Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Women's Fine Cloth Suits at
December Prices
SP $22 $24SJ $29a
: You will appreciate theso values best to see them.
Alterations Freo of Charge.
Made of Cheney Bros.'
best silks,
$5.95 $8.50 $10.50
An Important Silk Hosiery Sale
Is Coming Soon
National Reform AHociation Holds
Fiftieth Annual Session.
Missionary Stewart Declare a.Polyar-,
r la Net Practice ia jXJtah,
While Fadaen Says It
Still. Exists.
PITTSBURGH, Dec. l.-The fiftieth 'an
nual convention of the National Reform
ei-sociatlon convened here today" and the
first aH(ofl In which "Mormonlsm" waa
the suect, occasioned a lively debate.
Trot 6. F.'DavIa of New Iflchmond, Wis.,
chairman of the World Commlaelon on
Mormonltm, Introduced A resolution
which waa adopted, calling upon congress
to prohibit polygamy and polygamous oo.
habitation In all the atatea, .territories
and dependencies. R. Murray Stewart of
Ambrldge, Pa., a. missionary of the
Church of Christ of the Latter Day
Balnts, Immediately objected.
"Such an amendment la not necessary
fo the lawa of our country, he aatd, for
polygamy U not and haa not been prac
ticed In Utah or any other atate atace
ll. I defy any one to prove that poly
gamy la atlll practiced in Utah. Our
ehurche are open to investigation at any
time fay anyone."
William iM.. rwMen efi&aK Lake City
nawere4.Mr. tVnrt'a 3l)jeHlefti,' "
iM4e. "Htwa.M.FIeivre, .
"I have- H vea. among-the IterawM far
fifteen year M I knew that they fear,
the. adoption f that amendment to the
United State eenatkutlen more than any
ether ever susgeste,"- he aald,
"As for, the Rwftl ef Mr. Stewart
that fxdygimy ha net bee practiced
slate JW the year ef the Woodruff
manifesto I have here & picture showing
Jcaeph Smith and .his' wlvea and their
(hlldren taken in 111. I tnUt net enough
proof that polygamy haa been practiced
tiiice the Issuance of the maatreetot"
NEW YORK, Dec. 2,-A former police
captain, Demlaick Valley, waa indicted
for hriutry today by the grand Jury in
connection with alleged conspiracy be.
tween the police and wire tapping
' erin4tera Mtey la accused of accepting
tt.M In return for, granting the awlndlera
pHHef ppeteetlen,
r , tum iiwMCtmeni m the fleet to reewt
Sl front, 'the sweegag lnveetloatloA beta
6t coadwted sjy jtiae loietrict attorney. Th
I' chief wkaeeee ibefete the gread, fair
k were members ef a wire taptfag gang,
, ' mmmu. ' ... U A I ... J. ii . k ' 1
of Merit
ennnofc bo bought by weight alono as can some of the
other precious gems color, proportion, stylo bf out
tingjf reedom from imperfections are faotors to bo con
sidered. Quality in Diamonds range; in pfico from
$60.00 to $350.00 per carat in the commercial stones.
Extraordinary ones command as much as $1,000 per
carat, As, to quality you must rely largely on your
dealer's word. For tho past'23 years wo have been
selling them' with a guarantee to buy baok at any time
within one year at prico paid less ton per cent. Full
prico allowed in exchange at any time.
Make your selections early.
Single Ston
$75t to $5
. Many now arrivaJs are
hero for Wednesday's sell
ing. MB
,dred variotia persona out of thnn.nmi.
of idollara- by pretending that they could
ip ma iciegrapn wires to get advanco
.Information In regard. .tp sporting evenU.
A! bench warrant wm issued for Riley's
arrest, but it. waa, understood, that ho
must surrender himself , Voluntarily,
Riley recently retired from the police
force on the ground of 111. health.
Some of I Nonunion
' t Man Dynamited
CALUMBT, Mich., Dea Zjhe homo
of a ..non-union workman at the, Qiilncy
mine In. the copper strike dbitrlot waa
damaged by. dynamite early todays The
kitchen was shattered, but members of
the family, although thrown from their
beds, were not hurt. Elsewhere the dls.
trlst waa quiet. Btrong. forces of depu
tics were sent to North Kearsargo.
Allous and Copper City, where fresh Im
portations of strike breakers were ex
CINCINNATI, O., Dec. 2.-Tho Chcsa
peake & Ohio railroad won a victory In
the United States elrmilt rnn.t ...
peala here teday when the MoKell case
was oraerea back to the district court
for retrial. Th
--K ' ..hs nftWOU 4 IU I tl
the dfrIon of, the dUlHct court in whtcli
m ipwniM moreen oc Chilli
aethe, Sir. -were given Judgment for 169,.
080 atfalnst the railroad for alleged breach
f contract.'
The contention waa made that the rail
road, after enterlnir Intn
haul McKell'a coal from the mines In
West Virginia, entered the coat mining
buslneea Itaeif and used all Us local fa
cilities hauling- Its own coal, leaving Mc
Kell no way of getting his coal to mar
ket. The case wsh unt hib h..,,.. w.
- , - . ' "VVBUOB lriO
court believed the amount of damage
awaraea waa speculative, as the evidence
showed no deflnlta wav nf aprlvlncr . .
valuaUon of )&,&.
YATK CBNTEiR. Kan., Dec S.-The
Yatea Center National lw
. .... VIVOIU
today by order of Bank Examiner A. C.
Cutler. Failure to realise on securities
was tne cause aaeifned. The hank waa
one ef the eldest In the county and had
been regarded as among the strongest.
Ita liabilities are aald to be nearly ura .
est, and ita asset, If realised on, In ex
cess ef that amount, a C. Rlcker, pres.
laent ec tue hank, aald he believed the
deeeeitoM would be paid In full.
15 -8r DODGE.
Demooratio Senators Will Force Vote
on Currency Bill.
Formal Objection Will lie Made to
I.onsr Session Proposed, bat
There Will Be Jio Organ
ised Opposition.
WASHINGTON. Dec l-Efforts to get
an agreement to vote In the aennte on
the currency bill on Saturday, December
20, failed today, but tho senate democrats
began an enersetlc tirnrram. which lhnv
expect will force early action. Senator
wunama or Mississippi announced that It
waa the Intention of the democrats to
exhaust the senato and forco an early
Senator Urlstow attacked In
ured terms and at length the damoeratlo
program and declared the democrat nrn.
posed to pass a bill by "physical exhaus
tion," Instead of fair and free debate.
"This has been a hod v nt Intrlleottmt
dlscunslon, a place whore Information waa
at a par and physical endurance not nt
ft premium," he cried. 'The place to teat
physical endurance Is In the prlxo ring,
not In the senate."
Senators Owen and Bhafroth
that Senator Urlstow and tho other re
publicans nlrcady hnd delayed the cur.
rrncy bill bv demanding
prolonging debate.
Jtcpubllcan senators nt a
elded to formally protest against the long
session proposed by tho democrats, hut tn
enter on no organized opposition.
Two Strike, Famous
Sioux Chief, is Dead
SIOUX FALL8. 8. D.. Doe. J.f Snrplnl
Information has been received from
Major John N. Bcrlvcn, United States
Indian agent in charge of tho reserva
tion, announcing the death on the none.
bud reservation of Two Strike, one of
the most famous of the Sioux Indian
chiefs of the last twenty or thlrtv
Death resulted from tho Infirmities of
advanced years, he being one of tho old
est Indians on tho reservation. Itn hml
reached tho axe of OS. lie wan n mmhf
or tno Episcopal faith and waa burled
witn Honors and ceremonies boflttlng hla
After tho death of the fiunnu Rnnti,l
Tall, Two Strike became head chief of
mo uruie hioux tribe, which occupies tho
rtosebud reservation, and continued as
such until ho becamo too feeble to per
form the duties of his Position.
no selected Hollow Horn Dear as hla
successor. Tho latter died auditAntv
Wnahlngton, D. O., last March, of pneu-
monia, wnuo attending the Inauguration
of President WHson. Since tho doath of
Hollow Horn Dear thero has
recognised head of the Hoeebud Sioux.
Florida Oranges Are
Sold for Cent Each
PiTTflnimntr. t. n 9Tha tA.
-f 'i r anv tno !
cost of living waa Jolted here today when
commission merchants in tho produce
yards sold txvcnty-flva carloads of Vlnr.
Ida oranges at W centsli crate, about J
cent for Anrh nf thk 1 KMnOrt mi..
yard were fairly choked" with fruit and
u wa necessary to dispose or the Oranges
iu proveni tnem irom spoiling, in tho
same market and at the name Hm. h.
first Florida strawberries were selling at
a cenisya quart.
New Point Raised in
Oil Land Litigation
WASHINGTON. Dee, J.-Th mn..
over roO.OW.OOO worth of oil lands, part of
grnnu to tne I'aciflo railroads, took on
unusual turn today before the supreme
court when tho government and counsel
for tho Southern Paclflo Railway com
pany came in with briefs arguing whether
oil Is a mineral. The government hn
suit to cancel grania to the Southern
I'aciuo on the; ground that it was not In
tended that mineral landa should DSU
to It.
WASHINGTON, Dec. J.-Chlcago again
hoads the record for having placed the
largest order for postage stamps. Tho
Postofflce department has received an
order from tho Chicago office for 71,830,-
atampa, with a total value of 11,908,-
080. Recently the poatmaster at Phila
delphia placed an order for 81,730,080
postage atampa, having a value of 11.730.-
OAO, which waa considerably in excess of
the record previously held by Chicago.
The new Chicago order, while ' not as
large in tho number of stamps, Is greater
than the recent Philadelphia order by
TS.000 In Its total value. The Philadelphia
omce still holds the record for the great
est number of stamps ordered at one
NEW TOR1C. Dee. tThnm. W TT.ll
President of the American UMa nn
Leather company, died at hla home In
New Canaan. Conn., earlv tndnv nt hr
disease. He waa GS years old, waa the
nrst and only president of the American
company ana in nis early lire waa an
Intimate of Henry H. Rogers.
Jlr. Hall waa born In Skaneateles, N.
V. When a vminor man ha t.
- . . ,,u V .1 . .V. IJIQ
oil region of Pennsylvania. located In
Oil City and for severa years waa Rog
ers' roommate. In 1S6 he entered the
leather buslnesa and when the American
company waa Incorporated in 1859 he be
came ita president.
. A widow, three sons and two daughtera
survive him.
PIEimB, a D., Dec. J,-Special Tele
gramsProbably something over W per
cent of the voters of the county attended
the different meetings under the Richards
primary law for selection of nreelnet nrt
state committeemen. No attempt waa
made to select socialist or prohibition
The republican elata seleetlnna
T, B, Roberta .for the mlnorltv and Al
bert Wheelon, majority. Frank Kantow
akl waa selected by the democrats as a
Johnson democrat. C. E. Coyne la the
republican majority representative from
Stanley county. No minority waa chosen.
Plies Cured in e it 14 Dor.
DrUEKlSts refunit ntnnav tf P.,. rl...
ment fall to cure Itching, blind, bleed
ing or protruding piles. f(rst applica
tion elves relief. Mc-Advertisement.
(Continued from Pago One.)
been preparing to evacuate. Jt was be
lieved that this had given rise to tho
reports from Juarex last night that tho
two west Coast Dorta had fallen Into the
hands of tho Insurgents.
There has been no disposition by con-
Ktlttltlnnnttt in nHnrlr their tnvtn It
I had been assumed that sooner or later
111 . : I . . a . I
iiiu icuvruia wouiu evacuaio voiuniarny.
Doth towns were defended by well forti
fied positions, and nt Quaymas th fed
eral gunboats Increased the danger to the
attacking party.
It haa been expected for many days
that the Mexico City government would
order a concentration' of lla forces in the
northwest as a matter of protection
against further advances of the constitu
tionalists. The value of the federal gar
risons of Quaymas and Mazatlan would
be greater, It was believed. If mobilized
with other forces at same more central
PHOENIX. Ariz.. Den. 1 All tnrtlM.
monts pending In tho United States dis
trlct court against firms and individuals
of Ki Paso, Tex., and Tucson and Doug
las, Ariz., on charges of smuggling arms
to the Mexican revolutionists, were dls
missed today by Judge William Snwtclle,
who. sustained demurrers. ,
Thero remain, however, several Indict
ments charging conspiracy to smuggle
war munitions across the international
Indictments had been filed ngalnst the
following business, men and persons:
Krakaur, Zork and Moye and Shelton
Pnyna ArmB company of El Paso, Tex.;
Albert Stelnfeld & Co.. A. Rtinri,
Hugo Donau, of Tucson: Phelps-Dodge
Mercantllo company, W. H. Ilrophy, W.
F. E. Coles and W. II. Fineher nf lll.h.
W. H. Ashcr, Blsbee; Douglas Hardware
company. L. I. McPiirinsv t..
Slator, M. M. Tucker, W. E. Schwamm
nno. jsaaore intsky of Douglas.
The truo bills pending against Manuel
Escalttdo, Orcgorlo Flores, Heliodora ni
vera and'Joachlm Camlllo, reputed agents
of tho Mexican insurgents, also were
The conspiracy Indictments still pending
ore against tne sneiton-Payno Arms com
pany; Krakaur, Zork and Moye, the
Phelps-Dodge Mercantile company, A. F.
xiernanaez, j. m. iloreo and Oustav Pe
dras, Mexican agonts; L. D. McCartney
mm wo itarawaro company.
Rebel Officer In Jail.
EIj PASO, Tex., Doe. 2.-Juan N,
Medina, chief of staff to General Fran
cisco Villa, is In the- El Paso county Jail,
charged with bringing stolen property to
the value of over M Into the state He
waa arrested last night when he came
to El Paso, Chlof of City Detectives J,
C. Stansel making tho arrest.
Btansol says he made the arrest on the
Information from Villa himself, who as
serted that Medina hnA
, " Bair UVWUlllC'l
for H,000 In cash. Medina denies 'thst.
o koi Hny 01 viua s money and says ho
has resigned as Villa's chief of staff and
was quitting tho rebel service when he
came to El Paso.
ltnnrher Held for Ransom.
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Her, w a
Windham, formerly
Pasadena, now superintendent of a ranch
ov vjuiinicns, Mexican territory of . Teplc,
"t tt. , .wireless v messago to. Former
United ..8lates Senator
nf Qxfora today saying he was being
neia oy constitutionalists until he paid
a ransom of $5,000 gold.
Dr. W, It. Livingston.
QulmtchU IUnch
to the Stato department at Washington
asking that a demand for protection be
sent to the Caranza provisional govern
ment at Hermoslllo. ,'
Ilctch Hetchy Plan Attacked.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 2. DeelnHncr tht
tho rights to bo conferred by tho pend
ing Hetch Hetchy gilt were in direct con
flict with tho water laws of California
and failed to protect tho farmers of San
Joaquin valley, Senator Works opened
tho fight In tho senato today in opposi
tion to tho measure, which proposes a
new water supply for San Francisco. The
senator read telegrams from settlers to
support his statement that '95 per cent
of the lrrigatlonlsta were opposed to the
bill. ,
Warren Bays I'lne Colt.
I.KXINGTON, Ky., Dec, J.-tSpeclal
Telegram.) Norman B. Warren of tVlend,
Neb., bought from John Splan here to
day a fine yearling trotting colt by Teter
tho Great,, dam The Emma I, by. Dow
Dells. The colt will be shipped to. Friend
to bo trained by Luo Holm.
That Cough
At this season of the vear
when throat and lung troubles
are prevalent, you should take
particular care to stop coughing
.as soon as a tendency to do so
appears, for a neglected cough
will all too quickly develop into
dreaded pneumonia or consump
Duffy't Pur
Malt Whisktv
wfll tWt the lyilem power to throw
on ana reiill -Courtis, coiai. grip,
ctrrh. broochltU. asthma and all
lung trouble. It li a wonderful
remedy in tne prevention o con
tumptloo, pneumonl. raalarls. low
levers and all weakanlnc and wait
log coodltlom. II lakea at directed.
You netd Dulty's la your horns.
At jBMl dra(IiU, tcwi,
d.alsre, $1.00 a lire bottls.
Tk DufO,Mk WMak.r Co
Recautsr, N. Y .
Broken lots of our regular $15
and $18 Suits A -a T i
Broken lots of our regular f 20
to $25 Suits fj1 f pA
nj Overcoats
Broken lots of our regular $30
and $3C Suits tVt Tf
Take advantage of our won
derful holiday offer. With
each order we send free this
beautiful cut glass decanter
rilled wlt(i our ramous
private stock whiskey
absolutely free.
Our big offer
1 gallon Monarch Tall
Proof Ksatnoky Whis
key, aged la bond.
Regular price 4.00.
1 gallon Old Vintage
Port or Bhsrrr Wine.
Vaiae lor Oatr
Xsgalar price SS.OO. . J
Jutt think -Two sllon tin liquor .and cat
flats dtctnter filled with prlrste tock tar
J.M. Bentl order todsr- Satltttctlon. jutr
tntted er moner rtfundtd.
647 Walnut Bt. Xaasaa City, Ko,
Sloan and Stephens
in Seats as Eoll in
House Is Called
(From a Staff Correspondent)
(WASHINGTON, Dec. 2,-Speclal Telo-
gram.) Representatives Charles II. Sloan
and D. V. Stephens were In their seats
when the roll Vas called 'in' the House at
day. They have been spandlng several
weeks In their respective districts, speech-
making and building fences. The only
abser)te of the Nebraska delegation was1
Representative, .Barton, and ho is .on rJs
way east ,
Nebraska items In the trnasury .esti
mates, for fiscal year appropriations In
clude $150,000. for snagging and othotwito
improving the Missouri river between
ICansas City and Sioux City. Another
DO,000 Is called for on the rlvor betwocn
Sioux City and Fort Benton.
For completion of the McCook public
building under tho present limit,
for the Genoa Indian school. I88.3M; for
the Omaha and Winnebago agencies.
6,04lr tor the Nebraska, national forest,
tS.000. South Dakota Item estimates In
clude jeO.BOO for the "Flandreau Ind'nns,
IS0.7S0 for Pierre, 153,600 for Rapid City.
$507,000 for the support and education of
the Sioux Indiana of North and soutn
Dakota and the SanUe Sioux of Ne
braska, Jlt,C0O for support of tho Yankton
tribe, 140,000 for the Insane asylum at
Canton, 135,000 for the Pine Ridge hos
pital, $162,000 for the Battle Mountain
sanitarium at Hot Springs, $25,040 for na.
tlonal forests, $2,500 for the Wind Cavo
national park, A total of $133,000 is called
for for Wyoming Indians. Of this $60,000
Is a new Item to be expended at the dis
cretion, of tho secretary of tho Interior In
buying horses, tools, houses, etc., to aid
tho Shoshones In becinilpg self-supporting.
Continuance of rrtsatl n woi?t on the
diminished Shoshone remrvntlon is called
for at $26,000; $48,000 Is asked for Wyoming
national foresu and $S,50O for the Wyom
ing Yellowstone.
New Evans Hotel
at Columbus Opens
COLUMBUS, Neb., Dee. 2.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The new Evans hotel, which
has been under construction for over a
year, waa opened yesterday. Mjanday waa
Columbus day and the residents of the
city Inspected the building. Tuesday was
the big day delegations from Omaha and
Lincoln and other towns being here.
Over 500 attended the banquet in the
evening. Tho Evans Is modern and fire
protf and the best hotel In the state out
side of Omaha and Lincoln. It la four
stories high, has over 100 rooms and cost
over $110,000.
The hotel will be under the manage
ment of George A. Scott and win be run
on the American plan, $2 per day and up.
LINCOLN, Dei 1. Nebraska women
suffragists tonight Inaugurated their
campaign for the ballot In this state by
dedicating the new headquarter here
and holding a reception for visiting suf
fraglsts from outside the state. The prin
cipal address was made by Mrs. Ada
Unruh of Portland, Ore., who spoke on
the subject, "How the Women of Oregon
Secured the Ballot and What They Are
Doing With It."
At the headquarters tonight were sev
eral women "who have been in the suf
frage scrimmages in other atatea, who ad
vised with the Nebraska workers.
OsBgerou Barbery
In the abdominal region la often pre
vented by the use of Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless purifiers. 25c,
For sale by your druggist Advertise
ment Cation Market,
tures closed steady. December, 13.i$c;
January. ll.Ke;- March. II.I60: May,
13.10c; July, U.89C Boot, quiet; milling,
13.50c; gulf, 13.T5C,
TMnk Men
Of buying Suits and Overcoats like
these at such low prices
Of Men's and Young Men's highv
type Suits and Overcoats. 1
Including Stein-Bloch, Sam P. Peck, August Bros, nnd otlier ?
high class makes. Every garment a new Fall model and
many of tho most extreme things which only this store:
shows. Better come in.. You'll see things that you won'C
seo in ordinary stores arid you save money as you've never
saved it hefore.
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
Today's the day to buy that
Ford. Provide yourself a
comfortable, dependable and
economical car for the 'com
ing tomorrows. You can't be
gin too soon to cut down that
transportation expense. The
Ford serves your every pur
poseat lowest cost.
Five hundred dollars Is tho new prico of
the Ford runabout; the touring car Is
five fifty; the town carsoven fifty: t, 0. b.
Detroit, complete with equipment. Git
catalog and. particulars from. Ford Motor
Company, 1916 Harney St, Omaha, or
direct from Detroit factory.
Lifers Do Not Go to
See UyixLg Brother
Though Given Chance
(From a Btaff Correspondent)
XES MOINES, Dec. 5,-Speclal.) Frank
and Nathan Ralnsbarger, Ufera In tho
prison at Anamosa, will not go to the
homo of their dying brother In Hardin
county and visit him In his last illness
though they were given the opportunity.
Tho suggestion came to Governor Clarke
from relatives of the brother that he very
much desired to see his two brothers,
who have been in prison twenty-six years,
and the governor, without any suggestion
from the two Imprisoned men. asked that
they be given, tho right to go and pay)
the brother a visit. Frank Ralnsbarger
v,ua found to be III and could not very
well go and the other refused to go. Their
case will bo taken up soon by the parole
board on application for pardon.
Court In Jefferson.
FAIRBURY. Neb., Dec. J.-(Special.)-Judge
L. M. Pemberton of the clehteenth
Judicial district arrived In Fairbury from
ucatnee last evening arid la holding a
short session of district court Three di
vorce case's are pending on the docket.
Including Jessie and Fred L. Morrison,
See if the Child's
Tongue is Coated
Mother! Don't hesitate! If cross,
feverish, constipated, give "Call,
foraia Syrup of Figs."
Look at the tongue, mother! If coated,.
It Is a sure sign that your little one's
stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle,
thorough cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, pale,
doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natu
rally, or Is feverish, stomach sour, breath
bad; haa stomach-ache, sore throat,
diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonfui
of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a
few hours all the foul, constipated waste
undigested food and sour bile gently
moves out of It's little bowels without
gripping, and you have a well, playfiU
child again.
You needn't coax sick children to take
this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love
Its delicious taste, and it always makes
them feel splendid.
Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bottle
of "California Syrup of Figs." which
has directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plainly on the
bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here.
To bo sure you get the genuine, ask to
see that it i mads by "California Fig
Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind
with contempt Advertisement
Steamship Tickets
Representing Thos. Cook &
Bon, University Travel So
ciety, Temple's. Pilgrim's
and Raymond & Whltcomb
European Tour Companies.
Cruises 'round the World, to
the Mediterranean, Orient
India. West Indlea, Panama
Canal and Northern South
Descriptive literature and
all Information,
x. a nrnsr toujusv xasstcnr,
311 Bo. X4th Bt, W. O. W. Blag.,
TslsphoBe Bouglaa 3S3.
Hannah and Daniel K. Bean, and Charles
arid Bessie Clarif.' " " '-i
I I " T- ;
IJritlKh Aviator Killed.
EAST CHURCH. Kent, England, Dec.
2. Captain Gilbert V. WJldman-Lushlng-ton,
commander of tho British naval fly
Ipg corps, was killed today at the naval
flying grounds here.
Life: Trn.ty Escapes.
JOLIET, III., Dec. 1 Jerry O'Connor,
who was serving a life sentence In the
penitentiary hero, escaped early today.
O'Connor waa a "trusty." He was
brought hero In September, lSlJ,
Winter Blasts
in Your Store?
Papers Disarranged,
Olerks with Golds,
Patrons Disgusted
and Business Poor?
Use a
Revolving Door,
and Eliminate
This Trouble.
A standard pattern, collapsible
Revolving Door solid .oki
heavy plate glass, with solid
brass push and kick . plates.
The Bee Building Co.
Room 103.
CjGvT AjryTTSz Dally Mat, lB-as-BOe
7Jy1Sfr'c'r Xvngs.. 1B-BS-BO-7SO
WXBSB la the
Bran! new thow throughout A sctalo and
coatirtale dtlltht. Or !( oja' re0,t ' '
town Btautr Chortii of Real Bttlca.
ladles' Dime Ma tint Week Bays.
Tonight and Wednssday,
Katlnss Wednesday,
Company of 70, lnoluolag
Pricssr Rights, 91.00 to 35a Matl-
lass, B1.00 to flSc
KaUness Thursday and Saturday
Svsry Might This Week
American Theater Stock Co., In
The last week of stock compauy
Prices t 10c, 35o, 38c, Boo.
B098&A.B 404.
KatrSysry Bay, SUB; Svsry Bight, 81IB
Thl ek attlla Marbtw and Blllta Tartar-.
Elaa Ruticcr. Hinnma a ad iMvtrda; Lflijla
Hardt. Colman't Europaan North r. Cbarlaa A.
Dalmor and Bn Lltbt, Jack McLatlra sat
Mar Canon and Special Faaturt Plctura. "go
pnla'a Hero."
Prietii UsUsaa GalUrr. 16ej bast iaU (.
cert Bat, aal Sim.1. Nat NUku. 19c Kc. ttc Vis.
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