TUB BBEi OMAHA, FBIDAX, NOVEMBER 28, 1913. Jeff Has No Regard for Mutt's Feelings Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher fio.acFF, you set weRe penpecrcv fn. fp wg'r.& h thg midou? I T but we CbY , N r T 5HooYoVCRYHF.oar1pSS I TTL ; Could K.DDUfe with W WO I in ii i -; " 'msmm I nil 1 1 ISSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSP rlv. V T""'',BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWf rllsle .Sfieed i f nt OMAHA HIGHSGH00L WINS Defeats JTorth Platte by a Score of Forty-Seven to Seven. TltTTOJlS FAR OUTCLASSED With ihi Exception of the First Fl Mlnntea of the Gnt Thry Are Katlrclr Oat of the Eoaatlon. (Continued from Page One) . Ighn and Kelly. Boxing1 the ends In rid, their own defense that Incomparable trie' trampled around for yard after yard. Sapping past the watchful secondary de fense, Klein, Kelly and ilughM caught the accurate forward passes from rials and every time a gain was registered. fThe, forward pass combination netted at yards during tho entire gome and It seemed Impossible for North Platte to break the play up. But' the boys from the west fought hard every minute. With defeat staring; them In tho (ace, knowing full well that they were quickly losing that which North Platte and all western Nebraska had been fighting for a charfce to se cure for many years, the dlrt-be grimed 14 1 from the conjunction point of the Platte fought with a desperation that almost swept Omaha off Its feet. But it was to little advantage, for Omaha was alee fighting desperately to eltmtnate ether contenders for the state champ! on hf' and no team, no matter how strong; end, powerful, ceutd hope to cope against the spirit ot light that waa Instilled In the souls oi the lee I warriors. Omnhn Saw Supreme. By defeating the North Platte boys Omaha" Is MpreMte In Nebraska. Several amatl schools tat western Nebraska have tmt In elma lor ehmi4hlp becaueo of ' a We with North Platte or a tight vtotory. Omaha's overwhelming vletery retwovoa any peesibie dobt of Omaha' c Inferiority to any Nebraska Mora. Coach Neville of North Matte, a. western Nc b reek a man. with the Interests eC weot rn Nebraska at heart, admitted that nothing could possibly stand In the way of Omaha's claim to supremacy. Prof. C, K. Reed, athletic director of the high school, puts little faith In the reckless (hallences of the other schools and doubts that any ot them wish to test their strength salat Omaha, after yes- teroay'a moetrtio. Lineup: OMAHA. Hughe ,IE. Newby UT, Ooxdlpee ,U. Mooer C. Boose ...,..,.,...K.O. Sardtner K.T. Klein .,. R.K. X)lty et oaQiH flats .. UH. Harte K.H. Berry ......f.b. NORTIf PLATTE. L.K Gregg UT., nakcr UO..... Vernon C Ottensteln R,Q.....,...ii, XcUy VLT Sojrue KB., Smith q.n. cool UK...., ....... Ryan K.H..... Louden F.H..... McWtHlams tatlstlea e( the 8m, Yards hw4-Ofah. 18: North Platte, 'Ords Oatatd by Forward Passes Omaha, 4M made In ton passes: North Pletfte, -forty-two made In three passes. .Forwrd Passea Palled Omaha IS; North Fiatte, 14. Total Tarda Made en Ftmta-Omaha, m In "five mints; North Ptette, 1st in eight punts. PsaJ4tUs uffered-Omah, flftyrflvo yards; North Platte, none. Mrot Down Made-Omaha, X; North Platte, K SabHut VW Omaha; Bradley for Xwiif Ory for Newby, PhUUpa for Oardtpe. jaiik for HMghea Wlthey for Klett!. Hueettc for Piatt, aerry for Oanl toor. Neville for Kelly. North Platte: lloxty for Ryan, Hood for Vernon. nf jroe: Chewier of Nebraska. Umpire; Caldwell of Notre Dame, Johnson of Ne brasha. .Time of quarters; Klfteen tnln 2U TfWh0Wn! Jror Omaha. Plats S2 W' or North atte. Ryan. Oeahi kicked from touchdown: Kor M?Wimams (8) r Nrth PUtte' La'wrence High School Claims Valley Title BEATRICE, ;Neb., Nov. r.MBpeclal telegram.) Before a crowd of S.6C0 peo ple, Lawrence. Kan., High school won the Missouri valley championship by de feat! Beatrice. 10 to . It wa a hard fyugwt bittl, ne visitors scoring a touchtfewn and' -winning the game In the last Vtjtkr. Woodward or Lawrence made a forty-yard placA kick in the first quarter C.iptalti Cook of Beatrice made two drop kicks, scoria- Beatrice's six Joints, The lineup; f- v7i-i.. iiii.uii. ,B, iiiiunicmwn ,k.ut. C. Kilpa4rick...La. "Reeder .....C. J. Kllpatrick....R.O. Runnals ILT. Rlddell ...R.K. Cook ICA Q. Adams -.., ...UH, CtlUUZ . ...,.R.H. W. Day... k.h. rtlmt-m ttf ft- ' w.v.u. n nuiu, ini-oin. rereree: Myers. Omaha, umpire; Hornburger, Lin- Lulet I R.T Wilbur UO Hartley C... areas JI.U Stubbs IT. Wilson ub. ......... Randall Q Tod!! R.H Gibson i Dunkley F.B Woodward LL0H EASILY DEFEATS SJMMW H TWELVE BOOHDS Btint, MoU Nov. W.-Jack Dillon aaaUy df4d "aster" Potrookey In their twclvc-iyuod fic4t bos today, Tho In- easnapnMs tad w im fasi ad clever sbr tW shartM astd m te ooxhtsi reu floored hlsn wt a .Hgest UMreMt tht wouM hro stussjtid a 1m game fferMor tbmn PMsvosBor. Tho aatlor took pwaloh sarni Md tenkM hoid sJt the MaOO, but jitf out. UaA a effective Mow, PEHHSYLYAWASTATB LOSES Pittsburgh Wins Pretty Game by Six to Seven Score. WILLIAMSON THRILLS CROWD Huns MIxty-SrTcn Ynrds for Touch dovrn and Then Kicks Ooal Contest Is Played In DrlssllniK Rain. PITTSBUROK. Pa., Nov. ST.-The Uni versity of Pittsburgh today defeated Pennsylvania Stato college, 7 to 8, In their annual Thanksgiving day foot ball contest. It was a pretty nam through out, neither team having an advantage and both playing tho beat brand ot foot ball seen here this season. Clark for Pennsylvania State mndo a touchdown after nls team mates had slowly pushed the local eleven for gains. Miller failed to kick goal. A few mo ments later Williamson of tho University of Pittsburgh thrilled the great crowd by running sixty-seven yards for a touchdown. He then kicked the goal and the score stood T to ( In favor of the locals. The third nnd fourth period falltd to chnngo the result, nlthdugh both teams struggled hard. The game was played during a drli- illng rain. At time It was so dark that the players were hardly visible from the grandstand.' . The lineup; Unl. of Pittsburgh. (7). Pcnn. (). Herron I. u Cowell L.T. Kcese , ,..,.b.U. Hhaplra c. Hmith hi. Jones ........, ,.RT. vyaBncr R.K. Jieil ,......Q.U. ixilett r. ii WliHamsen ...,R.h COYOTES WHff CREIGHTOH Visitors Victors Over Local Team with Score of 17 to 0. LOST ON SEVERAL BAD FUH1LES Blue nnd White Are Unable to Hold Tight to Plskln and Detri mentally Leave It Blip to floath Dakota. (Continued from Page tine ) ft 12 mrron R.T Lamb I k.u.. riayre C........ ,. Wood UO Dcbout UT, McDowell UH., Morris Q.B. ,. Miller n.lt Herryman Ull. ........... iCIark CTUbSittUtaa trunluaraJtu f T.,1 vanle Thornhllt for Cowell, Boppltt for Miller for Bebout, Wetllwg for McDow ) i.Vor.1 'ti. Mrrls, Oberle for Welling, .w Tobln, Bebout for J. R. Mill it- Tobln for Welty. Touchdowns! Wll llamson, a ark. Goal from touchdown; w'11tl"',on; frcet Kvnns of Williams. Umpifej McCarty of Qermantown acad- i,,.cB nesman! uarrerty of Prince ton. Time pf quarters! Klfteen minutes. Fairbury Winds Up season by Winning Game from Belleville . - ' " iujn;wl TeIegram.)-Before one of the largcstVind mow eninuatestlo crowds of the year. Kalrbury and Belleville. Kan., 'High school foot ball .elevens played a one sided SUM. Kalrhtirv nlnnlni, u u n , ( ' w .V ftW v.. this afternoon. This uma fnllnwd preliminary game between the second ieam 01 ine ratrnury High school and Oilier, rOOUltln d another virtnrv fnr Fairbury, 6 to ft. The Fairbury eleven had everything Its own way In the first half, carrylmt the leather over the goal an dapparently klcklnr goals at will. Neither im bcored In the second half. The score stood M to 0 at (he close. Denney, Coleman and Glebe did splendid work for Fairbury and made their gains on smashes and end runs. This con cludes the foot ball season In Fairbury. The lineup KAlltnURY. IrTI.L.KVIIJ.fl: iiradiey .,-t c Powell ,....n.o. Frans ..UO. llelvey .........R.T. Wooster UT. Ireland n.E. Bonawltc .......UK. Nlder . ..Q.U. Ol.be UH. Coleman R.I1. Denny f.b. C Ornham UO F. Walger Il.Q Miles UT Bllverthnrn R.T. ...... C. Walker UE. Weaver 1UE.... Organbrlght Q.B Arburnot lUf.. ........ ParyUtv UH... Taylor F.B.... Reed Jimmy Olabby Bests Soldier Frank Logan KAN FRANCISCd. Nov. S7Tlmmv Clabby, the Hammond, Ind., rolddle welght, defeated tioldler Frank Logan In the fourteenth round ot a scheduled twenty-round fight hero today. Reiereo Qiffen stopped the unequal bat tie when Logan was "out on his feet." WICHITA WINS HIGHEST IATTING HONORS OF LEAGUE CHICAGO. Nov. n.-Hlghest batting honors In the Western ' league for the season' of 1311 were won by Mlddleton of the Wichita club with a percentage of according to averages announced to day from the office ot President O'Neill here. Mlddleton took part In ISO games, practically the whole campaign of the league, therefore Is considered the leader, though VVatson of St. Joseph topped him In percentsge with .SM for thirty-two games, .Qhannell ot Denver was the leading slugger, with total basea numbering SSL including twenty-six homes runs. The base stealing championship went to Kel ley of SL Joseph, with a total ot sixty eight. Ckattroav .Wins frith Ease. CHADRON, Neb.. Nov. SI. (Special Ttl egratn.) A foot ball game playeVl 'here today between Chadron and Hpearfish reauK In a score af 17 to 0, In favor of Chadron. ' A game play4Nf two weeks ago at Hoearflsh between the Farmers and BpearfU resulted in a tie. ton braced at the close, rushing tha Coyotes off their feet In the third quarter Captain Miller sent a fuslllado ot forward passes Into the Coyote camp and threatened to turn the tide. On several occasions Crelgb ton was near tho Coyote goal, but eact time sumo bobbin turned the tide and the (visitors kicked out ot danger. In the last quarter ftouth Dakota car ried tho ball on straight plunging to the Crclghton twenty-flvo yard line, whoro Vldntl drop kicked for their fnal points. Fine Line Plunsrlnsr. For South Dakota tho magnificent line plunging and open field running of Fer guson, left half, was a sensation. Time and again he wiggled through the Crclgh ton lino for substantial gains. The for ward passing of the visitors was far In ferior to that displayed last year, and Crclghton clearly outplayed them In this department. C, Brown, captain ot tho Dakotans, was s power In the line, while Howe, a sub, ripped through the. Crclgh ton. lino In tho last half. For Crelghton the forward passing ot Miller, the line plunging Of McCarthy and the brilliant all-round playing ot Rtcpnari rid Black featured. Both, pt theso men covered themselves with glory. Big Beth Hall and llahtey, 'playing their last game with Creighton, repeatedly busted up the Coyote advances. Wal worth, as usual, contributed his gains and was & bear on defense. In the first quarter South Dakota rushed the ball Into Crclghton territory, whero they continually tried scores by the atrllno route. In this quarter Vldal missed as many as four trial goals, rang ing from twenty-five to forty yards. Near the end of the quarter Hngel Intercepted a pass and carried the ball to the Crclghton sixteen-yard line, where tho quarter ended, First Touchdown. Tho first touchdown of the game came pn the second play of tho second quarter, wjien Vidal pushed the pigskin over the line from the one-yard line. A forward pass from Coffey to Vldal had carried It to the line. Vldal kicked goal from a bad angle, making It 7 to 0 fcA brilliant forward pass from Miller to Brennan carried the ball within striking dlstanco of the Coyote goal, but they held for downs. The feoond touchdown came when Ferguson kicked to Miller, who fumbled. Tlowe recovered. Only a tackle from tho rear prevented him from scoring then. On two attempts Ferguson carried 'it over, Vldal kicked goa(. A brilliant piece pt headwork was here evidenced by Mil Jer. After a punt by Ferguson had rolled to the Crelghton one-yard line and no one' was watching. Miller picked up the stray pigskin, racing forty yards before being downed. Crelghton braced toward the close ot the period and on a seriea ot forward passes from Miller to McCarthy and Brennan. threw a scare Into the visitors. Fumbling, however, prevented a score. Stndents Dance. A snake dance by the students occu pied the time between halves. The third quarter was all Crelghton's and South Dakota was on several occa sions guilty ot stalling for time. Captain Stiller, acting under Instructions from Coach Miller, played a strictly open game and South Dakota, waa unable to stop the passes. Passes Intercepted. With Miller doing the hurling, pass after pass was shot Into the enemy and each time found McCarthy and Brennan waiting to receive the ball. The gains varied from ten to forty yards, all being clean and brilliant The ball was car ried to the Dakota fifteen-yard line, again to the ten-yard line, and on each occa sion South Dakota Intercepted Miller's final passes. One pass was caught on the line by Ilengel, who raced thirty-five yards before being downed, McCarthy's Clean line plunging In this quarter created a furore. South Dakota was continually forced to kick and the quarter ended with the ball In mtdfleld. Both coaches rushed fresh men Into the field, and Rowe ot the visitors car ried the ball for repeated gains. Vldal also broke away for some good gains. Brooks was taken out with a dislocated shoulder. Goal front Field. The ball waa rushed to Crelghton ter ritory and Vldal made his first success ful attempt at goal, kicking a clean goal from tho twenty-ttve-yard line, making the score 17 to 0, It was fast becoming dark and the spectators had difficulty In dstlngulshtng the men. Crelghton suppoi-ters are pleased (hat Crelghton held the visitors to a low score, but nre bemoaning the fact that Crelgh ton's fumbles kept the team from scor ing and gavo tho visitors both of their opportunities. The lineup CREIOI1TON. Brennan UK Young UT. ii ail u.u Hanley C. Btapieton u.u. Shannon R.T. Black R.K. Miller (CI Q.U. McCarthy li.II. R.H waiworth R.H. L.H SOUTH DAKOTA R.K U Brown R.T Horner R.O King C Willy UO Brooks UT....C. Brown (C.) UE Henle Q.B Vldal t. uorioy Ferguson Casey F.B.I F.B Hengel Substitutes! Crelghton Parker for Bren nan. at left end. Coady for McCarthy at left end, Schowaltcr for Casey at full back. South Dakota Conway for U Brown at right end, Paulson for Henle at left end, Mannry for Brooks at left guard, , Rowo for Coffey at right half back, Henlo for Paulson at left end Rowe for U Brown at right end. Coffey for n?we nt right halfback. Touchdowns: Vldal and Ferguson. Goals from touch- !?MWn.r ''i5"1 1 aoai fron dropklck: yidal. Referte! ty. it. EUcnmai. Stan ford and Kcnyon. Umpire: "Jumbo" Htiehm of Wisconsin. Head linesman: otuVr Logan High School Wins from Eed Oak LOOAN. Ia.. Nov. ) Sn.v.ui t .v.. flnnl foot ball game ot the season here ine Logan High school defoatcd tho Red Oak High school by n score of to to 0, and held tho chamnlnnshln nt ern Iowa. Logan won the toss, but no scoring was accomplished during the first quarter, the Tall bcln and forth near the middle of the field. In ine secona quarter. Miller of Logan, scored a touchdown on a, forward pass from Adams. r. DavI Wi.h Ing the score 7 to 0 In favor of Logan. crossed Red Oak's goal for an other six points In the llhlrA ntlnrion tt.to goal was not kicked, in.thd final quarter. ..wv u, uayiB Doin made touch downs and Miller kicked a goal otf one of them, maklng'the flnal jcore. as ot'0. Be tween 800 and 600 people witnessed tho game. LOOAV. Miller L.H Hllborn UT. Wonderllck ...uo Bonner , a Hughes r,o. Wood R.T. Norman (O...R.K, IIVII Uf . BED OAK. R.K...,, Loganstreet Logan JJ-0 Balrd C.i....,,,. Anderson H Saint UT. Vetter ue. Focht Qt Woods . -r- . ....... w. I,..,,... iiiiTi- AM u" Rep oe o Ttin.fv?5 iNor.man. of Arim. Umpire: ntsff Trinn1t.He,a1 nman: Prof. Logan Wan' Timekeeper: Arthur and OSCEOLA TRIUMPHS Crack High School Team W David City, 25 to BIG CROWD VIEWS THE Osceola Yields to No One Defeated Airont and Mi viable Record Other Dnrlns Season OSCEOLA, Neb., Nov. S7.-sj egrom.) The grounds of the Oe letla nark wer ta.rt1 tn thnlil tpaay to accommodate the cr witnessed tho final game ot ti between the Osceola UUh chr David City High oobool foot bj A special train brought mar from David City, Rising City an while trains from Central Stomsburg also handled large del Never had so much interest bo lesiea in root ban in tills nir braska as waa Indicated hero to gale receipts were Verv near this with a small admission fet Both David City and Osceola games from each other this seal this one was to be the rubbel The BCOr Of S 'to 0 In favnrl Osceola .High school team Indie condition of the two om. ti of "tho sason. Nover In the rel foot ball playing In this 6lty ha been turned ouf a better team. Nl irom any part or Nebraska will permitted to claim th rhmJ wlthdut reckoning with n...-l - - " .,- U U V. V U Ml.. r. - . . .. I vraccuitt- DOVB DellAVA fhv "AM m1 - " -. any tind all. other high school orsl tlons and the record sho hoi madl tlfles the daJm they think. The fa A . is me lineup; OSCEOLA, Bhaw .....C, Sturdevant ....R.O. Pike UO. W. Koeher ...R.T. Humlston ......UT. Byers R.B. A. Tlmm ...... .UK. Miller Q.B. E. Koehler ....F.B. Stevens .A...R.H.B. Shelmadlne .UH.U. ileferee: Nebraska eru e Eleven nivtn (j....,, R.Q A Li.U. R.T UT.... R. Sc Oo Ten Roanda. CINCINNATI. O., N6v. SI.-BllI Me Klnnon of Boston and Ous Christie or Milwaukee went ten rounds today for the chance of leading the mUldlewefghta. it was a very exciting bout with the opln Ion of the spectator divided, News paper, .experts called It a draw. Both men were In prime condition, willing to mix and finished In good shape. Cltv. Heart Osceola. UE Wilding Q.B........ .Sevens F.B.... E. Schwaser B.H.B Dwark acts ot ine university, oi. uiiiiurc. uaiwicK ot uavia linesman: Danlelson of rfefrat Coraell Freabmen. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. .-The Uni versity of Pennsylvania freshmen cross country tem defeated the Cornell first year men in .heir annual race today by the score ot 19 to . OatBolnta Ledinaaa. MILWAUKEE Wis., Nov. 3. "Kid" Williams of Baltimore easily outpointed Dlok Lodlman W New Castle,- Pa., In a ten-round no-dectslon boxing contest at 116 pounds here today. Easterner, Sbovra Maveloai peratlve Porrer and Battles Bril liantly, bat Cannot Overcome Coast Man's Lead". LOS ANOEL.es, Cal., Cal. Nov. r7.-Joe Rlveri, the Los Angeles Mexican, de feated Leach Cross, the New York light weight. In twenty rounds of fighting at tt Vernon arena today. After two knockdowns in the fourth and. ninth rounds Cross showed marvelous recupera tive powers and fought brilliantly, but could not overcome the lead Rivers won by consistent and vldouns milling. Sailers Play Basse, NICE, France. Nov, 17, A base ball game between teams representing the American battleships Utah and Dela ware, which are vlritlng Vlllcfrancne. was ployed hero today, the Delaware nine winning, i too. The match was witnessed by a large and Interested crowd. TNcb.. Nov. 27. (Special Tele- am.) The university second, tenmrwon from Peru by a scor ot is td 2. The first quarter netted tho university one touchdown, but" there was a failure In kicking goal. In the second quarter the university again made two - touch downs, but seemed to losa steam -.from that on. In the third quarter the ball was Ir the university territory mosj of tho time and resulted In Peru's making three points from n place kick made .by Janda. Again In the fourth quarter Peru kept the ball in the university territory, bul failed to make a touchdown. By the second Jialf the professors hht solved the university's vp'reads and shift! and the last half wan the normal's. Cliamberlaln and Porter starred for university nnd Janda, Long and C. Jonei starred for Peru. Referee, Beck. Umpire, Mastln. Lots For Sale, There are lots of good tobaccos. Good luck-to them ! But the man who once tries STAG is interested in no other tobacco. He's reached the Promised Land! Convawlunt Packapan Th Pound Humidor, the Full Slza 10-Cant Tin and tha Handy Half-Size 6 Cent Tin. STAG For Pipe and Cijsrettc "ever-lasting-ly good 51 UlHRMniftrnlil IfeAKe-ffoStlmg, So Bag Jfo String. P. lrlllmrd Cm. Ett. Ilf AibiLifti fit. t.-"- ,v, it