18 Polly and Her Pals-Tlie Girl Isn't Sneezing I S7lM Voub Spexk t'pollV ABoui The. Tolly of Wfefiiw rnu pumps ah' Silk. M4. WANT ADS Want aria received nt any time, but to Lnsnre proper classification must be jiroscntcd before 12 o'clock boon for the evening edition and be fore 7:80 p. m. for the morning and Bundar editions. Want nds re celled after Mirh LourH will Jiavw first, insertion under the hcmllnK, 'Too Lnto to Classify." CASH. RATK FOR WANT ADS REGUIi.111 OliASSn'IOATION: One insertion, 12 cent per line. Tito or more consecutive Inser tion, l cent per line. Oue Use' per in-nth, 91.80. DEATHS AND JfVmtSLAV NOTICES XNOX-Marlon, widow of the late David ICnox. nt residence of her son, William w ivnox, uudois, 1'a. i Funr1 Katti,ls n . ... M ut.ni. - - .... .. nb f -. 1.1 .VIU J I V.F - falconer parloris Twenty-fourth ana Har ney, Interment Forest Lawn. XETiiT-Thomas J., ae4 40 years. Funeral Saturday. November 29. from family residence, 230C Howard street, at J.i a. m. to St. Peter's church at 9 a. in. interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. CHAW John II.. Nov. 26, 1911. aged CO years. ..um,ra,.fronl Cole-McKay Co.'s chapel. 1708 Douglas fit, Friday, Nov. 28, at !:M p. m. Friends Invited. BIRTHS AND DHAtTHS. Blrths-A. T. mid inex Nelson, 4512 CJortji fortieth avenue, girl; Edward and Charlotte HaUlu, 145 South TWenty.fourtli avenue, hoy; F. and Hosarlo Glblisco. ins Houth Thirteenth. girl. L. O, and Bessie aiarker, 37W North Fortieth, boy, Hum and Sophie Uartli. 4604 Marcy, boyi Lee and Anna Slavcn, 916 Hickory, Klrl; A. W. and Oladys Taggurt, 2710 Cumlnir, girl; II. A. and Uertrudo Tukcy. 123 South Thirty-seventh, girl; nichanl and Clura "Wall, 3808 North Twenty-second, hoy; Ed and Elva Wilbur, 2341 South Thirty fourth, boy. Deaths Don A. Austin. 2!) years, 1918 Fouth Eleventh; Hudolph Heron, 43 years, 3238 South Fifteenth; Albert Brutschke, SI years, hospital; Rosa Borne, 2S years, hospital; Caroline Jensen, Sfl yeara, 6224 Florence boulevard; Lovl Ray, S3 years, 2302 South Thirty-first; Fannlo Smythe, 1 day, 2218 Emmet; John vaas, 0 years, Irnpital; C. I.. Wennlnghoff. 19 days, 2204 Charles; Clarence Witt, 23 years, hos pital. MAKHIAOn I.1CKNSKS. The followlns couples havo been licensed to wed; Name and Residence, Age. I. ea R. WrlKht, Omaha 24 Kllzabcth C. Stuart Hadeixford. Omaha 2J Oeoree Raymond Peterson, Waterloo.. 24 Iowa Htowe, Waterloo 16 II. 8. Martin, Peoria. Ill 37 Rlnllo C Butter. Peoria, IIU 27 Jesso M. Kvans, Omaha....- , 37 norence D. Maynard, Omaha over 21 John Vokoun, Wilbur si Emma Krai, Wilbur M Norman Waurick. Omaha a Mamie Chapman, Omaha..... z It. V. Kennedy. Omaha - Mary A. Hunt, Omaha a J. T Hossack, Omaha a Orace J. Havson, Canton, B. D 25 H. J. TUclcey. Piattamouth.... 34 aiary F. Deneen. Omaha so Alfro Rasso, Omaha 2; Carmelo Franco, Omaha ,,. Jo BUILDING PERMITS. K" "m?0 2 Nortl1 Forty-flfth. frame. 2,K)0: Oeorne Cotlack. 44S YpahU irtlf. frame. J1.200; J. A. Kendls, 8 jrth Kirtt?"1?.1?105 W A. Klklns? 115 fjorth Forty-third avenue, frani jtoao: JlTsoJ X C" 1710 Sprlrnr. frtiSo: HELP WANTED FEMALE. Housekeeera una Douxrailca. TIIE5 SERVANT OIRL PROIIIJ2M SOLVED-The 11 willun a tew Glr Wanted Ad FREE until yeu Ket the ,5'rr1 re,lt' Ttls applies to residents ..Omabsj South Omalha and Council Nl""?. Ilrlna ad to The life office cr Telephone Tyler 1000. WAfTKD5lriTorenTral housework. tSH Farnam. Phone II. 2tt WANTED Young jrlrl to halp with housework. Harney s?76. VSXAvSiTk Ave,'r' 'r BatnX housework. WANTED Olrl for general housework: good wages, grown up family. si2 No. Cd St, near high school. D. 4145. WANTED Good girl for general houo w ark Call 101 Bo. ad St. WANTED Oood girl for general house work, small family, good wages. 2l No. th St. WANTED-A glri for general house, work. Good home for right party. Call TO Omaha National Rank Bldg., or phone Red 4721, or evenings W. 4M&. ' EXI'ERIENCED girl for general house. ?iriIkK.ao Sf,e'- No """bins'- "i o S4th bt. It. 621. WANTED-Competent white girl roT general housework In family of 3 grown lrsons. Mrs. D. F. Baker, 102 So. 38th. i I 317 WANTED All around girl for general housework in family of two. Oerman. Ho. herolan or Swedish girl or middle aged woman preferred. Good home to right party. No children and good wages. Phone Harney 69S8. WANTED Experienced maids, housekeeper Hotel Rome. Apply Miscellaneous. GOVERNMENT position epen to women; 175 month. Write Immediately for free list Franklin Institute, Dept 633 H. Rochester. N. Y. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian assIatlon building at Su Mary's Ave- and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. 1IKLV WANTED MALE Asentu, Salesmen and Kollrltora. WANTED Four gooo? solicitors at once. ''A Braadels Theater Bldg. WANTED - MEN AT POLLACK'S. liTH AND CAPITOL AVE.. SATUR DAY i TO I P M . TO BUY Ji PINT WHISKY FOR Uc I 2 Touch OP AShur, See Do you FCom The TbRCST5 OF The OmlV TkiM6- Her IwyThiajG-. Oe Talked Me SHOULD BE. A CM THE 5U8JECT! SJ HELP WANTED MALE. Actati, .luleninrn unit Solicitors. WANTED - MEN AT POLICE'S, 3GTH AND CAPITOL AVK.. 8ATUR- wIhskyV r" M ' TO I,UY rlNT I CAN use two first-class salesmen on a hlKh-irrada proposition, extensively nd vcrt!cd and a nulck tnoncy-ecttnr, Calt Wwten 10 and 12 and 2 to 4. Mr. Will rov. Home hotel. Clerical and Offle 1 1" , VT' L1r- t....... i ......... . . t . country town. Full particulars In appll cation. P. O. Drawer ' ." Manson. la. WIS have a olaoa In our orcanlzo- tloo for nnut appirluB, enerKetlo youns man, desirous of learnint; the. furniture buslneM. Advancement dependn solely on ability Apply ucuton & l.alor Co., 413 417 Houth HL.1 St. NSWJTt-JU MBN AT 1'OL.lVCK B, liTII AND CAP., SAT. 11 TO 8 I'. XI.. TO BAT DtNNim OF TOUNQ ROAST PIO, lOtt Uoyu. WA N TI3D A n N-lfa, care Ileo. office boy. Address factory nmt Trades. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. neo Uldg. HBIjF Call Omaha Kmployment Dureau. ai;T Into the inoit profitable business of today, the automobile business, and bocomo lndctcndcnt. Our large, well equipped shops offer tho opportunities of learnlnff the business by actual expert enco on different n'iket of cars. Our terms nro moderate. Wrlto or call. Na tional Auto Training nsnoclntlon, 2X14 N. 20th St., Omaha. Neb. Tel. Webster hl3 WANTICD-A candy maker at Red OoltT la. Address Uox No. 3. A youns man pre ferred. WANTED A good all-around black smith for repair work and horseshoeing. Address Y 353. Hce, WANTED -MEN AT POLLACK'S. 15T1I AND CAPITOL AVE.. KATUR DAY.. 11 TO 8 P. M., TO EAT OUR SPECIAL DINNER OF ROAHT PIO, 10c. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between nges of Is and 33, cltlscns of United States, of good character and temporato habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng lish language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army DIdg.. 15th and Dodgo Hts., Omaha, Neb.; GOG Fouorth St., Sioux City, la.. 409 Walnut St.; Dea Moluos, Iu. WANTED MEN AT lOLLACK'S. 15TII AND CAP., BAT. U TO 8 P. M., TO EAT OUR SPECIAL DINNER OK YOUNG ROAHT PIO, IOC. Miscellaneous. WANTED A first class draper and window shade hanger for outside work; permanent position, good salary. Ucaton & Luler Co.. 415-417 South 16th St WANTED MEN AT POLLACK'S, 18TII AND CAPITOL AVE.. SATURDAY. B TO S P. M TO RUY Vt PIN"J WHI8- K1SV 1'Ull MEN, 18 to 33, wishing to be railway mall clerks: 173 a month; write for book of Information. Y 320, Dee. MEN with patentable Ideas wrlto Ran dolph & Co., Patent Solicitors, Wash Inuton. D C. WANTED MKN AT POLLACK'S, I1TH AND CAP.. SAT. 11 TO 8 P. M;, TO EAT OUR SPECIAL DINNER OF YOUNG ROAST PIG, 10C. YOUNO MEN, you should learn the automobile business and learn it RIGHT. Earn more money than you ever did be fore. We havu both a day and a night class, so you have no reason for delay. Come In NOW. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, . HIS Dodge St. WANTED Railway mall clerks; ex aminations everywhere frequently; earn- le questions free. Franklin Institute, ept. 21J H Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to prepare at home for government position. Railway mall, postofflce. rural delivery, city carrier. Catalogue free. Desk 11, Standard Cor respondence school, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED-MEN AT POLLACK'S. 14TH AND .CAPITOL AVE.. SATUR DAYS, t TO 8 P. M., TO RUY ii PINT WHISKY FOR ID CUNTS. WA NT KD S IT U ATI ONS YOUNO man attending Royles college wants work for board. D 1543. FARM HANDS furnished, short notice, free. Omaha Employment Bureau, 121 N. Uth St Tel. Douglas U12. SITUATION for man and wife, Janitor er porter work, wife chambermaid. Phone D. 5033. YOUNOlady of neat appearance, with several years' office experience and with good knowleiigo of general office work, desires position; can operute any type writer and take some dictation. It lieces sary; can gtvo good references as to character and ability. Phone Douglas 440. Address, M IK). Ree. ANNOUNCEMENTS 17 Af V. motocryclo messenger ser Ice, 1U m a 13th. Doug Sflg or ago. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Gibson's Buffet 322 South 15th St MAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Hest remedy for Itching, bleeding or protudlntr piles; 60o pottpald; samples free. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. THE author of the "Ulrdsall Helps." who spoke at the late teachers' Institute, will Illustrate his keyboard methods In school muslo teaching at room 314. Y. M. C. A. building, on Saturday at 1:30 p. in. D. a Griffith, wig mfr. 13 Frenzer Ulk. Kuklih's Kosher nlt(AtMa,,n tnnv'Arl (a ill If.U I'l.. itors welcome. Everything new'and clean. ATTRACTIONS Omaha film. exch.. ltth and Doug. Mo Uon picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOH1LE8 SECOND-HAND cars for sale: Paige Detroit. S&00. Overland, X0. Auburn. 30-h. p.. price on application. Matheson. 60-h. p., price on application DOWN Tfiu'isr niumr his Howard lit R. M. Harris, Prop. $1M forfeit for any magneto we can't re iSiiLTgL1.!? Paring. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18. DANDY little houe and lot foriai7, 11.10) or trade for auto. OMAHA AUTOMOBILE Co., 3010 Farnam Tf!K BEE: wot mai ttfoT MLS" mokBouaJd WACOM'S iaJ, flXMORlT A. B. C. of Omaha A ARON'K Jewelry Gift Shop, 16th and farnam. jusi hnop arouna ana then get our prices. BELL DnUO CO. New location, 1316 Farnam. Everything new. Old phone Douglas 2i523. Come, call or write. Rubber goods. K ERR Abstract Co.. 30". S. 17th St. Better be safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. VACUUM cleaners, sweopers, hydraulic, electric nrnl hand power old 011 guarantee, lowest prices; machines H.nlHi'Su",,nry Service Co. Doug. 2394. TTTW r 1. n V 1 . 1 . Xi - . - a".. m for all sewing machines. Nebraska r..MA a ... I . 1 . .. 1 ' ,, 1 r V. nM.4 Harney sts. Do-jglas lfict, Xmas Hints TOLLAUIC HOLIDAY Tl AHlfir.Ta Containing one quart bottle H. P. Mono gram, one bottlo of Port, one bottle An gelica, one bottlo Tokay Regular 12.05, all for tl.CS. HENRY POLLACK LIQUOR HOUSE, in nnu i mo. ittn. f I I T V A linlnlll.il n . . .1 .1 . 1-1 . I'ruiuiiiHt uniltiua lirillK UUIIC. Mrs. K. O. Hnyncs. 1525 B. 25th-St. D. 4990. THE WARDROBE. Dry cleaning makes clothes look cood as new, 201 Farnam St Phone D. 1723. fr itKU C. WIDMOTH. Manager. TIIK IOAHt.Y RIIOPPKIl rnli-hM thi. hargHlns nt the Sign of the Crown up the golden stnlrst FRED BRODEGAARD JEWELRY CO.. 16th and 'Douglas Sts. FRAMING at 'A and choice framed clo tures at t. Dept. store prices. Omuha Art and Frame. 1711 Leavenworth. BARGAINS In Diamonds and watches. PROPS JEWELRY CO., 410 N. 16TH. Olympla for Xmas candles. 1518 Harney. AUTOMOniLES. Motorcycles. BARGAINS In all makes of Used motor. cycles. Victor 1L Roos. "Tho Motorcycle ........ .ivu jA-arrunuiui di. WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 16TH AND MARNEY. HUS1NES3 CHANCES WINTIfll Vnllnir I,,, .11..- .,f v.i. Its who has from fl.Ouo to 1:0,000 capital to Join In a growing retail firm which at present employs V) people. Could uko a handy man. an office man. a buyer or one who knows meat or the bread busi ness. For more Information write or calt J. R. Purcoll, Balcony office, loao P HnAPlal nlftria fff mlllt.r- ,nn. ,, ' m -w. " . ..... r. ju.it uu.V9n or real estato. Kenncbock Co., Omaha a, V4 wMauirai, V Itll Ull OANOBSTAD. 401 Bee BUldg. Tel. D. 1177. FOR SALIC Good mason contractor's outfit In a central Nebraska town of 16,000; plenty of work. Cheap, If sold In the next ten days. Address Y 333, Bee. WANTED An Idea. Who can thltut of somo simple thing to patent' Protest your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" nnd "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. BUSINE&S PERSONALS Urnaa Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence. D. C, 2322 Howard. D. ki W.E.Purvlanco,D.C, 40J Paxton blk. D.49I3 Mrs. Snyder. D. C. 3 Dunsany Apt. TD.iSSO Chiropodists DR. ROY. 11106 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Coatumers. FULL dress suits; party dresses for sale ?rreni: tvu ,)er "'Kht- Open evenings. John Feldman. 201 N. 17th. Douglas 3128. lllHlnrlritl nnu.n.ro,l. ......... . , vvv.uiiiira iu (lire, at Theo. Ueben & Sons, 1511 Howard St China Patntluir. MRS. W. J. HURNELL, China Taint Ing. Outside Firing. Phone Benson tel. Coal Drillers. $5.50 COAL -- - - . - - - IV tUI IIIVV.O or stoves. Tel. Doug. 1703. 18th and Iiard. BALED KINDLING National Box Factory. 39th and Pacific Creameries, Dairies nnd Snppllea. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY Danvlnir Academies. DON'T you dance? Go to Mackie's, 1ST.6 Harney, where all others learn. D. 6146. Jewell Simpson, Douglas Auditorium; Monday evening. Doug. 2424 or Web. 2491. Tango, social dances a specialty. D. 6507. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 311 Neville Blk. Evl dence secured In all cases. Tyler USS. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agency, bonded. Evidence In all caes se cured by expert gentlemen and lady op eratives. Douglaa H19. 42J-2J Paxton Blk. Dressmaking. Terr)' Dressmakg college, 20th A Farnam Mrs. Dunne. Red X74. 1823 Capitol Ave. DRE8SES, suits and coats. Web. 4794. llrnss. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Everything; for Women. PLUMES made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger. 429-A, Paxton Blk. D. &39i. OLD plumes made new. California Os trich Plume Co.. 206 Neville Bldg. D. SolO. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all sixes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO.. 230 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1934. Ladles' tailoring, guar. H. 3837 32a Cutu'g Florists. A. DONAGHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1X8 BATH'S florists, Boyd Theater Bldg. OMAHA. SATTRTUY, NOVEMBER 129, 1913. 'Boy, 0tfoT5 71T5 DUSINESS PERSONALS. Fan, FUR repairing. H. Fester, 1410 N. 24th. Blorlng, fltiirnKe and Cltjnnlns;. MOVING, storage, packing, forwnrdlng; merchants' freighting a speclnlty. Twin City Express Co.. 1023 Davenport. D. 1747. Fnrtincrs, Sliivm niitl Urpnlra. REPAIRS In stock for ail makes of ) stitt'c and heaters, fiiruacce, steam and hot water boilers; new furnaces. Em-pn.-ss and Sultan water and steam boilers. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. lfOli-fK rinllfflna Rt. Tvl.. 1. Fnrnlturc Repairing, STANDARD furniture repair. R. 869L Ijeather nnd FlndlnK, THE PHIL. Leather nnd Finding house, wholesale leather and shoe findings; special-prices to shoemakers. 1516 N. 24th St Nnrserlea nnd Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDSMAN. 119 N. Uth. Patents. H. A. Sturges, 630 Brandols Thea. Bldg. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Plumbing. PLUMBING and heating, fischer & Connell. 1318 William St, Douglas 5737. Plumbing, heating. FARNAM PLUMB INO CO.. 6307 N. 24th. W. 7f2S. W. 3001, eve. Printing. DOUGLAS Frlntlng Co. Tel. Doug. 611. WATERS-BAnNHART Ptg. Co., qual ity printing. Tel. Doug. 90. 624 S. 13th. Sheet Metnl "Works. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 S. 10th. Store and Office Flxtnres. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-1S 8. 12th. D. 272;. Storm Doors nnd Windows. Welrlch, storm doors, sashes. 1317 N. 24. Trunks and Snltcases. FREL1NO & STE1NLE. 1803 Farnam St Wines nml Ltqnors. WILLOW springs beers, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetcs, 201-3 8. 13th St EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIOHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Complete courso In Business. Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil hervlce and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready. Call, write or phono for It. Boyles College. ISth and Harney Sts.. Omaha, Neb. MOSHEH-LAMPMAN Unusurpasscd classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guranteed good positions. Work for board. For free catalogue ad- -. - " w " . ............ VWI,b,S .O.M . , ram St.. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE at a discount: A full un limited scholarship In Boyles Business College. Omuha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. LIVE STOCK IfOR SALE. Horses nnd Vemclcs. FOR SALE 15 horses and marus for alt purposes. 213 N. 18th Bt LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Com pany to ascertain whether tfacy left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restoro them to the rightful owner, Call Doug las 43. LOST on Hanscom park car, lady's purse containing money and keys, Re ward. Phone Harney 71S9. IXJST Wednesday afternoon on West Farnam car, black silk unbrella. Kindly phone II. 5SS2. Reward. LOST Black wallet containing receipts. Return to inibllc Market. Reward. MONEY TO LOAN M O N B Y FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names; rates cheap, easy payments. Nor ton JfcojfBjjardofJIade Building. MEDICAL Dr. Bilker Medical Offices. DISEASES OF WOMEN, Consultation and examination free. 210 South Hth Street. Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. B. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. B, R. TARRY. 310 Bee Bldg., Omaha. OFFERED FOH RENT. Apartments and Flats. Gordon Van Co. dSKS 219 N. 11th St.. nr Sift H 17. K c.' . ... . ..... ..... a CI. U. SiH : .mau iiimriment ' house at N. E corner Sherman avenue i "," .hivt enrol rinigiica in ncn l-'o Men I pi si 1 V hi I uour in coal lently arranged kitchen, with gas range. v.. ...vif.iv. 1 uuui-iii tupuoaru ana work table; attractive bath room. Ule floors find 1 1 n-n rlnu( iwli-.i. . . . . ...... . . , , . . , u . ..uiii liorcn sircened In for summer Wc also furnish "1 j i. i n"i ana com water. B.ioic unu curiam roos, locker room and laundry facilities. Everything fir, rl... llnl.n a... , '' . phono office. Douglas 1S. irn v I11I.1 DESIRABLE five-room steam heated apartment. The Mason, sist snd Mason fiin.Uiy. Tel 6MI- API'y No. 12, The Mason. .J'R-..a11 modern, with Janitor service; first floor. Iorratne A parts.. 17th and Maple Sts. Mengedoht Web. 3713. IS09 FARNAM 3 rooms, completely mod ern, suitable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc , for tenants wlihing homes adjoining Hall Dist Co., 133 Ramge Douglas 740i 7 1 1 I 0 I Drawn I 5ed 1 torrible I ClDDIT OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments and Flats, Very choice 5-room apartment In new Harlan" apartments. 2301 Sherman Ave.; enk finish, gas mantel and log, living loom; mirror door In coat closet; walls 1 rcttlly decorated: fine lighting fixtures: splendid location; Janitor service and hent, gas range, refrigerator, window shades and curtain rods, laundry facili ties and locker room furnished by us. See Ji-nltor in Ant. 1. "Nathan" Ants., one block north, or phone office. Douglas 1 10O9 SCOTT & HILL. STRICTLY first-class apts. Marlua Sorensen. 2464 Harney Bt D. S790. FOR RENT Four-room modern apart ment. 665 S. 28th St H. 4141. 6-ROOM apartment. In 'THE HUD SON" at 207 So. 26th Ave,; built-in buffet, ranel walls and plate rail in dining room; gas range, refrigerator and built-in cup boards in kltchon; attractive lighting fix tures; good ventilation; close In. Bee this today: Janitor will show you through. 14j summer; $60 winter. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. 4-ROOM apartment, close in, walking distance; located at 26th Ave. and Doug las street Only one left; all outside looms; good ventilation; kitchen equipped with gas range, refrigerator, built-in cup boards. See this today: Janitor will show vmi ttitvmtrl. in ........ 1 . i ' .1 .. 1 .... ..f..,, T1v buuiiiici , ,ij niuici, HASTINGS fc HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St MODERN tinw fllrnlahlwl flnt rhun Doug, m or Harney 4843. LOOK THESE OVER. 623 N. 20th 10 rooms and bath; all modern; new furnace; Just papered. 1202 N. 24th 6-room flat; In ex cellent repair; well arranged, $20. ARTHUR MAROW1TZ. 634 Drandels Theater Bldg. D. 4512. FLATS FOR RENT. 19.00. Three large room flat, part mod ern, good neighborhood, 1917 Elm street 114.00. Six-room flat, 2d floor, modern except heat walking distance. 3638 Dav enport Street Key, house west 118.00. Six-room flat, first floor, all mod ern. 2638 Davenport street. 120.00. Seven-room modern detached residence, near now Catholic cathedral. C. M. RYLANDER. S04 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phones: H. 435 or D. 691. 114 SOUTH 29TH ST. 8 rooms, all modern, newly repaired, 125. 414 N. llith St., 4 rooms, all modern, 122. 1470 S. 16th St., 5 rooms, part modern, 112. RASP BROS. Douglas 1653. Board and Rooms. GENTLEMAN living near 29th and Far nam. who would like meals. Call II. 6450. Furnished Rooms. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms, walking distance. In private family. 535 S. 24th Ave. NICE furnished room for rent, 3A Dewey Ave. 930 N. 25th St. 1 room, heat and light. Phono D. 6419. DESIRABLE room, close In. H. 33S8. Furnished Housekeeping Rooms. DAVENPORT, 3018-Two nicely fur nlshed housekeeping rooms. Furnished Houses. WILL rent furnished for six months now, modern, brick seven-room house In Hanscom park district; has garage. Y 349. Bee. Hotels and Apartments. DODGE HOTEL-Modern, reasonable. REIO hotel, steam heat, with hot and cold water In all rooms. 16th and cum I ng. Houses nnd Cottages. A COMPLETE list of vacant houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This Is a list compiled dally' and can be seen free of charge at 30fi South 17th St OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. I lnilKOS 1,1 " Psrts of the city. 11UUDLO rVA,.h Hon. f 111. T1 NEAT, desirable 5-room cottage; modern except furnace. 628 B. 19th Ave. J25. Douglas 4236. ElOHT-ROOM HOUSE HOT WATER HEAT 110 N. 33d St, strictly modern: good lo cation; corner; tood surroundings, on Harney car line, 1 block from Cuming St uud Bemls Park. 190. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St .1 fl l?PpdBxP- Co- furniture moving. Two men. 11 hours. D. W4i P 14) n, ll I Y Co. Goods storod, moved, packed, shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 151S. FOR RENT Two-story frame dwelling on Cass, near 26th; modern. Crclghton university. Douglas 2320. 3-ROOM house for rent. Furnished or unfurnished. 1903 Wirt Webster 666. NOTHING like It: steam heat 4 or 5 or 7-room riaxs ana nouses, co N. Z3a. v. a h fit TI.a In .1-... light fixtures; 7 rooms; modern! Inquire 3421 Farnam. 240S EMMET, 6 rooms, mod. Web. 105.' 135 8-room house for two families. 26th and Douge Sts. Call Douglas 459. FARNAM-CUMING LINE. 8-room modern, east front. 135: one block to car, two blocks to cathedral, and near Saunders school. O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Doug, "715. Evenings. H. 6131. 336.00. 7-room modern, Bemls Park house, 3621 Hawthorne. Phone Harney NIFTY, up-to-date place, northeast cor ner 13th and Wirt Sts.; beamed ceilings, paneled dining room, oak floors through out; all In first class order: fine electric lighted garage. On account of sickness this place Is offered for rent soon. See It now. Phone Webster 3917. 10-ROOM brick residence, near high school. Tel. Harney GS64. REDUCED rent, strictly modern, neat, desirable. 5 rooms downstairs, large front and back yard, good repair. 2115 So. 21th Si Call next door G. Grush. S-R., with hot water heating plant, on 37th St. half block from Farnam St, 145. 5-r . not so up-to-date, but with mod. conveniences, cor. 32d Ave. and Farnam, J37R0. Harrison & Morton ; 913 Omaha Natl Bk for The Bee by 6bT 5os"H .4 Colt id ey eo TALL H T4LK To , - T - DoBiny. I cuoorr! OFFERED FOR RENT. Houses nnd Cottages. 624 S. 28th St, 9-r., all mod., 115. 600 8. 35th St, 7-r.. all mod., 135. 2423 Maple St., 8-r., all mod., 127.50. 1424 N. 19th St., 9-r., all mod.. 130. 3610 Jones St. 8-r all mod., 5. I 1006 8. 22d St.. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, 123. !2no Chlcago St" 'T" mot1, ex- heat ilB N4 J" Ave" 6-r" mod- ''cat. 120. $W Vowler Ave., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, RIRKETT & COMPANY. 423 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4764. 1E15 Unit An . ?!S? i7nlerwSod-AV" Dundee.' 8 r.. 16a THOS F. ILAl 433' iSXSg'S&Z O.', Ei7 !nm7 .r... rr heat 12S. FARN AM-CUMI NO LINE. ' 8-room modern, east front, 336: one block to car, two blocks to cathedral, and near Saunders school. SS133 REALl ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Doug. 2715. Evenings, H. 6134. Stores nnd Offices. DESK room, Mertx. 870 Brandols Bldg. .-22I2w,l,loro bulging, 26x60; steam heat. 1708 Jackson. 1811 FARNAM ST., 3,000 square feet 1809 Farnam 8t (in rear), suitable for shops; steam heat: hot and cold water fUmlsllAri Thn. I.- TTnlt AVI Tl . . . . . ...... .ivo. a. ..ml. 1,, .WVillKO Bldg. Douglas 7408. UR rent The office on ground floor of The Bee building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frontage nn IrarnBm Of ...... Aw... .. t. . . . m square feet with extra entrance on tho court of the building. Large vault. Fine uiiice uxiures lor saie. Apply n. l Fell. Bee office. FOR RENT Brick store room on public square In Red Oak, la.: occupied as shoe store 20 years. D. B. Miller. Red Oak, la. 615 -So. 13th St., storeroom, city water and sewer, 115. RIRKETT & COMPANY, 423 Ree Bldg. Doug. 4754. Barn for Bent. Parn Suitable for ten cars. 2226 Howard. OFFERED FOR SALE. Fnrnltnre. Cracker-Jack Sewing Machine Bargains No. 1 Is an nearly new seven-drawer, drop head Singer, lato style, not a mark on It. A beautiful quarter-sawed oak case a 153 machine, on sale Saturday at 126. No. 2 Is a seven-drawer, golden oak, B. T. Wheeler & Wilson. Sews fine. It will give the service of a new one. On sale Saturday at 17.50. No. 3 Is a five-drawer, drop head Standard, finished In dark oak: has au tomatic lift; Is ball bearing and a dandy bargain for Saturday at llb.56. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT. MICKEL'S, 15th and Harney Sts. ' Phono Douglas 1662. Musical Instruments, ' Gibson mandolins, guitars and banjos 31 down. 11.50 month. F. Potter 20th &. Far. Typewriter. Typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange. 307 S. 17th St. TYPEWRITERS sold and rented every where. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Company. 1819 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. RENT Remingtons. Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Remington Typewriter Co., telephone Douglas 1824. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade machines sent out Rates, three months for 15 for understroke machines or 13 per month for latest model visible writers. ALL makes typewriters rented and sold, easy terma. Butts' Typewriter Exchange, 1S05 Farnam St. Douglas 6031. RENT an Oliver typewriter; 3 months, 14. The Oliver Typewriter Co. Doug. 2519. Mtacellnneoua. EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam St. DO your FEET trouble you? Wear Simpson's "Hlgena" Health Sock In your shoe. Immediately relieves tired, ach ing, burning feet. Positively cures cal lous. Keep your feet WARM In winter and COOL In summer. Trial pair will convince you. Send size of shoe. Mailed 30c. Maker. Albert E. Simpson, 39 Web stcr St.. East Lynn. Mass. 100 STOVES, quick sale. 2421 Cuming, SAFES Overstocked, second. Imnri oil makes. J. J. Deright Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam. FOR SALE New and seconri.linnil oarom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 407-409 S. 10th St ifcfi flf) Bu Best CoaI for the money '""try it. Web. 18. Harmon & Weeth. 00 stoves must be sold In 60 days. D, 1593. Amer. Furn. Co.. 605 N. 16th St 50 STOVES must be sold in 40 days. u 2217 Cuming street Douglas 7022. PERSONAL 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec. treat. D. 863. YOUNG women comlmr to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. MASSAGE 109 So. 17th St, first floor. THE Salvation Army Industrial homa solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag exlnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect the new home, liiO-UU-1114 Dodge St M ASSAGE Sw"n movement. 418 LAURA WILSON, bath. mass. D. STS I Manic g. massage. Miss Debar, 1816 Douge. Massage. 1st fl. r. 6, 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steele Massage. Miss Walton, r 221, Neville blk. l(th and Harney Phone Douglas 4297 Cliff Sterrett LL -' win j l - M - E. PERSONAL, LELAND MONTGOMERY WANTED Your father Is seriously sick. If you want to sen him alive come home at once. Henry C Barnsback, Edwardsvllle, 111. MISS VENET. massage and alcohol rubs, scalp trea.incnt. 1619 Dodge St. Elec. mass., bath. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17 & D MAGNETIC trt. 1823 Vinton. D. 6026. MRS. SNYDER. Electrlo Trt D. 4350. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 205 Brandols theater. CITV PROPERTY FOR SALE. A Choice Lot Tr . T-vt in jtvountze nace on npnrpr fft Ws. na' Kr VAAVWi. W $1,350 South front paving paid, close to cai line, all Improvements in street, maplo shado trees. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. A. HOME IN PRAIRIE PARK. Owncrn are leaving for the west and have cut tho prlco to 13,900. It's a splen did 2-story square house, modern in every detail, having screens, storm vvinduwi and doors, and on a flno south front lot 47 feet wide. Why not take advantago of this opportunity to buy a home at a big reduction under the real value. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 1781. Ware Block. WK CAN get you 7 per cent on your money In amounts of $500 and up, short or long time loans. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. A MAP OF OMAHA STREETS, In dexed: also Omaha red book, vest pocket site free at our office; two stamps by mall. Charles E. Williamson, Real Es tate, Insurance, rare of property, Omaha FOR SALR-New, modern seven-room brick house in Hanscom park district; has large sleeping porch and garage; easy terms. Y 350. Beo. Two Lots Near Carter Lake Southwest corner Hth Ave. nnd Fqwler; large onough to build three cottages, within two blocks of car, good location; 16.7) for the two: 110 cash, J10 a month. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St Here's a Chance to Buy u. Home on Monthly Pay ment Plan. I have two brand new houses that aro well built, nil modern nnd beautifully fin ished. They are located In tho north part of the city, both not moro than ono block from ear line. Either houso can bo Eurchascd for small cash payment end alanre like rent. For particulars call me tonight after 6 p. m. Telephone Doug. 7342. , Jr9.PV.y- SKL,tl n RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST FOR SAI.K till RENT. HANSCOM PARK, west side. Seven rooms, nearly now: hardwood lnsldo; hot air, electricity, gas; exceptional location, accessible: all Improvements. Doug. 6232. REAL ESTATE. FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SAI.n Arizona. FOR 1250 we can locate you on 330 acres government land; best of soil und water und close to main line R. R., and good climate. 1250 pays fare down and back from Omaha, filing fee?, surveying, trans portation on ground, etc. 1126 City Nat Rank Hlrlr- Omnhn ' l Idaho. IDAHO'S choicest alfalfa, corn, divers), fled dairying, stock and fruit ranches, unlimited water for irrigation, for less money than untrrigatcd lands In any corn states; mild climate; no drouths, cyclones or bllrzards. A. E. Wood, Payette. Idaho. Minnesota. 210 acres 43 miles from Minneapolis, 1 mile from town; ICO acres under cultiva tion, balance used for pasture, can prac tically all be cultivated; heavy soil; good set of buildings, consisting of S-r. house, large barn, granary, corn cribs, wind mills, etc; land will produce GO bu. corn per acre; telephone In house; country thickly settled; complete set muchlncry, 27 head stock, consisting of 11 cows, bal ance 1 and 2-year-old 8; 6 good horses, 2i hogs, chirkens, V this year's crop and everything on farm goes at 150 per acre; H cash. SCHWAB BROS.. 1028 riymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. Nr.lirnskn. FOUND 320-aero homestead In settled neighborhood; line farm land; no tan I hills. Cost you tJftO, filing fees and al J. A. Tracy, Klmnall, Neb, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farms nnd Itnnch Lands. WlKTPin T.nonl .. ... . - ....... -" i iwraire lurin near Wray, Colo; alt fenced; ' und r cultivation; good eight-room house at i bams; or will sell on easy terms. Y 3 . Bee. 160 AND ISO acres, well Improved K'f level, tillable land. Address B. Marks, . Vine St., Councli Bluffs, la.. Phone Hvl REAL ESTATE LOANS ssv, uiuvio t'4 If If lJliy r JJ. Wead. Wead Hldg.. ISth and Fa ma m MONKV to loan on eastern Nebraska farma; Sr cent and small cash commit a Inn: nntlonal nnvmnntfl "7".: ton, rr." -ww- luii'tv. t. ui imiii. 6 ev-n, nmiiucia iliwuei DUIIUinS GARVIN BROS.x nd P: umana Nat. Bail W1VTKI1 fill- Inon I TTT . t ' j ..... i. n nnu nurntni W. Farnam Emlth & Co.. litf) Farnam W H Thomas. 23S State Bank Bldg OMAHA homes. East Nebraska fare O'KEEFE REAL KSTATR i-n 1016 OMAHA NATIONAL Douglas 271 LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Urt HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om a- W ANTED City loans. Peters Trust SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E, FOR SALE cr tralf for n e. n 240 acres land near Pjtt.in. i n!.- i title. J T Llatihf -rd. Arpan. S. V.