carry
out a routine program of fixed and de
termined mechanical movements during
the hours of his employment. This Is
said with no Intention to disparage tho
brakeman, who Is usually a man of
mentality far above the reqlrements of
his employment,
To become a bishop a man must have
physical capacity to endure strains of
nature that are never experienced by a
brakeman; must have mental qualllca
tlons that lift him above his fellow-men,
and must have passed through gradations
of service that -tax him to his utmost. In
order to develop those qualities that are
essential to successful leadership, with
out which no bishop can succeed.
A bishop might easily perform the du
ties of a brakeman, but how many brake
men are qualified to perform tho duties
of a bishop? OLD FOGY.
Is Cnthollclsm Declining t
OMAHA, Dec. I. To the Editor of
Tho Bee: Rabbi Cohn, speaklng'on Catho
licism, says It Is declining and has not
overcome the shock of the reformation.
Of course. It Is easy to see through his
argument. It would not do for him to
make It sound too good to his audience.
But let htm look at statistics and he
will see that It Is galntng rapidly, In
stead of declining. The Catholics of the
World at the census of 1800, numbered
about J30,00),000. Today they number over
300,000,000, which Is three times as
many as all the Prosestant sects com
bined. What the Catholic Church lost In
Europe 'during the reformation It has
more than made up In North and South
There are more Catholics In Germany
today than any other body. In England
thousands leave their former faith every
year to Join the Catholic ranks. In
Sweden. Norwon and Denmark, they are
rapidly returning to Catholicism. In
United States Us growth has been greater
than nny other country. The Cathollo
religion Is here to stay. It will last tilt
the end of time. There has been many
charges made against the church which
were not true. If we are to Judge the
church by the lives of a few bod people
In the church, I'm sorry to say It will
look worse for the reat of them." That
would not cause her to fall Into error.
The Cathllc church has been preaching
the somo doctrine for 1,900 years, even
her bitterest cnemys cannot cite one
Instance where It ever changed Its doc
trine. At times It has defined new ar
ticles of faith, but they have never dis
agreed with tho former teachings. The
same seven sacraments were practiced
In the catacombs of the first century as
are practiced today. If such a thing
should happen that the Catholic church
should sink, the rest will go with It. A
church that has stood the persecutions ot
the first three centuries and all the strug
gles of the succeeding centuries and the
so-called reformation of the sixteenth
century, can certainly survive In thin
twentieth century. Churches come and
churches go, but the Cathollo church
goes on forever. B. C, P.
la Scientific" Farming a Graft r
SOUTH BEND, Neb., Dec. 2,-To the'
Editor of Tho Bee: I wish some ono
more capable than I am would-write up
this scientific farming business .as It
should be done; for I do think it the
biggest graft ever undertaken. Has any
one been asked to vote for the enormous
expense to carry It on? No. It Is to be
put over us without our consent, and I
think the time to kick Is before It goes
any farther.
If cities are suffering for lock of gar
den produce, let them tax tho city and
buy a land plot and take their useless
boys and teach them how to raise stuff
and furnish the city, and make It pay,
too, and let our farm boys stay on the
farm and learn how to farm by practice;
but to take them off the farm to let
them be taught by persons that know
less than the average farmer, and when
he returns to the farm he Is no good at
all and cares more for a ball game than
any kind of work. His father has to
work much harder to supply him lri
money to attend the plays, which are
surely destroying all desire for church
or anything else that Is civil, gentle
manly or ladylike in our young people,
and substituting a desire for bull fights
and the heartless feelings the Roman
women had, as they could Mew with pleas
ure the burning of the martvni at th
stake. I
High priced town teachers are tha ban
of our country schools. More money for I
icbs worit is ineir slogan. If farmers
wculd organize to set a price on their
products, they would iret alone withnn
being taught sclentlfto farmlnr. it rn
call up some good farmer on the line and
bsk mm. It Is Indeed a science, to be
taught on a farnt and not elsewhere.
The telephone has been a crui mnn
to help the farmer to solve difficulties as :
they occur on a farm, which no man can
solve, only guess at. however wise he
may be. Unless he can control ih hoi
of the sun and hot winds, drouths, floods,
insects, he can do but lltti. ctnnA ,a
corn was a curse last year, corn being so
mien it would not stand the drouth, and
It's no use to Irrigate when the sun Is
so hot for such a Ions- tim Whu na
ture Irrigates It spreads a cloud over the
sun, so plants do not scald. It will do in
a higher altitude, where It never gets so
hot We have suffered enough as It Is
without having this commission of vam
pires put over us, to appoint other
vagabonds to draw a salary in each
county to show us how to farm. We
would like to have the millers regulated
so we could feed the worklngman, tho
doctors, too. the railroads, etc A long
suffering farmer. K. SOWARD,
Antoa and Street Cars.
OMAHA, Dec. 2. To the Editor of Tho
Bee: Is there not a state law In Ne
braska prohibiting autos from passing
not city police enforce such a law? I
Should not the ttate pass a law rcqulr- !
ing such city officers to enforce state '
laws relating to- 'safety of persons? I
r J
"Why. I never saw a woman so fussy
over sanitary trifles."
isn t she" I believe she'd Insist upon
having the milk of human kindness modi
fled. "-Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"Isn't It awful about poor Mr. Jones'
"I didn't hear about It."
" Tl.l . 1 , , n , . .... . . .
juu; inrs. uauaj- 101a me just
now that his son has turned out to be a
criminal lawyer." Baltimore American.
Bobby Huh. my big sis don't never pay
me nothln', no matter how many notes
I carry and errands I run for her.
Billy Mine dot. t neither, but she gives
me all her clcarett rannnni il r4irht
tand that's sbmcthln', anyway. St Louis
"XI V huabnnd lun't nt tinmn tmn nlirh,.
a month."
ou should get the minister to see
"He Is tll tnlnlatfkp Alwav. t.At.
called away to see people." Louisville
' "Has your husband ahy bad habits?"
said the Inquiring relative.
..Ycf" repHed young .Mrs. Torklns.
"Cards and Insurance."
"Does he play poker?"
Its. He thinks he .plays Doker and
doesn't" Washington Star,
She Are they happy together?
lieWell, he stays In every evening.
She The.n they must be.
He But she goes out Judge.
"I find." he said, "as I grow older that
I care for very few of the things that
appealed to me In my youth."
"Yes," she sadly replied. "I've noticed
that. I was one of the things that ap.
For the Toiler
The cost of living is a hard
nut to crack for the working
man. He must have nutri
tious food and plenty of it
and the food must be cheap.
Do you know that there is
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bills two -thirds-
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Prica- 25 cent at the nearest newsstand, or
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, THE CENTURY CO, 30 E. 17th Street, New York City
Fre! Rock Glue and Star Broom Holders! Free!
SOLDER. To advertise these useful articles, our factory arranged for them to
alve you both, to have you praise. them to Vrlenda. If Merchant cannot up
nly you FUKE, write US' sending 10 Merchants' names and lOo In stamps. Don't
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A BEAUTIFUL BOOK of HATIOWAI. VIEWS, worth On Dollar, sent
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THE effect of Advertising
lasts far beyond the week,
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on accumulated prestige.
pealed to yon In your youth. Chicago
Edmund Vance Cooke.
He was not the kind of a father that
..... ..-J .1..... I .. hnnli.
. Ull irttfl UWJUl 111 uuvr, , i
He wasn't long on language and h wasn t)
strong on-iooRs.
He was n6t the sort of father that you
1 V. . . . I hlB..
near HlfUUL III l.lttjo. I
He was Just a human father with al
numan latner a ways.
No, he never balked nt working, but when
hit wnm Ihrnllcfh It nnp,. j
Right down to tho grass was father, with
the children doing stunts. , (
All of us would pile up on him and hed
"welcome all the pack,
But I'm wondering after play time, did
we stay there on his back?
Wasn't strong on dissipation, said his
"gambol on the green"
Was to. fill the platter faster than the'
Kijis could iick it clean.
And. the next best game ho knew of was
an equal one to beat:
It was keeping leather covers up to the
supply of lest
Always on the Job was father, plugging
sicaay hko and strong. i
Never making any noise, but helping all
his little world alone-.
And to think! Lord! ain't It funny youi
, can see tnings years and years
And yet never know you've seen them,
till your eyes are blind with tears, i
Quit his Job one day and left us, smiling!
as ne went away;
Eulogy seems all so foolish. What can
Anvhrtriv av?
Seemed like even In his 'leaving he was
saving some one bother,
For tho one word on the granite which,
lies over him is "Father." I
"Christinas Stocking
Number" of
St. Nicholas f
Have you obeyed that impulse to do a
really generous, big hearted thing to
make some little boy or girl happy for
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19 8th St., S. E, Washington, D, c.
Lakeland, Sid.