THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 30, 1913. In City or Town the Sign oi the Crown Our extensive Branch System, embracing 100 stores in various towns through Nebraska and Iowa, enables us, far better than ever, to offer the highest class of STANDARD AMERICAN "WATCHES, HAND MADE GOLD JEWELRY, STERLING OR PLATED SILVERWARE AND EXQUISITE ROOK CRYSTAL CUT GLASS at CHALLENGE PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE THE DISCERNING CHRISTMAS SHOPPER. In other words, WE'VE LANDED WITH BOTH FH in among the larger wholesale buyers of Watches and Jewolry in the United States, and "101 Stores" is the password when our buyers go East to deal with the big manufacturers in New England. We have gained an immense advantage after 29 years of toil do you Want xo share this advantage now? 10-A Diamond Rings Never during our long business career has our directly Imported diamond Btock been moro com plete than now. Prices given below show plainly that it is no empty boast when we say that we can save you money on diamonds. Genuine Diamond, mounted In 14-k. hand-made Tiffany or fancy mounting, Regular price on this lot was $12 to $15. Wo sell them, every stone guaran teed, as long as 7C they laat, at PUW U Ladies' 14-k Platinum Lined Tiffany Ring, Mlfy weight of stone " one-quarter JraL carat, a bright and 4OC CA Sri. i8"appy Dinmontl ntPivJW Gentleman's 14-k, claw mounting, like il- lustration, weight oi stone plus 1-64 carat, beautifully made and splendid (inC color, at SCARF PINS Extra fine solid gold set &n nj? with diamond ipO. Our slocV comprises all the latest ideas in iiifty neckwcar ornamenta tions. Every Jknown stone and gem havo beep employed in the manufac ture of thp'so deferable, and to a gen tleman, quite neces- Cn AM sary articles. Prices JjDC lO Ht Standard American Watches An Extra Watch Bargain 17-jewel Elgin, Walthain, Kockford, Hampden or Illinois, patent regulator movement) "with 14-k., 20-year gold-filled, hand-en graved or plain, open face or hunting case, fitted with solid gold non-pull-out bow. This watch is the now 12-size model. Well worth $22.50. Special price this week Movements warranted and kopt in ropair free during Ilvo years. 10-slre Elgin Movement, water and dust proof, thin modul, silver nickel case. The cry thing for tho grown up boy A challenger IZf Indeed, nt ipOeOv It rniCK8 ON 1IOWAU1) WATCHES. SEE UHFO $15.75 Ladies' Watch 14-k solid gold case with Elgin movement. A fine gift to a lady and movement fully guaranteed for fivo years, bpe cial this coming week (g Ladies' Watch, in 14-k. gold filled 20-year hunting or openiace case, with revolving pondant, plain, Roman or engraved design, fitted with tho old reliable Elgin move ment. Special this week i PaIbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbsbI 9 MOM OUR 1913 WINNER Wo call it tto, becauso through special efforts and prompted by a 'desire to glvo our customers the latest and very best for their money we had this bracelet made special in 14-k solid gold shell and set with throe genuine and beautiful small dia monds. (Note Illustration) Bracelet (like cut) 36.00 Same as above, but trlflo narrower S5.50 -Narrowest width, otherwise tho same. . . .$4.80 LaVallieres and Pendants We have anticipated the demand for these highly fashionable ornamenU ami are showing over 1.200 different and beautiful designs In gold, silver, plat inum and gold, or all platinum, designed and made by foremost makers of high class Jewolry In this country. 14-k gold-filled, ranging from, 91.85 to ..94.73 Sterling stiver, set with brilliants and pearls 93.60 to 97.00 Solid Gold, set with diamonds and other precious stones 83.00 to SIB Solitaire Diamonds, set In platinum at 876 to 9100 800 Pairs Solid Gold, Diamond Set Cuff Buttons Thcso are extra fino values, not a single pair used to sell for loss than $13.50, and many regular $18 val ued. Pick them now while the picking is$7 7C 1 lsbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbI good, at- BRACELET WATCHES The new fad. Solid gold Watches placed in gold-filled brac.eldts, very 1 C 7C natty f U SEAL RINGS A-splcndld display of thcso mod ern rings for ladles, aa well as for gentlemen. Solid Gold Rings $2.50 to S1G from $15 to $23 Mesh Bags Quadruple Silver plated Geralaii Silver Unbreakable Mesh. Beautiful Roman designs in French gray and J polished finish, from clIKl Up SILVER CHESTS American Beauty This design has become famous in Nebraska through our efforts, and ft spells refinement and good taste In any home. Six hollow handle knives, six hollow handle forks, six tablespoons, six tea spoons, one batter knife and one sugar shell 26 pieces contained in mahogany fin- f1 V OP Ished and rich satin-lined chest, at. . LittJ YORKTOWN A Tery pretty gift, sure to bo appreciated. This chest is built of solid oak and has a fancy satin lin ing. Six knives, six forks, six tablespoons, six tea spoons, one butter knife and one sugar shell 20 pieces In all of a high grade of jn silverware that will wear indefinitely. . ipOe 5U Coin Purses Latest fad, very con venient. Made of quadruple silver plat ing on German silver base great variety of designs in silver and gold; from $1 to $20 10 Gross Ster ling S i 1 ver Thimbles; sell regularly for 50c; right q now aL Hat Pins Sterling Silver Hat Pins; per Jf pair r Many others of d I f f crent styles to se lect from. AT THE SIGN OF ? WE CROWN MP 7W GOLBUi STAIRS mm Sterling Silver and Quadruple Plated Toilet Sets v Comb, brush and mirror. Tho best bargain of our entire magnificent Christmas stock. They go on sale tomorrow at the d a Qff unusually low price of pTraaD Electric Stove and Toaster ZVvlS&Vz inches, just the thing for -r i any tea or breakfast table. DU BBBpi :wBAm JUDGE SBARSHOLDS . AGAINST BELAHGBE (Continued from Page One.) for Cadet Taylor In tho laser's libel suit against The Bee, be summoned Intocourt to account for their relations with Wesley Card, Juror, was an unexpected senaa Uon In pie contempt hearing before Judge. Sears ot the dlitrlct court. Clinton Brome ook the iiland In the wonting session and U, C Jlrohjtt. and Judge Shields were culled for the afternoon hearing. It developed from Clinton Brome' a tes timony that he had twice defended Cord ,n suits In Justice court ylthtn the laat few months. Tho story ot the second case came as a surprise. Young Mr. Brome admitted that this was an action brought by other persons to iput Oard inrfer bond to keep the peace. The first case'ls' oh the court docket, bavin been appealed from Justice court. Clinton Brome admitted that he had known Oard before the Taylor ault be gun: that he had tW lite father that Oard waa hla client and that neither of them had brought out the fact during the examination of jurors'. Jte aaja tnat If they "hadn't been convinced the other aide didn't know about tt they might have disclosed the fact." Brome denied that there had been any talk between him and hla father or At torney Shlelda about Inducing Oard to bring In a verdict for Taylor. Gr Promises n Verdict. ChArlfS Bvlanscc. the defendant In the contempt hearing, went through a de tailed examination and cross examina tion and Prosecutor Magney was unable to shake hla testimony. He teatlfltd that Oard. whom he had Known six or aeven j ear, told him that he waa afraid he was In a fix." I am afraid I'm In a fix," Oard aald, according to tha teatlmony. "I aald In court I didn't know Brome & Brome. but rBnlon Brome has tried a caae for me. What would you dor "Jtaa the case gone to the Jury, Belan Bee aikcd. No." "Then go down early and tell the Judge that you didn't underatand." 'But I have promised the Brome J to bring In a "verdict for Taylor or hang the jury." Then I would keep my mouth hut," waa Ue la usee's final advice to Gard. Wanted to Hell Shop. Belangee's first teatlmony accounted for "tils two visits to Card's home, whlck la a few blocks south of Belangee'a ahop. on the way to the Dodge car line. j Oard twice previously nad talked ot buying the ahop," Belangee aald, ' saying the first time that tha rocking of a street car affected his stomach, and that he would like to have a ahop' like mine, Til sell you this one,' I redd. The moralac of October at, about 10 o'clock, X went over to the atrect car barn and asked for Oard. I waa told by Sherman Clayton' that ho waa on th Jury and that I would find him at home or at the court house. I went back to the hop and then on the way to the car stopped Ht Oard'a house and asked far him. His wife aald he waa at tha cowt bousa. Mrt Htsa OmtMt. "I came down town and to the court heua, u In tho second court room Into which I cmm Oard waa alttlng In the Jurors be. I m4M to hlsa. Wben went down on the street to wait for' Oard. Across the street I saw Barnett arid baited to him. I told htm to wait until a man from the court house 1 wanted to see. Oard came across the street and I introduced htn to' Barnett. We walked north on Seventeenth street to Podge, and on the way I told Oard the shop stood me S80, but that I would sell It for W. Oard said he couldn't raise the money, . I said I would sell It on tortus. The matter was left open. "Th4 mornlnl? of November 3 I went to Oard'a houte about 7 o'clock so as to catch him before he went away and told him he could havo the place it he j could pay J60 or )100 down and the rest on terms, and that I owed vn on It. said he couldn't raise that much money and I left. There waa nothing said about a Jury." Belangea testified that on November W, when the Oard family asserts he went td their home between 6 and 1 o'clock in the morning,, he was hunting at Kelly's lake with another' man' and a taxlcab driver, and did not return until 9 or 10 o'clock that morning, ifburly ruffians, and Staytate doesn't dare to go near the house for fear he'll be rocusn km iiAtn nr tiiAni ''wiTiAvintid "Plain Dealer. Secretary Daniels is Much Pleased WitliOmaha Visit 'Omaha men who met Secretary of the Navy Daniels when he waa In Omaha a llltlo over a week ago, havo been In vited to call on the secretary at Washlng ttn whenever- they happen to go ti that place. Secretary ' Daniels, wrote back to Omaha as soon as ho reached Washing ten, expressing appreciation of the hos prtallty he had enjoyed whlto here and inviting any of hla acquaintances made while here to call on him when In Wash ington, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeees BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaTA - rr- : ' I 1 -. . 1 . . . " f . ' 1 11.3 'Am Unpleasant Kncounter. "I waa told young Btaylate had quite an encounter with Maude Brown's father!" "Vm. ho did. He met the old man tacking homo from the club Just aa he was lt-avlnff and In trying to avoid one soother, they both fell down the terrace and broke a fT garuen vase. Ana now 1110 Ileoubllcan. old man says he was assaulted by two Ad Club to Stage a Scteam for Its Friends,on Tuesday The Ad club's next scream Is announced for next Tuesday evening at the Home, when an 'International" dinner will be served, and the attractions are billed as "chefs from France, dancera from Itus ala, musicians from Persia, Swedish nightingales from (Minneapolis, spell binders from Mexico and actors from "Necessity." The, gastronomlCAt performance Is scheduled to begin at,, 6:30 o'clock, after which the "tired business man" will be given soothing rest In! the form of the -very latest cabaret features. A ftamlnr circular mailed to members ot tha club requests them to "stand off the gasoline bill If you lack money, break the news to your wife by phone If you lack cour age, but be there with lard In your hair." ATTRACTING NOTICE TO BILLBOARDS WITH GARDEN Combining civic. Improvement with bill board advertising service is the latest feature in the "ad" game In Omaha. To beautify the ground in front of blllboarda at Twentieth and Farnam atreeta and attract more attention to the signs dis played there, a miniature park, with small trees and shrubbery is being laid out by the Thomas Cusack company. in St John church, Twenty-fifth and California avenue, by the Rev. Francis Cassllly, a member of the faculty of fCrelghton university. He haa chosen a beautiful theme, the First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, which will be treated in conformity with the latest de velopment of scriptural exercises. The first lecture will begin Sunday evening at 7:45 o'clock. WILL GIVE SERIES OF FOUR SUNDAY NIGHT DISCOURSES A series of four discourses will be given on the Sunday evenings of Advent WEST FARNAM WOMEN NOW PICKING FLOWERS Picking dandelions the last of Novem ber waa a novel entertainment partici pated In by several West Farnam women Friday. Just to prove that California Is not the only land of winter flowers this year, one well known matron packed and sent a big bunch ot the yellow blossoms to a relative In Los Angeles, after spend ing a few minutes In her front yard. Invitations Are Out for the Next Teachers' Meeting, The ballots have gone out to the teach, ers In tho state, members of the Ne- braska State Teachers' association, for a vote on the next president and also on the next place for holding the convention. There were ,i0 ballots required to coves the membership enrolled this year. Both." Omaha and Lincoln have sent out circu lar letters to all the members, Invltlna the teachers to meet at the respective places. Omaha has set forth the fact that tt Is the only city that haa adequate: facilities for caring tor so large a con ventlon. IHKi BOOKS CHRISTMAS Prevent 5Kln Blemishes Ben Hur , General Lew Wallace's great ndvel now .on 'sale for iho first time at 50c SPECIAL BARGAINS GIFT BOOKS at 58c Each By uing Cuticura 5oap and Ointment They dp so much to promote and maintain the purity and beauty of the complexion, hands and hair un der all conditions, and are unexcelled in purity, delicacy and fragrance for the toilet and nursery. CaUom Be9 sad Otstraat toM Ihreutfcxiltke arid UMnl uuiiU ol cut aulltd tm. alls 13-0. be. Atinn "CnUturm.- Dept. IK. Boatna. TUn k shsM sad nuisoq U Cuttoure 4oe vol tad II test tw Ula sad scalp. Mad 1 to 811 at tl.50. " AX SOX er rxXBHBalXXP. Prose and Verse, complied by Ina Ilusselle Warren. A Hex Or XATrnnMM. rrose and Verse; compiled by Jennie Day llalnea. KOTKU X.OVS. A Book of the Heart Prose and Verse, compiled by Ina Russells Warren T3SDB VI 9Xi XT BOOK, Potms arrang ed by Willis Boyd Allen. TXS BOOK Or X.OTX. Prose and Verse, compiled by Jennie Day Haines. SPECIAL BARGAINS snTR0Ks98c With pictures by famous artists, rich ly illustrated in color, made to sell at l!00 to tJ-00. AIOUUOAX axxUM. Illustrated by Harrison Fisher BXXAX er rXXM WOlCXr. Illus trated by Harrison Fisher. XXXB.T XBTT NOTtTBS BOOK. II. lustrated by Henry Hint. BAOXBZ.OB BXXJ.X8. Harrison Klsher. BBS SXBX.B. Howard Chandler Christy TOT SIR!, Z X.BIT BXHIsTB XI. Pictures by John Uae. AXXXJCAX SBAUTXSa. Harrison Flalier." a sees er bwkbtxkjlxtm. By Several Artists. NOW READY THE GREATEST SHOWING IN OMAHA It comprises 'the best books of the Holiday Season of 1913, attractively displayed and arranged for easy chobslng- -"Gift Books" together "Now Books" together "Children's Books" together, and so on. Our Book Department ha8 been greatly enlarged for the Christmas selling and Is a comfortable place to trade In. Come and enjoy looking over the new things. LEADING NEW NOVELS Woman Thou SUvsst He. 13 y Hall Caine S1J3 baaole. By Oene Htrattonforter, $1,35 Iron Trail. By Ilex Beach ll33 Way Xome. By Basil King 91.39 Oorystoa ramlly. By Mrs. Hum phrey Ward 91.33 House of Xapplnsss. By Kate U. Boaher S1.S9 raaalonate rrlsnds. By II. a. Wells tl.33 Whits XJnsn Kurss. By Kleanor H. Abbott $1.00 Business of Life. By It W. Chambers 91.40 Inside of the Cap. By Winston Churchill 91.60 Tan OUts. By Mary 8. Watts. . .91.34 Poison Belt, By Conan Doyle 9130 Bows Among- Men. By Wilt Com fort 91.23 Broken Halo. By Author of Boa ary $1.35 Btory of Waltrtlll Baxter. By Kate D. Wlgfrtn 91.33 Call of the Cumberland. By Chas. N. Buck, illustrated 91.95 Coming; of Caaaldy. By Clarence K. Mulford. Illustrated 91.33 Kla Qrc at Adventure. By Hobert Herrlck v 91JS Bessrt Crold. By Zdne drey. Illus trated 91J3 Judgement House. By Sir Ollbert Parker Illustrated (US LEADING NEW GIFT BOOKS Beauties. Illustrated by Harrison Fisher 93-80 JT lying- Island, of the Night. By Junes Whttcomb Hlley. Illus trated 93.00 Cfoldaa Dog. By Clara, Louise Burnhain 91,00 Good Bye Jim. By Hlley. Illus trated $10 The Jangle Book. By Kipling. Il lustrated 93.501 X.ady daughter. By Halph Henry Barbour ' 91.50 long of the Cardinal. New, Illus trated edition 91.33 laddie. By Oene Stratton Porter. Bound in "Ooze" .91.75 The Cblldren'a Blue Bird. Adopt ed from play by Maeterlinck, 99.50 The Uttle QUt Book. By Hnrrl aon Klsher 91.25 Happy Woasn. By Myrtle Heed, 91.30 roema and Ballads, By Steven son 92.00 rtf ty Years of My Xdfe. By Theo dore Iloosevelt 92.50 Bhymsa of a Boiling Stone. By Hobert W, Hervlce. Boxed 9303 The Stsn Who Blasa tbe Trail, and other poems. By S. C. Dun ham. Clorh 91.00 Velvet Ooze 93.00 The Opinion athop. By Htldrlc Davenport Owsley. Cloth 58o Ooze ,91.18 Leadiag New Ckildrcn's Beeks Patchwork Otrl of Os. By I Frank Baum , 98o Peter Pan A. H. O. Illustrated In color ,.91.00 The Tors Book. Illustrated. A Novelty 91.23 Billy Whiskers tn Town. By Mrs. Montgomery 78o Partners Three. By Ralph H. Bar bour 79o Mother Ooose. Illustrated. By Fanny Cory $1.50 Kingdom of Why. Illustrated by Peter Newell 91.50 BOss Santa Clans of the Pullman. By Johnaton 91.30 Aronnovtha Snd. Br Ralph H. Barbour ..91.35 PIts Tarda to Go. By Hawley Wllllans 91.25 Ted Btowatrt Many Mors Bights 91.23 Patty's Social Season. By Carolyn Wells , 91.33 Zilttle Master. By Laura Richards 45o DoTothy Dainty's Vacation. By Amy Brooks 790 Tha Goody-Naughty Book. A Nov elty 600 The Camp rlre Girls. By Marg. Sanderson ,...75o Ths Xswplss' Book 91.83 Mary rranoea Sewing Book. , , .91.50 SOME of the LATE NOVELS formerly Sold at $1.25 and $1.35 NOW at Only. . 50c Wkat's Hla Haue? Mistress of Shenstone Ban Knr JL Modern Chronicle The Conflict The rorblddsn Way The Poor XJttle Btcn Girl Tarry Thou Till X Come Boss of Wind Hirer 1 Bolt la the Woods Ths Adventures ot Blue riower Bobby Ord. t Christmas Eve on Abe and Manruaa I gonosome A rralrle CourtsUp ' Miad the Paint" I Qaeen Shaba's Xing I Mary Mldtboms BRAND EIS STORES Ms Smith Joyce of Horth Woods The Hoot of BtU The Bolted Boor The Haunted Pajamas The Silent Barrier Ths Common Law Amaalng Adventnrea of Lstltla Carberry Wild GUve Mary Carey Bawn CKara Iron Women My rady of Bonbt The He'er Bo Well Tha Honeymoon. Plamatead Qnarzies The Price of the Prairie Wlnslac of Barbara Worth. Captain Waxren'a Waraa Glory of Clementina The Fruitful Viae Offloer seo The Lost Ambassador An the Sparks Ply Upward Spendthrift Kindling Brand Blotters The Talker A Splsnsr In the Bun Passu of the Third Ploor Baek Mistress of Shenstone by the author of "The Ros ary," now 50c si . ism I SPECIAL BARGAINS CHILDREN'S BOOKS at 58c E The following are large, beautifully Illustrated books suitable for the youngest children. They're very great bargains, having heretofore sold at prices ranging from 78o to $1.18. TKH WXZAHB or OZ, By It. Frank Baum. MOTHER OOOSB XH KOLX.AXX). By Msy Audobon Post. KXBDXS HKYMX8. KIDDIE XJIHB. By Margaret Q. Hays JACK TKB GIANT HIXABS, JH. By Dwlglit Burrows. THS ZJUTB Or XEVXK WAS. THS X.AKD OF HEAX.X.T TBTJE. By Mllllcent Olmsted. US rBX.XJBR8. By Izola Im Forrester, rAMOUS LIVE DO III. BOOKS. By Josephine Scrlbner dates. 10 titles. TKH MAOXO XMAGB. By Cornelia Baker. PHXXOB BOMXHO AHS WDTrXtXS.'i By Seymour Eaton. THE OA8TX.E OP GHITMPT GBOUCH. By Mary Dtckerson Donahey AT JrXOWEB PAHM. By Jane Hollo way KKYMXS Or TKB GOX.BZK ABB. By George Relter Brill. BOWK BPXOEB WEB Z.AVE. By Mary Dtckerson Donahey. THE BXART OP A BXHTKBAT SOXJ. By Uthel C Dow rAMOUS XOOSBTBX.T B E AH BOOKS. By Heymour Iiaton The Roosevelt Bears, their travels and adventures. More About the Roosevelt Bears. The Roosevelt Beara Abroad. The Bear Detectives. m 1 BRANDEIS STORES