H f Polly and Her Pals-Has Dress Al JCT! Ail ILL BE . WAU6ED V POLLi A'KT DEFIED ME AW wOkE. WANT ADS Want ml, received nt nny time, but (o insure proper classification must bo presented before 1!2 o'clock :ioon for the evening edition and before 7.30 p. m. for tlm morning nnd Sunday editions. Wnnt ndi re. ceirod aftor ourlt bourn will have first Insertion uuder tho licnrilnKi 'Too liate to Clnlfj-." cash itate for want adh regular classification: One insertion, 12 con In per line. Two or more consecutive inser Hons, 0 cent per line. One lino per motitli, $1.B0. Twenty cent n minimum charico. Advertisements chnrKcd to patron having account) are measured by tbo 'line, not by th word. CHARGE HATES, fllx worda to tlie line. One inwrtlon, 12 cent per lino. Two or more consecutive Inser tion, 0 cent per lino. One lino per montb, $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. NOTE Tho B?e will not bo re uponslblo for moro than ono wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after the tenth of the following month. An advertisement inserted to bo run until forbidden must bo topped by written order. Verbal or Hclephono cancellations cannot bo accepted. lou (it: NOTICE. Attention, Danish Brotherhood. I') Jfo. 1: You are requested to ttend the funeral of our late hrother. Frank Ras Wednesday at 'ffi Podder's chapel. 23d and .Cumin Sts Other lodges are respectfully Invited to attend, ny order of William Petersen, President. amIb. CARDS OF Til The- family of the late Mrs. Marlon Knox wish to express their lncere thanks to their many friends V)r.,.tn' Vlndness and sympathy extended them In their recent bereavement. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Ulrths-Morrls and Ida Brande, 1502 North Twenty-eighth streot, boy; Charles and Flora Deats. 4320 Corby, girl! O. W. and Emma Davis, 2318 South Twenty lxth. boy; K. U and Ivy Fullerton. Sit North Twenty-first, boy; W. and Oarrlet 2Iolkes. 41M Wirt, girl; Oly and Anetl Johnson, X24 North Twentieth, boy; Iwls and Itlanche Watson. S218 North Twenty-sixth, boy; John and May Miller. t Catherine's hospital, boy; Henry and ary Itushlnr, Z112 Houth Twenty-first, boy; Robert and Hertha Bharpe, 3M North Thirtieth, boy; Hosea Cecil John aon, im Mason, boy. Deaths-Deulah Lnlenmy. 30 years, 2616 Reward, Wade Worth, 8 years, hospital; Frank Itasmussen, 60 years, hospital; 1. O, nichardson. 35 years, hospital; J. U Kramper, 33 years, Sit North Nineteenth; 0. J. Hendrickson, 71 years, hospital; Julia Peschges. 40 years, hospital: Mike iturphy. 34 years, hospital; Mary T. Canon, years, hospital. MARR1AOU LICRNSI3S. Permits to wed have been granted the following couples: Name and Address. Age. Uoseph A. Slckllnger. Itke,, Neb 33 Elvll Hunnlcutt. Holbrook, Neb 30 Max Perlln, Terry, la 55 Ida Lande, Omaha 21 John Fowler, Omaha 21 llaxel Freeman, Omaha II Adalph Dudek, Clarkson, Neb 24 Mary A. Teply, Clarkson, Neb a Max Metlke, Fort Calhoun. Neb 23 3-aura Waters, Fort Calhoun, Neb... 23 Alston D. Darnum, Omaha over 21 Mary Ann Hopkins, Omaha ('..over 21 BUILDING 1M5HMITS. J. B. Kaogh, SSSi Houth Thirty-second, trsme, IXV; John Adams, 1211 Dominion, frame, 8M: O. T. Nelson. 3225 Harnllton, rame, tl.oW; Hans Nelson, 3304 Vinton, frame, 12,003. UELV WANTED ITMIALK. lloukckrrprr nnt Uoiucsilcs. THE SERVANT QIUL PItoni.KM SOLVED The 11m will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. THs applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council -ujuiia. urinv aa to Tliu uee otflce r Telephone Tyler 1000. GOOD girl for light housework; three in lanuiy; gooa treatment to right party 3'hone Harney 42S5 or 1315 So. 28th Bt, WANTED Good alrl for general hou work, small family, good wages. 21 N. 60th. WANTED Experienced girl for aenelnl lousewura. ki r amain hi GOOD clrl for general housework, email family; good pay to the right party. 391 j-arnam oi. jiarney 4kh. WANTED First-class cook; no laundry Mora. Mrs. c M. wilhelm, 3&S Jackson j , iiailiry int. mill fn r.n.r.l kn. I, . .. WANTED Competent second girl at ence. 17 per week. 426 N. SSth St. GOOD girl for housework, it. rsss or . . ' . t""in siri ior gen l housework. Mrs. H. M. McClanahan. WANTED Girl for general housework; Ho wanhtnc". conH wm tl v , i . . a. GOOD housekeeper for priest. VS. Also umu7 cooks ana nousemaias, nul Cana tllan. USH a ISth St IUA 1'JjrENT Whlta vlrl tr.w housework; no lamidry. good wages, 4SU aim it. KROr NE wants a good girl ui iriicim uvuicwurRi wnne preierred VANTI-:lJnnr1 clrl tnw .....II . ii.T ro children. German girl preferred ami -, icicrcjitrca ictuirou. n. wis. ; tju. .aneW DISCUSS P4 .' HIGH SHOES THIS WO of HELP WANTED FEMALE. HiinarLrrprra mill Domestics. WANTBD-A good girl for frenerat housework; good wage. 212 No. 22d 8t. I). 4M5. WANTED Competent maid for gen eral hoaework In family of 4; to room at home. Referpncos required. Apply mornings at 3345 Harney St Mrs. Titus I.owe. WANTKD-Oood sflrt for generalTiousi" work. KM So. 33d HI. WANTED -Experienced girl for gen oral housework. No laundry Uest of T.ftges. H. W or call nt 208 Harney fit. COMPETENT Blrl for general house work. Good WifipM. No washing. 140 Na 31st Ave. Tel. Harney SW4. Clerical mitl Offluel WANTED Transfer girls and cash girls must be It years or over. Apply at once to superintendent Orandtls Stores. t ailsrellnnuoo, GOVERNMENT position open to women; fIS month. Write Immediately for free list. Franklin Institute, Dept. CU II, Iiochester, N. Y. TOUNQ women coming to Omaha as strangers ore Invited to visit tho Young Women's Christian assentation building at Ht. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will bo directed to suitable boardlni: places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. JlKIil WANTED MALE Agents, Snlesmen nncl Solicitors. WANTED Four goo! solicitors at ones. '04 Urandels Theater Dldg. CALENDAR salustnen, our exclusive Hnd large line of map and other specialty calendars gives you the chanco of your life to mnko big money. We make also very fine line novelties, fans and signs. Utrongest combined outfit ever offered. We make all our own goods. This means low prices. Write quickly for 1914 terri tory. Htate experience. Ken) on Com pany, Ues Moines. la. (36th year.) LARGE corporation, open ing offices In Omaha, wants resident manager or manag ing attorney; must Invest ts.ooo; salary KO0 monthly and $100 to 3300 In commis sion. Address A 200, lleo. I CAN use two first class salesmen on a high-grade proposition, extensively ad vertised and a quick money-maker. Call between 10 and 13 and 2 and 4. Mr. Will cox, Homo hoteU WANTED Delivery bavs. transfer boys and cash clrls. AnDly at once to superintendent Urandels , titoros. WANTED Traveling salesman, expert- et.ee unnecessary; learn while earning; position assureu; nundreds opportunities now open. Write for particulars. Urad strcet System, Rochester, N. Y. Dept. 104. WANTED Bailsman by laren ro-onera- tlve automobile supply house. Must b aggressive; exceptionally good remunera tion to rignt man. call arter 1 p. m, Monday, Dec, 1, or nny time Tuesday, Dec, t. on J. C. Gllruth. Loyal hotel. " H A KtL'n A .Lai. .......... travel with manager and act as assistant salesman. rue ijoy o. vouk, umsna, Neb., Oen. Del. Factory ana Vrmdes. Drug store snaps; Jous. Knetst. Ree llldg. WANTED-A good boy to dollvcr groceries. Must be over It. 823 Doug. 8L WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able- bodied unmarried men between ages of Is and 35, oltltens of United States, of good character and temporato habits, who can speak, read and writs the Eng lish language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army llldg.. 15th and Dodge fits.. Omaha, Neb.: C06 Kouorth St.. Sioux city, in., vji wainut ti.; ues Moines, la. OUT Into the most profitable business of today, the automobile business, and become Independent. Our large, well equipped shops offer the opportunities of learning the business by actual experi ence on different iiMkes of cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or call. Na tional Auto Training association. Silt N. axh St.. Omaha. Neb. Tel. Webster tm WE WANT MEN AND llOYS to learn the barber trado. Can qualify you In few weeks tor best positions. Wages while learning. Tools given. Call or write. Moler liarber College. 110 8. Kth St. HELP Call Omaha Employment liureau. Miscellaneous, MEN. U to SS. wishing- to be railway mall clerks; (75 a month; write for book of information. Y 330, Ues. MEN with patentable Ideas wrltn linn. dolph & Co., Patent Solicitors. Wash- inKlon. u u. rniTMn r i. kt . . ' automobile business and learn It RlQIli, ii iiiuii inuiicy mail you ever oia oe fnr. l'. ,.,. .. -.. .. , - w .. . win , ui; iu iuiui class, so you have no reason for delay. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, WANT K n 11 I In a A. m.ll .t..b.. " aminatl.ina .ufv.v.... ..... i... F," ."IflH00.,'"8- nklln InsUtute, "" ii.. xvocnesier, in. j, MEN II to V wl.lilnir tn I,. .li.u mail Clerks-. tT& . mnndi- wrl.. kAl I " . . - - . " . i . u ,v wvn "AllllurillllUlA, 1 JJLI. Utt. WANTKI) liallm. v m.il i..i... rt amlnatlons everywhere frequently; ' sam Sis Questions trr fcv.ni.ii.. i..i..... Dept.' 213 H-. Rochester. N.Y. ' WANTED SITUATIONS "lOUNG lady of neat appearance, with several years' office experience and with good knowledge of general office work, desires position; can operate any type writer and take some dictation. It neces sary, can glye gooj references as to r,-.tH'V an IIUy. Phonu Douglas TOUNQ man "., ..,(.." ... - wUMrktor toard.'"'Djs&.,c" ' FARM HANDS furnished, short 'noticTT free. Omaha l'.mplovment Bureau. 131 v 13th St. Tel Dougle llli 4 1 WANTED- Pusitlv-n as housekeeper" J M' Ctiled. 2ii; si l entrul Blvd. D. SL.' 17cx.d Vfoo y THE BEE: OM Anything to Do With It, 0H PIEJ5E J.H5 Not 7 LOOklT DELlClAi THAI NOW DM7 AECEtfteV HER 4U THE A. B. C. of Omaha A AIION'8 Jewelry Gift Shop. 16th nud jnrnnm. jusi shop around ana then get our prices. BELL DHUO CO. New location, 1316 Farnam. Everything new. Old phone Douglas 2G23. Come, call or write. Rubber Roods. , K ERR Abstract Co.. 30J S. 17th St. "letter be safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. PHOTOGRAPHER. W.W.Scott. Takes Photogmphs anywhere any time. ajSIct'njfuo iiu. 15 & Dodge. D.8G0tl VACUUTi't cleaners, sweepers, hydraulic, electric and hnnd powtr sold on guarantee, lowest prices; machines rented. Sanitary Service t'.DotiB0l. WE rent, repair, sell needles arid parts for all sewing machines. Nebraska ,, Cycle Co., "MIcKvt's," lith and Hurney sts. Douglas W2. Xmas Hints POLIaAI.'K 1HH.1I1AV IIAHKKTR Containing one quart bottle II. V. Mono gram, one bottle nf IVirt nnn hnttlH An- Bellca, one bottlo Tokay. Regular '.93, all iur i.u. HENRY POLIaACK LIQUOR HOUSE, in niui m No. 16th. ritlNA Knlhl ll... nlil.l.U flrlnv ilnti. Mrs. V. C. Haynes, 1620 8. Zfith Bt. D. 41W0. THE WARDROHE. Dry cleaning makes clothes look good as new. 201B Karnam Ht. Phono D. 1723. fred C. WILMQTH. Manager. THE EARLY HliOlM'KR cntches the bargains at Uie Sign of the Crown up the golden stairs. FRED URODEGAARD JEWELRY CO.. 16th and Douglas Sts. FRAMING at H nnd choice framed pic tures at Vt. Dept. store prices. Omaha Art nnd Frame, 1711 Leavenworth. RARGA1NS In Diamonds and watches. GROOS JEWELRY CO., 410 N. 16TH. Olympla for Xmas candles. 1618 Harney. t WANTED SITUATIONS. 1 MIDDLE-AGED man wants position as watchman; can give the beat of ref erences. Address iv m, uee. EXPERIENCED salesman, with Al ref erences, wishes position. Address C 2itt, care uee. l can sell gooas. WANT situation, colored. Vs porter or Janitor. Call Webster 626$. WANTED Position In a private family by competent Japanese; uiy or country. M. Shlmoxl. 36 M St., South Omaha. .,cUIMt.n unnrf. 1n.lt. l ulvA. fi linal. tlon, excellent; oxpericnccu iuun, jor week. TojcphojieliBjiiBS17C. ''OSITION as baker, fry cook, hotel clerk, hotel houseman. Phone So. 3710. nnuiTiriM ("nulilrr. hotel clerk, wait ress or cigar girl. Phone Bq. j710. hnusi-keeiier of any olhor kind of work. 611 So. 26th St. Red 8506. ANNOUNCEMENTS T Tvr Ii1 motorcycle messenger service, It. lU.rj. xl 8. 13th. Doug. SOW or 3620. Wedding announcements. Doug, rtg. Co. Gibson's Buffet 322 Jtoulh 18th St. maVki. LEAF PILE CONES Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protudlng piles; 60o iiostpalu; samples free. Sher man Ac McConneli Drug Co.. Omaha. D. a Orlfflth. wig infr. 13 Frenter Dlk. Kuklin's Kosher . ....... ..I ,n 111 Mr .ifth Vis itors welcome. Everything new and clean. ATTIIACTIONS Omaha film. exch.. lith und Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE MM) CADILLAC. Have purchased later mooei. Uargsln. Act quick. Lock llox 14, Afton, la. UW forfeit for any magneto we can't re- pair, coll repairing, naysuorier. nv n. is. DANDY little house and lot (or sale. tl.ltu or traue for auto. OMAHA AUTOMOUlLE Co.. 2010 Faxnam A IITIlMllltl l.li -Sin ll lhl Lnk In vnup radiator with Overton's Radiator Leak Compound. A pound can by parcel post far rash. Address N. L. Ovurlon. llo-i 4in Ave., council Uluffs. Moloroycles. RARGAINS in ul I makes of used motor cycles. Victor H. Roos. "The Motorcyclu Man." 2703 Leavenworth St. WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL'S NEURA8KA CYCLE CO., 15TH AND MARNEY. BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED An Idea. Who can think ot some simple thing to putentT Protest your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Writs for "Needed Inventions" und "How to Get Your Putent .fud Your Money." Randolph & Co.. Patent Attorneys, Washington, u. w Q...I.I i'I.'iu tnw .ulllnir V 1 1 Villain... OlIOWKI '.. Aw. V,,.M " . . . I ' . .. ,. .... .A. ..-A. . or real esiaie. ivcnnvuKs uw., uuiiuij. nvi Ih a ...it nt tin. In.... rail nw. OANOESTAD. 404 llee tluldg. TeL D. 1177. Murtssges. MORTGAGE FOR SALE. We have a splendid 31,000 mortgage, 8 years, 6 per cent, on a very attractive home at 42d and Farnatn Sts. Also have a number of splendid farm loans for sale. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 3d Floor Ware Block. BUSINESS FEHSONALS nrass Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence. P. C..2323 Howard. D. S461. W.B.IMrvlance.I.C.. 400 Paxton blk. D.494 Mrs. Snyder. D, C. 3 Du-.siny Apt. D. 4JSoT rostuiuera.' FULL dress suits; party dresses for sale or rent, 31.60 per night. Open evenings. Juhn Feldman. SOS N 17th. Douglas 3121 Ili.tnrlt'ul ':mouerMda lostumea to hlrw 'at Tlup l.leheti it. Son, 1511 Howard iH J MIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1913. Anyway? OAHGOUZ. IT. Hound) yes, ad TiHE.' Look 47 BUSINESS PERSONALS Chiropodists. DR. ROY. 1S0G Karnnm. s Douglas C497 Coal Denlrra. .$5.50 J?'AI-j..,"Joh,so,"'8 A?t-cial.-' ( .LT S. JOHNSON, sth and Irard CrPninrrlcD, Dntrlr iinil Miiiijrs. i DAVID COl.E CREAMERY COMPANY. Unncliifr Acnilemles. Jewell Simpson, DoiibIhs Auditorium; L'i?K.i!yinin5,)2F t:.or. ,wfb 29t Thiieo. social dnm'(:S. n'mirlaltv. n. rjsm" lll Yfllf rlri.A. H.llflA UH.t ...l-A. . .ell -- , , " A -nivu IA1 HA 1TIOII AU, A.AII Doufi. MiG; tango and now dances taught every 1 rhlay, !( p. ni. .Mackles, 1516 Urn. DetectlTes. .TAM1.-U il l A V ia ,- ,. ..... . --.- "Aiwnii, VI, Acine iik. evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler UK. OMAHA KAI.r.1 U.rin Tl I .!.. . . . . v. . . '. I Ik i: Avcinv.il C .Vgoncy, bonded. Evidence In all cases se cured liv nttlnrl itmiIIat."... . .. .1 ' . ' n' "..." 11 1. 1 111 1 nu 1 u- faratlvea. UoiitflaM im. 428.29 Paxton Utk. L. W. Longnccker. 617 Karbach. D. 2831 Dremnnsklng. Terry Dressmnk'g college, 20th fe Farnam. DRESSES, suits and coats. Web. 4734. Drugs, Tini-nH nt ...i ...i . .. tm .j i . . i ireigni paia on i&?nrH" at"l0,",u 'ree. Sherman & MM nnh.1l T 1 1 1 1 ... n . ..ft . -v... umanfli xx eo, Ererythluir for Women. rnVM,F:Hima,lebvr' clra"ed. dyed, curled. ... i) , union iiik. L). KfH, niivuij .1.77. T7rrr : ,r - j'.i-ia.iiib, uuiions covered, all "L1.!8 W "tyles. THE ideal pleat" I.-MU CO.. 23 Douglnfc 111k. Doimli. lasn Ladles' tnilorlnc. guar," Vt. 3997. 3229 CunVg. Florists. JJH9PJ1 1W Farnsm. D. 100L nr.ga & swohoda. 1415 1-Jarnam"sr L. HENDERSON. i6iiiFarnam. p. iaC BATH'S florists, Boyd Theater indiT" Fori. FUR repairing. B. Fester. 1410 N. 24th. Furnaces, Stove, nnd Repairs, nim me . . . in biock ror all makna nf iA-i.' . .hi. i.uivritj. 12006 Douglas St. Tyler 20. Fnrnltnrr Repairing. AM.V t STANDARD furniture repair. R. SS91. Nurseries nnd Seeds, STEWART'S SEEDSMAN. 119 N. Kth. Storm Door, and Windows. Wolrlch. storm doorsT sashes. 1317 N. 24. Patents. H. A. Bturges. tap Urandels Thea. Bids-. D. Q. Barnoll. Paxton Blk. Tel. nTriTr Plumblnir. PLllMniNn n iir.ii ...... r-nnnln iwc tM.V." ' cner & --a omiaiii ni. uouglaa 6717. Plumblnir. hmllnr pinun. 1NO CO., tBW W. Mth. WrVsa? WSOSL e ve Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Dous-. 64t WATEIliUIlA 11NI1 A r."r t... 777 j.... Ity printing. Tel. Doug: &ST 634 8. Tlth. Sheet Metal Works. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 8. 10th. Store and Office Fixtures. DERKit. f.. aula. ,... u.... ing. etc Ve buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture ami aupply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. Z12. Trunks nnd Suitcases. FRELINO ft 8TEINLK. 1803 Farnam St M'lnrs nnd I.lqnor. WILLfiW .nrinv. l,... II sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 201-3 S. 13th St. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIOHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Cnmnl.!. iinilri In I. i . . . ..... . w . .. .A,iiioav. 4JOOK- keeping, stenography, Telegraphy. Civil ah tiAo AAiiv cMvjviitiuAaiiiij, i no catalogue is ready. Call, write or phone ror It. Boyles College 14th and Harney fits.. Omaha, Neb. MOS1IER-LAMPMAN Unusurpassed ciusses. Finest quarters. Graduates are guranleed good positions. Work for board. For free cataioiru. h. dress Mosher-Lonipman College, laii Far- am ni , uuiuiia. ncn. FOR SALE at a discount: A full un limited scholarship In Bovles Husl miss College, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at thy office of Omaha Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. Horses and Vehicles. PONY and large horse, cheap. IX S. 24th Ave. LOST A.D FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having- lost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha tc. Council Bluffs Street Railway Com. rany to ascertain whether they left It lit the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rlgntful owner. Call Doug, las 43. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names; rates cheap, easy payments. Nor ton & Co.. 336 Board ot Trade Building. MEDICAL $500 Reward for any case ot pllea that Dr Maxwell cannot cure, NO PAIN. NO DETEN TION FROM BUSINESS. PAY WHEN CURED. Hundreds of people have been cured by PR. MAXWELL, 23 years in Omaha. 4CS Omaha Nat. ilk.. Omaha. Neb. Dr. Baker Medical Offices. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 2D South lith Street. Omaha, Neb. Drawn ter PnV 4ahesI rr Child. wotS" oa ver miaid ? MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarr- cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cuie guaranteed and no monoy paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Ueo Bldg.. Omaha. OFFERED FOR RENT. I AiinrtmcntH unit FInta. j i -r r M ' vjOrQOn V 3.11 LvO Pa ! , ... . .- s ovlnic. 'Apkintr. !1D N. 11th St., or 210 S. 17th St. Te'l. D. 3W. Cs. DESIRABLE fire-room steam heated apartment, The Mason, 31st and Mason ? WOO. Tel. H. 634?. Apply Apt. No. 12. The Mason. .,3"!l'..a" modern, with Janitor service: first floor. Lorrnlno Aparts., 17th and .'ihiuo aiw. aiengeaont Web. 3713. IM FAHNAM-A nnn. nnni...i.. ' .. V. . - .ui'llioi vvillliiCiri IIIIMI' ern; suitable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall l 1.4 A A 1 MAY . - avibu v,u.t oo nnn i we. uouglas ft-HOOM mi-wl- flat 1i M a ' ' 6-r. modern flat, imi X. ieth, 2 or 3 roomt SIS K. Seventeenth, anil tin. THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 McCague. D. 1300. CMIfilnE 1IWATLM1 IniiiiniiciAim'' ...V A .V, --".aaaa ni ,wijjiiriilli 3116 Pacific, a beautiful 3-room mmrt- Ri.nl m.i ... - 1 .1 li.. . . 1 .yuln menu irnwKFu; pnvnte tront and rear entrances; prlvato laundry; ..iu,v.u irrnmnv uisinci. upen ror in xpectlon. PAYNE V SLATER COMPANY, oid umnna isat I Bank Biag. STRICTLY first class npts. "Marlus rciucn. iiarney nt. u. grjo. .... . . v i. . -1 ."..ii nivuciii a 1'u . . ment. 665 S. 2!th Bt. 11. 4141. 6-ROOM steam heated flat. 915 So. 13th St. Will decorate to suit tenant. Fell & Plnkertnn Co.. 213 Board ot Trade Dldg. STRICTLY hlgh-grnde steam heated apartment on West Farnam street, with Janitor service. References required. uuii.-s . nuiituiva, istB rurnam St. b'-ROOM flat, modern; 230ti Douglas St. Apply W. N. Chambeit 130 Brnndfcis Ttv..nA.. 111 llm. ..I fu. . ii.'.idi Anna. Auiinnia ii. Q.nOnl f 1 a , t.nuiih ...... E il.. i vuiinau. u 11V111H rooms. All modern. Tyler 40. the helen; 2464 Harney Street i nnrl K.mnm .,rli.,l.f llr.l.nl... - v .ww... .A..A.A.J in f , uin.a UATtiri- ments; best location In the city; reason- aauio i cuia. iiiiyuj j upen ior inspecuon. ' MARIUS SORENSEN. Office. 2i4 Hainey St 2S16 FARNAM A 5-room. strictly modern, hen. ml apartment J25 In summer, J3 In winter. k.l' a , 9vil Cmibhi PAYNE & S1.ATER COMI'ANY, 618 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. 2212 NICHOLAS STREET. Nice, neat, pressed brick flat, 4 r., mod., has steel range, gas stove and kitchen cabinet; wuter rent paid, Sis. RASP BROS. Douglas 1653. Board und Rooms. GENTLEMAN living near 29th and Far nam. who would like meals. Call H. 6450. Furnished FInta. WELL furnished flat of 6 rooms, In Root Apartment During winter or longer it desired. Call 3121 Pacific St. FOR RENT Model n, new furnished 10-room flat; best and cheapest proposl tlon in city. 870 Brandels Bldg. H. 4S4S. Famished Rooms. DESIRABLE furnished room, modern. Harney 6190. US Nor 27th Ave. 930 N. 26th St. 1 room, heat and light Phono D. 6419. NICELY furnished room, with board, i an is. ann. Married couple preferred. Famished Houses. WILL rent furnished for six months new, modern, brick seven-room house in Hanscom park district; has garage. Y 349. Bee. Hotels and Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Houses and Cottages. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household gooas anu pianos, uougias ifjs. SU0.0O 8-r., 708 a 3Sth St., modern home. lllllUl.r 11"(? a Hill. Ave mnrl.m In excellent shape, with garage. iu.w s-r., u . Jitn bt., all mod. home. 314.00-7-r., 6016 N. 42d St., mod., stove ht 122.60-6-r., 21J4 S. 35th Ave., all modern. t35.0vV iV-r.. fnrlni- lla rliodern. ' J15CW-.r., 1006 N. 23d St., good cottage. lltilrt .r ia 4.-onLrlln . ' - ".. ' A .. . . I . .1 A.A., f. VI 11 VI V. VI V tage. 22.tA-5.r., 6722 N. 25th Ave., all modern. J22.50-A5.r 3413 N. 30tll St, good cottage. moO-5.r., 3240 Evans St., mod. ex. heat J10.00 4-r., 40th & Hamilton Sts., 2d floor S 8.00-3-r., 2518 N. Slst St., mod ex. heat FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW 335 00 for an all mn.1irn liimnninn' Hih hot water heat, at 5107 Davenport St PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 1622 Farnam St. Douglas S9S. 7-r. flat, modern. KIOh fntninr- ' 7-r. house, modern, 4.21 N. 2Jd St. f-r. modern house. 1554 N. 16th. Q. I' HKnifk- A ,,i.rn... Room 224 Omaha National Bank. DUNDEE -r ' "l00- bungalow; I7.i) 'or winter. Tel. H. 3317. .1 C TtrtnAExa. rv riiraim.. 7Z7T 1. n nien. 11 hniir, ii FIDELITY coon moved. narici an shipped. Uth and Jackson St..' Doug. liM' -UH HENT Two-story frame dwelllni unli-ir.il.. fi..Z,"'.X"t"- v-nriunton ..J- A-.yiv.fcm AAWV. NOTHivn nir. i,. .. a...v : T or 7-room flats and houses. 220 N. 23d. ii?. J61" sV-clo5e ,n- n". electrlo light fixtures; 7 rooms; modern. Inquire TV-si sal UIUU 2406 EMMET. 8 rooms, mod. Web. IOCS. l.RrViM hnu.. Ia. . ... ... . 1 unfurnished. 1903 win. Webster 066. 10-ROOM brick residence, near high school. Tel. Harney 6564. " 5109 Underwood Ave., Dundee, 3 r.. JS0. .iJ?JE,mln?t .st' 7"r completely mod., 335 liLQgj- JJ.mge UiJg. D. UOi. A COMPLETE LIST of vacant houses.' apartmenta and flats that are for rent This 1 st is compiled daily. You will be furnished a list free ot charge by calling Douglas 4163. Omaha Van & Storage Co. Trmicnc In all parts of the city. XlOUbta Crelgh sons 4 Co.. Bee Bldg, h for The Bee by n in My Miwo. ME Chilbuims"! OFFERED FOR RENT. Hoitneif mill CnttnKrs. NEAT, desirable C-room cottage; modern oxcept furrfacc. 628 S. 19th Ave. 325. Douglas 42.10. 327 N. 41st St., 6 rooms, hall, bath, all modern, J.10. j. n. Brandt, 1CUG Farnam St. Douglas 133. IU th St.. S-r., all mod., newly re paired, 325. 2014 Hnncroft St., 4-r., pnrtly mod., us. 420 No. 18th Ft.. 4-r.. mod., 22.00. 1470 So. Pith St., 4-r.. part mod., 112. RASP nnOS, Douglas 16Ta3. Storrs nnd Offices. DESK room, Mertz. SIO Brandels Bldg. ,-;F,vV,s,oro 0l"lllnB. 26x60; steam heat I. OS Jackson. Rll FARNAM ST.. 3.0CM square feet. 1W Fnrnam St. (In rear), suitable for shops; steam heat; hot and cold water fllriilahfiri Tim. r.- ll.ll ,m T. .lit T , . M Attl, 1M AVnillAJC j.iua;. tuuijuiB nuj, EOfl HEVT Th. ,,.. a , - - - - - - - w ".ii.'- vi 1 1 A.IUUHVI iiunr of The Bee building occupied by the Mnvans.lUl.U. . .A...,,ia-M,m,i v. uai vumpaiiy. r roniaso fir) K U run m Cf nir1 nAMan. .1 .a e pia tquare feet, with extra cntranco on the office llxturea for sale. Apply N. V pnn ti ir vt Tiini. .n-A AnM nn ..iiah " ..u.. . 1 . I . B.U.G I VI II 1 . I 11 1 I l I. "Ill square In Red Osk, la : occupied as shoe story20 years. D. H. Miller. Red Oak. Ia. STORES for rent. 3ath and H Sts., So. Omaha. .. a. uiiri Aiir; nuuiil liu.ll ill nairiiuuBO at the southwost corner of Eighth and Howard Sts.. space, ti6sl32 ft; fine track ... .inn . . i . - - WIT! ...a. A.-,. - . I . inv-llllll-n. 1CI11UI no. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA. ju-a ,-o. uin bi. rnone uoug. uai. J35.C0 16th nnd Vinton, new store build-, Ing with shelving, 0 rooms above, mod ern, and barn. See P. J. TEBBINS. 760 Oinnha National Bank. SEVERAL open dates nre available for Seymour Hall, Board of Trade Bldg., b. w. t:or. I6tn and Farnam. Most cen tral location In city nnd elegantly fur nished. Call or phone, Furness. 1200 W. O. W. Bldg.. Phone Douglas 1117. Ham for Rent, tarn Suitable for ten cars. 2226 Howcrd. OFFERED FOR HALE. Sluili'Hl Instruments. Gibson mandolins, gu liars and banjos t down. 11.60 month. F. Potter 20th & Far. Typewriters. Typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange. 307 8. lth St TYPEWRITERS sold and rented every where. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter company, ism Farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. 1 1 ENT Kemlnctons. Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Remington Typewriter Co., telephone Douglas 1S24. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade machines sent out. Rates, three months for 35 for understroke machines, or 33 per month for latest moaei visible writers. A-A ....Anv-i. I'vllTIHCia IV'IIIUU aim BUIU, easy terms. Butts' Typewriter exchange, ISoj Farnam St Douglus 0031. A T . T ... A I... ...... ...'.-I. ...... ...n.Aii . .1 .nM 1 ..... A Ul. VIII .Ul .JllVintllCI , tf illVlllUIB, ti. 'The Oliver Typewriter Co. Doug. 2619. IIMW11 an rillv.M .A.m.... 4 . v. Miscellaneous, EMPTY Ink barrels for sale.- Apply Bee Publishing Co., Kth and Farnam Sts. ""EXHIBITION prize-winning Hosecomb tthode Island Reds. F. S. King, Benson, Neb. Benson 32MV. HO STOVES, quick sale. 2421 Cuming. SAFES Overstocked, second-hand, nil makes. J, J. Derlght Safe Co., 1212 Farnam FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys nnd accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 407-409 S. 10th St $Ji 00 Buy Uet t-'o-l for the money u,uu It. Web. 848. Harmon & Wt : try. eeth. Oftf) stoves must be sold In 60 days. D. 1593. Ainer, Furn. Co.. 605 N. 16th St 1 II 11 TRT A II II !. I 1.-11 vn.l - --. .'... .ill. I. A-i r. 1 1 VI I S 'I II i hvvju as new; will sell nt a sacrifice. Telephone Red E238 after 6 o'clock, evenings. PET STOCK. FOR SALE 1 bull pup, 3 months old; Inquire 1037 S. 23d St. PERSO.VAL C3-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. Mlss-'lier, jnu.. bath, elec. treat, p. S63. "MASSAGE. 109 S. 17th St Mrs. Steele. Elec, mass.. b..tn. 214 Uaird Ulug., li . U MRS. SNYDER. Electric Trt D. 13W. I-AURA WILSON, bath. mass. D. S75l YOL'NU women coming to Omaha as slnr-Ater are invited to visit tne Young Women's Christian association building al 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers am ai me union siauou. irir. aaivuiiun rtnny inuusiiiui iiumo bOllClla )UU UIU 1- lUllllll, A Atl lllAU, V7, IllCAb- azlnes. Wo collect We distribute. Phone I I 1 1 'If ...... nil. AAluiVlAn AA.III Unit A-IUUK1UO I 1 AIIU VI U I " .. n U II "ll A.M.A. Call and Inspect the new home, lnO-1112- lilt auiiKu oa. r A QC! CiV. Swedish movement. 41S JUACSOAUJli Uee Bldg. Douglas 6372. Manlc'g. massage. Miss Debar. 1316 Dodge. Masaage. Miss Walton, r 224. Neville blk, 16th and Harney. Phone Douglas 4297. MISS VENET. massage and alcohol rubs, sralp trea ..lent. 161tf Dodge Bt. "Miss Halloran, massage. Douglas776L rOlJLTRV AND SUIU'LIES. S. C. WHITE LEGHORN pullets and a few cockerels for sale, 32 each. Mrs. Merton Cason, Neola, Ia, Route 1. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE FOR SALE. 35.000 COUNTRY HOME. 64 acres, fnslde city limits, one mile from carllne. Good 6-room house; good well water system to house and barns; barns good; three good hen houses. Lots of fruit: Grapes, raspberries, blackber ries, apples, cherries, etc. This place Is located within walking distance of a good city school. Owner wants larger plav'e and wants to sell. Don't tall to see this f'.ace It you want a country home. A. F. mlth Co. tFay Smsth). 23 Pearl St., Coun cil Bluffs, la Phone 323. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 206 Brandels theater. I Cliff Sterrett Chilblain? . ,f thevre. "KeTchw ? 3 mm REAL ESTATE. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Lot Bargain Price Reduced from $800 to $550 Southeast corner 21nt nnd Castcllar, 65.7x ftAWftr U-.tnl rn. n.rMnnAt - oivi hijia fHCso. ire lliawriu sidewalks. J'rlce Rood thla week only? The Byron Reed Co Phone Doug. 2U7 212 S. 17th- Hero's a Chnnce to Buy a Home on Monthly Pay ment Plan T Via V rwrt Jiratifl maw Iaii... tUat . , . . . iiuiuun tiiui, tun Weil hllMt. nit mnilsrn nnn Knaiiilfnll.a i Ished. Thev are locatpil In thn nnrlh part of the city, both not mora than ono block from car line. Either house can be purchased for email cash payment and balance like rent For particulars call nniiA.i.n. B-i.- atter 8 p' m- Telephone 7 "WE CAN GET YOU 0 ON YOUR MONEY P", J'our money In nmounts of 3500 and ?l : rZi!l.t.,ar ,on T,mo loans. HASTINGS & HEYDBN. 1614 Harney St THE nmount of your rent receipt Is g ven away. Wo nro offering several nice, four, fivo or six room cottages for sale on easy payment. Ilka rnt. Phnn. Doug. 2596. Two Lots in Benson uTX 'V?.'.. caat ront ,ot8 ' Denson hwv. "igh.Vy . lo"tlon' within three blocks of the business center, car lino and school., J450 each, or 3S50 for the two HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St FOlt s a r.v v.n TTTTTTTZ . - ' - . . " , .iiuuoi ii Bcvv.'iirooni brick house In Hanscom pork district; has terms. " TOO V? rh and garaee: eusJ ,T9aPV.T SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1802 FARNA H ST AMVtniTa Tn amr t A non-resident owner says SELL ON 5. Si8 my noUBO n Avenue B, near Zid St. TIs a. 6-room house, modern except heat; good high lot.. House, while not "eJi ' Jn good repair. 'TIs priced at J3.000. A. IT. Smith Co. (Fay Smith). 2J Pearl St. Council Bluffs. Ia. Phone 329 TMT3TW T1TT Vrn a t rtTir 6 rooms, oak finish, built-in bookcases, panelled dining room, strictly modern up to the minute. 2409 Loure Ave., two yrik"rSSuth Mlller Pftrk- Ey terms. Web. 6622. HANSCOM PARK, weat side. Bevel, rooms, nearly new. hardwood Inside; hot air, electricity, gas; exceptional location; accessible; all Improvements. Doug. 6232. REAL ESTATE. FARM & RANCH LANDS FOR SALB Arlsonn. FOR 1250 we can locate you on 320 acres government tana: pest of soil and water and close to main line R. R., and good climate. 1250 pays fare down and back from Omaha, filing fees, surveying, trans Asviiaiiuu ni. Kruuuu e ID. 1126 City Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Idaho. IDAHO'S choicest alfalfa, corn, dlversl- f t A1 rtnlrvtntr alnul o..il i . - " . - " ni " ' "'in " i AAiiiuiiQa, unllmltnl water for Irrigation, for less money than unlrrlgated lands In any corn states; mild climate; no drouths, cyclones Idaho. lorra. OWNER must sacrifice 650-acre fore closed farm, Harrison county, Iowa, tor $50 per acre. Good soil, much of It adapted to alfalfa; three miles from river; station one mile. Address 35 Baldwin Block. Council Bluffs. Ia. Sllnnesota. . rr., A, .nil., fpnm Xfln.A.nll. , -- wv " " . . . .'.....1V1A11V111.. 4 mile from town; 100 acres under cultiva tion, balance used for Pasture: can nrac. tlcally all be cultivated; heavy soil: good set ot buildings, consisting ot 8-r. house, large barn, granary, corn cribs, wind, mills, etc.; land will produce 60 bu. corn per acre; telephone In house; country thickly settled: complete set machinery! 27 head stock, consisting of 11 cows, bal ance i ana s-year-oias; t gooa norses, 25 hogs, chickens. H this year's cron ami everything on farm goes at ti) per acre: H cash. SCHWAB BROS.. tics 1'iymouin mug.. Minneapolis, Minn. Missouri. lSO-ACRR farm. I m nrnv.l TTH. t kaa. . .VA1 VIA-, 3500 down; map free. Arthur, Mountain view, .ii u. Nebraska. FOUND 320-acre homestrnrl In ..til..l neighborhood; fine farm land; no sand hills. Cost you 3200. filing fees and all. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb. 160 ACRES In Boyd Co., Neb.; 5 acres broke; good soli; 3 miles from town Price 3S.(XO. Will take horses, auto, town lots. Break up. Ed Thompson, Lyons, Neb. FARMS FOR RENT. Far m n nud Rnnoh Lands. WANTED Tenant ror 320-acre farm ne?.? AXray Coli Ml fenced; h under cultivation; good eight-room house and barns; or will sell on easy terms. Y J5i. 160 AND ISO acres, well Improved, good, level, tillable land. Address B. Marks ' Vine St., Council Bluffs, Ia,. Phor.e 1131 1 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS 3100 to 310,0) made promptly, p. n Wcad. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. aqf CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co". 7 310-312 Brandels Theater liuiMSi-0- GARVIN BROS.ft"",? wfZp. Omaha Nat Bank. WANTED City loans and warrants! W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 133) Farnam CITY property. Large loans a spacialtv. W. H Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg OMAHA homes. East Nebraska FiiTiiisI O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE "o 1016 OMAHA NATIONAL. lioiigla FIVE per cent, farm loansoptlona! payments. Wm.jCorralck. 1201 Farnam. I.AHGK loans our specialty Sum nrns HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Oni. Nat "WANTED City loans. Peters Trait cT ,, . aw r 11