Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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    J JlXr JjiiU. OMAHA, J.tllvM)Al, lhA ii.Ui.ii o, IJlo.
Speculators Buy Heavily in Decem
ber and Sell May Wheat.
Henry Deliveries on This Month'
Contract Urine the Trice
Lonfr A Inn Inftncnc
lrK Other Urn In.
OMAHA, Dec. 7, Ml
During most of yesterday's session the
bears were In control of the various miir
kits and It looked us If their hold could
not bo broken during the day. There
Were early losses of c to lo In wheal.
He to c In corn and c to 'Hi In onta.
Nearly tho entire speculative world was
astrido of the market and tho matters
of price seemed to he a ' secondary con
dition. It wan expected that the visible
supply would show a fair nixed In
crease, but. Instead, there "was a de
crease. To eraphaJilzn matters, tho Cana
dian vtslblit decreased nearly 3,00.000
bushels. While the. figures showing the
losses of the two countries came late In
the day, there was enough time left be
fore the close for- carl" louses -to have
been fully regained, and closing prices
Bhorved net adances o! Ho to Ho.
The feature oX the day's trade In wheat
was the heavy buying of December nnd
selling of May by two of thf. larger ele
vator concerns, one of them changing
fully tOJ'.OCO bushels and tho other 7TA
OM bushels. This polling co.usl a great
many room traders to dispose of some
of tholr wheat and assisted In the mid
session declines. Tho deliveries on De
cember contracts amounted to JTtftro
bushels, but as this wheat was won
takn care of. It fallbi to affect the mw
ktl. TV, Trlnv'v henvv deliveries of onta
on Deoember contracts was the signal
for heAvy sailing during tho morning and
prlcea were carried downward with the
othor grains. Commission houses were
heavy sellers, of the December, while tho
vere the largest buyers.
Cosh wheat vena unhanged to Ho
Caah com was tnchanted to Ho higher.
Cash oats were a higher.
Clearances on com were 1.000 bushoia,
cta, fcOOO bushels and wheat and flour
equal to 4.000 bushels. ,.Ma
The clone at Liverpool was WJ'Hd
higher on wheat and HJfld higher on
Hrtmary wheat rjcelpts wern 1.575.000 bo.
and shipments 2.157,000 bu. against re
ceipts last rear of LSOI.OOQ bu. nnd ship
ments of L&3O00 bu.
Primary corn receipts were E1B.0W bu.
nnd shipments RW.000 bu. against re
ceipts last year of K4.000 bu. and shlp
.nts of 359.000 bu.
Primary oats receipts were 1.34,009 bu.
and shipments WW bu. luralnst re
ceipts last yenr of TS7.000 bu. and ship
ments of 1.031.000 bu.
carixit rbcicifts.
Wheat. Corn. uais.
ChlrAiro ...
Duluth ....
Omaha ......
Kansas City
fit Louis ..
Winnipeg -
The following cash sales were
Wheat-No. 2 hard winter: 2 cars, 8U4C.
No. S hard winter: 4 cars. 81c.; 3 cars,
WHc: 1 car. S0'ic; 1 car. 80c. No. 4 hard
winter: 1 car. SOc. No. mixed: 3 cars.
80Ho; 1 car, 80c. Kye-No. 2: 1 car.B8Ho.
OatV-No. 3 white: 6 cars. 38Wc; 1 car,
SSc. No. 4 whtto: 1 car, 3Sc. Corn-No. 2
white: 1 car. flfiUo; 1 car C6c. No. 3
whlto. 1 car, C5Hc: 4 cars, 65Uc. No. I yel
low: 9 cars. 06c. No. 3 yellow: tear (test
ing 11M, CSc: 1 car, CMic; 12 cars, 66Ho, 9
cars. 6RMC5 7 cars. (Sc. No. 4 yellow: 1
car. C4ic: 2 cars, C4c. No. 2 mixed. 4
cars. 65Hc. No. 3 mixed: 2 cars. GStfc.
6 cars. C5c; 4 cars. C4Vtc; 1 car, C4c. No. 4
mixed: 2 cars, G3?ic; 2 cars, C3V4c: 1 car,
634c; 3 cars, 62V4c.
Omaha Cash'Prices-Whcat: No. 2 hard.
80-88240: No. 3 hard, TOVilHc; No. 4
hard. 75W8S0C: No. 3 spring, 80381c: No. 4
spring, 7147&c: No. 2 durum, 78S784o:
No. 3 durum. HOTtfc. Corn: No. 2
white, 6510Hc: No. 3 white. CSQCiHc:
No 4 white, 6264Kc: No. 2 yellow, 655
CCc; No. 3 yellow. 04H65yc: No. 4 yel
low, 63H'964ic: No. 2, 65C5Hc; No. 3,
31(tt'4c: No. 4, K2ft13c. Oats: No. 2
white, 3SH839c: Btandard. 8SH38Vic; No.
3 white:, SSflfSSWc: No. 4 white, 374338c.
Barley: Malting, 583T0c: No. 1 feed, 45tt
ff49c. Rye: No. 2, 6SS6Sttc; No. 3, 67H
K a ii m City Ornin nnd Provisions.
hard, 877to; No. 2 red, R&S88C.
CORN No. 2 mixed, old, 714o; new.
(Oc; No. 3 old, 70c; new. 68Oc; No. S
white, eea&c: no. s. 67Hsc. ,
OATS No. 2 white, 40Hc; No. 2 mixed,
Closing prices of futlres:
WHEAT December, 81HS81Hc; May.
CORN December, C84(SST4c: May, 72tfc.
St. Lon Is Cenrrnl Mnrkr.t,
ST. LOUIS, Dec. I. WHEAT Close:
No. 2 rod. WWj03c; No. 2 hard. 8CH93c;
December. 8SHc: May, 92c.
CORN No. 2, nominal: No. 2 white, old,
77c; December, -70Hc; May, 72H72c
OATS No. 2, 4OtfM0Hc; No. 2 white, 42c;
December, 33cj -May, 424c.
RYE file,
Liverpool CSrnln SInrkrt,
steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 7s lVJd; No. 2,
7s Id; futures steady; December, 6a
HKd: March. 7s 2Hd; May, 7s lHd.
CORN Spot, firm; American mixed,
6s 8d; La Plata futures, strong; Decem
ber, 4s 10Hd; January, 6s lUd.
Jllnneaiiollt Grain Market,
1 hard. S6HS6ttc: No. 1 northern, 84H
Live business established 25 years, In
cluding horses, harness, heavy truck and
freight wagons, carriages, hearses, bus
and trunk transfer and real estate lo
cated In a good manufacturing town In
lova. What have you to offer?
Murray, la.
WHAT have you In clear medium
priced vacant lots In Omaha to exchange
as part payment on 6, 6 and 7-room now,
modern and well built dwrlUngs In dif
ferent sections of the city, ronglug in
price from 2,S00 to J5.EO0?
SCOTT & HILL. Douglas
33) ACRE'S, i miles southwest of
Haiglvr, Neb., on main line of Burling
ton to Denver, 60 acres under cultiva
tion. Will exchange for Omaha prop,
erty or acreage, a. Ml Tracy, 9W No.
Clarkacn St.. Fremont, Neb.
- splendid 000-acru Illinois stock and
train farm, wtll Improved, on mile from
macadamized road, six miles from pro
gressive town of about .5o0; half mile
from railroad station and only U mllos
from the Chicago postofflce.
Only JIM per acre; one-fourtb cash, bal
ance on long time at &H per cent.
Owner Uvea In Omaha, and would con
sider taking as part payment good Omaha
property free from Incumbrance, on a
cash basis.
Wars Dlock.
VX' .klP.d o watch
...v. ..... aim uiu, m. atnan. 109 s. is.
vv r . v i7i i. . : 1 . ..
'.B. PAY highest prlcee for ladles' and
ints clothing, m S. 13th St It 6544.
Rachmaji will treat you right: boat
Prices for turn., clothes & shoes. W. 614.
WA NTED TO BUy.llKti. mtitl-
We have customers who want to buy 1
six- room house and 1 seven-room house
must be in good location and all modern,
new or nearly new. Call at office or
telephone. C. C. Clifton, manager real
estate department. Bankers' Realty In
vestment Company, ground floor. Bee
building. Phone Doug. 2926.
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Savs
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
merits receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Lire Stoclc Commission Merchants,
MARTIN BROS. & CO., Exchange Bldg.
rcjck', 1201 Farnara.
iV. No. ! northern. v.'Vfc4V No. 2
hard. Montana. JC'tWI'tc; No 3. S0HW
SlTc. ne-emlier. StUc. Moy, S7HO.
FLOI'It-Flrst ratents. 3I.0MM.SB: sec
ond patents, 13 834T4.1K' first clears. Jt W
3.60: second clears. tZGnfJlSO.
khan uncnangeu.
coiin-No. a yellow, amfc.
OAT8 No S white. 3Sij(otC.
RYE No. i. rIM4c.
FLAX-31 JWflOtc.
Features of the Trnillntr nnit Closing;
1'rlcra on Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, Dec I.-Rlack uist In Argen
tina and green bug In Texas brought
about u bulge today in the wheat market.
Only a part of the effect, however, was
lasting, the close being weak at an ad
viineo of Ve to He net. Corn finished un
rlinnged to He higher and oats the same.
:is last night to HfrHr up, but provisions
wero oft 6fr?Vic to r7Hc
One of tho largest houses In tho wheat
Irndo had direct .-.ables telling of a. spread
of black run In cent. Hi sections of Argen
tinn. Tho pet was said to be now gen
einl In that region. Damage from green
hugs In Texas wss declared to be mani
festing Itself In tome uf tho largest pro
ducing counties. Uegides there was In
creasing complaints of hejslan fly danger
In Illinois, Michigan nnd Ohio.
Despite bearish actions, especially one
shortly after the opening and another
Just before the close, wheat prices at no
time went under Inst night Export sales
had u sustaining Influence, and so also
did a tightening on the holdings of soft
winter grades In nil winter wheat crop
cenlerb. In addition, crop advices from
India were adverse, receipts northwest of
hero were exceptionally small and the
world's available supply showed n sub
stantial falling off.
Soft weather delaying receipts tended
to lift the price of corn. Advancing quo
tations at Missouri river points and at
Liverpool aided the bulls. Profit taking
by longs, however, served to restrict tho
by longs, however, served to restrict
the ndvance. The buying of Decem
ber und selling of May. was not, though,
of a disturbing character.
Warehouse stocks of ttrnvlra'nna nmva.1
larger t.han expected, and a break In hog
prices acted nlso ns a weight on the mar
ket Covering by shorts resulted in only
a Blight rally.
Artlclel Open.l Hlgh. Low. ) Close. I Yes'y.
I 1
87',i 8H 1 87 ! 86X
ni fOHff&jSOXfliTst )0H
m Wiii
71Vi 70&4il 7i I 71H
70H I 7H J 70H 1 70ft
. Mayi
mK 37K iSSVtBJHl 37H
' May
419 41i4 l41HtfHl
U KtA 21 3241 a 12H 21 121
21 40
21 &!K
10 M
U 17H
a ic
10 st
21 IS
21 00 21 06
10 SIHI 10 3W
10 8S &10 16
U 12hV
11 12H
11 0TW. 11 10
8U lUi
11 10
11 10
11 23
11 02H
11 05
U 26
11 33
11 36
U 22M
gll X
U 274
Chicago Cosh Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
OITiQOCVc; No. 3 red. 4u; No. 2 hard,
87T4'Sc; No. 8 hard. 87HQ84c; No. i
northern, S8rS,89Ho; No. 3 northern, 86H
G&So; No. 2 spring, USflSStto; No. 3 spring,
86Wa7c Corn: No. 2, 73V4S74c; No. 2
whlto, H'Snmo; No; 3 yellow, 767Hc;
No. 3, 737SV4c; new, 67UJ7HO! No. i
white, 73V4i&74c: new, t3C9ci No. 3 yel
low, 744S76o; new, 63704c. Oats: No. 3
white. SnSWic; standard, 40S40tfc. Rye.
No. 2, 64c. Seeds: Timothy, 4.0B6,X):
clover, 3lO.EOS14.oa Pork: 21.00. Jrd:
I10.61H. Ribs: J10.5O3U.25.
BUTTER Market higher; creamery
extras, 32Vyff33c; extra firsts, 313i!c;
firsts, 3V3ic; seconds. 22424c.
POUITRY Allvo, higher; springs, lie;
fowls, 13c: turkeys, 15c.
EGGS Higher receipts, 3.4S4 cases; at
mark, cas;s Included, 30336c; ordinary
firsts, 33HU6c: firsts, 3G37c.
POTATOES Unsettled; OOQCSc; receipts,
45 cars.
Qnotntlons of the Day on Vnrlona
NEW YORK, Dec. 2. FLOUR-Steady;
spring patents. Jl.334.65; winter straights,
t4.10O4.20; spring clears, t4.00fiH.2O; winter
pattmts, J4.4O34.60; extra No. 1 winter,
J3.554r3.75: extra Na 2 winter, JS.35.33.50.
WHEAT Spot firm; No. 2 red,
11.00, elevator, domestic, and J1.01, f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 97Uc, f. o.
b, afloat. Futures rallied on decreased
stocks; December, 9SUc; May, 9SVtc
HOPS Steady ; Jstate, common to choice,
1913, 40348c; 1912, 2025o; .Pacific coast,
1913, 25tj)c; 1912. 20(323c.
HIDES Quiet; Bogota, 29Sc; Central
America, 294c
PETROLE UM Steady ; refined. New
York, bulk, J5.25; barrels, Js.75; cases,
WOOL Steady; domestic fleece, XX
Ohio, 23c
CORN Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, old,
SSc, nominal, elevator, domestic.
OATS Spot, steady; standard white. 454
46c; No. 3,.444'345c; fancy clipped white,
HAY Firm; Btandard, J1.0C4; No. 1.
J1.074; No. 2, 95)974o; No. 3. SOttSJc.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 'J
SOc; seconds, 2829c,
PROVISIONS-Pork. steady; moss,
J2J.25Ua.75: family, j:4.504)27.90; short
clears, J20.25 22.00. Beef, steady; mess,
J18.Otf81S.60; family, J19.50if-JO.6a Cut
meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10
to 14 lbs.. 13414Kc: Pickled hams. iSUft
134C. Lard, steady; middle west, J10.9O3
11.00; refined, barely steady; continent,
J11.65; South America, J12.30; compound,
steady: js.248.874.
TALLOW-Dull; cltv. 6Hc; country, 0
Q6ic; special, 74c
BUTTER-Irregulor; receipts. 7,700 tubs;
creamery extras, 34ffS5e; firsts, 27032c;
held extras. 30gC2cj firsts, 27e29c; state
dairy, finest, 30QS2c; good to prime, 269
29c; common to fair, 2225o; process ex
tras, 264264cj Imitation creamery, firsts,
24j244c; factory, current make, firsts,
CHEESE Steady; receipts. 1,200 boxes;
state, while milk specials, 164lfto;
average fancy, 16Uc; fresh specials, 164c;
average fancy, 15416c; daisies, held,
EGGS Steady; recclpu, 5,900 cases;
fresh gathered, extras, 46fr4Sc; extra
firsts, 4lfr45c; firsts, 42Q43c; seconds, 3SO
41c: checks, 23$t23c; refrigerator, special
makes, frfney, 303304c; firsts. 2S4W294c:
nearby hennery whites. &8ftC0o; gathered
whites, 5i( 00c, wcMcrn gathered whites,
POULTRY Live, firm; western chick
ens, 164c; fowls, 10c; turkeys, 18c, dressed,
quiet; fresh killed western chickens, 13W
23c: fowls, 123134c. turkeys, spring, lSJf
Mctnl 3Inrket.
easy; J4.CtV34.16; London, 117 5s. Spelter,
quiet; J5.154I5.25; Indon, f'JO 12s Gd, Cop
per, quiet; standard spot to January,
Jl4.00314.50; electrolytic, J14.753fl5.00; lake,
J15.0O315.50 nominal; casting, J14.25fH4.50.
Tin, weak; spot and December. J3S.50fl'
33.00: January. J33.753'39.b0; February,
JJS.7V3S3.23. Antimony, dull; Cookson s
J7.50ti7,70. Iron, Irregular; No. 1 northern,
J15.25ial5.75: No. 3 northern. 115.0WilA.i0:
I No. 1 southern. J15.0&315 60: No. 1 south
ern soft, J15.00315.50.
London markets closed as follows:
Coppor. steady; spot. f05 15s; futuren,
C4 10a. Tin, firm; spot 176 10s; futures,
1177 10s. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 47s
T. LOUIS. Dec. 2. METALS Lead,
dull; Jl.07434.10. Spelter, dull; J5.CC
Coffee Market,
NEW YORK, Dec. 2. COFFEE Higher
European cables and scattered covering
caused an opening advance of 3 to 1!
points In coffee today. Buying seemed
restricted, however, by bearish view of
visible supply figures or nervousness over
the Brazilian situation. The close was
barely steady, hales, 43.000 bags; Decem
ber, 9.30c; .January, 9.43c; March, 9.70c;
May, 9.95c; July, 10.09c; August, 10.17c;
September, 10.55c: October, 10.30c. Spot,
quiet; Rio No. 7, 9ic; Santos No. 4,
124c, Mild, quiet; Cordova, liglSc nom
inal. The November world's visible sup
ply Increased 478,945 bags.
Dry tioods Mnrket,
Export cotton goods markets were dull
today and domestic trade was quiet.
Yarns ruled very dull; silk velvets and
velveteens were shown for fall of 1914.
Foreign men's wear manufacturers are
beginning to seek business for fall de
livery, 1914, and some large clothing man
ufacturers have sent representatives
abroad this week to look over foreign
Displays Strength and Activity Dur
in gForenoon.
No Impnrlnnt Chnnge In Conditions
to Kxplnln Increased Activ
ity on the Iiong
NEW YORK. Dec. 1-More buslnes
as done In the first hour of today's
stock market than during yesterday's
entire session. All during the forenoon
tho market, led by the coalers, displayed
u degree of strength nnd activity such
us has beon seen often of late. In the
afternoon trading became quiet and gains
ero scalnd down.
Traders worked, more confidently today
en the long side and the success of their
efforts drove the shorts lo covor and
brought In some outside buying. Roston
houses bought largely of Kiel nnd Amal
gamated. There was no Important change In con
dltlons to explain Increased activity on
the long side. Additional railroad reports
for October were received, showing de
creases In earnings. The November
ucord of business failure disclosed an
Increase In number und liabilities. This
market was called upon lo absorb
moderate offerings for London account.
President Wilson's messnge to concres
was read after the vigorous upward
movement of the day hud como to nn end
and the mnrket mmlo little response to
It, although tho tendency tehreaftor was
Kiomlllv downward. Wall street's Inter
est In the messago as a market factor
as lessened by the fact that discussion
of tho trust question was reserved for a
subsequent time. Tno conn marKei wna
firm. Total sales, par value. U.Ml.OOO.
United States bonds wero unchnnged
on call. ... ...
Number of sales ana leaning quotations
on stocks were:
Salee. Itlejh lw. Close.
Aitislsamatvd Copper
.11.383 MT4 33 I4
Amfrlria Agricultural
Anfricnn umi suttr.
Aroirltan Ctn
Amtrltsn Cut pf !....
, ?,)
Amtr. Car A FounOrr-
Amrrlfsn Cotton Oil
Amerlnsn If gecurltlct..
AmerKsn Unni
American Locorcotlr ....
Amtr. (Smalt, a nt
Amtr. Smlt. & Ret pM.
Amr. Hittsr nrflnlns...
Anurlum Tel. A Tl
American T-ic
Anaconda Mlnlnc c
Atrhlaan, ptl
Atlantl4 Coait Una
nittltnor Ohio
Ilcthlfhom Steel
rirooVIrn Rarl'l TramH...
Canadian paelfle
Central leather
Cheaaseaae A Ohio
1.1M ti 4
SCO 1M lCli W
2,200 UIV 11' Vi
: rn ttiK mi
l.oo ih j :
ioo im ti. ;
100 117H um w
JO0 MS tlH K
3.000 ::i nm
ioo iK IT
Chlcat Orest Weatern..
Chktcn. alll. & BU P...
chlcaco & Northweatern.
Colorado Fuel A Iron
Consolidated Oaa ........
Corn Producta
Delaware Hudflon
Denver Hlo Qrande. ....
Denver A Rio nrande PfJ.
too vm
S00 1!4H HIK i:
uiaiiuers' seeuriuea
Hi; HH 1H
17'i K I7H.
41 I4IH 4iH
&g; ss r.s.
123S 1V ltt
si iik im
n' im i7H
I 7i
6H 4 4't
i4 ii7 nru
Erie, ptd
Krle Id nfd. ..
General Glectrlo
Great Northern, pfd
Great Northern Ore etta..
Illinois Central
lnterborouich-Met. p(d....
Inter HarTeater
Inter-Marln pfd
International Paper
International Pump
Kanaae City Southern
tnelada Oaa
Lehlih Valler
txlulirllle A NsahTllle....
Minn.. 8t. P & 8. St. M.
Mlarourl, Kan. & Tex
MlMourl Pacific
National niwult
National Lead
1,100 li
300 lit
Nat. lira, ot Mez. 2d pfd.. 1,200
new York central
N. Y.. Ont. & Weal
Norfolk A Weatern
North American
Northern raclflo
Pacltlo Mall
Ptnnejrlvsnta, ,
Teople's Oaa
Plttab., C. C. St. L... .
Plttabursh Coal
Prereed Steal Car
Pullman Palace Car..
1,000 U
.... nt
.... 102H
70 eiu
10H Mi
UVi 21U
10IK lots
.... U7VI
.... 2U
200 70H
1,100 jo;
200 24
200 109
100 23
24 A
...I7.0C0 imu ui7i itnu
Republic Iron Hteel la J
i.riiuuiiu iron oivei pia, .... ....
Rock laland Co 2O0 14
Hock laland Co., pfd 400 23
fit. L,. A Ban K, 2d pfd
Reaboard Air Line
Seaboard Air Line pfd....
Rloaa Sheffield St. A I... 100 U
Southern Pacific, ex. dir.. t.SOO S;
Southern Hallnar coo 21
Routhern Railway pfd.... 101 74!
Tennetaea Copper 00 21
rexaa A raiitio,.,.. 300 II
union racine ,
Union Pacific nfd....
.r.tOO 1S0H Ui 14IK
uniiea mates itealty 200 S1U (1 31
initea rstatea llubber ... sju
United !?tatea Steel 47,800 f UK ii&
u,nl'l Btatea Steel pfd.... 1,200 105 104H 1044
vir i , T ,V": ,,,uu " 47,
Wahaah T. ....
Wabaah pfd
Weatern Marrlaad
Weatern Union IOO 2i t2U
Weillnahouee Klartrle
Wheallns A Lata Erie
New Haven
... . ., ,
4 UA Tl ve
Total aalea for the Jr, 211,300 aharea.
New Vnrlt Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK, Dec 2.-MONEY-Call.
firm. 4Va6 per cent; ruling rate. 61
p n'tiW V A'liSK J'.ld- HW Pr cent.
TIME LOANS Firm; sixty days.
per cent; ninety days, 6 per cent: six
months. 5 Per cent.
day. I.SK5: demand, 24.8540. ' y
41LVER-Bar. 57c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS-Oovernment. steady; railroad,
firm. '
Closing quotations on bonds today wera
aai fnllnwa ' 1
U. 8. rf. 2a res,. 17 'Japan 4'ia ..
U. B. 2 ras H"U i. deb" 4e(l'iiY) n
do la coupon ?HL. A N. un. Jiu
so rai. it coupon,. i -k. c, g. ra. I if
to coupon
Amer. Af.
A. T. A T.
All. C. L. lat 4a ... WH,N. A W lit toa'aV Mu
Ual. A Ohio 4a WU do ev. i, ' 4'-,J?H
do IHi M No raafia"i;
Central of Cla. It.. 101 o n i .."." '!'
ten. Leather la. .MV'Penn. ev. iui lijiki nu
Chea. A Ohio 4Ha.. 1 . do eon. 4?.""" IIS
Chi. A Al. 3Ha.. . 64 g. . ' S ir" V. i. iiS
C.. D, A Q jt. 4a.. ! do'sV ' MH
! ten. 4J 34 g. u i eoi 'iV
C. M. A 8t.P. cr S A. IT adi ll
4Ha 1MW.8. Vmt eoiai "" KJf
c. n. i. a p. n. n. ei V. u i!S
Colo. Soutli. raf. do r.1 " J' '2!5r
" 4Ha 3 iPnton P.. ii ii
Del. A Hud. cr. 4... 37 " - .1 " '
IlatllJvra' ta
Krle p. 1. 4a...
do sen. 4a 70!a H ab. Tat A eat Y. !.2
do cr. . r. B.. 70'4ew,t,' ifo
III. Cen. lit ref. . 33T, Weat. ei . 4L " l!
Inter-Met. Ha ... 7J W ii ri f ' 5 "H
loter. M. M. 4Ha . ii C "' U H
Si?:.?-, chm. t,, a
tlld. Offered.
lloatoii Ntoelc Market.
BOdTON. Dec. t-Closlng quotaUon.
n stocks were: N U01"
Allouat ! Miami
Araal. Copper S Mohawk . .. ,'
A. Z. L. ac S- ... UVt Nevada Con
Arlioua Commercial. 4V4 NlpUslnar Mlnaa
D. Sl C. C. & 8. M. 30 North flutli
Calumet & Arltona. Conoid Dominion""
falumet 4. Ileols. .837 Oareola ." '"
Centennial , ISUQulner ,. "''
Copprr It. Con. Co . JIVi Shannon
Eait Butta Cop. M.. ; Superior
21 ii
rranaun zvteu
nVu t ' .u,,, 5
31UU.S. g R, A M... 34?
(Iranbr Conaol.
1.1. Hoyala iteti.U. II I'tah Conso'lidstei" 7V
Ik. Copper .
LaBalla Copper
' r !? "7:v -oppar Co. .. 4?.
. . ik Winona
.3 3-UWclrerlna
... . 40
London Slock Market.
LONDON. Dtc. 2.-Amerlcan securities
were quiet during the early trading today
The market advanced at the opening but
later eased of under realizing. At 'noon
prices ranged from 4 above to H below
Local Securities.
Quotation, furnlabed br Burn., Drinker & Co
443 Omaha National bank building:
. Did. Aaked.
Arerr & Co. pfd , rt joo
Deatrlr Creamer pfd ju u
Council Dluffa O. E. 3a. 1323 Ill, .....
Columbue. Nab. L.. 11. 4k P. 3a. 1314 3 11
irplraso Rr . aarlaa A. 1 111 . 31 II U
'Deere t. Co. pfd, ex-dlr 33 H
Armour & JO. ivja Y. C in lu, iu
Atchlaon sen. 4a.. 11'., 'dab. if M Jrtf
A rv 4. lata II .v- 3714
Pelrolt tltt Uai sen la
Kalrtaont rreamert t pet cent auir MH 1"'
Palrment rreamerv 7 per cent pfd 100 IttUj
International Kd Pub l-a pld , l 31
Inter It. rid Tr, la, 1K4 I1'4 IM.
Iowa R. A U la. 1MI 34 3
Kanaaa lttr Me,, Kit. Dla. 4a, l3t. 44 US
Cltr ef Omaha 4H. l4t...... l W0
Omaha Oaa , lflt 34
Omaha C k Ft. Itr. la. iM...... t 3Uj
Omaha A C 11. Pt. ltr. pd 33 MH
Omaha A C. n. Rt. ltr. eon 33 34
Omaha A C II. It. A II M M
Omaha B. U I r. h, 13M 30
Htate of Colerado IMndlns la. IHt., 17. M M.3I
Paunder.Kennelr Tilda: 3 p e. pfd.. 3S 100
San Franrlaro, Cal., la, lW.tH 100 102.11
unran mocx varss Stuek - i
Wimora. Neb., (a 3 1M
Itoclir Mt. fuel 3a. and bonua.. 1
IHTTTHR-No. 1. Mb. caitons, SSc; No.
1, CO-lb. tubs. Mlc.
FISH White, fresh, lc; trout, fresh,
15c; largo preppies, fresh, lM16c; Spanish
mackerel, Km?, shad roc, per pair, 40c!
salmon, frosh, 10c; halibut, fresh, Ho.
buffalo, 9c i bullheads, l.V; uhtttinel cat
fish, 16c; pike. He; pickerel. ISc.
POULTRY -Broilers. 34.Wtt.rt) per dos.;
hens 15c; cocks, 12c. ducks; 15c; geese,
lPc; turkeys, 23c. pigeons, per dot., 11.20;
ducks, full feathered, 13'ioi geec, hill
feathered, 11c; siiuabs. No. 1, UU; No.
. Wc.
CHEESE Imporleil Swiss, SOc; Ameri
can 8wUs. 21c, block Swiss. 20c: twins,
ISc; dnlles, ISMci triplets, lSWc; Young
Americas, 19c; blue label brick, 18c; llm
berger, S-lb., AV; Now York white. 19c
Wholesalo prices ot beef cuts effective
today In Omaha tire as follows:
BEEF CFTS-No. 1 ribs, 17,c; No. 2.
WHO No. J, llc; No. 1 loins, l?c: No. J,
Uc; No. J, iJv. No 1 chucks, loftc; No.
2, 3Ue; No. S, S4c No. 1 rounds, U4o;
No S, lJic; No. J, like No. 1 plates,
0Vo: No. z, sc: No. 3, Sa
The following prices are furnished by
the Gtlllnsky Fruit company:
FRUITSApples; Extra fancy Wash
Ington Jonathans, per box, S2.2ft; Whlto
Winter Pearmsinr, per box, 12.25; fancy
White Winter Pearmalns, per box. JIO):
fnncy Idaho Black Twig, per box, 32.00;
fancy Idaho Baldwins, psr box, 2.U;
fancy Iditho York lmpcarls, ier box,
n.w; lancy lilalto Wallirldge, per box.
II V.; fnncy Idaho Willow Twigs, per box,
11 N5; fancy Idaho Smith Ciders, per box,
31.V5; extra fsnry Idaho Not them Bpy,
Greenings or Kings, per box, $2.00; extra
fancy Idaho Rambos, per box. 12.25 extra
fancy Ben Davis, per box, 31.65; fancy
Ben Darts, per box, $1.M; choice Ben
Davis, per box, 11.40: No. 1 Ben Davis,
per bbl.. J4.&o; labeled Wine Sups, per
b;bl.. JtW; lubcled Gnno, per bbl.,
lra: Extra fancy Betirro Clalrgeau,
l-er box, U.10. Ornngcs, Florida, 128, 150,
IT, a.0, 216 sixes, per box. 14.50, 230 slse.
per box, $l.0O; t nix, per box, 3J.A0,
navals, 1M, 150, 17C, ax, 216 slies, per box,
14. .VI; 2V) idte, par box. H.iojJ.sS site, per
box, ti.1T.', 524 slxo, per box, $3 00. Lemons:
Kxtrn fancy Sunk 1st, 200 and ?00s, per
box, $9.00; extra choice Red Ball, 300s and
JCOs. per Ikix, 1!M Grapes: Extra fanoy
Emperors, pr ciate, f2.W; Karl's Em
perors, per bbl . $4.00: Imported Malaga,
extra fancy, $7.(V; fancy, $C.t0 extra
choice, $.00; Wiolce. $5.f. Grapefruit:
Extra funcy Florida, ii and W, J4.T5; 54,
C4 and SO, $3.00. Cranberries. Per box,
$2.73; Bell and Bugle, per bbl, $8.00; Belt
and Chorry, per bbl., JS.tVO; Into Red, per
bbl., $&?5; Richard, per bbl , $3.(0; ex
treme Jumbo, per bbl., $11.00.
VEGETABLES Potatoes: Genuine Red
niver Early Ohio, per bu., $1.00; Rural or
Burbanks. per bu., S5c! Virginia sweet
potatoes, per bbl., $2.50l Delaware Jerseys,
per hampor, $1.35. Cabbage: Holland
seed, per lb Ir; red. per lb, 3c. SqUash:
Per lb., ?c. Pumpkins: Per lb., lHo.
Onions; California largo yellow, per lb.,
2c; Ohio large Red Globe, per lb., 2Hc;
Spanish, per crate, $1.60; whlto boiling,
per lb., 3c. Tomatoes: California, per
four-basket crate, $2.00.
4 MISCELLANEOUS California figs, 1$
12-or.. pkgs., STiC; CO 6-ox. pkgs., $2.00; Cali
fornia black figs, 12 32-pis. pkgs., $1.00; 7
cmwn Imported figs, per lb., ISc; 3-crown
imponea ngs, per io., lie; 7-crown pulled
figs (boKts weighing about C lbs.), We; 6
crown pulled figs (boxes weighing about
weighing about 10 os.), per dot, $1.25;
Dromedary brand dates, iiktr.. um a.
chor brand dates. pkg $2.25; Hallowe'en
dates, per lb., 7V4c; parsnips, per lb., 2c;
rsrrots, per lb., 2c. beets, per lb.. 2c; ruta-
uukhs. per iu., inc.- uaurornia Jumbo
celery, per dox., SCc; Michigan celery, pet
doz., 35c; elder, per keg. $3 23; cider, per
half bbl.. $5.75; shallots, per dot., 50c:
parsley, per do.., 40c; radishes, per dox..
M)c: head lotttico, per dot., $1.00; home
grown ieai lettuce, per uox., 40c; green
peppers', per basket, 50c; wax or green
beans, per hamper, 16.00: hothouse cu
cumbers, per dot., 7Jc to $1.50; cauli
flower. Per crate. $3.25! Venetian irll
per lb., 12V4c eggplant, per dot.. $2.00;
hnvaraillali Hnv hnittu I
........ Uuw. ..ui.nn in i-tina, ier
case, $2.00; walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per
lb.. lPo: medium pecans, nor Hi iiui-
Jumbo pecans, per lb., 15c; giant pecans,
ijumiuiiB i'tiiui Burn, ir III,, a,c; fil
berts, per lb., l.r,c: Drake almonds, per
lb., 16c; paper shell, 23c; Braxlls, per lb.,
ISc: large washed, per lb., 19c; black wal
nuts, per lb.. 2c: raw No. 1 peanuts, per
lh 7o; Jumbo peanuts, per lb., So; roast
peanuts, per lb., RHc; shell hark hickory
lb.. 4c: white rice noncorn. tr ih in
chockers, per 100-pkg, case, $3.50; checkors'
Oninhii liny Mnrkot.
HAY Prairie. No. 1 upland. 1I.MS12 00:
No. 2, $10.00tl.M: No 3, $8.0010.00; mid!
land. No. 1, $11.0011.50; No. 2. iao0ll.00:
No. 3. $8.ftKfriO.0O' lowland. No. 1. $3 OOfl
10.00: No. 2, $7.0fVffO.OO; No. 3, $5.0frff7oo
BTRAW-Cholcp oat or rye. $G.OOSC.50;
choice weat, $1.00.
ALFALFA No. 1. Jt4.OOtri5.00; No 2
$11.00014.00; No. 3, $9.0OJT11.00.
Cotton Slnrket,
LIVERPOOL Dec. i rnTmv..i
business done: prices steady; mlddllmr
fair 7.R8d; good middling. 7.54d: middling.
7.32d; low middling, T.lOd; good ordinary!
6.60d; ordinary, 6.16d; sales, 15,000 bales.
Market closed steady at 3 to 6 points
net. liiKiivr,
London Wool.
LONDON. Dec 1 A miscellaneous as
sortment of 13.000 bales. Caused short
competition at today's wool sales.
Prices generally were firm. The finest
grades of scoured merinos often old at
nn ndvance of 5 per cunt. Amercans
bought sparingly.
. I
Olla. nnd Iloaln.
OIL Easy; prime summer yellow, $7,000
7.20: December, $7.03 March, $7.W; May,
TURPENTINE Easy; machine, barrels.
nvnpnrnted Apples mid Drtr-il Fruits
DRIED FRI'IT-Pnmes. nulet. Apri
cots, firm. Peaches, inlet Raisins,
rpilrt und firm.
Suitor Market.
NEW YOR1C Dec. 2.-flUOAR Raw;
barely steady; muscovndo, 3.11c; rentrifu
gal, 3.61c; molsjises, i.hte; roflned, quiet.
Ctlle Slow Hog Unsettled, Open
Inic Lovrrr.
CHICAGO. Dec. 2.-CATTI.E-.RecelDts.
7,000 head; market slow, beeves, I6.&0U
v.w; Texas steers, western
steers. 35.SOS7.75; stockers and feeders,
4.Krg7.40: cows and heifers. I3.30g3.13;
calves. 7.0011.00.
HOOS Receipts, 32,000 head; market
unsettled, opened ioo lower, but decline
partly regained; bulk of sales. J7.5.VS7.75;
light. I7.l5tf7.70: mixed. 17.4.VR7.90: heavy.
37.457.S5; rough, 37.45iTr.OO; pigs, 35.00
SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rccelpts 16.00)
head; marxet strong, ioo to 3&c higher
native. t4.0OS6.25: western. 3l.0Ofl5.24:
yearlings, J5.ttfW.75; lambs, native, 36.10
j7.ts; western, .iir,.is.
St, Joeili Live fltork MurUet.
ceipts, 8.000 head; market, 5010c lower:
steers, J5.058.75; cows and heifers, 14.25
68.25; calves, 34.5089.50.
HOOS Receipts, 9.000 head; market
steadv: bulk. 17.20fi7.30.
HHEEP AND IAMIIS Receipts 8.000
head; market slow ana lower; iambs,
Mve Htork In Sltht.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
KioUX City 1,201 5.000 2,00,1
Rt. Louis 12,00 ll.OuO 2,000
Kansas City 11.0.0 17.00 10.00J
Chicago 7.000 32,000 16,000
St. Joseph . 6.000 900 8.0CW
Boutt) Omaha 12,600 16,500
Totals H.W W.OOO 64,500
Beef Steers Strong to Ten Cents
Higher, Othors Steady.
Frit Hhrrp nnd Immha ot (lood lunl-
Ity Fairly Aetlie Sellena nt
Fnlly Mtendy Prices
Feeders Alan Strndy,
. SOITH OMAHA. Dec 2, 1913.
Recelnta wnri lntlln IfniT!. ItheAn.
Official Monday 6,341 &,37 12S7t
Kstimate Tuesday 4,500 tM lfi.500
Two dajs this week .10,741 IS, 417 20.72
Same dava last week., ft.181 1H.571 W.018
Same days 2 wks. ago. .1R," 1R.S75 Si.131
Pnnie days 3 wks. ago.. 14,975 14,226 (77.431
Same days 4 wks, ago .16,310 12.161 50.5.S7
Same days last year... 17.415 24,042 23.112
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hoRs and sheep at the South
Omaha llvo slock market for the year to
date as compared with last year:
1913. 1912. Inc. Deo
Cattle 900.132 941.4M 42,352
Hogs 2,316,373 J.67B.70R 339,333
Sheep .XftASH 2,787.4'ir 27.071
Tho following table shows the rnnge of
prlres for hogs nt tho South Omaha live
stock market for the last fow days, with
Dato. 1913. IID11. 11911. 191t I19H9.i190S.i1W7
Nov. SO.) 7 71SI 7 71 6 IS II Wil 6 9 4 51
Nov. 21.1 7 ftWI 7 761 C 13 7 CS 5 76 4 49
Vov. S2. I 7 (Til 6 IS C 83 7 SS 4 32
Nov. 23 7 57H 7 67 6 2J 6 9.1 7 S9 5 87 I OS
Nov. 24.1 7 61 f 6 24 7 97 6 76
Nov. 36.1 7 MHl 7 59 6 19 6 77 6 62 3
Nov 2C. 7 44H 7 47 6 S3 S 04i 4 07
Nov, 27.1 7 4. 0 12 S 04 5 M 4 1
Nov. 2S. 7 47H 00 6 99 5 671
Nov. 13. 7 Wt 7 03, 6 01 7 07 ft 00 4 36
Nov. 30.1 7 79 7 00 M2 5 SS 4 50
Dec 1..I 7 51V 6 63 7 13 5 02 5 79
Dec 2.. 7 401.1 7 57 6 Oil 7 IS 8 W 5 73 4 61
Sunday Hcllday.
Rtce-pts and deposition of live stock
at the I'nlon Stock Yards. South Omnha,
for twenty-four hours ending at S o'clock
C M. & St. P....... 5
Wnbasli 4
MUsuurt 1'iw-lflc 11
Union Pacific 54
C. A: K. W eait.... 18
C. A N. W.. west... 2i
C St. P., M. & O.. 12
C.. II. A Q , oast.... 14
C, II. A Q.. we-st... 21
C. R, I. A P., o4At.. 13
C, R. I. & P., west. I
Illinois Central II
Chicago Gt. West
Totals m
3 t
3 2..
41 21
6 3..
41 16 1
R 11
4) 11 1
14 2
3 3..
174 72 3
Morris St Co 214 539 913
Swift und Company 473 2,4U 2.3S3
Cudahy Packing Co..,. 755 4.130 3,106
Armour & Co bC7 S.826 2.S3
J. W. Murphy 73 ....
.Morreii iff
L. P. Co 23
S. O. P. Co 9 ,
W. II. Vnnsant Co 47 ....
llenton. Vnnsant Ac L.. 42 ,
Hill & Son 297
R 11. Lewis 135 ,
Huston & Co 35
J. II. Root & Co 3S2 ,
J. II. Uulla 20
L. F. Husi 9R
Rosenstock Pros Ik
Wcrthelmer & Dtgcn... 1I
11. V. Hamilton 317
Sullivan llros 16
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.... 91
Christie 1
Hlgglns 7
Huffman 13
Roth 23
Meyers 13
Ilaker, Jones & Smith., 44 ....
ilarvey 13.1
lanner 78
Carter 3
Other buyers 151 .... 5,105
Total 4.596 11.270 14.624
CATTLE llernltltli nf rntltn Ihli mnn,.
Ing were very moderate, only 1C9 curs
being reported In. This makes tho total
receipts for tho two davs this week 10.741
head, belmr smnllcr than for the, corrn-
sponuing period a year ago by 6,700 head.
Other points, belntr moderately sunnlled.
gave the general market n somewhat bet
ter tone, nnd trndo on practically all
kinds of rattlo was more active than yes
terday and to that extent at least more
rntlsfactory to the selling Interests,
ilio supply of noef stoers was very
small this morning, nt least the supply
of desirable kinds of killers. At tho same
time there was a reasonably good de
mand, and buyers were out In the ynrds
In good season In tho morning, Tho tradn
proved to bo quite active with prices
ranging nnywhero from strong to 10c
higher than yesterday. This means that
part of the decline yesterday was re
covered today.
Cows and heifers were In nulto liberal
supply nnd for that reason they did not
snow much ir anv improvement: How
ever, they sold somuwhut more freely
il an yesterday witn prices general y
quoted as steady
Stock cattle and feeders of Rood nuality
were In d em nnd at good, steady prices.
The trado while not especially active,
was fairly so and the best of the offer
ings sold In good season. Inferior grades,
becauso of the number of that kind on
sale, were a little slow with the tendency
posnlbly lower.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beef steers, !UO!j6.75; fair to good beef
steers, J7.6O&S.10; common to fair beef
steers. 34.25&7.60; fair to choice yearlings,
S3.1W9.2S; good to choice rangers, $7.00
7.90; fair to good rangers, $6.5007,00; com
mon to fair rangers, $5.758.00; good to
choice cornfed heifers, J4.5Oif7.50; good to
choice grass heifers, J6.25ff7.00; good to
choice cows, J5.COgC.63; fair to good
grades, $6.25fy6.00; common to fair grades,
J4.0Otj6.00; good to choice stockers and
feeders, $6.7fr37.65; fair to good feeders.
$3.65frt).CO; stock cows and heifers, $4,500
6.30; veal calves, $6.5010.00; bulls, atacs
etc., $4.5036.60. B '
Representative sales:
II ....
Ay. IT.
Ar, Tr.
. . IMS 7 30
...1143 7 30
...mi 7 ta
...1133 Tit
... 310 T 73
...UK 7 IS
...Iftt 3 o
...134: I M
... 313 3 00
...1304 3 03'o i rxs
...1117 3 IS
... 733 3 00
...1340 t 33
... ltr, t to
... 331 3 M
... 313 73
,;i 3 34
3... .
It ...
fit... .
17 ...
H4 7 04
343 1 An
T Oft
.... 10M 7 U
1031 t M
....1IM 1 S
....11(3 IH
712 1 DO 3.
304 T 10
117 l t.
... TM 3 1
... 103 3 70
... 310 3 73
... 310 3 73
... 313 I 33
... 370 IK
...1I4S 3 13
...1234 3 tQ
...1044 3
...1174 3 00
...1M t CO
...1011 3 10
...1114 3 23
...1IU 3 33 to
.. 1113 3 10
. .lilt e
... lit i 33
... 140 4 S3
... ItO 4 T3
4 34
...10W 3 (V)
... 310 3 04
. . . 360 3 14
...M0 3 23
...iiw in
... !71 3 IS
. . 1013 3 2
... 121 3 3S
v '
K0 3 10
3 94
.... 110 3 30
....10-I 3 6.)
IM 3 to
.... 340 3 7ft 3..
334 3 23
0 3 33
373 3 34
, 333 4 33
366 C 30
373 3 33
710 U
336 3 13
.... 730 3 73
....600 3 73
.... 129 t Oo
.... 756 CM
.... 730 3 10
....740 I 10
.... 133 3 M
....330 3 20
700 4 M 2 .. .
... 109A 3 00 1
...120S 3 73
.... 130 3 73
...143-I 3 M
... 340 3 S3
.... t20 3 31
...lota too
...1339 3 00
....'.Wt I 10
i. ..1300 3 10
... 770 IK
...1310 t 23
...leto 4 30
...1210 3 30
1140 8 tO
....1410 3
1110 3 33
.... 140 3 34
.... ISO 3 44
3M 3 40
.... IK) 3 M
....1300 3 to
....1160 5 CO
.... tt 3 60
.... MO 3 (3
1170 3 33
.... tX f 34 1 ....
.... tti 3 73 2
.... 100 7 30 II
.310 3 00
3t4 3 00
133 I 73
20 3 73
.... )3 7 10 1
3 ..
1U 7 5(1
3 34 3 (4 2 743 3 33
12 1 3 39 7 743 7 00
2 6 3 34 4 312 7 00
7 830 3 II t 310 7 25
7 steers. ...1105 rt b0 3 rows. .. 1 50
2 cows .... 650 00 4 cows... . 817 6 (0
X hulls. ..1221 3 35 2 bulls . 13S0 5 35
Z bulls HOC E.'S 6 cows.. . 1172 $35
Scows 11V, 6 4 lows 1210 6 3o
I bulls MjO 5 X 3 hulls 1220 5 T
5 steers 1276 J 1 steir 1M0 7 85
10 steers . lt5 7 25 3 steers 1110 6 0
3 steers.. lte0 fi !j 45 steers . . 901 7 10
V. O. lAigntr-Wyo.
4 Steers ..17 6 75 17 cows. ...1130.6 60
11 cows. ...1000 t 7$ It cows Ml 4 75
C. P Noble Wyo.
32 feeders.. 1006 TOR SO feeders. .10
tO steers.. .1215 7 0) IS steers. ...1114
17 steers.. ..1070 6 50 49 steers.. ..HW
10 steers.... Pho 6 00 cows 1 177
12 cows 917 (HI 2 cows 936
7 66
6 55
6 50
6 JO
5 CO
cows 902 4 76
K. R. Noblo Wvo.
40 feeders . SKM 80 13 steers.. ..1WM
6 50
5 70
35 cs Ahfr. 9 f. Jf 12 cs.Ahfrs. 914
5 cows POO 4 73
U W. Sargent Wyo.
8 cows... .1CK7 9 heifers... S72 6 38
3 heifers. . 5 5 S3.
K. H. Slildler-Wvo. '
18 steers . .1112 6 76 4 cows 1057 6 00
It. !'. Hecht-Wvo
21 steers.. .11S 7 50 3 steers. .. .1101 7 SB
J. M. Mav-Wvo.
5 feeders.. 1060 7 10 20 feeders.. 1079 7 40
1 steers.. .1233 7 10 6 stoers... .1070 6 SO
84 cow 1072 6 36 24 cs. Ahfrs.1090 6 00
B cows. .... PS3 5 00 1 bull H2S 5 CO
Thomas O'Neill Wvn.
29 feeders .ini 7 15 40 feeders.. 10.11 7 15
H feeders .111.1 7 U5 43 feeders. .10S6 7 03
IS steers'. ...1103 6 13 23 es.AVhfrs.102l 6 33
24 cows ltn 5 70 6 cows 976 6 00
L. W. Davenport Colo.
2 heifers... 945 6 50 36 steers. ..1091 6 40
7 csAUifl. 9SI 5 75 7 cows 9,2 6 10
HOOS Receipts wore Kenri-niia IM.
mnrnlttc. tlie tatlniAln rnllti,v r-
or 12,600 heftd. Tills makes the two days
total something like 1S.4J7. about the same
ns for last week, but nearly 6,000 smaller
than the corresponding days of last year
inr wcnn ciose on .Monday, with only
a moderate run here. Indicated a very
bearish tendency to the trade, and this
Indication was fully borne out today.
when with a generous supply to tilek
from, packers opened tho market bidding
around a dime lower. During the first
rounds, a fow bunches of good quality
heavy and butcher hogs were sold nt
prices that were no more, than 5Jfl0c
lower, but as soon as the most uruent
orders had been filled the demand slacked
off, nnd from then on the trade In hoav-
les settled down to a dime lower nasi.
Hulk of the butcher and heavy weight
offerings moved nt 17.4W.C0. with h
sprinkling nt $7,65, nnd some real choice
stuff nt $7.70, tho top,
Tho demand for lights continued very
poor, and while a few scattering sales
looked to bo nearly steady, the general
market was unevenly lower. Owing to
this unevcutiess. and tho extreme slow
ness of the trade no very accurate com
parisons are available but It I safe to
say that on the whole values are fully a
dime lower, and In many cases sales
show oven more decline than that. Light
hogs sold largely at a rnnge of $7.00iT
7.35, but there Is quite a sprinkling of
sales scattered on down to $6.75.
Biting up tho general market values
are a big dime lower than Monday s
average. Trndo was very slow through
out, and as there were two or three trains
that did not arrive till rather late, It
was well after midday before any kind
of a clearance was mauo.
.. HO
Bh. Pt.
... T 20
33. ..
It ...
37 ...
32.. i.
83. ..
Bh, Pr.
7 to
7 84
7 85
7 33
7 15
1 20
7 20
7 M
t :s
7 n
7 36
7 40
7 40
7 43
7 85
71 237
7 33
33 2(3 30 l!l
7..,..,.ll 7 83
47. ......322 20 7 37Uj
83.... ...333 ... 7 30
73 ,.223 ... 7 30
41 412 ... 7 CO
13 211 30 T 60
4 305 80 T 30
18 ,.3TT ... T 15
80 373 .... 7 70
40 7 48
7 80
130 7 to
... TM
10 T 34
100 7 30
110 .. CM 87 141 ... ( 35
Hitici!i'-tt win a slow market during
the first hours of the forenoon, but this
was due mainly to the late arrival of a
good share of Iho receipts and to the
wet ond muddy condition of some of the
fleeces and not lo any material slack
tiM In tlm ilemnnd for anything In the
way of good killing lambs or sheep. Some
10,500 Head constltutou me rrceipis,
against 10.978 a week ago, 10,499 a year ago,
and hv far the laraest part was made UP
of fed westerns, there being about a hnlf
doron loads of wheat field lambs. Tlie
Inquiry being fairly good for decent kill
ers, trnde had n fair degree of activity
with the best grades of lambs selling
fully strndy with yesterday. Warmed up
lambs or anything that did not Just stilt
the n.ickcrs had un easier tendency, and
In a few casus some sales looked a dime
lower. Fnt ewes sold readily again this
morning and nt prices fully steady. Few
wethers or yearlings wero on the market
Among the sales wero two dounlo decks
nf fed western Inmbs, good enough to
bring $7.43, and most of tho fed western
lambs sold from that down to $6.76, there
being some clipped grades at $0.40. The
wheat field lambs sold largely around
$7 15. A shipment of fed western ewe
brought $4.50.
There .was nothing new to report In
tho feeder trad aside from the fsct that
business was a little more slow early In
the day than of late, but prices showed
no important changes. Tho early sales
included a hunch of feeder yearlings at
Quotations on sheep nnd lambs: Lambs,
good to choice, $7.2&ff7.00; lambs, fair to
good, $6.75117-23: lambs, culls. M.oOmoO;
lambs, feeders, $3.6084.60; yearlings, light,
$S.764R00; yearlings, heavy, $5.50170.73;
yeorllngs, feeders, $4.50476.40; wethers,
good to choice, H.UHfi'i; wethers, fair
to good, $4.00-34 60; wothers. feeders, $4.00
CM. 50; ewes, good to choice, 4.251T4.60;
ewes, fair to good, J3.S51f4.25; owes, feed
ers, $3.2563.75.
No. Av.
1C4 Nebraska feeder lambs 61
lis Wyoming feeder ewes 91
297 Wyoming feeder ewes 91
73 culls 4 58
91 comfed lambs 70
119 cornfed lambs 85
16 cornfed ewes 121
230 cornfed ewes 78
205 cornfed ewes 79
106 cornfed ewes .....rr. 119
459 Idaho lambs 63
203 Wyoming owes 96
191 Wyoming owes IM
149 Wyoming ewes .,, 97
6 55
3 65
3 65
2 75
7 00
7 25
4 00
4 15
4 13
4 50
7 15
3 90
3 00
3 90
6 30
4 50
4 60
4 50
6 30
697 Wyoming feeder yearlings ... 76
175 cornfed ewes
43 cornfed ewes ....
43 cornfed ewes ...
234 cornfed yearlings
278 cornfed owes ,,,
100 cornfed Iambs ..
165 comfed lambs
150 cornfed lambs .,
36 cornfed lambs ..
183 cornfed lambs ..
207 cornfed lambs ..
&8 cornfed lambs ..
214 cornfed Iambs ..
6 30
7 40
7 40
7 40
7 II
7 15
7 IS
7 45
7 43
1W cornfed lambs
112 cornfed lambs
7 45
7 00
at, Louis Live Stock Market.
ST. 1XJUI8. Hoc. 2. CATTLB Receipts,
12,009 head: market steady; good to choice
stoors, J8.2&98.C0; Blockers and feeders,
JS.O0ft7.60; cows and heifers, 11.258.50;
btillu, $l.7f?7.00; calves, $0,00(311.60; south
em steers, $5.357.00; cows and heifers,
HOOS Receipts, 14,000 head; market 10c
to 15c lower; pigs and lights, J6.002T7 70;
mixed and butchers, $7.45ft7,S0, good
heavv, W.IOHW.M.
aHHEP AND LAMnS Receipts, 2,003
head; market, 1525c higher, muttons,
ll.7MM.65, yearlings, $5.UfjO.00, lambs,
Mloux Cltr Live Htock Mnrkrl.
Receipts, 1.200 head; market steady to 10c
higher; native steers, $4.85fi8.35; cows and
heifers, $4.8rypi.O0; canors, JS.5OTi5.O0! stock
ers and feeders, $4.0fi7.(: calves, J7.00U
10.00; bulls, stags, etc.. $5.O0jl.5O.
HOOH Receipts, 6.00 head, market 5ff
10c lower; heavy. $7.00fl1.40; mixed, $7 40
7.60; light. 7.507.65; bulk of sales, $7-30
BHKKP AND LAMR8 Rocelpta. 2.000
head; no tone to mnrket; fed muttons.
$5.50if1.00; wethers, $4-608 6.00; ewes, $3.75'
4.60; lambs, JG.75tT7.50.
Kansas City Live Stock Market,
ceipts, 11.000 head; steer market steady to
10a higher, cows strong to 25a higher,
prime fed steers, JS.0OQtT.76, dressed beef
steers, J&00437-90; western steers, J5.2i
7.30; southern steers. $5.4037,15; cows.
$l.257.00: heifers, J5.50fi8.50; stockers and
feeders. $5.5087.35; bulls, J5.0Oij.T6; calves,
HHKEI' AND LAM BR Receipts. 10.00)
head: market weak; lambs, $7.257.75;
yearlings. J5.50&6.G5; wethers, $4.263.23;
ewes, $4.0034.60.
Movements if Ocean Steamers,
Port. 8alle3. Arrlred.
ANTWE11P Vadtrl.nd.
I.KUHOIIN Calabria.
Manuel Clara.
New Amiterdam.
A, J. Bccson Urges Care in Christ
mas Decorations.
Mtnlr rirr Inaiirnnejo Adjuster Sends
I. lat nf Fire Precaution to
livery Merclinnt In
the City.
A. O. Ileoson, state fire Insurance ad
juster, is planning to eliminate, as far as
possible, nil dangerous electrical features
that nro conducive, to serious fires, and
Is urging nil business men In Omaha lo
observe extraordinary precautions when
they Install their Christmas decorations.
Mr. Ilecson fear that defective elec
trical condition ifd apt to result se
riously at this time of the year on ac
count of tho umistiai amount of.combus
tlblo matet lat that Is used for Christmas
decorations. Klectricaf displays must bo
Installed, according to him, with cxtrcmo
care, nnd shell articles ns cotton batting
nnd other highly Inflnmmnblo material,
should not bo tiscd. All merchants nro
also asked to consult him before they
preparo their decorations nnd displays.
The request of tho Insurance Inspector
Is mndo not only for tho purpose of sav
ing property, but also for tho purpose of
protecting the largo swarms ot Christmas
shoppers who cungest tho streets for sev
eral days previous to the holiday Bmall
blazes are liable to provo disastrous,
even though extinguished Immediately,
becnuse of tho panic that thoy would ex
Mr. Ilecson has prepared a number of
precautions for tho merchants to follow
closely, and has delivered a copy to each
nnd every merchant In tho city.
Marty Miller of Nehawka. Ncb ar
rested Monday night for being drunk, as
serted at tho station that he had been
strungarmed nnd robbed of $108 by n,
companion whom he had mot earlier In
the evening. Milter was suffering from
sevornl lacerations about tho face and
the pollco are Investigating.
William Mancy of North JJond, another
visitor, according to his stntcmcnt, was
robbed of $30 near tho Windsor hotel by
two men with whom ho had been shaking
dice, Tho pollco received notification by
telephone of this fact by some civilian
who was suspicious of Maney's compan
ions. When the officers arrived they
had made good their getaway.
Operatives of n national dectlva bureau
are seeking Jacob Miller of Mason City,
la., who, It Is declared, obtained $430 last
week from tho People's State bank of
Mason City by Impersonating George
lialatan of that place.
JIahn and nalatan roomed together at
tho Hurst boarding establishment, It Is
said, and Miller was also n boarder, Dur
ing Dalntan's absence, his trunk was
broken open and his bank book extracted.
The book Is said to have been turned over
to Miller, who Is then alleged to have
forged llalatan's namo to an authority
to receive the money.
At the Instlgalon of Dr. R. W. Connell,
ot the city health department, Claude
Hossle, milk Inspector, and several sub
ordinates were detailed Monday to sam
ple the milk served In the downtown eat
ing houses and tost as to their standard.
The work Monday, which Is also lo
bo continued on Into tho week, resultf 1
In complaints being filed against the fol
lowing proprietors of restaurants: Louis
Realty, 3(3 North Sixteenth; C. N. Ball.
1616 Dodgo street; William Burmestor,
1520 Dodge, and tho Gift Bros., 1510 Dodge,
All will bo given a hearing In police court
The Persiatent apo. Jutttclous Use ot
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road ,to
Business Success.
FOLKY & RYAN', 200 BO. 15TH.
Established 1890. Phoas 01.
E. D. OLAGG, ,
Scaler la
Hides, Pelts, Furs, Wool, '
Tallow and Grease. I
021 Central Av Tort Bodge, la,
Branoh House, Z Mars, la.
Write for our prices and make us
trial shipment.
WmrrmnfiiiB ffr Mathfamlfm
Caustic Balsam
His Inlttlsrs lot Ms Competitors.
A. Bafe, Speedy nd Potltlre Cure (or
Curb. Splint Bwaasy, Caput Kook.
Strain! Taniosa, Taosier, Win
TaSi, an 4 til luneataj frua if stIb,
Kla(bas sal elhar btny tmnora.
. Cues all akla Alt (tats cr PaxaalU.
Thruih, Diphtheria. KenoTti aU
Xutfcta fraia Ilanti or CtlUa.
As HtrnxaJlamajT tor RhaomaUim.
Bpraina, Bora Throat, eta, Ilia laraiuaoiZ
Veery. bottle of CanatlaBalaara soI4 la
Warranted to a-lrs aatiafaotloa. Tries si 30
per bottle. SoU br dragtUM, or east hj ei.
rreli, charcea paid, w(la tull dlroctlona for
ta na. trtmA tor deacrlpUie clrouUra.
teatlmoaUla, elo. AtUne
' Tee Uwrenee-Wllllim Co.tCleilind, 0,
Removet Duraal Rnlariremenla
Thickened, Swollen Tissues,
Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore
nets from any Bruise or Strain;
Stops Spavin Lamcneii. Allays pain.
Does cot Blister, remove the hair or
lav ud the horie. 2.(10 a Hnttl
delivered. Boole 1 K free.
ABSORBINE, JR.. the antiseptic lini
ment for mankind. For Synovitis, Strains,
Gouty or Rheumatic deposits. Swollen,
Painful Varicose Veins. Will tell you
more if you write. SI and $2 per bottle at
dealers or delivered. Manufactured only by
W.F.IOUKO.p. DIM Tsmf Isjt, Spiingf leld, Hate.
313 buja pota or ealll oa 10.000 buaheli ot wheal
r oorn. No further rlak. A mjieraent at 3a traaa
rrlce ilraa rau a chance to take 3304 ; 4a. ItaOi Ii
300, etc. Write for particulars, nuance
xa Co.. Dealt l, Finance Bids-, bun Cltr, Ua.