Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1913, PART ONE, Page 13-A, Image 11

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Dr. FUzgibbon Secures His New
French Model.
Three Others Have Been Sold Since
Dr. PltiKlhhon Secured 111.
Are for Iloth Sn miner nnd
Winter Ue.
The new Cadillac landaulet coupe Jias
made u appearance. In Omaha and tho
first one Is now the property of Dr.
Henry KlUslbbons. The car Is strictly
French design and while Dr. FlUglbbons
was visiting In Paris this summer he
took a fancy to the car and upon his
return to Omaha purchased one from
George Relm.
Slnco Dr. Fltzglbbons secured his,
three others have been Bold. They have
been purchased by Dr. Congdon, Joseph
Baldrlge and H. B. Waldon of Waterloo.
Th body of the car. wfth the exception
of the back quarter and top, Is made of
aluminum. It Is a four passenger car
with a small drop seat facing rearward.
The windows In the doors and body
aroof heavy plate glass and ar0 sash
less. A knurled adjustment regulates
the opening of tho door windows, and
locks them at any opening desired.
The windshield Is of the clear vision
type. The upper half is double, provld-
Ing protection and clear 'vision when
m car is 01 me two-season type 'n
one. Tho back can be lowered, thus
making a summer car of It, or It can
be entirely enclosed for winter use.
All the lights are controlled by elec
At the present stage In the develop
ment ot the motor car more or less at
tention Is being paid to refinements that
make the driving of a car simpler and
safer. The 1914 Cadillac has several Im
provements that illustrate this point.
One Is Its nutomatle spark advance.
"Without this device the driver must
manipulate his spark lever according to
Ills own best Judgment of the engine's
requirements. It Is not alone a question
of Bpetd. Some times heavy golnsr puts
a drag on tho engine that necessitate
nmnJpulatlon of the spark lover." With
iio nbvloo this Is frequently nothing inoro
tbatv good guessing. Tho Cadillac's auto
matic spark advance takes this task from
the driver and makes the action positive,
automatic, according .to the englno's
This Is accomplished by a ring gov
ernor which automatically advances and
retards thd, spark according to the de
mands of various loads- and various
speeds. It thus automatically prevents
tho Injuries which are possible by too
much advance or too' much retard.
Manufacturers of
Pierce Arrow Oars
Strive for Silence
There are two things automobile en
gineering departments are striving for
stlenco and Its resultant high mechanical
efficiency. Silence with durability Is ob
tained only by the most careful design
ing and fitting of every piece of mate
rial. The Fierce-Arrow Motor Car company
has even gone so far to obtain absolute
Silence In their transmission as to build
a soundproof house of glass on their
transmission assembly floor for testing
out all their transmissions.
After tho different . parts that go to
make up the transmission caso aro ready
for th'e car they have- to pass this -last
test for silence. The conditions of this
test aro made to conform as nearly as
posslblo to the actual conditions ot a car
on the road. An electrlo motor takes the
place of the regular motor and a rear
axle working against pressure produces
resistance equal to that of a car actually
running on tho road. If noise Is found
by this Inspector In the glass house the
transmission goes back for correction and
continues to go back until It rocelves his
O. K. for absolue silence.
cessfulty sold Pope-Itartfords In New
York and Brooklyn and will operate un
der the name of the Stratton Motor Car
It la reported that within the last three
weeks, since the announcement of tho new
Jeffery line, 193 new dealers have been
added to Its selling organisation. These
include now and important connections
in cities where branches were formerly
Henderson Kerosene
Gar Makes a Record
Six or Seven Fnmrnffeni t
Recognizing the fact that many own
ers are buying cars to a certain definite
passenger capacity, Studcbakor dealers
are now displaying "sixes" ot both six
and seven-passenger body arrangement.
The six-passenger car is on the same 121
fnch wheel base as the larger type of.
The Union Oil company of California'
recently challenged Harry Moore, man
ager of the Henderson distributing house
in San Francisco, to furnish a . car
equipped with Harroun carbureter for
their engineers to test, using sealed cans
of kerosene and distillate to bo supplied
by their company. Chief Engineer
Carlyle of the Union Oil company, In
reporting the results of the test, made
the following statement: "Henderson
automobile, five-passenger, forty-horsepower,
four-cylinder engine 4VixV4-Inch
stroke. Average speed on trial nineteen
miles per hour, level roads. Bngine was
never out of qear. No coasting was al
lowed at any tlmo during tho test. Fuel
used was engine distillate and kerosene
of the commercial stock of the Union Oil
company of California. Tho test was
made In the following manner: The feed
pipe from tank to Harroun carbureter
was disconnected. A one-gallon can of.
Union engine distillate was held by the1
writer connected by. rubber hose to tho
carbureter. Tho actual mileage on ono
gallon was 19.2. Union kerosene, under
the samo conditions, showed 30.4 miles."
Jeffery Company
Appoints Dealers
Announcement was made last week In
Kenosha by the Thomas B. Jeffery com
pany of the appointment of Gilbert M.
Stratton as representative In Greater New
York and vicinity for tho new JefferyJ
line of pleasure cars.
Mr, Stratton has for eight years suc-J
Regal Underslung
Remains Upright
After Road Mishap
A double accident near Detroit last week
furnished a most convincing proof of the
safety from turning turtle afforded by
underslung construction. ,
A party of Detrolters were taking a
pleasure drive tho other evening In a
Regal underslung touring car. Tho party
was some two or three miles from the.
city and were just overhauling a car
ahead, when around a turn In tho road
camo another car headed toward them
with headlights blazing. Tho driver of
the car ahead, which was of overhung
build, became confused by the glare ot
the approaching lights, and drove Into a
seven-foot ditch at the roadside. The
car toppled and rolled over, throwing the
passengers to the ground, but fortunately
Injuring no one seriously.
Tho Regal was right behind the ditched
car, and tho driver, hearing the screams
of the passengers ahead and expecting
a collision, swerved to the side and also
plunged Into the ditch.
Tho underslung, however, remained up
right during tho descent and though the
passengers were given a good shaking up,
no one was thrown out. Tho only Injury
the jcar sustained was a broken wheel,
which smashed against the opposite bank.
Safety First Policy
Will Be Introduced
By Goodrich Tires
"Safety first" Is a phraso which tho
traveler sees painted on switchmen s
houses, depots, yardmnsters' offices and
other buildings connected with the great
railway systems. It Is also emblazoned
on pillars and posts, culverts nnd
bridges. The "Safety first" Idea Is also
carried Into factory management.
Itrcmalned for tho B. F. Goodrich com
pany to sec tho value of adding "Saftty.
first" to Its service to tho tire user.
"Motoring plays as great a part in the
traffic and transportation system cf this
country as do tho railways," said Mr.
Ward of the local Goodrich branch. "Wo
studied this matter seriously nnd con
cluded that, as the Goodrich company
has always been the pioneer In every
movement tending to better tire service
and Improve motoring, it was our duty
to Incorporate the 'Safety first' Idea Into
our policy.
"The Goodrich safety tread lire Is one
of the most conspicuous successes of tho
tire Industry. It Is so much more than
a simple 'non-skid' tire that wo regard
It as symbolizing the 'Safety first' Idea.
The thick, tough rubber fingers ot the
safety tread stop the skid before It starts,
by always cleaning and gripping tho
Lessons in Driving
to Apperson Buyers
"It's a wonder to me," said Mr. J. H.
DeJong of the Apperson Jack Rabbit
Auto company, 1103 Farnam street, the
other day, that more accidents do not re
sult from high-powered motor cars In
the hands of the novice.
"We are doing all wo can to keep down
the usual Sunday morning fatality list,
but, as wo don't sell all the automobiles
In this torrltory we can only do our lit
tle best with our own customers. Our
plan, while It Is to the best interests of
our clients, la after all really a selfish
'The first thing w"e do when we sell a
man a "Jock Rabbit," whether he Is an
experienced motorist or not, is to convey
to -him as diplomatically at posslbls the
fact that everybody has something to
learn about a new car and we urge
every buyer to take advantage of our
offer to give three two-hour lessons on
successive days with every car sold."
roadwoy. Rut even a greater feature
than this and hero comes tho 'Safety
first' the construction ot tho tire Is such
that It absorbs shocks nnd strains, and
responds to lha demands put upon It by
the steering gear nnd the brake, lttur
In ordinary use or In an emergenoy. It
la an all-tho-tlme 'Safety first' proposi
Peerless Truck Used
For Many Purposes
An exceptionally wide and Interesting
variety of service Is secured by the city
of Boston from a three-ton Peerless truck
which It has been operating for somo
time. In tho winter the truck Is equipped
with a screw power hoist dumping body
and used In garbage collection. In the
summer the truck Is equipped with a 900
gallon steel tank fitted with a rotary
pressure pump and used Interchangeably
for sprinkling streets with water and oil
ing macadam roads.
It Is the usual practice to use tho truck
for sprinkling and flushing the city
streets on Sundays and on days when the
macadam roads aro not In tit condition
ror oiling, wnen it is in use as a
sprinkler tho truck travels twelve miles
per hour and does the entire work on the
routes formerly covered by three horse-
drawn sprinkling carts.
Fublio Wants Cars with the Most
Simplified Devices.
Pncknrd Company Profited by
Kxperloncf of Other Sinkers
nnd In Putting Simple Cnr
on the Mnrkrt.
The public demand for simplified me
chanical construction In automobiles Is
pointed out by Henry 11. Joy, president
of tho Packard Motor Car company, In
his annual report to tho directors.
"Freak mechanical devices such as
curious 'drives,' ingenious electrical 'con
trols,' unmechanloal valve systems and
abnormal devices' to do everything, aro
less popular with the public," declared
Mr. Joy. "Tho buyers ot motor cars
have been experimented with about as
much as they will stand. Many manufac
turers of prominence. Who havo expen
sively and rolcntlessly tried novel de
vices In tho hope of betterment, have be
gun to appreciate the very fair merit
of the present day typical motor car.
They begin to see that It Is possibly a
better service car a It Is without added
compilations. The pressure from the
public Is strongly for simplification.
"Purchasers have become moro dis
criminating. They no longer buy any
thing on wheols. Nearly every purchaser
of a high class car today has had
other motor vehicles and Is seeking better
ones duo to 1ast experience.
"By most extensive research and ex
perimental work during past years tho
Packard company has learned many
things not to do. Wo have also estab
lished many satlcnt features which are
Incorporated as essentials In our pres
ent models. Wo beltevo that tho Pack
ard car, as It stands today, Is as sub
stantially as It wilt be produced five
yearn hence or more."
Antos nnd CliKtaffrnr Mnltlply.
Tho extreme to "which automobiles have
brought a new calling appears tn the fact
that there aro approximately 66,000 chauf
feurs in TJew Tork state. During tho last
eight months more than 130,000 automo
biles havo been registered In that state,
a gain ot 30,000 over the correspondlns
period In 1913. Receipts from registra
tions and from chautreurs' licenses now
reach a total of 11,235,000, an amount equal
to tho aggregate receipts of 1910 and 1911.
Turning to Pennsylanta, It appears that
the number of licenses there has risen
to 79,000. as against 25,100 Issued in 1908.
It In claimed that this makes that state
rank fourth In the number ot Its auto
mobile llcehscs, New York belng first,
California second, with over 80,000, and
Ohio third, with M.OOO.
Beo Want Ads rroduce Results.
The Persistent and rumctoua Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
Five Minutes Will Win You to
All-Weather Treads
The treads are double-thick
The rubber is extra tough
The grips are deep and enduring
The edges stay sharp
They face the skidding direction
The blocks meet at the base
The surface is flat and smooth.
Here is a tread which runs as smoothly as
plain treads. It is just as economical.
It gets rid of all features which made anti
skids costly, or made them cause vibration, i
' On dry roads it runs like a plain tread. To
Wet roads it gives on irresistible crip.
It is the tread for all wheels and all seasons.
On Goodyear tires the largest-selling tires" in
the world it. is outselling plain treads with
users. In winter it is an essential.
Here arc sharp edges which stay sharp. And
the edges face the skidding direction.
Here are blocks that widen out and meet
at the base, 'So the strains are spread as with
plain treads.
This is the latest of Goodyear inventions.
It solves anti-skid problems as never before.
It combines plain -tread eqonomy with the
safety of a most tenacious grip.
Yiou are botjrid to adopt it. A five-minute ,
comparison will! make you a convert. Don't
.buy a' tire for winter us.e ."wjthout coming to.
see this tread.
Plus fThese 'Savings
AllrWeather treads, if wanted, now come on
No-Rim-Cut tires. And you get these fea
tures too : ' '
r Five minutes will show you that no other
anti-skid begins to so meet the requirements.
Some are shallow, some soft, some irregular.
Some have rounded grips.
Some have separate projections which center
the strains at one point in the fabric. Some
cause much vibration.
Here is a flat tread,
broad, smooth and regu
lar. Here are deep grips
which last for thousands
of miles. Here is rubber
toughened by a secret
No-Rim-Cut Tires
With All-Weather Treads
" 'Tires that can't rim-cut
Tires that .save blowrouts
Tires that .save loose treads.
We control the No-Rim-Cut feature. The
saving of blow-outs adds to our tire cost
$1,500 daily. No other maker adds this extra
cost. Our way of preventing tread separation
is patented, and we control the patent.
You get all these savings in No-Rim-Cut
tires, and in no other tires in the world. As a
result, these tires today
are the largest - selling
tires in the world. You"
are courting tire trouble,
you are wasting tire
money, so long as you
go without them. Let us
prove this to you.
Tlila Company no connection whateTer with mar other rubber concern which uee the Goodyear name. '
Toronto, Canada London, England Mexico City, Mexico
Crpcbe end Ajcnci.i In 103 Principal Chlee DEALERS EVERYWHERE Write Us en AnylUo You Went la RabW
Phone X.ocsl Douglas 4190. Phone lKnr Distance Souffles 4191.
Eledric nssd, side,
tall sad slash llflria
Stersf battery
35 Horsspowsr motor
114-Iscfa wbeslbasa
Tinkea bearias
Tbree-qccrtar floatiag
rear axle
33x4 Q.D. Ursa
Cowl dash
Deeper upholstery
Brewster f reea body
nickel aad bIbbsIbbss
trial mlafa
Mohair tea, eartalaa
and beet
Stewart aaeedesseter
Electric bora
riaab O doors wltb
ceaeealed blaea
Completely Equfyflcd f. o. b. Toledo
ftltk tltttric tUritr and zttrattrJI07S
Awarded "First Position" at the World's
Greatest Automobile Show
THE extraordinary supremacy of tho 1914
Overland has been officially recognized by
tho American Motor Car Manufacturers'
This organization has awarded the Willys
Overland Company the position of honor at tho
great National 191,4 Automobile Show which opens
in the Grand Central Palace, New York City on
January 3d.
t Do you know that tho people of over 50
nations are wiring, writing and cabling to Toledo
for Overlands P
Do you know that in response to their re
peated requests and urgent demands we are ship
ping from 50 to 60 carloads, a day which means
200 automobiles every day in ihe week P
Do you know that the 1914 Overland is today
the most sought after car of its type in the entire
civilized world P
Even in Detroit, the automobile hub of the
world, there are more Overlands being sold than
any other car of .this type.
The Overland has made, established and won
for Toledo with its individual plants alone, the titlo
of the second greatest automobile city in the world.
Detroit, alone, leads and yet the 1914 Over
land is outselling, even in Detroit, every compet
ing car.
The Overland factories average 50 shipments
to the average maker's one. The Overland fac
tories will build 50,000 cars for 1914. This is moro
cars than all the factories of France; three times
as many as all tho factories of Germany and far
more than the combined factories of Italy, Holland,
Russia and Sweden f
Has it ever occurred to you that there must
be some substantial reason for such unparallelled
success P There is, and here it is.
No other factory, in the world can build a car the
equal of the 1914 Overland for less than 91200,
Our price- $950,
" 'That's the reason and the answer.
Now here are the facts.
. The 1914 Valu6 Is increased but the 1914 prise
' is decreased! .
The motor is lamer but Xht price is lower.
The wheelbase is longer but the price it
.' shorter.
The tires are larger but the price is lower.
The. new car has electric lights throughout
even under the dashbut the price is lower.
It is magnificently finished in dark Brewster
green, with running boards and wheels to match,
' trimmed in polished nickel and aluminum but .
the price is lower.
Then there is a larger tonneau, a jeweled
Stewart Speedometer a larger steering wheel,
and deeper upholstery but the price is lower.
. Here you have the world's record automobile'
value at a record breaking, price.
There is an Overland dealer near you. See
, him today.
Phono Black 051
18-22 Fourth St.,
Council Bluffs, la.
Van Brunt Automobile Co.djsb
The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio
2010 Farnam St., r
Omaha, Neb.
rbono Doug. 8207.
Manufacturers of the famous Garford and Willys-Utility Trucks. Full information on request.
"The New 2-38"
S335Q f v dTl k ?r