niE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1913. 15 PURITANS HOT SO SIMPLE! Scores of Children of the Poor Given Rev. F. T. Rouse Says They Indulged in Rich Food. WERE LAVISH IN THEIR CLOTHES Larue Number Attrnd the Union Services it the First Presby terian Church, Where Dr. nonne Speak. Kov. Frederick T. House of the Flrt Congregational church, preaching a Thanksgiving sermon at the union ser vices at the First Presbyterian church, said the people of America ought to be thankful for free schools and churches and for the growing sentiment toward real democracy In educational life. lie said the time must come when the peoptn would own the public utilities and event ually there would be a striving for the ultimate aim an equal distribution of material things. Concerning 'woman suffrage, Rev. Mr. Rouse said: "We are thankful that ten great states have given the ballot .to women, but we tremble as w'e wonder what they will do with this power. I believe they will eradicate the double course of our mod ern life Intemperance and Immorality." Not So Simple. Just to show that the modem man and woman are not so bad and that tho Pil grim fathers were not such simple, un assuming folk as we are wont to believe. Dr. Rouse read from an old New Eng land cook b6ok a recipe for pumpkin pie, which called for half a pound of pump kin, spices too numerous to mention, six teen eggs, all sorts of fruits and flavors. Again, he called attention to the fact that they not only ate rich foods, but wore fine -ralmenti and he read from descriptions of the satins and linens and red leathers the forefathers affected. He read the bill for a funeral and for a -Sunday church celebration, which ln- eluded several gallons of wine, rum and punch and one cup of coffee. Vgut the germ of the blessings we now enjoy had been planted In the minds of the Pilgrims," Dr. Rouse continued. speaking from the text: "Whose seed la In Itself after Its kind." "Their Instltu uons were rather aristocratic, their BChoola even were not democratic and Prison las, I know, did not have the vote and not only did not have the vote, but were not allowed to go to school until alter the bo ye were out." TVn.1. Ylnm fni. H , " u Referring to tho slave trade Dr. Rouse said an elder of the church thanked God fop -the safe arrival of his slave ships: nnd' that the president of Tale university once sent a ship load of runi tp Africa vim which to purchase slaves. Rut to show that the seed had been planted and later grew into righteousness Dr. Rouse pointed to the arousal of the old "New England conscience" by the efory of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," the civil war and later the war with. Spain, which was, a "war of Intervention." Dr. Rouse said there may be cause for another Intervention to tho south of us "nt for "dur own aggrandizement," but to .carry on the destiny of the nation which has taken up the "white man's burden." A large number of people attended the services. Tho pastors of several churches participated In the Thanksgiving cele bration'. A collection was received for tho Inmates of th Old People's home.- Sumptuous Feeds Many of the scores of children of the poor who were treated to a noon-day Thanksgiving feast at the Interdenomi national People's Mission church. Twelfth and Chicago street, would not have com plained if the repast, instead of being n regulation turkey dinner, had consisted of pork and beans they were hungry, and what they wanted was food In large quantities. More than fifty youngsters, newsies and other street urchins, not ft few of whom had no other place to go for a big meal were seated at the mission din nerand they were given what to them was the one big "feed" of the year- turkey, bulging with dressing, cranberry sauce, creamy mashed potatoes, with savory brown gravy, and pie. Little ceremony attended the free feast. The youthful guests, tnajiy of them with taterred caps on their ' heads, trooped boisterously Into the mission hall, where long table fairly . "gobbled" under their burden of turkey. The designing look with which tho hungry children, particularly the boys, regarded the steaming platters, and the resentlessness of their attitude warned Rev, Alexander Wagner, pastor of the mission, that It would be well to make the saying of grace short. He did. but before "Amen" had been sounded, fifty chairs scraped and fifty children boys and girls, black and white, all of them poor sat down to a Thanksgiving dinner. Although the hour for the dinner was at 13 o'clock, arrangements had been made to feed children whenever thoy came In throughout the day, up to 9 o'clock In the evening. Meals were also served free to aged persons, too poor to pay for them. To others a charge of 95 celits was made. There was a religious program at the mission church in the evening. Frank Walker, tho ccnturlan, who has lived fifty years as a slave and as many as a free man, sang "Slavery Days." Besides Mr. Wagner, the committee in charge of the Thanksgiving festivities at the mission Included: Mrs. I. M. Forkner. chairman; Mrs. Sadie Cannady, secretary, and A. Nash, treasurer. Four such din ners to children of the poor have been given on Thanksgiving day at the mission. RISE EARLY TOjGIVE THANKS Youngr Women Walk Forty Blocks to Attend Y. M. C. A. Service. ABOUT HUNDRED ARE PRESENT Sunrise Frayer Meetlnsr Drlnira Ont Many Members of Various Church Socletlrn from All Parts of Torrn. Judge Whartonis . . Able to Give Family Cause for Thanks Postmaster John C. Wharton madje, one poor family In the south part of the city truly thankful, by personally delivering a parcel post package of live chicken, after paying the excess postage that tho family was unable to raise. A country relative had mailed a live cfclcken to the poor family and had at tached a letter to the bird to explain the Thanksgiving gift. The letter being first class mall matter made the who)e pack age take the J-cent-an-ounco rate, instead of the low parcel post rate, and the total tostage to be collected amounted to $1.30. .Postmaster Wharton, discovered, the situation and feared that the poor family wottld be unable to pay the excessive postage. In order to complete their Thanksgiving dinner and save them from keen disappointment, he paid the charges himself and ,Jnmped Into his automobile 10 personalty acuver me Dira. His arrival with the package brought great Joy to the family, and now Judge Wharton .feels thankful himself that he helped - to brighten someone else's Thanksgiving. Thoughtful Folks Feast Transient Fellows in Omaha Almost a score of young men alone In Omaha were saved the cheerless gloom of a "hash house" Thanksgiving dinner by the hospitality of eight families of the clt,y. each of whom Invited from one to three guests to join the family a turkey dinner. These families adopted the Idea of spreading the Thanksgiving .spirit beyond their 'own households: Mr. and Mrs. J. A.-Daltell, 1119 South Thirty-first street: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCutley. 6C30 North Twenty-ninth street: Dr. and Mrs. W. II. Mick, 211 South Thirty-sixth street; Dr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Mattson. 1CC0 South Thirty-second street; Mrs, Herman T. Zentmyer and daughters, B17 North Thir ty-third street; Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Btur- ge&s, 118 North Thirtieth street; Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bobbins, 123 North Thirty- eighth avenue; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Star board, 2707 Dodge street. The Young Men Christian association was asked by these families to send young men who were away from homa and without local acquaintances so that the true Idea of turkey day might be extended. Transient guests at the as sociation building and other young men who were known to lack the opportunity of a home-like Thanksgiving were easily found to accept all the Invitations. u Newsie Gives Nun Pennies So- Other "Kids" Can Get Feed A newsboy and a nun exchanged Thanksgiving greetings at Fifteenth and Farna'm 'streets and the brown-garbed sister was surprised to receive a thank offering of pennies from the little newsle. "I'm gonna git a tolkey dinner, and blxnuss has been good, so I'm tankful," the urchin explained. He handed the nun several pennies and asked her to put them in a "kleckshun fer some kid wot ain't got nuthln to be tankful for." ANTHONY BURTH, WELL KNOWN SOUTH OMAHAN, DIES Anthony Burth. 40 years old, died Wed nesday night at the Bachelor hotel, 2314 N street. South Omaha. He made the packing town his home for the last twenty two years and had a long list of friends. Lately 1 e was the proprietor of a saloon and prior to that worked for the Cudahy Packing company. He was ill for two weels. He was a bachelor and a member of the Eagle and leaves no relatives, ex cepting a brother somewhere In New YorK Uate. Sherman Feels the Heavy Hand of Boss of the Water Board Charles It. Sherman, chairman of the board of directors of the Metropolitan Water district, says he now understands how it feels to be threatened witn aeatn from thirst. "I let my water bill get a little behind said Bherman. "but, of course, I In tended to pay It. First thing I knew, here came a note saying to klck-ln within twenty-four hours or' my water would be shut off. "It may have been lese majesty, but 1 sent a check down and a letter saying that If there Tvaa anything wrong with the cheek to call me before the water was shut oft and I'd try to get the change together somehow." Sherman says If R. B. Howell's threat to turn off water within twenty-four hours If bills aren't paid Is some more bluff, he la willing for any other con sumer to call It ST0RZ SENDS EACH WINNER ADDITIONAL CASE OF BEER In addition to the regular prizes awarded to the five persons who won in The Bee's competitive contest, the Btors Brewing company also sent each of the winners a case of Storz beer. Thus they were doubly compensated for their efforts in the contest. HITS WIFE WITH HATCHET AS SHE MEETS HIM AT DOOR Anderson Mitchell, colored, Twentieth and Burt, hastened home Wednesday evening, and as his wife greeted him at the front door he hit her In the head nrfth a hatchet. Mitchell, when arraigned in police court could offer no explanation for his act. other than that he was Intoxicated. Judge Foster allowed him to, depart, on account of it being Turkey day. Counterfeit Dollars buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys Dr. King's New Life Pills, for constipa tion, malaria, headache and jaundice. For by your druggist Advertisement. Indigestion Ended, Stomach Feels Fine Time 'Tape's Dlapepaln!" In five) minutes all Hour-new, Gas, Heart "barn and Dyspepsia is goae. Bour, gassy, upset stomach. Indiges tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the. food you eat ferments Into gases and stubborn lumps; your head aches and you feel sick and miserable, that's when you realize the magic In Pape's Dlapep sin. It makes all stomach misery vanish in five minutes. If your stomach is in a continuous revolt If you can't get it regulated, please, for your sake, try Pape's Dla pepsin. It's so needless to have a bad stomach make your nsxt meal favorite food meal, then take a llttl Dlapepsln. There will not be any dls tress eat without fear. It's because Pape's Dlapepaln "really does" regulate weak, out-of-order stomachs that gives it Us millions of sales annually, flet a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dlapepaln from any drug store. It is tha quickest, surest stomach relief and cure known It acts almost Ilk magic It Is a scientific, harmless and pleas ant stomach preparation which truly belongs in every home. Advertisement That they were thankful for health and that they had It, too, was declared by Miss Edith Baker, 1101 Lothrop street, and Miss Qotdle C. Vawtet, S003 Lothrop street, who walked forty city blocks early Thanksgiving morning through tho darknees to the Young Men's Christian association building to attend the "sun rise" prayer and thanks meeting of the City Christian Endeavor union. Leaving their homes almost before the regular street car schedule began, the two athletic young women made their way by the light of street lamps to tho early morning meeting which was attended by almost 100 other young people of the various church societies. They were ac companied by Rev. F. W. Leavltt, pastor tho Plymouth Congregational church. who led the meeting. "For health nnd happiness and the abil ity to walk to a Christian union of thanks giving and praise I am Indeed thankful," testified Miss Baker, when she spoke her word of thanksgiving with others who participated. Miss Vawter made a similar assertion, and said later that the forty moons' walk, from Twenty-first and Lothrop streets to Seventeenth and Har ney streets was "nothing" for a healthy young, woman to accomplish. Miss Baker is corresponding secrotnrv of tho City Union of Christian Endeavor Societies and a school teacher. Her fe male companion In the long walk Is a teacher at the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf. Rensons for Thankfulness. nev. Mr, Leavltt In lead Inn- thn m.t. lng, used as his topic "Why We are Thankful." and the many different view points of tho great national day of thanksgiving were reflected by those who spoke. In spite of the fact that tho sunrise" meeting lacked the usual sun shine feature, enthusiasm was not lack ing, and a rousing service was the re sult H. EL Palmer led. tha singing and Ira J. Beard, religious work director of tho Young Men's Christian association, also took part Almost three-fourths of those who at tended were women, some of them eld erly, but the early hour of the service did not nem to bother them, as practically all those who attended were on time. Unexpected participants In the meeting apptarod soon after the service began. Half a doxen North Platte foot ball players, who had been provided with cots n the rear of the meeting hall, separated from the sunrhe services only by a drop partition, were awakened by the singing ot hymns. To show that they were Imbued, with the Thanksgiving spirit thoy hastily donned their clothing and Joined the meeting. Verdict of $50,000 Against Burlington in Thompson Case A jury in Judge Kstelle's court last night decided that the Burlington rail road must pay Howard Thompson of Omaha $60,000, the full amount asked, on account of an accident which left nls skull In such condition that tho pulso beats of the Mood vessels about his brain may be observed through the skin. Ac Cording to Jesse L. Hoot, former supreme court Justice, who defended the caxe for tho railroad, such a large verdict never before was returned by ( Jury In a similar case In Nebraska, In 1910 Thompson, who haj a wife and small child, was walking home from his work in a packing house In St Joseph, Mo., along a beaten path by the side 'if the Burlington tracks. The cylinder head of a passing engine exploded and a steel fragment struck his head. Thomp son lay for days unconscious In a hos pital. Physicians removed port o! his skull and a portion of his brain, leavlnic a spot several inches square where only the skin and membranes protect tho brain. Thompson after his rccorvry came to Omaha, where hjs parents live. Ho Is able to do only light work. Trial of his suit was begun a week ago Inst Mon- Oay in tho district court. FORMER OMAHA MAN IS INJURED IN LOS ANGELES Samuel Hawver, an old-time resident of Omaha, who moved to Los Angeles some ten years ago, was recently struck by a street car while crossing one of tho streets and his injuries are considered dangerous, according to Information re ceived by David Cole of this city. When he lived in Omaha Mr. Hawver was engaged In contracting and build ing. He was quite wealthy and still owns some valuable property in Kountze Placo and on Davenport, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. Persistent Advertising: Is the Road to Business Success. BAPTIST YOUNG FOLKS GIVE AN ENTERTAINMENT More than 500 mothers and fathers, bl brothers and sisters witnessed n presen tation of "Tho First Thanksgiving." In the Sunday school rooms of tho First Baptist church Wednesday night The cast included forty boys nnd girls who had. worked under the direction of C, S. Uattcrshell, superintendent of tho Sunday school of tho church. The playette Involved a pleasing and fanciful tale of the first celebration called by Governor Bradford. Pilgrim char actors, including Miles Standlsh, were fea tured. There were many scenes and tab leaux. Costumes which had been mado by the girl' sowing class of tho church were worn. A thanksgiving offering was taken after tho performance. The cast Included the following: How ard Stovel, Governor Bradford; Kenneth Baker, Miles Standlsh; Byron Wilcox, John Alden: Nathlne Talbot, Prlscllla; Mary Myrtle Stcelt. Baby Peragrlne; Mil died Johnson, the fairy: Gene Field, tho butterfly; Mr. Battershcll, the bear. HIGHWAYMAN KNOCKS HIM DOWN AND TAKES MONEY William Bperry, 1914 Webster street, re ports to tho police that he was held up near Seventeenth and Webster streets Wednesday night and robbed of 5. Ho was brutally handled by tho highwayman and was knockod down by him when he refused to give up Wb money. STR0NGARMED AND ROBBED OF SEVENTY-DOLLAR ROLL W. M. Lueck, Windsor hotel, Thlr- tPenth and Douglas streets, reports to tho police that ho was strongarmcd by two necrocs nnd robbed of $70 Wednesday niitht. He was slightly under the Inflif enco ot liquor when he sought the old of the police. Chronic Dyspepsias The following unsolicited testimonial should certainly be sufficient to give hope and courago td persons afflicted with chronlb dyspepsia! "I have been a chronlo dyspeptic for years, and of all the medlclno I have taken, Chambtfr Iain's Tablets have done me more good than anything else," says W. O. Mattlson, No. 7 Bherman St., Hornellsvllle, N. Y. For sale by all druggists. Advertisement HITCHCOCK HOME FOR REST, Harrison Returns from International Realty Association After Eating Turkey Will Be Here for Ten Days. MAY ADOPT HIS AMENDMENTS Nebraska Senator Is Looking Kor- vrnrd in Currency Conference Embodying; Ilia Views In New Money Lnvr. Senator CI. St. Hitchcock, after a long, stormy session with tho democrats of tho United States senate, whom ho Is trying to convert to his way of thinking on the maner of currency reform, enjoyed tho calm of a Thanksgiving at his home In Omaha. He arrived from Washington to spend the festive day at home and In cidentally to make the acquaintance of his latest grandchild, a llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Doorly, who was born slnco the senator last went to Wash ington. . "This Is the third time I have the honor of being called grandpa," said the sen ator. "I don't sco but that It Is a rather harmless experience." Senator Hitchcock was somewhat sur prised at the calling ot tho senate con- foronco on the currency bill, ho said, as he received notice to that effect Just as he was leaving for the train to come to Omaha. "I think," ho continued, "that the con ference, though, was called largely for the purpose of expediting matters, and doubt If they will make it very bind lng. I don't care particularly about this conference, as I expect to make my fight In tho open senate." Here Ten Unys, Tho senator expects to remain at homo some ten days, returning to Washington In time, to get Into the fight when the currency bill comes up for real consld oration In the senate. He believes that It Is not likely to come up for open de- bato before December 10 or 11 at tho earliest, as thero aro two or three othor Issues that, by unanimous consent, havo bcon scheduled for consideration tho first part of tho month. "In that case," ho said, "the currency bill cannot come up In tho senate except at odd hours, when someone may be given a little time for a brlof speech on It I am a llttlo afraid that when It comes up at last It will lead to protracted filibustering on tho part of. the ropub Itcans.' C. K. Harrison of Harrison & Morton Itenl Kstato company, arrived home from Chicago and Mllwaukco yesterday. He was In Chicago attending the first meet ing ot the International Realty associates, a $500,000 corporation which has Just been organised by real estate men in the United States and Canada, The organisation Is represented by a board ot directors ot seventeen, tho ma jority of whom were present at Chicago. Ot the 5OO,O0O capital stock, $100,000 was set aside to be Issued as preferred If de sired. Tho bylaws provided that the or ganisation may commence business when, I50.COO of tho capital stock Is subscribed. About $75,000 has been subscnoed and a catl for payment on It has been Issued Tor January 1. Tho following officers, to serve ono year, were elected oy the board of directors: President, N. J. Upham, Duluth. Vice president A. 8. Taylor, Cleveland. Secretary, Val J. Rothschild. St Paul. Treasurer, KMwara a. juua, cnicngo. Counsel. Nathan William McChesncy, Chicago. Executive committee. S. S. Thorpe, Minneapolis; W. W. Hannan, Detroit; C. ! . Harrison, Omaha. The bylaws provide that the executive committee shall personally Inspect any property offered to tho organisation bo fore the same Is purchased. It is ex pected there will bo a good deal ot com petition among tho various .cities and the members ot local real estate boards in placing before thls organisation op portunities or investment it is jim pos slblo that the first Investment may bo mado in Omaha, as it Is regarded as ono ot the safa and growing cities. Mr. Harrison made the first actual pay- mont to tha organisation for Omaha real estate men Interested In the enterprise. WILL RENEWFIGHT ON GAS Corporation to Take Its Case Into Federal Court. ARGUE RIGHT IS PERPETUAL Franchise Given tJie Company in Mnlntnlneil nr It" Lennl Talent to He lnendlnp; In Its Application. .Basing its claim to a perpetual fran chise on reasons similar to those set forth In tho electric light caso tho Omaha Oas company will go Into federal court within tho next few days with a dazzling array ot legal talent to resume tho scrim mage over the 'validity of an ordinance providing for tho sale ot gas at $1 in stead of $1.15 per 1.000 cubic feet four lawyers will represent the gas company and one of them, Judge W. D. McHugh, represented tho electric light company, which won a decision In the United States supremo court conferring alleged perpetual franchise lfshts upon It. It is believed Judge McHugh will pursuo the samo line ot action In the gas caso as that successfully prosecuted. In tho electric light case. Othor attorneys retained by tho gas company for tho approaching conflict are Judgo J. W. Dana ot Kansas City. W. T. Douthlrt of Philadelphia and 'Will Herdman of Omaha. Tho case will go Into court on a ques tion of law, tho samo being whether or not the city haa the right to contract for a definite period of time. The question will Involve regulatory ordinances passed by the city cpuncll City Corporation Counsel Den 8. Baker, Assistant City Attornoy W. C. Lamoert and City Attorney John A. nine will rep resent tho city. Fruit Laxative for Cross, Sick Child Give Only "California Syrup ot igs MOTORCYCLE COPS RIGHT AFTER VIOLATORS OF LAW As tho result of n recent enforcement of tho law providing that machines shall not be parked within twenty-five feet of a theater entrance, Dr. W. O. Briflgos was tendered a golden rulo summons by Motorcycle Officers Emery and Wheeler, Wednesday afternoon, to appear In police court Thursday morning. Bridges left hU machine directly opposite the entrance of a theater, In police court ho was reprimanded by Judge Foster and dls chargod. Henceforth a rigid vigilance will bo kept to catch violators ot this ordinance. Cleanses tonder little stomach, liver and bowel without griping Children lovo it. Kvsrv mothrr'rcallxcs that this Is the children's Ideal laxative and physic, be cause they love its pleasant taste ana it never falls to effect a thorough "Inside chansing" without griping. When vour ihlld Is cross. Irritable. foverish, or breath Is bad, stomach sour. look at the tongue, motheri u coaiea, give a teaspoonful of "California 8yrup ot Figs," and In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food posses out ot the bowels well. Dlayful child again. When its llttlo system la Cull of cold. throat sore, has stomach, ache, marruoea, Indigestion, collo remember , a good, liver and bowel cleaning should alwaya be the first treatment given. Million of mothers keep "California Syrup ot Figs"" handy; thoy know a teaspoonful today saved a, sick child tomorrow. Directions for babies, chil dren of all ages and growa-ups aro plainly on each bottle. Ask your druggist for a B0 cent bottle ot "California Syrup of FIrs." Bewara ot counterfeits sold here. Oet the genu ine, made by "California Dfrg Syrup Com pany." Refuse any othor fig syrup with contempt. The Best Corrective and preventive of tho numerous ailments caused by defective or irregular action of tho or - gans of digestion is found in tho safe, speedy, certain and time-tested homo remedy Sold eTerywbsrs. la boxes, 10c, 23c. Vnr rl rvlrn lliKrn Is nollilnp eausl to tlicie t,avv. warm-lined blankets. They are cood. old- ( tinran hlanketa made of the strongest mainrlala nut torether In substantial shape. They stand the hard knocks and sire full protection to the horses, Old Honesty blankets are wonders for wear. The outer covering Is closely woven brown duck or canvasstormproof, strong, durable. The lining runs lull length snd depth. The blankets are canvas faced and relaiorced-stoutly sawed with lock-stitch seams throughout. Dealers In horse goods aell Old Honesty blankets at 1156 and $4.00. Heavy atorm blankets, nlthhlzh yoke necks and two snsp ana oucsia ironi laircncri, wuii iH,mj with heavy kersey tabric.KOO. Btablo blankets, wsb bound, with two surcingles, smo. Bcmts sYfMttot Campsny Omaha, Nek. AjaAsBsatsalsaal TsLsa nasal Va'aJva1 I SFa nsvsj , (I'iS J lit u'a QBBBaBBBaTfWH MiTnEraiKaS Still Quicker Xo St. Paul aodL Minneapolis On now schedules effective on tho Chicago Great Western November 30th our "GET THERE FIRST" train for hustlers has been quickened 20 . minutes more (new leaving time 8:30 p. m.) from Omrilia to St Paul and Minneapolis, and day train has been adjusted to make tho loaving time from Omaha more comfortablo in tho winter mornings. Hero aro the now sched ules. Leave Omaha 8:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 3:45 p.m. Arrive Ft. Dodge 12:46 a.m. 2:10 p.m. 8:37 p.m. Arrive Mason City. . .'. . 3:12 a.m. 5:05 p.m. Arrive St. Paul 7:30 a.m. 9:55 p.m. Arrive Minneapolis 8:05 a.m. 10:25 p.m. In tho evening you can tako dinner at homo, go leisurely to tho depot, spend tho evening in the Buffet-Club car, and when ready go to bed, get a full night's sleep and arrive in tho Twin Cities ahead of the man who isn't a Great Western traveler. Through sleepers, chair cars and coaches. Day train has the most comfortablo day schedulo between Omaha and the Twin Cities. Tho 9:30 departure itself is inviting enough these days, when sunrise comes between 7 and 8 o'clock, and tho equipment carried adds to its attractiveness. Cafe-Parlor car nnd through coach equipment. XO DUBUQUE A1MD CHICAGO Our afternoon train for Chicago now leaves Omaha at 3:45 p.m. in stead of 5:00 p.m., and arrives Dubuque 2:50 a.m., Chicago 7:50 n.m., mak ing sure connection with trains for all points beyond. Through sleepers and, free reclining chair cars. Buffet club car until midnight. Wo are here to make travel easy for you. Wo will delivor ticlcets nnd call at your home or placo of business and help you with your travel plans. Use telephone it's handy; call Douglas 260. P. F. BONORDEN, C. P. & T. A. 1522 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douclas 200. Select your office location keeping this in your mind Safety First Fire-Proof minn .1. XA-XU nTMTTt TITTTT TVTXTt i -l.l..l1-- 1: t VJ JJ U XULJ-IN lT la UUMJUIUIV lUU-UlUUl. No wood was used in its construction, except the finish and flooring. Thero is a standpipo and hose on every floor. New Elevators THE BEE BUILDING two years ago installed tho most modorn now olovators, with full width doors and modern floor signals. Tho rule for our conductors is "safety" and accommodation of tenants first; speed last. Only six floors; no long waits for a ride. Pure Air THE BEE BUILDING has light and air on four sides and a largo, beautiful court in tho center, giving perfect ventilation and ample light. All windows have metal weathqr strips, shutting out drafts and dust, With our nqw vacuum heating system there is no escaping steam or soot. Exits aa- THE BEE BUILDING has two iron stairways on opposite sides of the building and a separate fire escape. THE BEE BUILDING "The building that is always new" For off ices,-apply to tho building superintendent, room 103.