Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1913, PART ONE, Page 14-A, Image 10

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    14 A
Free! Rock Glue and Star Broom Holders! Free!
ASK ANY MlilK'JIANT for n 30o Jar XOOX GLUE and a 05a STAR BROOM
XOLDEK. To advertise these useful article, our factory arranged for them to
give you both, to liave you tirulso them to Friends, If Merchant cannot nun
ply you FRKR, write ub sending 10 Merchant.' names and JOo In stamps Don't
forgot named (BOOK and BTAB). ROCK QLUK mends everything' even
broken hearts anil pockstbooks. 8TAR DIIOOM HOLDKHH make yourTirooms
last twice ns long and do better work. Watch for coupons. Doth articles
obtainable from any merchant. All JIHTAILKIIH can bo supplied by Jobbers
or from u direct,
rXEX, Post raid lo nny one returning "TRADK MARKH." BOOK SLUE and
TAX. XXOOX SCOLDERS with lOo In stamps. Wo also want to hire good
salesmen and salesladies In every city. We also call your attention to our
Window Polisher nnd Kxtenslon Handles, CDo each. cniion to our
factory, Lakeland, Kd.
LaaaaaaaaaaaaflaLaaV. WaT
Agnes ji. wntcsi i in so dull nnd
lifeless most of tlio time that I can
scarcely accomplish my duties. I am col
orless and have llttlo appetite, suffer
with headache nnd am far below normal
wight. At one time I was quite plump
and then I felt good nil the tlmo, so If
you can proscribe something to increase
tny weight I think I shall soon be myself
again." i
Answer: Kor anyone In your condition
tl tro Is nothtng I can give that would be
so effective its a thoroUKh course of
tl reo grain liypo-Nuclano tablets. This
llttlo tablet supplies elements which in
creaso tho red blood supply and aid to
extract tho nutrition from food. Improve
the appetlto, overcome nervousness, and
plumpness with healthy color and
strength return. They are packed in
sealed boxes with full directions,
"Farmhand" writes. "Please give mo a,
prescription for my rheumatism. I suf
fer greatly, A friend tried your prescrip
tion, was cured, but can't remember It."
Answer! Hero Is my favorite prescrip
tion for rheumatism: Iodide ot potamlum.J
s drams; soaium salicylate. arums;
wine of colohlcum, one-half ounce; comp.
essence: cardlol, 1 ot; comp. fluid balm
wort, 1 'OS.; and syrup ot sarsapartlla
comp. 6 oss. Take a teaspoontul at meal
time, and at bedtime. ,
"W Z.- writes; '!' have auoh a very
severe cough und cold arid have not been
able to set anything to help mo. It Is
weakening; my system."
Answer; Use tho following and your
cold und cough wilt vanish and you, will
soon be strops again. Get a 2tt os.
bottle ot concentrated essenco metho
laxene and take every hour or two. This
can be taken pure or made Into ii full
pint of home-made syrup. Pull directions
as to uso will, bo found on bottle. This
is a mild laxative and .will drive the
com irom tne system.
"Helen J." writes: "What would you
advlso me to take. I suffer with I mil.
fceiUon, constipation, gas on my stom
ach and my breath is bad. I am afraid
of appendicitis."
Answer: Many cases of appendicitis
are caused by neglecting iust sucn
troubles as you describe. You should start
at once and take regularly for several
weeks at least, tablets trlopcptine, which
are sold at all drur stores with full
directions for taking. Tho tablets am
pink, white and blue. The pink tablets
tnouia ne uucen alter breakraat, the
white after dinner and the blue after
Mlnn(e" says: "I am on tha verge of
nervous prostration and the doctors' med.
nines do not seem to help me. I am very
ii. hi anu am getting tmnner every day.
ui nuuio you presence r
Answer: Tike the tonto prescribed and
ADVERTISING standardizes
your product. Instead of
being "among those pres
ent" ' without name, place or
Character, it leads the possession.
Be Fair
to your stomach
and it -will prove to be
your "best friend."
Safeguard it against any
weakness that may de
velop from time to time
by the daily ubo of
It strengthens and invig
orates the entire system,
thus preventing Poor Ap
petite, Headache, Indiges
tion, Biliousness, Consti
pation, Colds, Grippe,
Malaria, Fovcr and Ague.
19 Oth St., S. X. Washington, . o.
r 2)r.Zcms JBaAor
TKo questions answered below are gen
eral In character; tho symptoms or dls.
ensea i. r.i dIvah nn.i I. .
opply to any cass of similar nature.
-j iJ . tuiiuor auvicr, iree, may
address Dr. Lewis Raker, College Oulld
Ing. College-Kliwood streets, Dayton. O.,
enclosing solf-addressed, stamped envel.
oP for reply, run name and address
must be given, but oflly Inllluls or ficti
tious numo will bo used In my answers.
The prescriptions can bo filled at any
well-stocked drug store. Any druggist
can order of wholesaler.
ynu will be atrong In a row weeks. You
will gain flesh and your nerves will be
restored to their natural strength, dot
syrup of hypophosphltes comp. Q ozs.,
tincture cadomene comp, 1 os. (not carda
mon). Mix and shake welt before taking.
Toko a tcaspoonful before each meal.
Miss Belvu asks: "I am nfnl.(.,i
nr.d want your best advice. I am trou
bled with goitre and too much flesh or
fnt. How con I overcome tho ono and
reduco tho otherT"
Answer: Many case of milt
under tny attention have yielded to treat
ment and disappeared almost totally. The
lUHmuenis in o-grain aroolontj tablets
are used both to reduce irottro and to re
move superfluous fat on tho human body.
I advlso you to obtain a sealed tube
with directions accompanying.
'Valeria" writes) "I urn tiff.Hnc mill.
biliousness, stomach and kldnoy troubles.
I am getting worse all the time. What
snau i laKer i
Answer: For the troubles vnu mention.
the best remedy to nurlfv th hlnnrf ima
oct on tho liver and kidneys Is. Three
KTain Buipnern taoiots. tnot suiniiur tnii.
lets). Got these from Your drueclst in
sealed tubo with full directions. These act
pleasantly and If taken regularly they
win graauawy euect reuer. iiy pnnlying
tho blood your blllousneBS will disappear.
If you are dyspentla you should take tub.
mis triopepuno wun tne suipherb tab
lets. www
"Children" Tour children should be
be given the following to correct them of
bed wetting; Tincture cubebs, 1 dram;
tincture rhus aromatic, ? dnuns; comp.
fluid balmwort. 1 os. Olve 10 to IS drous
In water one hour before meals. This Is
good for young and old.
Doctor: "I should be very grateful for
a remedy for catarrh. I nave suffered
a great deal for the past year with bad
breath; pain In my head and throat
Please tell me what to do,"
Answer: 1 have found antiseptic Vllane
Kwder to be the best remedy for catarrh
of the head and throat. Many letters ar
received from people who are thankful to
bo cured ot this dreadful disease, Uo to
any weil stocked drug store and purchase
a two ounce original package ot antisep
tic vllane powder. Cleanse the nostrils
thoroughly by snuffing from tho palm ot
the hand a wash made by mixing one
half teaspoonful of the powder to a pint
of water. Use this two or three times a
day. In addition to this use the following
balm In the nostrils dally: one teaspoon
ful of Vllane powder and one ounce of
lard or vaseline. Use this treatment at
Intervals to prevent a return.
"Anxious Mabel" writes: "My hair Is
falling out so rapidly that I am very
much afraid that I shall soon bo bald. I
have also a great deal ot dandruff which
causes my scalp to Itch."
Answer: You can stop your hair from
falling, stop dandruff and make your hair
soft and fluffy if you will purchase a 4
os. Jar of plain yellow mlnyot and uso ac
cording to directions. It will promote a
healthy head of hair and brings back the
Intenso natural color. Advertisement.
Income Tax Problems Fat Up to
Real Estate Men.
What the Lnrr Requires Aitenta to
Do Exemptions nnd the Mn
ehlnery tor Ilrtara of
Heal estate men, especially agents who
collect rents and pay charges against
properties, have found the printed form
of the Income tax law quite a puzzle.
To them, to trustee and administrators
of estates, to officers and directors of
real estate corporations and to Individuals
sharing In the earnings of such corpora
tions, some of the sections ot the law
bring up grave questions. Most puzzling
of all is tho question or "source." Dis
cussion of the matter has brought forth
so many diverso opinions that the real
estate world generally will welcome the
Interpretation by Walter Undner, so
licitor of the New York Title Guarantee
and Trust company, given to the mem
bers of tho Ileal Kstate board of New
Mr. Lindner's interpretation shows that
not only is it necessary for tenants who
pay or moro in rent direct to their
landlords to hold up a part of this for
tax, but every person paying Interest on
mortgage, no matter how small an
amount, has to do the same. According
to his view, there are so many "sources
of mcomo" nt which taxes are to bo re
tained that the greatest contusion is likely
to result. Untold thousands In this city,
either ns tenants, agents, mortgagors,
trustees or administrators, will bo called
upon to act as tax collectors for the gov
ernment. "Tho business of the real estate man,"
said Mr. .Lindner, "divides Itself Into
three main divisions, tho oporation, in
vestment and then the large army of
agents who are either brokers or man
agers. In every one ot those relations
we are affected by the Income tax law,
not only because Incomes as such are
taxed, but becauso of tho peculiar feature
ot the mechanism of the act by, which
the government Is trying to obtain both
information and machinery for collection
through tho requirement that the source
shall retain income In certain instances
specified In the act
'It Is the principle of retention at the
source which is going to make most of
tho trouble and cause most of the worrl
ment to us In our business' relations. It
Is the fact that the government very
clearly makes overy man whom It possi
bly can make a tax collector, which af
fects us In our relations with our clients
arid customers.
"Now 'source' l nn English word, but
it does not mean what It denotes In Eng
lish when you uso It in this act 'Source'
In this act may mean the original payer
or It may mean any conduit ot payment
at the various stages of the course of n
payment from tho original debtor to the
final creditor. To illustrate:. If we follow
an Item ot rent from the original tenant
until it reaches the pwner of the land we
may see at what various "places a source
may bo found under the language of this
act. For Instance, If n tenant owes rent
he would be the original source ot tho
payment as we understand that word
r"If, however, that tenant does not pay
a rent so largo that he Is directed by
the act to retain it, then hq need not de
duct anything for Income tax from his
landlord. That Is to say, If you have
a tenant who pays you less than J3.000 a
year, whether ho pays you directly or
through an agent, that tenant does not
have to deduct as a source of payment
Hut If that Itom of rent, instead of being
paid by tho tenant directly to his land
lord, is paid to an agent, who has charge
pf tho management ot the building, and
if then that agent, collecting from vari
ous tenants, even If they occupy other
buildings, receives and Is required to
transmit to his principal a sum which
aggregates from tho various sources
trim which tho agent derives It a sum
in excess of 13,000 during the tax year,
then, although the tenant within the
purview of this act was not a source
who was required to make a retention.
tho agent, however, who has the hand
ling and transmission ot tho income for
his . landlord und principal and who Is
required to transmit an aggregate of
moro than 13,000 during tho tax year.
becomes a sourco with regard to his
principal nnd he Is required by tho lan
guage of the act to retain on behalf of
his principal and, if finally necessary, to
pay Into the government the amount ot
the tax. That Is ono way in which we
may be affected.
"Let us follow this agency business a
little further.
"When an agent is renulred in trn
mlt to Ills principal a sum In excess of
$3,000 the question has arisen In your
minas, ana I have been asked It a num
ber of times, 'Docs that mean net or
gross Incomer As I read the act It
means gross income.
"If your rent roll Is over X3.000 on be
half of any particular client and if out
of that rent roll you are Instructed to
pay the Interest on hla mortgage, the
taxes on his property and repairs, then
notwithstanding the fact that you may
send him less than $3,000 net still, as I
Get Rid of
Piles at Home
Simple Home Remedy, Easily An
piled Give Quick Kellef nd Pre
vent All Danger from Operation.
Ksna for Trss Trial raakaga and rove
It la Tour Case,
Don't even think of an operation for
piles, Itemember what the old family
doctor said: Any part of the body out
away Is gone forever. Ono or two an.
plications of Pyramid Pile Remedy and
all the pain, fire and torture ceases. In
iviumamjij vuuii uuia tne congested
veins are reduced to normal and you
will soon be all right again. Try this
remarkable remedy. Bold everywhere at
drug stores. Send tor a tree trial pack
age and prove beyond question it is the
right remedy for your case, even though
you may be wearing -a pile truss.
Just send in the coupon below at once
for the free trial treatment It will show
you conclusively what Pyramid Pile Rem
edy will do. Then you can get the regu
lar package for SO cents at any drug store.
Don't suffer another needless minute.
Write now.
rasa pacxaob covrev.
Pyramid Drug Company, 453 Pyra
mid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Kindly
send tue a trial treatment of Pyramid
Me Remedy ut once, by mall, FRKE.
in plain wrapper, to 1 can prove 1U
splendid results.
t'ltv Btate
read the act, these deductions are not
to be allowed at the time when you are
forwarding your monthly statement and
sending him his monthly avails. You
have to take out tho 1 per cent, on the
gross roll and hold It until the end ot
tho year. At the end ot tho year there
will be an arrangement ot bookkeeping
and taxes. In which there will be an ad
justment of the amounts that have been
held nut
Let Us Suppose.
Suppose your agent Is handling 6,000 ot
rent belonging to you and he gets In
JS.000 during the tax year In gross rent
and you serve him with a certificate that
J 1,000 out of that rent Is exempt. It he
did not havo the certificate he would hold
up fA ot your $5,000. When you serve
him with a certificate he cannot hold
up more than 120 of the ISO and then he
holds the $20 until the end of the year.
Now, at the end of the year comes the
question whether or not you owe that
J20 to tho government and then, you are
entitled to figure your deductions and ff,
out of your $6,000 rent, you have paid
$3,000 of interest on your mortgage ana
$530 of tares on your propertj, then you
will seo that $3,600 deducted from your
10,000 of rent leaves only $2,600 of total net
Income after deduction, nnd then if that
$2,600 should happen to be the only in
come of the person under consideration
then he Is not llablo to nny. tax and the
agent ought to return the $20, provided
that you go through the complicated ma
chinery of showing all your business to
your agent by making an entire return of
all your business affairs to your agent
and disclosing your entire business to
If you do not want to do that, It is
the duly of the ngent to make a formal
return to tho government on your behalf
and to take that $20 and pay U to the
collector of Internal revenue, and It by
reason or . aoauctions you mm you
ought to get that $20 back.Jnstead of
getting It back from your agent, you
will have to apply for a refund to the
collector ot Internal revenub in your dis
trict and you may get the money back
some time.
"Unless you want to take your chance.
of when or how you are going to get
your money back by a refund, you are
put up against the proposition that in
order to get the allowance for your de
ductions from the sources which havo
retained them you have to show up
your business transactions to the persons
Who have held up your money and men
you have to take a chance on their sol
vency at tho time when you come to
ask for the money.
"That is a brief outline of ono way
tho retention nt tho sourco probably af
fects real estato men. There aro many
other very much moro complicated re
lations In which tho principle of reten
tion at the source will affect the real
estate man. With reward to the mort
gogo Interest that he pay" and with re
gard to the mortgage Interest that he Is
to receive he will find that thero are
many ruts In the road by which the
mortgage interest must travel from the
owner of tho equity to tho final holder
of tho mortgage, especially if tho money
should happen to bo collected through
or havo to travel through an agency,
such as a corporation which guarantees
payment of the mortgage. There you
will find that, holders of, mortgages ex-
rft their Interest to come to tnem
promptly and without deduction. There
you will find that holders or sucn mort
gages will find themselves receiving
their Interest Ina. great many instances
short of tho gross amount, with 1 per
cent deduction, hero and there."
Judge Does Not
Hold Men Who Work
Girls Overtime
Th Pardun. Drake & Slpple laundry,
Twenty-second and Cuming streets,
charged by Marie Case, a former em
ploye, with violating the nine-hour iauor
law for women, was held not guilty when
Judge Foster dismissed the case through
lack of evidence.
Th run-, ctrl testified In court that
hi. Vmrt been emDlored overtime nearly
every evening, as were the majority of
.k. nh irirta. Th I it fact was not De
nied by Mr, Drake, who represented the
mmivinv. nnd In explanation of the Vio
lation four girl employes testified they
had worked after hours .so as to be ame
to secure a half holiday on Saturday.
Marie Case was discharged by her em
ployers "Wednesday last for beting an
"agitator" and urging her companions to
quit at 5 o'clock, the completion of the
legal nine hours' employment.
Despite the fact that few objected to
ivn.-fains' overtime the law was neverthe
less violated, as the testimony of the
four irlrls and tho admission maue Dy
the defense plainly showed.
The firm since the. charges were filed
has Increased the lunch period ot their
help from a half to a full hour.
Nielson Pitiless
in Destruction of
Some Oases of Beer
Humane Officer Hans Nielsen, although
a friend ot animals, has no sympathy
with partakers of liquor. In fact he has
a distinct aversion to alcoholic bever
ages In every form.
Saturday morning before the eyes of
a congregation of parched "boozologlsts"
Hans, with two aides, poured sixty cases
ot "perfeotly good bottled beer" down
the ungniteful maw of a cement drain.
Ilefore doing so a number of "drunks"
with throats as dry as the Sahara, were
permitted to ivtew the proceedings through
the cell windows. Horrible groans of
misery and longing emitted from their
windpipes while the humane officer
laughed and deftly popped cork after
cork and turned the-amber fluid Into the
To make her self-supporting and with
honorable employment. Iter. Charles W.
Bavldge, spiritual guardian of "Fainting
Bertha," has equipped her with material
as a solicitor for the House of Hope. In
this manner she Is now spending her
time and. moreover. Is making good.
She Is also selling photographs of her
self to those that wtsh to purchase them
and the general disposition ot the public
Is toward helping the unfortunate woman
regain her hold, upon her self-ocontrol.
While Mr. Savtdge is disposed to place
Miss Lelbke upon her honor and give
her as much latitude as possible, lie is
Inclined, to believe that good things conic
slowly and consequently Is still sending
an escort with her whenever she goes out
In public.
With the Home
OnMa Skyscraper Has Wonderful
Itfok and Key System.
Lincoln IlltchiTnr Cnnsen Them to
Sprlns Up Along Route Apple
1 Trees for Omnhn Home'
A lock and key system" that Is astonish
lng those who have had the system ex
plained to them, Is that In the Woodmen
of the World building, Every tenant Is
furnished a key to his office. So care
fully Is the lock system In the building
systematized that that key will not un
lock another room In the house although
It will unlock tho doors that every tenant
Is supposed to unlock, such as wash
rooms, and even the mnln entrance door
of the great building If he happens to
come along at night. When he does tho
latter, however, the turning of the key
rlnga an electric bell to rouso tho watch
man who will see that th
tering la really a tenant ot the building
ana nan Dusiness there.
Then there is a master Ict fnr ..m.
floor. This makes eighteen master keys,
eacn one or which will unlock every door
on a given floor, Tho eighteen master
keys nre kept by the superintendent of
the building for times when it may be
necessary for him to ntip h w.n.
Also ho has an emergency koy that will
"K" or any door so that It will
fall to respond to even lt reiniioi. v
or to any other key except the emergency
noj- wnon tno superintendent chooses. By
this means he can close a man's office
to his own satisfaction while the man
Is away on a vacation or on business,
when the superintendent inno. i,.
- tun, ,(VJ
one has business in that room.
Then too each lock la provided with a
thumb lock on tho Inside that will fix
the lock so that It will fall to respond
even to the 'master keys or the special
keys for that office. A grand master key
Is kept that will open all the utility doors
on all the floors of the building. This
makes it possible or the manager to
Inspect any of the storerooms, wash
rooms, eta. at nny time. Kach Janitor
Is provided with a key that will open all
the doors on his floor and also all tho
storerooms and washrooms, as well as
Janitor's closets where ho keeps his mops
and other equipment.
Perhaps never In a single year were'
so many hotels built in the state of
Nebraska as will probably be built In the
next year. This Is due to Just one cause,
the coming of tho Lincoln Memorial
highway through Nebraska, H. e.
Fredrickson. state counsul of the
Lincoln Memorial Highway association,
says that from recent trips he has made
along the route of the Lincoln highway
(n Jebraska he Is convinced that every
town through which tha hui,...
Is preparing to build from one to two
Zu ' 1 " noteI' hotel"." he says
They are all anxious to build hotels
to take, care of the business that Is
coming to those town n. . .
highway is In full oporation. There Is
iOUN, excavation wprk already
going on for dozen n. ,...
" l ."to, nun JlQieiS
along the line. No one yot fully realises
what this JJrjcoln highway la going to
mean to many of tho llttlo towns along
tho route."
An applo grove lnOmalia Instead ot
an orango grove in California Is offered
by an Omaha real 6state firm that is
Platting a new addition west of the
Deaf Institute. The tract is almost cov
ercd by an orchard that has been bear
lng well for a number of years. lie.
contly the company has purchased the
ground and platted it into lots. These
are being sold rapidly, and the company
n clearing the ground has managed to
leave from four to six apple trees on
each lot. In fact only such trees as
had to be cut for tho building site have
been cut. and the rest h,ir. ....
the future home builders who will find
very" irsTyear:" Wtart
Itecent sales made by Genre . rv.
were: "
J. P. Palmer sold -to Tit -T Tl utAm
eon a two-aton frame
at 4S15 Douglas street. Dundee, for ..
murium i-.orairom sold to Miles J
Houck of the Cudahy Packing company
- irame nouse at 6115 Califor
nia street, Dundee, for $5,500. .
. It. Jilson sold to E. v. T!.
soclated with the Omaha Printing com
pany, the north front lot on Nicholas
street, near nrty-flrst street. Dundee,
for $1,000.
S. It. Elson sold to Earl E. Jones the
southeast corner of Flftv.n
Irani streets, Dundee, for $1,100.
William A. Douglas, Buffalo, N. T.,
sold to Marketa Koxel five lots at T.n.
ty-thlrd and W streets, South Omaha
ror WK.
George & Co. sold to Ben TAlsf pa rt n
of South Omaha a lot near Twenty-eighth
and Q streets, one block south of tho
packing houses, for $S00.
Klrklln E. Palmer. New York City, sold
twenty acres to Peter E. Mlxan for
$4,000. This Is located in Sarpy county
about two miles south of Q street.
Howard Bruner, recently moved to Chi
cago with the Union Pacific, sold a lot
In Happy Hollow, Dundee, to I. A. Bene
dict for $1850. Mr. Benedict Is connected
with Orchard & Wllhelm and has already
plans prepared for a new brick house to
be erected on this lot.
Will Henry Iiamer sold twenty acres
to Irwin D. Fawcett. son of Judra PVw.
cett ot the supreme court, located one
and one-half miles northwest of Benson,
for $5,200.
It W. Griffiths sold k two-story frame
building at 4308 Florence boulevard to
Albert O. Swift for $3,000. '
M. F. Funkhouser sold to Theresa
Tracy thlrty-slx and one-halt feet on
Cass street directly opposite Thirty
fourth street, tor $65&
Santa Olaus is Here
to Get Some Orders
Santa Claus Is In town. lie arrived In a
holly-trimmed carriage, drawn by a span
ot equine "reifldeer," preceded by a brass
band, and immediately established head
quarters in the downtown toy shops.
To the kiddles who called on him,
bringing messages of what they wanted
for Christmas, he made assurances of
kindly Interest in their hopes and said
that he would have a well filled pack
ot new and wonderful toys to bring down
Omaha chimneys when stocking time
When ou make your will appoint this
company as your executor. Its life is
permanent and guarantees the care
ful, economical execution of your will.
It also acts as Administra
tor, Trustee and Guardian.
Call or write for particulars.
Capital State Deposit
$200,000 $40,000
Moving - Packing - Storage
Our Service is
804 South 18th Strait
Trust Companies Are
Handling Estates to
Value of Billions
As the result of actual statistics re
cently obtained from official sources and
through direct inquiry, It has been as
certained that tho trust companies of 1
the United States are administering the
affairs and guarding estates valued at
$7,150,000,000. This vast treasure em
braces real estate, personal property,
stocks and bonds, mortgages and cash
funds, conveyed to the safekeeping ot
trust companies in accordance with in-
structlons under wills and Instruments i
of trust, for the benefit ot heirs and '
legatees. Among the estates managed by
trust companies are those ot eminent
jurists, financiers, bankers, capitalists
and men who have left large fortunes.
Tile same care and nracautlonn with .
which tho great estates are looked after
Is directed to the rapidly Increasing num
ber of small estates which are being
turned over to these institutions. The
same reasons which Induce, the man of
large means to have a trust company
appointed as executor and administrator i
of his estate to guard his family against
waste or mismanagement after his death
appeal ,wlth equal, If not greater force,
to the man who has only a few thou
sands or tho proceeds of life Insurance
to keep his widow and children from
There have been many important de
velopments ot lute to show that there is
a general awakening throughout the
country that the trust company is the
only logical and safest custodian of es
tates and trust funds. It is only when
some tragic circumstances attend a be.
trayal ot trust that tho newspapers give
an Inkling of the. true conditions. Some
time ago the New York papers contained j
details of tho complete looting of the
estate of the lato Itoscoo Conklin by an '
Individual executor. Several days aftetf
this was made public there were ac
counts of the suicide of a prominent clt
lion, yrho' resides In one of the fashion
able suburbs of Philadelphia, who had
wasted the proceeds of numerous estates
valued at $300,000, In Pittsburgh there
were no less than four men In prison at
tha same time awaiting trial on criminal
charges of having appropriated trust
funds for their own use.
When such well-known men as the late
Chief Justice Fuller of the United
States supreme court. Senator Stephen
Klklns, Marshall Field, P. A. . Wldener
and many others on the roll of the de
parted make wills in which they In
struct trust companies to manage and
prceene their estates for the welfare of
their families. It Is easy to comprehend
why tho trust comanIes have been so
Unless the owners of dogs take out
licenses for their animals the police com
missioner, J. J. Ryder, will be compelled
to pay for the removal of dead dogs at
his own expense. A large number of un
licensed dogs have been permitted to
run loose about the city because the fund
out of which the doxcajcher Is paid has
been exhausted.
Commissioner Ryder's ordinance reduc
ing the license on female dogs from $5 to
ti a year will U discussed at the meeting '
of the city commission In committee of
the whole Monday, and If It is passed the
police commissioner believes the addl- j
tlonal licenses taken out will replenish j
the dead animal fund until necessary
expenses can be met. i
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