Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Home Looked Pretty Good to Them
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
j fe,MuYr Hew Tl ( iT, n' vut'LL HAJiG Xo I fM, Gtuzhq i S! JJrV f th&m f "you ar.g I oH.weo jo
A Mexican OFFxcec. LjSSSSJagxiCAN , you mgjcican 1 L AKfi ) wiu. Do a N I Nvewco (
UeU. THfeN YOU CAN 5AWG Fot- " :
MfcXfCO 1 op HCK-GRe ATSST ) ! ? . ' 1 r i
I HAD OtDtfcS FROfA HlR.YA TO J fvX? ) 50 -SOBgDV tLe MUt ' s - I U&6R.YV JcT J Q.
JTACjf JUAREZ CAPTURE,- (J v BG SHOT IN , P-ACB. r. ( tA COUNTP-Y ) v 7"" J jjMI'lflflfl
" ' I I , ' , , ;
Billion aai Xsut4r4 Xilliea Aiked
fr Jftxt Tnr,
lMf (Ipf Department' Vint, Ppb
tons Seeond, Army Third, Nnvr
r-nrh kb Public Werka
t Is KWtfc . j
WASH1NOTQK. c. l.-ConrM will
hare to appiepri4 ;,, t,TTT "to pperate
the trovernment of the. United State dur
ing th fc4 year UM, accord In to the
otlmate prepared by each departmont
and sent ta the $ today by Secretary
MeAdoa of the treasury.
Th estimates submitted today are $.
tw,f7 In eeoa o the aftptoprlatlona (or
In last fiscal year, but their' total fait
m,NMM bekaw tM ecttmata. (or that
rtxrtofflc d6Prtmat ..50,96J,1U
Islatatlve eetabllshmenta 7.RM,at
Executive utabllshrrtent 3O.S0O.MS
Judicial establishment..., 1.IW.110
Department c Aurrtculture 1J.001.KB
Korl(tn tntmure..... 4,in.WI
XUttary MtaMlafcment 1(S,T,M
Naval etMWiment...... 1.1.9JJ
ImHan afjah-a 10.3M.6fiS
ItiM 14S.1S0.C9D
iuMio work...
'Mlacellaneoua , H.363.S11
Permarwat an'ual afoprlaUona M1.1M.407
Tt th preservation an4 completion nf
veIa already In cowmlaaion or author
l4 the Navy dcpartmtfit wanti H,seo,w;
for the nulla and machinery of th two
bttlhlr and etcht torpedo boata de
troy era wWch Secretary Danleli wlthea
to build In the riacal year 11411. 7,8e0.
for armor armament of veaeela auih
laed, io,
Inrrenvr fr Arn. r.
Many Incrtaata are aouKht for tht
wr, One of the principal miliary
Heme l N8.90 for military aeronautics,
of which 1M,(0 la to be aDtnt for fifteen
aeropla jjea, . anld' f be rwcesaiiry If the
United 'Stfttca la to keep abreast In this
science end "bo prepared to cot with
ether first class powers in case of war."
Th estimates for the organised mllltla.
are htrger by' many millions than In pre
vksua years. Rums of l,SS0,e for field
camps of instruction, ftM.SEO for equip
ment of coast artillery armories, H,M,ee9
tor field artillery material, and H,m.m
for amwiunltl'm for such artillery for
mlllth ara asked,
v"er armament 111 fortifications the es
timate s ,W;,8e9, an Increase of more
than m,m.m over1 last year, This ,,
0M Is to be expended in the purchase,
manufacture and test f ammunition for
rr.auntatn, field and stem cannon.
The War department estimates that fV
tH,m must be appropriated for the Pa
nama canal in IMC, which Is about tS,4W.
MO more than the current 'appropriation.
Kor mlecellancoua material for Ute canal
ti0.9.W0 la asked, and &K1,M la wanted
for fortifications. Of the appropriation
for fortifications tl.aur,660 Is to be spent
for army quartors to provide accommoda
tions in all for ten companies of coast
artillery and 780,US Is for Installation
of ten clx-lncK guns, seven fourteen-lnch
eum and twenty-olght twelve-inch mortars.
One of the moat Interesting items In the
long Hat of estlmntet la that of ?tT5,W0 for
salaries and expenses of special at
torneys, examiners und ncrnts of tho
Bureau Of qorporationa, an Increase of
IMuMi over last year. In a note ac
companying the request for this addi
tional sum congress la told!
"This Increaso la due entirely to the
plan projected for additional work to bo
dene by the Bureau of Corporation. This
plan has to do with the facta on stocks
and bond issues, holding companies. In
terlocking directorates, etc., the economy
aHl efficiency of trusts and Interstato
Corporations and conflicting state laws."
"J The, 'census bureau .wants tJ,W0 or
jJI America's M Finest
Mdiew in ittor. Ag4 for years in charred caaVs, in II
In warebouacg flooded with sunshine.
I St Korthcrn Rye always selected by a member of the firm. I
In JPMfswi water reel wells sunk hondrada of feet into solid
H tlaai'c why Qi MM rho knaws always inrlats on II
OaetaassLO, Jeiaaa, Hfc Uolwlik, Kj. g
collecting statistics, of which la
for a census of manufacturers. For an
Investigation of the materials used In
rails, what's and exles and other rail
way equipment and the cause of their
failure, $0,000 Is naked.
More Stunrr for Investigators.
Secretary McAdoo estimates that he
will need $1,56,0$0 to collect the Income
tax. Ho saya an Increase Is necessary be
cause tho tax collection machinery will
be perfected by the time the appropria
tion la made (and because Investigations
yrlll determine caaea of taxes withheld
In previous yeara.
The Department of Agriculture asks
congress for fW.Coa to use Jn eradicating
the cattle tick, an increaia of' tTS.OOO.
This department tinea Itself up with the
Department of Justice and congress In
tho effort to delve In the operations of
the cold storage dealora. It asks I50.CA1
to InveaUgnta the preparation for the
market, the storing, frees) ng and othe
operation Incidental to the transporta
tion of poultry and eggs; $15,000 to look
into similar operation in fish; $25,000 for
an oyater investigation, and 120,0ft) for a
biological lnveaticatlon of food and drug
products, with JC1.J01 for - the"enforce
ment of the pure food andttrugs Act.
The State department evidences Us de
termination to house American repre
sentatives abroad In buildings furnished
by the government. In asking 1150,000 for
tho purchase of a site and the construc
tion of on embassy building In Mexico
City; (140,000 foe. thai purchase of. a fit
and construction of a building for tho
legation at Heme, Swltserlaid, and fl&O.w
0CO for the construction pf an embassy
building1 on 'ground now owned by th
United Btatea In Toklo.
Kor continuing work on buildings n.
deay authorised, , tho ; Treasury 'depart
ment puts In an estimate of HUt.SJ. Fo
continuing rivers and harbors work, tho
War department aaya It ne'eda" t41.1S3.MX
which Includes .MJS.000 (or Improving th
waterway connecting lakes Wuhinjrtnn
and Union at Seattle; Columbia rlver Ore
gon,; Humboldt harbor and. bay.
Ca'-tfornla, S,i.0: the Dalea rapids to
head Of Cello falls, Columbua ' river.
discovered dead hanging to a tree at a
remote part of the aidhey Pitt farm
northwest of Persia Baturday, came to
his death by his, own hands was the
verdict of tho coroner's Jury. The letter
In Mr. Nelsen's pocket Indicated that he
Intended to kill himself, and that he was
In trouble real or Imaginary. Mr, Mcl-
sen came from Denmark a short tlmo ago
and was able to speak but little English,.
LOGAN After being out near twelve
hours the jury In the $16,000 damage case
brought by Mr. Agnes M. Goodwin
against the Mason-Beabury company, re
turned a verdict for the defendant Bun
day morning, Mrs. Goodwin's husband,
V. U. Goodwin, was killed by the tallng
cement uiock wan or tne Mason-seaoury
garage, at Missouri Valley In tho violent
wlndrtorm of August 12, 1912.
Persistent Advertising li the Itoad to
Business Success.
. There is no speculation
in buying clothes if you
buy our Kensingtons.
With their Stylish, graca
ful models, their trust
worthy materials and their
abundant hand-sewing
they have totally elimi
nated every trace of specu
lation. ' .
Only the certainty of
perfect and permanent
satisfaction remains.
Ke nsington Suits- .
(English or semi-English
sacks in black and white
very smart.) Kensington
Overcoats (short or long
models many with shawl
collars and belte d backs
lively, distinctive fabrics.)
They fit and stay fit
$20, $25 or up.
December rains are un
usual, but they're wet We
have some good-looking
Slip-Ons and Gaberdines
which will keep you dry
and wear you well.
$5 to $20.
(R. S. V. P.)
413 So. 16th.
As well be out of the
world as out of style.
The advertising columns
of The Bee constitute a.
continuous style show.
Great Sporting Club
mimed for Chicago
CHICAGO, Dec. l.-AVhat la designed to
be one of the greatest sporting clubs In
the world with a program abounding In
unusual features Is promised for Chicago,
according to announcement made today.
The organisation, starting with 1,500
members, with James A. Pugh. the
yachtaman, aa president, has been Incor
porated under the name "Sportsmen's
Club of America." Mr. Pugh said today
that within a year the club will have a
membership of 40,003, aa there will be
no Initiation fee 'and the annual dues
III be only IS.
A large club house, with a stadium
seating 15.000 persona, will be constructed
h'ere, and It Is planned to give exhibitions
every night of tho year, giving full play
to every one of the alxty-etght recog
nised branches nf sports, ranging from
yachting to roque.
There will be sixty-eight vice presi
dents, each one an expert In one of the
branches of sports.
The Man bo Nearlcota Himself
When bis condition, points to kidney
troubles takes sn unwise risk. Back.
ache, pain and soreness over the kidneys,
nervous or dlssy spells, -poor sleep, are
an symptoms mat win ntsappear witn
the regular use of Foley Kidney Pills.
They put the kidneys and bladder In a
clean, strong and healthy condition, and
rheumatic pains, stiff Joints, lumbago and
Irregular hladder action are all relieved
promptly when Foley Kidney Pills are
taken. For sale by, all dealers ysry;
where. Ad vartlaaeaeat. . '. .
Iowa Notts Notes.
SHENANDOAH Itesldent traveling
salesmen or Bnenanaoan held an in
formal reception and luncheon at th
Delmonlco hotel last night Plates were
UUd lor etgnty at which the salesmen
and their wives partook of a five-course
THIS is it! His gift Gillette
Combination Set: razor,
blades, blade box, shaving soap
and shaving brash, in Morocco
covered case. Keeps all his shaving
uiings nanay ana compact. $
Other Combination and Traveler' Sets, with and without
Toilet accessories $6.50 to $50.
Ask Your Dealer
tOG AN That Carl Nclsen. who was