TTIE BEE; OMAHA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1913. Nebraska, LINCOLN YOTESOH CHARTER People of Capital City to Decide Its Fate Today. MUCH DOUBT AS TO RESULT Isht tin rifcn Bitter On(, at Tlmn rirachlna. reraonnl Stnsre When-t.le I Pa Med. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. l.-(Speclftl.)-Tomor-row the voter of the city of' Lincoln tvIH decide at on. election whether they want to adopt the new city charter pre pared by a charter commission selected at the spring election when the present city 'commissioners were elected. There Is considerable doubt as to tha outcome, -both aides claiming that they expect to win out The fight, has been a bitter one, at times reaching the per sonality, stage, when the lie was passed by exponents of both sides of the ques tion. Doth dally papers have been lined tip on the side of the charter, which has given the charter ndherents the Inside of the fight as far as publicity la con cerned. However, the opponents to the charter have not been Idle, and for over a month meetings have been hid all over th city where the demerits of the prop ortions have been shown up. Such men as ex-Mayor Don U Love, Oeorge V. Berg. Charles W. Bryan. Assistant Attorney General Edgerton. W. M. Morning, ex-Mayor T. W. Brown, ,13. O. Mnggl and Tom Allen aro opposing the adoption of the charter, while Rep resentative J. H. Mockett, Senator StI leek. I. II. Hatfield. O. W. Meier and Prof. Alcsworth of the state university favor Its adoption. Whlcl Its adovcates are claiming thai the .new charter will give the people a chance to rule and Vole upon every measure of Importance that may come, those opposed to it assert that after the people have voted upon' any .proposition the commission ban by a unanimous voto decide therwlse. This they claim Is a part of the charter which Is favorable to the corporations and public utilities and really does not have much effect. In other words the Initiative and referen dum as adopted la effective only so far as It suits the commissioners. Others, clalni that the new charter raises taxes to a height that the aver age man cannot see over the top and favors the wealthy merchant aa aglnst the poor man who owns a house arid lot In the aoutsklrts of the town. They also claim that the charter has been no peculiarly drawir that the' poor fellow outside of the business district lias got to donate r toward the fixing up of the down town university campus for the benefit tof the down town merchant, who gets rich from the trade of the students, which cornea tao his establishment by reason of the fact that It Is close to the university. State Balance Less Than Last Month : A "., (From-a Staff- Correspondent1.') WNCOIiN, Ded. i;-(Speclal.)-The bat-. ance.ini.the .state- treasury for-the month' ending NoVember 3d, 1914, la shown Id be KH0.H01.M, as against T6t9,3Z1.0l last month, a falling off it -g.92:. according-: to. Jhe repoft of State- Treasurer George given out today. t The receipts for the month were "2, .393,53,, and-the disbursements. I238.J15.C2; The cash on hand Is shown as 1S.W8.&0, "aMd on 'deposit, M7,K2.4I. The trpst funds are Invested aa follows; , " '. J .'-t.riUST FUNDS INVESTED. Permanent school fund 147610,5:8 46 Permanent university fund 218:935.09 Agricultural College endowment ,548,1(8.10 Normal'cndowment ,.. - 77,660.00 Total r,on.d ," J,1G1.W0.K 1 iilversity warrants on hand... 218.J.1-.00 V-rmal hool warrants on hand HS.IW.Oo ;Total, ..i ..t3.te3.421.75 il,fiik Vlll r.ifi'v Postmaster. LYONS, Neb., 6ec. 1. (Special.)-.! ( primary election has been called! for Sat ' unlay. December 13. to vbte on postmaster fpr,th place. There are four candidates a follows. M. M. Warner, who has pub lished the Lyons Mirror for a quarter of " V.century: Carl atcDoweri, A. T.'Hlll and iJ. .IJultbcrg. ( a f . Wanted. Live experienced salesmen to handle our lln'e In the state of Nebraska; South Dakota, M!st6ur and Kansas, (live full .Information In. first letter; Qunther Con fection & Chocolate Co.. 7:6 W. Jackson .' 31 id., Chicago, 111. ENTIRE SCALP Spread to Body, Limbs, Back and Ears. If Scratched Would Bleed ' and Smart. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Completely Cured. n. F. D. No. 8, 8uaflold. Mich. "I was f troubled th eczema, It bejan with a oro on the top of ths sralp. brp'.i- out as a plmplo ana grew larger until It was a large red apotj with a rruit or scab over lt This becamo larger tlnally covering the cntlro scalp and spread to different parts of the, body, tho limbs and back and In the farm. These sores grow' larger 1 gradually until soma were ai large as a quarter of a dollar. They would Itch and If scratched they wdtild bleed and smart. The. clothing would Irri tate them at night when it was being re moved causing them to itch and smart so I could not sleep. A watery fluid would run from them. My scalp became covered with a acalo and -when tho lialr was raised up It would raise this scale; the hair wasomlng ex.; terribly. My scalp and body itched all tha time. "After using Cuticura Soap and Ointment with two applications wa could notice a great ciffereoee. My way of using the Cuticura fioip and Ointment was to apply the Oint ment to the sores and all over tha scalp, then after I would wash the sort, and scalp with the Soap. In a month's time I was ram plctely cured " (Signed) Mrs. Bertha Underwood. Jan. 3. 1013. Cuticura Soap 2.'jc andputlcuraOlntment tOr. are sold everywhere Liberal tacipto of each mailed froc. with 31-p. Skin Book. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Boston." WMen who shave and shampoo with Cu ticura Soap will And It best for skin and scalp ECZEMA COVERED V. STY -"T- J Nebraska fieward May Be Offered for the Men Who Stole Books TECfMBEIt. Neb., Dec. l.-(8pcclal.)-lt Is not altogether Improbable that there will be some Interesting developments In connection with the theft of tho books of tho defunct Chamberlain banking house of this city In the near future. The book, stolen from tho office of the sheriff here In the night ot October S, 1S08, have Just been found In the old channel of the Nemaha river at the edge of town. A new river channel has Just been cut near the old bed and It Is four feet lower than the old river bed. When the water was let out of tho old river the box con taining the books were found by Goorse Merrill, a 16-ycar-old lad. tied to a stump by wire and weighted down with stones. Aa long as the water remained normal In the old rlber the box was well covered, and, by freshets and otherwise, mud had drifted well over the box. The books were taken out by Sheriff E. L. Roberts and two others, taken uptown ahd put to drying out under lock and key. At tho office of the county attorney It Is hinted that the officer Is going to as'.t the consent of Judge J. B. Bayer of the district court to have a liberal reward offered for Information leading to tho Identity ot the thieves, and to promise the man who will give up tho Information, "peach" as It were. Immunity from prcsecUtlon. As Jhe books and. box weighed 275 pounds It Is known that at least two and perhaps three men had a hand In their theft. The Idea Is to get one of the men to give up the secret. Two .Arrested for Beaver Slaughter (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Dec. l.-(Speclat.) Fred Black, living twenty miles south of Thed form, with Grant Adams and Charles HIU have been arrested by Game Warden 8. A. Bowen Tor killing beaver In Thomas county. Eleven skins were found In their possession, one of them from a beaver weighing seventy pounds. The skins aro worth from W.60 to J13 each, according to size. Black came to Lincoln today and claims that he had a permit to kill beaver. His permit Is of a date which shows that ho, uad no rignt to Kill the .animals, aa it had expired, but he claims that he did not receive the permit for some time after It waa Issued and was within the time for which It was given. A man may receive a permit -to. kill beaver on his own land upon making affidavit that they are damaging his property. BEATRICE JUDGeTeFUSES TO ANNUL A MARRIAGE BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. ..-(Speclal.)-Judgo Pembertnn Saturday refused to an nul the marriage ot Minnie Ktrkham to Christopher Klrkham aa prayed, holding that by living together as Hong as they did thel ielr status of husband- and wife be fixed so "they are nit entitled ,to tame have their marriage declared -null jand void. ..Mr. rJUUinpm brougnt tne action, stating thnt ther were .married In Iowa within six months after she had been granted a divorce In this county, which was -contrary to the 'laws ot, the state. She alleged that she was an Innocent party, to the 'act, and that after llvlnS with her husband some time she learned ot . the violation of the statute and at ence ceased marital relations with htm. Henry Mast ot Ilolmcsvlllo Saturday filed a petition In the district court ask lng that either A. W. Mast or James W. Glsh of Holmcsvtlle be appointed guard Ian for his brother, Aaron Mast, a farmer living near Holmcavtlle. Mr. Mast states In his petition that because of domestic troubles and financial losses Aaron Mast has becomo i .cntnlly weak and of un sound mind, and Is not competent to man age and. protect his property and rights. The Adams and American Express com panies Saturday consolidated their offices at thfs point, and from now on the busi ness of tho two companies will be hand led through the office of the Adams. Frank Collett will be In charge of the office. M. O. Snyder, who has been agent for the American company here, will be transferred to Blair, Neb. TWIN ELEVATOR COMPANY OF OMAHA INCORPORATED (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 1. (Special.)- At tides of Incorporation ot the Turin Elevator company of Omaha were filed with tho secretary of state today. Tha company Is Incorporated for 13.S00, tics officers being: John It. Brown, president; W. D. Moore, vice' president; I. L. ltlnohart. secretary, nnd F. W. Blsbne. tmaiurer. The Myers . Serum company also filed articles of Incorporation with headuuar ters at Omaha. They will manufacture hog cholera scrum and arc Incoiiiornted for 110,000. E. H. Mayer Is president: A. T. Everett, vice president, and C M. Day, sccietary. The Lincoln Overland .ompanv, with a capltnl stock of $40,000, lias Incurporiited and 'filed It articles. The prtlilcnt of the board s It. E. Blck iell; vler j resi dent, I'aul Herpolshelmer; fcecretary and treasurer, E. D. King.. Headquarters will be In Lincoln and they will doi a genrral business in automobile buying and helling. A Heard Handle la Arretted. BLOOM FIELD, Neb., Dec. l.-tPpeolal.) August Felter, the 17-year old son f Ernest Felter, was held up on Thanks giving night, at about !:30 o'clock. In front of his father's residence, by a lono highwayman and was forced to give up his gold' watch and SO cents. City Mar shall Hessman at 11:30 o'clock arrested a man who gave his name aa Ed 'Ham mond, aged 31 years, from South Da kota. The suspect said he wanted to secure money to get aoufethlng to eat. At the preliminary hearing held Friday after noon he waived examination and was bound over to the spring session of the district court under a 1$00 bond, which he was unable to furnish. .(innrrilnv Astnlnat Croup, The" best safegunrd , against croup Is a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound In the house. V. H, Glnn, Middle ton, Ga., wrltea: "My children are very susceptible to croup, easily catch cold. I glva them .Foley' Honey and Tar Com pound and In ever) Instance they get prompt relief and are soon cured. We ' keen It at home and nrevent croun." Ua I it also for roughs, colds, hoarseness, tick- i ling throat, bronchial and la grippe coughs. It contains no opiates. Refuse substitutes. For sale by alt dealers everywhere. Advertisement. Nebraska. State Not to Pay for Pajama Bags of Its Examiners (From a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN. Dec. l.-(Speclal.)-Uank ex aminers, Insurance examiners, county treasurer examiners or any other kind of an examiner for the state who In the tutum may want a typewriter to take on their trips must not expect tho state to pay the bills. Neither can they purchase high-priced traveling bags to carry their pajamas In and charge It to ex penses. Governor Morchcad and Auditor How anl both claim that they enrry their extra duds wrapped up In a newspaper when they go away over night and be lieve that If tho examiners want any thing better than that It only costs .V) cents for a telcscopo grip or n little net sack can be secured at most any 10-cent store for a dime which la good enough to lug around a lot ot letterheads and dlrtv collars. Wnntn New Typewriter, The controversy came up a few daya ago when one ot the new bank ex aminers made application for a brand new typewriter. The new members of the board, tho governor 'and auditor, were thunderstruck. They did not be lieve tho state should pay for typewriters which the examiners used for their own private letter writing and promptly sat down on the proposition. Auditor How ard said that twice ho had had to order typewriters back to the offlceused by examiners In his department who had been let out and ho did not bellevo that the state had any right to purchaso machines for these rqen. It Is said that there aro seven type writers In tho hands of bank examlnera belonging to the state and several ex aminers have nlco leather bags In which they carry their papers and private be longings when traveling about. It la also claimed that Insurance examlnera have recently been seen carrying around brand new leather bags which the state paid for. Schoolmaster's Club to Banquet Saturday (From a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN, Dec, 1. -(Special.)-The Schoolmasters' Club of Nebraska will bold Its next annual banquet Saturday evening at 6 o'clock at the Ltndell ohtel. Tho date had formerly been set for the evening previous, but on account of the Cornhusker foot ball spread on Friday evening It was thought best to not have a confllctlon of dates. It was thought best not to celebrate two foot ball vic tories the same night and to leave the. celebration of the Kearney Normal ashool game Saturday night. Dr. A. O. Thomas dots not appear upon the toast list. Dean Hahn of Wayno will talk of "Psychological Problems In Connection with Promotion. Systems In Elementary Schpols." Superintendents W. It, Pate .of Alliance and J. H. Welch of Stanton will discuss the proposition.' Fairbury to Have Wireless Station Soon FAIBBt'ItV, Neb., Dec. l.-(Speclal.)-Falrbury has a new wireless telegraph station, soon to be In operation. A. D, Ackerman, it local Jewelryman, has or dered a wireless telegraph station In hla store on the west side of the square. He expects to fit up tho wires on several of the brick blocks on the wesi side of the square, the receiving pole being placed on tho White muslo store build ing and wires connected to the Conrad block. The station will bo In his store. The receiving wires for the Instrument must be 100 feet In the air. Ackerman expects to receive United States radio time signals twice dally from the gov ernments wireless station at Arlington, Va., near Washington. It la claimed these radio sound waves aro powerful enough to transmit a message 1,500 miles. Arlington Is 1.M0 from Fairbury via air line, lladlo signals aro trans mitted twice dally. PAROLE APPLICATIONS UNFAVORABLY REPORTED (From a Stafr Correspondent.) LINCOLN, D,ev l.-(Speclal.)-Fourtcen applicants for clemency and parole are doomed to disappointment, their appli cations having been unfavorably reported by the board thin morning. All of these were second termers. It being the policy ot the Board ot Pardons to deny all second termers paroles until they have very nearly completed the maximum of their sentence, unless there nr extenuating circumstances such as s'eknevs or other conges. A report from the State Normal school at Peru . filed with tho governor this morning shows that there haa been paid out from the maintenance fund, which Includes salaries, etc., for the six months ndlng November 30, $5,S31.73; from the cash fund, 2,3f.7.52 and the library fund, 12.191. 61. Tho cash fund has a balance on band of $l,:i. V,, and the library fund of 13M.M. Under the cold otorago law which re--quires cold storage houses to put up a bond for the carrying out of the require ments of the law, the Union Outfitting company of Omaha doing business as the Fidelity Storage and Van compang, this morning filed a bond tor S10.C00 with the governor. SEVERAL SCHOOLS FAVOR ADMISSION OF HUSKERS LINCOLN. Dec. L The admission of Nebraska to the "Big Nine" athletic con ference la hazy and Indefinite, avoiulng to Ewald O. Stiehm, athletic director of Nebraska university, vho returned toJay from a meeting of .mlverslty athletic boards at Chicago. "The gathering In Chicago,"' said SUehm, "waa ono of basket ball coaches, which could have nothing to do with the question of considering Nebraska us a member of the conference. I have no absolute Information as to whet faculty professors constituting ther'confereiice In tend to do, but I 'b know that several of the school favor our admlsil in. The subject probably ivill be diseased at a coming meeting. ' Whether Nebraska enteis tl.i confer ence or not, It -a believed wmn wltn Iowa and Minnesota will be on the ( oriu huskera' foot ball schedule fur iH'-t year National League NEW YORK. Nov. 30.-Jake Datibert, Brooklyn's star first baseman, Is the .Nation it league's champion bats man, for the season of 19)3. Tho official batting averages of the league, lunde public today, show him third on the tist with nn nvernre nf -Ai in t . Of the two men nominally outranking him however, ono, Ylngllng of Brooklyn, la a pltclivr and took part In only forty games, while In nlhnr rt..ri. it..n aid of Boston, who played In only about nair or the season's games. Is no tongcr a major leaguer, having been released to an' International league team some time before the close of the season. Ylngllm. tho top man. battted .JS3, and McDon ald, ?.'S. Cravath of Philadelphia Is second among tho leaders who played In loo or more games, batting .3(1, and he also led tho league In homo runs with nineteen to his credit. Hla teammate, I.uderUs, was a close second In homo runs, milk- i AB. It. It. Pet tingling. Brooklyn tt) 11 13 .3S3 wcuonsiu, uinc.-lfotlon 163 2i 53 3M Lauoeri, tirooKiyn SOS K. Miller, Philadelphia.. 87 Cravath, Philadelphia... 625 Hyatt, Pittsburgh si Walsh, Philadelphia an Collins. Boston 3 D. Brown. Boston St Vlox. I'lttKiiiii-uli ... iav 7 178 9 $0 .3(3 78 179 .341 S 27 3 10 3 1 3 11 331 .3.11 .333 .!( S3 1M .317 Tinker. Cincinnati 3SS 47 111 Becker, Clnc.-Phlla 4M tt 1S1 .317 ,3lR .! .311 utiriiay, jvew York, 19 Zimmerman, Cnlcago 4(7 K 1(0 Hess, Boston ,. S3 9 M .313 ;ucyci. New York 37S 37 118 .Jn Bcnmiat. Boston 7K 21 S. pttagee, Philadelphia.. 4t0 92 1(4 Urindall. N. Y.-St. L... 't3 7 '15 Wheat. Mmnklvn ms m ir.i .SOI .3W Ldbert. Philadelphia..... 573 9S 173 wagner, l'lttsourgn. Cooper, New York.. Fletcher, New York Mat sans. Cincinnati. Tlttis, Boston.. . 413 51 121 .301 ... '3l 11 9 ,31X1 ... 5TS 70 1S .t7 .,.435 (9 129 .297 ... f( T3 SO .Jt7 ... 1SS 15 41 .297 zmn, Boston J. C. Smith. Brooklyn MO 70 1C0 ,39S Qakes. St. Louis UO at 15$ Sntidgrass, New York.... -t87 133 :5K .28J aier, Chicago ,...ul9 111 1MI Anlnms, Pittsburgh....... 114 13 33 Hnuser. SL Louis. 3 ,13 V.2S9 Hhafer, -New York lltach, Chicago Burns. New York. MS 74 IIS .207 m 99 I3i .7 :3S tfC SI 173 Hersog. New York.. .. 290 4f. 83 McLean. St. L..-N. Y. .. 227 10 6', Hoblltxel. Cincinnati.... 60 69 141 .285 NVers, Chicago 44S SI 127 Hligglns. St. Loul m 71 109 Egan, Cincinnati 195 15 U Connolly, Boston 427 79 120 tlroh, New York-Clnc... a 61 112 .231 .281 ,3Sn uoyie. New York... 483 67 iao uutier, Pittsuurgh 214 Olbson. Pittsburgh 118 41) 0 .2K0 6 33 28) flchulte, Chicago,..., 497 F5 13$ .27 nates, Cincinnati Carey, Pittsburgh Konetchy, St. Louts.... McCormlck, New York 'Myers, Boston... Hendrlx, Pittsburgh... Kllng. Cincinnati 407 63 113 .278 620 93 172 .277 604 75 139 ,27ti 80 9 22 624 7 113 .275 .273 99 13 27 .273 209 20 67 273 J. Miller. Pittsburgh.. . .SO 16S .273 .272 .272 .268 .267 .297 .267 .267 .66 .266 .206 .266 .265 .264 .264 ,263 .2&i .262 26i Stengel, Brooklyn 43S GO 119 O. Miller, Brooklyn 320 28 87 Kelly, Pittsburgh 82 11 22 Murray, New York 520 70 139 Ciitshaw, Brooklyn 532 72 158 U Magee, St. Loul 631 64 142 Fischer, Brooklyn 165 16 44 Wilson. Pittsburgh &so 71 154 Mitchell, Chlcago-Pltts.. 478 C2 127 Moran. Brooklyn 1)15 71 Ml 368 38 itS rut 1-, in Archer, Chicago Byrne. Pltts.-Phlla. Clarke, Cincinnati ID 23 Iff Dovore. N. Y.-Cln.-Phlla. 277 43 73 Knabe, Philadelphia..... 571 70 160 Luderus, Philadelphia... 5SS 67 164 Fisher, Brooklyn 474 42 124 Paskert, Philadelphia.... 454 S3 119 Almeida, Cincinnati 13 14 34 .262 Merkle, New York 663 78 147 .161 Harmon. St. Louis 92 7 24 .261 Mowrey. Bt. Louis. 460 61 117 . 260 Oriner, St. -Louis 81 7 21 .259 Blackburn, Cincinnati... 27 1 7 .259 lieschef, Cincinnati,:.... Ml SU 132 .258 Km In, Brooklyn 31" 6 8 .2.W owteney, Boston w... 602 65 K9 .237 Docin, Philadelphia. 19 6 .13 ,'J&1 James, Boston. ...... ....... 47 & 12 .2o5 Wlngo, St. Louis 3J7 25 78 .261 Clymer, Chicago-Boston. 142 21 36 .254 Suggs, Cincinnati 67 7 17 .254 Mann, Boston 407 . 61 lai .253 Oood, Chicago 91 11 23 -.253 Griffith. Boston 127 16 32 . 232 Lord, Boston 235 21 59 .Hit NOTE Moat runs, Leach and Carey, flea hits, Knabe, 41; home runs, . Cravath, hit. J. C. Smith. Brooklyn, 40. CLUB Brooklyn Philadelphia Pittsburgh Cincinnati Chicago Boston St Louis MISCELLANEOUS. The number of players participating In tho 1913 campaign, according to clubs ml nlnvlnir tiniitflnnM. m'hh am follnwii Pitchers, cutcliem. Boston , Brooklyn Chicago Cincinnati New Yoik., Philadelphia Pittsburgh , 13. 13 .... -16 .... 20 .... 11 .... It .... 14 St. LOUiS, It i?ackrs May Have to Pay. for Use of Holding Yards (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Deo. 1. (Special.) The pack ing companies of South Omaha will prob ably have to pay the South Omaha Stock Yards company for tho use of holding yards on viaducts nnd streets used by the packers In getting stock from the ship ping cars to the packing planU uccord lng to a hint given (Jeneral Manager Everett Buckingham and Attorney nan sum of the stock yards company, who called on the railway commission today. The Cudahy Packing company two months Hgo filed a complaint with the commission against the charge made and It was regarding their complaint u letter written by Chairman Clarht of tho commission that Buckingham nnd nansoin called today. The Nebraska Telephone company .lus bocn granted permission to extend '. period of discount on telephono bills (torn the 6th of each month to the '0'h. This applies to the exchanges tit Al'en. Da kota City. Homer, Laurel, rtandolph, Waterbury and Wlnslde. Knlrlmrv w 'o(e. FAIBBUBY, Neb.. Dec. l.-(eclul.) Jnmcs A. Jackson, engineer on trains 305 and 306, Fairbury to Nelson, U laying off this week and visiting !r. CouncM Blurts, la. J. T. McLean, an ok 'i engineer. Is filling his place. The Fairbury schools reopened this morning after being closed sine Novem ber 26. The majority it the Fairbury 1 teaching force spent their vacations out of Fairbury. A number ot Nebraska dlvltlon (lremn at this point are laying off fila weak They are: Charles B. aatoly, J. A Lloyd, Joe Hall. C. So rum, K, II. A hi, James neddan and C. A. Urubb. Trainmaster W. W. Car-won ot tne Nebraska division la In Top-k't, Kan . this week conferring ulth Tr.iffk Man ager J. B. Smalley of th v.ind dlslrl-t relative to railroad mat?,a on th's di vision. John Bone and Arthur Berry two nl- Batting Averages lng eighteen hits for the circuit . in stolen bases Max Carey of Pitts burgh Is the leader with sixty-one. Heine Zimmerman of Chicago, who led the league In battlnglast year with an average Of .371, Is fourteenth on thli year'a list with a mark of .311 Tim champion Olnnts got but one regular, Meyers, with .j'lt. In the select .3A al though Fletcher was rtoso to the mark with '.297. The veteran. Honus Wagner, hut to his credit the record of having gone through seventeen consecutive sea sons with a mark of .am or better, Just made tho even .300 this year. Of the player-managers. Tinker of Cincinnati leads with .317, standing eleventh on the lenguo list, the others being Evers. Chicago, fortieth, with ttugglns, St. Louis, forty-first, with tho same mark; nnd Dooln of Philadelphia, eighty. fourth, with .3M. Tho New Yotks lead In club batting With 173, St. Louis last with .!47. AB. .. its .. Ml .. 671 It. II. Pet. 18 61 -29 41 6 .249 CS til 27 21 63 .317 15 22 .2(7 2,. SS .241 Ji 79 2U V. 51 2(3 W 4 .2(3 3 21 .'ill X, 97 .2(0 11 21 .23) 5 10 .218 3 9 .537 31 5S .23 2.1 48 .23 37 W .222 14 36 .232 1 0 .231 19 48 .229 11 19 .229 3i 65 .22N 20 37 . 228 17 25 .221 4 .223 7 21 .221 (( 89 .2J0 6 23 .219 S2 113 .218 23 (I .218 31 88 .217 7 17 .215 16 39 .213 1 7 .211 w :( .211 7 20 .211 K 10 .201 2 5 .208 13 21 .201 2 11 .201 3 12 .2A3 7 15 .203 9 16 .ami 3 6 .200 12 17 .195 34 49 .191 8 12 .191 6 ) MM 3 9 .191 6 15 .19) S 18 .189 1 19 .184 2 11 .1 5 11 .1) n 9 .ISO 9 10 .179 2 13 .178 4 8 .178 13 17 .ITS 6 7 .171 6 16 .185 3 11 .144 3 9 .164 3 9 .181 A .146 2 .146 6 6 .143 1 2 .143 6 7 .137 4 10 .133 4 7 .132 9 13 .126 b 4 .125 .. 6 .121 1 6 .119 .. e .120 t K .118 2 2 .118 6 10 .114 a g .111 . 12 .109 5 7 .110 4 7 .101 3 4 .103 1 2 .091 1 I .091 1 4 .09 3 2 .077 5 4 .073 2 1 .041 .. 1 .032 itvaus, St. touls Plielnu, Chicago Murnnvlllp. Moslem.... Simon. Pittsburgh Klrkpatrlck. Brooklyn Klllfer. Philadelphia MM Dodge, l'lilla. -Cincinnati 331 Whaling, Bostdo 211 Hummel, Brooklyn 1W Itucker, Brooklyn Si llildwell, Chicago... 05 Itudolph, Boston S Needham. Chicago 42 Klrke. Boston t Hnrlden, Boston.... 244 W. Miller. Chicago 203 lplan, Phlla.-Plttsburgh Kbmmers. Pittsburgh.... 15i W. Wagner. Brooklyn. .. 5S Unvllti, Boston. 210 Hofman, Pittsburgh aSJ F.' Smith. BostoiK tRo jlresnahan, Chicago 12 Williams. Chicago 15 Phelps, Biooklyn 18 Tesreau, New York 93 Whltted. St. Lotlls 404 Maniuatd, New York.... 105 Doolan. Philadelphia MS Herghammer, Cincinnati US O'Leary, St. Loitls 406 Wlckland, Cincinnati.... ,79 Cather, St. Louis M Chalmers, Philadelphia . 33 Grant, Clnclnnutl-N. Y.. 114 Bailee, St. Louis, fc Benton, Cincinnati... 24 102 54 69 7( Willie, New iork Tyler, Boston M. Brown, Cincinnati... Perrltt, St. Louts' McCarthy. Pittsburgh... Kooe. Pittsburgh Ed Burns, Philadelphia. SO Meyer, Brooklyn 7 Sheckard, St. U-Clnc... 252 Humphries, Chicago 62 Cheney, Chicago 104 Itlxey, Philadelphia 47 A. Wilson, New York.,,. 79 W. Collins, Brooklyn,... 95 Mathewson, New York.. lo3 lloblnson, Pittsburgh.... 61 Packard, Cincinnati 61 Coleman, Pittsburgh 60 Mensor, Pittsburgh 56 Seymour, Boston 73 Dickson, Boston 45 Corrldon, Chicago 97 Callahan, Brooklyn 41 ltagan, Brooklyn 91 Brennan, Philadelphia. . 67 Hlldebrand. St. Loul.... 63 Fromme, Olnc.-N. Y... 64 lloberta. SL Ijouls ,. 41 lleulbach, Chic-Brook... 41 Thorpe, New York 31 llarter, Cincinnati 11 Allen, Brooklyn M. 61 Camnltx, ritts.-Phlla.... 75 O'Toole. Pittsburgh 63 Alexander! Philadelphia. 103 llowlcy, Philadelphia.... S3 Stack. Brooklyn-Chicago 41 Curtis, Brooklyn 49 Mayer, Phdadelphla 60 Lavender, Chicago (8 Blchle, Chicago 17 Johnson. ..Cincinnati..,.,, ss Ames, N.'Y.-Clnclnnutt.. "J Ueaton, "Philadelphia 110 'Demaree. New York 66 Perdue. Boston McQuillan, Pittsburgh.,. 39 Oeycr, St. Louis., , 22 Ilurk, St, Loul 22 C. Smith, Chicago 45 A. Cooper. Pittsburgh... 26 Pierce, Chicago 65 Moore, Phlla.-Chlcago. .. 24 Donk, St. Louis 21 y AI ma rrlm 99 each; stolen bases. Carey 1; tnree-uase huh, tiuier, . ; two-buso BATTING. O. AB. It. II. Til. 211. 311. II B. Hit. SB. Pot lo C218 C84 1(27 USJ 226 70 31 Hi 29j .273 152 6163 695 U( It'll. 193 6 3U 1(7 18$ .270 169 6(00 693 (Ki ZC65 157 7i Vi Ui 166 ..285 166 6252 U73 1383 1870 210 S6 S3 152 ltl .261 166 6132 Oft mo 1782 170 Vi 27 161 26 .'Jul 165 IMS 721 1189 1853 195 Vi 59 lo8 181 .267 154 6145 641 131i 172& 191 t) 32 169 177 .256 153 4967 b.i 1229 1670 ll2 ',2 15 U6 171 .2C tntleiuers. uutrielilera. bubs. Total. 46 33 39 45 Zi W 37 40 11 12 7- 9 11 9 ' if 9 1 MO 8 .8 11) -7 Icged sandbttgscra who robbed Farl O'Dey of S19.W at Endlcott, southern of here. Thanksgiving night. w.rj taken Into county couit befoin Judge C, C. Jloylu and each given thlrtj Jays In the county Jail. O'Dey claimed he was sandbai;utsd as ho wun boarding the cuboon uf a southbound St Joseph ti Grand (ulanJ freight train. If Backachy or Kidneys Bother Eat less meat also take glass of Salts before eating breakfast. Uric acid In meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, che, and feel like lumps of lead. Tha urine becomes cloudy; the bladder Is Irri tated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys clog you must lielp them flush off the body's urinous aaste or you'tl be a real sick person Ihortly. At first you feej a dull misery In the kidney region, you suffer from backache, slek headache, dlxziness, atom tch gets sour, tongue coated and you fee) rheumatic twinges when the weather Is bad. Rat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounce of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few daya and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with llthla. and has been used for generations to' clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralize the acids In urine, so It no longer la a source of Irritation, thus end ing bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is inexpensive, cannot Injure; makes a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which everyone should tako r.c-w and then to keep the kidneys clean and active Druggists here say thev veil lots of Jad Salts to folks who bellewe In overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble Advertisement. Your Opportunity Share in tho extraordinary values our First Anni versary Sale affords. Values never before heard of in the height of tho season await you here. Men's and Young Men's Suits & Overcoats Actual $15 to $40 Values Chooso from four mammoth lots at-- $10,$15,$20,$25 livery now model nnd ovcry now wuavo from cinssy shawl collar chinchilla ovor fcontt to smartly tailored ChcsterNolds and from oxtromo Kngllsh model suits tor young men up to men's suits of 50-Inch chest measure. Great special purchases from America's greatest clothing makers onablo us to of- fer best clothes made at tho lowest prlcos on record and right now whonyou novj tho clothes. OOIMECT APPAREL To l'cn for Cnttlr Htrnliiicr. LINCOLN, Dec, l.-(fcpcclal. -Sheriff A. J. Salisbury of Lincoln county brought to tho penitentiary today William Dick- crson, a 21-ycar-old man, who will serve . an Indeterminate sentence of from one to ten years for cattle stealing'. Ha stolo twenty-tin eo head from ono man, eight from another and five more from an-' other. 1 ' A I.tfr? Hentencr of suffering with throat and lung trouble Is quickly commuted by Dr. King's Now Discovery. Wo and 11. For sale by your druggist. Advertisement. l'lU Homr Ntneker. Official batting averages of tho In ternational league show that Walter Tlpp was the leading batsman, I'lpp had an average ot (II. , The Face Value" of Pabsi Blue Ribbon Is the Smile of Satisfaction The Beer of Quality PABST BREWING CO. Ttll! DsatUl It 1307 LeaTcnwortli, Omits, Neb. Cbfiyrfttil 191S. PabitBrtriweCa. H?Hr:' VssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH SFwjjBBBF N9RHssBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH Jsl' i :, ;i8sB saaVJBBaVlsBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal MiP l'BBriisLaalB feBsaaaaaaaaBSBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBSBaaH SBaaaaaaBHWisam BSBaaaanB sssBBBwhi 1 irMfBsWalsi awn ffw am - FOB MEN" AND WOMEN fcST AND HEALTH Tl MDTHCR AM Cfttll. Mas, WihsloWs Booth i!o Svacr bss bee 1 4 for over SIXTY Y8ARB by MILLIONS it MQTIIXRS for their CHILDREN WHILlt TKKTiiiNO, with rrtrtrrtcT buccsbs. u BOOTH!! the CHILD. BOl'TItNB the OTJM5, ALLAYS all TAIN 1 CUKKfl WIND COLIC and U the best remedy for DIAKRHffiA. it U t slotttr harmless. Be rare and ask tor "Mrs. Winstar's Soothing Syrup," and tskt so ether i wtnuT'Ow ccnis m 001119. Ayer's vgSr Jwt a Irttle ore and wfi eapeiwe, that's all. Isn't a head ef rich, heavy half worth vrhHe? Ak Yettr Doctor. , fcSjnf&S: Looki n THE OMAHA BEE FHOTOENGRAVINGDEP'T OMAHA Price of Drawing like this 12.50. Cost of Zlno Etching SO Cents. TIlAVian, ENT- INDIA- UISEI THROUGH the Medi terranean, Sues Canal. Red'Seaand Indian Oceam to Bombay and Colombo, Including aldettlps through India, Tho Holy Land and, EtVPt' itoppine at Interest lng points in Europe, ,Ala and Africs, by the S. S. CLEVELAND From N.w York. Juuary IS. 114 93 Days $700 and up tftdudlnf ihect ticiutlenlsa sllacc(tiy tiptatca, AUo ctuIsm to Wast !!!. Pcnama Cuil, Around lb World, throuth lh Panama Cuikt, sail MoiMarranaan trips. Stnifu hotUl, ttatlng cm'M : HAMBURG-AMERICAN I I IMC uaii j Or local agents. ISO Wast Randolph 8t Chlcayo. HL SAILINGS Every Saturday HMima NtwYork Laaaasaarry GUirow TWMlrGU. MW VORK I HTM HtK-Ha Mt. I tir ,WMti a mw ot NImm SaSa.1 aaa af Ik a vrl4 ava wvn&mt, aaa a cUrliahk trla Wa , "Muurla Wm, Khar-1 arliaaal itim aX aaca, airlrUa aiCUtcow ,ta Lba 4alafaMa Rl-ar Clyaa. Ntw. Larst. MtxUnt, Turtn Scrtu) Sitamen Camcronii, Cailfnili. CaltalMla, (Mawhia TUSCAN IA, 14,000 tons, (Building) nttad vita Wlralaaa Tal-trapkr aa4 BiUa KU. Prawlaa Ha. lmtmam. AmoaW Hocaaa. Oreamtraa. LoxurUuat App-iataJ Salaoa ad Saoaa4 Caiaa. Ds.BrpaiuJ Thirt Ctaii Fn9 Furaltasa Ls Baits Koa-a fat mmrrimi aaapUa aad faatitt-a af X. 4 aa4 S aataaaa. RICORD PAaSAOtt DAYS. IS HOURS Mediterranean Service frea NewYerk First Cilia Pacufe to KaalM 5M aaJ wa. Third Clats it Very Lttv Ratta. Anakar Lina Drafla Psysbl Frac at chars for Baak a Taora, BaUa, ats., aiaf ta HN0R80M ROTHina, Oaa-I Aaata W. niadalph SI., S. C Car. Daarbariu Cklaaga Or Leaal Axaata Svarywfiara WINTER CRUISES ITALY & EGYPT PANAMA CANAL TIE RIVIERA via Kadalra, Qlbraltar, Alglars Largest itsamara In tha Tratfa "Adriatic" "Clti" f ! I,S1 r from lt la, srat lltK-Ha nlfi w I! west mm SWIM AMERICA Newest 8 1 samara to tha -Tref Im "Laui-ntlc' 'Mxantlc" I JANUARY 19 I JANUARY 31 j JANUARY 34 FEBRUARY 21 MARCH 7 run, ii MAR 4 MAR. 14 Aft 4 xad Star ana VrkH stac Hu pt lloai V. O. Srows, feV.X ; la4lwi aad I.aaU aHaeajr. airta.