Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Omaha's Greatest Toyland Opens Saturday
Nearly 10,000 square feet of floor space on fourth
floor devoted to display of Special Gift Suggestions
Dear Old Santa Claus extends to all the kiddies
and the older folks a hearty wel
come to his greatest Omaha store
house Saturday. Mechanical
toys, iron toys, sleds, wagons,
drums, horns, skates, books and
games. A full line of Mechano and
Elator building toys the very best
made. A display that will make any
boy wild with delight and even stir up
father's latent enthusiasm
Bring the boys Saturday, let them
enjoy themselves in toyland.
Select gifts now while stocks are
complete; you'll find it much more
Many Specials for Saturday. p'
cars, at, 49c. 50o Tool Chests, at 39c 'ijj
mr avsLasssr v r m
vi .-its
Inhabitants of Doll Fairyland Make Their Bow
So Tour Christmas Baying
Early. Tonll find selection
m much, more pleas. oz taak
ana will Avoid tn orowdD
$1.50 Moving Pioture Machines 98c
The First Lots From a-Big
Special Purchase of .
Jewelry Hoy e Hies
Goes on Sale Saturday at Prices not
more than half retail worth. Lot
, 1 Eegular $1.00 up to $2.00 val
ues. . Mesh Bags, Hat Pins in'
rhinestone settings, Jot, metal
pearl; all styles, $1.00 quality
rings; cluster signet or plain p f
band; 27-inch colored neck- Sjff
laces, etc., cbolco "
LOT S Many Articles worth to SI. 00
Children's Purses, .Rings, Barrettes,
Brooches, Necklaces, Dressing Combs,
Powder Boxes, Push Combs, Hair Re
celvers.Bordoaux Flower
Vases, Jewel Casos, ota, f C
now at.....
Regular $1 quality Alarm Clocks. . 69(V
Regular $1 quality Nickeled Watches, 75
m. taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam eaaaaaaaaam taaaaasT it. r m tr rati 1 asiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHxiiiiiiiiiiiiiiww . kw. s m w mi r
AAlAHvUikkHakVrilikkHK) XekaMaHl aMsasaWllVV ''
Nearly 10,000 sq. ft of space sparkling with Christmas
beauty Anything and Everything for Holiday Gifts
Santa Claus will be there among the dolls and
toys ready to welcome you
and with a gift to each child
accompanied by an older per-
1 son Saturday. Dolls and doll
furniture and clothing of
every description; dolls that
sleep, laugh, cry; kid body dolls,
Bisque dolls; red body dolls, the
cutest ever. Doll coats, hats, shoes, cor
sets, sweaters, dresses, stockings, etc., every
kind of a dolly and all kinds of doll fixings.
Bring the girls Saturday, doll fairyland, of-
iers an entnusiasuc welcome.
Any Purchase Made Now can bo Held Until
You Order Snmo Delivorod. Buy Early.
21-in, Kid Body Dolls with moving eyes, light
or dark, ou sale 98c
$1.00 Kompio Dolls 69c
$1.50 Character Dolls 98c
$1 Character Dolls, 59c $1.50 Go Carts, 98c
Buy Barly This Tear. SsUo
tions are mora easily mad
on account of unbroken as
sortments, Evarybody la
ohaarful ana good nature.
Four Big Tables
of Fancy China
In Toy Department Saturday
TABLE I. Bon Bon Dishes,
Sugar and Creamers, Spoon
Trays, Powder Boxes, Hair
Receivers, cake Plates
TABLE IT. Sugar and Cream
ers, Spoon Trays, Syrups,
Coaster Sets, Cake Plates,
Salads, Tobacco Jars, Celery
Trays, Vases
TABLE III. Sugar & Creain.-s
ors, Celery Trays, Bon Bon I
Dishes. Fancy Plates, Syrups, f
Asn rrayB, Tea Pots, Vases. . J Each
TABLE IV. Vases, Salads,
voiery Trays, Sugar and
Creamers, Tea Pots, Coaster
Sots, Casserolos, Largo Bon
Bons, Jardinieres
Furnishing Specials That Will Interest
Ml Women Customers Saturday
All Slightly Soiled, Nemo Corset s, made to sell to $5,
In Saturday's sale, choice, at
Splendid Values la $1.00 Corset,
heavy boned front stays, extra
hook on skirts from good, heavy
supporters, the beat values in
Onyx Hosiery, with
embroidered anklet,
full fashioned, with
double solo, apodal,
at 75
Wayne Knit Hose, tho
best of its class pro
duced, all colors and
styles, at 35
Infants' 25c wool hose
Ladles' Outing Flannel Gowns
two specials. . . .08 nn' 40
All Wool Underskirts, apodal val
ues, at 08 "nil $1.50
36c wool and fleeced
hose, plain or rlbbod,
special, at . . . .25
Women's Sterling
Union Suits, all wool
or silk and wool
spedal Saturday
at $2.08 & S3.08
Bon Ton Corset, In the vory
nowost models, at $3.00
to $5.00
Just tho Model for Yon.
75c Brasslerfl, at. 30
Women's Union Suits,
mado to sell to $3. GO
choice at... $1.08
Women's U n dervests
and I'nntfl, heavy or
medium fleeced, to
7Gc garment valuos,
at. . .25 a"! 40
Children's Fleeced Union Suit
heavy quality, all sizes... 40
Children's Sleeping Garments
made of heavy outing flannel-
$1.00 values, at 40
Holiday Sate of Hand
Bags at About Half
Always acceptable aa gifts; you'll find these tho most pleasing values
shown in any Omaha store See them.
$1.00 Hand Bags, 40c
Full size, metal frntno;
n most remarkable
$3.00 Hand Bags, $1.08
A wonderful lino of
fino quality bags to
$4.00 values.
Beaded Bags.
A big special line of
high grade novelty,
fanoy beaded bags;
splendid assortment
, of values from $2.00
up to $6.00, on sale
Saturdny,98c to $3.50
$2.00 Hand Bags, 98c,
All leather, leather
lined, with purse
German silver frame,
also a now lino of
novelty colored bags,
$1.50 Handbags, 59c
Full size, fancy raotal
frame, with purse.
Drugs, Toilet Goods, Drug Sundries I
tl ,17. tinftln intra Ilv
drtlgen Peroxide, Coo
Joe oliinola -.Shoe Pol
ish, bluck or tan. . .00
;Dc bIzu Peroxide ir
Pon U' s Hxt. facu
i..nmf) fnr 10Q
ill. 00 size Pompeiaii
uOc. ' Htza for 30o
Ivory or Wool Soup,
special, per bar, 3i4o
One big lot of regular
10c. 16c and 20c u
bar toilet soape, as
sorted standard
1 brands, but slightly
soiled; while they
last, at. per bar. ao
,C0c size ' Krank's Pink
Blush Massage cream
for .28o
Z60 size Sanltol or Dr.
IS. I Graves' tooth
paste for laV&o
6O0 box of Lablajiclio
or Carmine face pow
der for 3So
"Cc Pliiaud'n Lilac or
Vfolet Toilet Water
for . BOo
$1.00 box Azurea or La
Trefle face powder
for ,.7So
SOc size Canthrox Hair
Shampoo for S7o
25c size Danderlne hair
tonic for 16o
60c. size genuine Cali
fornia. Syrup of Figs
for 37o
One hundred Dr. Illnk
les Catscara tablets,
for k. ....... loo
AU Rubber Goods at
Just H Keg-tU-j:
J4.00 Wellington Com
bination Syringe and
bottle, guaranteed for
C years. for....9tLO0
U.EO, 2.00 and J2.C0
cpmblnatlon fountain
syringe and hot water
bottle, complete,
guaranteed perfect,
for tSl.OO
42.00 Bulb Spray
syringe, for.. . . .81.00
$3.00 Red Rubber Bulb
family syringe, 81.35
Ono-pound bar of Pure
imported. Castile soap,
regular price, per lb..
.35c, sole price, per
pound ..... . . .18H0 J
$7.00 TR1M3IED HATS S2.00
Elegantly trimmed In Ostrich
bands, ostrich plumes, fancy
feathers, flowers, etc.; about
100 to select from.
White Beaver Shapes, $3.60 val
ues, choice $1.40
87.50 Ostrich riuines, 22 Inches
long, 9 Inches wide... 4.08
Price Cutting
in Millinery
is the most drastic
ever known in Oma
ha. Stocks must be
reduced to a mini
mum; all lines have
been repriced at real
ly less than actual
cost of production.
Buyers Saturday will
find a broad assort
ment of splendid bar
gains here.
Plush Velyet and Beaver, black
and colors, In this season's
most popular etyles, matchless
Extra long nap, beautiful neiv
blacks, snowy whites; B-ply,
glossy male stock, black, white
and colors.
Over $50,000 Worth of Women's Coats, Suits, Dresses, Furs
and Children's Coats Secured by Our New York Buyer at
Wonderful Bargain Prices, Goes on Sale Saturday. The
Overstocked Manufacturers Take Loss You Get the Benefit
Dresses worth $25
Dresses worth $30
Beautiful dosi'ghs in
Charmouso, , Crepo . dp
Chine, EoJiones, shadow
laces, chiffon, etc., suit
able for all occasions all
most-wanted colorings.
Dresses Worth $15.00.
Serges, tweeds, nets,
laces and silks, all sizes
and colors; designs suit
able for all occasions.
Biggest stock. Best val
ues in Omaha.
Ooats, $25 to $250.
Sets, $2.95 to $200.
Separate scarfs and
muffs; almost unlimited
assortment; great d QP
values at vW
Children's Winter
Ooats Made to sell at
$7.50, Friezes, chincliil-
Ias, plushes, etc., in all
sizes 4 to 14 years, all
colors, at $3.95
v -
'Vi J I a Wm V ft I
y iii i i n www i q
Suits worth $25
Suits worth $35
Vomen's Waists Made to
sell to $5; chiffons, laces,
messallnes; all colors and
sizos, big assortment, boau
tlful designs S2.ft?S
85 illanket and Eiderdown Itobes, ou salo
now at S2.05
. Plain tailored and fancy
designs, inbroad assort
ment. Poplins serges,
opongos, diagonals and
fancy suitings. All sizes,
from misses to extra largo
Nearly 1,000 Ooats,
Mado to sell at $20
Made to sell at $25
Nobby now stylos in
plush, Pcjsianas, Astrak
hans, Chinchillas and
other popular fabrics.
Sample Ooats
Mado to sell to $45, on
two Jots.
i . .
es Mado to Boll at $5,
ninco quality, pretty de
signs, in blues, browns
and black, nearly all
sizes, at $2.95
Wonderful Special Bargains All Next Week Watch. Sunday Papers.
New Neckwear
A splendid lino of new Holiday
Nockwoar will go dn sale In
two lots 1
Our 25o Oounortd
Fancy Laco Collars, Flchucs,
Illbbon Dowb,' Qulmps, etc.,
etc.'; regular value's to GOc
choice, at 25d
Our 50c Oounter.
A beautiful line of high grade,
Neckwear, mado to. soil -up to
$1, beautiful novelties., etc.,.
cholco, at ..50
for Saturday
On Sercral Ines of Ladles'
Handkerchiefs, Combination
Needle Cases, Fancy AVork
, lloxc, DoHdolr. pa.RwM
qtlier Fancy Goods.
$2 Thermos Bottles, 89c
An absolutely guaranteed
Thormos Dottle, seat and
well mado See them.
$5 Thermos Bottle $3.50
Loathor caso, highly nlckled
a splendid bottlo that sells
regularly nt $S,00.
Big Shoe Sale Saturday at Hayden's
Little Gents' Shoes for
nchool or dreas wear,
the kind that ntnndN
the hard knocks that
the average healthy
bovs dive them. S1JO
....... .91. w
Infants' and Children'
tiirneole, button or
lace ihoet, tan or
black, worth a thlrtX
ana soo
Men'n and Women's nil
felt or felt with
leather enles; alio
women's crochet
Hllppera, In all sites,
three lots two
prices... BOo ana 3 to
One lot MIscj' and
Mon's and Womert's
Shoes, In all the new
styles and leathers;
tan or black, values
Up to $5, pair. . .$3
Mon's and Women's
Shoos, vaules up to
$4 a pair, gun metal
and patent kid or
cloth tops.. 93.50
Men's and Women's
Shoos, values up to
?3 a pair, good, ser
viceable shoes, with
high or low heels
por pair -$1,08
Mon's Slippers and
nomoros, in tan or
black, values up 'to
'J2.25, two lot now
at.. $1.50 and 91
Women's fur trimmed
Juliets, crochet slip
pcra, rubber heeled
Juliets, velyot, R
Btrap, and kid 1-sap
Bllppors, values up
to $1.75, at. 91.00
C h 11 d r a n't warm
house Slippers, alien
8 to 3, at e
Stetson and Oroasett
Shoes for Men
drover and Queen
QttAUty Shoes for
Women. Ho tetter
gooda for the price
can be had anywhere.
Thla la the Xobln Xajr Blue
Ware. Tho very beat rrade auai
ofaetared In this country. It la
triple coated, a beautiful Um
outside, white inatde.
This lot was slightly damaged
In shipment. Of some pieces there
Is quite a quantity, others not o
many- Come early and get first
Any slxe, any style dipper, val
ues up to SOc Oo
Any size dlblipan. 10, It, 17 and
'l.nt worth 10 11.29 390
'Any size preserving kettle, 6, 8
and ll-qt. ; worm to bc uso
Any 'size Berlin kettle, complete
with cover, sizes 2 to lS-qt.. and
worth to 98c 89o
Any aire lipped sauce pan, worth
to 75c. at lo
Any size coffee or tea pot, sizes
1 to 6-qt.. worth to 11 2S....390
Any size tea kettle, worth up to
$1 . at o
Medium alze only, chamber, worth
io 45c, at - 9o
Any alze water pall, worth to 9Sc
now at 29o
X bargain in fanoy heavy copper
nickel plated X4ak Coffee Fota;
medium alze. 4-t . worth to tl 10
now at 89o
Taney High Grade Imported
Willow Olothea Baaketa
at Bargain Prices
Small arze willow baskets . 8 So
Medium size willow baaketa 79o
arge size willow baskets 89c
Sheets, Pillow Cases,
Linens, Bed Spreads,
Wash Goods,
Domestic Room
Seamless Sheets, Slx90, good qual
ity of sheeting, 79c values, 69o
Watnsutta 81x90 aeamless sheets,
of the best made, 11.00 values
for ...85o
Empire 73x90 sheets, SOc value
for aso
Pillow Cases, good muslin, 45x33,
lSe values lSVio
Bed Spreads, full size, icofxl
widths, assorted patterns, S 1.83
values ...S1.SO
Pattern Table Cloths, mercerized,
assorted patterns, 91.26 value
for S1.00
Mikado Crepe for kimonos, ISo
values , 13Hc
Amoskeag Outing flanells, good
colors and patterns, UHc val
ues for lOo
Blue and Browh ginghams for
aprons, 7c values Bo
Robeland fleece for bath robes
and kimonos, JSc values. ,. . ISo
Both Towels, extra large, extra
heavy. S9c values, each 19o
Scalloped buck Towels, full size,
extra heavy, worth 3c, each, 28o
Imported Mercerized Pattern table
cloths, snow white, worth 11.50.
ea?h S1.00
Imported Mercerized Table Dam
ask, assorted designs. 69o val
ues, yard . . BOo
ror Christmas We have all styles,
all colors in the very best quali
ties produced.
A Olova Certificate purchased at the
counter will serve the same purpose
and she can make her selection
radlea' BngUab Walking Olovea
Tans and white or Mocha, silk lined,
all colora, at. pair. 98o
rrench Lambskin Olovea With Paris
point stitching or heavy backs, all
colors. 81 Zi values SI. 19
Lined Kid Oloves Ladles' or chil
dren a. to 75' values, special at. per
pair . - - . 49o
Why Not Give
One big lot of regular $4 and $5
pictures, 16x20 and 18x36 size,
gilt and dark frames, nearly all
kinds, on sale In one big lot
your choice 2.60
Delicious Candies
Special Saturday
Old 'fashioned taffy, all flavors
per lb., at 10f
Butter Scotch Wafers, extra spe
cial, at lb 10d
Assorted Cream Wafers, excep
tionally fine, lb 20f
U. S. DYIIAMj, Mgr.
Try HAYDEN'S First
20 Discount
on Any Trunk, Bag or
(Indestructo Excepted)
Suit Cases. . .S1.50 to 25
Trunks 84.50 to 840
Dags 82.50 f 825
Dig special purchase of man
ufacturer's surplus stock
soft and stiff shapes; all late
fall models, to 13.00 values,
now at ...81.30
It's Hayden's that Keep Down the High Cost
Compare oar prlcea,
and you will soon be
oonvlnced it's quality
goods at a saving of as
to so per cent.
48-lb. suck best high
grado Diamond II flour,
made from the beat se
lected wheat, sack, .81.10
10 burs Kent 'Km All or
Diamond C Soap...!3Bo
10-lb. sack white or yel.
low cornmeal 19o
8 lbs. rolled breakfast
Oatmeal, at 3Bo
4 lbs. Kancy Japan nice,
10c quality SBo
The best hand picked
navy beans, lb .Bo
McLaren's Peanut But
ter, lb 13Ho
K. C. JCorn 1'lakes... .to
Grape Nuts, pkg 100
Peter's Breakfast Cocoa,
per lb SSo
The best Soda or Oyster
Crackers, lb 6Vjo
Tall cans Alaaka Halmon
now at ........... ,l0o
8 cans oil or mustard
Bardlnes for 33c
2-lb. can I'ancy Sweet
friuirsr Corn 7Bc
a.lh. ran tolld packed
Tomatoes for lOo
1-lb. can Aasorted Soups
any kind, can...8i-3o
1-crown Cooking Reta
ins, per lb 8 13o
Fancy Minnesota
Peaches. lh 7l4o
Kancy cleaned Currants.
per lb. ... 100
The best lemon, orange
or citron peel, lb...30o
v anoy large Italian
Prunes, 1U, 13Vio U lOo
Golden Bantos Coffee
per lb SOo
The beat Tea Sittings
per lb 200
uncolored Japan, tSng-
llsh Breakfaat or Hun
Dried Japan Tea. equal
to tea sold ror too per
lb-, at , 35o
The Bntter, Cheese and
Buttertne Market
of Omaha.
The best Creamery But
ter, pkg. 35o
The best Creamery But
ter, bulk, lb 34o
The beat country cream
ery Butter, lb...... 38o
The best Dairy Table
Butter, lb 38o
Jlb. roll good Butter-
Ine. for .SSo
1-lb. good table Butter-
Ine for l7lio
1-lb. carton extra fancy
equal to creamery, at
lb SSo
Full Cream N. Y.. white
or Wisconsin C r e 4 m
Cheese, lb. ........ 30o
The be.t So. 1 H torn no
Eggs, doz. SOo
The Vegetable Uarkat
of Omaha for the
Fresh beets, carrot, tur
nips, shallots radishes,
Urge bum-lies -Bo
of Living In Omaha
1$ lbs. beat Ohio Pota.
toes, pk. SBo
The best Holland Heed
Cabbage, lb. ...... 2Ho
Fancy J e r a o y Sweet
Potatoes, lb. 3 l3o
2 stalks fresh Celery 04
Fancy Cape Cod Cran
berries, qt. ...THo
Fancy red or ' yellow
Onions, lb. 3 l-3a
3 heads fresh Let
tuce, at , .Bo
Large head Lettuce, per
head, at .7tyo
Fancy California Cauli
flower, lb S l-3o
Ripe Tomatoes, lb... 10c
Fancy Florida Sweet
Oranges, dox. 30o As 35o
Those who know will
tell yon It's better qual
ity at equal price a anal
quality at less prloe, al
ways at Xayden'a,
lbs. Leaf Lard.. 1
No, 1 Hlndquarter Mut
ton at 13Ho
No. 1 Forequarter Mut.
ton at BHo
No. 1 Pork Shoulders
now at 12 3-4e
No. 1 Shoulder Butts
now. at . , , . .IB 3-Ho
No. 1 Pork Loins.. IBHo
No. 1 Picnic Hams, now
at 13 3-40
Uood Bacon per lb
at..... 17Ho ft SOo
No. 1 Lean Bacon, per lb,,
now at aaVio ft 35o
V. y v v . . ' s . j