HIE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, XOYEMBETi 2, 1013. WIRELESS ISMREAT HELP Lackawanna Road is Finding Great, Efficiency in Its Use. YET IN A VERY CRUDE PERIOD While It llita Alrndr Shorrn Ita Adnptnbllllr Tlierc Still He nnlns Mnnr Xrw Applica tions It Can Be Fnt To. Article IV, II r n Member of The lire Stnfl. In Pennsylvania the Lackawanna rail road has applied tlie trtrclesa to Hit safety campaign ami Is tvorklnc the system betwen Jilnchamton nnd Scran ton. Officials of the road contend that the xvlrclefc Is ilortns all that could be hoped for, and that It promise to rev olutionize train operatlon. reducing pos a b! accidents to the lowest minimum. Iteccntlj" a LnckRwanna train wns run ning between Scranton and Ulnsham ton at a speed of fifty miles per hour. Suddenly the conductor was taken 111 and was unable to perform his duties. Krom the train a wireless was sent to Scran ton, and when that station was reached a conductor was there, ready for work. He took the train on and the changa tn conductors was made without a mln Jte's delay, Still In Crmle Period. For the purpose, of making tests and experiments of the efficiency of the wire less passenger trains on the Lackawanna are carrying wireless equipment and rela tive to the work performed, the experi menters explain that this apparatus Is still only In Its crude period. They grounded their wires by way ot the rails. This disposed of the first fundamental difficulty, for power they used the dy namos already Installed In the train for lighting without appreciably diminish ing tho brightness of the electric bulbs, although, a separate dynamo would not over-burden even a train de luxe. The major perplexity Is, apparently, to tune the train Instrument with Instruments In the stations. A lofty aerial on a moving train which must flash under bridges and overhead crossings Is, of course, out of the (Question, although the principle of the disappearing mast has been con sidered In connection with land defense In naval warfare and might, for long stretches of unobstructed road, be found applicable to railroad conditions, Tn yes terdsy'B experiment, however, the com bination used waa a high aerial at the station, and, responding to It on the train, "an aerial consisting of n wire rectangle over each of .the four cars, mipperted at each corner by a stanchion two feet high." Will Stan Accidents. , it will have been guessed, of course, that the success of this experiment prom ises to eliminate one kind of railway ac cident and a kind lamentably prevalent. It w, developed, furnish a means of arrpstlng a "wild' train! of recalling an error In despatching even after tho train Is on Us way, and of checking up the positions of train on the line as minutely as from minute to minute. It might alto prova means of conveying warning of auden mlfrh&fw to the roadbed, such as burnd bridge, washouts and land-slips Jn jnoMtaJnoua regfem. There are, of course, whole clasves of mWiaps which It would net affeet and which must be averted by the ertlon of other kinds ot precautionary effort, but If we consider the MerimflU! merely fr their pes alMlltlM as a checking up system of train positions, the projects are most enoouraatftg. Uses Boiling Water on Husband Out L$te j Given Five Months CHICAGO, kov. 5.-Mrs. Grace OwtM was sentenced today to ISO dayj In the house of correction for pouring boiling Tter over her husband to discipline hlin for staylag out late. Owe encountered his wife's1 wrath Saturday night when he reached homu Mhrtly before midnight Ho went tg th basement ot their home and went to sleep on the floor. He was awkcne4 when tils wife threw a bucket ot feotMac water on Physlclaas testified that Owens arms, hrt and back were badly scalded. They ha' been married twenty-two years. She Sues Estate for Breach of Promise LOWELL. Mass., Nov. K.-A breach or premise suit against the estate ot Frank Sherburne, who killed hlnweK two years ago, while he was assistant master of the Lowell High school, was catered toftay by Miss Jennie I Carter or Wake fleH, formerly a teacher) In the Boston public schools. Miss Carter asks dam ages of Bha alleges that she was engaged to Anarry Sherburne when he committed sui cide and that by resigning her position tor .order to prepare for the wedding she deprived herself of means of earning a Wring, as well as subjecting herself to considerable expense. Omaha's Public Schools Tendency toward uniform building plans as manifested here. The advantages and disadvantages of uniformity. What la the nature and real advantage of tho uniform school building plan, to which reference has been made In pre vious articles on Omaha's- public schools? How many of tho people who support the schools have ever taken the pains to ascertain? Though this plan has been In vogue a few years, long enough to give us three schools as products ot It, how much Is known ot It real character, and purpose? The plait was adopted as the result of years ot experimenting. It represents certain proved experiences and embodies (he best ot all the plans thus far tried by modern school builders In thin and some other cities and Is to be followed In the future In Omaha. Its fundamental feature Is the unit system. That Is, It makes possible the building ot a school In four parts, or units, of four rooms each. If the neighborhood Is new and sparsely settled It may require school, say of only four rooms, while one ot eight rooms would far surpass Its needs nnd one of twelve or sixteen rooms to be out ot all reason. Then the board puts up a four-room structure according to this uniform plan. That Is one unit. In time the community grows to need an ad dition and the board erects another unit of four more rooms and so otfuntll It has Its standard slxteen-room bultdlng. Now, this plan Is made so as to conjoin these units with Just as symmetrical and complete a school In the end as If the whole slxteenroom edifice were Put up at once. New Bancroft, One Unit. Illght now New Bancroft Is being gradually built by ono unit at a time, Caatellar. na stated In a previous article, Is the model embodying the four units of tho uniform plsn, by which the schools of the future are to be patterned, though Castellar was built complete origlnallj'. ' But how about the cost ot the unit system? One ot the prime factors In Its favor. The board knows precisely, or virtually so, what It costs to put up one or all of these units; therefore, a stand ard building. The cost Is stable, except, of course, as It may vary with the vary Ing prices of material and labor from year to year. Not -only that, but the Board of Education holds In Its posses alon the original blue print tracings ot the model school and can. therefore, save the expense of architects at 5 per cent ot the cost ot the structure. This, as can bo seen, amounts to qulto an Item, es pecially In the erection of a number of buildings. Tho uniform plan has often been mis apprehended as merely a-method of sim ilitude. It Is that, too, and even that has Its value In educational mattcta, which must recognise tho 'advantage of sym metry and art, but that Is not the funda mental value, Such an object might be as well accomplished by various othor mean. As to the Hosmii Under this uniform -plan not only tho building aa a whele, but each room, is of uniform size and construction. Each Another School room is 28x32 feet In dlmcnslons.aiid, In the model buldlngs, lighted alike, heated alike and ventilated alike. This principle ot uniformity extends even to the point of having the light thrown over tho loft shoulder ot each child In each room. That la scientific and savca eyes. And these' rooms are very sun-parlors of light. As explained In a foregoing arti cle, the building of the school with all tho rooms In a alnglo tier along tingle hallways up and downstairs, does away with walls to obstruct the light and pro vides practically solid glass partitions, so to speak. For health and comfort there Is no dearth ot light If there Is any out of doors. , Again, this uniformity attends to the air as well as the light. The system of ventilation affords precisely tho same air for tho wardrobes as the class rooms, giving the children's clothing equal ad vantages with their lungs, which-- is counted a mighty good thing to do. Direct and indirect heating processes are employed, the most modern Hnd san itary plumbing, drinking bubbles, no cups and every facility Is afforded for health and convenience. As to protection In caso of fire It Is quite well known that the schools have fire drills, hut It Is doubttsl If the knowl edge of these fire drills Is anything like complete. How long will It take, for In stance, to empty a school of pupils by means of one of these fire drills? One Mlnntcnnd n Half. Kellom school with 1.000 pupils, the largest graded school In tho city, has ac tually been emptied In ono minute and a half. Was that an exhibition for which tho children had been specially drilled? No. The children had no previous knowl edge of the alarm. It happened that a big corporation housing a good many peo ple wished to look Into the public schools' fire drill system, and a representative Was taken to Kellom school by a school authority without advising tho principal, teachers or pupils. They entered the building, the school man gave tho signal In uso at that building. Instantly ovcry door flew open and, like so many fire horse, the boys acting as monitors on sush occasions, wero at their places at the doors and tops of stairs. Then the processions began. Long, orderly lines of boys and girls calmly poured out. Tho last child left the building exactly ono and one-half minutes after the alarm had been sounded, and for all the children and teachers knew the, building was on fire. That Is not a theory of what can be done, It Is what actually look place. The fire drill, aa far as It goes, evidently Is good. Fire escapes are on all buildings over two stories, which are few. Kvery build ing and every outside door Is equipped with the antl.panlo locker, a contrivance that works automatically In case of fire or other emergency. They have been In stalled at a coat of a few thousand dol lars, but are said to be worth It. ' The school board Itself Insures all tho new buildings and divides the Insurance of the older' ones among Insurance men over the city. Article Seen. Spanish War Vets " Talk Over War Days i Thanksgiving services ot Camp Lee Forby. Spanish war veterans of Omnlin, ' wero held In tho Grand Army room of 1 the court Iiohho last night. Camp Com 1 mander Cornentt presided nnd led tho comrades In- reminiscences of Thanksgiv ing day during tho Spanish-American war In ISM. Comrades related tales ot tho war and many were the tears that trickled down tho checks of those who took part. Many of tho tHlcs were humorous, but the ma jority wero fundamentally pathetic and tcuchlng to tho hearts of those who fought under tho" red, white nnd blue. W. II. Underwood, pastor of the Mc Cabe Methodist church, and the camp cl-ftplaln, who was 'chaplain to Colonel V. J. Bryan of the Third Nebraska United, States volunteers' during tho war, told of Thanksgiving day tn Savnnnah, Oa., whero tho Nebraska volunteers wero stationed In 1893. Ho also conducted the Thanksgiving services. Harry O. Palmer rendered a series of readings from Kipling, Including the "Gunga Din." Next Wednesday the annual election of officers of Camp Leo Forby will bo held nnd tho proposed Crngo pension bill, providing for pensions fo.r all widows nnd orphans of Spanish war vtteians who hnvo died slnco the war, will bo ills-cussed. Mismated Ones Get Into Divorce Court Mrs. Georgia Alberts in a petition charges her husband, John J. Alberts, with cruelty. A aubstltuted petition in the case of rs. r,ancy J. Moore against Hoy W, Moore, la which a decree already has beea granted, alleaea (hat th- A-t . . has been guilty pf misconduct with other wiwicn, ana names the co-respondent Mrs. Minnie Hanson nw ............. from Lewis P. Hanson on the ground of ww.y ..a request that she ba allowed jom. h,r maiden name. Minnie FINDS LAND ALL TAKEN UP X P. Melatyre Jtetmrm from Hyaa- nil Bemewluit Bitee&raged. OJfLY 10ATTX1UEB PIXCE LIFT Practically Kvery Bearable Acre in the Keecnt Land Drawing Now Picked V hy I.ncky Persons. According to the. version of H. P. Mo Intyre of Brunswick, Mo who was at the Burlington depot yesterday on his way home from Xanns, Neb., about all that he has to be thankful for Is that he ia alive, Mclntyre was one of the 75.060 who reg- Istered for a chance In Uncle Sam's land drawing on the forest reserve and when the numbers were pulled from the pile at North Platte, he cam out with 1.817 as his chance to secure one of the sections. Led to believe that but a small number of these whe names were among the lucky ones would file on the M3 sectlonri within the reserve he went to HyannU and hung around several days. He learned his fate Tuesday when the last ot the tracts of land was selected. He came wthln forty-three' of being one of the winners and could have secured 160 acres of land had he dralred to file. Tailing or what he might hava gotten. Mclntyre said that the tracts not filed upon are eight) and 160-acre tracts that have tacoih Mggrcgated from tlia full sections and as a rule are nothing but Mndhltls. He says he went over prac tically all of the reserve In the hope of finding IW acres that woulij be good enough to Justify Urn In using hts right and going there to live, but waa unable to do so. However, he Is ot the opinion that those parttea who have been lucky enough to secure SW-acro tracts .will eventually make some money. He saya they will prove up at the end of tho fourteenth month period -equlred by the government and then thty will be able to sell to the ranch r and cattle men. He thinks that the poorest sections will fetch not less than IS per acre, but that any ot th 140 acre tracts left are practically worthless. Not only waa Mclntyre unlucky In hts prospective land deal, but he was fol lowed by hard luck In other directions. While In the Ilyannls country and while looking at land, he lost a pockbook con taining nearly 1100 and In order to get home had to send for money with which to buy his railroad ticket. Then to add to his run of bad luclt while at Hyannls, nis overcoat was stolen 'and now he goes back to Brunswick convinced that h. t. not cut oiit for a farmer or a ranch man, jio will continue hia trade as a carpenter and saya that he1 will In the future let welt enough alone. HAVE IEEN GETTING MONEY FROM FALLENJ5TKEET WOMEN Through the arrest of several women of the street, the police department recently learned of a number of young men who have been gleaning money through th fallen ones on the pretext thnt protection on tho part of the authorities would bo forthcoming as a result. Frank Conrad. ITS) Dodge atreet. 1.. Hldlng, 1M North Sixteenth atreet; Nick Morris. 305 South Eleventh street; Abi PsJouskl. issi North Thirtieth street, George H, Paut 2303 Locust street, were all arrested Wednesday night and fined and costs In police court on a charge of vagrancy. ZET0 PASCALS DONATION WILL FILL MANY TABLES Romowhero In Omaha today there's a Thanksgiving feast ot such generous di mensions as seldom seen since the days ot the Pilgrim Fathers. Zeto Pascal, Vfi Cuming street. Is the Involuntary donor. His hen roost was broken Into last night and ono goose, six ducks and fifteen chickens wero taken. They Mnk Yon Vrr Rood. The pleasant purgative effect produced by Chamberlain's Tablets and the healthy condition of body and mind which they create make ono feel Joyful. For sale by nil druggists. Advertisement. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. IMPORTANT NOTICE ! TO THE WOMEN OF OMAHA AND VICINITY! We have bought the entire millinery mock of Mr. U Lleff, the faahlonablo ladles' tailor and milliner, at 1810 Far nam street. . These high grado hats were formerly owned by Mrs. Illcharda In the City National Bank building, who retired from business several weeks ago and sold her stock to Mr. Llcff. Mr. Lleff bought the finest hats that could bo gotten In the Eastern Market to strengthen this mil linery stock. But through tho lack ot space and experience In the millinery business, Mr. Lleff decided to dispose of the stock nt any price. Tho Novelty Com pany made the offer and Mr. Lleff ac cepted It Wednesday afternoon. Wo are going to dispose of this entire high grade stock of millinery In a short time, and will place It on sate Saturday morning at S o'clock In four different loin. Hats thnt sold up to $10.00 wilt go nt tl.SO. Hats that sold up to 115.00 wilt go at $2.50. Hats that sold up to $30.00 wllljro at 13.S0. Hats that sold up to J30.C0, Including tho highest grade hats carried by tho above firm, wilt go at J1.60. This Is another one ot those fortunate purchases of the Novelty Co., and wo will share it with the women ot this vicinity who are In need of another hat, or who .waited to buy their hat for less money. Be sure to bo here Saturday morning. These hats are now displayed In our windows. Watch for our "ad In Friday night's paper. THE NOVELTY CO. 21M6-1S N. leth St. .As well be out of the world as out of style. The advertising columns of The Bee constitute a. continuous style show. I "I' MULHALL FORCED TO GIVE- HALF Of HIS TEN THOUSAND NEW TORK. Nov. S-Rchard Barry, the writer, won his suit today to recover from Martin Mulhall, the lobbyist, half the W.0. which h declared Mulhall re ceived from the New York World for the lobbyist's "confidential letters." that erved as the basis for the recent con gressional Investigation, Barry showed m written contract and said he acted as XmiiaJi'a et and editor. RABBI MERRITT TO GIVE LECTUWE ON HOLY LAND fUbM . Jf. X Merritt. who has been tiavetisg f the Holy Land for the last Irear, 4 brother of Jesse Merritt. clerk sit th Rome, will gtrs a lecture on the i4r L4 December 30 nt Temple Is iaai. )UMri Merrill's Interesting expert rne In the orient havi been read by tittviaaaAa of B readers. PRESENTS 20-YEAR-OLD WARRANT FOR PAYMENT A warrant In favor of Alma ZniUr against the city, under date ot May 23, HM, and which had never been cancelled, waa presented to Cty Treasurer Ure Wednesday. After cnlllnr the rllv cll'a attention to It the matter of Its mv. rrent was referred to tho city legal de partment. The warrant Is good and Is for a imall amount of damages sustained hv Ainu Zoller to property belonging to her when a new atreet grade along It waa estab lished. BURGLARS TAKE REVOLVER AND INEXPENSIVE JEWELRY Emma Jones, 157 South Eighteenth street, reports to the police that her home was entered Wednesday night by a burglar who took a .SS caliber revolver and about 110 worth of Jewelry. .She waa asleep and did not hear the Intruder until he waa leaving through the front door. Hablra Threatened by croup, coughs or colds are soon re lieved by the use of Dr. King's New DIs, covery. tPo and $1.00. For sale by your druggist. Advertisement. Bla: Millinery Sale. The Novelty company has bought the entire millinery stock ot I Leltt and same will be put on sale on Saturday. B the announcement ot this sale In Friday evening's Bee. Nose and Head Stopped Up From Cold or Catarrh, Open At Once Low Fares South Via LmtkrilU Nashville R. It Round trip Tickets on sale daily to all WINTER RESORTS ia Florida, Cuba. The Gulf Coast New Orleans. Mobile. Pensacola, Central America and Panama LIBERAL STOP-OVERS AND LONG RETURN LIMIT Fht full iafemtia aUras R. C WALLI3, 9. f. A., 312 H. 8 St., St. Lsslt, Ms. P. W. MORROW, N. W. P. A., 332 KarsitMs BUg., OitMf, YL Bulletin No. 4 A Campaign of Education My CfeUMUhff, H0iRf lIm XMtaatly Otetrg Kmc, Httd &Ml Throt Kop Huty Oa terrjMl DiickargM. Dll XmUsmIh GtXM. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." i Get a small bottla anyway, Just to try ii -APfHj a ,mua in Us nostnia and In staatly your clog no, and stopped. MP air paaogea of the head will op.ni you will breathe freely; dullness and a4ach disappear. By morutng! the catarrh, roId-lnhead or catarrhal sore .throat will be gene End ouch misery mow! Gt tbs small feettls ot "Ely's Crsara BsJm" a any drug store. Thla awaet, fragrant balm AlaaoJrM by the heat ot th nostrils; Mtrate aad heals the laflatiMd. awoU la membrane which It&M ih. nose, head and throat; etears the air passaga; stops nasty discharge and a feoltng ot cleans Ing, soothing relief comes Immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for brMth, with head stuffed; nostrils cloted, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous drop ping Into the throat, and raw dryness Is distressing but truly neediest. Put your faith Just one-ln "Ely's I Cream BalmH and your cold or catarrh i. til kuiel dltatipir AOe:Uwul- Honest advertising a national movement The few frauds and fakers in advertising lower tho vnhtp of legitimate publicity to the adver tisers and the public. The Omaha Ad Club is aetive in the na tional movement agninst that smnll number of adver tisers "who prey upon the credulity of tho public in the printed word. Under the Nebraska state law and the city ordinance, tho Omaha Ad Olub is laboring to drive out misrepresenters in advertising. May wo have your earnest co-operation! OMAHA AD CLUB of the ASSOCIATED ADVERTISING CLUBS OF AMERICA w w "MEN DO NOT r.OuNTBUFEIT NOR IMITATE W 1 THAT WHICH 18 UNKNOWN Oil WORTH- CkGk. I CkT LESS." The Keoley treatment ,Kj stood the j Jt T test ot tlme hav,nK bcen Usecl wlth unparalleled J success for the past 33 years in curing Alcohol ism, Morphine and other drug-using, Cigarette and Tobacco habits and Neurasthenia. Orct. a m quarter million cured men and women In tho United States are our testimonials. Remedies Lsff'mAM. y &nd treatment, absolutely free from any injur- lous or harmful effects. Mental and physical vigor restored. Life bocomes a happiness and a blessing, Will-power, intellectual activity, health, business capacity and confidence of family, friends and business associates recovered. For full information, consult or write (in confidence) to TUB KKKLUV INSTITUTE, 23th anil Caaa Streets, Omaha, Neb. Four Days Left OF THE BIC BANKRUPT SALE And Friday Will Be One of the Biggest Bargain Days We Ever Held. All odds and ends accumulated must be sold re gardless of what they have formerly sold for. ito-inch wldo dress goods, new patterns, checks, etc., r) O . per yard Hi wool dress eowis. 30 to 4" Inches wide, also 24 and 27i Inch silk poplins, all in ono lot, per yard . . 39c 54-inch all wool chiffon Pana ma, in navy, black, gray, old roso anil brown, worth 91.25 per yard, at, per PQ. yard Oa7i Illnck knd white check dress goods, also plaids, nt, 11 per yard 1 IC French Ginghams, including ToUe Du Nord, sells every where at loc, per yard Velveteens per yard. . 29c 15c Taffeta Ribbons, 3J8-rf Inch wide, per yard OC Fancy Silk Ribbons, worth to 80c, at, per -I - yard Ruchings, in ecru, ' cream and white, per OC yard Laces, Embroideries and Trim mings, odds and ends, at, per yard, 1, 3, 5 IOC Checked Ginghams for OS Aprons, per yard J4 Best grado of Calicoes, 8 per yard '4 Short lengths of Cotton Flan nel, worth to 12 He, at, n 1 per yard . . v2v Shirtings, 12c grade, o 1 nt, per yard OgC Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings, 9x4, per yard 19c Aurora Sheetings, bleached, 0x4, prlco today would O Q bo 30c, at -it5C Largo size Sheets, on bleached, 72x00, each. OOC Pillow SUps to match, .each 8c Double fold Percale, light and dark shades, per f" yard OC Outing Flannel, dark and light colors, per yard, 7, 5r and J C $1.98 Children's Flannel Night Gowns, sleeping garments, rompers and black sateen bloomers, each 10J Oft 25d and OVC Serge Dresses, pretty bow styles, leading colors, worth 95.00 to $7.00, at $2.98 and . . Fur Sets, largo size, worth 97.no, at $4.9S pyg Children's fall weight wash dresses at 48, 39p 29. Largo Kimono Aprons on each, 25J and...... OtC House Dresses, In two f O lots, at Q9 and.... fgOC Children's Underwear, 1 o 10S12M5d and IOC Ladies' and Misses' Suits, fleece lined, 43i and., Union 49c Ladles' Waists, worth OQ 91, slightly soiled, ea.... OaC Ladles' Shoes, worth to $2.50, mostly small sizes and sa narrow wldtlis i a G Ladies' Shoes, worth to fQ ' .. 70b $2.00, all sizes, each. Ladles' Storm bets, pair Rub- 39c 1.50 Men's Arctics at 98c Cotton Flannel Gloves, pair 5c Men's 12 Sox, black, brown and fancy colors, pair OC Men's and Women's O Handkerchiefs, each.... C Men's Dress Shirts, each ,15c Men's and Boys' Suspcn- f dcrs, at and OC Men's Wool Sox, pair 12ic Men's 30c Hose, pair 8c Men's Work Pants, worth 91.50. 89c Cotton Toweling, at, per yard 3c Children's Wool Sweater Coats, rd60.4....39c Ladles' and Men's Sweater Coats, "worth to $1, each : 49c Corsets, 75c value, at 29c 91.00 Corsets, at, each 53 Heatherbloom Petticoats, black only, worth $1, oq each OtC Ladies' Home Journal Pat terns, alt on one big table ty to choose from, each .... t C Fur Sets, large size, worth to 97.50, at S4.98 tfQ QQ and 7..... iPO.JO Men's $3.00 Pants, well known Reading make, rf a q pair 3)1. tO Men's ajad Young Men's all wool worsted suits, rfjnr og $10 to 915, at. . H QO Men's and Young Mcn'B ele gant make and stylish Over coats, worth to An np 915.00, at 3 I .Op 200-yard spool Basting Thread, per Bpool 1c 5c card Pearl Buttons, O per card mC Paper Pins, also paper safety pins, bunches of hair pins, each; per paper or -i bunch X C Ladles' Hose, brown only, pair 5c Ladles' and Children's 20c Ho siery, fine ribbed and i 1 fast color, pair LLC Ladies' Outing Flan nel Mght Gowns . 39c NOTICE FOR SATURDAY'S SPECIALS What is left from the bankrupt stock in Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits and Dresses, worth to 915.00, and some as high as 917.50, all go Saturday at The best grades qf the remainder of the bankrupt stock ef Men's and Women's Shoes will be closed out Saturday1 at lew than oHe-half of actual valnes. $5.00 The Novelty Co. 214-16-18 Nrth 16th St. gl reads y