The Omaha Daily Bee NEWSSEOTION f PAGES ONE TO TEN THE WEATHER. Unsettled vol. sun NO. 141. OM1AHA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, lOlS-TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. HAHISH FOUND GUILTY OF SENDING NAUGHTY BOOKS AGAINST LAW Cult of San Worshipers' Leader is Found Guilty by Federal Jury at Chicago. TRAPPED BY POSTAL INSPECTOR Penalty Five Years in Pen, Five Thousand Fine or Both. MATTER HELD OBJECTIONABLE Frank and Lengthy Discussion of Sex Relations Part of Contents. MANY WOMEN ATTEND TRIAL They Hold Their Places, Though Presiding Jadxe Snjre that All Retire Dnrtns the Reading. CHICAGO, Nov. 28. Ottoman Zeat Adusht Hanieh, "high priest of Maxdaz nan" and leader of the Mardaznon cult of tun worshipers, said to number about 14,000 In different cities, was found guilty by a federal Jury here today of Bonding objectionable literature by express In vio lation of tho Interstate commerce laws. He may bo sentenced to five years' lm pVieonment, to pay a $5,000 fine, or both. The verdict brands as unfit for circula tion the text book of the cult. The bookl was read to tne jury ana aimosi no oiner evidence was. offered by cither vide. Tho book prescribed sun baths and herb rem edies, but Its striking feature and that objected to bp tho government was a. frank and lengthy treatise on sex rela tions. "This is a day of Informal discussion of sex problems," said Judge MacK in his charge to tho Jury. "There is a freedom In these matters now that has never been countenanced before. These discussions ar however, carried on In a serious manner. If you find that tho lessons in this took are Intended to discuss serious problems In a serious manner and If you find that the book is not Intended for general circulation you are to find the defendant not guilty." The Jury was out three hours. llanlsh was trapped by Dana Angler, a postal Inspector, who wrote from Brook field, Mo., asking for a copy of the; text book of the cult giving the flctlous name of "Julia B. Gardner." llanlsh sent the book by express to avoid con flict with postal regulations. . Burnlng-Jbf Incentrc, songs to Maxdaznan and alleged Per4an Jiymna by persons supposed to ise" members of the cult were features of' the trial and kept court bail iff' busy suppressing such demonstra tions In' court and the corridor outside. Well dressed womea. were prominent among the cult devotees and - hold their places throughout the trial, though Judge JIack suggested that all retire during the reading. llanlsh is at liberty under mntie o! $10,000. Motions will be heard and n tenia pronounced by Judge Mack on his return from New York next wook. The verdict was read to Judge MR, AND MBS. SAYRE DINE AT WHITE HOUSE i WASHINC1TON, Tov. 2S. President Wilson's .family circle was complete at the 'White House Thanksgiving dinner tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bowes Sayre, who were married at the execu tive mansion last Tuesday and whose whereabouts, have been a secret since then, slipped quietly into Washington late today and arrived at the White House Without being discovered. Although the president's daughter could have used a White House auto mobile, she and her husband procured a taxlcab. They had come by train from Baltimore, where It Is believed they have teen since last Tuesday. The couple will accompany the presi dent to New York on his trip to see the Army-Navy foot ball game, but they will sail for Europe Saturday, several hours before the game begins. They ex pect to return to WUUamstown, Mass., Uielr future home, late In January. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Saturday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Unsettled and colder. Temperature nt Omaha Yesterday. Hour. B a. m.. Beg. .... 60 6 a. m 7 a. ra... 60 60 CI CI a. m 9 a. m 10 a. m It a. m 61 12 m 63 1 d. m.... 63 3 p. m Si 3 P. m Ct p. m 6 p. m 64 6 p. in 64 7 p. m CI 8 . m 54 Comparative Local Record. 1913, 1911. 191L 1910. Highest today 65. 45 16 i Lowest today 28 8 34 Mean temperature SI 36 13 S Precipitation 01 .00 .02 .W Temperature and precipitation depart ures from the normal at Omaha since March 1. and compared with the last two years: Normal temperature 33 Excess (or the day 13 K.xcesa since March 1, 1913 781 Normal precipitation , .03 Inch Deficiency for the day OS Inch (Precipitation since Match 1... .10.73 Inches Deficiency since March 1 7.67 Inches Deficiency cor. period 1913 3.68 Inches Deficiency cor. period 1911 15.01 Inches Henortu from Stations at 7 P. 91, Station and State Temp. Hlgh-Roln- of weather. v p. m. Cheyenne, snow 28 Denver, rain Dodge City, cloudy 64 lender, claudy zS North Platte, cloudy.... 43 Dmaha. cloudy 64 Pueblo, cloudy 41 .apld City, cloudy li Halt Lake City, clear... 33 Panta Fe, partly cloudy 32 Hberidsn. clear 3S Bloux City, cloudy 50 alentlne. clear 24 i cat. fall. 43 .01 4S T 2 . 31 ' .OS 44 .Oft Hi .01 M M 43 , .00 43 ..24 44 .OS 3 .04 M .00 50 .0) T Indicates trace of precipitation, I A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Suffragists Will Make Second Call on the President WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. Another suf fraglst delegation la to visit the White House next week In an effort to obtain an expression from President Wilson as to his stand on the suffrage question. Plans for the visit have already been made at the headquarters here of the Na tional American Woman Suffrage associa tion, but no definite date has been selected. "We intend to obtain a definite state ment of the democratic administration attitude toward woman suffrage," Mrs. Jessie Hardy Stubbs. to see the president at his cl but we are going to see him JVElM .. .. ... MI. new jersey aeiegauon am. "Our national convention will be meet lng next week at the proper moment when the president will be reading his message to congress." Plans for the visit to the-White House are In charge of Miss Florence King of Chicago, who It la understood Is mapping the questions that are to bo put to tho chief executive. Senator Holen Ring Robinson, member of tho Colorado legis lature, also will take an active part n the proposed Interview with the president Already many of the delegates to the forty-fifth annual convention have reached Washington to toko part In the preliminary meetings that begin tomor row. Listjpf Contributions to All Parties Sent to New York. Jury NEW YORK. Nov. 28.-A list of cam paign contributions to the progressive and republican parties In 1911, 1912 and 1913 was dollvered to District Attorney Whitman today from the offlco of the secretary of state at Albany. . These documents woro demanded by Mr. Whtt man for use In his Investigation of charges that campaign contributions were extorted from state contractors. Revo latlons hitherto obtained in tho course of tills Investigation have concerned only contributions to the democratic campaign fund. According to Information at the dis trict attorney's office Mr. Whitman's re quest for the papers was Ignored until he had recourse to a grand Jury sub poena. " Tho sccrotary of state sent also a rcc ord of all democratic campaign contribu tions filed in his office for tho last five years. Under threat of subpoena the State Canal Board' sont to the district attor ney's office today all the proceedings of Ihe board, with contracts or copies of contracts of all work on the state barge' canal. ' This evidence will be laid before the special grand Jury to be drawn In tho supreme court next Monday. Business Stops Five Minutes for Funeral of Finley WASHINGTON, Nov. 2S.-Funeral serv ices for William WlUon Finley, late president of tho Southern Ratway sys tem, were held here this morning In St. John's Episcopal church, attended by many government officials and his for mer associates In the commercial and transportation world. As the body was carried Into the church Just before 11 o'clock all activ ities oyer the Southern railway's 7,000 miles of road ceased for five minutes. Employes everywhere laid down their work, trains everywhere came to a standstill, and in shops machinery ceased to turn. The body was borne by six negro porters, veterans In the employ of the company. Panama Celebrates Independence Day PANAMA, Nov. 28. While looking for ward to the opening of the Isthinalan canal and anticipating a 'great Increase In Its already established prosperity, Panama Is today observing the ninety second anniversary of Its Independence from Spain. It was the last of the South American colonies to shake off Its Euro pean rule when, on November 28, 1S21, It declared Independence from Spain. It then became for a tlrao the depart ment of the Isthmus of the new republic of Colombia, but its history for many years continued to be one of strife until 1903, when Independence from Colombia was effected. Some of the milestones In Panama's history, after the Independence from Spain In 1821 are the completion of the Panama railroad in 1SS5, the start of the construction of the Panama canal In 1881 and treaty with the United States In 1904 through which Panama virtually became a protectorate of the United States. Its shores, which were the mecca of pirates until Spain built a costly wall around the capital in 1874, will soon virtually furnish a peaceful calling port for the shipping of the world. Christmas Tree Ship Idea is Abandoned CHICAGO. Nov. 28,-No Christmas tree ship will be brought Into Chicago thli year by members of the Schunemann family. I-aat year Captain Herman Schunemann and his crew of twelve went down In Lake Mlohlgan while bringing their Christmas tree harvest to market. His widow, Mrs. Barbara Schunemann, and his daughters are carrying on his work and had planned to bring another Christmas tree ship Into port this year, but the storms of two weeks ago changed their plans and this year's harvest will be brought to Chicago by rail. The widow, who has superintended a gang of men cutting the trees In northern Michi gan, returned to her home yesterday for Thanksgiving and declared she would not tempt fate. "If we had sailed from Mjuilstlque at the time we had first planned our fate would have beenHbe fate as that of my husband and his crew last winter," she said. ?mfkiCLz'ji'- rntlM'vrMTlU n X I ' . .. fill n I III I I mpr aroot vetttwmmots&er?-- 111 m. r v,' vo-r j . . i - .... cr,., j i j j w tvor with " 'wmirLs tut nu -oktv r ci u a i - j i 1 Drawn for The Bee by Hal Coffman. PLAN CO-OPERATIVE STORES Through Their Establishment Prices of Living May Go Down. LABOR LEADERS BACK OF MOVE Articles of Incorporation Have Been FIlpay Them nn'd They Ex pect to Get Institution Started Soon. The plan of local labor leaders to estab lish co-operative stores and sell mer chandise at a price which will merely pay expenses, as one method of reducing thelUgh cost of living, will b carried to ltlpRJ)(iiane'xl'-few ekr according -to Cnau'noey I 8hamp, tho principal booster. Article of Incorporation have beeh. filed. The incorporators are C. L. Shamp, N. M. Larsen, AV. A. Chrlsman, Robert Kluhr all connected wtth the Central Labor- union hero as representatives of trades unions. The authorised capital stock of the cor poration will be. IIW.000, divided Into 750 share's of 'preferred stock of 1100 each and 2W sharos of common stock of J10) each. It Is understood that the majority of the stock has been practically disposed of and that arrangements arc being made to secure locations and begin busi ness. Shamp said: "This plan has been successful In other cities and there Is no reason why It should not meet with success here. Tho laboring people will be with us, as well as ot,her residents who are, looking for a moans of decreasing the cost of living." Will Sell Nrcrsaltles. Article III of the artlces of Incorpora tion seta rorth the purpose of the In corporators: "The general nature of the business to be transacted by this corporation shall be the buying and selling of groceries, fruits, vegetables, butter, eggs, poultry, meat, live stock 'and game, hardware, clothing, boots and shoes, drug's, dry goods, cigars, tee cream, paints, oils and all other goods and merchandise and the buying, manufacturing, selling ond other wise dealing in all, kinds of materials, articles or appliances of every form and description used In connection with all or any of 'the purposes aforesaid and do any and all thlnga Incidental to carrying on the business Indicated. "Such business shall bo conducted on the co-operative plan and the corpora tion shall .have power to acquire, pur chase, ltaie, or otherwise, real or per sonal property, and hold, own, Improve. lease, sell and encumber the same. May Also Manufacture.' "It may operate mills for the produc tion of merchandise handled; may con duct a wholesale business or branch stores by whole or partial ownership; may establish libraries, reading rooms, rest rooms, rest and recreation places; may conduct lectures and provldo for the education of Its members." The affairs of the corporation are to be managed by a board of directors, who shall be stockholders. The officers of the corporation shall be elected by the directors, but until the first annual meet lng In January the officers shall be: President, C. U Shamp; vice president. V. A. Chrlsman; secretary, A. W. Part ridge; treasurer, Frank W. Iawson. The official title of this corporation will be 'The Douglas County Consumers' League." PRESIDENT AND PARTY LEAVE FOR NEW YORK ' WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. - President Wilson and party left here at U :30 o'clock for New York over the Pennsylvania railroad to attend the army-navy foot ball game. Accompanying Mm were Secretary Daniels of the navy, Secretary Tumulty. Dr. Cary T. Grayson, I. 8. N. ; Miss Eleanor Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bowes Say re. t The president and members of his fam ily will be the guests of Colonel and Mis. El M. House In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Siyro will vol) early tomorrow for ! Kurope. The president will leave New ' York for Washington at midnight to-1 After the Eats Body of E. C, Howe, . Well Known Gambler, - Found Near Chicago CHICAGO, Nov. :s.-Atlempts were made by the police today to solve the mystery surrounding the death of ICdgar C. Howe, a gambler, whoso body was found yesterday on a farm west of the city. Mrs. Howe, who had not been living with her husband, Identified tho body late last night. There was a bullet wound In the head and the skull was fractured In three places. Mrs. Howe said sho had not seen her husband since last fluntjay, but (hat there had been no quarrel.. r 3 (Whether, murdfjr of. sulcldor the death of 'Howe brought Into publlo view the Ha hts and Shadows of a. "jjport'sV career, If owe ra,nrofl?ientVt spinning a wheel or dcsjlni?. ria was one of ' the best known and most prosperous gamblers In the city. With the closing of the race tracks hire more than" a 'decade ago, Itowo's fortunes changed.. Head lost his money and his friends know It, but with tho old pride of a once . successful gambler, ,ie never would admit It William McCann, caretaker of the old Hawthorne race track, testified nt the It quest that a revolver found near the body was hln property, but sold Howe hdd access to It. Tho coroner then or dered a continuance of proceedings. Habeas Corpus Writ Issued for Zelaya NDW YORK. Nov. 2S.-A rlt of habeas corpus In behalf of General Jose S. Zc laya, former president of Nicaragua was Issued by Federal Judge Holt this after, noon. It Is returnable at 2 p. m. Moil day next, when arguments will ibe heard. Zelaya was arrested here Wednesday "midnight at the request of the. Nlcar aguan government on a chargo ot' mur dering two Nlciraguans. laya, In an affidavit filed today, denied the chargo and said he has been unlawfully de prived of his liberty. He has been In the tombs. .The writ for habeas corpus will take precedence over his examination before United .States Commissioner Shields next Monday.' WAHinNGTON, Nov. S.-Qounsel for Jose Santos Zelaya today continued ef forts to Indtlce the State deportment to cancel the warrent under which the for mer dictator of Nicaragua Is field In New York, without waiting for the arrival of the papers on, which extradition Is sought. Solicitor Folk has been urged to take such action on representation that the crime charged against fAslaya was po litical. Mr. Folk told counse) that If that fact were established the warrant will bo withdrawn, that tomorrow he will hear arguments by Charles Douglass, counsel for the Nlcaraguan government, on the other side of the case. STEALS LOAF OF BREAD ON THANKSGIVING DAY SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2f.-Hungry on Thanksgiving day and ojit ot work, Thomas Stark, 62 years old, stole a loaf of bread from a Chinaman, lie was ar rested. An hour afterward Stark wa eating turkey, cranberries and mince pie with the other Inmates at the city prison. The loaf of bread is held as evidence. Tomorrow the Best Colored Comics with The Sunday Bee FRICTION IN MONEY CAUCUS Georgia Democrats Make Demand for Regional Bank. GUARANTEE QUESTION COMES UP It Is Hf erred t .Ileninernllo Mem bers of l'ln unco Committer SeVrrnl Points of nirrer- enor Develop, - WASHINGTON, Nov. .-I.ocatlon of the regional reserve banks to bt estab- -Ashed by the new currency bill been mo a matter of pressing importance when the democratic conference resumed work .to-day- Tho Insistent of Sent90 JI?hf Bmlth-irfd Senator Bacon or'aorga that thi territory: MbulirVto, Atlanta, would not ito business with a regional bank nt Notf Orleaw. may force the conference to at 1iat Informally outllno districts and locations for the banks. While the ad ministration bill proposes eight regional banks, the conference' may finally In- treaae them to ten. The bill that passed he house provided twelve. Goarntitrr Of 'Deposits Considered. The .decision of the conference when It gives Its final approval to tho bill, prob ably will be accepted as binding by nil hut one or two democrats' and the mea sure will bo taken up In the senate again Monday under circumstances expected to brings about Its early passage. Republican senators probably will pot tako up tho currency bill as a party measure. Leaders sold today that they had no plans for a republican conference and declared their efforts to amend the bill would be taken up on the floor with out regard to any agreement the demo crats may reach to unanimously 'support the Owen bill. Work dragged somewhat In the con ference today and the leaders said It the bill ' was not completed by lomotlrow ntght tho senators probably would wort Sunday. ' A guarantee o( deposits proposed by Senator Wlllltfrns was referred to the democrats 'of the' LsJiklng committee. Some form of guarantee Is expected to result. The number of members ot tho federal reserve hoard was left to be taken up later. Senator Thomas of Colorado announced he would propose an amendment to make the new currency payable in "grid, silver or lawful money." Trial of Dr. Craig for Murder Begun SHUl,UYVILLK, Ind., Nov. M.-Uttle time was wasted In prellmlnartta at the opening of the trial today of Dr. Wil liam B, Craig for the murder f Dr, Helen B. Knabe. The usual motion to quash the Indictment was overruled and examination of prospective purors then was begun. It was apparent from ques tions asked by attorneys for the prosecu tion that the trial was expected to last a long time. Dr, Craig arrived from Indianapolis early, accompanied by his li-year-old daughter Marlon. They proceeded to the court house at once, where the accused man's five lawyers were awaiting him. The two listened attentively to the ex amination of veniremen. The prosecutor' asked the veniremen If they would bo willing to convict op circumstantial evi dence. None of the talesmen aoknowledKed ac quaintance with "any woman doctors of Indianapolis." Neither did any of them know Harry C. Webster, the private de tective, who Is supposed to be the prin cipal witness for the prosecution. WILL COST MILLION TO REPLACE WRECKED SEWER PITTSBURGH, Pa., Nov. 2s.-flteam shovels were today employed in (earing up the re.mants of the nine foot sewer wrecked for a mile Irf the Lawrencevllle district by an explosion of gas last Wednesday. Debris has clogged the channel and sewage and water backlog Up has undermined the walls of a brew ery ao that It was In danger of faillnir In. Two hundred employes were hur riedly driven Into the street by city In spectors. Director of Public Works John Herron aonounoed today that the city would replace the wrecked sewer with an adequate tunnel at a cost of Il,CO0,0ftX Egan Files Third Libel Suit Against Sioux Falls Paper SlOl'X FAM,S. F. D., Nov. .-(Rpe-clal.) George W. Egan, for the third time within twslve month, has Insti tuted an action against tho Kloux Kalis Dally Press alleging criminal libel and seeking to recover damages In the sum ot IM.W0. The alleged libel Is elalmod to have . resulted from matters printed by tho Press concerning Mr. Eunn when the latter was a candidate for nomina tion to the office ot governor ot South Dakota on the renlibtlcan ticket. The first still thstltuUd tiv Mr. f-'gan agalnt thV Press roeulieto In the plaintiff being awarded damages In the sum ot 1. This -ass Irl December of last yenri Tne sec ond suit whs tried n September ot this year, when, after deliberating seven hours, the. Jury hjfqught In a verdict awarding Mr. Kgan hOW. Both cases were appealed by the Press and yet are pending. The latest suit for IDO.OOO It Is expected will be tried at the next term of the state circuit Court In Bloux Falls. Unionists Carry War Into Enemy's Country DUD 1,1 N, Nov. M-Tho unionist parly csrrled the war into enemy's territory today, when Andrew Uonar Law, leader of the opposition In the House of Com mons; Mr 1-Jdward Carson, teadtr of the Irish unionists, and other prominent men arrived to dellvor speeches on home rule In the Irish capital. In reply to the deputation which wel corned him, Uonar 'Law reiterated that tne unionists opposed consistently th whole idea of separation of the United Kingdom and Insisted that the 'govern ment must seek -the sanction of the ptoplo before attempting to make the 'Change. In the afterhodrf before tile - unionist assorlatlon, Mrv said Premier As- qiilth's speech ' of tW preceding day ar Ieds seemed to hJriVa complete accept ance of tho orders of John Redmond, leader of the Irish nationalists, for "full steam ahead" arid It that, was so, the difficulties ot tho unionist party were gone. Suffragettes failed to reach Mr. Law as he was driving to the residence ot Lord Iveagli, but they bombarded him with pamphlets, Mrs. Hkefflnston and Mrs. Connery, Dublin leaders of the suf fragettes, were arrested and charged with, obstructing the police. The suffragists wanted tu protest against tho exclusion ot women from, Mr. Law's' meetings and his refusal to receive a deputation of the women. They also Intended to ask him to say whether tho union party was for or against giv ing women the vote. New York Realty Concern Bankrupt NEW YORK, Nov, JS.-The New York Real Ksate Security company, with large realty holdings ot office buildings and apartment houses, was forced Into bank ruptcy today by creditors with claims for balances due on the purchase uf bonds. The assets, consisting of equities In mortgaged real estate and rent due, are stated In the bankruptcy peti tion to approximate $100,000, Tho com pany financed Its real estate dealings through the sale of 6 per cent bonds throughout tho country. Attorneys for the concern said that Its embarrassment was only temporary. The value of tho property against which the company's bonds have been Issued Is said to total between 130,000.000 and CS.OOO.OOO and, according to counsel the proceedings against the company wero Instituted as a friendly action to protect the bondholders. The concern Is capital ized at S3.95O.O0O. KING FERDINAND RETURNS TO BULGARIA VIENNA. Nov. 88,-Klng Ferdinand of Bulgaria, whose long sojourn lu Austria led to repeated reports that he Intended to abdicate, left for Sofia thU morning. Inrnn nuirrni iuo riLuCL unicr r LHtiu OVERLAND TRIP INTO STATE QFCHIHUAHUA Carranza Says He Will March Into Conquered State at Head ' of an Army. EXPECTS FALL OF THE CAPITAL Will Start Soon as News of Its Cap- : ture is Received. t HEARS 'OF TWO VICTORIES . . Federal Forces at Santla and Cucta Are Defeated! ORDERS M8 COUSIN -EXECUTED Ilend of Constlt'tilonat Forces Had Relative Shot tn.-the-Fresencc of Mother I'lendlnR for Ills Releiiac, IIErtMOSlLLO. Mexico. Nov. K.fVla Vntoal... Rnnrira. Krtv flrti-mt' VfllY- ustlano Carranta ssld today that hfi piojected trip Into Chihuahua stale wouin not be made throuch the United Statea even If permission were .granted by tbfe Washington government. He said ho ex pected to make the hard' cross-country march between Agua Prleta and Juaros with a cqlumn of. troops and not with a small escort, as when he made his trip from Ooahulln. to Honors. When he expected to make the Jour' fiey the constitutionalist commander de clined to say, but It was belved that no move would bo made until he expected capture of the Chihuahua state capital Insurgent forces will continue the in vestment of Mazatlau, seaport In Slnoloa, and auaymas. the gulf port of Honor, which are tho only Important points held by the Huerta troops In the northwest. Reports of two fresh victories to tho south arrived tonight at Carranra's headquarters here from Rosarlo, Blnatoa, It waa reported that Colonel Rafael rtuelna defeated a strong column of fed erals at Santla on November. . The loss on both sides was Riven as K 'killed. The Insurgent stated that they had cap tured two-machine guns, iro mis anu much ammunition. The Insurgent leader. lauaro Ibanea, re ported that his forces had routed a fed eral torce whlQh dlscjiibarked at pan Bias to -march tp the relief of the gar rison at Tcplo City. Tho battle occurred November a at Cucta In Teplo territory. Orders Cousin KseejMt- MHXICO CITY. Nov. 88. Blood ,and family, ties did not avair to halt the ven geance ot th, constitutionalists when federal officeholders ell irtlo tor hands at tho cantilre ot the city Of Victoria, capital of the slate of Tamaullpaa, State, as well asfedctal oftjclots, wero executed without quarter. Among those killed was a young civilian cousin of KnrlqUe Caballero, who la the I leader ot the rebels at Victoria, and one of the chief lieutenants ot Venustlano Carranta. The young civilian was con- damned to die because he had helped the federal troops to. defend the city. Tho young man's mother, who Is itti aunt of- the rebel officer, went on her knees and begged that the lit ot her son be saved. Caballero' reply was to have his cousin brought from the prison and stood In trout tit a firing squad of revolutionists, who shot him down before his mbother's eyes. Details 6t the capture of Vlctorlo, which occurred a week ago, reached Mexico City today. General Antonio Rabago, tho federal commander ot Victoria, on evacuating the city proceeded with lila troops to the southwest i nth a expecta tion of making a connection with the fed eral column commanded by General Rublo Navarrete. who was trying to go to the assistance ot tho garrison ot Vic toria. The rebels, however, sent out a flying squadron to meet General Navarrette's troops and checked their progress. The fate ot General Navarrete'a command (Continued on Page Nine.) AU Who Read May Know Tho readers of Tho Bee, es pecially thoso who aro In touch, with all that goes on In Its ad vertising columns and who aro reaping tho personal benefits that como from the informa tion thus gained, will not bo surprised to learn that news paper advertising is now con sidered by expert authority to be tho most valuable and most direct aid in the marketing of any article or product of real worth and merit. Newspaper advertising of the first grade dovaloped In papers like The Boo, has outgrown Its purely local usage and you now see manufacturers and dis tributors carrying on extensive newspaper advertising cam paigns in various cities and sec tions and often over the whole country, to the ond that all who read may know the merits of their wares. When you are told in the ad vertising columns .of The Bee that such and such a bat, or suit, or food, or what-not of all the things you need. Is of unusual quality and depend ability, and you are directed where to go to procure it, it Is very good advice. to follow. And, if you are a merchant and don't happen to carry any of that particular kind of mer chandise, It is a very good kind to have on your shelves and to display on your counters and In your windows because nowadays people know "what they want and will patronise thbse merchant who have it.