Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Co-operative Corporations Must Get
Permit of Blue Sky Department.
flnf frtiRlnU nt Nebraska Cnpltnl
Open Ilrnilqnnrlern Phone Mnn-
Fined Under Serr
Mnf-Ilonr Lnvr.
To Restore
Good Health
ihc first thing to do is to cor
rect the minor ailments caused
by defectivo or irregular action
of the organs of digestion and
elimination. After these or
gans have been put in good
working order by timeV uso f
(TstarftriHAT W1e hm-Wsrlfl
better digestion results, and then
tho food really nourishes and
strengthens tho body. Tha Hrat
doeo gives relief and Bounder Bleep,
quieter nerves, and Improved action
of all the bodily organs are caused
by an occasional use ofi Beecham's
Pills. Thoy givo universal sat'sfac
tion and In safety, surencss and
quickness of action Deccham's Pilla
Have No
Known Equal
Sold rwyStn. ta boxs 1 Oc 25c
Th. directum, with verr
boa mn rrr nmbl.
!lf Nogleoted Serious Diseases
May Follow.
When tha kidneys are clogged up and
Inactive, nature always warns you.
Backache Is one of tha first symptoms.
You may alio be troubled with disagree
able, annoying, bladder or urinary ds-
Ani.H! hm attacks of lumbago or
rheumatlimi become nervous, tired, or
feel all worn out; puffy swellings show
under the ere, or In the feet and an
kle; or the urine become light and, from December 1 to March 1.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 1 (Special.) Co-oper-
ntrvo corporations must get a permit lo
sell stock before they ran do business in
Nebraska, according to an opinion by
Attorney General Grant Martin made this
A former unofficial opinion coming from
that department hod seemed to bo other
wise, but the latest Is official and will
stand. Tho some opinion makes It Illegal
to Issue stock In less amounts than $109
n share.
.Inf f rnglata Open HemliinnHem.
Headquarter of the Nebreka Equal Suf
frage league were opened last night at
the Llndell hotel with much eclat. Mrs.
Ada Walnce Unruh of Portland, Ore.,
was the guest of the occasion and de
livered an address urging the women to
get busy and Improve their opportunities.
Bhe told of the fight thnt the women
of Oregon had made to secure tho ballot
end tho part they had taken In cleaning
up tho state politically. Bhe said tho
beat argument for suffrage was the
speeches made by the antl-suffraglsts and
sho urged the women to get as many of
the i antl-peoplo to work as they could
She told the women that they must not
expect to clean up things the first rear
for tho men had taken ,W0 years to bring
about the present conditions.
More) Time to Par.
Farmers owning lands on the govern'
ment Irrigation ditch In the northwest
part of the state 111 be given a longer
time to make their payment on water
rights, according to a letter received by
Deputy Auditor Minor thl morning from
tha Farmers and Merchants bank at Mor
rill. Tho extensions have been made
pale, dark-colored or cloudy. If such
symptoms are neglected, dropsy, diabetes
or Bright' disease, which so often prove
fatal, may result.
It Is not only dangerous but needless
for you to suffer and endure we tor
tures of theee troubles, when a little
Cro'xone will quickly and surely end all
such misery.
There Is no more effective remedy
kndwn for the prompt relief and cure of
such troubles, because It cleans out the
closccd up kidneys, and makes tbem work
rroperly. It soaks right In through
(ho walls and linings! cleans out the
Ittle filtering cells and glands; neutral
ize! and dissolves tne poisonous rio
ecla and waste matter, and makes the
l.ldneya filter and sift the poteens frem
theT blood and drive It out of the system.
Tills new, scientific preparation, Is
entirely different from other remedies.
It t so quick-acting and effective that
It Is praetleaHy tmpesstMe to take It
without results. '
Xh original trackage easts but a trifle,
anf all druggist ,are authorised tt re
turn the purchase price If Crezene should
fait In a single case.
Three doses a day, for a few days. Is
often all thai ts ever need' to end tfe
worst baekaehe; relieve rheumatic pains
or overcome sleep-dteturMag urinary
llsordess. Advertisement
1 Full Quart
Whiskey Free
Try It At Our Expciue
Note our proposition, remit
!. sod we will at once
you by Kxpress Charge
Joe Burns Lives
to Eead Obituary
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Dec. 2.-(flpeelal.)-Few men
live long enough to read their awn obitu
aries, but Senator Joseph Burns of Lin
coln, who lived a short time In Idaho,
has the distinction of being, one of the
fortunate Individuals who knows what
people think of him after he Is supposed
to be dead and gone. This .morning tho
senator was at the state house displaying
a copy of the Downey Idahoan contain
ing under the heading "Joseph Burns
Dead," the following:
'A short news dispatch announces tho
death of Joseph Burns at his home In
Lincoln, Neb., of paralysis. He was
stricken last Saturday while 'at the din
ner table.
'Joseph Burns was prominent hero In
the early history of the irrigation proj
ect, and Is known by all of the older
residents, who with one accord gtvo him
the highest praise as a man and citizen.
Ho was a character of the highest type,
whoso high ambition was the development
of Marsh valley, and to this worthy end
he devoted some of his best years and
energies. He was In life and purpose, a
ctllzen of the west, who was sworn to
tho man's work of overcoming nature for
the good o fall humanity. Peace to his
Senator Burns displayed tbe copy of the
Idahoan with foellngs of Joy and ther
things. When asked how he got abek on
earth he said there was two reasons,
one that they wouldn't accept htm at
cither place, and the other was that after
looking over the two places he concluded
that Nebraska was good enough for him
Secretary of State Compiles Some
' Judge, the party affiliation must be
I designated In the filings.
Where filings are to be made with the
secretary of state, blanks will be furn
ished by that department on application.
When filings are to be made In the
county, the county clerk will furnish the
The following offices aro to be filled
at the general election to be held Tues
day, November 3, 1914: Governor, lieu
tenant governor, secretary or state, aud
itor of public accounts, treasurer, com
missioner of public lands and buildings.
attorney general, one railway commis
sioner, six congressmen, cniet justice su-
Present Venr Stay He Off Color from
Tills Standpoint In Nelirnaka,
tint Lona Will He MO re
Til nn atnde Up.
preme court, district Judges, representa
tives and senators .and all county and
precinct officers.
Polls open at the primaries In the cities
where registration Is required at 8 a. m.
and close at 9 p. m. In all other places
polls open at noon and close at 9 p. m.
The general election uaws are being
compiled ror the printer and will be Is
sued in pamphlet form to county clerks
within the next ninety days.
Carrier Pigeon' Long KIla;M.
VALENTINE, Neb., Dec Z-(SpeclaJ.)
Edward Cahota discovered Saturday
morning In his flock of pigeons a carrier
pigeon which has evidently been turned
loose for a cross-country flight. Each of
the bird's legs was encircled with a
brass band, one of which bore the ad
dress of O. W. Anderson. 10M Madlsan
street. Fort "Wayne. Ind., and upon the
other was the Inscription, A. J. iSD, 9HJ.
The ilrd, which apparently has lost Its
way, was allowed Its freedom, but It re
fused to go. Mr. Cahota nas written the
address and Is holding the pigeon for
further Information.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec- 2.-(Speclal.)-For the
benefit of those who may want to run for
office at the next election and desire to
know Just how to get nt it. Secretary of
State Wait has prepared a statement as
The primary election wll bo held Tues
day, August IS, 1914.
The last day for filing names of can
didates la July 20.
Whore the district Is composed of more
than ono county filings must be made
with the secretary of state, otherwise,
with the county clerk where the candi
date resides. In municipal elections the
Citing must bo made with tho city clerk.
Fees for filing must be paid to tho
county treasurer of the county where
tho candidate resides, and the fes la as
follows: United S'tes senator, 160; state
officers, representatives In congress, su
preme and district Judges, $10; county and
city offices, 35.
No fee Is required of candidates for
regents of the university or presidential
Candidates bv netltlon must file an nr.
ceptance within five days after filing of
petitions, otherwise petitions will be void.
Wth the exception of candidates for
phone Company to Lift Rate.
A hearing was on this morning before
the railway commission in which the
Sarpy Telephone company, with head'
quarters at Gretna, are asking for the
right to raise telephone rates from II
to 31.09.
Phone Rill Contested.
The' Bhubert Telephone company has
appealed to the railway 'commission on
account of a bill sent them for 315, which
tho Burlington railroad Insists they shall
pay for space In the depot at that place.
for their telephone booth and for servloo
of operator answering phones for the I
year 1912.
Articles Are. Plied.
The Farmers' Co-Operative Elevator
company of Nebraska City nan filed ar
ticles of Incorporation with the secretary
of stato. Tho company Is Incorporated
for 310,066, with n board of directors con
stating of Patrick Roddy, J I. A. Wlnton,
Henry Helsch, John Wlrth and- Martin
Fined tinder Mnr-Uaer 1-a.w.
Claude Currle, mangel of the J'roken
Be.w Telephone company at the, time
complaint was made by State Labor Com
mtsel otter Pool for working " his female
operators overtlmo In violation of the
labor law, was fined 340 and costs In the
court of County Judge Charles Holcomb
yesterday, Tho complaint was filed be
cause girls who slept In the offlco nights
end occasionally answered night calls
were considered to be on the Job and
therefore camo under tho provisions of
the nlne-hour-a-day female employe law.
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. J.-(Speclal.)-Mrs.
Harkins, a former Beatrice resi
dent, died at her home at Detroit last
week after a brief illness. Bhe was M
years of age and leaves her husband and
five children. The remains will be taken
to Tontca, UL, for Interment.
County Judge It. D. Waldon, who re
cently left for the east on a vacation
trip of a few weeks, returned home Mon
day with a bride. He was married on
November IS at Louisville, Ky., to Stella
M. Whaley of that city, Ilev. Mr, Galder
man of Louisville officiating.
While visiting at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. S. S. Pheasant, eleven
miles west of town Sunday, Jonathan
Potts, aged SO years, fell and broke his
right hip. Ills condition Is serious and
he was brought to the Mennonlte hos
pital In this city for treatment
Mrs. Edward Buck slipped and fell
down stairs Monday night wth the re
sult that her right leg was broken Just
below the ankle. She was removed to a
local hospital and the ligaments were so
badly torn that the physicians operated
upon her.
. St
W C ah In
IS " us
22 SB?
Q Trial
a fJMAech
" SBBsveoi
rrepaid, 8 loll Oustts m eur
Fss 3 star WMskcy
nMHMl ruts Quart Free
(From a Staff Correspondent)
T.TNrYIT.N. Dec. l.fRnecUl.) A caaa
SeEdTwllt m3& w" nwied In the supreme court this
Charges rrepaid, 4 Full! morning which Involves the right of a
Mte( ears war wJOsfcer j cltlsen of a foreign country to Inherit
lWTAiiorAewlth 'tt belonging to a relative In
MiUf.OoldTlDsedOlassi Nebraska. The casa Involves 1M acres
arin2?h!nS":-s!i. of lttnd In Phelps county which formerly
i ru sre ntlVfecn I bclowd tb Carl Peterson, a resident of
.??.T? "H't" "r" that counts
ii wmntr tum n-' .
tnlniMc ll ttu aria. I vox.
keeo the Free SoHle I court of P
tnakeretaittaaees u., ,kA ,,. -iSh,
Hereto MO,
Kantsis CMy. Mo.
was first tried In the district
helps county, and was brought
iiTIdr?rli5,Ki by twfcsons of Peterson. Carl and JaAn,
menUetur"ater exl Hvlnjf In 'Sweden,' for an equal share of
peoe and w will at (he real estate with a daughter of the
J A' n,n' AUKU,ta Erickson, resign
-inimniH.m . -
a bugsrqiiaatltythta Ths Qewnty court In'SettMag ths esat
r. - iln toAiAt Is, 4 Via and tna
Ckarsesrrepali. two son contested the 'validity of the
Adraa avAet aa4 will In district court, Tha district court
equal share In the estate with the daugh
iter and ordered the decree: of tne county
court set aside.
In the appeal to the supreme court
the attorneys for the daughter shaw that
the laws of Nebraska forbid non-resident
aliens to Inherit real estate In Ne
braska, and that a treaty existing be
tween the United States and Sweden pro
hibits citizens of the latter country from
Inheriting real estate In this country.
The attorneys for the eons do not spe
cifically deny the rights of the daughter
through the treaty, but set out that she
'had made an agreement with the sons
for an equal division of the property
and ask that that agreement stand.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Dec. 1 (SpeolaL)-The Bur
lington railroad has notified Food Com
missioner Harman that It has compHed
with his order which prohibits chefs, por
tern and waiters in dining- cars from
sleeping In. the cars.
The company says that on Us Lincoln-
Denver trains provisions have been made
for the slccpln gof the men In Lincoln.
On Its trains to the northwest, Nos. 41
and 4J, have been provided with either
smoking cars or baggage cars In which
sleeping compartments have been fitted
up In the front end of the ears. Thero
are nine of these cars which have been
transformed Into sleepers for the dining
people, On Nos. 43 and 44 a special car
stands on tho side track at IUvenna,
where the men sleep while the diner Is
taken off, the trains running so the men
can have a full night's sleep at that
The dining car people ware not at frist
pleased with the order, but it has been
put Itno effect on all the roads and the
employes are Immensely pleased with tha
Key to tha Ultuatiun-Hea Advertising.
My Life Saved by Pe-ru-na.
Mr. a a
St Elmo,
11L, writes:
"I was for
five years
troub 1 ed
with os
tarrh. Two
years ago I
had one foot
In the grave.
I had tried
seven d o c
tors and al
so went to
a o a t a rrh
specialist In
St Louis,
and took
fir e r a 1
kinds of
mcdlclno a day. I could not walk more
than a hundred yards without resting.
"My friends told mo to take Peruna,
and I did so. Z now fssl that Verona
has saved my Uf. It Is the best medi
cine on earth, and I would not be with
out It"
Those wh6 object to liquid msdleUes
can sow procure Peruna Tablets,
Ak Yur J3rugglt for Fr Parana
Lucky Day Almanac for 1814
How To Reduce Fat
Without Exercise,
Drugs or Diet
Mr. t. 9.
Buy U by the box
of nearly all dealers
lor 85 cents
Clean, pure
arf-Tsy aV. v v mm rij
sent by
aa a
. Best
m the
the box of twenty
-a hundred sticks
a hundred hours of joy is a
gift theyM keep on enjoying
long after other gifts are put
aside. Nearly all dealers will
gladly sell it at above price!
"The Beneficial Confection" is
murm to please old and young.
It' ideal for holidays because
it's delicious aid to appetite'
and digestion
The. great popularity of thm
damn, purm, ktrilthhil
is causing unscrupulous per
sona to wrap rank mutations
that are not even real chewing
gum so they resemble genuine
WK1GLEWS. The better
class of stores will not try to
fOQl yOU With these ImiraHnrt,
They will be offered to you
principally by street fakirs,
peddlers and the candy depart
ments of some 5 and 10 cent
stores. TheMrarikimitstions
cost dealers one cent a package
or eren lest and are sold to
careless people for almost any
ft) MMf .
ff SURE Ws 325$?, 111$
usiSt tkeytii ve bwedSl red by ImkiKswllkffitB JvS
TriTrvrrnaT-irtn Rnroon e -utomoe Editor of Tho Omaha Bco will gladly furnish, you
lilJLOr IXld.L10Ii JDurCcAU. mation regarding any of the automobiles, trucks, delivery wagons, ti
Eonea represented in this directory, write today.
detail infor-
tires or acces-
Nebraska. Buick Auto Company,
Lee Huff Mgr. 1912-14-16 Farnam Street.
0. F. Reim. Prea.
Cadillac Company of Omaha,
2054-6-8 Famam Street.
I This Is the Urns when fat people should
fhlnklnr Khnut riAuctnr thalr welcht
and should stop making the fat that Is
Doty & Hathaway,
2027 Farnam Street,
in Finuio oTAnii i i nrno mi.h & hurdsn to th,.m. rha best way
UnniN rinBO OIUOnUL.UCno. .nd the easiest wsy Is the one about
, way. Tl. famous Marmdla Prescription
anESHAM, Neb.. Dec. J.-Spoclal.)- J" JuWS.nb-thl Vu!
Tho Oreahara Qraln company hfld ita -.. tht t0 cntnf0 the best things
tmru annual stocKnomers rans in mc wnicn proouce lat uuo gooa, iimn. uiuuu.
town halt
tbe year amounted
I n.r rant dividend vii declared and the n,mMa n,r dsv. Tou must not confuse
h-ianr. ui anida aa a denreclatton fund. Marmola Tablets with narmrui patent i
. ..7 . .7 . . Antra nd hurtful reaucing mstnoas. '
- " . . . UHIOUV.V VV iv4j ..-. 1
HIM STOlES roV"uVoraant J horthlU of the Nebraska Grain
1 stockholders' meeting In the which produce fat Into good, strong blood.
Tha company's earnings for nsrve. tissues and bone. More than this,
' , , 1fl these tablets absorb and remove the fat
nounted to 14 per cent. X 10 mnin,. at the rat of from to 18
Doty & Hathaway,
2027-99 Farnam Street.
! ..I.I S I S-BII I -HI II I .1 I ' " ' I
Marion Auto Company,
0. W, McDonald. 2101 Farnam Street.
Trti ftiUlTaaa BaTlartrrna ItmiflT Inir on the benefits of co-oneratlon. Fully
Oe. . TS. gi g. atsra u Chicago jx) p.r cent of the stockholders were pre-
. . .. . . .
' i
atasssst a surgical BlBa I
Peelers' association addressed the meet- uv. the food you eat.
mice ui in. uiK,.iiT. uii.ii- vw,.w - .vnTiT a m
these Juices so that they produce no mor VERLAND
fat. They are harmless, yet thousands
They build un the 1
Igsstiv organs ana correct
Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation,
205-207 State Bank Building.
ent. The women of the Methodist Kplsco. 'mm an(j 0mn alt over this rand to
nal church served a dinner at noon to day are of firm figures and normal sua
the stockholders and many others
This Is
- .. si iii x w r r . w
Tne expense ror ine ainner was aerrayea them in ttock end will sell Them. to you.
Van Brunt Automobile Company,
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluf fa.
by tbe association.
Cough Medicine for Children.
l r wn.i m Ammi rfn nnt hiv. them, of I
you would rathsr send 75e, ths pric of
a case, to the Marmola Company. Parmer
Never give a child a cough medicine ; to . n at once In a plain package, post-
send them
2010 Famam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs.
. Saw 4ays
s surgical
aHna sr tea of
jsav Our week t
CsU or
tor atrttculara.
Wrsujr A MM4-
that contalna opium In ciy form. When
opium la given other and more serious
diseases may follow. Long experience
has demonstrated that there Is no better
or safer medicine for coughs, colds and
croup In children than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It la equally valuable
for adults. Try It. It contains no orlun
or other harmful drug. Por sals by al
dca era. Ad ertlsemeit 4
ago 'd.
Aycs Sarsaparilla
Changes tendency to wars (ksease to
tendency toward health. No alcohol.
SeM (or 60 year.
Ask Your Doctor. ISJFtiZ:
The T. Q. Northwali Company,
912-14 Jones Street.
Doty & Hathaway,
2027-29 Farnam Street
R. N. Howea.
Fred C. HilL
2102-4-Farnam Street,
E. R. Wilson Auto. Company, , .
.2429 Farnam Street,
DrummoBd Motor Company,
26th and Farnam Streets.
, Van Brunt Automobile Company,
2010 Famam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4tn St,, Council Bluffs,
0. W. MoDoaakL
Marion Auto Co.,
2101 Farnam Street
Dnimmond Motor Company,
26th and Farnam Streets.
Arthur Storz Auto Supply Co.,
2020 Famam Street
i in. n i i
li Au;omooixe Duppues,
2020 Farnam Street