THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. i I Black is Very Fashionable for Suits and Gowns Fabrics must, however, be fine and draped gracefully in order to secure the correct effect. We call attention to the following, which answers every requirement: Silk and wool poplins with brocades to match, crepe de chines, cpongce and meteor poplins. Considered, one of the handsomest fabrics for drapes this season. Black and colors. A SALE OF SILK HOSIERY IS COMING SOON HOWARD jAND SIXTEENTH STREETS HOLOYTGHINER IS TO QUIT Announces Intention to Retire from 4 Presidency of School Board. WILL NOT BE A CANDIDATE -aaa-aaaaMaa-a Position Inte rfe'res'Too Mnch with Ufa rrlrnte Mnnlnenii lind lie Cnnnot Afford-to Put In Time Anr Longer. Dr, E. Jtolovtchlner, president of tho Board of Education. In ft. statement Is sued Monday, announced his Intention to retire from the. presidency of the., board tn January, Jfe was elected, last fall for 9 three-year team on the board and .will Continue to serve on It " . , Following la .Die doctor's statement: "The duties of the presidency of.' the Board 'of Education have to a certain extent interfered with my, private busi ness and as I cannot afford to continue o sacrifice so much qf my time to- the publlQ Interests, I determined some tlmn agd. anil have so announced to rriy fel low members of the board, that 1' would tot be i candidate for re-election. "I wKl support any good man for the presidency and as a membhr Ot the board will always In the' future, as trf 'the past work for the benefit of. the school system ot Omaha, which Is sacred to roe." Means Reorganisation. ' .This announcement follows tha state ment that Vice President J; U Jacob on would resign, from the board, With Pn Holovtrhjrte-'s retirement from. the. presidency, thls.w moan a complete, reorganisation theroof". Dr. Holovtchlner'a. opponents on th board had started a campaign'' or C. Tt Walker for, president, tand llolovjchlner. who appointed Walker chairman of tha" Important finance committee, Jiaa ex frwWdMits, Inclination te support him U 'the Jajnmry eWcKtfn. . . W.HAii!h. Sam"Paln. 1 The doctor poeWaWen 1W -residential quisthm hi(( fc a stent Mint, disrupted i tlti aWtrtaW lata itunirti.iiU.-. .nl ...ill 51 SMi' MiaWlSwWUaJbHnRrn c&mnair T T BF t- "vwtiwnH " niiH st him. It wll t, Hflnonr tmm nas Bieeaea tne beard far t'wr mean. ? New Mexico Needs 1 New Eevenue Law s i mmmmm ; SANTA KB, K. M. De. 1.1-Wlth thrf hrC fw6 V-WriO of : sa-Veeod ' for Ne- Mextco drawing to a close, the state Is confront-! with a serious financial sltua Hon due primarily to the readjustment' rade Mtcemary In tha chance from a, territorial fornf of goVernmeht. Though two sessions ot the leg)slatur have beenheld since- the organisation ot the state' government In 1911, a special" melon an, a regular session, a third' seaalon now W being talked of to pass an adequate" revenue- ahd taxation law to' 'provide fund for the payment of ttw 1.111. I Jl i i ' - .... . ulna, iiiiiunini Hitnci oi OlllCiaiS. Interest on bona, and' Ktereet on the Kate 4eM. - MRS. ELIZABETH MUntHY IS DEAD OFHEAR-n.FAILURE ""Xrs. KHsabeth Murphy, m'other of De tectlve Frank Murphy and Officer Will (n Muny of the Omaha police depart miit, dfea at' SJS o'clock Sunday mom lac of Hrt fiHure. Mia waa ri v.... of ss a widow, her huseapd havlnc f"vo jvmia u. uesin occurred at h-m ttW 1 toward street, while both' ot Mr seAs' were' at work. ' Mrs. Murpfty was at home alone on1 ft , ASdllinaris - JL '1THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." REVISED IMPORT DUTY. Prices for Apollinaris Water are forthwith reduced Fifty Centff er Case. QUIP THIS March 23 when tha Easter Sunday tor nado ripped a path across Omaha and she was Injured at the time, but after ward recovered at a local hospital. flho was born In Clark county, Indiana, and came to Omaha twenty-elfiht years ago. Hesldea her two sons, one daugh ter. Mrs. Mary Denny, survives. The funeral will be held Tuesday morn In at St. Cecelia's church at 9 o'clock. Father D. f. Harrington will conduct the services; and Interment will be In llbly Sepulcher cemetery. Texas Ranks First in Judging Contest with 3.GS4 DOlnta In mn tiwlnl' liiilirlnp contest at the live stock exposition, It was announced tonight The Agricultural college of Missouri was second with 3.435. and Purdue third, with S.49I. Scores mado by other college teams were: Ohio. 3.470: Iowa. 2.4C0: Ontario. 3,i!3; Manitoba, -i.m: McDonald. Canada. 3.2WJ Kansas, 3,JWi Oklahoma, 3.IM; iienna, 3,m, and Nebraska, 3,168. W. If. Iteed ot Texas rankml flr.t nmong the students with 813 points out of n possible 1,00). Second prlso was awarded to Kred Uaeptner, Texas, with 7Mj Frank Veall of Purdue was third, with 7K. In the various animal classes the-, ml. leges were leaders; Cattle-Iowa. Xlrsti Manitoba, secondl Kansas, third, ... Iorve,,cUonaI',' flrBti Missouri, see '6Hlo!e uiiTd." rU'Ohtahnma... second; Auto Turns Over r V .and Man is Hurt gram.)T-Whlle' driving' his airtomohtle to Vljlakl. vaaiA!r-.).. i 1 I . 'wrtW',?, Ashland, "Mod a narrow cano t:ui.. .ij i-.-. ...V .. 1, "-rrT,? wain 01 ju n tne . T f "rf S wau, im-, rcaing err a rear wheel and wind -shield. BofeuM waa Unnrk back badly .wrenched and he suffered In- rrrnai jnjunes. Arley Jlrrger and Dallas WHe. Wh'o Went Hrifmr thine were thrown forty feet, but escaped injury, ncnuis waa' moved Jo" the home of his ' father.' JatnW'f&htii' in nit wilt hk im,M. t. - ickuiu iu uia noma for several' werka. ' t rW'ALt.Er1,SELLS,S.T0CK, ' IN BOSTON AMERICANS NEW TORIC. Dee. l.-Th ot .President James McAleer, Secretary uoirtiMcje and former Manager Jake IMW. frem ownership Interert In' the Bos ton. American club l said -on-gefed. au thority -Mrt. tenlkht' to haVe Wn ef fected through the sale of their stock. BMresatlns- a half. InUvW In Iftwi. Mud ttf Jeeer Lannin, a Lou- I and real eawte man. for upward of SM,WD. On Pecember J. It hi said, the formal Iran. fe Will be effected ''and- hew offlcert wectea. 'The Mother Ca.! n h 15-i . . . . vy "yvw-ia unrncu by ueiuralTCtrarlea .M. .TaviAij.hd. 1.1. son, John I. Taylor, and the probability xaywr win m elected to the club's presidency, an office from wii.cb n retired in mu to Indicated. 09ee Waavt Ads Produce Results. COUfth RIOTING AT INDIANAPOLIS Teamsters' Strike is Attended with Minor Disturbances. POLICE KEEP 0R0WD3 MOVING "3Ionnted Officer Uae Their Riot Clnba ITreelr nnd Make Serernl Arrests Drlrera of Milk Wo axon a Contlnne Work. INDIANA POMS, Dec 1,-Dlsorder re sulted today from the strike ot team sters and chauffeurs which started last midnight Many waa-ona wr nn the. streets, but Organizer T. J. Farrell ot tne union said All would be stopped by night. The nollce mtdn neve ml arreata and used th4r clubs freely In keeping tne crowds moving In tho downtown sec tion. Four girl garment workers were among those arrested. The girls, with several companions, surrounded a laundry wagon and prevented It from moylng until the police arrived. All the men locked up are being held under $1,000 bonds, which has been act for all strike arrests. Several -large wholesale dealers and commission house men made no effort to put their, wagons on tho streets. Many aro using tho oxnress comnnnle nnd h parco post deliveries. Haalnraa Men na Poller, In addition to the fflCtrn. unit aria rf risi. lice that patrolled the business district ana Kept the crowds on the move, more than 250 citizen. Including anmn nf 11.. most prominent business men of Indianap olis, wno were sworn In last night as a rpeclal reserve force, awaited an emer gency call at Tomllnaon hall. wh h had established headquarters. Thomas J. Farrell. general nrrnnli.r of the union, said the strike order had been obeyed generally. The union, which Includes the commer cial chauffeurs, haa between l.fOO and 2,000 members. A special dispensation for milk wagons drven by union teamsters was made at the meeting at the suggestion of Thomas J. Fttrrell. central of the- International Brotherhood of Teamsters, chauffeurs, stablemen and helpers of America. Drivers of hearses are exempt from the strike order. Far rell also announced there would be no Interference with tha. malls. Police Use Illot Clnlia. Teamsters and their friends were, titittv today harrasslng drivers, whd Ventured out with teams, and a !s,rge nUmber of arrests were made. In several Instances wagons were stopped aw, while strikers argued with the drivers, others unhitched tho horses before the police could arrive. Several attempts to congregate In tho downtown business "district were quickly frustrated by the mounted police. The police used their riot clubs freely. Several pedestrians were, beaten over the. head nnd shoulders, but nono was seri ously Injured. Hundred Thirty-Five ' Hunters Are Killed CHICAGO, Dec. .--The hunting season, which ended today, tost 135 lives', In twenty-one ' states, according 'to a tabu lation made here. In addition, 1(9 -per sons were Injured, several ot them fat al I r. H was estimated ''Vhl' yeAe ''"hunters' were In the fleldln Michigan' and IVIs consln alone, and with . the. thousand who took. tM trail In Minnesota, Maine and New York, 'the total was' placed at more than 100,600. Oasis Near Des Moines Suddenly Goes Dry DEB. MOINES, la.. Dec ..-Valley Junction, a suburb ot Des Moines, which has been the oasis to the thirsty of this city since local saloons were closed as a result ot a, supreme, court decision nearly two weeks ago,, wilt be "dry" after today. The proprietors of the two saloons In the towi). overwhelmed by the rush of business Which threatened to make their plapea "nuisances' and subject to per emptory closing by the town authorities, announced that they would close them voluntarily tonight. The selxure ot five wagon loads ot In toxicants, enroute from Des Moines to Valley Junction by Des Moines police early today la said to have hastened tho dectlon of the suburb saloon men. THREE MEN PLEAD GUILTY TO ROBBING MINA BANK 1FBWICH. B. D., Dec4 l,-(8peclaI.V States Attqrney Barron, and Sheriff 8 wale took Shaffner, Haynes and Von Blllsrd, three of the young men who en deavored to blow the safe ot the Farm ers' State bank at Mlna last month to rauiKion, wnere tney pieaaeo guuty oe fore Judge Bottom, and were sentenced to three years In the penitentiary. Clarance Johnson, on alleged member of the gantr Is out on a 11,000 bond, while the fifth member, a man by the name ot Maytag, left for parts unknown before any clues of who did the Job were ascertained. Johnson was born lind raised here, while the others are from ths east JAIL SENTENCES PROPOSED FOR TRUST LAW VIOLATORS WASHINGTON. Dec 1-Jall sentences only and no fines ior violations of the Sherman law are proposed In an amend ment Introduced by Representative Henry which also would declare Illegal any ad vice to restrain trade, manipulate prices, prevent competition or fix standards for controlling prices, Organizations not con ducted tor profit and agricultural pro ducts In the hands ot producers would be exempt FORMER MEDICAL DIRECTOR OF THE NAVY IS DEAD AMHEItST. K. It- Dec L-Kear Ad. mlral John Howe Clerk forrrmr medlral director of the navy, died here today from paralysis. He was ?. years .old. Dr. Clark was graduated from Dartmouth Medical school In 1ST and entered the navy In It'll as a surgeon. In 1833 ha wu appointed- medical director and president ot the naval examining board, h DEATH RECORD ' Charles K. RrmlnKton. ' WATETITOWN. N. T.. Dec L-Tharl.. R. Remington.' a Dloneer manufaciur ot news print paper, died here today, aged M years. To Car a Cold la One Day Take X-axatlva Bramn Oulnlna -r.t.1... Drugglata refund money If it falls to cure, li W. Grove's signature on each box. tic Girl TeUs How She Killed Brother-in-Law MATFIELD, Kr., Dec. 1. Miss May Copeland, the pretty Joint defendant In the Turk-Copetand murder trial, recited to the Jury her story of how she killed Hugh Atchison, her brother-in-law. In the latter's home near Oardwell, Ky., at midnight. July 21 last. She drove to the Atchison home, she raid, with her sweetheart, Lucien Turk, who remained In the buggy. She went to get clothing which she had left there. She said Atchison, with an oath, asked If she had divulged the facts ot an as sault which ehc swore he committed UjKin her a week before. She replied that she had not, whereupon she testified Atchison started toward her. she said she ran from the house "and fired a revolver over her shoulder, the bullet striking Atchison In" the heart The prosecution brought Its case to a close today. Kama Ireland testified today that a few weeks prior to the killing. Turk sad: "The Atchlsons are going to keep on fooling with me until something hap . pens." Tho defense claims Miss Copeland killed 'Atchison after he mistreated her, but J the prosecution asserts Turk fired the , shot. HUERTA BACK IN CAPITAL (Continued from Page. One.) General Carranza and the constitutional ist chiefs at Nogales, returned hero early today and will see the president late to day or tomorrow. Officially nothing was known at tho "White house concerning the visit of Querldo Mohena, the Mexican foreign minister to Vera Cruz. lie has not con ferred with John Lind, according to In formation here today. The policy of the American government continues to be one ot waiting, while the financial blockade weakens the resources ot the Huerta regime, and the constitu tionalists press forward their vigorous campaign. Hear Admiral Fletcher reportedtoday ho had received further assurances from the constitutionalist general, Agutlar, that none of his forces would Interfere1 with, the oil wells around Tamplco, and Tiix pam. William Byard Hale conferred with Secretary Bryan ns a preliminary to hi. conference with President Wilson. Yllln Marchlnir on Chlhnnhun. JUAREZ, Mex., Dec. 1. General Fran cisco Villa's advance army of 3,500 rebels, which Is moving to attack Chihuahua City. 225 miles south of Juarez, today reached a' point sixty-three miles from the border. They were forced to detrain therq because of the destruction ot the railroad. Preparations were mode at pnee to March overland to the state capital. Another train carrying 1,000 rebels was made ready here for the Journey south. General Villa said today that before reaching Chihuahua he expects to be reinforced by General Manuel Chao and Juan Cortlnas, who were reported ad vancing from Torreon. Unless this move ment Is Intercepted Villa said he hoped to rally at least 7,000 mean to attack the R.OOO federals sold to be garrisoned In the capital.' The last reports from CJilhuahua City, which haa been under siege for two weeks, were that tho cathedral had tcen converted .'into k fort, 'breastworks iqf sand, bags )avlng beep. ,bult on the rbr. which .overlook-, the surrounding coun try.. Entrenchments manned by artillery guard the approaches and loop holes adqrn the walls of many houses.. Advices say that the federal governor has commanded all provisions In the city and' these are being Issued to civil ians. RKBBLD HUNT FOR CASTRO German Conaolt Denlea Report Fob! live la Sheltered by Him. HERMO8ILL1O, Mex., Dec l.-General Francisco Castro, who was federal com mander In Juarez before the recent In surgent victory, Is a refugee In the home of Max Weber, Gorman consul at Juarez, said a report received today by General Carranza from General Francisco Villa. General Villa neked Carranza what ac tion he Should take with regard to Castro. General Carranza answered .that Villa should make a request on the Oerman consul for' the delivery of the federal officer on the ground that he had been guilty of offenses against the public peace and tranquillity. Villa reported that he had . placed a close guard around German Consul Web ers house to prevent the escape of the federal commander. JUAREZ. Dec I.-Max Weber, tho German consul, today denied that. Gen eral Francisco Castro, . former federal commander, "was a refugee In tho consul's home 'In 'Juarez. ' ' 4 "I haw not seen, Castro since tho day before th-flEht.-niore than Iwo'whVi ago." said Weber. "Nor do I know where he ts hiding." Castro disappeared the morning Villa surprised tne rederai forces at Juarex and took the town. - Negro Wizards in . Cuba Form a Trust HAVANA. Cuba. Dec. 1 A aenaatlnn was caused here today by tha discovery Of an allescd extensive nnranlmtlnit among the neeroes of Cuba In tha nrni-. ttce of witchcraft or "voodoolsm." It Is said the negro wizards constitute a pow erful trust. Ths revelation, was made u to the recent murder of a white girl 6 years old. in connection with a mysterloua method of healing a sick negro woman to wnom the child's blood was said to have been administered. It Is generally reoorted that the voodnn. Ists have relations with politicians, who control their votes and Protect them against punishment, Several crimes of a similar nature to the one which led to the-discovery of the "voodoos" have been committed recently In the- Island and In- most casta tho criminals have gone unpunished. The newspapers now call on congress to find a remedy, A Pleasant Snrsrlae follows the first dose of Dr. Klnva k Ufe Pills, the nalnlesa rerulaton th.t strengthen you.' Guaranteed. IJc For sale by your druggtst-AdvertlsemenL All Quiet In Schenectady, SCHENECTADY. N. Y.. Dec 1 Normal conditions prevail today In and about the big plant of the .General Elec tric company, Practically all of the H.00O strikers who walked out laat Tueadav returned to their benches this morning. Cotton Market, Jinu5i,"Uc' M,'ch W ; May. U.0Sc; iiT ?; ! ,pot ,d-ri middling. 1J.S0C, WILL TRY EGURUST SUIT Case Against Chicago Butter Board Will Be Called at Once. SHARP DROP IN THE PRICES Wholeanle Quotation for Ordinary Firsts Oft from Three to Five Cents Women Pleased TTlth Announcement. CHICAGO. Dec. l.-The suit of the fed eral government charging the Chicago Butter and Egg board with violation ot the anti-trust law will be brought to trial hete this week, It was announced today by James H. Wllkerson, United States district nttorncy here. The determination to rush the case to trial came on the heels of a report by Charles D, Morrison, master In chancery, favoring the contention ot the govern ment that the quotations committee of the board arbitrarily fixed the price of butter and eggs. The suit was filed a year ago and shortly after tho board voted to abolish the committee. News of the trial was received with, satisfaction by club women engaged In an egg boycott, Prices Take Drop. Mrs. John C. Bley, leader of tho boy cott In this city, said today that her plan of bringing In egga from the coun try directly, or almost so, to tho con sumer, could not be put In effect Imme diately. Tho wholesale price of eggs, technically classed as "ordinary firsts" declined 3 to 5 cents In South Water street today, as compared with last Saturday, although there was no material Increase In re ceipts. Dealers would not say the drop was duo to the boycott, but the women derived much satisfaction from. It Grand Island Woman Sues a Physician GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Deo. l.-(Bpe-ctal Telegram.) Suit has been filed In the district court by Elsie V. Molntlre against Dr. C. A. Fllppln, a colored phy sician who camo here from Stromsberg, for 3,0CO damages, alleged to have been sustained by the latter's unsanitary and unskillful work while attending her. The defendant's Informal answer to the charge Is that he was called-, after other physicians hod refused to attend because the family was on the "dark list" mean ing poor pay, and that his request for an assisting physician was not met. No little. Interest is felt In the evidence that will be produced If the case Is per mitted to go to trial, a to physicians re fusing' the answer to the call In such and other cases of distress, for It la as serted that only two weeks previously, In another poor family, over half a dozen local physicians were summoned, that none responded and that n. physician from Wood River finally waa sent for and came In his automobile, but because of losing his way In a part of the city with which he waa unfamiliar arrived late. The reason as given by the brother of the woman In that case ts also that the family had been placed on the list of those whose credit was such as to ask for cash. In the one case the husband ts a. railroad switchman 'and 'In- the bthcr a sugar factory employe. - Cut Eate Bookmen . Win Their Fight WASanNQTON. Dec. L-Cut rate dealers In copyrighted books won a vic tory today when the supreme court held that agreements between publishers and regular book sellers not to sell pooka to those who resell to tha publlo at less than the price fixed by the publisher, violate the Sherman anti-trust law. Justice Day, announcing the decision. said violation was not "avoided" by the benefits of the copyright law. R. IL Macey A Co., Drought the suit against the American Publishers association, com prising about 7S per cent of the pub lishers In the United States and cer tain dealers who comprise 90 per cent of the wholesale and retail book dealers. LABORER ASKS PRIVILEGE TO SOBER UP IN LOCAL JAIL Ed Archer, laborer, residing at a Douglas street lodging house, appeared at police headquarters and asked to be locked up (or, several days until he thor oughly recovered from the effects of a protracted "spree." . rHls request was granted. HYMENEAL Plersea-AUIsoM. TEKAMAH. Neb., Dec l.-HSpeclal.)-John R. Plerson of Union, a banker, who Is well known over the state, and Miss Eva B. Allison ot PlattsmoUth were married on Tuesday last The wed ding was at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary B, Allison. In Platta mouth. The groom was formely In tho banking business at York and Tecumseh. The bride has been principal of the high school at Union. Mr. and Mrs. Plerson are now away on a wedding trip, but they will be at home at Union on January 1. A Break for Liberty from stomach, liver and kidney trouble Is made when a 2c box of Dr, King's New Discovery Is bought Why suffer? For sale by your druggist Advertise ment. One Dose Relieves a Cold-No Quinine in j "Papa's Cold Compound" makes you fel fine at once Don't 8tay stuffed-upl Take it now. Relief comes lnstanty. A dose taken every two hours until three doses are taken will end grippe mis ery and break up a severe cold either In the head, chest body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils and air passage In the head, stops nasty discharge or noss running, relieves sick headache, dullness, feverishness, sore throat sneezing, soreness and stiffness Don't stay stuffed-upl Quit blowtng and snuffling! Ease your throbbing head! Nothing else In the world gives such prompt relief aa "Pape'a Cold Cora pound." which costs only X cents at any drug store. It acta without aaaiatance. tastes nice, causes no IneonvenUnce. Be sure you get the ssnulne. Advertise, ment I King's Cousin Drops Bombs Upon Moors from an Aeroplane TETUAN, Morocco, Dec 1. A daring aeroplane reconnolssance was carried out today by Prince Alfonso, cousin ot the king of Spain. Accompanied by Co'.onol Vlven, he flew from Tetuan to Arlzlla, over a route Infested by Moors. The two aviators hovered for soma time over tho enemy's position, their aeroplane being a target for sharp shooters. The aviators several times had narrow escapes. They replied to the fullsade by dropping bombs Into the Moors' encampment Women of St, Paul Join Egg Boycott f ST. PAUt, Dec 1. St Paul house wives today Joined In the national boy cot on eggs. Mrs. D. W. McCourt. presi dent of the local branch ot the National Housewives' league, announced that more than 2,000 women ot St Paul al ready had Joined In the movement and that several thousand more were ex pected lo givo their support within the next two days. WASHINGTON, Dec l.-An, tgg boy cott was launched here today by Mrs. Ellis Logan, president of the Federation of Women's Clubs. Workers armed with pledges In which signers were asked to agree not to tuy eggs until the prices are reduced worked on the streets, In stores, at the suffrage convention and about the city generally. NEW SESSION BEGINS AT NOON (Continued from Page One.) appropriation bills, carrying more than 11,000.000,000 of funds for tho needs of the, government during the year that begins next JUly. The annual estimates made by the Treasury department were presented to the house. Preliminary work by the ap propriations committee has brought sev eral of the supply bills near completion and an effort will be made to pass the 1S,000,000 District of Columbia bill, and tho fortifications appropriation bill be fore Christmas. Currency Bill la Ready. Democratic members, ot tha senate worked all day; yesterday to complete their agreement on the currency bill so that the measure might be pushed for Immediate consideration today. Senate leaders hope that by holding the senate to long hours the bill may be passed in time to permit a short recess at the holi days. If It has. not been acted on the senate wilt forego all vacation except on Christmas day. The extra session terminated In the senate with the Introduction of the few bills and resolutions and an executive session to confirm some of President Wit son'a . nominations.' Ten postmasters at small points were the only ones confirmed and the senate recessed untll U: o'clock. Special attention, Po licemen and Mail Car riers; here is a shoo for you. A specially con structed shoe for men who are continually on their feet. Plump glazed kid, kid lined, double steel shanks, best qual ity oak solo, double to heel and waterproof; no wot feet in these shoos. Some customers get from 12 to 18 months' bervice out of these shoes. $10.00 worth for Drexel 1419 Farnara 2,500 Women's and Misses' SAMPLE SUITS Oh sale Wednesday gee rapars MTitmsinfU Ciat&S.i'Ct. 310 South lmii St. fL TAXS IB icrjnrrxg i2 FJ btxv xar coflxtb fjj OeiCFASJI JTWXUT -VaX Cj OfJUOXa . It Is All Orsr Q O COPLEY O O 215 Sa. 1th Street g j 35TJC TB1E bEX.UM-0 j JSWZXBT, S i. H Q & 9 & Drexel's DiamondT Shoes for Walkers BROOKS STIRS PUBLIC AGAIN Will Place Entire rurniflhing Goods and Hat Stock on Sale at a Sacrifice on Saturday, December Sixth "Brooka," the clothier, doesn't do any thing by halves; now ho announces a sacrifice sale on every piece of furnish ing goods and on every hat In the house. Since maklna un his mind In-cn nut ot business Brooks has been asked hun dreds of times: "When are you going to put sale jlrlees on furnishing goods and hats?" To all those who havo been so inter ested "Brooka" now answers: "Every piece of furnishlnir erwv)l nnrl ovarv hat III the Bro6k.V cloth' shop at tho comer At .a . oi mm and Harney streets will be placed on special sale Saturday, December the sixth." " Thus will tho clothiers and furnishers of Omaha have another delicious morsel to tatk about, for the "nrnnlta" r furnishings and hats will be as big an ovent in its way as has been the going out of business selling of men's suits and overcoats. So reader, put off ALU your furnish ing goods needs until Saturday next Match Friday's of the' reductions; you'll be able to buy snjming you, need for FAIt less money than you are paying now. -SATURDAY, DECEMBER, SIXTH FURNI6HINQ GOODS AND HATS AT QOINO OUT OF BUSINESS PRICE8 AT BROOKS'-CITr NATIONAL BANK BUILDING CORNER SIXTEENTH & HARNEY STS. In the meantime DmnVi m lng qolng Out of Business Prices on any buu or overcoat that , may yet be remalnlntr In atnoir ' 111.75 buys any '25 Suit or Overcoat "" ."" t or mut or over coat. 117.50 bura anv IVt n..i r . Advortlsemen't. Winter Blasts in Your Store?- Papers JJuarranged, Clerks with Goldj, . Patrons Disgusted and Business Poor? Use a Revolving Door, and Eliminate This Trauble. . . " i . FOR. SALK CHEAP A standard, pattern, collapsible Revolving Door solid oak. heavy plate glass, with.Bolld Brass- push and kick plates. .KECESSAUY EQUIPMENT . , AT-A BARGAIN , The Bee Building Co.' Boom 103. Office For Rent The large room on grouBd floor of Bee Building, oc cupied by the Havens. White Goal Go. Nice Farnam street front age. About 1,500. square feet of floor space with large vault. Extra en trance from court of the building. Fine office fixtures jub of fered for sale. Apply to N. P. "Fell, Bee office. John Says: "S o, Madame, h c doesn't want slippers for a ChrUtmar-glft! nut his eyes will fairly pop With pleasure If you'll give him a WiroXiE BOX of , TRUST BUSTER 6c I'lUAKtJ." John 's Cigar Store 16th A Harney Sf. AMUSKMKNTS. "OKAKA'g TUX CBWTXX" Z&jr32iJ&f7. uy -. is-u-Mo SOBS 8TBE&& Presents JOXKHZB . ran Is the London Beils Brand new show throughput A scenic and costumto delight. By long odds most fun In town. Beauty Chorus of Real Belles. BRANDEIS THEATER Tonight and Wednesday, SCatlnee "Wednesday, JOSEPH SANTLEr In "WIIEX DREAMS . COME TRUE" Company of 70, laoladlng MAT TO XX 8 Prlcsst Xlghts, S1.60 to 8SO JCStl lnss, SLO0 to SSc. AMERICAN THEATER Itatlsets Thursday and Saturday Svery irigut This Wtik American Theater Stock Co., In THE WAY TO KENMARE The last week of stock company Prices I 10c, Mc, 860, gftp. &C(nmevv nunrxsn BSVaX.4.8 4C4, Mat. Svsry Bay, ailS; Xvary Klght, S.1S ABTAVOXB YVVBXYlXX.a , Thli nk Stall Mi-haw and Blllla T.rlor: Elaa Rututr Klann.ftn as4 E4auda; Laulr Harat I'olMn'i European 7. Ckarlaa A. plmora as4 Ba Uffct, Jack UcLallta' Sa4 Mar Caraoa. 4 Spactal Ftatura rictara, '. im' Hra" frtou. MaUBM GalUrr. le; tot uata (at. cat Sat. ixl sua.), lit, NUhla. Ita. &, Ua. li-v. i