Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 20, Image 20

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Fart of the University of Nebraska '
College of Medicine.
Trn Inatltutlona Art Well Kuulpped
xxUti SplcnUlil Corps of IMiynl
elana anil Sttrsjeons Xtw
Bnllillnn; Dpdlcnled
Th nlm nf Ihf lnlrttv of Nebraska.
CoHese qf Medicine is as much to pre- i
vent .aisrnsp as it is to curs 11. in one
part of Mi city a vast new building Is
preparing to turn out young doctors and
physicians, while In another experienced
phMlclans connected with the college In
vestigate disease conditions and seek to
Prevent them. They look at the matter In
the IlKht that It Is far better not to hnv
disease than It is to havo a city full of
free dispensaries.
The colleso Is at Forty-second street
and Dewey avenue. The University of
Nebraska free medical dispensary Is nt
Jiit Dodge street. The basement is well
equipped with medical accessories and Is
divided Into numerous rooms wherein
seven kinds of ailment and diseases may
be treated.
Special stress is laid on the fact that
the dispensary is making a careful study
In the- prevention of tuberculosis. In
structors are tnt to the homes or pa
tients or that disease and they .Instruct
the family as to the Urgent needs In each
particular case,
The. dispensary is divided Into these de
partments: Medical, surgery, laboratory,
skin diseases, pcdriatlcs, gynecology and
obstetrics, and the department for treat
log the eye, ear, nose and throat.
Many Treated Rack Day.
'The dispensary was opened ta the nub.
Ha September 1, There have been from
thirty to forty cases treated there each
day. Drugs are sold at cost. The dis
pensary ! In charge of Miss Lillian D.
Stuff, registered nurse.
Caaaa at the free dispensary will be
upe'rvliied by some of the leading physi
cian In .Omaha, as well as members of
the Alumni. They follow: Drs. qwen,
B. B. Davis, Scbatek:, Jonas, W. O.
BrMgea, Alkln, Stokes, Bomers, Mllroy,
Olfferd, lord, Foynter, Schuitz, Findley,
Summers. Crnmraer and McClanahan.
The officers of the University of Ne
braska College of Medlclaa are Harnuet
Avery, chancellor: TT, O. Bridges, dean,
and Dr. mint 8. Cutter, secretary and
dJrecto'r of the laboratories.
The department; of physiology and
lAermacelofy will be taught by Ouen
ther, MlteheM and .Meyer. Roy Sher
wood, a graduate from Drury college, is
tlrrt assistant In the freshman class on,
the subject of normal histology, human
embryology and neurology.
The department of pathology and bac
teriology In equipment and personnel la
entirely new. The department is In
charge of Oscar T. fjchult. M, D., Johns
Hopkins university, 1903, formerly asso
elate professor of pathology In Wette rn
Iteserve university and editor of ttie !
Cleveland Medical Jburnal, He Is as
Jlsttd by Aldls A. Johnson. M. b., West
rn Reserve university, former resU
flrnt nthototet of the city hdapttal qf
Cleveiawl NHd.4emonstrator of pathology
In Wetem Reserve university, in his
work, at the city hospital the latter had
unusual ofHRnrtunlttea for using and try
ing1 ou( the various newer )aboratdry
method which are ef such extreme Im
portance t clinical medicine.
The defmrtment of anatomy Is In
tnarge of Dr. q. w. M. roynter.
Adltlnns In Farnlty,
The laWatery faculty consUts of seven,
full-lime laboratory men. The new addl
tkm to the facHHy thl year on tlio clini
cal i4e t the . work are: Dr, Lcroy
CruwMfr, -prefMHKir of clinical medicine,
Dr Jem H. Swmmera, professor of clini
cal atuvary: Dr. John P. Lord, professor
of orthSf 8Ho wirgeryi Dr. K. U Bridges,
ihatructar In medicine, and Dr. Vf. S
Anders, Instructor In physical diagnosis.
The; new laboratory men Joining the staff
this year are: Dr. O, T. Rebuilt, In path
ology and bacteriology: Dr. A. A. John
on, in clinical pathology, and Dr Claude
Mitchell, .assistant in physiology.
A great deal of good is expected from
tha two inattttrtlonf, tha college and the
dtssttMAtt'. Both are well supplied with
te-aetc)iu-a In teaching experience and
reswrcafwlnaea. The dispensary Is mak.
lac-a, fruMTtil campaign on educating the
EfH art tuberculosis. No charge
an m4 far treatment or for informu
un U tha pr.
And There Will Be Stmething Doing at The Novelty Co.
Saturday Morning at 8 O'Clook Sharp We
Open Up the Big $5 Sale and We Will Sell
All th $15 Ladies'
and Misss' Suits,
Coats and Dresses
From th Bankrupt
Stock, at . .
Stylish New Conts in loading all wool
fabrics, fancies, etc., a large vnricty of
garments to select, from In nil
sizes and leading colors, worth
up to $15,00, on sftlo Saturday,
Silk Messalino Dresses, all wool man
nish serges, diagonals, etc., exception
ally beautirui styles, an leading
colors and sizes; several hun
dred of them to ooloct from
Ifaudsomo Tailored Suits, in all wool
Herges, Diagonals, Ohevlota,
Whipcords, etc., lined with guar
anteed satins, loading colors, all.
D.wvo, in.uua IV mXVtVVm fV . ..It....!
We Will Alio Have On Sale For Sat
urday Goats, Suits and Dresses
From Our Own Stock.
Stylish Now Dresses, worth to $19.50,
Crope de Chines, Mescalines, Charmouso,
Mannteh Serges,, etc., beautiful a a
styles and colors, now at 88.08 Sh Ho
Hundreds of Now Coats, in all leading
fabrics, worth to $20, all colors a A AP
and sizes, Saturday at $12.50 S9B95
... i.
5 $Mi
liefff Quits the Millinery Business
His stock was iill high grade hats in fnet they were the
swell hats that ho bought from Mrs. Richards, formerly in the
City Nntionnl Bank Bldg. He had to have room, and was willing
to sacrifice (o get it. It was anqther lucky purchase by the Novelty Co.
Wt liNthUlii Eitirt Stoik at Our Own Price, airi
Plait it All on Salt Satirday, at
Wo always fulfil our promises on sale, and wo guarantee these to bo tho
biggest millinery bargains Saturday ever offered In Omaha.
Entir Stock Divided Into Pour Kg Lots
Being Made
, pr Linooln Highway
Pccfeac ur tara slowr tli Lincoln
W&tfy hrtwth Otnatih and rnvr
tt Mr torn by 4toseMioH as to What
Btrct th hUhway is to pas sTon
ttMaieiiMiktis, Neb. Yes, tho town was
very M to Vfam Uiat It was so for
tuaat. m. t e on tho rout of tho Lin
col Hhwy. But now that it is so
fortufci M to havo that point stt
tltd. ,th merchsjits am fighting among
thcBlVca ka to who shall hVtho
hlchway u front f his door. II. K.
Jralrloka Mya there arc threo or
four iwtltlons la circulation In Columbus,
rar to bo presented to tha state consul
of tho highway with long strings of
nature, asking (hat the route- bo hero
o there os some other street. "And the
JoVe of lt'l. ho aaya. many nanus ap
lr on two or more different petitions."
Mrs, Clara Hpustpn of Chicago, known
as ih woman with the perfect feet,'
in an affidavit filed In district court as
serts that sit did not. propose to Nat
Houaten of Qmaba. whom she Is sulnr
for divoree and WKCeo alimony. She de.
clarts. on the contrary, that sho accepted
htm as a husband only after repeated
requeaU by him that sho do so and that
lie. wooe4 "her ardently
Mr. Houston had alleged that ahe In
duced him to marry her when he was
still Buffering from the death of his first
wife, who was killed In a street car ac-cldeat.
rt ta. KBMaatti
Tanaeat tboueands oi people daily,
roa't be m of these sufferers when for
o UtUe cost you can get well rid of th
cauae. Foley Kidney nils begin their
goof work from the very first dose. They
exert h-ct an action on the kdneya
ana MaMer that the Pla and tprment ef
aackacKe. rheumatlara and kidney trouble
la. aoa. dieaeiUd. They an
triaJ, aa a trial la .the only sure tet They
nm ne mi lorsnng arugs. For
y all. Jara everywberc-Adver.
Ta rerItnt .and Judicious ITu nt
yewyaer Advertlalng Is - the Rood to
Trijnined Hats
that sold up to
$10 will go at
Trimmed Hats
that sold up to
$15 will go at
Trimmed Hats
that s,old up to
$20 will go at
Trimmed Hats
that sold up to
$30 will go at
214-16-18 NORTH 16TH STREET
PrMbyteriam Theological Seminary
Dibb Lett ef Effective Work.
jlplrHdia Corpn of Tearkera Inatract
the Pmspectlvc Clersryman In
MndlfW to Ht of Ue lu Ilia
Chuaen Work.
Distinguished among Omaha's Institu
tions Of learning Is the Trcsbyte'rlan The
ologlcal seminar). The seminary Is lo
cated In the northern part of the city In
Kpuntxe- Place and consists of one large
three-story building on a campus that
Covers an area of 'two square blocks. In
time It Is probable that more buildings
sill be erected on the campus and the siia
of the Institution Increased.
theological seminary Is not usually
a familiar Institution for the lay ralnd
and there are few people In Omaha who
realise Jutt how blrtfie Presbyterian sem
inary Is. Beldoin docs a student enroll
from Omaha, but the majority come from
the other cominunltlta and as soon aa
they graduate, go elsewhere. Therefore
many Omahans do not' come In contact
with the graduates and fall to realise
that mlnlstere ot worthy caliber are ma
triculated by the local seminar)'.
Tle curriculum at the Presbyterian
seminary Includes every course that
,1s necessary for the ministry. Tha
iyeal Smlnry boasts of a Hebrew
library that Is extraordinarily complete.
Dy means ot this library students at the
seminary are enabled to acquire what
may be practically called first hand
knowledge ot the teachings of the oarly
Kscelleat Libraries.
The institution maintains in addition
tp the Hebrew, library an excellent Eng.
lsh, library and comprehensive Latin
library- . The Kngljeh library not only
Includes worKs that' have reference 'to
ipo siuay oi me .uime. out also works
that are nothing more or less than ac
oepKd English literature-
The course In Epgltsh Is an important
one 'and special stre'sais laid' upon It
Vhrn teaching the English course every
effort 1 hated on simplicity. Tlieology Is
necessarily a complicated .subject, except
ing, or course, in the fundamentals. Tho
Hlble la replete with lntilcttte clauses re
quiring crltlcul Interpretations, Thus tho
atuaent in tnc seminary is taught, to
simplify matters and mako his sermons
and teachings appeal to the Practical
mind of the people.
History la an Important branch in ih
curriculum ot the theological student,
Prom a nonsectarlan vlewnolnt he. learns
the history of the -world and ever since
me nrei accepted annals or government
were written religion has always been
aa Important a factor aa the state. The
student learns the unbiased outline of
the world's history and he draws his
own conclusions.
Some students reside in the dormitory
floors ot the seminary bulldlnr. while
others prefer to reside In. private resi
dences or boarding houses near the
school.. The large campus affords oppor
tunity ror recreation of every kind. A
tunnla court furnishes active umusement,
while, ethers use the foot ball field or
base ball diamond of the campus, ac
cording to tha aeaaon.
Omaha's seminary is nast twenty vars
eld. but the present building- Is compara
tively new. The old slta was the ancient
Cousslns hotel, on Ninth and Harney
streets. .
Members 'of the Fatoalty,
The faculty ot the seminary consists
of five men. Dr. A. II. Marshall, belne
president with also some class room
vtorK, Dr. DanleLX. Jenkins, holds tha
leading chair, that of theology. Dr.
Jenkins is one of the receinlrni th.
logiana of tha Presbyterian church. His
prominence brought him the Important
position of chairman of the committee
on polity at the last general umbir
of the Presbyterian church In Atlanta.
oome years ago, ur. Jenkins delivered
tha "Stone" lectures at Princeton, an
unusual honor. Dr. J. J. Uampe, who
teaches Hebrew, Is one of the oldest sem
inary professors. He has been promi
nent In church- affairs, being brought
Into distinction years ago In certain coun
cils in New Tork. Dr. Charles Heron
la the teacher of missions and aacred
history, and Dr. Charles Mltche) has
English literature and some other
Tha governing body Is the board of
trustees, composed largely of Omaha and
.Council Bluffa men. with some from out
in the state and Iowa. '
The seminary has some endowment and
Is'sceklaff more.
business Men. Are
Learning to Talk
German at Lunch
A.German, conversational .dinner club,
organised among- Omaha doctors and
business me, , m$t regularly twice a
week at the Toung Men's Christian as
sociation building and condUcta Its en
tire conversation and business In Ger
man. The members have adopted - the
plan in order to become proficient In the
At present the members ara maklnr.
specialty of .discussing the German foods
tney eat. mo cafo service and .other re
lated topics. They wish to b able to
Vffet by" tho German, hotels and res
taurants when they go abroad.
U M. Whitehead, assistant general
paasenger agent of the Burlington route,
has been elected, president of the club.
Uev. Qscar Autrltt, SCO North Twenty
sixth street. Is chief Deuticher of tha
Club and acta as Instructor In smoothing
over the snags encountered, by the mem-
Dera in their linguistic efforts.
Itev. Mr. Autrltt la pastor of the First
German Baptist church and wu hnrn
and educated In Germany. He founded
tne industrial School for Foreigners at
Winona. Minn., and is an enthusiastic,
advocate of tho conversational method
oi teaching languages.
Besldea tho advanced conversational
class in German, mada un at thv.i-jn
and business men who have some knpwN
edga or the language, the Young Men
Christian association has several other
similar clasaea for men and women.
Mayor James C. Dahlman, who Is visit
ing in Washington. In a letter to Thomas
J. Flynn. president of the Dahlman
Demooracy club, aays he la negottat'ng
for the east room of the White Housa for
a club room for Dahlman democracy He
said he found the room perfectly adapted
to use for a headquarters for the Dahl
man club.
Omaha's Newest and Most
Unique Store Opens Saturday
1618 Hfotrney Street
Opposite Boyd Theatre
IHE Dutch Miller, his, good wife and
seven daughters, invite you to see
their Dutch Street in Holland and the
old wind mill, back of which is the Dutch
Miller's home.
You can buy from the shops along the
street such asvpopular and Classical sheet
music, Home made candies of high quality,
Holland Bakery dainties, and then pass
through the Old Mill, into theDutch Gardens,
where Fountain delicacies and Lunches are
served by th&daughters in Dutch costumes.
The music never stops Open from
7 to midnight
For Boy Full
of Pep
Your boy needs bet
ter 8boes. He is con
tinually on tho go. His
shoes get the wear and
tear of the school
playgrounds and tho
city pavem'ents. It is
economy for you to buy
him Steel Shod Shoos,
for they outwear two
pairs of ordinary boys'
shoes. We have them in
button and blutcher,
Boys' ,
1 to 5 1-2
little Gent's $000
10 to 13 1-2 . .
1419 Farnam
(f)ff TROY'S BE
mark of
enjoyed by Earl & Wil
son was attained alone upon the merit
of Us merchandise. Our trade mark on
your collars and shirts Is a guarantee
of fit, quality and service.
W maan the REAL Live Wire
hoy that mil knock the epote out o f
ordinary shoes in about two weeks.
It you bare suoh a boy, have a
shoe made specially for him. The
factory making this shoe make
them extra good. They make
only a few atylee, but they make
x a e t e r a 1 thousand
pair a day with a
small profit on each
pair and we sell
them to you on
the sae olose
BasH bbLbH LbLbB asaLW jSWT
Fresh Dressed Spring Chicken, Zg
Pis- Pork ButU I3Jio
Steer Pot Roast. . ...lOo and 9H
Younr Veal Koast. ., lltto
Younr Veal Stew.... SHo
Choice Mutton Chops. lOo par lb, or
3 lbs. for aso
Lamb Legs llio
Choice Mutton Roast ...7o
No. 1 Lean Skinned Hams UUo
No. 1 Small Hams , lotto
.Sugar Cured Bacon ltiio
No. 1 Extra Lean Bacon ItHo
From I to I P M. Lamb Chops.., Bo
From 9 to 10 P M.. Pork Chops.. llo
LP 1 I R 1 If M AI3lf ITT. ISIOHarntfSt.
a mem wmm m aar uqm jr-msm mm n
Phone D. 2793.
EOOMS The Best Variety. The Bee classified pages
carry advertisements of the beat rooms and apartments for.
rent in the city. Phone your ad to Tyler 1000.