THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVUM BEK 20. liU.1. 19 SALE OK EXCHANGE H. E. UOOD t urines property In a live town) dtnee see us for particulars. PAYNK INVBKTMKNT a)MrA.i. WANTED. GOOD CATTLR RANCH WILL EXCHANGE I... t . . . -1 ..i.Ul.k.j 1C & a F a In. L vn uunnirx. ihuiibi rn w eluding horses, harness, heavy truck and freight wagons, carriages, hearse, bus and trunk transfer and real estate lo caled In a good manufacturing town In Iowa. What have you to offer? DOSSERMAN BROS.. Murray. la. WHAT have you In clear medium prlced vacant lots In Omaha to exchange as part payment on 6. t and 7-room new, modern and well built dwellings In dif ferent sections of the city, ranging In 'price from $2,800 to $5,6007 SCOTT & HIM.. Dougtas 1009. WANTED TV HUT. WANTED TO BUY REAL ESTATE. We have customers who want to buy, 1 six-room house and 1 seven-room house must he In good location. Call at office or telephone. C C. Clifton, manager real estate department, Bankers' Realty In vestment Company, ground floor. Bee building. Phone Doug. 2326. FULL price paid for furniture. W. 23. WANTED to buy. movements and gold. all kinds of watch M. Nathan. 109 S. 13. WE PAY highest prlcoa for ladles' and Cents' clothing. 609 8. 13th St. R. 6544. Kachman will treat you right: best 'Hi rtrlreft fni" film . nn1hm A mn.m. IV WANTED TO HENT. OEMLEJIAN wants furnished room. close In; give full particulars. Address, L liw, uee. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and cartful atten tion. Live Stock Cuiiiinlaslou Merchants. MARTIN BROS. "Z CO.. Exchange Bldg. RAILWAY TIME CAKD. UNION STATION Tenth Mnson. Union Pnclfl Depart. ..s 1:00 am ,..a 4:10 pm Arrtte. a 1:15 pm a S:4S am a 6:10 pm a 1:10 am a 1:40 pm a 2:10 m a 4:00 pm a 7:00 am Otfrlind Limited California Mall Otntha Kipreaa Atlanta Express . X Angelea Limited ... yDenrer Special , f Colorado Kipreaa Colorado Special Kan Franelaco Limited ,.all:SS am ..a 1:11 am ..a 4:20 pm ..11:01 am ..alO:IO am racinc Limited alt:90 am a 7:31 pm Orecon.Waahlnston Limited. .alO:SO am a 1:11 pm North I'litte Local a S-.1S am a I IS pm Grand Jaland Local a 8:30 pm al0:10 am Btromaburz Local tll:4l pm b 1:20 pm uientxOf ituca aHiiiiiu .v i-hcixi nockr Mountain Limited. ...a l'.K am all:03 pm rhlraco Ical Pataeneer bl0:O0 am bl0:U Dm l nicsKO uir .koreaa a am a rtm Chlcaao Nltht Eipreia .a 4:10 pm a 1:40 pin Dea Molnea Local !& a 1:27 pm a!2:12 pm Cnlcaso-eD. umuta a t:w pm a i:oo am WKST. Colo, and Cal. Eipreaa a 1:60 pm a 4:00 pm Okla. & Teiaa Kipreaa a 4:15 pm all:10 am Rocky Mountain Limitea....ii:n pm a a:5T am Mlasonrl l'nclfle K. C & St. L. Rip a 1:00 am K, C. At St. L. Ezp all:ll pm K. C. & St. Paul all:S0 am AVnbnsh Omaha.St. Louie Kip a 1:10 pm Mall and Kxprraa 7:01 am Btanberrr Local from C. D...b 9:00 am CMiaxo Limited a 1:00 pm Chlcaco Eipreia a 1:10 am ChlciiRn ttrt-nt Western Twin Clly Limited a 1:10 pm Ywln Cltr Eipreta a 7:14 am a 7:11 ant a 5:65 pm a l:o pm a till am alias pm bl0:is am a 1:30 am a S:10 pm a 1:10 am al0:S0 pm Chlcaco Kiprca a S;00 pm a z:30 pm Lhlcnuo, Mllvrunkee .V St. l'nul 1'acirtc Limited a T:S0 pm Chlcaco Special a S:S0 pm California Mall a t:lt pm Chlcaco narllght Special ....a 7:20 am Manila Locul a 1:10 am l'trrr Local a :10 am Uhlcnuii .v .rt livreK ttrn XOUTIIDOl'ND. Twin CUr Eipreea a 7:15 am Dakota Haaaeuxer b T:4S am Bluux Citx Local u 3:23 pm Minneapolis lUprns 6:15 pm Uikota Uxpreaa a 1:15 pm Twin Cltr Limited a 1:09 pm KASTDOL'ND. Denver Fpeclal a 1:00 am Carroll Lucal a 7:00 am lUwken Eitreaa ..a 7:40 am Chicago lxl 12:lo pm Carroll Local a 4:10 pm (.blcaco Special a :O0 pm Kan Krancl'co Limited a 0:25 pm Overland Limited a 1.00 pm Oregon-Washington Limited. .a 9 10 pm Lea Anctlea Limited a pm 11:15 am 7:28 am 1:11 pm 11:15 pm 11:45 pm 11:S0 am 10:20 pm a 8:1$ am a S:2S pm 11:10 am b!0:so pm a j:ji am a 7:30 am a :oo pm all: 50 pm a 1.21 pm 10:00 am a 7:20 pm a 1:15 am a 7: Jo am all :10 am 11:44 nraruut'Mi Chadron Local Lincoln-Pallas Lincoln-Lone I'lno .... Hittlnca.Superlor Deadood.Hot Srrlnn Twin Cltr Eipreat .... Caaper-Lander Alblon-Oakdale ..a 1:0 am a 8.00 am a 1:11 pm b 1:1S pm a 1:55 pm a 7:41 am a 1:55 pm b 6:10 pm a S:20 pm 10:15 pm b S:10 pm a 6:20 pm 10:SO pm b 1 :H pm b 1:15 pm Dl HI.IXGTOX Musnn. STATION Tenth .fc UnrllntTton Depart. ....a 6:40 am ..'..a 4:io pra ....a 4:10 pm ....a 1:10 am ....a 4:10 pra . ...b 1:10 pm 11:1! pm ....a :15 am ... .a 7:2S pm ...b 1:05 pm 1:11 am ....11:10 pm .... 7:15 am all:!5 pm ....a 4:20 pm ....a 1:10 pm ....b 1:10 pm Arrive, Denver Limited a T.OO am a :lo am ChlcMo-umana Denver and California a S:l5 pra Putet Bound Eipreat ..... Nebrnaka I'olnta Black Hills Lincoln Mall Northwett Kipreaa Neuraaka Kipreaa Lincoln Local Schuvler-Plaltemouth Plattrmouth-Iowa Pellevue.l lattamoutn .... Chicago Special Denver 6Pcl' Chlcaco Eipreta ychlcago Fait Eipreea ... if C"tn kncal .. ......... L Pt U K. C. Special.. OKI' and St. Joaeph ... U K C and St. Joaeph .... J (a) Dallr. a 1:15 pm a I '10 pra a 3:45 pm 11:11 pm a T;09 am a f no pm 9:00 am t10:!0 am a 1:50 am a 1:40 pm 11:24 pm 1:65 pm a 1:00 ira bll:00 am . 4:S0 pm .al0:4S pm .a 1:15 m 11:60 am a 0:60 am a 1:10 pm WnnSTUR STREET STATION Plf. teenth nnd Webster. Mlssnnrl Pnclfl Depart. Arrive. Fall cttr Paaaencer ..rb 1:10 pm bil ls am Local rreigm ...b 7:06 am b 4:10 Dm Chlcnuo, St I'anl, .Minneapolis Jt Oinnhn reprt. Arrive. Blout Cltr Eipreea Twin Cltr Paaaenger Hloui. Cltr Paaaenger .... Emerson Aocommodatlon. b Dalkr except Sunday ...b 1:75 pm bll:65 ra ,..b 115 am a 6:15 pm .. .o a:i am ..b 1:00 pm b 9.10 am (e) Sunder onlr. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 2S METALS Lend Easy at, In Ixmdon, 1S, 6a. Spelter Quiet at Jo.2Og5.30; In Ixmdon, 20, lis, 6d. Copper: Steady; standard. spot to January. jM.izttTmestt; electro lytic, J14 75fil5.O0; lake, JlS.OOfi 16.60, nomb nal, casting. J14.2S&14.EA Tin: Steady; spot and December. J39.60g30.75 ; January, ijs.tMjsi.xa, fenruary. jay-bTwaosiVa. Antimony: Dull: Cookson's, 17.507.70. Iron Quiet nnd unchanged. Ixindon markets closed as follows Copper- Steady; spot. 66, 12s. 6d; futureti, 5. 7s. d Tin. Steady; spot. 180. 7s. 6d: futures, JElfl, 12s. Gd. Iron: Cleveland warrants. 4s. 44W. BT LOUIS. Nov. 2S.-METALSIrfad Nominal at 34.10. Spelter: Dull at !5.0U o.iv. Oils nnd Rosin. NEW YORK. Nov. 2S.-COTTONSEEI OII Firm: prime summer yellow. J7.OT bid, December, J7.09; March, J7.25; May, $7 36. ROSIN-Qulet. Tl'RPBNTHINE Quiet; machine bar rels, 46c. SAVANNAH. Qa.. Nov. 28. TURPBN TINE Firm at 43.c; sales. 760 bbls.; re- cctpts, KS bbls.; shipments, 276 bhU.s stocks. 22.4CT bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales. 3.001 bbls.; re celpts, 2.772 bbls.; shipments, 2,11S bbls.: stocks, 145,534 bbls. Quotations: A, II, C, D. E. F and G ,J3.60; II, J3.60Q8.82Va: 1. J3 70c53.72V; K. J4.60; M, J6.10; N, J6.10; WG J6.50. WW. J5.76. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 2S.-COTTON-Spot. quiet, prices steady; middling fair, 7.74d; good middling, 7 42d; middling, 7.22d; low middling, 7.0Gd; good ordinary, 6.40d; ordi nary, tilnd Sales 6,000 bales. Cotton closed easy at n net gain of one to e ght points. Evaporated Apples nnd Dried Km Its NEW YORK Nov. 2S -EVAPORATED APPI.ES-Qulet. but firm. DRIED FIU ITS Prunes, firm, apri cots and peaches, quiet and steady, latrtns, quiet. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Values Strong and Higher. HOGS OPEN FIVE CENTS LOWER Henries Are Stendr-nt the Advnnce nnl Lights Am Uneven AH Grades of Sheep nnd Iambi Are Sternly. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 28, IMS. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday 3.JTC 5,604 1 2.040 umciai Tuesday I.S76 13.059 9.S45 18,978 4,d yinctai Wednesday... 1.608 Thursday holiday. Estimate Friday.... . 1,600 6,000 8,000 Five das this week.. 9.287 34.418 41.CKS Same days last week..W,9J7 61.41 67,632 Same days 2 wks ago..24.0SS 37,824 82.466 Same days 3 wks ago.23,3l 31.973 P5.R78 Same days 4 wks ago.. 23,057 22,779 128.868 Same days last year.. 16. 425 38.SM 43.033 The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date as compared with last year: , . 1913. 1912. Inc. Dec. Cattle RSS.frW 929 2S2 40.314 Hogs 2.321.24S 2,649.758 32S.612 Sheep 3.029.230 2,767,447 301.7S3 The following table shows tne ranee of prices for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. 1913. 11913-11911. I1910.1900.190S.1907 Nov. 7 74S 7 82 B 51 7 74 I S 681 4 83 7 66?il 7 91 S 26 7 66 7 97l I 4 94 I 7 93 6 311 7 38 7 91 R Kll 4 93 7 f. 33 7 44 7 S3 R Ml 7 60H 7 79 6 30 7 33 7 99 5 59 4 S3 7 IWHl 7 71 7 3) 7 94 6 70 4 64 7 71SI 7 73 6 IS 7 95 R 9 4 63 7 C9&I 7 76 6 13 7 OS 6 76 4 49 I 7f018G89788 4 32 7 SJK( 767 626 6 93 7 89 R 87 408 7 61U 6 24 7 97 5 76 7 GOI 7 60 6 19 677 6 62 2 93 7 44HI 7 47 rt SS S 04 4 07 7 4S 3 12 8 04 5 66 4 23 7 47a 6 00 6 90 6 67 " NOV. Vov. Nov. Nov. Vov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. NOV. Nov. Nov. Nov. Sunday. Holiday. Receipts and dlannalllnn nf llva stock at the Union atock Yards, South Omaha, .. ior twtnty-iour hours enaing m 3 o clock yesterdays RECEIPTS CARr. If .u. i'. ivy, Wabash R. R Missouri Taclflc Ry. i 5 :: ..30 6 3 16.. 4 2S 2 3 9 B .. .. 4 4 10 21 10 7 " 7 6 .. 3 4 69 90 as s i nion Facinc R. IL C. & N. W., east..,. Vc IS. W.. west... C, SL P., M. & O.. C, H. & Q., east.... C, D. & Q., west... C. R, I. & P., east. Illinois Central Ry.. I Total receipts DISPOSITION-lrKAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Jlorrls & Co 9S 1,044 1.212 600 Swift & Co 194 1.S30 Cudahy Packing Co 392 2.2S7 2,172 253 1.914 Armour & Co 22S Schwartz & Co Lincoln Packing Co,... 4 Cudahy, Sioux City Benton. Vansant & It... 78 2.107 265 Jllll & Son 3 F. B. Lowls 17 Huston & Co 41 J. B. Root & Co 23 J. If. Bulla 29 Rosenstock Bros 7 71. F. Hamilton 78 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.... 4 Christio 3 Vllgglns 10 Huffman 2S Harvey ' 9 Other buyers 103 1,163 Total 1.321 7.1W 6.107 CATTISH Receipts were very light. there being hardly enough here to really make a market. For that reuson the few cuttle on nale commanded good, strong prices and everything was cleaned up early in the morning. Chicago, which had 7.W0 came, was rcnorte'u as ooenlng very slow and weak. showing that the demand at that point Is not very active. At the sume time re. ports are to the effect that three ship loads of Argentina beef will arrive In the verv ntar future. It would seem that 'the only thing that will ptevent Chicago from having a very mean muncei ine coming week will Lie a moderate run or. came As a matter of course a dull and lower market at Chicago will have a more or less depressing effect upon Missouri river markets, even If local receipts are light. Quotations on cattle: uooa to cnoice beef steers, JS.O06S.7S; fair to good beet steers, $7.60S8.00; common to fair beef steers, J6.0OH7.60; fair to choice yearlings, J8.2tVSr9.25; good to choice rangers, J7.C03 7.90; fair to good rangers, J6.wi7.00; com mon to lair rangers, ;a.itifti.uu; goou to holce cornfed heifers, J6.60Q7-50; good to choice grass heifers, J6.25&7.00; good to choice cows, J5.75fitf.25; fair to good grades, J5.00a6.75:, common to fair grades, 14 OCVafi.CO; pood to choice Blockers and feeders, M.&oa7.60; fair to good stockers and feeders, J6.00Q6.60; common to fair stockers and feeders, J5.6.V3&00; stock cows and heirers, J4.WH6.30; veal calves, J6.603 10.00; bulls, stags, etc., J4.D036.CKX Representative sales: UWtT bTKrJUH. Ho. At. Tr. No. AT. ...1145 ...1161 ...1104 ...1241 ...11(4 ...1110 Pr. S 15 S 20 I 26 8 40 S 66 S 55 4.... 1 .. .140T . (41 .. 710 .10i ..nn .1402 6 SO t s 7 25 7 76 7 75 40.... SO.... 20.... to.... W.... II.... J... :i... 21... i... 7 S5 cowa I M 4 2S 1 9(0 5 65 t 935 4 15 11 lot ( 75 S li 4 1 1000 S 75 4 1075 4 60 Zl 1071 6 T5 1 910 S 00 1 0 00 1 1004 S 00 12 1079 00 1 195 S 00 1 9M 10 7 1045 5 10 2 1076 ( IS S 1140 S 16 1 1010 t 2S i 1110 6 3 1 1060 SO S 911 S 55 6 W t 10 S 1014 5 50 II 894 26 2 1190 6 60 1 1165 60 11 10IS S 0 1 1100 50 S 1)1 IW t 11( 6 go iiKirisua. 1 440 I 26 9 Ml 75 1 710 IS I n T M 1 w it: i iyr -J 00 1 600 (i 75 1 1170 S 00 1 li; g 75 1 1110 S II Z 1600 S 75 1 940 6 IS 1 950 t 10 1 1270 S 60 1 HO 40 1 610 S 60 1 U70 la e 1102 s IS 1 IM t to CALVES. is 111 e is s io i oo g S1 74 166 I 60 3 164 T 00 1 100 9 SO 1 201 T 60 1 110 10 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. J 774 fi TS HOGS With a light local run and other markets reporting stronger prices the marxei ooenea out aoour. a nickel hicrher Trade was slow during the early rounds, but livened up a little toward the close. and the early arrivals had been sold In good season. Heavy hogs moved largely at the advance. Prices paid for heavies &nH HlitfHra rAneiv! trnm 17 in t? 7rt the latter figure being paid for a 'load of prime killing stuir One train load that was late In get ting In did not sell so well. Such heavv hogs as came In on this train landed at nrlces that were about steady with Wed nesdav. but the lighter weight stuff wu very hard to move and what sales were made showed sharp declines. There wem still a few loads or light hogs in the first hands at noon. Lights were very uneven, some being no mora than steady, while others were quoted as being a dime higher, but the general trade can be quoted as a nickel higher. Iiulk of the light hogs sold at J7.20B7 50. lleceipts were estimated at MJ cars, or 6.000 lead f or tne weeK to date the total is 34,418, being about 17,000 smaller than a week ago and over 4.00) lighter than last year. Comparing the receipts with last weeK it win ne noted that large part of the shortage Is due to yes terday being a nonaay, No. At. 8h. lr. Ko. At. Bb. Pr. HI.. .. ISO ... 4 90 Jl ....501 ... 7 64 103 ... .164 ... 95 71 US I) IM 107 1ST ... TOO 64 999 140 7 SO 46 114 . . T 00 41 9 ... 7 M SO lil 7 OS T7 Ml 64 T SS )M IT !S0 T 14 77 ....161 SO 7 SS SI IS1 ... T IS 6 ttl ... 7 SS SI. .. MS . . 7 IS CO SM 364 7 SS Sat IS ... 7 94 It 114 ... 7 SS . ITS . T SS 71 JH ) 7 Si 17 199 ... 7 If 97 114 1 7 SS II 167 911 7 H 19 9S4 164 7 AO 61. .. ITS ... 7 9S 71 M 31 7 4 64 19! 7 2 71 144 1S4 7 So II 113 64 7 St 71 rt 194 7 61 114 . 7 S3 .Ml lkl 7 (0 77 IV) 7 10 (S 367 200 T A 9 IM :1 34 T64 II 314 7 15 II ir H TW to ::i IM t is a ztt jso 7 so ft . so. 71.. T 4S JjT lie 7 0 7 4 M H M J M J IS SI . .t 1M 7 W 7 41 ... 114 IN 7 4S n M ... T M 7 41 44 Ill M T A 7 4$ 17 .... Ml 1M 7 W 7 4t IS Nt 4 T 7 IS 44 .. 117 n 7 M 7 IS It.. . 143 ... 7 44 7 41 41 K .. 7 M ; w st uo ni T to fl. :h ... 7 70 riaa t Ml It 1U . . M IKI M Ill ... M t ts it ni ... . is ITS It 141 ... CI t TS K Ill .. ITS SO 119 JIT .III 1W M we 76.. Tl 74. m .(M IJs Mi .ftl .311 IS. . 41.. It.. IDA M It.. 74... 41 lit ;... ...MS ...III ... " ... II ... 17 14... 10... II... 41.., 44. lit 8HKEP rrices of all kinds of sheep and lambs held fully steady today on a. good, active market. KcJ western offer ings, mostly lambs, ewes and wethers and a few scattering loads of wheat field lambs and ewes from Idaho to the number of about ,000 head In all, con stituted the stock In tnule. Pretty nearly everything wan fat, the feeder receipts not being large enough to test values on that class of stuff, though there were quite a few Inquiries for such offerings for this time of the year, Trane in the fat grade being active, most everything was picked tip In good season and an early clearance waa made. The sales Included a shipment of fed western lamb averaging around olghty pounds that mado a top of $7.55 and most transactions in such kinds were within a range of J7.4OTf7.50. The wheatfleld lambs brought 7OOJT7.10 and some wheat field ewes sold around Jt.00O4.25. As much as J4.30 was paid for a bunch of fed western ewe that weighed 111 pounds. The conclusion of today n business leaves the general market In the same position as on Wednesday, that Is. lot? 16o higher than last week's close. The market continues very sensitlvo to the size of the receipts and the half-fat stuff docs not meet with as good reception at the hande of buyers as the well finished offerings. The chief Interest still centers In good to choice, fat lambs and ewes. which have made up the big bulk of the receipts on most days, the sunnlv of yearlings and wethers being very limited. i no iccuer traoe is about the same in nil respects as at the close of the pre vious week, the supply gradually dimin ishing as Is to be expected at this time. quotations on snoep and lambs Iimbs, good to choice. $7.267.C0; lambs, fair to good. 6."5fi7.25: lambs, culla. tfi.MMiri.Oft- lambs, feedors, J5. 60(36. 60; yearlings, light, J5.7iVfli6.00: yearlings, heavy, Jo.KV??5.75; ji-umiiKn, leeucre, weiners, good to choice, J4. 33Jr4.60; wethers, fair to good, J4.00f4 35; wethers, feeders J4.O0 4.60; ewes, good to choice, J4.2.V34.M); ewts, fair to good. J3.S5&4.2S;. ewes, feed ers. J3.25iM.76. 607 cornfed lambs ..... 76 100 99 100 90 63 (B 100 105 R8 96 72 74 73 84 84 81 102 89 123 7 W 4 73 4 75 4 75 5 50 7 00 7 15 4 4 00 3 no 3 60 6 0) 7 33 7 6fi 7 45 7 43 7 45 7 4.5 o 85 A 60 7 55 227 Wyoming wethers 1S1 Wyoming wethers aw Wyoming wethers z Idaho yearlings .. 110 Idaho lambs 220 Idaho lambs .. 135 Idaho owes ... 170 Idaho ewes .. 25 Idaho ewes .. Oi Idaho owes .. f4 Idaho lambs , 94 cornfed lambs 141 cornfed lambs 105 cornfed lambs 122 cornfed 102 cornfed lambs ... lambs ... 16 cornfed lambs ... yearlings 143 cornfed 168 cornfed bucks ... 202 cornfed lambs CIIICAOt) MVn STOCK MARK RT llocra Strong:, Mostly Fire Cents II lather Sheen Stonily. CHICAGO. Nov. 28. CATTLE Re celntn. 7.000 head: beeves, generally steady: calves. 25o higher: beeves, 16.000 9.60: Texas steers. J0.4OJJ7.00; western ateern. sioCKers ana ireiiers, jl.8OJP7.40: cows and heifers, I3.55QS.15; enlvM. r7.00WU.2D. trans Receipts. 25.000 head: market, strong; mostly 5c higher; light, J7.10fj7.70; nlvl. heavv. J7.35B7.S5: rough, J7.404i7.55; pis. J5.00G7.00; built of sales, r rrvrtrr cn SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Recclpts. 25,000 head; market, steady; lambs, weak to ifw. lower; native sheep. I4.0OH6.10; west- . eirKWWUO! venrllngs. J5.25476.2o lambs. il.00Jfi.70; western lambs, J6.00 8?.70. , tr . ntv Live Stock Market. TCANHAS CITY. Mo.. Nov. 2$. CATTLE ti.,i. rjY) iiesrl: atesdv to 10c lower, Prime fed steers. J8.2080.00; dressed beef steers, J7.0OTjS.TO; western steers. o..u. 8.00; southern steers, $5.503i.M; cows, J4.2G ffK..75; heifers. J5.25diS.O0; stockers nnd feeders, 35.508750; bulls, J4.754l.60; calves, J5.WI9.50. HOOS Receipts, S,H. head; strong; closed weak. Rulk, V 25!37.02,.4: heavy, J7.45Q7.G2tt; packers and butchers, J7.3.. 7.05: light, J7 25(f7.&0' pigs. J5.50tf7.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelps, 3.000 hend; lOo to 13c higher. Lambs, tfl.25fi! 7.75; yearlings. JTi.263.26; wetners, 25; ewes, J4.O04J4.TO. St. Louis Live Htoek Mnrkrt. BT IX)UIS. Mo., Nov. 28. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head; steady. Uooa to choice steers, J8 0W.w; stockers ana feeders. J.'i.OOin.W'; cows and nouem, i.w 3.60; bulls, J4 7595.00: calves, js.axuii w; southern steers., vuno heifers, $4.O04f.00. HOGS Receipts. 8.3W neaa; sxrong. ris and lights. J5.757.75; mixed nnd butchers, J7.45fi7.RO; good heaT. J7.707TT.R2tt. BIIEKI" AN1J 1jA).MII ivoceilim, head; steady. Muttons, J3.7to74.i; year lings, J5.00S.00; lambs, JSSI-SO. Slnnr Cltr Live Stock Mnrkrt. KlOtlX CITT. la.. Nov. 2S.-CATTLE Receipts. 800 head: market steady; natlvo steers. J7.2cVg7.ti0: cows ana neiters, no p5.75; canners, J3.764I4.60: calves, si.Wtf 8.00: bulls, stags, etc, h.dwsv.w. HOGS Receipts, two neaa marnei bc lower; heavy, J7.0OTj7.35: mixed. J7.354r7.45: llglit. Xl.Wsf.X&; pigs, J5.001iJ.75; bulk of sales. nSOffjT.SO. ftl I EBP AND LA MIIS iteceipts, a,iw head; market, steady; fed muttons. J5.5f3 ,00; wetners. h.wqi.w; ewes, Hiin.wi lambs. J6.00g7.50. St. Joseph Live Stork 3Inrkr. BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 2S. CATTLE Receipts. 700 head; market steady; steers, J60g8.75: cows and heifers, W.OOBI.OO; CAllves. jr..KEW.&0. HOGS Receipts. rVSOO head; market steady to Co higher: top, J7.70; bulk of sales. J7.304T7.&5. RHBEP AND UAJins-Recelpts. head; market steady, IO3160 higher; lambs, J7.(37.75. Live Mtork In Might. Receipts of live itock at the six nrlncl- psl western markets: uattie. nogs. Hheep. Houth Omaha 1.500 ,0uO R.or) St. Joseph 700 C.MiO 1,000 Sioux City SOO 2,0)0 3,w Kansas City 2.500 S.Wl) 2,300 St. Louis l.rW K.SOr) 2,300 Chicago 7.000 25,0)0 20,000 Total 13,10) K.fi00 43,700 Kanua Cltr (irnln nnil Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 28. Wl I EATNo. 2 hard. SSfiWic; No. 2 red. S7WjoSHc. CORNNo. 2 mixed, 70o; No. 3, 6SV4c; No. 2 white, GHc; No. , 68c. Closing prices of futures: WHBAT-December. MTiQSlc; May, RGi CORN December, fiOVJc: May, 71ie. OATS-No. 2 white, tOH-gmc; No. 2 mixed. 20UtJ40c. UPTTER-l'nchanged KOOS Firsts. S4c; r-econds, 32c. POULTRY Hens, lmc; roosters, ducks, 10c; springs, ll'.ic Coffee- Murki-l, NEW YORIC Nov. 28. COFFEE De clined today, owing to lower cables, re ports of Rrazil selling, and renewed liquidation. The opening was steady at a decline of 7611 points and the close barely steady at a net decline of 194 points. Salos 91.000 bags: November. 9.4ta; December. 9.4tc: January 9.62c; March, .19c; May. 10.17c; July lO.SSc; September, 10.53c; October, lO.SSc Spot unsettled; Rio, No. 7. 10c; Santos. No. 4, 12ic; mild quiet; Cordova, 12V4TJlVc. nominal. London Wool, IjOXDON. Nov. 88. -WOOI -There were 13.400 bales offered at the wool auction sales today. The bidding was strong and prices seady. Americans bought a lew. I Mil an r Market. NEW YORK. Nov 2S.Sl"OAR Raw, rjulet; moscovado, 3.11c; centrifugal, J.61c. molasses sugar. 2 Wo Refined, quiet i NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Flurry in Call Money Curbs Inclina tion Toward Speculation. OUTSIDE BUSINESS IS SMALL 4pernor Kind It Almoat Impossible to 3Invr Mat In Hither Direc tion Drift of Prices DnTrnrtard. NEW YORK, Nov. 2S.-A flurry In call money, which rose to 10 prr cent, effec tively curbed any Inclinations toward active speculation In stocks today. Out side business was small. Operators found It almost Impossible to mrrvc tne list in either direction. The drift of prices was downward and a few of the newer In dustrials fell back one to two points, but among the leading stocks changes wero slight. It was the last loaning day of the monlh and money rates were affected by preparations for Decembor 1 payments. Another Influence was continuance of the outward movement of currency. The amount of gold sent to Canada on the present movement was brought up to J14.10O.OO0 by shipment of M.4U today. The largo outflow of currency and the rise In call money aroused appjehenstfn of an unfavorable batik statement to morrow. Estimates of the cash loss, based on known movemehts of currency during tlio week, run as high as 1JO.CW.000 Time money rates were not affected by these conditions and the outlook was for return of easy mtrs for call funds. Of the leading stocks Amalgamated wss under heaviest pressure. Speculative soil ing of this stock was based on cessation of demand for the metal, the recent cut In price having produced only a tem porary buying movement. Bullish opera lions In I'nkm Pacific, based on the fa vorable October reiort, wero successful for i time, but after the price had been bid up a point It eased off again. United States Realty was affected by the failure of ii New York real cstato concern and slumped six points. Can common ttnd preferred also were weak, but Mexican Petroleum preferred gained eight points iionns snowed nn easier tendency. Total sales, par value, $1,175,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. wumoer of sales and leading Quotations on stocks were,: Btlra. High. Low. Cloa. 10.100 45 im 9Vi Amalgamated Copper American Agricultural American Ileet 8utar. .. :) :l 33 43i 23H :i 94 4SU im 30 9H 39 U SIU W, 107 S 110S 311 US 93 91ti 11T 91(4 39 lt; 334U 14H 5U 11 91 iii 364. 12IH ' 14IHi 17 IT 1S 364i 41 II 116 American Can s.ioo lis 11 American Can pfd 1,40) 91 90Vi American c. F American Cotton Oil Am. Ice Securities American Llnaeed American locomotive American S. A 11 ..... American 8. t It. pfel Am. Hucar Kerinlnej.. American T A T American Tobacco ... 1.300 1!0 111V Anaconda .Mining Co.... 04 Slit 31 S Alchlaon S00 Ki 2V Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coast Line , nalllmore Ohio llethlchem Rtee Ilrooklrn ltapld Tr 400 17 UK Canadian Paclflo XCOO JltU 2111, Central Letther 100 tll 34. CtieaapeaVe A Ohio Chicago 0. W Chicago M A. Ft P Chicago N. w Colorado Kuel A Iron.. Cnnaolldated Oaa too i:c. ix Com rroducta Delaware A Hudaon DenTer A Hlo (Irande Denver IL O. pfd Dltlllera' Securlllea .... wo llrle l.loo Krle let pfd 101 Krle 3d pfd aneral Rleclrlc (Treat Northern ptd 1H 41 li S6S 41 "rent Northern Ore ctfa, llllnnla Central 200 3l'i SUi 31 10H 11 f.7 100 13 17 Interborough Met Inter. Slet. pfd mo 87t international llarieater.. 100 101H Inter-Marine, pfd S7U 100?, International Paper International ramp Kanaaa Cltr Southern... tacletle (las lhlgh Vallejr lAjuUvllle A Nathrllle.. M.. St. p. A a, Ste. St. Mlaaourl. K. A T Mtaaourl I'aclflc National lllacult National lad N. U. It. nf St. 3d pfd.. New York Central 6.100 S7,i 17 ri 9S lit ISO 1IT S04 116(4 IIS 194i 400 n; a 36 119 4Jt 100 11 13 ioi'ri US .V. Y. . O. &. W Norfolk A Weatern 75 1MH onn American Northern Tactile joo Pacific SUI1 , PennarlTaala J 506 I'eople'a Oaa !. P.. C. C. A Bt. I, "... Plttaburgh Coal Prewil Bteel Car "' Pullman Palace Car,.'.. 0 104 31 107 VI ios'i 104 lim MM. 1SH Head nr 163 10,:0i) 1104 199 I llepubllc Iron A Steel IM'fc napuhlle I. A B. pfd.... Hock laland C?o Hock Co. pfd,.... Ft. L. A H. P. 3d pfd... Seaboard Air Line Sabnnl A. I,, pfd . Sloei-Sheffleld B. A I . Poiithern Pacific Southern Hallway Ko. lUllwar pfd Tenneeaee Copper Texaa A Paclflo 1IU T9Vi 11S 31 H 71. 41i 2A 3,M) TOO STt, 21ti S7'4 31 it 1M 11 '4 T4S HVi union rnclfle Union Pacific pfd.... United Statea Itcaltr United Ktatea Kubher United Rutea Steel .. U. H. Steel pfd Utah Copper . Vs..CsrollBa Chemical Wahuh Watnih pfd Weatern Maryland ... Weitern Union Weatlnghouao Electric Wheeling A L, E New llaren , 14.000 904 .100 400 ,C00 soo . 1.000 17 163 mj t.lti Mt; 10s 44 15l' is 494 SIS 1614. SIS 49H sis 1041, 47S :H 3H 1.300 "son' 10 SS 35 s Mi,' 77 ii S.1U siii' 77" M TIS 1,000 -Hx-dlvldend. !):. ... 1.. Total aalea torjhtJirJOt.m .harea. Ner Vork Money Mnrkrt Ji;w VORK. Nov. stromr. at rn.m n . -all nr ii"17i ruling rate. .- iu"ims, pep eent Ttmn hans. firmer; Blxty nni ninety dT.mS S.nAi .months. 4166 ! So? Kwr'?B.fB"WOT'LB I'APKIl-514 .STERLING RX CHANG E Steady; sixty Mli Jl Vi. ni1, , K,5; 8ILVERnar. Mexican dollars 45c. RONDS-Govemment. steady: rniirnn.i easy. Closing quotations on bonds todav ,. m nnla, V. H. ref. la reg.. 97 K. C. Fo. ref. 6a.. .4 do ref. 3a coupon.. 3T s. deb. 4. 19J1 hu ...101-4'U ft- T. lat 1. tut V. B. 4a. res do coupon Panama 3a coupon JJ.... 1,0 ro'"r- & 77i . 96Uv 11 t - ::: i! Amer. As la A. T 4 T. ti 4a 91 .v 'V 'J. 'I: '" I!.. Am. Tobacco St . im. dodeV KlK. T. N. II A ii " Armour A Co. 4Ha Alchlaon gen. 4a ' o at! .Ml.'. WaW W 100'i do ev. 4a . im do cr. 4a I960 do ct. Sa.. . A. C U let 4a " ii?" 1 acme ... 90S do 3a qai: ........ 93'4 MM 90 WM 94S Pal. A Ohio 4a .. do 34t Ilrook. Tr ct 4a Cen. nf fia. Sa. ..WM do con. la.... t-en irfmer aa. . "Heading ten l. "Chea. A Ohio 4Vt 91S8 UAH Ft, ItU 4a dn eOT. Hi a 71 da reo. lm 4hleago A A IHa.. S4 Fi 1, s w e' la C. B. A . j. 4a.... 94 S. a I. adl ! T6 Tl' M HI', 90S l4S 71 Ii ao sen. ia u 0. I'ac. cwl. St & S r c ,Ue 101'tf dn e 4. 4a.. C It. I. A P. c. 4 a SIS do lit ref 4a do rf. 4a 74 Ko Itallwar Sa C. A 14 r A e 4Ha 91S dn ten 4a P. & 11. ct. 4...... 9T Union Pacific 4a. 9m r. cw ,4. rci. am. 10 do it. 4a ..90S niatlllera' Sa Jl 'do lat Ai ref. ... nsu. b. nubber Erie p I. 4a . do gen. 4a.. do ct 4a, rer. III. Cen. lat ref. e.. no Sl'. B. Steel id (, n IVV-C Chem j. 4a HSWah lat A ei 4, 1.1 99i; HJ IS MS Inter Met 4Ue... 14 nnicrn Md. 4a S W'eat Eiet ct. 6a MS "Wis. central 4. . :r.v Inter. M. M 4H 9c; Japan 44a .. Bid. Offered. it Ilnalnn Mlook Mnrkrt, iiUMu.-s. nov. 5.- Closing nnotatlnn on stocks were AIlue Amal Copper A Z . L. 90S Slahawl, . UNetad roti. N'Plaalnc SI IBM .' . . 4S .North Ilutta .. M. SO North Lake .. ... .. 41 m Old Dominion Arlaana Com .. H & C. C & 8 4-el A Arltoaa.. Cal A Heala.. Centennial IT 61 .1 I .. SM Otteali . . P' Oulacr " C iS ShaniKm M... 9 tHtiperlar JSSuperK.r A n St .... Tanifarrk roiper Itanaa 1 nutte I' Kranklln . ... Oranbr On. . 3 3S dreeae Caaanea " V H. at It. A M Ml, tali Hurtle l'wf- 1 do pfd Kerr M 4H Utah Cut I air Cancer S 1't.ih fnnutp r lS 7H Iji aialle Copper. JH'JIam. I Miami i epprr a.ia w.i ih Ea.diTldead. 41 London Stock Mnrket. LONDON. Nov. 26. -American securities opened easy today Canadian Parlfc waa weak during the first hour and the list declined from la-k of support At noon the tone was barely steady and prices ranged from tint hanged to 14 beUw rarity i.ontinn closing stock quotations. Csnaole. masej .. .1 Union Paeltlo . a ateat. (Jan 1 IS S 1 SIbVKR-Uar. steady at lil-t per ounce. MO.NI-7Y-44y4a per cent. DISCOUNT RATKr SlMirt bills. 6 Per oent. three months' bills, 4 13-16 per cent. ClUCAtSII CJIlAtN AM) PHOVISHINS Fentnres of the TrndliiR nnd ( loalnjc Prices on llnitrd of Trndc anOAOO, Nov. IS Lack of support eeseil the wheat market today, although thore were several Items of bullish Im port. Closing figures were steady nt 4 wSc net decline. Corn eloped 'c lower to Ho higher, oats WW off and provi sions unchanged to 23Wo higher. Wheat prices started lower nnd throughout the session failed to reach ednrsday's closing figures. Reports of I'niiny Mciuner in tne winter wheat belt inducing svi unhealthy growth with attendant Insect development Tailed to Impress trnilnrs. Argentine wet weather whs also unnolld-' igb 'nwer Liver pool cables were reflected hero, Kxi ort, milling and spei iu was of Insufficient uuantlty to have any great effect. May wheat at different stages of the session Was pressed on the market by commission houses who acquired It early from elevator handlers. Warm rains scattered over the corn belt hampered husking and marketing This condition wtlh light arrivals from the country, however, failed to hold up the market, which showed an enrlv ad vance and toward the end prices slnnted. Oats moved sluggishly. December hold ings shifting to May and May owners taking hold of lecember The trades " nui targe, provisions wert Illn3" vo(- jponsive to both buying and selll iiiougn me trade was not of groat umo and advances were the rule. Pork me greatest advance. Chicago future prnes. Artlolol Open. I High.. Close. Yes'y. Wheat S7f l WUOSISflSgrsJ JWt sjii W'afl'Jl 91'i!0HffSj Jp; jnfm 7m70iJTi 70S io '0Sit 7t 70' 4 70HIIK 70b aJSJTHff'i 37H 37H ST', 41t' 41', 41MTS 4is 4I'i 21 00 21 'IS 20 95 21 IB 20 20 92H 21 10 20 00 21 07-10 20 ST.i 10 90 10 87H 10 R74 10 S74 11 10 11 15 11 10 11 12-lG Jl 12H It 10 11 10 11 00 11 10 11 00 11 20 11 274 11 17-20 11 37H 11 1714 Dec. Mnv Corn. Ilec.. May. Oats. leo.. May. Pork. Jan . Mnv. Lard. Jan.. Mnv. lllbs. Jan. May Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, hnrd, No. 2 95ttftIWc: No. 3 red. !Cfi93o; No. 2 SSHfiSRc; No. 3 hard, S7JibS'4e; northern, SSHC?9Hc; No. 3 northern, H04H f.Sc; No. 2 spring, MIMiSO'.ic; No. 3 spring, R5HGc. Corn: No. 2, 73mjf74c; no. 3 while. 74Wfi&c: o. 2 yellow. t&4 I76Hc No. 3, 72Viti75c; new, ilqfaa; No. 3 while. 74iH4Hc; now. rs,mHc; No. yellow, TBWffiGc: now. laUfrTOVaC. Oats: No. 2. 41c; No. 2 Whlto. 41c; No. 3 whites KUTIle; staitdanl, 40iNlHc. Parley; 60tP Roc. Sed: Timothy: 'J4.vir.r..15; clover, J10.W.W14.00. Provisions: Pork, J21.00; lard. Jll.70; ribs. J10 5OIJ11.25. I "OTA TOES Receipts. 45 cars: W scon- sin, white, ra67c red, CitCSc; Michigan, Ohio and Minnesota, 6&ff70o. cuiSKHis Higher; musics, I4;wirc: twins. 14V45T14HC; Americas. IS'iClMici long horns, l&UlS'ic EGGS Receipts. 3,fiI2 esses: market steady; at murk, cases Included, SOiflSOc; ordinary firsts, JSgSfic; firsts. 30U37r. i-OtiLTiiy Lower: springs. 13c: fowls. 12c; turkeys, lie. NEW YORK GRnEllAb MA11KKT I Qnotntlona of the Oar on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Nov. 5S PI.OITR tjuiet; spring patents. J4.354f4.K: winter straights. J4.10tr4.20: winter tmtcnts. J4.40 spring clears,; extra no. 1 winter, J3.55ff3.75; extra No. 2 winter, i'.J.iaJ.w: Kansas straights. st.ioSH.-u WHliAT Boot morkot imisv: No. 2 red. 9S4c, noinlnni, c I. f. Now York, oxport basis, and J1.000, f. o. b, afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 002 r. f. n. b. afloat. Futures murkot cosier: December. IHiwc: May. Kl?ic. HOPS Btoadyt stnto common to choice. 1913 crop. 408480; 1912 crop, 20ia.!5c; Paclflo coast, IBIS crop. SSffJOc: 1912 crop. XfTCSc. HIDES-Steady: Hogotn. 29VtD0rtc: Central America, 30c. PICTROLKUM-Steady: refined. New York, bulk, 15.25; barrets, JS.75; cusea, tll.r.. WOOI Qu et: domestic fleece. XX Ohio. 25c CORN Snot mnrkct steady: old No. 2 yellow, sic, nominal, elevator, domestic. OATS-Spot market dull; ntantliird whlto, 4C447c; No. 3, 4&i'BlCo; fulicy clipped white, 47t(4Sc. HAY Steady . standard, tl.OSVi; No. 1, J1.07V; No. 2, !5Q7V4c No, 3. oWf85c. L13ATHHR Hteaiti' ; hemlock firsts, 2W 30c; seconds. 2Ky2Dc PROVISIONS - Pork, steady; mess, J23.2623,75; family. J24.rft5J27.00; short clears, J20.251322.00. Reef steady; mess Jlr..0O7J18.60; family. 19.5ja).W. Cut meats firm; pickled ItellleH, 10 to 14 pounds, JI3.f-0tfl5.00; picliled hams. J13.75. 1-ard, steady; mlddlo west. J10.9OJ7 11.05; refined, iiutet: continent, 111.05; South America, J12..10; compound, steady; JS.62Wtls.H7H. TALIOW Steady; city, Gc; country, 6fiic; Bpoclal, 7Hc. lll'TTHR-Steudy; receipts. 2,027 tubs; creamery extras, 3.1035c; firsts. 27il32c, held extrns, SOftOJe; first 27Hif2c; state dairy, finest, 30ij32c; good to prime, 20 29c; common to fair, 23,2oa, process ex trns, 25WM2CHc; Imitation creamery, MfJ 25c; factory, held firsts, 23c; current make, 20fl22He. CHKIMR-Steody; receipts, 2,473 boxes; ftl lit o whole milk, held apecluls, WnijlCc; average fancy, 16V4f; fresh specials, KSVic; averaga fancy, 15401Cc, daisies, hold, lt 4T17c EOGS Klrm; receipts, 4,7S(J cases; fresh gathered extras, 46Ii4Sc; extra firsts, 44 U45c; firsts, 4(43c; checks, gool to rholce, 24tt25c; refrigerator, special marks, fancy, 29Hf00c; firsts, 'u'-Jc, nearby hen nery whites, fine to fancy. 6Sti63c; gath ered whites, 5Cfffi0c, hennery browns, i&U uic; western gatnereu Whiles, wjjiuic, POITLTRY Dressed, firm; fresh killed westorn chickens, lW23c, fowls, WfloHc; turkeys, spring iDtryic. Minneapolis (irnln Mnrket. MINNIO,POLIS. Nov. 241. Wl IK AT No. 1 hard. S5Vc; No. 1 northern. Mit Wic; No. 2 northern. 8iO'.;c; No. 2 hard Montana. R-IViflRIWc; Nn. 3 wheat. 'IrtiiiHWc; Icccmber. ts2Ul2ic: May. fi7WSS7So. h LOl'R Unrlmnged. HRAN L'nchanged. CORN No. 3 yellow, C4WKc. OATS No. .1 whlto, WMMhc riAX-Jt.lRI.41. RARLKY Unchangexl. PuttyHe's a 141. II1: s DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Retrenchment, Rather Than Expan sion, Characterizes Situation. NEW ENTERPRISES LIMITED Ctirtnllmrnt of Itperntlnns llrsnlt Mainly from Restricted Hu Inir by Trnnsportliaic 4'ompnnles. NKW TORK, Nov. .-Dun's Review tomorrow will say: lessened actlxHy In Industrial channels reflects prevailing uncertainty regarding the future. The distribution of mettbnn dlse for Immediate, rcrpltrcmcnls "ti tlnues large, but rctrenrhnunt ra-'her than expansion chara.ten?s the situa tion. Caution Is general mi entenm ur-m forward committments anJ ne.v enter ...1... .. -.. iiiin,i whtln economy is nrni-ilep.1 In nmnrrous ltiaftois. Later Is not so well employed i more ma chinery Is idle In Iron and steel, the leading mills now running ronsldctablj below their full capacity. Curtailment of operations results innlliiy from the lesttlcted buying by uansuort 1.... ........ ,,..1 ..1, Irl, Miwr e'le dltfu'tl'iy In obtaining needed funds for eiiuipmeiU and extensions. The opening of the east- .... Innlltrv nnd the IlL'R.ll- nlng of the currency debate In tbo senate attracted attention I'nlluro this w eek numbered SW In Mho Itnlted States. aRalnst 0 ll v,u'' V.h rnrit..iMi. in Cnnnda. conilHtloil nitn forty-one a year ago llltAD.ITIlKI'.T'S TRA1H5 RUVlllW Quieter Condlttoiis llnlc In lmlnstrr Clotblnu Drinnnil OhrrkriL NBW YORK. Nov. 2,S.-imidstreet'J to morrow will saj : rviininr mri.tiiiiina ruin In trade and In miiinhlv mild wi'Uthcr hap nt. ul a.i ,i.n.ii,i u'lntrir wenrlnu CP' n.rnl llnoal'.r. ilfV KOOda 1111(1 .Mlldl'Cd lines revort a good volumo of orderij for quick delivery, nna tnose irancn ina more ravoramo compansuns ".m eiir than anv other lines. Holiday I'nda ntmrla urn ollrnritll. I iM.liialrlnl rlrelea the tClldellC has been toward Increased quiet, partially be catiHo of tlio continuance f Ugg ng de mand for Iron and steel and other metals. Tho most liniiortaiit labor tro'iinii ii tho wovk, that at Scheno-diuly, involves mm .le.'trlrnt winkers, nut thn trouble la one of unionism and not of wage. 1 ho year's strikes to date invoice fewer peo nlo than a year ago. and tho niigregntn is far below the maximum of 1P0.1 and ..ilini illalurhpil vennt. liuslnesti faJlures for tne weeK are .iv, wlilph rnmruirea With 247 ill 1112. Wheat, Including flour, exports tor tne week nggregate 5,S9rt,007 buslsvls, against 6,080,017 bushelH last year. I . OaiAH.l UUNHIIA. SIAIlUIil. H UTTER No. 1. 1-lb. cartons, 20o: No. 1. r.l-lli tnlia .lie. VISI f Wliil o frrwh. iftn: trout, fresh. 15o; largo crapples, fresh, lSITlSo; Spanish inacxerol, ltic; shaa roo. per pair. wu salmon, fresh, 10c; halibut, fresh, 13o; buffalo, c; bullheads, 13c channel cat flBh, 16c; pi lie, 10c; plckorel, lie. POULTRY '1! rollers, J5.OOHC0O per dox.i hen. 16lflGc; cocks, 1!C; aucus, iohjto pp.rh 1Rp. iiirWnva fr.nt ntaeons. ner dox. J1.20; roosters, 84c; ducks, full feathered, 12Hc; geese, full feathered, 11c; squabs, Kn 1. ll.M! Nn t LCv CHEESE ImporteA Bwlis, 30o Amert ran Swiss. V: bluek Swiss. 24a: twins. 18c; daisies. ISHc: triplets, lSttc; Young Americas. 19c; blue label brick, 18c; lira- l:..nn . It. Ui V -... .-1, ..hill. lit.. Wholtsttli. prices of beef cuts effective touay in ore as follows; I1LEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, llltc; No. 1iUn K'r. 1 lia'.r. N!n 1 lliltia. lfio! No. 15;o: No. s! 13c. No. 1 chucks. lOVic; No. 3. Iilir' Nn 3 KUi. Nn. 1 rounds. 13 HC No, 2, 124c; No. 3, llHc. No. 1 plates, 9Wc; No. 2, 8Sic; No. 3, $0, Tho follovlng prices are furnlshod by ih mil nakv irruit enmnanv: lemiiTSAnnles! ICxtra fancy Wash. Ington Jonathans, per box, J2.23; White Winter Pearmalns. per box, si ; juncr Whlto Winter Pearmalns, per box, J2.00 fancy Idaho Black Twig, por box, J2.00 fnnrv Itlalin Ilnldwlns. ner box. J2.00 fancy Idaho York Imperials, per box, 12.00; fnncv Idaho Wolbrldge. Per box. Il.fB: fnev Idaho Willow Twigs, per box, S1.8&: fancy Idaho HinlUi Ciders. Per box. xi.85: extra isncv laano norinrrn our. Greenings or Kings, per box. J100; extra fancy Idaho itamuos, per uox, ri.a; oxira fancy Ren Davis, per box, Jl.ti; fancy lien Davis, por box, ii.w, cnoice utn Davis, per box, J1.40: No. 1 Hen Davis, per bid., )l.50; labeled Wine Baps, per lilil., Jg.50, labeled Quno, per bbl., J5 00. Poars; IJxtra fanay Rourre ciairgeau. per box, 12.50. Oranges: Florida, 120, 150, 170, sw, zis sizes, por dox, st.w; cm size( icr Ikjx. J4.00: 2S3 size. Per box. J3.69: navals. 12S. 150. 178. ZOO. 216 slzos. Per box. J1.50; 250 size, per box. J4.X; 288 size, per box, J3.75; S24 size, per box, S.1.CQ. Iyemons Extra fancy Sunklst, 300s and SdOa, per box, J9.00; extra choice Rod Rail, 300s and 860n, per box, J8.50. Grapes: Extra fancy Emperors, per orate, JJ.00; Earls Em perors, por bbl., 34.00; Imported Malaga, extra fancy, J7.O0; fancy, 1050; extra choice. JC.OO: choice. 15.50. Grapefruit Extra fancy Florida, 46 and 96, JI.7S: 54, 64 and 80, J5.00. Cranberries: Per box. J2.75; Uell and Ruglo, per bbl.. 19.00: Uelt una Cherry, ler bbl., is.fio: late Red, per uui., iticnara, per uul, sy.vv; ex. treme Jumbo, per bbu. 111.00. VEG ETA 11 LES Potatoes t Genuine Red River Early Ohio, per bu , J1.00; Rural or Uurbanks, per bu., 85c; Virginia sweet potatoes, per bbl., J2.00: Delaware Jerseys, per hamper, J1.25. Cabbage: Hotlsnd seed, per lb., 2c; red, per lb., 3a. Squash Per b fc. I'ninpklns: Per lb., Jic. Onions: California lurge yellow, per lb., 2',V. Ohio large Red Globe, per lb.. 2Wc: Spanish, per crate, J1.50; white boiling, per lb., 3o. Tomatoes: California, per four-basket crate, 12.00. MI8CELIANEOUB-Callfornlo, figs. 11 12-ox. pkgs.. 85o; 50 6-ox. pkgs., 12.00; Cali fornia black figs, 12 12-oz. pkgs., J1.00; 7 crown Imported figs, per lb., I8c; I-erown Imported figs, per lb,, ISo; 7-crown pulled figs (boxes weighing about 5 lbs.), 90c; 5 rrown pulled figs (boxes weighing about b lbs,), 75c, 7-crown pulled figs (boxes weighing about 10 oz ), per doz JI.25; Dromedary brand dates, pkg., J3.00; An chor brand dates, pkg., J2 25. Hallowe'en dates, per Jb., 7V4c; parsn1is. per lb.. 2c; carrots, per lb., 2c, beets, per lb., 2c; ruta bagas, per lb., lHc; California Jumbo celery, per doz,, 8; Michigan celery, per dor., 35o; cider, per keg, J3.26; cider, per half bbl., 15.75; shallots, per doz., Mc; parsley, per doz., 40c; radishes, per doz., 3oc: head lettuce, per doz., J1.00; home grown leaf lettuce. er doz., 40c; green Cute Little Fellow I Q.J? . peppers, per basket, fioc, wax or green beans, rer hamper, JS.00; hothouse cucum bers, per doz., 75c to Jl 60: cauliflower, per crote, J3.SB; Venetian garlic, per lb eggplant, per doz., jz.oo; horse radish. 2 dos. bottles In esse, per ease. 00; walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 19c; medium pecans, per lb., ISHc; Jumbo pecans, per lb., 15c; giant pecans, Loulsl- na paper snen, per id., jrc: iiioerts. per 16C; nraxe aimonus, per id., isc; paper hell, 23c: Rrazlls, per lb., 18c; larga ashed, per lb., 19c; black walnuu, per 2Hc: raw no. i peanutr, per id., to: Jumbo peanuts, per lb., 8c; roast peanuts, per lb.. 8Hc; shell bnrk hickory nuts, per lb.. 5c; large hickory nut por lb., 4c: hltn rlro noncorn. per lb.. 4c; checkers. per UO-pkg. esse, J3.60; checkers, per 50 pkg. case, 3)1.75. SI. I, mils (Icnrrnl Mnrket. ST LOP IS. Nov. 28. WH RAT No. 3 red. fJfiP4e; No. 2 hard. Mifi93c; Decem ber. !7tWte: May. 93fltJ1c. CUIUS No. 2, 7P4c; No. z white, uvc. new, 76c. old; December, .oc. May, 2'.C OATS No. 2. 41c: No. 2 white, 42c; De cember. 39fl(S!ie; Mai'. 42HO, Liverpool (irnln Stnrket. LtVKRPOOU Nov. 2S.-WHKAT-8pot. steady; No. 1 Mnnltoba. 7slid; No J, s md. Futures, easy; December, is ia; March, 7s3Vid; May, 7s 2,d, corn spot, firns; American mixed, fisSd; La Plata futures, steady; Decern lcr, 4s9"Sd; January, 8s Sd. Dry Goods Mnrket, NEW YORK. Nov. 2S.Cotton goods' morkets were steady today, but nuleL Carpet mantifocturers havo been buying South American wools for their Uses. Domestic wools were very quint, foreign wools, steady. Silks, quiet. Yurns caster. Cotton Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. Nov. 28. -COTTON Fu tures, cloned easy. December. 13.03c! Jan uary. 12 8!c; March. 12 97c; May, 12.90c; July, 12 81c Spot, quiet; middling, 13.40a; Gulf, 13.55c. WON'T TAKEJILLA'S MONEY Juarez Business Houses Close, Mer chants Refusing Fiat Medium. STOCKS TO BE CONFISCATED llnndreit Spaniards Appeal to Amer ica n Consul to Take Chnrsro of ThrJr Property, Which He Does. EL PASO, Tot., Nov. 28. Business houses In Juarez closed doors this aft ernoon upon tho Issuance of an order by General Francisco Villa that shop keepers must accept constitutionalist flat money. When he learned that tho merchants had closed their stores rather than accopt the rebel currency, Gencrat Villa announced that he would confiscate their stocks. Spanish residents of Juarez appealed to American consul Thomas D. Edwards to tnko charge of their property follow ing Gcnoral Villa's therat to confiscate their property. Consul Edwards ac cepted tho custody of the property. There are about 100 Spalnards In Juarez. Robol scouts reported to General Villa nt Juarez that they had sighted tho federal outposts at Villa Ahumada, eighty-three miles south of Juarez, dur ing the day. The presence of the federal torcca at Villa Ahumada has caused nu little concern In Juarez ns the rebel oflcera, do not know definitely whether they are the troops which rotrcatod from Tlcrru Ulanca after their defeat Tuesday, or ore reinforcements from Chihuahua which the again moving north to engage General Villa, I will lcavo to attack Chlhuahui Just as soon ns I can get my trains loaded with provisions and my troops, which will probably be Sunday morning." said General Villa at Juarez tonight. Tomorow morning General Villa will hold a review nnd parade of all of his troops In celebration of tho victory over the federals at Tlerrn. Rlanca. After the parado and review the troops will make preparations for leaving for the south. Tho parado tomorrow morning will be led by tho Fifteenth battalion band of tho federal army which wan captured by General Villa when ho took Juarez and which has been Incorporated Into the rebel army. Thousands of dollars' worth of pro visions wero transferred from El Paso to Juarez today to bo loaded on' General Villa's train. Ooneinl Villa expects to have at least 12,000 mun when ho attacks Chihuahua. Ho stated tonight that he has sent word for Oeneral Tomaa Urblna. to bring 3,000 men north from tho Torreon district and that General Manuol Chao Is already In tho vicinity of Chihuahua, leaving a gar rison of about 1,000 mon to protect the border city. General Villa today attended the open ing of tho Juarez raco track and waa warmly greeted. The bands played the national hymn of Moxlco as General Villa entered. Rebel forces, under General Antonio Vlllareal, today defeated and routod Gen eral Rublo Navarltte's federal column at 1m Cruz, gtato of Tainaulipas, accord ing to un official dispatch received at General Villa's Juarez headquarters from Jose Voaconeclus, a rebel agent, Military Train Dynamited. MEXICO CITY. Nov. Z8.-A military train with 150 soldiers aboard was dyna mited today at El Sulado, sixty miles south' of SaltlUo. Tho casualties are not known. The rebels In that region ap pear to bu continuing their concentra tion. ITINERANT FRUIT DEALER SUES NORFOLK'S MAYOR MADISON. Neb.. NW. 27. -(Special.) Arthur Graham, an itinerant fruit dealer, has brought action in the dts tret court to recover $2,500 damages from Dr. Verges mayor of the city of Nor folk. The trouble occurred at a meeting of tho city council at which time the matter of license for peddling apples waa lining mnstdorcd. It Is alleged that Mayor Verges used violent language cal culated to humiliate Graham and de stroy the prospect of soiling his apples. Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Long were hosts and hostess to a large number of guests this afternoon and evening In honor of their daughters, Harriet and Margaret. Light refreshments were served Miss Harriet Long recently resigned as 111 brarlan of the library at Santa Rar bara. Cal., to accept control and man agement as librarian of tho Kern county library at Oakersfleld, CaL, at a salary of J1.800. Lodge Uffleera Kleeted. ASHLAND. Neb.. Nov. 27.-(SpeclaI.) Star lodge No. 9. Knights of Pythias, elected the following officers for the en suing year Thursday night: Chancellor commander. Harvey A. Kelley; vice chan cellor. C. C. Chapman; prelate, J. A. Moss; keeper of records and seal, J, B. La Chappelle; master of exchequer, F. E. White; master of finance, A. J. Senger; master of work, C. L. Narber; master-at-arms, A. J. Mays; Inner guard, George Sheridan; outer guard, S. W. Weaver; trustee, G, W Meredith. Bee Want Ads Produce Results.