Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Accused of Too Friendly Relations
with Asphalt Company.
Thcao skirts sire the sen
son's latest stylo creations
and include the new drape
effects and tango ties, and
are splendid values at from $G.OO
to $12.50, but by buying such u
number we got them at a price that
permits us to sell them Saturday
They aro splen
didly, tailored,
and corao in the
well known new
materials, such
Bedford Oords,
Plain and Fancy
Never before havo you been given such an opportunity to buy
skirts of quality at this price. All colors alt sizes. Many
are made up with the slit sido ef- Jfr- Jjj y JB
feet with accbrdian pleated inserts. "--B m fj
1 ou must see tneso to rcany apprc
eiitfe their value. Your choico Saturday
only, at .,
These Htrnutlful Skirts Sent to Yoti For the Price of tho Mnflcrlal.
Money Promptly Refunded if tho Skirt Is Not Satisfactory.
NATIONAL Sampli Goat and Suit CO,
310 Houtli JOtli St., Omaha, Neb.
Please toad ine skirt,, subject to my examination, size
M for Mclo.! , r , , .
j 5.anie ....... .i. . . , ......... . , . . . . v,j . ,
I iitrcet . , .
I City . ....
NATIONAL fornlfsii CO.
319 South Sixteenth
( hnrnrii Mmlc rnbllc hr Unrtrnor
(ilrnn, Tnpetlirr trlth Allejcn
llona Aanlnxt Slnte llltth
nn y Cnminfimloner.
At.nAVV V V VA' 5 TVia rhlr
fllpd BKalnil State Highway Commissioner
John N. Carlisle by the warner-Quln'an
Alihnlt comnanv and hla nimwer thereto
were made public tonight by Governor
C'nrllsle'- nccuaers averred he d Incrim
inated against them In laying down spec
ifications for asphalt to be used on state
highways In order to favor he Barber
Asphalt company, held secret meetings
With agents of the eomnanv. for tho nnr.
pose of conspiring against other asphalt
manufacturer, wasted thousands of dol
lars In employing Incompetent engineers
as road experts and threw the hlirhw.iv
department Into a state of clmos.
The commissioner's reply was a gen
eral denial of the accusations. They were
Inspired, he said, by chagrined manu
facturers who had failed In an effort to
foist on hla department "Just as good"
asphalt for that designated In the speci
fications. ,
Itrnnesflf'" Nnme Appears,
Tho name of John A. llennessy. form
erly, a special Investigator In the high
way department, appeared unexpectedly
In the formal charges. To him was at
trlbutcd the senolng of a telegram to
highway contractors last July 6, notify
ing them that they must ve Barber as
phalt. This telegram was alleged to have
followed a meeting In Cooperstown be
tween Governor Bulzcr, Carlisle, George
McOulro. an agent for the Barber
company, and others. Communication
was had by telephone from Cooperstown
with Itennessy in tho highway depart
ment here. It was alleged, and the send
Ing of tho telegram followed. The mcs
saga Is said to hava been signed "Boy
K. Fuller," by Hennesjy. Fuller is sec
rotary of the highway department and
he previously had denied ever having
sent the message.
Allegation further was made that two
daya after Honnessy was appointed, on
June 6. 1913, he was called Into confer
ence with James K. McOulro, an agent
for and a stockholder In tho Barber
company, Carlisle and others, and In
formed that only Barber asphalt would
meet stato highway specifications.
Both Hcnnesay and Sulier, continued
tho charges, received money from the
McOulree, "some of which. If not the
entire amount, was furnished by the Bar
ber Asphalt Paving company," When
Ucnnessy was apprised ton'ght of his al
leged connection with tho asphalt deals
ho said that tne accusation ought to be
Investigated Immediately by a grand
Statement of Ilcnnraay.
NEW YORK. Nov. 27.-nonlylng to
night to tho allegations concerning him
as set forth In the charges against State
Highway Commissioner John N. Carlisle,
made public by Governor Glynn, John A
Ucnnessy denied that he waa In Albany
July 5, the day ho Is said In the Carlisle
charges to havo sent telegrams to con
tractors. Ho also bald he hnd not been
In conference with James 1C McGOIre
since Carlisle has been commissioner
anil has not talked with hlra at all ex
cept at a state convention in 18W, and
at n chance meeting In the fcircet at Al
bany lust Spring.
Brand tt si "Whan lora Is Young."
Orphanmi VandavllU.
American! "The rortnna Kontsr."
Sayttyi Ons ray and his Oayaty GUIs,
Boyd: "Arlsona."
Empress I Vandavilla and Mortal.
RfcZjSafeatialL. ArfawTraJaT
Dixie Limited
A NawTrata T
Jacksonville, Fla.
Frsnas Ckfcc wad St. LuU daily, Commend Dcofbr 7 A ovar tka
Louisville & Nashville R. R.
Lmth Ckkace
Leave St. Louis
Aa4 ewunctWf liaa
11:10 an.
3:00 pas..
Arrives JaekseavUle next (Jay ... 8:10 am.
Electric KcWmI with coth, dialog car, rwln rom, caaapartmant and eWrvUo
Dixie Flyer
The aaoat papular all yaar train to Flortf
Leave Ckkage, Dearbem 5utka ... 9:10 pm.
Arrive Jackseaville tmcemd 7:50 am.
Electric KVt4 M) couch, Uakf ear, akawins rocra, campartanaat asd oWerratloa
tla.plal can.
Montgomery Route
Leave St. Louis - - - ( - 9:00 pm.
Arrive JackeriM second wwRiB . . 7:50 am.
TWvuafc drawb ram tUtttit Uakt4 Ufa car, H ss 4iaiaf car.
Far full iMrttcaUM, far, f aWars aaJ ratarratiaiu adircaa
P. W. MORROW, N. W.'P. A.
33 MarvuMe BU. Cfclcaca, ML
R. C. WALLIS, D. P. A.
311 Karrii & St. St. LouU, Ma.
Subway tottranoa
"An kotel of dUtiiiction
with moderate charge '
Within ava snlnutes of principal railway tannlnal.
Situation Weal.
M; rooms pjr d.y-U, . 5. M
DoubU roaata - tS, to, 7. M
Deubla b4rocma, boudoir
draaalac-rooai sod bath - " tl. 10, til
sl'toa-'Puletf.badxoom and bath . " ia,tl,$l
Etch room with bth
2 MasnJKMd
Denver Judge Takes
His Clerk as Bride;
Mother Resides Here
DENVER. Cola, Nov. H.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) AVIth a bride of a day record.
Ing the proceedings of his court, Judge
W. C. Hood of lirlghton, sitting for Judge
Ilothgerber of tho county court of Den
ver, held hla sessions yesterday without
the slightest hint that he end hla plrli
had gono away the night before to Lit
tleton, secured a license and married.
It was kept a profound secret until
the middle of the afternoon, when some
body from Littleton told of the mar
riage. Then the court attendants began
to recollect that the iudce had tn nn.
usually kind to his clerk during the day,
ana .mat wniio lawyers were raising
technicalities the Judgo would glance
over at his clerk and smile. n,i
would smHo back.
The brldo. who .was Miss Alice Cady,
served as a clerk at the state house for
a number of years; In the clerk's office
of the county court of Denver for over
five yeara. Bhe has been division clerk
ever since Judge Ilothgerber took the
bench. When Judge Ilothgerber called
Judga Hood from lirlghton to assist him.
nearly a year ago, Miss Cady was as
signed to Hood's court. They worked
together until they thoroughly under
stood each other, and Wednesday even
ing went to Littleton and were married
by tho pastor of the Presbyterian church
at that place.
Mrs. Hood's mother, Mrs. Emma P.
Cady, who formerly lived In Denver, now
uvea in umana at 1508 Ames avenue.
Rescues Cripple and
May Die; Armless, He
Robs Lake of Victim
CHICAGO. Nov. a-8tapley Martin,
an armless man, today saved Henry
Carlson from drowning. Carlson's ca
noe overturned In Lake Michigan a
quarter of a mile from shore. Carlson
swam to the breakwater but was to ex
hausted to lift himself to. the top. No
one but Martin was In sight.
The urmlesa man hooked one leg over
tho piling and extended the other to
Carlson's assistance. Carlson held on
until he had regained enough strength to
drag himself to the top of the break-'
CLEVELAND. O.. Nov. .Dr. Pat
rick J. Byrne, coroner of Cuyahoga
county, may forfeit his life as a result
Of saving a crippled man from being
killed by a atreet car today.
LONDON, Nov. SS.-A auggestton that
the prince of Walea ahould attend the
official opening of the Panama canal Is
under consideration by King George, ac
cording to the Liverpool Courier. Such
recognition of the evont would be popular
In "tho United States, the Courier saya,
and would help obliterate aomo of the
111 feeling caused by the British gov
ernment's decision against oftlclal par
ticipation in the Panama Pai-Mlc exposition.
"When Lore la YonnR" at the
"When Love Is Young," a military mil
alcal play, presented under the direc
tion of Joseph M. Oaltes. Tho hook
""J, lyrics by Itlda Johnson Young and
-Ml! ftnl Corv Duncan; the music by
William Schroeder. The cast:
Tony Allen Mr. Hyams
Ho'brook Aen ..Harry Hanlon
Arthur Stabler Kdgar Holmes
Til'.1 ,McLane George Shields
f'm McLatie gftm Hyams
Chick flewell ,..v Billy Lynn
St?1"?. HriBht.. John Madden
Mike McNab..... Frank Brownlae
Quard... .....Harold Mclntyro
F,rivat I'ker Harry Humphreys
Mrs. McLnne.. Helen Hanlon
Florence Henderson Nella Moore
S).Bdse u'ako .....Sylvia de Frankfe
KiXn McLnne Miss Mclntyro
Other characters by: Una Brooks, Jo
eephlne Danforth. Vera Danforth, Flor
ence George. Edith Williams, Helen Wall,
Irene White, Maud La Mae. Georgia La
arae, Florenco Ray. Viola Holmes, Dor
othy Herman, Robert Brown. Charles
f1fncJ!jIro,1 Mclntyre, Charles Black
ford, Albert Bamett nnd Leo Phelps.
U is fitting that a clean, wholesome
and thoroughly enjoyable production like
this should meet with the success that
It has, and Us reception In Omaha yes
terday was Inspiring. Individually, John
Hyams and Lellam Mclntyre are bright
stars; together, they are a veritable
firmament. Thero probably never ap
peared on the American stage a more re
freshing nnd dainty specimen of young
womanhood than Miss Mclntyre, and Mr.
Hyams has long since proven his worth-
Inera as her associate.
As In their previous successes, grace
Is the keynote of this offering. The
pretty romance which is woven Into a
military setting, Is but the necessary
frame into which Is set a succession of
musical and dancing numbers that send
tho heart pumping afresh with every
beat. Fotcmost.come the dancing num
bers In which Mr. Hyams and Miss Mc
lntyre participate. Nothing seen here In
a long time can compare with their
beauty and gracefulness as they glide
through these numbers. The spngs by
Miss Mclntyre, with her small, but ex
quisite voice and her Incomparably sweet
manner, are entrancing. By request she
gave a few of her famous child songs
last night, which captivated as usual.
Mr. Hyams Is delicious In hla comedy,
an nmplo vein of which runs through the
entire play, while his serious moments
are equally effective.
Aiding the stars In "When Lovo Is
Young" U a company of young men and
pretty girls, who succeed In pleasing
with their musical ability and Juvenile
Billy Lynn and Miss Sylvia de Frankle
carry off considerable glory with their
lisping roles and clever dancing, whllo
Mr. Stabler gives a correct version of' a
disgusting nonentity, who seeks to win
the girl with his wealth. Harry Hum
phries and George Shields have excel
lent voices and do well with the elderly
roles of' father to the girl and uncle to
trio man( respectively.' y
The company carries its own orchestra,
atniroit tha nlnv exCFiHltnirlv nnd (nf-
' r.-ir.l m nn ,hn n'hnln n 4.11-1.1,1.11.. nl,...
twit., v.. t.u . ..v.v. f. ucilblli.uuj' 1 v no
lug performance. Tho play will be re
peated hero during the remaining two
days of this week.
Davis I'repnrliiir Poetic Piny.
While In Omaha this week Edwards
Davis In at work upon the composition
of a new poetic play that Is to be called
"Life." Two of the four 'cantos are now
finished, and lie hopes to complete ili-l
remaining two by the first of tho ycrr.
The work Is to be an expanded treat
ment of the same subject that ho Is pre
senting this week as the headllno fea
ture at tho Orpheum. "The Kingdom
pt Destiny" that he now otfers Is in
jhymlng verse. The longer play will
conform to the literary style that he has
used in this short version of hla poetic
An nctor-aujhor for seventeen years,
Mr. Davis was formerly a clergyman in
Oakland, Cat. He holds a master of
arts degree from the University of Ken
tucky. Since his vaudeville agent, Patrick
Casey, has cloao business relations with
Klaw &. Erlanger. tt Is highly probable
Hat thla big producing firm will bring
cut the play that the actor-author Is now
at work upon, '
Promises of the Preaa Aitents.
The patriotic finale of the first act of
the musical burlesque performance being
given by Tl.e Oayety airia" at tho
popular Gaiety thla werk rouses overy
auditor to vigorous applause. The stage
is completely filled by the big company,
alt the girls of which are adepts on
some brass instrument. This band plays
several swlngy marches and as "Yankee
Doodle" U played, old glory comes float
ing down upon the scene from the flies,
adding to the demonstration. Gus Fay,
always a favorite in Omaha. Is increas
ing hla legion of friends this week by
I.Im fiinntrl.tii. F.aillAd1 malln.. nn
.' . u -.... . i.i . v iiih iiiil v luuai i
Amalla Summervtlle, one of the Impor- I
tant players who will appear In the sup- j
port of Joseph Huntley In "When Dreams
Come True." at the Urandeis theater)
Sunday evening, has been prominent as i
nn American actresi since the original I
Henrv E. Dlxev nroductlon of "AilnnU '
In which she appeared aa the Merry j
Ajuuniaiix iuuiu. .miss ouimnervilio nas
ben seen before Omaha audiences many
times In various musical comedies and
is well known here, her tat ainearnn-
bclnc with Eddlo Foy ln"The Earl and !
tne uiri. utner prominent players with
Mr. Santley are Dorothy Maynard, late
ot "The Hprlng Maid:" Saranoff, the Rus
sian violinist, who appeared In Madame
Dernhardt's own company; William Clif
ton. May Yokes nnd Richard Taber. The
ensemble numbers titty, with what Is
said to ba a typical Broadway chorus
and ballcti
There ara few cltlrens of voting age
who have not seen "Arizona" at some
time or other, but the patrons of the
Boyd theater are going to get a chance
to see it In a new form, presented as a
photo-drama In six parts and 110 scenes,
produced under the personal direction )f
Augustus Thomas, who wrote it It will
be shown here for two days more, today
and tomorrow.
Most Wonderful lfrallnsr
After suffering many yeara with a sore,
Amos King. Port Byron, N. Y., was cured
by Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. SSc. For sale
by your druggist Advertisement.
11 ut SckaTatr tt Uws
Men's Fancy Vests; the
very latest ideas shown
at.... $1.00 to $4.50
BoyB' Indian Suits
To Secure Real
Quality Clothes
At Under Worth
is True Economy
Yon have the opportunity offered you
here Saturday.
All Broken Lines and Short Lots of
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Guaranteed Suits that sell regularly at
$18.00 to $25.00 will he FJ.
closed at one price 1 I
while they last 4A
750 Fine Overcoats None worth less
than $18.00 and up to $27.50; divided
into three hig groups for Saturday
$15 $18 $20
Boys' Knee Pant
C Made to Sell
at $6.00
S $3.45
Pure worsted fabrics in big as
sortment of Norfolk or double
breasted styles; remarkable values.
.Orrricte tun uhtekct tt uz
Boys' Cow Boy Suits,
Boys' Scout Suits,
West Point Suits,
at Pleasing Prices.
Men's Furnishings of Quality Greatly Underpriced. Big
gest Assortments. Best Values in Omaha-oi Main Floor
Men's Blanket Bath Robes Made to sell
to $15.00, choico colorings and. styles
manufacturer 'a samples $6.98
$5.98, $4.98, $3.98, $2.98, $1.98'
Men's HoseLisle or silk and lisle, 25c and
35c values, all colors and sizes
at '. 25c and I2V2C
Silk Four-in-hand Ties Made to sell to $1,
Saturday at 45c
50c Silk.Four-in-Hand Ties, at 25c
Outing Flannel Gowns and Pyjamas Best
makes and colors, all sizes $1.48, 98c
fc'ancy Suspenders at. . . .49c, 39c, 25c
Heavy Wool Sweater Coats Mado to sell
at $7.50, choice . . .'H. . .,.,. ....... .,. $4.98
Men's Flannel Shirts Manufacturer's
samples, $2.00 and $2.50 values, mado
coat style, all colors; on Bale $1.45, 98c
Men's Dress Shirts All nowtjst colors -
worth up to $2,50; on sale $1.45, 98c
Men's Union Suits Up to $3.50 values
special at $2.50, $1.98, $1.45
Men's Dress and Work Gloves To $2.50
values; on sale at. . . .$1.45, 98c, 49c
Children's Sweater Coats To $2.50 values,
choice ..$1.45, 98c
Concentrate your advertising in The Bee.
There is a Bee in almost every home.
Movements of Ocean Steamers.
C. V. TUItts.
JMn ot CtonM.
BiNaxrons llrlmtl....
UVKHIIXJL, . . tklltroptoa
AV FHANt!CO . . .
HALIFAX raatdi
B8TDN. .
fJVKHPOOl, . .
NEW YOHK . .Pru.
. Aoitluila
' MtomtDf.
New York.
At unit.
Timely Offerings of Standard Drugs
at the Lowest of Prioes
PattRt MtdiciRc Cut Price List
2Co Lyons Tooth Powder. .14
2Gc Laxative Bromo Quinine 12
2Sc Menncn's Talcum, four kinds,
now at 126
Mentbolatuni , 14KM
$1.50 Oriental Cream Goulard's
now at 08d
50o Pape's DlapepBln 29t3
$1 Plnkharo's Compound. . .59
26c Carter's Little Liver Pills 12
36c Castoria genuine.. 21i
25c Cutlcura- Soap 17i
60c Carmen Powder 295
60c Canthrox, at 29
50c Doan's Kidney Pills 34
26c Frostllla, at X4d
Horllck's Malted Milk 34i-67d-S2.70
$1 Hyomel, complete 64
Hind's Honey and Almond .Cream now
at 2Qt-796
Listerlne 9-14d-20i-58d
25c Packer's Tar Soap. . . . ,14ti
60c Pebeco Tooth Paste. . . .293
26c Pond's Vanishing Cream 14
Plnaud'B Lilac Vegetal. .. .49
Sal Hepatica . . . 17d-44-89
50c Syrup Pigs 29
$1 Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery, at 64
s. s. s 59-S1.09
50o Sempre Glovlne 2fl
oc 1111 wane uose boap,
U Wine Cardul ,54
Prophylactic Tooth Uruslic
The genuine 35c kind in the
yellow- box. All textures and
styles, at 10
v J
Standard Perfumes at Iteduced
Saturday will bo perfume day at
our Itexall Drug Stores. The fol
lowing reduced prices prove it:
50c Standard Triple Extracts, in
the following odors; Lily ot the
Valley, Golden Girl, Violet,
Ylang-Ylang, Saturday, per 01.,
at 29
50c Colgate's Jockey Club, Cap
rice. La Franco Rose, White
Heliotrope, per oz 29
50c Dabrook's Locust Blossom 1
per ounce 29
50c Hubert's Stolen Sweets, triple
extract for, oz 29
$1.50 Coeur de Jeanette, per oz.,
now at 98
50c Dorothy Vernon, oz.,,.29
2.50 Coty & Co., Paris; Muguet
or Jacqueminot, for. ...$1.78
Piver, Paris, Concentrated Per
fumes Azurea, La Trefie, Pom
pela, Violet, Ducale, Vivitz, Flor
amye, Muguet, 85c quality 59
50c Lazell's Extracts, 1 doz. kinds
per oz., at 29
50c Lee's Flower Girl Perfume,
Saturday, oz 29
Saturday special, 50c Bize 29
At Sharply Reduced Prices
25c, 36c and 40c paper. 15J
The boxes of above are slightly
Fine Initial stationery, 35c val
ues, Saturday, for 19
Genuine Gillette Safety Razor
Blades, 11.00 package, Sat
urday for 69
Rexall Theatrical Cold Cream
H-lb. and 1-lb. tins, 35-50
Rexall Shaving Lotion 2545
Rexall Harmony Hair Beautifler,
now at $1.00
Rexall Harmony Shampoo.. 50
Rexall Olive OU Emulsion with
Hypophosphltea, at ....$1.00
Rexall Celery and Iron Tonic
now at 79
Rexall Charcoal Tablets. . .19
Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup
now at 25-45-89
Rexall Orderlies 10-25-50
Rexall Cod Liver Oil Emulsion
now at , 79
Rexall Kidney Cure. .50-S9
Rexall Bamboo Brier Blood Build-
er at S1.39
Sherman & McConnell's 4 Rexall Drug Stores
HSIIUX fe XeCOanrsx.Xi SHUS OO 1U ad Bod ta.
juu X-UUUU.V.K, .uujai aoui auocx, Jioria istn JK.
OWL DXD8 CO- 18th and Rare sta.
KJJtVABD FXAXlCACV, aith and eta