Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEK:
Military Department Goes on Fourth
Floor of State House.
Tclln Military Drpnrtmrnt flint It U
Necesnnrr to On Higher in View
of Crowded Condition ot
the Stntr House.
(From a Statf Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 2S.-(8pec!aU-The
war between the Statt Board of Public
Lands and Funds and the war depart
ment of Nebraska has finally been Fet
tled without referring the matter to tho
National Peace congress and the janitors'
of the state house will not have to step
over the dead body of Major Hayscl In
moving out tho furniture.
When tho edict of the board first went
out that the adjutant general should
move to the fourth floor there was much
ado. General Hall did tho weeping, Ma
jor Blrkner the watllnff and Major Hay
Bel the gnashing; ot teeth, but Governor
Morehead Is the real power behind the
"thrown." and when he said that the
National Guard believed In obeying or
ders and should therefore set a good ex
ample by obeying the orders of the board,
the war was over and tho dove of peace
z fluttered back through the window.
As soon as the Board of Control, which
Is responsible for the change, can pur
chase carpets and other equipment for
th new quarters of the adjutant gen
eral the "tramp, tramp, tramp" will be
heard along the corridors of the state
house. The new quarters of the guard
will be In tho northwest rooms ot tho
newly finished fourth floor. tlevlnlon Committer.
The State School Law Revision com
mission, appointed some time ago by
Governor Morehead, met today In the
offices of Superintendent Delicti for the
purpose of organization and to talk over
the work .which will be expected of
them. A short meeting was held in
Omaha during the session of tho State
Teachers' association and Superintendent
Deltell was elected chairman and Miss
Lathrop socretary.
This forenoon A. E. Sheldon of the
legislative reference bureau addressed the
committee and this afternoon Governor
Morehead talked 'on novae ot tho things
which he thought ought, to be dono in
connection with changes in tho school
The members of the committee are:
Btate Superintendent J. E. Delzell,
Charles Arnott, Schuyler; N. M. Gra
ham, South Omaha; Edith Lathrop. Clay
Center: P. M. "Whitehead, Gothenburg;
Karl Cllne, Geneva, and William Ritchie,
root Sell Iteafdence.
Labor Commissioner Charles Pool lias
sold his resldenco property In Tecumsoh
and this morning the papers were for
warded him to sign. In looking over the
abstract ho discovered that in 1870 ex
Vice President Adlal Stevenson purchased
the same and in 1877 sold it again for 1300,
taking a mortgage on the property of 575
for tho unpaid balance t,f the purchase
money. He also discovered that in the
transfer of one of the Jh'jJs thut J. II.
Presson of Omaha, now tecord cleric In
the governor's office, had acknowledged
one of the Instruments as .tmty clerk
l; Johnson countyv
Teiurne? niven Liberty.
Private Lloyd Teaguc, who was found
guilty by a court-martlul of officers of
the Nebraska National Guard of appro
priating property of tho Lincoln company
of which ho was a member to his own
use, and who has been kept In the Lan
caster county jail since the trial two
weeks ago, waa this morning given his
liberty on parole.
Politic mid Ilnrke 31 inn.
Ed Polak and James Burke, arrested In
"Wymore under susp'.cloa ot being the
Lincoln street cor bandits who held up n
car and killed Fred Wcls, one of the
passengers, were brought to Lincoln Inst
night by Deputy Sheriff Antics and
lodged (n the Lancaster county lull. Both
men refuse to tell where they were on
the night, of the holdup, but both main
tain that they can prove their where
abouts on that night If they have to.
Polak says that tho reason they put up
such a desperate battle at the time of
their arrest was because they Old not like
the officer who was trying to arrest them.
At 10 o'clock" a. m., December 1,1313, I
will sell goods and fixtures of Rlggs
Pharmacy company of Lincoln, Invoicing
vhout 137,000. For particulars see or
write John Kllnker, trustee, caro Lincoln
Drug company. Lincoln, Neb,
Causa all sorts of troubto with the
bodily organs bolls, plmptec,
ore and ether eruption, osnles,
seabs, etc all of which cr re
lieved, aa thousands testify, by
Barton Says Expects
to Make Race Again
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 2S.(Speclal.)-Con-gressman
Silas R. Barton ot tho Fifth
Nebraska district spent Thanksgiving
with relatives In the city. Mr. Barton
denies that ho Is a candidate for gov
ernor, as shown by press dispatches this
morning, but on the other hand expect
to succeed himself as representative In
He Is ot the opinion that the currency
bill will bo badly butchered by the time
It passes congress and will not be any
thing like Its original self.
lie Is bitterly opposed to any bill which
will In any way be a foot ball for policies
and will oppose It In every form tend
ing to make It so.
He thinks that there Is a great deal
of Inconsistency among the peoplo of tho
United States. "What they cussed Joe
Cannon for doing, they nre applauding
President Wilson tor," said the congress
man. "Cannon bossed the house of rep
resentatives and was fiercely censured
for It. President Wilson Is preparing
bills and ordering congress to pass them
and the people applaud his action."
Mr. Barton will leave tonight for
Omaha, and from there will go tomorrow
to Washington.
Fierce Fight for
Cedar Rapids Plum
CEDAR RAPIDS. Neb., Nov. .-Spe-clal.)
The democrats held their caucus
to nominate candidates for postmaster.
Ten applications for tho position were
received. They were H. II. Compton,
Dennis Tracy, A. E. Dufoe, Robert Rep
precht, W. O. Green, A. J. Pitchford,
H. M. Ward, J. II. McDonald, Charles
King and Will Treadway. A committee
was appointed by the chair, namely,
Erastus Williams, Howard Wilson, W.
J. Green and Jerome Pflaum, who, In
conjunction with' Will Cox, proceeded to
weed out thoso who did not bear the
earmarks of a good democrat. After the
process of elimination had gone on for
some time the following were found to
bo well known and consistent democrats
and permitted to have their name on the
ballot: II. II. Compton, Charles King,
Will Treadway and A. J. Pitchford. The
outcome of the meeting has stirred up a
hornet's nest In the local democratic rank
and file at which tho celebrated Bryan
Hitchcock controversy pales into insignificance.
W. H. Hogref e, Stella
Pioneer, is Dead
STELLA.-Neb., Nov. .-(Special Tel
egram.) W. H. Hogrefe, pioneer mer
chant, of Stella, died at his home here
yesterday at i o'clock, aged 62 years. He
recently returned from Germany, where
he visited his boyhood home and a daugh
ter, who lives in Berlin. He also con
sulted famous specialists In , regard to
Ms health. When the town ot Stella was
founded In 1S82, Mr. Hogrefe. who was in
business at Corning, Mo., crossed tho
river and opened up tho first store in
Stella, whero he conducted a most suc
cessful business until his death. His
fortune Is estimated at 1150,000. He was
n deeply religious man, a member of the
Lutheran church and was for moro than
thirty year superintendent ot the Sun
day school. Besides his widow, three
children survive, Mrs. Ed. Lulkhort ot
Omaha, Harvey Hogrefo of Stella ond
Mrs. William Baum of Berlin, Germany.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 2&-(Speclal.)-One of
the most Interesting farmers' Institutes
of the season, and one which might serve
as a model for other communities, was
held at Wiggle Creek church In Sherman
county recently. In a report to Prof.
II. J. Gramllch. Secretary Clarence Burt
.Our Irstlt'ite was a decided success
this year. The weather was good, the
roads excellent and the attendance and
Interest gratifying. We had a nice ex
hibit of grain and products and a su
re rh exhlb't of canned fruit and pastry
by the ladles. Artistically printed rib
bons -were awarded as prizes.
This ahurch has long been a center
of roolat life In the Wiggle Creek sec
tion and many clever entertainments have
been given there. The rural life Investi
gators found that this community had
practically solved the- problem of' rural
Uren when serious Scrofulous
Korea, Eczema, Ulcers on th Lr
and Arms and such ailments appear,
tht premier "blood medicine, faith
fully taken, will In reasonable time
expel the germs and give the blood
the richness and purity of health.
Thousand of people In all condi
tion ot life testify to the value of
Hood4 8araparllla for the blood,
and also to give strength, create an
Appetite, tone the stomach, and lift
lip the health tone generally.
If your blood Is bad get a bottle
today. Sold everywhere.
BROKHN BOW. Neb., Nov. 28,-fSpe-claD-Joe
nnd Fred Nckuka. residents of
Valley rounty. hnve been brought to
l.rokcn Bow for a hearing, charged with
tutting and stabbing with Intent to
wound or malm William Heffermnn, also
a resident of Valley county. All ot the
principals In the affair are farmers and
were attending a dance last Saturday
lilsht In the neighborhood of Comstoek In
Custer county. According to the com
plaint, a quarrel started between the rse
kuka brothers and Heffernan. which re
sulted In the latter receiving twenty cuts
and stabs about the head. When taken
before County Judge Holcomb at this
place, the accused parties, through their
lawyers, asked for a continuance ot tha
preliminary hearing, which was granted.
the date being set for December 2. Bonds
were furnished In the sum of $800.
nobbed !' Trnrapi,
FAIRBURV, Neb., Nov. IS- (Special.)
While preparing to board a southbound
f i eight train on the St. Joseph & Orand
Island railroad at the little town of Ku
rt icott. six miles southeast of here. lat
last night, two tramps robbed Karl O'Dey
of J19.W. He returned to Falrbury and
filed a complaint against the men and
(Sheriff E. Hughes had them arrested.
I They are held In Falrbury awaiting trial
for robbery.
ran tfl
"The Stare With a Conscience." fi
If youVe a believer in quality,
sound values and clothes honesty
This store should appeal doubly strong to you
We believe a successful business can't be built on
deception, we could sell near-good clothes
here; that look all right; clothes made just good enough
to satisfy you whan you're- buying them. That sort of thing might go
for a time; ninny clothiors do that. ,
But we aren't in business for a time; we're
seeking and building permanent success on the quality
foundation. That's your surest proof that tho' merchandise bought hero
is worthy of your completo confidence.
lilf P r 8
SLD of
Buys Suits or Overcoats
Extraordinary Merit
Now days every store talks best values at these prices, but wo do moro
than merely make olaims, we prove it. "Wo invito tho most critical inspec
tions, knowing full well that tho clothes sold here at $15.00, $20 nnd $25
aro superior in every wny to tho garments selling from $3.Q0 to $8.00
moro olsowhere. !
King-Peck Shoes for Men
Values the Greatest in Omaha
If you're tired of trying out
common-place shoes and want
to get good styles, solid com
fort and real value in footwear,
come direct to this store. Ex
pert shoe fitters to servo you.
Choose at any price from
$2.50 to $5.50
IT would bo hard to imagine a smarter dressed
young man than one attired in a KING-PECK soft
roll English suit nnd a jaunty Chinchilla, short
length Overcoat with bolted back and shawl collar,
wo'ro outfitting scores of young follows in similar
outfits better see what wo n dOC
can do for you . . . . '. ,p 1 " tO
Your Overcoat Store
Tour's because it's tho storo that can'
best supply your overcoat needs, with
greatest assortments, bettor styloa and
top-notch values, no other storo
will appear worth while. Priced
Shirts, $1, $1.50, $2
Wondorful assortments in laun
dored and French cuffs, cither
plaited or negligeo bosom, choic
est of patterns and values most
Best Underwear Values
Comploto linos of tho best makes
nro horo, sizes to fit all men, no
matter how proportioned.
Cotton Union Suits, $1 to $2.50
Wool Union Suits, . $2.50 to $5
Cotton Undergarments, 50c up
Wool Underwear, . $1 to $3.50
Warm Sweater Coats
All weaves and woights, dozonB
of colors, and styles to meet your
particular swoator coat ideas;
sizes for everyone $1.50 te $7.50
Thanksgiving Day Enda with Fatali
ties and Attacks.
Ml Eunice Mnrphr AU Governor
Morebcnd to I'nrilon YnmiK
Sinn Who Helped HnnB
CbnrleN Seller.
I .rir ARira ni iirnern.
OENKVA. Neb., Nov. 2S.-()?peojAl.)-At
jtielr last meeting the member of Silver
j Link Rebekah lodge No. 14 elected offl
jrera ai follow: Noble grund. Cora Ash
trn. vli'e grand, Cathel Johnson; secre
tary. AHa Mills: treasurer, 11 ym Ayers
V lodjr last nicht the Odd Kellows
c r t'd the foil' vine .fflerF lor the nest
U r,i Nobl" gi. d II J Mflclin j
grand., E 1 rumbc-.und. rr rrtary. John
t jrt rcasurer Monroe He:sty
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
MNCOIN, Nov. 28.-(Bpoclal Telegram.)
A carnival of crime marlted the close
of Thanksgiving day In Lincoln .and a
a result one man lies at tho point of
death In a hospital, another I dead, while
two more are in the city Jail irt asault
upon an actress.
Laboring under the deliiHlon that he
was wanted for the deojli of unothcr
man, Stephen Kegley cut his throat early
this morning and wandered from his
house and was found an hour later blf ed
Inc to death from the cut on a mattress
In an alley.
Charles Johnson was found dead In his
room at 1700 It street, having. It Is sup
posed, failed to turn off the gas entirely
when ho retired last night.
15nrly this morning Mrs. Violet Jacobs,
on actress, whose stage name Is Zula fit.
Cerarl, while being escorted homo from
h dance by Carl II. Oeorgo, were met on
Ninth street, near the litirllngton yard,
by two men who offered them a dnnk.
It Is claimed that both had br.en drlnUln
beer at the danco and readily accepted
the Invitation of the men to go to tho
railroad yards to do the drinking.
On arriving there one nf the men as
suited Owirge with a club and drove him
off. Iloppe, one of the men, then at
tempted to atHnult Mrs. Jacobs, but
Clirlste iiRon. the other man, rescued her
from the rwifault and 'Nrted her to thr
street, from which place she was pscorted
home by an acquaintance whom she mist
a little later. Iloppe and Chriatmifon
were found In a switch shanty by Ueurnu
nnd a policeman and put under nrroct.
RoMi'were drunk and were taken to the
station house, whore Chrieten'on ad
mitted that he had taken the woman
away from Iloppe.
Srrli Mir!iv'n Pnrilnn,
Miss Eunice Murphy, the young woman
who wa Indlroctly connected with the
hanging of Charles Kellers near Codv
two years ago, eatled at the office of
(Sovernor Morehead today for the pur
pose of trying to got the executive to
pardon her brother Kenneth, who, with
three other men, took Seller front hi i
bed and hangod him to n tree. Msa
Murphy told the governor that the men
did not Intend to kill him. but were try
ing to scare him. Miss Murphy knew of
the.lncMent and did not attempt te deny
that she had knowledge of the orlrrn.
Youog Murphy wi but K year old at
the tme the crime wits committed. Oov
ernor Morehead roferrod Ihut to Jud
iWestover, who presided at the trial. say-
In; that he would do nothing In tte
matter until the Judee had taken ipme
The rs stent ar.d JuC'c Inus Is- ot
Kewspaper Advertising Is the noad to
U slncrs Success.
Mandate Issued by President Yuan
Shi Kai of Chinese Republic.
AIohniiimrilnnN, DnddhlsUi Protest
ant unit Cnthollc Mrrt sit
I'cklncr to Form Opposi
tion Lcnnrue.
PKK1NO. Hoy. 28. A. league to oppose
the adoption of the Confucianism aa the
state religion of China was organized
here today at a meeting held at the
Young Men's Christian association. Those
present Included representative of Mo
hammedanism, Taoism, Buddhism, Ho
man Catholicism and Protestanlsm.
The Constitution adopted by the parlia
ment mado no provision for any state
religion, but a mandate Issued today by
President Yuan Shi Kal evidently antic
ipates tho selection of Confucianism, the
adherents of which have been laboring
for somo time with the president.
President Yuan Shi Kal, whose man
date are now regarded as equivalent to
the Imperial edict ot tho former era,
describes the sayinga of Confucius a a
"doctrine of une'iualed wisdom which I,
recognized a such by many foreigners
as well as Chinese, deep aa the ocean,
sufficient, although the age change,
permanent as the sun nnd the moon that
cross tho heaven and a the river that
flow on the earth."
The presidential mandate J regarded
with great disappointment by tb Chris
t an missionaries in China.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 3S. - (.Special.) - The
Paxton & Vlrrllng Iron works ot Omaha
have appealed from a Judgment scoured
by John Soroku In the district court of
Douglas county In the sum of $4,300 for
Injuries received while working for the
company resulting in the loss of an ye.
Boroka sued for
Xotcs from Scott'a Hlnff.
KCOTTS IlLUKI', Neb., Nay. -(Spe-clal.)
Joe fihulr, an employe of the sugar
factory, was taken to the county Jail
and Wednesday adjudged Insane. His
ailment Is ot a very violent nature, and
the cause Is not assigned.
District court convenes this week at
ICerlng, with u very long docket to dis
1 pose of. Kuuity cases are before the
Jvdgo at present, and next week tha Jury
cayeu begin.
An attempt at house breaking at tho
homo of J. C. McCreary Wednesday night
was unsuccessful, owing to the facta that
Mr. MoCreary was aroused by the noise.
and the quick response of the 'police to
the almi. The m'screant wu not ap-
j Tritlu Kill l'our Morse.
j ALMA. Neb.. Nov. S8.-(gpeeIal.)-Traln
i No. 14. due at Alma at midnight, struck
I five lioisrs Jut west of town Wednesday
night and killed four of them, crippling
I the fifth Frank Hltaffer and sons, John
land Charles, owned three and B. K. HfoU
First Sale of Its Kind Ever Held in Omaha
Genuine ' Art Craft Guild" Picture Frames
The entire year's over-run from the "Art Craft Guild" Shops, GSCfi
sizes from cabinet up to 11x14, Values from $2 to $5, at, each OCJl
We offer you a wonderfully complete assortment of hand modeled, matched corner frames
in Etrutcian gold, antique gold and verdi gold. Better frames than these cannot be made
Please do not confuse this salo of "Art Craft Guild,, frames with tho ordinary sales
men's samples of gilt or painted wood framos that one sometimes sees at spocial sales.
Thoso aro all goinuino "Art Craft Guild" frames known as framos of highest standard.
Wn will fit. vnur ninfuron in nnv nf fVioBn frnmno wifli nr wHTiniif.
velvot backs and correct sizo Fren ch picture glass at nominal cost. f
TCvnrv frnmn norfop.f. nnnh rmrskpd Ronnrntolv in n hrnr. TFnllnw. M i
ing sizes: 6x8, 7x9, 8x10, 9x12, 10x12 and 11x14.
Not a frame in the entire lot worth less than $2.00,
hundreds worth up to $4.00 and $5.00, third floor
of highest standan
owned the Injured animal and one of
those killed.
pniiTTiAND. Ore.. Nov. 2. Albrt
cinnn wu drowned and Johnnie Wolff,
owner of tho boat running under the
name of "Oregon Wolff," and hi en
gineer, Ort Matholt, narrowly escaped
H..h todav while trying out a new boat.
the Oregon Wolff IV, on the Willamette
river. The boat, traveling at terrific
speed, rounded a buoy and struck a wave.
It turned a complete somersault, falling
over backward. Stone went apwn ana
Wolff and Matholt were picked up by a
Talk Municipal Ownership.
DENISON. Ia., Tfov. a. Speclal.)-The
city council and the Denleon JSlectrlc
Light company are unable to agree on the
terms of a new franchise to be ub
mltted to the people. The present fran
chise expires In February. The council
has decided to call a public meeting for
Friday evening, when the municipal
ownership will be discussed by citizens.
Mayor Sheldon and Councilman II. D,
Corlette of Ames will be present and
address the meeting. The call Is mado
by the mayor, W. II. Laub. The coun
cil is asking an expenditure of some ISO,
art on the present plant, to be provided
for In the new franchise, and thla the
present .company does not want Imme
diately to do.
The Persistent on(. judicious I'se of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Uuslness Bu xru.
Second Floor and Pompeian Room.
$8 Switches for $3.98
Think of it! A 28-inch Switch ofxguaran
teed real human hair, of absolutely extra
fine quality. We have H x
15 dozen of t h oso fh Clj
switches and while
they last wo will sell
them Saturda.y at,
Shampooing Manicuring Massaging