10 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1013. Polly and Her Pa Is-And Mioia Wore a Sweater Drawn for The Bee by Cliff Sterrett F LtSUEU PA. VWCAJ VbU IvjW dowt You Po50MEfW0r I TORfW Colo VtUClA Ikfc DttTtte. I l r i H f I njrt mj rnsn MvriA h - v. i vyn ivn ia 11 . i i tw aw mm nyini en a g v ' t . i x i a i i roK prvSAKES.m. I II ooffi (SiMME- THAT Subject out MONE OF VER. IMPOOEACC vfouvtf 1 1 1 1 f . - W j T&ttn to iSe Poay. 1 it Eve Bio. Mi' n MJLVS MU6$i Till fRif IC4U.SIT MV VWtWL I Dtc! WANT ADS Want ads received nt any time, hut to insure proper classification must bo presented before IS o'clock moob for tho evening edition and be fore 7:30 p. in. for the morning and Sunday editions. Want adit re ceived afttr such hour will have first Insertion under tho heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATH FOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION: One insertion, 12 cents per line. Two or more consecutive inser tions, 9 cents per line. Oho line per m nth, $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. AdreriisemeHts charged to natrons having accounts are measured by the line, not by the word. CHARGE RATES: Six words to the line. One insertion, 12 'cent per line. Two er more consecutive laser tlens, g cents per line. One line per mOHth, $1.90. Twenty cents a minimum charge. NOTE The Bee will not be re sponsible for more than one wrong insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot be allowed after the 10th of the following month. An advertisement inserted to be ran until forbidden must bo otopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot be accepted. HKI.P WANTED FEMALK. Clerical Hurt Utile.. YOUtfCi lady of aood personality and ged education for stenotraphor and ctorlral posnton: Mlary W. Uivo phono number. AddreM H lot. He. llaaiiekeeixra inl Uemeattea. TUB' tJCRVANT ' O ltd. PROBLEM BOI.VBD-Th m will run a Servant Utri Wantd Ad KHKK until yeu set thQ Sa(r4 ruH. TK'li upsllca ho rtttdtmt of Omaha. , Vouth Omaha aad Council jliutls. Mrjaif ad to The itte otripe W7 F'araan. Phone If. Sttl. HELP WANTED 5IALE. WANTRD-An Bars. office boy. Address- MlacPlInneoaa, WANTKD-A flrit clam draDer and window ihado hanger for outside work; permanent poemon. cooa salary, ueaton & Luler Co.. 415-417 Houth 16th St VOONO'MEN. voil nhouM learn the automobile bualnras and learn It-HlQIIl. j.arn more money than you ever did be fore. We have both a dav ajvl a nlslit claaa, o you have no reason for delay. Come In NOW, NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL 1MB UPUB ou A. B. C. of Omaha A AltON'S Jewelry Gift Shop. 16th and then get our prices. . VX NTIRTV fiin ttH a ll I n ir mi-nA . ...... I tlona aa firemen, brakemen, Interurban inuiurmon or roiorea train porters on flrst-cUss Olnaho. roads write at once. No experience necessary- K5 to $100 month ktarf nn Nn trlliji Mora. tlon wanted. Enclose stamp. Inter Hall- ""y. ueo WAN'TRn-Dillmv mall amlnattona everywhere frequently; aam- flA nllJiallncia fpJi TTranblln TnJl.nt. MfiiK""l lT"" Trlahlnv" nk ...II mall clerks; 975 a month: write for book ot Information. Y 330. Dee. AlfCN with nal.ntahlii lAmmm .ll. n.H dolph & Co., TAtent Solicitors, Wash lIlKVUUe IJ KJt WANTED SITUATIONS TOUNO man attendtnc Doyles colleca wants work for board. D 1&6J5, "PAn&l'lfANDB furnished, short notice! free. Omaha Bmployment Uureau. 1JI N. llth 8t. Tel. Douglas 1112. BELL DRUO CO. New location. 1318 Fnrnam. Kverythlnn new. Old phone Doualas VOX Conic, call or write. Rubber goods. ERR Abstract Co.. 305 S. 17th 8t. Uetter be eafe than orry. Have Kerr do your title work. K VACUUM cleaners, sweepers, hydraulic, electric and hand power sold on guarantee; lowest prices; machines anted. Sanitary Service Co. Doug. 2004. WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co.. "MIckcI's," ISth and "amcy sts. Douglas 1662. Xmas Hiflts FALLACIC HOLIDAY DASKKTH, con taining one quart bottle 1ft I. Monosrnm, One bottle of Fort, one bottle Angelica, one bottle Tokay. Regular 12.93, all for HENRY TOLIACK LIQUOR 1IOU8E. 122 and 124 No. 15th. CHINA painting, outside firing done. Mrs. V. C. Haynes. li2S 8. 23th 8t. D. 4930. THE WARDROHE. Dry cleaning mukes clothes look good as new. 20l I'arnnm fit Phono D. 1729. KRI3D C. WIL.MOTH. Manager. THE EARLY 8HOFFKH catches the bargains at tho Blgn of the Crown up the golden stillrs. FRED RRODEOAARD JEWELRY CO.. 16th and Douglas Sts. KRAMINO at U and choice framed pic tures at M. Dept. store prices. Omaha Art and Frame. 1711 lavenworth. BAROAINB In Diamonds and watches, QROOS JEWELRY CO.. 410 N. ISTH. ANNOUNCEMENTS M. E. JIlotJrc.?F.,e niessenger service. v' " . 212 H. Mtli. Doug. m or 3620. Wedding aBHOuwcements.'Doug. Ftg. Co. Gibson's Buffet 86 South 18th St, HAZBIi LEAF "PILE" CONKS-Best remedy for Itrhlnr. bleeding or protruding piles; Wo postpaid; samples free. Sher man fc McConnelt Drug Co., Omaha. D. g."arlfflth, wig mfr.12 1-Yenier BlkT WANTED Young gin to help with hetwework. Harney 6176. ' K)PtIlCNCKD girl wanted for gen-N-af ho um work; no washing; email fam llypgeod waea. Kl S. 32d Mt. WANTED Good girl for general House work. 3803 Woolworth Ave. H. W42. WANTED Experienced girl for gen era! housework; no washing. Mrs. C. M, Wllhelm. 3a Jackson 8t. It. 177. WANTED Olrl for general housework. I0M Park Ave. COMPETENT girl for general house work In small family: no washing. US no. u ju . iinrntr si. WANTfcD Qlrl for aeneral hoUHWork: good .wages; grown up family. 213 No. Ed m., near men school ij. i. WANTKD Ooed airl for general hou weric Call 11 Be.7 St. WANTHD Oeod girt for general house work; small famijr. good wages 119 No. Mlaltanefin. GOVERNMENT paMtlon epea te woan; m maath. Write ImmedlatMy far free ItaC frankHn Institute, Dnt CI II, XtochaMer, N. Y. . YOUNO wetnen comtag to Omaha as strangers aro invited to visit the Yeana Wemea's christian aselt4a buH at m, Marr'a Ave. and 17th 0t.. where they wilt a directed to suitable boarding laM oc otherwlM asaWKed. Loe4caifar ur travelers' guide at the Union station. HKLP WANTKD MALK Agcata, MilHra aad Solicitors. WANTED Four tiooa oltcltors at oace. Hi BnuMlels Tlitater Bids. WANTED By well established UUnola manufacturer, good hustling salesmen. JRuslneta getter at moderate price. Northern Iowa and southern Minnesota territory. Calling on Implement, hard ware and lumber dealers. Oood, steady job where merit counts. Qlve ace, ex perience, married or single, reference. Write fully. Address Y 347. liee. At a i tsunin' utl VUUW ailtt 17 V CLI'SIVE AND LARGE LINE OF JIa AND OTHER SPECIALTY CALEN DARS gives you the chance ot your life to make big money. We make also, very fine Una novelt es, fans and signs. Strong est COMBINED OUTFIT ever offered. We make all our own goods. This means low price. Write quickly for 1814 terri tory. State experience. KEN YON COM PANY. Da Moines. Ia. QitU year.) Kijklin's Kosher; Dellcateaien moved to 414 No, lth. Vls Itorswelcome. Kvcrythlng new and clean. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Detective. JAME8 ALLAN, 311 Neville Illk. Evl dence secured In all cases. Tyler 11M OMAHA Hecret Service Dctectlvo Agency, bonded. Evidence In all cases se cured by expert gentlemen and ludy op eratlvea. Douglas 1319. 42S-3 Taxton ink. Uresamaklaa. Terry Dressmakg college. KHli & Fornam LIVE STOCK ljn SALG. Horses and Veniolcs. Horses. Mules on payments. 2010 Nicholas. FOR SALE 15 horses and marcs for all purposes. 313 N. 18th SU LOST AND FOUND Mrs. Dunne. Red 6C74. 1X3 Capitol Ave. DRKHtiES. anlts and coats, Web. 4791. ATTRACTIONS tlon picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOniLKS 8ECOND-llANJ Ars for sale: Palg Detroit. W0. Oyerland. ism. Auburn. 30-h. p. jirlce on application. Matheson, 60 h. p., price, on application. HIS Howard H., n. M. Harris. Prop. lias fnr7'l -um icy.iuuii, xjqjr Buorier, av n. as. riANt.v Hlll I, ,ii.. .i ...- ? v tiuuo iui tmuiu OMAHA AUTOMOBILE CO., MIO Famlim. Maturayalva. aiani'tva ilBn f .... . cycle. Victor II, Roos, 'The Motorcycle Man." 2T Leavenworth St. WRITE FOR LIST Of 8HCOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKKLr NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. UTH AND ll.VRNEY. Mevlna, Stornge and Cleaatasr. ' MOVING, storsge. packing, forwarding: merchants' freighting a spoclalty. Twin City Express Co.. 1623 Davenport. D. 1717. HUSINK68 C1IANCKS. WANTED Young hustler of clean hab Its who has from I1.W0 to U0.m caplUl to join In a growing retail firm which at present employs M people. Could usa a handy man, an office man, a buyer or one who knowa meat or the bread busi ness. For more information write or call J. 11 Furvell, Balcony office, 1090 F St.. Lincoln. Neb. Special plans for selling your business er real estate. rCennebec.k Co.. Omaha. TO get In or out of business, call on OANOKCTAD. 434 Bee Bids. Tel. D. 3477. FOR SALE Good mason contractor's outfit In a central Nebraska town of 1S.0W; plenty of work. Cheap. It sold In the next ten days. Address Y 33. Bee. I CAN use two first-class salesmen on a high-grade proposition, extensively ad vertised and a quick money-getter. Call between 10 and 13 and 2 to 4. Mr. Will cox. Rome hotel. Clerical aaa Office. VANTBD-Competent stenographer In country town. Full particulars In appli cation. P. O. Drawer "D." 'Manson. la. WANTED An Idea. Who can think ot some simple thing to patentT Protect your ideas: they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions' and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph 4 Co.. Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C : BUSINESS PERSONALS Brass Foantlrlca. Paxton-Mitchell Co., I7th and Martha Bis. Chiropractor. J. C. Lawrence. D. C, 2322 Howard. D. 34Q W.E,lurvtance.D.C. VH Paxton bile D.4SI1 Mrs. Snyder. D. C 3 Dunsany Apt. D.4J0 WE have a place In' our organiza tion for neat appearing, energetic young aaan. deslroua. of learning the furniture buataess. Advancement depends solely on ability. Apply Beaton St Later Co., 416--413 South lLi Bt. Factory and Trades. Drug store snaps; Joba Knelst. Pea Bldg. HELP Call Omaha EmpIoymeaBureauT "GET intolhe most profitable business ot today, the automobile business, and become Independent. Our large, well aqulpped shops offer the opportunities ot learning the business by actual expert aea on different makca ot cars. Our tsraaa are moderate. Write or call, Na tlaaal Auto Training association, JH N. 3U K. Ocaaha. Neb. Tel. Webster 6W3. WANTED MEN TO LEARN SAHBER TRADE. Thousands have be cpsae successful shop owners by our sys tem and sad to us for barbers. Prepara mow. Few weeks completes. Tools given. Wacas wW.e learnla. Call or write. Motor Bsabar CoH. HO 8. lKiEt. "WANTKD A caady maker at Red OaJcT 3a. Addrsss 9ox No. 3. A young man pre-fcrrea. Chiropodists. DR. ROY. 1K6 Farnam. Douglas (497. Costamcrs. FULL dress suits; party dresses for sals or rent, ilm per nignt- Open evenings. John Feldman. 266 N. 17th. Douglas 3128. Historical masquerade costumes to hire, at Theo. Lleben &. Sons, lilt Howard 8L Ilruas. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on J10 orders; catalogues free, tfnennnh &t Mcconneii uruit Co.. umana, Men. HverythlnK' (or Women. PLUMES mado over, cleaned, dyed, curled. ertha Kruger, 42-A, paxton iiik. p. M9i. OLD plumes made .new., California Os trich Ptumo Co.. 299 Neville Bldg. D. S010. LillkJO iivutlil wununnniwBniii, ait sixes' and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO.. 230 Douglas Rlk. Douglas Ladles' tntlorlng. guar. H. 3997. SIS Cuni'g Florists. A. DONA G HUB. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001. ItEBS tc HWOBODA. HIS Farnam St. L. HENDKIt.W, 1619 Farnam.-D. UuS. BATH'S florists, Boyd Theater Uldg. Purs. FUR, repairing, n. Fester. 1110 N. 24th. Karnaces, Storra sna Repairs. REPAIRS In. stock for alt makes ot stovea and heaters, furnaces, steam and hot water boilers; new furnaces. Kin press and Sultan water and steam beltera OMAHA BTOVE KKFAIK WORM, 13-8 Douglas St. Tyler . ffarnltare HepalrlBg. STANDARD furniture repair. R. SC9L Leather and Fladlasr. THE PHIU Leather nnd Finding house, wholesale leather and shoe findings: spe cial prices to shoemakers. 1(16 N. Uth St. Nnreerlea and Seeds. STEWART S SEEDSMAN, lit N. 16th. Patents. H. A. Sturgos, 630 Brandels Thea. Bldg. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Ulk. Tel. Red 7117. Flamblaar. PLUMBINO and heating. Fischer & Connell. 1318 William St. Douglas 67X7. Plumbing, heating. FARNAM PLUMl 1NO CO.. (307 N. 24th. W. 7X28. W. SOU, eve. Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Co, TeU Doug. CtL WATEltS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. qual Ity printing. TeU Doug. S190. C4 S. 13th. Sheet Metal Works. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 BL lottu Store and Office Flxtares. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-H U S. 12th. D. 272.. Storm Doora nod Windows. Wslrlch. storra doors, sashes. 121T N. 24. Traaka and 8 at teases. FUELING & 8TEINLE, 1303 Farnam Bt China Falatlasr. MRS. W. J. BURN ELL. China Paint Ing. Outside Firing. Phone Benson Ml. Coat Denlers. $5.&0COAL JOHNSON SPECIAL, beat for furnace or stoves. Tel. Doug. 1702. ISth and Isard. BALED KINDLING National Box Factory. 39th and Pacific Creameries, Balnea and Sappltea. DAVID COI.E CREAMERY COMPANY. WANTED A good all-around black ;alth for iatal r work and horsesbwtneT. Addrssei X M, Pnaelasr Academies. .DON'T you danceT Go to Mackle's. 1U( Harney, wlro all others learn. D. &I4& Jevretl HUnpson, Douglas Auditorium; Moaday evening. Doug. 2424 or Web. 249L Taace, social dances a specialty, D, 6m, Wines and Llqnera. WILLOW springs beers, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 201-3 8. 13th St EDUCATIONAL OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Perrons having lost some nrtlcle would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Miny articles each day are turned In and'rhe company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 43. I3ST Silver vanity ease, with mono gram It. It II.: liberal reward to finder. Return to ijw r arnam m. MONEY TO LOAN. OFFERED FOR RENT. Honiara mid Cottnajea. 1515 Hall Ae., 7-r., mod., 30. S109 Underwood Ave., Dundee, 8 r., 360. 1431 Emmet St, 7-r, completely mod., 335. THOS F. HALL, 433 Ram Be Bldg. D. 7406. ZiWi KAHXMAM, i:t rooms, modern, 160. 401 N. 31st, 10 rooms, modern, 350. 1219 S. 16th. 6-room flat for colored, I17.M. Others. RINOWALT, Brandclsi Theater Bldg." 8 ROOMS NEAR CATHEDRAL. East front, all modern, 333. 806 N. 39th Bt. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1010 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Douglas 2715. MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPCB and others upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments. Nor ton & Co., 333 Board ot Trade Building. MEDICAL. Dr. Baker Medical Offices. DISEASES OF WOMEN. aAaiilf ttnn a nil y ami tint Inn fr. 210 South 14th Street Omnha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. OFFERED KOH RENT. - Apartments nnd Flats. Gordon Van Co. S 219 N. llth St., or 210 8. 17lh St. Tct D. 391. DESIRABLE five-room steam heated apartment. Tho Mhsoii. 31st and Mason PIS.T 140.. Tel. II. 6343. Apply Apt. No. 12. .The Masoiu STRICTLY first-class apts. Marlua Sorenson, 2161 Harney St D. 6790. '"STEAM-1 1 BATE D apartment of 4 rooms In New Troy, 3i9 ilurney, has every Improvement. THOS. W. HAS5KN. 207 McCoguo D. 1300. STEAM-HEATED apartment ot 4 rooms at 2U2 Cuming bt Apt (lettered) 1C, 18.W. THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 McCugne U. 13K. " 1809 FARNAM 8 rooms, completely mod ern; mutable location tor oruces, studio. Dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., lor tenants winning homes adjoining. Hull Dlst. Co., -433 Ramge. Douglas 7406. 3-R. all modern, with janitor service; first floor, Lorraine Aparts., 17th and Maple Hts. Mengeaoht. Web. 3713. FOR RENT Four-room modern apart meiit. Sj 8. 28th Bt. H. 4141. C-room modern flat, 1321 N. 34th St. 3:0. 6-r., moderri list. 1804 N. 16th, fcw. '.' or 3 rooms, 818 N. Seventeenth, $ and up. THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague D. 1300. S-ROOM apartment, in "THE HUD SON" at 297 So. 26th Ave.;' built-in buffet, land walls and plate rail In dining room gas range, refrigerator and built-in cup boards In kitchen! attractive lighting fix tures; good ventilation; close In. tico this today; Janitor will show you through. 143 summer; ISO winter. HASTINGS & Hi;. X DEN. 1811 Harney Kt. 4-ROOM apartment, close In, walking distance; located at 26th Ave, and Doug las street Only one left; all outside looms; good ventilation', kitchen equipped with gas range, refrigerator, built-in cup boards. See thlt today; janitor will show ou through. 940 summer; winter. HAHT1NQB &HBYDEN, 1614 Hartley St, HAW f llmlhlifwl flltt rhfall. boug. 996 or Harney 4843. . Board and. Rooms, GENTLEMAN living near 2Sth and Far ham, who would like meals. Call H. MSO. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT New, modern room, with sleeping porch, for young men or business man ana wife. Tel. Harney 8io. fiVli? taa turn t f I fnWitl ali4 nnmss walking distance. In private family. i3i 8. 24th Ave. NICE furnished room tor rent sow Dewey Ave, BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. . Complete course In Business. Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service aad Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready. Call, write or phone for It Boyles College. 18th and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb. MOSHER.LAMPMAN Unusurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduatsa are sniranteed irood nnltlnn. Work for board. For free catalogue ad- oraas Mosner-Lropraan vouege, 1516 Far ram St, Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE at a discount- A full un limited scholarship In Boyles Business College. Omaha; good for either short hand or buslnesa course. Apply at the oiaca oi vmubsa ace Knrntshed llausckceplne Rooms. DAVENPORT, JMIS-Two nlshed housekeeping rooms. nicely fur- JFurnlsheA llanses. WILL rent furnished for six months new, modern, buck seven-room house In Hanscom park district; has garage. Y , nee. Hotels and Apartments. DODGE I IOTBL Modem, reasonable. FAHNAM-CUMING LINE. ' 8-room modern, east front, $35; one block to car, two blocks to cathedral, and near Saunders school. O'KEEFE HEAL ERTATK f!n.. 1016 Omaha Not'l. Doug. 2715. -..'n".( a. u.m. 325.00. 7-room modern, Bemls Park house, 3654 Hawthorne. Phone Harney ner ISth and Wirt Sts.; beamed ceilings, i'iiuu-u uimriB room, oaa noora tnrougn put; all In first class order; fine electric lighted garage. On account of sickness this place Is offered for rent soon. See it hmm. T) I. . , 1 ' 1 . . ... m i imiiq Hgumcr oil 1 . PERSONAL. . MISS VBNET, massage and alcohol rubs, scalp treanent ,1619 Dodge Bt Elec. mass., bath. 214 Dalrd Bldg.. 17 & D MAGNETIC trt. 1829 Vinton. D. 6026 LELAND MONTGOMERY WANTED Your father Is seriously sick. If you want to see h'm alive come home nt once. Itenry C. Barnsback. EdwardsVille, 111. MRS. SNYDER. Electrlo Trt. D. 43S0. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 206 Brandels theater. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. FOR SALE New, modern seven-room brick house In Hanscom park district; has large sleeping porch and garage; easy terms. , l sou. uee. WANTED TO BUT. WANTED TO BUY REAL ESTATE. We have customers who wint to buy, 1 six-room house and 1 seven-room house must be In good location. Call at office, or telephone. C. C. Clifton, manager real estato department, Bankers' Realty In vestment Company, ground floor, Bee building. Phone Doug. 2926. FULL price paid for furniture. W. 24. WANTED to buy, all kinds of watch movements nnd gold. M. Nathan. 103 S. 12. WE PAY highest prices for ladiea' and gents' clothing. 09 8. 13th St R. 6544. Rachman will treat you right; best prices for turn., clothes & shoes, w. E1I6. Two Lots Near Carter Lake Southwest corner 14th Ave. and Fowler; large enough to build three cottages, within two blocks of car, good location; 3650 for the two: $10 cash, $10 a month. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St IfLPnAM tiftfils laalilanna ttlnK v w vtii-n , tvniuvuvvi livat alibis school. Tel. Harney C564. 6 ROOMS, new. modern except furance, good location. Harney 4578. BEMIS PARK HOMES TOR RENT. $37.603511 Lafayette Ave., 7-r., mod., hot water heat, fine repair. $4150 3o09 1-afayette Ave., 8-r., new, modern, strictly first class. , . GEORGE & COMPANY. Tel. D. 756. P02 City Nnt. Bank Bldg. 8-R with hot water heating plant bn 87th St. half block from Farnam St., $43. -r., not so up-to-date, but with mod. conveniences, cor. 32d Ave. nnd Farnam, t.17 K0. Harrison & Morton mj umana Man. UK. II LMll ll'l.'H .....!.. . .. itn,ui.u iciii, luii)- inoarrn, neat, desirable, 0 rooms downstairs, large front and back yard, good repair, 2115 So, 24th Ht. Call next door. Q. Grush. Stores nnd Offices. DESK room. MerU. 870 Brandejs Bldg. NEW store building, 26x60; steam heat. 1703 Jackson. 1811 FARNAM ST., 3,000 square feet. 1809 Farnam St (In rear), suitable for shops; ctcarn heat; hot and cold water furnished. Thos. . F. Hall. 433 V7 Ramge Bid)?.. Douglas 7400. FOR RENT The office on ground floor ot The Bee building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frontaga on Farnam St and occupying about 1,500 square feet with extra entrance on the court of the building. Large vault. Fine office fixture -for sale. Apply N. P. Fell. Bee office. , FOR SALE OR RENT. HANSCOM PARK, west side. Seven rooms, nearlv new: hardwood Inside: hot air. electricity, gas: exceDtlonal location; -accessible: all-Improvements. Doug. 6232, FOR RENT Brick etora room on publlo square in Red Oak, la.; occupied ns shoe store SO years, D. B. Miller. Red Oak, la. RRICK storeroom, 1919 Cuming, $20. THOS. W. HAS! EN. 207 McCague D. 1300. NEW STORES DOWN TOWN. LOW RENTAL. New stores for rent In Powell Bldg., 613 to 623 8. 16th St. New and up-to-date fronts, steam heat, full cemented basements, strictly modern In every, re spect. $75 to $85 per- month. GEORGE AND COMPANY, 902 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone D. 756. Barn for Rent. Tarn Suitable for ten cars. 2226 Howard. OFFERED FOR BALK. Mualt-nl Inatrnmeata. Gibson, mandolins, guitars and banjos $1 down. $L6o month. F. Potter 20th & Far. Typewriters. Typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange. 307 S. 17th St TYPEWRITERS sold and rented everyi where. U C, Smith & Bros. Typewriter Company. 1819 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. RENT- Remingtons. Monarchs and Smith Premiers ot their makers. The Remington Typewriter Co., telephone Douglas 1824. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and" highest grade machines sent out Rates, three months for 33 for Understroke machines or $3 per month for latest model visible writers. ALL makes typewriters rented and sold, easy terms. Butts' Typewriter Exchange, 1S05 Farnam St Douglas 6031. RENT an Oliver typewriter; 3 months, tl. The Oliver Typewriter Co. Doug. 231. Miscellaneous. EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam St. REIO hotel, steam heat with hot and cold water In all rooms. 16th and Cuming. llonsea nnd Cottages. A COMPLETE list ot vacant houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This is a Hat complied daily and can bu seen free of charge at sui bouth llth bt OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. DO your FEET trouble yout Wear Simpson's "lllgena" Health Sock In your shoe. Immediately relieves tired, ach ing, burning feet Positively oures cal lous. Keep your feet WARM In winter and COOL In summer. Trial pair will convince you. Send site of shoe. Mailed Sflc. Maker, Albert K. .Simpson, 39 Web ster St, East Lynn. Mass. ICQ STOVES, quick sale. 2-tn Cuming. SAFES Overstocked, second-hand, all makes. J. J. Derlght Safe Co., 1212 Farnam. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. HnunPR In all parts of the city. XlUUStb CreBh fna & Co- Bee Bldg. FOR SALE New and second-hand I carom and pocket billiard tables and j bowling alleys and accessories; bar flx I turea of all kinds; easy payments. The ! Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-409 S. leth ot f NEAT, desirable t-room cottage; modern except furnace. 628 S. 19th Ave. $23. Douglas 4236. EIOHT-ROOM HOUSE HOT WATER HEAT S10 N 33d St. strictly modern; good lo cation; corner; j,ood surroundings, on Harney car line, 1 block from Cuming St, and Bemla Park. $30. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St JM Priori ExP- Co., furniture moving. T?TTM7T WTXr Btorage and Van nilJr'lvl I X L- Goods atored. shipped. moved. packed. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1&16. FOR RENT Two-story rrarne dwelling on Cass, near 26th; modern. Crelghton university. Douglas 2320. 3-ROOM house tor rent Furnished or unfurnished. 1903 Wirt Webster tea. NOTHING like It; steam heat or S or 7-room flats ana nouses, ai w. a. a . . I. c Pin.. In llht fixtures; 7 rooms; modern. Iuqulre 1424 Farnom. nnRuys Best Coal for the money U,UUtry ,t Web 8t& irmon & Weeth. VW") stoves must be sold In CO. days. D. 1533. Amer. Furn. Co.. 606 N. 16th St en STOVES must tie sold in 40 days. uu 2217 Cuming street Douglaa 7032. PERSONAL 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. Miss Fisher, mas., bath. elec. treat D. 8S3. YOUNG women coming to Omaha .as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and 8t Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. Here 's a Chance to Buy a Home on Monthly Pay ment Plan. T hiv. (wo brand new houses that are well built, all modern and beautifully fin ished. They are located In the north part of the lty, both not more than one block from car line. Either house can be purchased for small "cash payment and balance like rent. For particulars call mc tonight after 6 p. m. Telephone Doug. 7342. TO BUY. SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. Close In Bargain Large Modem House No. 2319 Chicago St. containing 17 rnnmn. Thera nre 13 rooms, reception hall and bath room above the basement and four rooms In basement, namely, launary, vegetable, coal and furnace rooms. Man tela In front parlor and bedroom; com bination fixtures throughout: Plate glass In a'l front windows: cistern connected witn launary: garage ror two automo biles; concrete walks nnd front driveway. Price $7,000. Rental value $720 per year. Needing money, will accept tho best cash offer over $6,200 mado to me before De- comber 1, 1913. W. II. GRIFFITH. 2623 Chicago St REAL ESTATE. FARM Jt RANCH LANDS FOR BALK Arlsona, FOR $250 we can locate you on 320 acres government land: best ot soil ani water and close to main llno.R. R.. and good climate. $250- pays fare down and back from Omaha, tiling fees, surveying, trans location on ground, etc 1126 City Nat. itunK mag., umann. Idaho, IDAHO'S choicest alfalfa, corn, diversi fied dairying, stock and fruit ranches; unlimited water for Irrigation, tor less money than unlrrigated lands In any corn states; mild climate; no drouths, cyclones or blizzards. A. E. Wood Payette, Idaho. Minnesota, ... ,, hii. i .4 to acres tv miics uuiu .hmmwwii mile from town: 160 acres under cultiva tion. uajKnco uku tut vMwt -; j tically all be cultivate: heavy soil: good eel oe ouuuiDica, vunvwuub v. - urge Larii, bihiibij, wmi WT' mills, etc, land will produce 60 bu. corn per acre; teiepnono m n" . thickly settled; complete set machinery; 27 head stock, consisting of 11 cows, bal ance 1 and 2-yearolds; S good horses, H hogs, chickens, A this year's crop and everything on farm goes at $50 per acre; A casn. BuiiiAo miuo., 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. Aebimaaa. . .n 4m - I.HM..f.,i1 In fcttlA rUUtlA-ilW-'" (IMIHV.1.1.- ... neighborhood; fine farm land: no sand hills. Cost you $200. filing fees and all. J. 'A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farms) an d Ranch Lands. near Wray, Colo; all fenced; H under cultivation; good eight-room house and barns: or will sell on easy terms. Y 331, iff i7r iizn ...H wlt Imnroved. aood. level, tillable land. Address B. Marks. 222 Vine St. Council Bluffs. Ia.. Phone 1181. REAL ESTATE LOANS tKYs tin ItM) .inAti nromotlv. P. D. wead, wcaa mag- xaia biw r mmiii, a n nA amafl rm alt rmm ! Mon; optional payments. Wm. McCor- miCK. jzul r amain 6 iimv 1 A1MQ tlamU.ParlhArir rn 810-312 Brandels Theater building. GARVIN BEOS.ASt WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. CITY property. Large loans a specialty, W. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. 1016 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 2715. LARGE loans our specialty. 8tull Bros HARRISON tc MORTON, 16 Om. Nat WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. MASSAGE 100 So. 17th St, first floor. THE Salvation Army -Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines, we collect We distribute Phone Douglss 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect the new home, 1U0-1112-1111 Dodge St 240 acres land near Pueblo, Colo.: clear title. J. T. maicnioru. Arymi. a. WANTED. GOOD CATTLE RANCH WILL EXCHANGE Live bustnesa established IS years. In cluding horses, harness, heavy truck and freight wagons, carriages, hearses, bus and trunk transfer and real estate lo cated In a good manufacturing town In Iowa. What have you to offer? BOSSERMAN BROS., Murray. Ia LIVE STOCK market: of west. Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save rnlleago and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants. MARTIN BROS, ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION .STATION Tenth Mason. Union Pacific Dtpart. ..a i:M am .. 4: JO pm Arrite. a l:H pm a l:U am 6 J pm a t:S am a l:4a pm a 2: JO am a 4:M nm a 7:10 am a 7:11 pm a !:Jt pm a 4:41 pm alo:S0 am ...a J:00 am ..all:ll pm ..all:J3 am ,a I: JO pm ,,a 7:0 am ..b S:00 am a i:09 pm all:J0 am a Si(7 am a 7:lt am a tM pm a t'.to pm a :J am all'.li pm blOill am a S:M am a S::o pm Orerltnl Limited California Mall . Omaha Ezert .. Atlanta Kipr-i Loa Anztlea Llmltad ,..alt:U am Dfnitr Bpaclal .a 1M am Colorado nipnu .....a 4:24 pm CBlarad Bpaclal ..,....al2:01 am Pji Francltco Limited ....al0:10 am i-acina umitta all:30 am nrraen.Waihlaaton Limited, .al0:W am North Plaeta Local t.,.a I:1S am urana uiaaa uxtl a I'M in Ptromiburc Local blJ:4l pm blitaum Chlcna-o, Rock Island Jb Padlflo Hockr Mountain Limited. ...a l;Ji am all:&5 pm Chictio Local PatHnzar bl0:00 aijl bl;M pm Chlcaco Day Exprtu a :J0 am a 4:40 pra Chlcaco Nlaht Exprena a 4:10 pm a 1:40 pro, Dea Molnn Local Paaa a 4:17 pm alt:U pm Chlcaso-Ktb. LlnilttA a 6:00 pm a 1:00 am WIST. Colo, and Cal. Kipms a 1:M pm a4:Mpm un i a. -ixia jbKprH...,..a i:u pm iukkt Mountain umun,...aii:i7 pm Mtaaoarl Pacific K. C. i Bt L Eip K. C. & St. L Eip K. C. St Paul Wnbaah Oraaha-Bt. Iula Eip. Mall and Expraaa Btanbarry Local (rom C. B.. Cblcato JJmlttd Chlcaco Expreaa ......... u . a t:M io Chicago A. Norihvrraffrn - Northbound. Twin Cltr' Eiprcaa .........a 7:45 am Dakota Paaacnxtr b T;4S am Bloux wltr lcal ...... ....a pm Minneapolis Exprtu ..a 6:46 pm Dakota Eiprtta a :ti pm Twin Cltr Llnltod a COS pm a 7:11 am EASTBOUND. renter Special a 1:00 am Carroll Local a 7:00 am Hawkar Eiprcaa .a 7:40 am Chlcaao Ical .....a!2:io Dm Carroll Local .....a 4: JO pm Chicago Special a a: 00 pm San Franciaco Limited.. a :z pm Overland Limited ,a 1:00 pm oreaon-v. aimnrton umiiea..a uo pm uo anteiea umiiH a i:m pm WESTBOUND Chadron Local a 1:00 am tlncom-DallaS a 8:00 am Lincoln-tone I'lna :a 1: em Haatlnai'Superlor b :li pm b k:I0 am Deadwood.llot Srrlnn a i:U pm a (:4 pm Twin vity Kipreaa .., a am Caaper-Lander ....a J:SS pm Alblon-Oaidals b S:J0 pm Chlcaaro Great Western Twin Cltr Limited a S:10 pm Twin Cltr Eipreaa a 7:44 am Chlcato Eipreaa a 1:00 pm Chlcaaro, Mllvr ssuee & St. Paul Pacific Limited a 7:M pm it:j5 ira Ulicaao opeciai o;mi pm California Mall a t:U pm Chlcaco Darllsbt Special ....a 7:20 am Uaalla Local ....a 4:10 am Petrr Lscal a 1:19 am "al9:S0 pm a S:4J am a J:: pm aiiao am M0:JO pm a 7:29 am a 1:00 pm all:S0 pm a 2:11 pm alO:00 am a 7:70 pra a t:M am a 7:30 am all:10 am a 11:40 am a 1:70 sra alius pm alO;W pm b 1:J5 nm b 1:53 pra a :19 am aie:M pm a 2:39 pm 7:J am 2:21 pm 11(44 pm 11:44 pm 11: to am BURLINGTON STATION Tenth ' A Mason. Bnrllngrton Depart. Denver Limited ...a:40am Chicaio-Omaha , , Denver and California a 4:19 pra Punt Sound Eipreaa a 4:10 pra Nabraaka Polnta a 1:20 am Black llllla , a 4:19 pm Lincoln Mali b 1:19 pm Northweat Eipreaa 11 :J3 pm Nebraska Eipreaa a 1 .15 am Lincoln Local a 7:26 pra Rchurler-PUUUmouth b J:05 pm Plattamouth.lowa 1:11 am Ballevue-Flattemouta .al2:M pm Chlcaso Special , a 7:15 am Denver Special all:25 pm Chicago Eipreaa a 4:20 pm Chlcaco Fart Eipreaa a 6:20 pm Creaton Local b 2:29 pra St. L. ft K. C Special a 4:19 pm K. C. and Bt. Joeeph ,...al9:4I pm K. C. and St. Joaeph a 2:15 am (a) Dallr. Arrive, a 7.-09 am a 6:29 am a 2:4i pm a 2:41 pm a 6:19 pra a 2:45 pm 1I:15 pm a 7:99 am a ;10 pm a 2:00 am bl0:29 am a 9:4 am a 2:49 pn sll:29 pm a 2:i5'p'ni a 2:M am bll:00 am all:J0 am a 6:u am a 6:19 pra WEBSTER STREET STATION Fif teenth nnd Webster. Mlaaonrl Pacific Fall Cltr Peeeesser Local Ftelsbt Chicago, St. Pan, Omaha Cloux Cltr Eipreaa Twin Cltr Paaaenser Sioux Cltr Paiaenter Cmeraon Accommodation., (b) Dallr except Sunder .?? Arrive. ..b 9:W pm bll:4I am b i 7:06 am b 4:29 pra Jllnneapolla Depart Arrive. ..b 2:22 pra bllil am ..b am a 6:2S pra ...e 2:!5 am ..b6:99pu 2:19 am c) 8undr oalr. -ROOM house. 2318 So. 12th St MARSAflRSwe11'h movement, ill Kit MKT, t rooms, mod. Web. 10M. I LAt'RA WILSON, bath, mass. IX HZt vw,.. l.nii.. tnw turn ramllli.a 9fk fWIUWIU M W aw. " - " " . vw.m tuxtl Dour SU. Call Xhuglaa lit. Manlo'g. massage. Miss Dehar. lilt Uoige. Maasage, 1st ft r , 1R3 Lodt. Mrs. Steelo WHAT have you in clear medium priced vacant lota in Omaha to exchange as part payment on S, fi and T-room new, modern and well built dwellings In dif ferent sections of the city, ranging In price from liSOO to- ti.W SCOTT t HILL. Douglas 1009. BANCROFT SCHOOL CHILDREN GIVE THANKSGIVING SKETCH A program ot Thanksgiving order was given Wednesday afternoon at the Ban croft school. The sketch was taken from the "Courtship ot Miles Blandish, by Longfellow, and the list of characters were as follows; ' John Carver, by HeTluf Olsen; Miles Standlsh. William Cowdery; WHUanf Bradford. Harry Banke; William Brew ster. Walter Frederickson; Samoset James Lahood; Massasolt, John Constat., tine; White Eagle, Joe Hoffman; Pits cilia. Pauline Semerad; Betty, Aloys Berka; Anne, Florence Vlvkery; Pju dence, Madeline Collins; Faith. Maltl Eggen; Hope, Rut,h Hill; Charity, Marie Oraser; Jane, Catherine McCabe. The first act was In England, the second In Hollard and the third in America Interspersing the acts were Vlctrola musical numbers and recitations, as fol. lows: "Grandma's Thanksgiylng," bv Agnes Mathauser. "A Thankful Thanks giving." by Ella Hornlg There was a!n a presentation of Columbia by Mac How land and a tableau by all the clasres of the school. 4 s