Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The Every Day Ad
Consistent use of Hce xtnnt atls
brings substantia returns. If
the every day uso that pays.
Rain or Snow
Ralph Lopes is Imprisoned in Utah
Apex Mine, Which is Sur
rounded by 200 Deputies.
Miles of Tuanel Now Being Filled
with Poisonous Gases.
Desperado Who is Trapped in Mine
Has Slain Five Officers.
Mike Cranovltcb, Who Shot Wife
Lml'VOrk', la Bettered to Be
4n Same Mine yen Thou.
nand. Watch the llnnt.
BINGHAM, Utah, Dec. 1. Smudges
were lit early today In tho Utah-Apex
mine, where Ralph Iopez, desperado, la
making his last stand. With all exits to
the mine except that of the Andy tunnel
brattfeed and scaled with mud and with
poisonous gases floating back Into the
depths of- the workings It was expected
that the fugitive would make a break
for liberty" today1. '
A large rfniount of dynamite is stored
In the mine and knowing Lopez could
easily blow out one of the 'bulkheads,
the seven sheriffs early today stationed
a dozen deputies -at each of the" fifteen
tunnel- mouths with orders to shoot' him
oo sight
The 10.000 inhabitants of this canyon
walled mining town, deep in drifts of
snow, were waiting In tense excitement
for He denouement of the man hunt that
nlre&dir has cost six lives.
On November 21 Lopez killed a Mexican
miner and later in the- day he killed the
chief of .police and two deputy sheriffs
wh6 pursued him. . After r chase through
several cduntles- ne brttk-tracKed lo ninn
antlea- n bufck-tracked to mhm-
took refuge In the Ltnn-APex
ham and
mine, where ho killed two more deputies
last Saturday.
Setting Is Most Dramatic.
"A more dramatic setting for tho ending
of the career of Lopes could hardly be
found anywhere in the west. The mine
Is located near thu top of a precipitous
u-aii nf the canon and from any of Its
fifteen tunnel nlouths. one could throw
stohe that would descend for nearly p.
thousand, feet before It struck the Bot-;
torn.: Hero, and tH ere . a' miner's caoin
Mings ;t'd the cllff and ffom one of thesq
a" wl(iavr-lt watching today, for thu
avifefiglni' ot 'htr husband's alayer.
iltst bel(Jri noon the mouth of "the
Anhy. ti'hntl wast stopped with a bulk
htla"nd'th fumes ot a sulphur smudge
were directed Into thtt mini through an
opening. Bulkheads were placed in tne
nihik- mine mouthj "yesterday ahd at
v.w. ' - j
noon, smudges of various compoeitlons j
were sending their poisonous fumes back ,
Intd even' tunnel. If Iope am not at-
' , . t. I . in i
temft to break out It, was planned to
continue the smudging for two days.
Thirty allies -of TnnncU.
The exits of tlie mine aro at different
levels, arid although here' Is no record,
If Is estimated the tunnels, Inclines and
blind stopes criss-cross for a distance, of j peror William's statement yesterday, ad
thlrty mile. The seven sheriffs In charge jvonlshlnar the troops of the Donaueschln
hAvn over 200 debuty sheriffs under them.
practically all.ot them having been ln)wtn tne er)Uan population, are Intcr
pursult of Lopez since November il. j preted as indications that the zeal of the
.Lone took refuge fn the mine Friday
n'ght with- a limited supply of food. He
was. formerly one of the leasees of the
mine," which produces gold, silver and
copper,, and .is familiar with every pass
agew&y.' .
'Mike (Jranovlch, who shot and seriously
wourldcff-hls wife several days ago, may
also liaye. hidden In tho mine t was
thoustt.. The deputies were Instructed
to allow him to surrender himself peace
fully If he came out alone. Lopez was
to be shot on, sight.
The. Weather
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Unsettled, with rain probably Tuesday;
not much 'change In temperature.
Temperature nt Omajia Yesterday.
Hour. Deg.
5 a. m.
6 a. m.
... 47
... 47 j
7 a. m i'
S a. m... ti
10 a. m.'ii..'''i.'.'ii
a a. m IT
11 a. i.j
12 in....
1 p. m.
1 p. in.
3 p. In.
( p. m.
a p. m .
d p. m a
, p. m s
8 r. m... IS
Local Weather Heoord.
Official record of temperature and pre
ipatlon compared with the corresponding
period of the Past three years:
Highest tody .1 50 Bl .27
Lowest today J6 30 .
Mean temperature 41
Precipitation 02 .21 .00 .CO
Temperature and precipitation depart
ures from the normal at Omaha since
March K and compared with the past
two years:
Normal temperature 32
Kxcess for the day 1
Kxcess since March 1. 1912 72S
Normal precipitation . 0i! inch
Deficiency for the day 00 Inch
Precipitation since March 1. .11.53 inches
Deficiency since March 1 .... 6.83 Inches
Deficiency for cor, period, 1911 3.60 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1910.15.07 inches
Itrporta from Station at 7 P. SI.
Tern. High Last
Stations. 7 P. mv today, -i hrs.
Cheyenne, anow 24 20 .23
Davenport, cloudy 62 62 .11
Des Moines, cloudy 63 64 .Of
Denver, miow 30 30 .3S
Dodge City, rain 46 ' 41 .06
l-armer, snow 26 30 .40
North Platte, cloudy 42 42 , .04
Omaha, foggy 48 60 .
Pueblo, cloudy S4 3t .01
Hapld City, snow 36 42 ,T
Salt Lake, cloudy 36 M .0
Santa FeT clear 30 40 .01
Sheridan, cloudy 32 34 .04
Sioux City, cloudy 44 41 .02
Valentine, cloudy 34 31 .g
' T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
Lv A. WL8U, Local Forecaster.
Omaha Woman's Club About to
Launch Campaign Against
Mm. I J. Burnett, Head of llonse
, hnlit Bcononilci Department,
Finds They- Arc Not Needed ,
In Cook! n sr.
A sure enough boycott of all Omaha
egg dealers will bo In full swing by the
end of the week If other women of tho
city become as militant against the long
chilled, high-priced hen fruit as Is Mrs.
F, J. Burnett, 4 South Thirtieth street.
She is chairman of tho household eco
nomics department of tho Omaha Wom
an's club and wilt try to start an egg
boycott at tho department meeting on
Thursday morning.
"X haven't used an egg In my home for
three weeks," said Mrs. Burnett, after
the, Woman's club meeting Monday aft
ernoon. It had been expected that she
would proposo her plans for an egg boy
cott at tfiat time, but a press of other
club business led her to postpone the
"Storage eggs should not be used," con-
oe usea. - continued Mrs. uurnett. , " iney
arc not. m lor numan consumption ana
theprlce asked for them Is almost pro- R Jury consists almost entirely of
hlbltlve, anyway. Ileal fresh eggs aro farmers, this afternoon heard himself do
almost unobtainable, so the boycott prop- nounced as the slayer of Or. llcleno
osltlon is simply a necessity, If people aro Knabe by Attorney Kphralm innmn, rep
particular about what they eat." resenting tho Indianapolis Council Of
However, the success of a gcncrul boy- Women. The Jury was completed at the
cott of eggs by Omaha women Is doubt- forenoon session.
ful, according to Mrs. Burnett. She ad- "The state will he nhle to produce no
mils many housewives would not Join eye witnesses to this crime," said Mr.
such a project and that those who did Inman. "We expect, however, to brlnx
would find themselves "up ngalnst' tre- j before you n train of circumstances, all
mendaus obstacles. She says that she pointing not only In tho direction of mur
will try to start a boycott anyway, but der, but In the direction of Dr. William
fears that she will share the fate of
Mayor Shank of Indianapolis because of
the opposition of interested parties whoso
business would bo affected.
Eggless recipes arc a specialty In Mrs.
Burnett's home nowadays,N she says, and
the family gets along very nicely with
out tho the usual yolk-and-whlte clement
In the cookery. The elimination of all known to frle,nds that she had a love ar
eggs from kitchen use would became j falr wl,h a mnn who WRS ot vl'nt dls
quite, general, according to Mrs. Burnett, I Position and ungovernable temper. Dr.
If people knew how simple It Is' to get ! Craig was thut character of man. Thero
along without them. j came a 'time Just before Dr. Knabe's
The "Housekeeucrs' leacun" nlnn. lcth when circumstances Indicated, that
,n .,, cltleg wI, bo followed ,f Ul0
Wnman. , .... ,. ,
M meetlnK of Mr,. Burnett.e
department, the high cost of living and . another woman, and this impressed Dr.
the coat of high living will also be dls- ! Knab tnat he Intended to marry the
cussed. other woman.
"Circumstances will point unmlstak
7aVQVM T-niirvn- ably to c'ra,'B affection for Dr. Knabe
ZJClUCIJi lilOlUtilL " nt a. time before her dcuth. We will
-r . ffi n i 'show that he even peeped Into her win-
ruis unancenor
on theDef ensive
BKItLIN. Dec. 1. So Intense' Vnd gen-erul-ia-Uie-.
indignation among -the. Ger
man people over the. conduct of the mili
tary authorities of the garrlaprT'town of
Zabern, In Alsace, that br, Von Beth-mann-Hoilwe.
lrWrlerlal ''chancellor. . an!
peared In- Parliament today1, to make a I
preliminary announcement of the gov-
crnment's Intentions. He trfomfaed to urn I
' ,
to tho full extremity of h!a power In put-
ting an end to the lamentablo conditions
prevailing-in atwrn.
"k ftlll taAtnan. V. . 1.1 .....Ml V. .
I,.? oniu, mi. ud t i.n,( iiiiiiHii euiu iuu cnaracicr 01 11 in
mndo as soon' as the official Inquiry has dlcated the man who made It was a
ended This will probably be on Decern-!
ber 3. The report will give you full as
surance that tho authority bf the taw Is
to be maintained."
Tho chancellor's speech today and Km-
army .officers at Kabern has not found
favor in high quartern.
Major General Erich Von Falkenhayn,
minister of war, and Lientenant General
Baron- Morltz Von Lyncker, chief of the
military cabinet, were received In audi
ence by the cmpefor at Donaueschlhgen
this morning. Ttwy reported to him the
details of the occurrences at Zabern.
ZAB12RN, Alsace, Germany, Dec. 1.
The town was quiet today, but occasional
patrols ot troops were seen In the streets.
rnree people arrested yesterday were
promptly released when they were turned
over to the civil war.
Jones and Davis Are
Indicted on Charge
of Moving Dynamite
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Dec. l.-Harry
Jones, secretary and treasurer of the In
ternational Iron Workers, and C.eorirn E.
47;DavU, ai iron worker, were Indicted on'York two ycar ,ater' 1,6
.cnarges ot conspiracy to transport un
lawfully dynamite and nitroglycerin by
the federal grand Jury, which reported to
day. The Indictments were based on
Davis' alleged confession.
Little Girl Murders
Her Playmate
PRINCE ALBERT, Bask., Dec. I-'
Katherine Oka Simmon, aged 13 years,
was today convicted of murdering her
9-ycar-old playmate. Julia Jcnex, on tho
afternoon of June 21 last. The Jury wa
out only one hour.
The girl told the court of her crime
She said that she and her companion left
home to gather dry roots used for medl
cat purposes. While walking across .a
field, she said, the Jenex girl picked up a
dead prairie chicken and struck her
across the face with It This made the
accused girl angry and she knocked thj
other girl down with a shovel, aftr
which she beat her face into a pulp, ac
cording to her story- The girl was not
Raw Wool New Goes
on the Free List
WASHINGTON, Dec. .-Raw wool went
on the free itat today under the pro
visions of the new tariff act. Figures
on wool that had been held In bonded
warehouses waiting admission free of
duty are not available here, but It Is
estimated that probably $.U,000 worth
was In bond In New York alone.
State Expeots to Produce Train
Circumstances Showing
narian Guilty.
Victim Knew Dcfendan
with Others of
Compromised with One After Re
fusing to Wed Her.
Prosecntor Tells Jnrj- Person Who
Inflicted Death Skilful with
Uoc of the
sHELBYVILLE. Ind.. Dec. l.-Dr. Wll
,,.m f,, .,.. fnr f b(fore
Craig as tho guilty man.
Clrcumntitntlal Prouf.
"There will be no proof of any engage
ment between Dr. Craig and Dr. Knabe
to marry, but circumstances will be over
whelming In that direction. She made a
trip to New York and bought articles In
contemplation of marriage. She made It
she discovered Dr. Craig's determination
to break his apparent engagement to
marry her. Ho began associating with
i00 in th ntM tim- w
that Dr. Knabe's life was hopeful and
cheerful, Hint shy was in lovo with her
wor( . and gave no manifestations of
despondency, thus, precluding any suicide
theory. On the nlglt ot .the murder Dr; ,
Craig was secrTncar th'o premises wltrtln
a little 'whllo beforo .the murder oc
curred. Wriiim (ilrl.
."Dt1. Craig has Indulged In a system of
irutklhg engagement
s with women and
breaking them, Ho wronged a high school
i?iri on,i r.rn.,i mo i. n- .n
" .v ...... .IV.. UIU
tho same thing with another girl and
afterwards compromised with her."
Dckcrlblng tho wound In Dr. Knabe's
A n 1 . T ...II ... 1 . . .
surgeon and knew how to run the knife
to avoid the arteries anil cut the veins,
so death would follow without the spurt
ing of blood.
Fairfax Harrison
. Elected President
of Southern Road
NEW YOUIf. Dec. l.-Falrfax Harri
son, president of the Chicago, Indlanap-
oil j i Louisville Railway company, was
today elected president of the Southern
Railway company to succeed the late W.
V. Flnley.
Fairfax Harrison Is 43 years old. When
34 years old he was appointed assistant
to the president of the Southern. Three
years later he became vice president of
the road. He filled this office nearly
three years, resigning In 1910 to assume
the presidency of the Chicago, Indian
apolis & Louisville Railway company,
which is controlled Jointly by the South
em and the Louisville & Nashville rail,
Mr. Harrison la a native of New York
City. He la a aon of Burton Harrison of
this city and a brother of Francis Burton
Harrison, governor general of the Phil
ippines. His home la at Belvolr, Va,
Mr. Harrison was graduated from Yale
In 1S90 and admitted to the bar of New
a director
In a number of corporations.
Union Pacific Right-of-Way
Law of 1912
is Not Retroactive
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 The federal
law of 1912, validating conveyances of
land by the Union Pacific railroad within
Its right-of-way and providing for the
app'lcatlon of local rules' ot adverse
possession, was upheld today by the
supreme court, but interpreted It as not
being retroactive so as to make effec
tive occupation prior to -its passage. The
rights of hundreds of settlers are said
to be determined by the decision.
Horns, Confetti and
mill i t i "".u' " nession roniirming tie-
Ticklers Are Barred .Vied ,(n,M,'on About ,w -
Senator Weeks introduced a bill lo re
CHICAGO, Dec. J. No horns, confetti I strict transportation of military forces
or "ticklers" will be allowed on the I and mujPPI,ei' t0 Panama to American
streets here New Year's eve. according to j Leaders agreed to delay resuming the
an order Issued today by Mayor Harri-j lobby Investigation until the ourency bill
son. Sale of the forbidden articles will j 's Passed.
. ...... ,, ..... . , . " Recessed and convened at noon, begin-
.. u, ... , . ti.,Bu. .am iic la
SUed the notice now so that dealers might
pot offer the plea that they had laid In
a large stock of the nuisances.
Three hundred ministers of ths gospel
will pray at the most prominent places
where New Year celebrations gather, ac
cording to announcement made at the
weekly meeting of Baptist ministers by
ReV. Edward Ernest Bell of the Midnight
jm. jx mm. i Mir
MSSSSBV 'W. .BBFW f I -BBBJ-nsr llllrM I M 1 1 Iff BBBjra BBajL' BBM IIIILvrTiW M I
K-Woiatinir Ml ML WAMW '
' and
Drawn for The Bee by Powell. .
Senate and House Adjourn and Meet
Within Minute.
Cnticns Mraaare Will lie Presented
to the Senate Late Today'
House. Takes ITp Appro
priation lll.
th lVfe PrM,nt Marshall,
as tne noon hour rH... ..
old session adjourned f ''MthoUt day- and1
In ihe next breath ?Z:Y -ant1
More formnlllv
I the house. The chiw. n .'h"n"Tn V ,n
-V. Couden. offered Praper TeferVln;' w, n
rati " froi,em: ,rhlch conc"- r-
rare of the Individual, the home, the
flon'"nm0nt "nd r'?ll8l0U llf o' the na-
thlni!!. Ca4" d,,c,0M quorum, some
weeks hQute hae not had ln my
fJst8 dViS" bTn .thB' ""'"n wl,h Us
first days work already mapped out.
nanc.Vhe H'te'' Utlchy bI hegan
at once. It was expected that the re
vised draft of the currency bill would be
presented late today and would be ile
bated during Intermissions l the dls
cusslon over the water bill.
The program of the senate demoerata
forced and the republican were given
until tomorrow to confer, following an
announcement by Senator Galllnger that
thero wu no disposition to 'obstruct pro
sress of th bill.
Interest In Slessaite.,
A widespread demand for tickets for
the house gallery for tomorrow's ses
sion. Indicated the interest that centers
about President Wilson's reappearance
at the capltol to deliver a presidential
address. The president will read his
first general message to congress at a
Joint session of the two house at 1
o'clock tomorrow and It Is expected he
will touch on many problems to be taken
up at tho new session.
The senate practically merged the old
session Into the new one by meeting at
10 o'clock to wind Up the work of the
aying session. Vice President Marshall,
who had been absent for several weeks,
was ln his place again as presiding of
ficer. Democratic leaders were prepared to
jpush the currency bill forward as the
cniei Business and to hold the senate In
dally sessions from 10 o'clock in the
morning until 11 o'clock at night until It
Is disposed of.
Appropriations In Jloose.
While the senate is working on cur
rency legislation and disposing of tho
Hetchy-Hetchy water supply bills, dur
ing the early days of the new session,
the house will start work on the great
(Continued on Page Two.)
iThe National Capital
Hull day, December 1, JlM.t.
The Senate.
i Met at 10
m, and concluded the busl.
nlng the second session ot the sixty-third
Took recess while committee notified
President Wilson congress was in ses
sion. Republican Leader GalUnger Indicated
the minority would call a currency cau
cus. The llonar.
Met at noon, beginning the new session.
Representative Henry Introduced a bill
to amend the Sherman law.
Adjourned at 1:07 p. m. to noon Tuesday.
Dernnovntio Bird of Pen
- In me you sec Ac k--
Mrs. Doxey Pleads
and Goes to Jail on
Charge of Bigamy
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 1. Mrs. Dora Doxey
Erder Whitney pleaded guilty In the cir
cuit court at Clayton, Mo., today to a
charge of bigamy In having married Wil
liam J. Krder, a St. Loula mall clerk.
Three y,ea,ra ago ishe was tre4 for the
murder of Krder and acquitted. Bhe
ws sentenced to hree montlta' Impris
onment' on IRS uiimrrty cnwen.
The case bad been continued twelve
tlrflfci iJStaai -bf ''illness, of the defend
ant The woman was cirrllsd Into court
on a sl'retclior. Hr attorney withdrew
a previous plea of not guilty.
Mrs. Whitney was also fined $100 and
costs, amounting to 1250. After hr re
lease on bond on tljo bigamy charge, on
wnicn sne waa arrested soon auer
murder trial, Mrs. Whitney went to
Tennessee with Dr. Loren B, Doxey ot
Columbus, Neb., her first husband, Ho
disappeared and Is said to have been
drowned. Mrs. Doxey went to Idaho nnd
there married her present husband, Fred
Commission Law
Becomes Effective
in Pennsylvania
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. l.-Commlssion
form of government went Into effect In
a majority of the cities of Pensylvanla
today, the system of select and common
councils going out of existence. Here
after tho affairs of these municipalities
will be conducted by a single council ot
five- men, one of whom is the mayor.
With the exception of Philadelphia, Pitts.
burgh, Scranton and three, or four small
municipalities operating under special
charters all cities in the state are af
fected by the new commission law passed
by the last legislature.
The five councllmen will pass all ordi
nances and also enforce them, The .ex.
ccutlve and administrative powers of the
city will be distributed among five de
partments, public affairs, accounts and
finance,, public safety, streets and publto
Improvements and parks and public prop
erty. The mayor will be the superintend
ent of public affairs.
Mining Companies
Must Pay the Tax
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. Mining cor
porations must pa the corporation tax
Imposed by the Payne-Aldrlch tariff act,
according to the decision today by the
supreme court.
Eight or. ten million dollars has been
paid to the government by such corpora
tions under protest, ' and 50 suits and
claims were started to recover the money.
The case came to the court through
Stratton's Independence, limited, of Colo
lado. which unsuccessfully contended
that proceeds from ores mined by a cor
Iporatlon from its own premises was not
income" within the meaning of the cor
poration Tax law, but a conversion ot
Capital Into money.
The court also held that the corpora
tions were not entitled to deduct tla
value of ore before It was mined as "de
preciation." Chief Jbstlce White and
Justices McKenna and Holmes dissented
on the latter iolnt.
Murders Her Child
and Declared Insane
SALT LAKH CITY. Utar, Dec. l.-Mrs.
Augustus Ekman. who killed her 12-year-old
daughter. Francla Williams, last
June, today was pronounced Insane and
committed to the Insane hospital.
The body ef the daughter was found
In a trunk at the railway station In Og.
den. C L. Anderson, Mrs. Kkman'a first
husband, who has been out on ball, was
declared to have had no part In the
murder and was given his liberty,
His Absence for Day Gave Rise to
Many Rumors.
President-Wilson Intimates that Af
fairs Are Developing; Slowly
Along: Lines that Ha
MBXCO CITT, Deo. tt-rrovltlonal
President Hucrta. . whose disappearance
frem1ho federal capital gav risa to
many rumors today, returned this after
noon. He had been paying a vUlt oa a
farm In the vicinity,
The City of Torreon, which has long
been In the blinds of tho rebels Is about
to be retaken by federals under General
Joso RefUglo Velosca, according to dis
patches received today by the War de
partment. The federal troops are said to
have encountered little opposition In their
advance on tho city and are reported to
be now within a few miles ot the place.
Tho military authorities say , tho re
occupation of Torreon will bo, a great
blow to the revolution, as the city la the
key to operations In four states. It Is on
the border- of the state of Coahutla.
Oeneral Vallsco has been InstTtiated to
move at once on the. city of Durango,
after taking possession of Torreon,
United Mtntes Continues to Wnll.
WASHINGTON, Dec. l.-Presldent Wil
son told callers today that the Mexican
factions seemed to he running things In
a very Interesting way at present and
that no development was contemplated
so far as the United States was con
cerned. Ills visitors . believed he had in
mind the Increasing number of consti
tutionalist victories and the rapidly dim
inishing xone of control ot the Huerta
William Bayard Halo, who talked with
(Continued on I Page Two.)
Woman Suffrage
Convention Begins
Work at Capital
WASHINGTON, Dec. l.-The forty
fifth annual convention of Ihe National
American Woman Suffrage association
got fully under wuy here today with Dr.
Anna Howard Shaw presiding over the
assembly of nearly 1,000 delegates from
alt states of the union. The gavel fell
In the women's convention at the same
time Vice President Marshall and Speaker
Clark were calling to order on Capltol
Hill a congress which the suffragists ex
pect lo do much for their cause.
A constitutional amendment extending
the ballot to women throughout the na
tion Is the goal for which a week of
meetings, speeches and hearing before a
committee of congress will work. Ad
dresses ot welcome and reports ot of
ficers and hearings beforo committees
of congress took up the time ot the first
session today.
Mrs, Ida M, French
is Granted Divorce
LONDON, Dec. 1. A divorce wan
granted to day to Mrs. Ida M. French,
daughter of Robert J. Wynne of Wash
ington, D. C, former American consul
genersl in Indon and ex-postmaster
general nu the. grounds ot Infidelity and
cruelty on the part of her husband. Cap
tain Hugh Ronald French, now of the
Fourth battalion (Territorial! of the
Yorkshire regiment, and formerly of thu
Seventh Dragoon guards.
Mrs. French was given the custody of
the child of the marriage under an agree
ment to produce It In court whenever re
quired. The name of Marie Celeste Beach, a
Canadian chorus girl, was mentioned.
No defenso was - offered and Captain
French neither appeared nor was repr.
aentacd by counsel. The marriage took
place In London on June 17, 1909.
True Bills Returned Against the
Officers, Strike. Leaders and
Maintaining a Monopoly of Labor Is
Charge Against Three Men.
Fifteen Others, Names Not Known,
Caught in Net.
Itri'ontmrnil MlnliiK l.aTrn of Slate
He i:nforord and That Governor
lie tJlvcn Alorc Power to
true If Desired.
PUEBLO, Colo., Dec. 1. Federal Indict
ments ngolnst the United Mine Work
era. of America nnd members ot that or
ganisation . were returned this afternoon
by tho Jury that Investigated the coal
strlko In this state. Ten Indictments
were nvide public and fifteen mora wero
held until arrests con boitnade. Charged
with maintaining a monopoly of labor,
theso national officers ot the United
Mlno Workers of America were Indicted;
John I. White, president
Frank J. 11 aye, vice president
William, P. Green, treasurer.
Indictments charging conspiracy In re
sttnlnt of trade In Interfering with Inter
alato trafflo In coat wero returned against
John R. Lawson, Adolph Qermer, Robert
Uhlrlch, A. U. McGary. Charles Bntey
and Jomea Morgan, strike leaders and
orgsnlsers of the United Mine Workers
of America, nnd Edward Wallace, editor
of a labor paper at Trinidad.
The Jury prepared a long report In
which mining conditions nro reviewed.
It ends with recommndatlons that lb
mining laws be more aillgenlly enfotcd
that the governor nhould b empowered
by the legislature to regulate ot auipcnd
the sale of ammunition and exi-loalvci
during strike troubles, .hat in cases ot
dispute both psrtles should bo ronulred
by law to operate the mints pending set
tlement. Financial Interest of coal com
panies In saloons Is denounced as repre
hensible, ftome Methods Condemned.
Methods of the United Mine Vorkrn
of i America are severly condemned, tbo
roport saylngt
The methods pursued by tho United
Mine Workers of America In their en
deavors to force recognition ot their Un
ten by J.he coal mlne operators , in Cak, si Insult to eaijservattve al
taw.abklinbi labor. They hay, ferausjtrt
experienced strike agitators and hava
armed hundreds ot Irresponsible aliens,
who have becomo a menace to the peaca
and prosperity, and even the Mves ot our
citizens. They created open Insurrection
In Southern Colorado and has resorted
to measures which alt fair-minded labor
organizations repudiate. The officers In
charge of many of the tent colonies con
fess their Inability to control the men
whom they have armed and aroused.
"Evidently no qualification Is neces
sary for membership In the United Minn
Workers of America, other than a prom
ise to pay dUes, which are apparently
used to support Insurrection and lawleas-
ni'Ss when necessary to force their de
mands by intimidation and fear whenever
strikes are called, with the result of in
juring other trades and the entailment
of hardships and privations on the peo
ple of the entire commonwealth.
"The lawlessness of many of the strik
ing miners Is caused by radical agitators
Imported from other states, who Inflame
them with incendiary speeches and ex
hortations to violence.
WASHINGTON. Dec. J.-Floatlng bar
rooms in navigable waters within harbor
limits tot cities must comply with city
liquor regulations. The supreme court
so decided today In the case of William
Rabb, who contended that New Orleans'
regulations did not extend to an excur
sion steamer on Interstate waters.
Keeping Up
With Advertising
Alert and progressive mer
chants are urged to keep their
eye on the advertising columns
of this Aewepaper.
The merits of bo many fine
products for the home and for
personal use are being adver
tised, and readers are inform
ing themselves so thoroughly
now on the subject of what to
buy and where to buy that It
behooves every merchant, big
or little, to know what la go
ing on.
He should see that his
shelves carry the best grades
of dependable merchandise
that the people are asking for.
His salespeople should be
trained in the fine points of
this merchandise.
And in the windows and in
tho store every prominence
possible Bhould be given to 'the
merchandise being advertised
In this newspaper and demand
ed by our readers.
In this manner retailers may
Increase their sales and profits
by taking full benefit of the
various standard commoditiea
that are constantly descibed,
In the newspapers.
Not to be prepared to- aerro
a customer with an article ae
has made up his mind he warns,
frequently means the loss ot nn
opportunity to Increase tHe
regular patronage or a store.