10 TEE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DEClOMMhR 3, If I Ate That I Wtuld Die You Will Never Fear Food If You Go to a Dinner Carry ing One Little Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. You needn't pass up nil thos savory flishes Just booauso vou are afraid of what the stomach will nay to them. Aimed with a box of Stuart's Dyspep K'a Tablets, you can bid defiance to the Most cantankerous stomach and 1m1 n. Mrcd that your food will be perfectly O'S'ftcd In spite of the stomach's ob i lions. "At Every Banquet Toa Will Always See Bom Person Who la Afraid Of rood. Smart's Dyspepsia Tablcta are a com liound of pepsin and those elements that i)iutt te secreted by tho stomttci! If the food la to be digested. When tho stom tic It falls to secrete enough of these titBollvc agencies, the only sane remedy In to supply a sufficient quantity of i nose elements to digest tlio rood. This is the service for which Stuart's Dyspcp via Tablet weie made and they uro recommended by lending doctors and scientists. Ono or two of these tablets Ik sufficient to digest the largest dinner, 'j'liey stop almost Instantly alt forms of indigestion, such as sour stomach, belch Ins, heartburn, dlzzlnes, brash and dysen tery. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain dlgestfvo dements, a single grain of which Is capable of dlKcstlng 3,009 Kralns of food, such as meats, eggs, grains, vegetables, starches and mineral matters of all kinds. If your stomacji Is sluggish or worn out, let Stuart'a Dyepcpsla Tablets do jour digesting for you until the stom ach can recuperate. Olvo It a little va cation. It has a hard enough struggle ut tho best, with ell you put In it. And even when your stomach Is In perfect condition, you will occasionally need one after a big banquet or other social af lslr that taxes your stomach to tho ut termost. Make Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets the ivor-ready friend and assistant to your stomach. Oct a 60c box of your drug It st today. Socie;ty I ssssa INI By MELLITOIA. Tuesday, December 2, 1913. OU may havo heard this story of tho lato Marshall Field, tho great merchant, who was being entertained at a brilliant dinner party Y ono evening at one of the larger homes In Chicago. He, being rather observant, noticed the exquisite tablecloth Inset with real lace and hand embroidery. The next day as he was walking past the linen counter of his mammoth store he noticed a similar tablecloth. "You sold one resembling this to Mrs. Blank," he said to the head of the department. "No,, wo sent this one out on approval yesterday, but It was returned thlr morning," replied tho clerk. A local hotel man had a somewhat similar experience one evening last week. Ho was Invited to a friend's house to dine, and at each place was Quito an array of silver; among tho sterling silver he noticed a spoon-somewhat heavier and, glancing down, he saw that it was marked with tho namo of his own hotel. Kill Catarrh Germ use Booth's Hyomei Try tho sure und most cifectlvo way tu reach tho raw, tender Inflamed mucous membrano Infested with catarrh Bt rma breathe Ilyomcl, Alt druggists t. II It. You Cannot reach tho nooks and crev ices of tho breathing organs with liquid preparations; thero Is only ono way breathe a few times dally the germ destroying air of Ilooth's Hyomei. It acts directly on the Inflamed membranes and dcfllrojo the catarrhal germs. Hyomei Is not a cure-alt; It has ono purpose quick and effectivo relief of catarrh and diseases of the breathing organs. When you are free of catarrhal Ills the general health will Improve. If you suffer, from offensive breath, lalstng of mucous, frequent shcoslnir. husky voice, discharge from the nose,' droppings lri tho throat, spasmodic toughing, or any other symptoms of catarrh, use Hyomei at once, it will destroy tho dlseaso germs In the nose, throat and lungs, and give quick and permanent relief, Hyomei docs not contain cocalno or nny habit forming drug no stomach uoslng-you Just breathe it Tho com plcto outfit including pocket Inhaler and iottle of liquid costs $1.00, extra Dot iUh of liquid, If later needed, W cents. Advertisement Tango Tea at Omaha Club. One of the most Interesting events so cially was the tango tea given this after noon at the Omaha club by Mrs. Charles T. Kountie, M,rs. W. T. Burns, Mrs. W. D. Horford, Mrs. J. T. Btowart zo, an. Joseph Barker, Mrs. Glenn C Wharton and Mrs. Fred Hamilton. About forty of the young married set attended and en- Joyed meeting the guest of honor, Mr. Joseph Banttey, the youthful dancer In the musical comedy, "When Dreams Come True," now playing at the Bran- dels. Mr. Hantley gave a demonstration of tho "Santley Tango." Ills assistant was Miss rtuth Randall, of his company. Tea was served at smalt tables and the afternoon enjoyed, tangoing. Theater and Dinner Party. A beautifully appointed dinner was given Monday evening; at the Hotol Loyal by ono of the brldgo clubs. Fol lowing tho dinner they attended tho Brandels theater to see Mr. Joseph Sant ley In "When Dreams Come True." At the dinner party there was a centerpleco of violets and Mrs. Ward roses, which later proved to bo corsage bouquets for tho young women. In the party were: Misses Misses Hortenso Mamie Spitsbergen Spitsbergen It' "el Dcgen, Mildred Ilubel, Messrs. Messrs. I.t.Mr ilcyn, Jerome Heyn, , Julius ltosenfeld, Kdwln Klrschbraun. Among others at the theater were: Mr. and Mrs. louls C. Nash. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Kedlck, Mr. and Mrs. William Hill Clark, Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Baldrlge, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Dixon, Mtsn L.ynn Curtis, Mr. Luther Drake. Orphcum Party. in honor of. Mrs. Lester Brldaham of Denver, the guest of Mrs. Kdwln Swobe. Mr. Stockton Heth entertained at an Orpheum party Monday evening, followed by aupper at tho Omaha club. Thos present were: Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Swobe. Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge ITIns. Mr. and Mrs. Q. V. Klnsler. Mrs. Brldaham. Mrs. Ben Cotton. Mr. Klmer Cope. Mr. Stockton Heth. For State President. Mrs. M. M. Claflln, state president of the "Women's Christian Temperance union, was tho honor guest at a luncheon today at the New Hamilton cafe, given by the Women's Christian Temperance Union federation. The white ribbon temperance bows were at each place. Those present were! Miss Charlotte Arnd, fori Mesdames Richard Kelsey. Julius Bcholkosskt. Harry McClure. William Rascke. William Arndt. Charles noetel. George Chrtstoffer son. Ftelnholdt Qrewartz. William Stuben, Garfield Circle. Garfield circle. No. 11, Ladles of the Grand Army of tho ncpubllc, will give a card party at the Moose home. Twenty- fifth and M streets, South Omaha, on Wednesday afternoon, December 3. D. A. &. Meeting. The next meeting of Major Isaac Sad' ter chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will be held Saturday, De cember 0, at 2:80 o'clock at the home of Mrs, I. W. Porter, 422 North Thirty- first street. Mrs. Russell McKelvcy Baker Is corresponding secretary. Prairie Park Association. Tho Prairie Park club has Issued an In teresting calondar of social events tor the month of December, starting with the whist club meeting Monday, tho adults dancing class Tuesday. The children's dance Saturday afternoon and tho as sembly Saturday evening. In, and Out of the Bee Hive. Mrs. Harold S. Jackson and Mrs. Frank Z. Johnson leave today to visit relatives In Huron, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Titus of Holdrege, who were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Updike, have returned to their home. IF YOUR SKIN ITCHES, JUST USE RESINOL Tho moment that Rcslnol Ointment i n rj itching siln, the Itching stops m healing begins. That Is why doc tors havo prescribed It successfully for nor than eighteen years In even the severest cases of ecxema, tetter, ring worm, rashes and other tormenting, un sightly skin eruptions. Aided by warm baths with Reslnol Soap, Reslnot Oint ment restores the skin to perfect health and comfort, quickly, easily and at lit tle cost. Reslnol Is also an excellent household remedy for pimples, dandruff, sores, burns, bruises, bolls and for s score of other uses whera a soothing, healing ap plication Is needed. It contains nothing of a harsh or Injurious nature and can be used with confidence on the tenderest or most irritated surface. Practically every druggist sells Reslnol Ointment ('A3 and tLOO). and Rentnol Soap (Sc.) For trial free, write to Dept. 3-R, Reslnol, Baltimore, Md. Buy In the original blue package and avoid "substitutes,'' Mesdames C. 8. Burdlck, T. E.,Brddy, David Linn, F. I". .Chambers, W. H. Mick. Earl Stevens, Fred Shlnrock, K. G, Urover, F. I. Jeter. Harry Show,, C. 13. Walsh, Howard Rltter, Watsori U. Smith, Wayne Smith, C. J. Roberts, F, D. Wead, Wallace Johnson, Joseph Carnaby, John Blake. W. A. Challls, H. N. Craig, Dr. Cuscaden, P. L. Kdllng. John Dale, A. Waggoner, J. A. Daltell, H. H. Westerfleld. John A, Dempster, j. H. Gants, jr.; J. G. Hart. Edward Johnson, Fannie Mannlnr, Dr. Sara Mtllen, K. R, Mohler, J. M. Taliaferro, C D. Scott, C. Pollack, A. II. Rathbun, G, 8. Tlcknor, J. W. Marshall, C. Vincent, II.. J. Grove. W. O. Whltmore of Valley, Misses Cornyn Taggart Rooma Best Variety The Bee classified pages carry advertisements of the beet rooms and apart ments for rcat in the city. Phone your ad to Tyler 1000 Mesdames M, M, Claflln, a. W. Covell. M. A. Wilson, H. It. Hume, II. II. G. Claggett, Frank Butts, N. J. MoKltrlcir. Florcnco Banner, J, A. Taggart, T. R. Ward. Samuel Maxwell, O. W. Hayes. Philip Potter, Bherman Felt, Nellie Patton, M, S. Latta. A. N, Eaton, J. II. Craddock. F.llen Chambers. A. C. Anderson, James McClalr, W. T. Graham, K. I. Gordon, Ona Entrlkln. George Blddlck. Llnnlo Taggart, iniiltni Yoiler. I II. F. Shearer, I B. E. Dlffenbacher, I. A. Medlar, Flora Hoffman, F. & Martin, Elijah Conklln, Jessie Fonda, George Colwell, W. T, Gsgnebln. Alice Mtnnlck, 15. P. Sweeley, Catherine Cleaver, C. N. Wlthnell, J. II. Gants, 1. Madsen. A. Jackson, W. R. Butts, W. H. Underwood, Misses Adda Gants, Orace conmin, Denver Quest Entertained. Mrs. Bamuel Burns was hostess at the meeting of the Monday Bridge club to day when Mrs. Lester Brldaham or Den ver guesl of Mrs. E. T. Bwone, was tne guest of the club. Those present were: Mesdames Lester Brldaham. Louis C. Nash. Jerome Magee. W. 1). Hostord. lien Cotton. T. U Davis. 11 T. Swobe. Bamuel Burns. This evening Mr. and Mrs. E, S. West brook will entertain at dinner for Mrs. Brldaham. Those present will be! Mr. Lester Brldaham. Mr. and Mrs. George E. T. Swobe. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Westbrouk. Mr J. E. 'George, . Covers were placed Mesdames 11. Pofahl. A. Barthlabcn. n. jahn. E. Raocke. Otto Ruscke. Oils Wandel. Fred Dike. V. Gansell, Chicago. William Frlske. Missing Woman Buys Single Lot at Forest Lawn A new clue in the search for Mrs. Jennie E. Frey, whose disappearance November 18 from her home at 3423 Spencer street, ' remains unexplained, is being followed by relatives, who havo learned that a wrfman giving the namo of the-missing woman bought property for a gravn at Forest Lawn cemetery a few days prior to the time that Mrs. Frey left her home. The purchase was made at the associa tion's office In the cemetery from Charles Craig, and It was not for a family lot, but for one grave. Twenty dollars wnn paid for the property. Such a transaction Is said to be rare. "It la not Infrequent that we have someone como at any time to buy a, family lot," said H, S. Mann, secretary of the Forest Lawn Cemetery associa tion, "or Just prior to a funeral, to buy a single grave, but It Is very unusual fur anyone to deal as did the woman buying the Grave In tho nam of Mrs. Jennie E. Frey. There' has been no funeral and we have heard nothing from the pur chaser." The missing woman Is the wife of R. E. Frey, a binder employed by the Roes Printing company. She was at home when her husband left for work on the morning of her disappearance, but had left before he returned. Two Weeks Old Baby . is Toasted at Equal Suffrage Meeting A toast to a baby girt, Just t weeks of age, was proposed at the meeting of a hundred women, members of the Equal Suffrage society, at the Commercial club yesterday. Mrs, H. C. Bumnoy proposed the toast. The baby thus honored Is tho little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorly. and a granddaughter of Senator Q. M. Hitchcock. The club will send a silver cup to the child, which Is known as the first suffrage baby. Resolutions of sympathy to Mr. W, C. Sunderland over the death of her husband were also passed. There will he a Birthday Party next Monday Yt will be invited Pleasures Past. Mrs. Hugo Wandel entertained at luncheon- Monday for Mrs. V. Gansell of Chicago, the guest of Mrs. Relnwoldt G re wart i. Mrs. Wandel was assisted by ADRIAN BLANCHARD, ARMY MAN. DIES AT HIS HOME Adrian Blanchard, aged 66 years, retired commissary sergeant of the United States army, died early yesterday morning at his home, 4S1J North Twenty-eighth avenue. Mr. Blanchard lived in Omaha for the last twenty-eleht years and, until a few years ago, was active at the local gov ernment corrals. Surviving him besides his wife. Is one son, Allen, who resides at home. Funeral services will be held from Holy Angel's Cathollo church Thursday morn ing at 9 o'clock and Interment will be In Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Subscriptions taken nt tho Station ery Section for any magazine published. Get our Subscription Catalog with best club rates. Santa C!aus wants to meet all Hie littlo boys and girls Mere In Toyland. Bring thorn down, you'll enjoy it too. CHRISTMAS IS FAST APPROACHING Do Your Gift Buying NOW and Save Worry UIl store is in readiness for leisurely choosing. Our stocks are replete with useful and practical gifts, which will he appreciated to the fullest extent by the recipient. DO YOUR SHOPPING ON A TRANSFER No need to wait for each purchase to be wrapped separately and carry parcels with you while shopping. Just ask any clerk for a Transfer Card. Use it and your goods will be all assembled, wrapped and made ready for de livery at one time. It's the most convenient way to shop. O SUIT PRICES DROP ANOTHER NOTCH and they will continue to be reduced $1,00 each day till the stock is sold, Wednesday, Choice of the House TAILORED SUITS $17 50 Whether the orig inal price was $25, i $30, $35. $40, $45 and even up to $65, Wednes day, at, choice . $17.50 BUT in all fairness to yourself don't forgot that tho selec tion will be better Wednesday than- later. "Every suit in our entiro high-clas stock is included, not a single garment reserved. ' Scores of the Season's Best Styles from Which to Select In fact, tho greatest buying opportunity offered by any store in tho city. All tho newest materials, most desirable pat terns and colorings. Como Wednesday and take your choice from tho entire stock at $17.50. 3r OUIHIZU 25c HOSIERY Practical Gifts JUST n suggestion Why not glvo Hosiery for Xmas? Women's 50c Hose, 25o Women's regular or outHlzo hose, black cotton or Halo thread, full regular made, 50c quality , . . . . Women's 35c Hose, 17c Wool or fleeced lined, fast black, 35c quality i w pair X C Women's 50c Hose, 3 for $1 Imported black gauzo lisle, plain black and hand embroid ered, 50c values, o s -i tn neat Xmas box O for p X Women's Silk Hose, $1.00 "Phoenix" brand silk hose black, In neat "ye Xmas box, pr. I OC) $1 The New Auto Hat The Cheltenham" as ilhistraied CM ART, graceful -J and most useful. An English hat, made to withstand any kind of weather. The rain or fog xoill not muss or penetrate the velvet or silk. Made in black, brown or navy only. Very desirable for general knockabout wear and an p exceptional d Rvalue, Wednes- $ day at, choice HANDKERCHIEFS For Xmas Gifts ALWAYS acceptable, our display Is tho largest and beet selected In tho city. Our prices tho lowest. Handkerchiefs, 12y2c Women's Autograph handker chiefs, about 100 namos to se lect from, cmbrold- t ercd on good I 9JL quaUty lawn, at, LO . each 25c Handkerchiefs, 17c Men's handkerchiefs, linen fin ish, three in bundle, -fl rj 26c value, at JL C Handkerchiefs, 3 for 25c Women's Swiss Embroidered one corner, In o box rO for 6uC Handkerchiefs, 6 for 59c Women's initial, good quality, box 6 for 59c iOrkin Bros.--16th and Harney.- jOrkin Bros.-.-16th and Harney.i HARRIMAN IS DEMOCRATIC Young Railroader is Good Tellow Among U. P. Workers. TRAVELS AS ORDINARY PERSON Hrrn TIiookIi Private Cri nnil Spe cial Kqnliiuirnt .ire at Ilia Service Ho Unen Street Cara to Hluffa. Ba Want Ada Troduce lUiulta. End Stomach Misery-Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn, Sourness-Pape's Diapepsin Time it! In five minutes your i sick, nauseated stomach feels fine Ends Dyspepsia. i our, alck, upatt atomach, IndJseitlon, heartburn, dyapepala; when th food you cat fermenta Into gases and atubborn lumpa; your head achea and you feel sick and miserable, that' when you re alise the magic In I'ape's Diapepsin. It tnakea stomach dlatreaa so In five mln litea. If your ilomach la In a revolt If you can't get It regulated. rlease, for your take, try I'apc'a Dlupepsln. It's co needles to have a bad stomach make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a little Diapepsin. There will not be any distress eat Arithout fear. It's because rape's Diapepsin "really does" regulate weak, out-of-order stom achs that gives It Its millions of sales annually. Oet a targe fifty-cent case of Pane's Diapepsin from any drug store. It Is the quickest, surest stomach relief and cure known. It acts ulmost like magic It Is h scientific, harmless stomach prepara tion which truty belongs In eery home. Advertisement. river bridge and the nearby roadbed, yards and trackage facilities of the road. Shaking hands wltti underlings and talking llko a chum Instead of a million aire employer, W. Averell ltarrtman. young director of the Union Pacific and heir to the late K. H. Ilarrlman'a im mense railroad Interests, visited the Union station and Council Bluffs ter mlnala Monday and mixed Intimately with under-cmployra In his efforts to Inspect and leurn about the transporta tion nd of the road's business. "How are you, and how do you like your job and the Union PacKlcT'' young Harrlman Is said to have asked olerks and assistants at tho depot, as he was shown about by Vice President Ware and station Master Hlmpson. "Nothing escaped his attention, whis pered the clerks In discussing the "big chief's" Visit, after he had left with other officers of the road to go to Coun cil IMufs. "And say, ain't he some democratic?" they, continued. "Who'd a'thought he'd shake hands with us guys or even stop to ask us questions?" Hut the young railroader did those things, in spite of his wealth and future promlnenoo In railroad circles, according tol witnesses. He also rode on a plebian street car when returning from his In spection of the IJluffs terminals although halt a dozen private cars and special locomotive were at his service. Many quektlons were asked by him as he peered Into all the rooma and depart ments of the local transportation depart ment of the Union PacUlc. Besides the Omaha depot and the Bluffs terminal facilities, he Inspected tho commissary tind cngtnMrtng building, the Missouri Eev, Hicks' Almanac Misses Forecast for Last Part November For tho latter part of November Hew Mr. Hicks' almanac wan strictly In disa greement with tho weuthcr an It actu ally occurred. An earthquake. period was predicted for 27th of the month and heavy Bnow falls were to follow the next two days. Then right at the heels of the precipitation n cold wave was to have come with reactionary storms for the first week In December. Ill view of the fact that other fore casters are- considerably antagonized by Hicks' almanac, and that whenever Hicks does "hit" a forecast the almanac publishers aro ever ready to horald their success to the world. It seems also In order to announce tho failures, not so much from pessimistic Inspirations, but In order to put a point to the satisfaction of those who take their achievements more modestly. fcOTHOLZ IS FINED FOR BLOCKADING SIDEWALK Cleorge Rotholz, 3201 liarcy street, was arrested Monday night by Officer Ilobey for obstructing the sidewalk and refus ing to move. Rotholz was standing in front of a pool hall at Twenty-eighth and Leavenworth streets when the officer approached, and failed to follow a crowd of his companions who took to their heels. He refused to move on at the of ficer's request and was sent to the sta tion. He was fined JI.60 and costs. All pool halls about the city will be visited by plain clothes men within the next fow days and any loiterers making a practice of loafing In front will be ar rested. Complaints by married women and young girls to the effect that pass ing these places without being Insulted is an utter Impossibility, had led to this order. Dahlman Leads inv the Race for Job as Local U. S. Marshal Mayor Dahlman Is leading the field In his race for United States marshal for Nebraska," declared Colonel Cary Applcgate of Halt take City at the Union depot, enroute from Washington to his home. Colonel Applegato and Mayor Dahlman are not only brother Elks and brother democrats, but were also brother office seekers in Washington last week, bnth reeking presidential appointment as United States marshal for their rcspc- tlvc districts. They havo been friends for many years, and the Utah man admits I that they helped each other in their ambitions at Washington, and that both are feeling confident of success. A delegation of prominent local Elks met Colonel Applegato at the depot anil entertained him for tho short time ho was In tho city. Ho is a member of Ui board of grand trustees of the lodgo and visited tho Elks' national homo ot Bedford, Va., where a new set of build-1 Ings. costing J2C0.00O Is to bo erected soon. ! A Shoottnjr Scrape with both parties wounded, demands Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Heals wound", sores, burns, bolls, cuts or plies. Only !5c. For sale by your druggist. Advertisement. Eating Meat Regular Clogs the ... . 1 i Kidneys, Then Your Back Hurts Flush your Kidneys occasion ally with a tahlespoonful of Salts to avoid danger. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like tho bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasionally, else we have backache and dull misery In the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatlo twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleep lessness and all sorts of bladder dis orders. You simply must keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain In the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here. take a tablespoonful In a gyiss of water before breakfast for a few days and, your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the add of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with. Uthla, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids In the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders, Jad Salts Is harmless. Inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent Uthla water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggttt says ha sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be lleve In overcoming kidney trouble whits. It la only trouble. Advertisement. Rectal Diseases Cured A mild treatment, that cures Piles, Fistula and other Rectal disease in a short . mc, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other general anast 1 stic used. A cure guaranteed in every case accepted for treatment, and no money ( b paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with testimonials. DR. TARRY ! BulMlng-Omaha,