4 A THE OilAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 30. 19 3. , SLAVES OF CIRCUMSTANCES Downand-Outer it Finally Induced to Tell a Tale. HOPE LEAVES THIS CLASS Hare Tfothln to Ltve tor and Are XTarmless for Fear of Brln ln- flrlef on Their Fiend. Th'.a In the story of the men who liiv quit, and particularly of Watson Mara den. who clung to the ragged edge for a little while and then felt. It la no at tempt at analyzatton of causes, bat aim ply a narrative of certain paradoxical condition and a descriptor! of strange men who wander with the down-and-outs. Ohen I hive asked myself why men of more or less culture and refinement and Apparent ability elect to cohabit with tramps and thieves, and in seeking the ... . , . i specter witn great, reu yen wnicn Kiarru ?"?SV"F SI"..! '"To the privacies and Intricacies of hi. fllCV IU UlllWia, If! HIV Ulllf UUIIF Ull ,119 clinging panic-stricken to his arm. They strolled to a little park a few blocks die tant. and experiencing the first reaction stumbled wearily to a seat Exhausted they fell Into troubled sleep, and In this slumber ghastly dreams haunted the man. And always they were woven about the distorted Image of the girl he Intended to marry. 8he was n lithe, clean girl. "lie awoke In a cold, clammy sweat. Something chill was crowding him. IIo was a brave man, In a way,' tinworrlcd by physical fears, but the horror of the dreams had shaken htm. He tried to laugh, and looked at the girt whose head rested upon his shoulder. Her eyes and mouth were open and she was blue. Ho touched her. She was Icy cold. Terrified, he sprang up. "There was no sequence In hla thoughts but a something Intangible a fear that was weird and wild ard Incomprehensl ble seized him. It was' the fear of sick ness and death and dlskster. It obeaaed him, crawling tike a slimy nxjent Onto the crypts, of his conscious mind and spawning there. And .'then it became a specter with great, red yes which glared banks of the Missouri river. Much hard-earned money I spent for bottled beer and ham sandwiches before the tongues of some of the benevolent beggars were loosed, but the entertain ment I received In filthy places under sidewalks or In ramshackle and dlmty lighted hangouts was fair recompense. Among these ragged men who toll not nor spin, I have heard romance', Ignor ance, superstition and even schoolasttc ism quarreling over absurd metaphysical propositions, reaching no agreement They did not crave agreement, bul very soul, -;and mocked him. poipehow death then would have. come tas a solace, as a nurse glldeaito the bed of a suffer- )ng rann.and soothes him. Since that morning this man has faced many dangers and he has fondled th cold barret of a revolver with suicide In hli mind, but ho has never suffered as he suffered then, and he never will, I know. Hhnililrru nt Thntmltt. "Until the sun came up and scattered the morning mists he sat there, his head n his hands.' Through his mind trouped a thousand -memories; symbols of battles won or tost; triumphant selrlrhness, evil UA?Sk2' du'r5nK mrdV ,0 Pa" victories, high hope, shattered. He shud- PAGKERS HAYE EGG CORNER? Inquiry Said to Show They Control 55 Per Cent in Storage. INVESTIGATION STIES COUNTRY secretary llonston Learns of Alleged Attempt of Speculators to Dny Up Short Crop of Potatoes. away the dragging hours. Some Were Malevolent. Some among them I have met who were malevolent with a malevolenoy to starfger a strong man with Its force; full of hate, cynicism and evil. There was no optl. ml sin in them, no humor, no hope. They bad been beaten down or had fled full tilt before the exactions of life, to hide W dark comers and hiss and hate. They were socialists, anarchists, rebels, who dered at the deadly damage he had done himself. ' 'Thai'' all.' The man hit the drag fif teen years ago. add ho la still on tho pad. Perhaps the policy want him, but the girl died a natural death I suppose. It was all horrible, of course, but the man lived to die a thousand deaths. Even to this day,' I suppose, he sometimes sees the .other, girl through the white mist of his bad respect for neither life, property .or. oM '0VB nvfT n'Rrd from nerS ha a-overnment I "M '"cr rcnn a nowspni'sr ur u uiws- "If your stomach sickens and you feel ,,na ,nca ,hal da5r'" pom," Aitrsaen once saia to me, "ir you reel sick ana turn pale wnen you see a Street urchin digging In the gutter for a banana peel or a decayed apple, hang en to your Job, for when you hit tho drag sueti things may fall to yowr lot It Is .not a nice life. We are an unlovely lot, hut the majority of us have lost the ene of proportion; we have forgotten the metals of niceties and loveliness." One man I herded with until the night waned and day drew near proved that Slarsden's observation was at least par tially correct He said his name was Joe Hill and admitted that It was not Mars den, I know, had chosen his name be cause of Its sonorous dignity, for he had a peculiar seats of the grotesque. Ho approached the grotesque In appearance, I passed him a fresh dgar and bade htm good night As I walked away there came Into my mind a paragraph from the great nelglan's essay on "The Awak ening of the Soul," which Marsden had said was "all rot" Maeterlinck was speaking of Hamlet nt Elslnoret "At every moment does he advance to the ivory brink of awakening; and yet, though hi haggard face be damp with Ice sweat there are words that he cannot utter, words that today would doubtless flow readily from his lip because tho noul of the passerby, be he tramp or thief, would.be there to help him.". 'We are the' slaves of circumstance," Marsden had said, but , as I crawled be tween warm sheets at break of 'dny, feel- la that somehow the night with the WASHINGTON, Nov. .-A new phase of the cost of living problem was brought to the attention of the Department of Agriculture today. T P. Olll, secretary of the Irish Board of Agriculture, told Secretary Houston that speculators In tho largo cities of the United Stafcs were actively buying up this year's short American potato crop and planning to hold out for high prices, counting upon tho existing quarantine against potatoes fiom many foreign countries to aid them. In their undertaking. j Mr. Olll Is here to urge the removal of the embargo on potatoes from his country and has received private advices from Various sources on the potato situation In America. He declares that powdery scabs found on potatoes Imported from Iretnnd no cause for a quarantine because u similar blemish already Is common In tho United States and says that continu ance of tho embargo will contribute to the growing cost of living. Secretary Houston and the federal hor ticultural board held a conference after Mr. dill's statement, but no action was announced. Representative McKellar of Tennessee, author of a pending bill to prohibit the keeping of products In cold storage for more than ninety days, was In conference today with Department of Justice officials over the department's In vrstlgation of the storago of eggs, poultry and dairy products. It Is said that a preliminary Inquiry has revealed the fact that 65 per cent of the present egg supply held In storage Is In the hands of the great meat packers of the country. Letters and telegrams poured In today from all parts of the country, from In dividuals, associations of various kinds and Trom business men, praising the depart ment's effort to break high food prices by proceedings against the alleged com blnatlon of cold storage dealers. Housewives who say they havo felt (ho oppressive hand of high prices In many ways wrote telling of their Indi vidual experiences and heads of organ isations, which have taken an active part in trying to reduce the living cost, expressed eagerness to tell what they knew. Many of the letters contained accusations against the packers of Chi cago and charged them with responsibil ity for cold storage prices. Others blamed the middlemen. with his big, soft black hat; long, ragged laWHet bad taken Its toll of tho pesal- coat, his keen-cut face and shaggy head UtfMirvtny soul. I wondered If tho stay. mm 1.1a ., 1. .k.n..U . , ... I , ' ', - r.. ... . . . wt uiuufiris . o imt I try, wm not piien seir-inrucieu ana angular aqa aiieoea a van uym beard, which was picturesquely unkempt. Hill was weak with hunger when .ha asked me for a dime as I tramped down a darkened street. He was a harmless fellow, chiefly because he did not have the stamina e d wreg, Knowing that txt 1. . tflti 1 J men have heretofore broke the bM si j C. fY SUB H1H g t OHi. U fl. 0 0 K 6 U. r.v'a&s,"? Good veined gutwr-smpe am net H te, i m t , Jiin ' niiii inc wish rn wio viijr mi waif mrm I 1 V " . " . "I . - ( . - and the Med. though bad. was better tkM ll.eWjWl 1'' ' none at a. Me could make K a MxM -. I felU'I know "there are those who beg Mtd whine 'arid'are without hope through hnd fault of their o'wrt Surveying of (Jeorge fense ad the offense would land Mm there. Kww't Nerve tn Steal. "8teir he said. BUtruleusly. 'T haven't the nerve, pal. It's not that I'm afraid et the Jail or even tho pen. I've been In both. Either l a hell-of-a-stght 30. George In 1751. a M of 13 lie MB. unes wun chain and .coihpass through the wilder ness ot the Vlrlna Xillhi for tord Fairfax, lias -been cnecxeu inpy RovernRicni aur wyora, who have Just mads their re- orts. Tey .fouad ths Work ot the lm-j WashlngtoB, running' hla Wftes- with better than this sort of thins-. I'd knock jirlmUlve Instruments and booflres on mil tops, jetl inonumema ana oounaaries to which technically educated surveyors using high power transit and all the re fined and accurate methods modern In struments allow, have been able to find no variation. From the top of Mldala mountain In the' Massantles range, the old Fairfax une may be distinguished without the uso of Instruments and can be followed between boundary fences dating from the earliest you down for .a ham sandwich and a cell in the city Jail, but I haven't got the nerve. I'm afraid to do anything but shuffle s. round and whine for a handout The thuuofct of a policeman's club on my head or a jrtreng man's fist in my face sickens nie, I'm sick, sick, stakt My nerve's air goae. I'm a (Wing dead jnan. Qod help el" And so he seemed to me wnen I saw him the next day tkulklnff In Jefferson sqoara, hla thin clothes pulled tight abouM days. na y blocks ot Umber which htm. Xe seemed to be hurrying hurry- I come up. from the county lines and Ing est to the end of a cheerless, hopeless I stand out like squares upon a checker Jsumsy. ' , I board. .Atom the valley. iof the south rwws!y eeuh I found that Marsden, I fork, ot taa Shenandoah as tar aa the Miteast (hat he was. held no hate in hlsi'eye can 'dlstlnaulsh the tin chows heart. He Irony, but only a great care-1 plainly. aad aa Impersenat love, Over I Washington's survey biases cut Into the trunks ot trees and long grown over have been, rediscovered and alt are sev eral feet higher from the ground than the woodsmen ot today would make. Borne authorities contend Washington made them from the saddle with a long handled ax. Mnta at beer, which I purchased and VhlCh we drank from, the bottle, hours after the "ltd" was down, we fought reVal battles over suoh burning issues as amWWen. hop and life itself. The banner-carrier maintained that Ilia la a t Utile He had x greater knowledge of literature than I. He smiled as he qWoted from Maurice Maeterllnck'a "The POPI'POPI ZAP! BANG! vrti.ls.Ji" I . Pre-Deatlnedl" "'It la death that is the guide of our life, and out Ufa .has no goal but death. Our death Is the mould Into which our life flows: it is death that has shaped our features." Qaetea Shakespeare. Ills mind flashed with what seemed to me Inexcuseable Irrelevancy from ono subject to another. He quoted copiously from Bhakespeare and chanted a Una from lolla Xlookh; "What profit hath the sea Ot net deep-throated threnody' "Philosophy of the mystic blended, with, poetry like 'the faint equlslte muiilo ot a dream,' " he said. I had known him for three, weeks'-a, long reeldeneo In any city for htm b- fore he gave me a glimpse of his" broken Wa've been running life and a hint of what he" was. He was I tor six mbnths." In a melancholy mood, which came upon 1 Tito patrol chauffeur stepped on the ac. tin neriodlcally. and-as we at down celtrator and droVa the patrol popping In the back room of a saloon to consume; dowh ta headquarters station, after the me sanawicnes ana me com Domes, ue icoiumissiunvr row began, and I knew he was speaking ot hlmftlf. "I onca knew a young map about your age. He graduated from one of the beat colleges In the Country. JII father was a manufacturer of what I need not aYt and he took jfctm. Into his business. The young man. sittr four years of hard work (and he; actually worked at college, strange as'-yu may think It) showed symptons tpf1 -ewlng his wild oau In earnest AtaUt with hla father one day GOES THE PATROL BARGE Police Commissioner John '3: Ryder yesterday got himself Into an ember raising situation because of his seat. He was walking up Douglas street when the police patrol came popplne along making a rattlo like a gatllng gun company In actlqn. Quick as a flash the commissioner waa out In the street "Hey, stop!" he shouted to the chauf feur. "What do you mean by violating a city oruinance ay running inai ma chine with the muffler cut out?" The' driver became uncomfortable and stammered: "O-b-boss. there ain't no muffler on this here barge. When they rebuilt It, they forgot to put one on. round line mis Police Make Raids and Arrests in Hunt For "After-Eighters" Busoldous that Demon Itum has quietly returned to Omaha and Is begin ning to again appear around hla favorito haunts after S o'clock, notice sergeants redoubled their efforts last night to ac complish his capture. Over two scoro ot 'salons, cafes and hotels were visited by the officers and, although, they failed to arrest Mr. Rum, ther landed four ot his eJesa friends. The places raided and the men booked at headquarters as. the keeper follow: Colored Walters' club, SflO South Thir teenth street, Kugeno Thomas, keeper; TuthlU'a saloon, rear ot 1512 Douglas street, J. A. Tuthlll keeper; Mickey Mut- len'a saloon, JU North Hixteenm. street, Michael Mullen, keeper; California ho tel, Max Qrossman, keeper. At the Tuthlll place the police arrived Just as Tuthlll was making his escape. The bartender was held as keeper, and later when Tuthlll came back to his place under the Impression that the po lice had left he was arrested. When the police entered the waiters' club they found Eugeno Thomas and several 'waiters" so sound asleep that their sus- plclons were aroused. In police court Friday morning Tutniu and Mickey Mullen were each assessed a fine for keeping open after hours and wars also warned that a second of fense meant 'a double tine.- Tuthllt "was"rind riKW and Appealed. Mullen's hearing is set for next Wednes day. l CHARGED Wltff MURDER OF MOTHER- WHt) HAD SUED HIM CLIKTON; Mo., Nor. 99,-TiUy O. Puc kett a .farmer, w Placed on trial tn the district court Tiere .today on charge of first-degree piurder in connection with the death Of Ma mdther, Mrs, Susan w, Maklnson. Pucketfa home burned September 30 last. When tho" mine were cleared away the charred body of Mrs. Maklnson wss found. An autopsy snowed tho woman's skull had i. been fractured. Two empty rifle cartridges wetc found near the body. TetlfyJng,.hefore a coroner's Jury Puckett said he shot his mother after mistaking her for a burglar. A suit brought by Mrs. Maklnson to recover farm property deeded to her son waa pending in tht circuit court here at the time of her death. Cheerful Credit to All Santa Clauses Each year, as we impress upon the peo ple the glorious advantage of our liberal credit plan, there are fewer and fewer families that havo ijo visitation from his royal morriness, Santa Clans.. Christ mas at one time meant a stinting for weeks beforehand, in order that enough money might bo saved to gejt a lit tle something for each member of tho family This is rapidly becoming a thing of the past, and we think our modern business methods havo helped make it so. Any man may now play Santa Claus to his family. He may select what he wants from our stocks, pay for it in bits and have it while paying for it. He can make wife, daughter, son or mother happy without dopleting his own treasury and at the same time secure tho best furniture the world marts afford. We make new Santa Clauses every year. Is it to our credit or discredit? Our credit, by the way, is CHEEEFUL CREDIT. 1 m h ur r A STEEL RAMIE Makes an Ideal Christmas lift Nothing would please Mother better than to give her a new Steel Range. We arc showing a splendid line of Steel Range? at price lower than you would expect to pay. Ask to nee- tne special sa&.uu (hole range, with upper warming closet and nickel trimmings that w offer at What letter lift CghM Yen Find Than a Handsome Buffet? Over one hundred different styles to select from, In all the various woods and finishes. See the rpcclal Buffet (similar to illustration) that we aro offering In either nolilen oak or fumed oak finish, worth J35.00; sole price. A PRETTY ROCKER Is Always AceeBtaMe $221 An Immense line to select from, tn all the different woods and fin ishes; a $.00 val ue, this week, only. i9S S?4i A FEW FURNITURE GIFT SiCfiESTIOMS A Sadlss Writing Besk. I A Turned Oak ilbraxy Table. A. Pretty China Closet. . A SOlld Brass . A Handsome Bd Davsnfiort. A Bnofold Bed Davenport. A Pretty Parlor Bolt. I An Pphostersd Booksr. ABB K&XT OTRBBB. A Most Welcome Sift is a KITCHEN CARINET If is a gift that one never tires of and Is always there to remlndone of the giver. Ask to see the splendid cabinet (similar to Illustration ) wo offer this week; It's worth J30.00; sale price Starts Niw Stored Fru tf Ckargi and lt livirtd Lattr i A HiMtomt Rug Makes Oat of thi Fiaisi lifts You canPassikiy think if Our Rug Department contains tho largest ahd most complete assortment of Rugs in the city. A I7.B0 Wilton Velvet Rug, 8x11 feet in else, only mm mmiiMM MM I $15.95 r k Turkish Rockt? Makes a pretty gift. Here's one upholstered In fabrloord leather, worth 117.50, for only. An Atotptaila lift is a DRESSER Why not get a XmaST An Im mense line to select trom. A $20.00 value, this week, only... new one for '1250 GENERAL RABAGO KILLS SELF State Governor, Losing Tamaulipas Capital, Commits Suicide. WOMEN AND CHILDREN SLAIN I argered hint' and he gathered-his 'gang three dlssoJui9youncr fcliffw's and pro ceeded to mae 'a night ot It It was ITobably the'.w,W&t night ot his life, and ts,e saddest!.... "It must have been' t o'clock in th noralnc when the (king happened. The young rouiiders were. In a noisy tender- I Ma dance halt when a row started and the police were called. - The tight had a general rough house. when the mt the police patrol sounded and the women and the drunken men . tor the exits. I feewd hlmsalf In the crisp c wnUn with a fair-faoed girl POLICE WILL INVESTIGATE RECORD OF "FISH HOUSE" I Whether Arthur Lewis, a negro known aa "Fish House" is ' the "strong- arm" negro for whom the police have , been looking for several weeKs, or . whether be Is merely a benevolent per- j . .... .. l 0M.ivt.n . . . 1 T Son. WHO l"c viwu ciiihiih tci 1 Into hard lucK, la a quesuon ine ponce hope to solve today. I Lewis was aeon at Tentn ana nerce , steets oy Policeman Anton Vanous, Jr., ! and the officer thought he was actlns f auspiciously. Detective Frank Murph , came along at the time,' and vanoui pointed the negro out, Jlurphy went Into j I an alley close by the negro ana pre- . weakly about The negro, looked up and down. the. street and seeing no Mt arpuad, went up to Murphy, and at the same moment, the latter arrested him, The Persistent and Judicious Uso Hewspaper Advertising U U Road Bualnt&i Success. ot Constipation When the bowels do not move freely It shows that the liver la In active, and the bile, Instead of being e'lmlnated by the Intestines. Is taken up by the blood, In con sequence the Internal organs are deranged and you have a bilious attack. After frequent attaokr the skin becomes rullow and rough You are troubled with headache, coated tongue, bad breath, sour stomach, loss of appetite and yoii feel out of sorts, The contents of the alimentary canal should be well evacuated every day. Warner's Safe Pills do this without griping, or leaving any bad after effects, being purely vegetable and free trom Injurious substances. They restore and main tain the normal action ot th bowels and effectively remove all complaints arising-from conctlra-tlon. Back for. a purpose Sold by all I 1 Xldasy aad Uvar Bettedy t Bhtamatto Remedy 3 OMaaetsa memsdy 4 asthma Besudy 5 Wervjs Write for a free sample giving the number of remedy desired to Warner's Safs Remedies t. SM. Rochester. X. T. Rebels Blow Up Troop Train aad Batcher All la tho Party Pen Is Kalsa daad All Iurantea Freed. MEXICO CITT, Nov. . Like, General Joeo Oontalea Salas after the battle ot Rellano In March, 191:, Qeneral Antonio Rabogo, military governor of the state ot Tamaulipas, killed himself after losing Victoria, the capital. The aulclde'ot CJn eral Rabago Is not admitted by tho gov ernment, but the newa la contained in a private telegram to his relatives here who do not telegram Ita authenticity. General Rabago as military governor was responsible for the garrison when Victoria waa attacked by the rebels Ko- ember 17. It was not until this morning that the newspapers of the Mexican capital pub lished any Intimation that Victoria had been taken. Rabago was credited wun having evacuated the city. The private message falls to give de tails ot his death. Among the Incidents connected with tho capture of Victoria 1 by the rebels one Is related of the execu Ulon of Captain Thomas James. He was told that his life would be spared If he forswore the government. Given an Hour. He refused and was given an hour for meditation. When the hour had elapsed and his cuarda had come for him, he asked to be taken before the man who ordered Ms execution. He embraced the military Judge assuring him that he cherished no resentment and then marched to the place designated for his death. There he distributed among the firing mimi nil but one of a package of I clgarettea This he lighted himself and ! signalled the officer in command to give ' the order to fire. I' Among those killed was a young civilian i cousin of Enrique Caballero. who la the t leader ot tho rebela at Victoria, and one of the chief lieutenants ot Venustlano t Carranxa. The young civilian was con- 1 1 deenned to die becauso he had helped the S, federal troops to defend the city. The young man'a mother, who Is an Z ! aun of the rebel officer, went on her 1 j knees and begged that the Itfe ot her son be saved, uaoaueros repijr wu 10 have hla cousin brought from the prison and stood In front ot a firing squad ot ' revolutionists, who shot him down before Z I his mother's eyes. 1 ' Krse Penitentiary. I' The constitutionalists burned the state capltol and raxed the penitentiary after liberating all prisoners. lleports from the north continue to In dicate Increasing rebel strength south of BiltUlo. Slnoe the dynamiting of a s i troop train yesterday bo of tort haa been made to resume traffic, but the railway ' men refusing to take out the trains. It Is reported that after dynamiting the train tne rebela attacked the troops, who numbered shout 100, and thirty or forty women and children belonging to the soldlors, killing every one of them. This report has not been confirmed. Gen oral Diax, ex-president, may be called upon for aotlve service at any time. Several months ago he waa In vited by President Huerta to return to the army. He accepted and has been placed oil the Hat ot available unaa signed generals. Summons Bank Managers. President Huerta summoned the man agers of tho Dank ot London and Mex ico and the National bank before him this afternoon and explained to them the necessity of their financial assistance to meet tho obligations ot the National Railways December 1. Interest pay merits of the railways, due December . aggregate 801,000 pesos, gold. The gross earnings ot the railways since December, 1911, show a decrease ot practically 18,000,000 pesos, gold. Losses on fixed charges and on property, track and equipment aggregate many millions additional. Carranaa Busy ivlth Pins. HBRUOSILLO, Bonora, Nov. 23. Sticking white pins, which represent the towns held by tho constitutionalists, Into a map ot Mexico pasted on the wall of his living quarters Is tho latest occupa tion of General Venustlano Carranxa, a pastime In which the bearded Insurgent chief takes as much delight as a small boy with a puxsle picture. Within a fortnight white pins havo made their appearance at dota represent ing two state capitals, Victoria in Tamaulipas and Cullacan In Slnaloa, while black nine denoting federal occu pancy have been moved from Juorex. Carranxa has shiny white pins ready fpr Chihuahua and for Guaymas and Ma rat lin, porta on the west coast. Villa Moves South. BL PA BO, Tex., Nov. . The movement of General Francisco llla a troopa to tho south to attack tho federals' strong hold at Chihuahua waa begun today when nearly 1.000 men under General Jiosauo Hernandes departed from Juarcx. Persistent Advertising Is the Road Rualnesa Success. RAGTIME ENGLISH ON PAN Highbrows Urge Patting Modern American on Ice. FEARING FOE CULTURE'S GOAT Movies Raked as One of Most Direct , Influences TendlnR to Pat Lln ffalstlo Eloquence Into Cold Storage. CHICAGO. Nov. O.-.-Ragtlme writing and speaking" underwent a merciless at' tack here today before the National Coun cil of Teachers ot English. Perdval Chubb ot BU Louis delivered an address charging that in destroying the har monies of speech as welt as of son?, Americans are the chief offenders. It was declared by Mr. Chubb that "the varied gracea ot the folk cultures of tho old world were being melted down by us Into the uniform vulgarity of our na tional culture the culture ot our slums and our great White ways." Delegates to th council, more than 400 In number, who were present trom thirty states were chiefly men. tut there were many women. Including halt a dozen black-robed nuns. Atncks the Movie. "Movies' also were attacked by Mr. Chubb. He said they formed one of the most direct Influences that have tended to put linguistic eloquence Into cold stor age. Culture, he said, was becoming In- development of eor-mlndedness, making auditory sensitiveness and responsiveness the touchstone of good usage, so that In the place of the blight of literary book lshness there might bo substituted a reli ance on tho auditory sense and Judgment Instead of tho premeditations of the pen in short, the democratization of the art of letters. Joseph Jostrow of the University of Wisconsin referred to the possibility of a society for the prevention of cruelty td the English language. Prof. Jostrow told the result of an In quiry as to what would be tho outcome If fifty objectionable expressions, caught In ordinary conversation wero' fined auch amounts, varying from 1 cent to II, ps seemed a fit punishment for each sep arate offense. The Judges, sixty-eight In number, include twelve women, Half of the sixty-eight reside cast of the Alle ghenles. Among them were college pro. feasors, leading editors and readers for prominent publishing houses. An average fine of nearly 43 cents for each offense was tho outcome. Prof. Jastrow suggested that the revenues from enforcement of fines would make a substantial fund to be distributed In prizes by a society of cruelty to English" speech. Injnred In a Fire or bruised by a fall, apply Bucklen's Arnica Halve. Cures burns cuts, wounds, bolls, sores, eczema, piles. Guaranteed. 25c For sale by your druggist Advertisement Tho Persistent and Judicious Uso ot Newspaper Advertising la the Road to creaslngly eyo-mlnded and he urged the I Business Success. I to BEIEF CITY NEWS Copley, JswsUr, J15 8. 16th. S5th year. Hdellty Storage k Vaa Oo-Doug.l51. Kin vnat Vrint it Now Beacon Press. fcifa ZasT Tea. ean latutuaJ, Qoulo. Idfhttor fixtures. Hurgsaa-Sranasa -By JCaklnr This reKponslble trust com pany executor and trustee you will avoid tdl contingencies and disabilities ot Indl irtdual trusteeship at moderate cost to your esUte. Peters Trust Co.. ICS Far- nam street The Persistent and Judicious Uso Newspaper Advertising la tho Road Business Success. ONE LAUNDRY BUNDLE is all we need to show you what quality work really is. TRY IT ONCE . and compare with what you are now get ting. You owe it to yourself. OMAHA'S QUALITY LAUNDRY Soopafeit) Douglas 2560