The Omaha Daily Bee Everybody Reads the day' happening every inj. If folk don't read your store news CTcry day, it's your fault. VOL. XLIII NO. 140. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1013 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER. Mr OMAHA WINS STATE FOOT BALL TITLE BY NORTH PLATTE DEFEAT Local High Eleven Crosses Goal Line of Visitors for Seven Touchdowns. SCORE FORTY-SEVEN TO SEVEN Western Team Outclassed Except for First Few Minutes. SCORE TIED' IN THE FIRST Ends Fall Before Advances of Platz, Hughes and Kelly. 7ISIT0RS- FIGHT HARD ALL WAY By OverWhelmlng TfannVsglTlna: Opponents Tram from This Cltr la Supreme In State of Nebraska. Omaha High, 47. worth Watts Klffh, 7. Before a solid moss of 4.01 cheering, yelling- rooters, who crowded Into the grandstand and swarmed out onto the field, Omaha High school, fighting for Mood every minute of tho time, decisively crushed every hope of western Nebraska high schools by defeating North Platte High school, which Is acknowledged as representative of the average strength of western high schools this year. Around the ends, through the thick of the line and by means of long forward passes, the" Omaha boys ripped the North Platto xquad asunder and triumphantly scram bled over the goal line for seven touch downs, which, with the five goals after touchdowns by Gardiner, gave Omaha a Brand total of forty-eeven points, while North Platte was forced to be content with one lone touchdown, which netted a meager seven. With the exception of the first five minutes of play the western team was outclassed from tip to tip. Shortly after the Initial whistle Ryan plunged his way across tho goal line for a touchdown and McWilllams added qne more point by kicking the goal. But North Platte was doomed to defeat and scored no more. Score Tied by Omaha. Omaha tcd the score In the first quar ter, when two forward passes, one twenty-five yards, Platz to Klein, and ono twenty yards, PlaU to Hughes, and twaf short plunges through the line netted I Omaha its first score. Two more touchdowns were scored In the second period. After Berry inter cepted sV forward pass which gave Omaha the bail In Ml. ti&ie of Hie field, Plats hurled a forward pass to Hughes, who evading" cv"errNorttf,F!MTo" tacT7 printed over the! goal line. A minute later a twenty-yard run by Berry, a fifteen yard penalty for liorth Platte, a twelve yard run. by Kelly and a fifteen-yard smash by Plats made the score at the end pt the first half 21 to 7, with the margin going to Omaha, In the third quarter a forward pass which Platz hurled to Hughes within two minutes after play was started allowed the; fleet end to carry the ball forty yards to North Platto's twenty-yard line. A second forward pass, Piatt to Hughes, ave Hughes an apportunlty to make the fourth touchdown. A few minutes later Platz picked up tho. ball and ran nround left end for forty-five yards for a touchdown. llllKhm Mukra Toufhilowll. After sce-sawing back and forth for a Xiw minutes another pf the deadly passes from Plats to Hughes was attempted successfully and Hughes ran thirty yards for a touchdown. Omaha worked the ball to tho ten-yard line In tho last quarter and both North Plalte and Omaha fld died around for some little time, during which much discussion was raised be-1 tween tho two teams and Rufcrco Chauner, After much "rag chewing" play was allowed to resume without Inter ruption and Hughes ran around left end for tho last touchdown. After the first quarter It was clearly Omaha's game. Fighting . every single minute. Platz ripped through the North Platte line, a line which had been her alded as Impenetrable, Just as, a roaring torrent brushes aside the puny 'bulwarks of a spanning bridge. Battered and frayed, the lino "which had withstood the attacks of the mightiest, crumbled be fore the vicious attacks of that one battle-scarred hero, Plrttz, who brooked no opposition when he lowered his head and started his terrible rushes. ."Vol Mqual (o Plats. The ends, both excellent players who had foiled the star halfbacks of other quads, fell before the advances of Platz, (Continued on Page Four.) The Weather For Nebraska-Generally fair, with somewhat higher temperature in south west portion! slight to moderate variable winds. Deg. .... 41 40 42 .... 42 ... 43 44 45 1 p. m 47 2 p. ra. 3 p. m.... p. in.... 5 p. m.... 6 p. m.,.. 7 p. m.... Comparative Local llec.ord. 1913. mi. 1911. 1810. inchest veaterday 52 37 26 lowest yesterday 33 24 15 Z Mean temperature 4 30 2tf 30 Precipitation 00 .00 T .00 Temperature and precipitation depart ures from the normal at Omaha since March 1. and compared wth the last two years: - Normal temperature Rxcees for the day 13 Total excess since March 1 763 Normal precipitation 02 lncn &ufMr since March V::.w:w inches Deficiency stn?e March 1 7 Winches Deficiency cor. period, 1912 . 3.M Inches "tadieJte? "trwrf KlpltaUoVM J A WELSH, Local Forecaster. yri Hour. p"W A 9 a.m..'.. M Y L 1 a. in.... SMitN SSl-:::: Four Million-Dollar Fund for T.M. C,A, is Raised on Time NEW YORK. Nov. 27. -This was a true Thanksgiving day for the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian associa tions of this city. Jubilant as they were of having established a World's record In fund raising by obtaining more than $4,000,000 within fifteen days. The an nouncement as reported last night that the total of $1,002,501 had been raised was followed today from some lnterestlngde talis of tho unique campaign. The gift of the odd dollar of the over-subscribed amount came at the Inst moment from the Janitor of a downtown building who sent It with the following simple and earnest, It ungrammatlcal, note: I see by tho papers this morning that you have not got your $1,000,000 and so there Is nothing else for me to do than help It. This morning a lady gave mo one dollar for a turkey; then 1 thought that I have to be without turkey and send that one dollar for your fund. I am a Janitor that loves the lost. God bless you. It Is shown that 17.241 senarato con tributors gave so generously that their gifts alone totalled $1,175,000. John D. Rockefeller was the chief contributor, having given $500,000. Cleveland H. Dodge waa a close second with gifts of $375,000. A number of rich persons elbthed their philanthropy with modesty and the total of anonmous gifts was more thati $400,000. Miners and Owners Unable to Reach a Temporary Truce DENVER, Colo., Nov. 27.-Whcther tho conference which adjourned at 1:30 o'clock this morning without reaching even a temporary truce, would be called to gether to mako any further efforts tp terminate tho Colorado' coal strike, was not decided definitely when Governor Ammdns reached his office early today. The governor was reticent as to his future plans, although it was believed that cither he would outline a plan for further conference or orfer recommenda tions to the committees based on tho facts secured at yesterday's hearing. While yesterday's Conference brought no tangible agreement, It was felt today that the fact that reports of the operators and miners discussed their differences fully and frankly was an encouraging sign. Tho operators stated they would grant demands of their employes for check weighmon, right to trade at any store, board at any place, secure the ser vices of any physician, recognize enforce ment of the state mining law. The crux of the situation still is recog nition of the miners' union, which the operators declare they would not grant. Federation Will Establish New : 7iMdBiGncir SKATTLtt, Waih.,- N6V. 27,-The build ing trades') Department of the American Federation of Labor decided today that a building trades council "representative of the American Federation of Labor and its policies shall be established In New York City as a rebuke to the va rious so-called central bodies which grant recognition to dual and seceding unions. John T, Taggart of the International Union of Wood, Wire and Metal Lathers made a hot speech In opposition, vir tually telling the department that his union would not be bound by the orders of "the proposed council. He was an swered by Frank M. Ryan, president of tho Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, and James Duncan, president of tho Granite Cutters. W. J. McSorley. a co-delegate with Taggart, declared that Taggart was with out authority to speak for the' New York J lathers. V Colonel Gaillard Is Reported Dying BALTIMORE, Nov. 27.-Physlcians at Johns Hopkins hospital announced this afternoon that practically all hope had been abandoned for the recovery of Lieutenant Colonel David Du Boise Gall lard, the army engineer who dug the Culebra cut In the Panama canal against almost insurmountable obstacles. He has been sinking steadily for the last few days. Colonel Galllard'a condition, it Is said, now Is such that death might come either In a few hours or a few days, as Is the usual result in brain diseases'. His son. Lieutenant David P. Gaillard, V. S. A., said today that his father's trouble came on him suddenly In July Last Thanksgiving day they were to gether In Panama. Big Hominy Mill at Decatur Burned DECATUR, 111., Nov. 27.-Tho Decatur mill of the American Hominy company was burned to the ground early today. The loss amounted to over $100,00). The fire started in the dryer room, at the top ot the mill and burned downwards. This mill Is said to have ground more corn than any other mill of its size In the world. It will be rebuilt. FOUR HUNDRED WOMEN ANSWER AD FOR WIFE NEW YORK. Nov. 27 -Ernest W. Dar row,' a contracting mason of Patchogue. Long Island, celebrated this rbanksglv. Ing day by taking his pick of more than 400 women who had offered to be his life mate. Dqrrow had been advertising for a ! wife' since last May and the several hundred applicants not only besieged him by letter, by telegraph and telephone, but many visited him in person. It was learned today that Miss Julie Stagg, an Kngllih girl, who landed in Canada from England nine months ago nted reluctantly to aid In mi and went to live In Brooklyn, had wonvolc" ,orca at Independe .... Int..... .1.. . . , and the couple will be married late this afternoon. According to the terms ot his advertisement. Par row. who annodpeed ! that he made V a week and that he had four motherless rhldren, will tuin ove - j four-fifth" of his weekly salary for the of n" w,fe "nd chl,dren "" household expenses. COYOTE TEAM WHIPS T Visitors from University of South Dakota Triumph Over Local Eleven 17 to 0. LOST ON SEVERAL-IAD Catholic Boys Sevr Verge COSTS NUMBER 01 Opponents Have Boot Ready to Kiok Out of Danger. FORWARD PASS Vldnl Drop Klrka for Goal from Field In Final Quarter MlUrr , and McCarthy Star for Local University. South Bakota, 17. Crtlghton, O. South Dakota State university de fratod Crelghton on Creighton field Thanksgiving day by a score of 17 to0. The South Dakota scores were made on two touchdowns, each followed by a goal and later a drop kick. A crowd of about 4,000 people gathorcd to witness the game, occlusive of thoso who crowded the surrounding house and hill tops. There waa a grand display of college yells and colors, whle both teams were encouraged by bands. The Coyotes were first to appear. running through light kicking and sig nal practice. Crelghton was' late, filing down the field after 3 o'clock. Tho teams nppeared about equal In weight. Brooks, left guard for tho vlslton, was taken from the battle In the last quarter with a dislocated shoulder. This is Brooks' second year on the team, and the first time ho was ever forced to leave tho game. After the game. Coach James nender son of the Coyotes said that they were well pleased with the outcome, and had wbn by the margin expected. Ho was much Impressed with the work of Mil ler, Walworth and McCarthy. He said South Dakota should have beaten the Michigan Aggies by about the same score, and that the Aggies are over rated. , The officials ran the game 'In nice fashion, South Dakota suffering six pen alties for offside play, and Creighton only losing five yards for the same rea son. Fnmbllngr Lost the Game, Fumbling was the cause of Crclghton's defeat, and cost her several possible touchdowns. Tho Crelghton men seemed to tacit the ability to hold th pigskin and each time they bobbjed a red. and white" man was found., ,wrappcd about rv?firovar- - -. The first quarter was Bouth Dakota's. as they kept the ball Irf Crelghton's ter ritory. In the second quarter thoy scored both their touchdowns, although Crelgh- (Continued on Page Four.1 President and McCom)s Discuss Political Outlook WASHINGTON, Nov. 2T.-As President Wilson Intends to leave early tomorrow for New Y'ork to spend part of the day with friends and go to the army and navV foot ball game Saturday, he had two engagements today at his office. He had a long talk with William F. Mo Combs, chairman of the democratic na tional committee, and In the afternoon with Sir William Tyrcll, private secretary to Sir Edward Grey, British foreign secretary. With McCombs the president discussed politics In general and preliminary con gressional campaigns. About 'Sir William Tyrell's visit White House officials made no comment. Dur ing his stay here Sir William has seen President Wilson twice before and they have exchanged Information on Mexico. Seven Persons Hurt in Des Moines Wreck DBS MOINES, Nov. 27..-Seven persons were Injured when a Burlington freight train, west bound, plunged Into' south bound Rock Island train No. 57, on the Kansas City and St. Paul short line, at the crossing early today. Among those Injured were: Iva L. Shull. St. Taul, foot broken. Mrs. J. I. Dallcy, Long Beach. Ca., back strained. I F J. Hurlbut. Pullman conductor, Minneapolis, head cut; wrist and ankle I sprained. MATHEMATICAL GENIUS DIES IN POOR FARM KANfSAS Cm, Nov. 27.-Rcuben Field. wIioro phenomenal powers as a rapid cal culator have puzzled expert mathema ticians from all parts of the country, diod today of apoplexy at the. Jackson county farm, where he had been cared for since 1M7. He was 70 years old. Apparently without ambition and al ways dependent on others, he regarded his arithmetical powers as a gift of God that would be taken from him It he turned them to worldly gain. He waa unable to read or write. Given the distance by rail between two cities and the dimensions ot a car wheel he would tell an Inquisitor how many revo'utlons of the wheel would be required to cover the distance almost before the ltatment of the Problem waa complete. it was said he could tell the exact time at any hour without hesitation and with out reference to clock, sun or other agency. On several occasions Field had con- to aid in making in- nee. Mo. Given the number of yards of goods In a bolt of cloth, the number of. bolts and ine fince per yuru, neia wouia icii in j-Untl -he to,., value of the good, on jtne sheir. " wa" born ,n Ua,h "uy. Kentucky. but "pnt mol of hta ,lfe ,n w",ern IMlssour (HIGH OWBIORS A h !3&s -BsBL-rrfe...... Jig .ms 71 1 f TOUCHDOWNS U" O&Z? uT? . IS EFFECTIVE Zr Hsr?sF! S k n- x AVTO- STEALING . Drawn for The Bee by Powell PRESIDENT ATTENDS MASS Pan-American Servioe is Held at St. Patrick's Church. SERMQN BY CUBAN BISHOP Edifice la Decorated lrlth Flags of All American Republics Cab Inet Mcmbrra and Dlplo , mats Attend. WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.-Th fourth an- ttuat Pan-AmericanThfc'hkByiftf'"c1tfJ bratton with its attendant. mass, a serv ice ot .thankful unity between tho United States and. the twenty-one. Latin-American republic, was 6bserved hero today. President Wilson, Secretary Bryan and a number of other cabinet officers, all the dlptomats from Latin America, Chief Justice White and Justice McKenna of the supreme court and senators, repre sentatives and other officials attended, St, Patrick's church was decorated with American and Latin American flags. A dove of peace holding together in its beak the flag of the United States and that ot the Pan-American union, symbol ized tho peace ot the western hemi sphere, for which prayers wore offered. Cardinal Gibbons was present. Right Rev. Charles W. Currier, bishop of Matanzos, Cuba who preached the sermon, described war as the "natural enemy ot order, and therefore of that which Is good and true," said that It "subvert the moral order by opening wide tho door to all manner of vices," and concluded by portraying to his audience the "sickening sight of the battlefield, with Its carnage, Its blood, Its grim death, its misery, on which only vultures (Continued on Page Two.) Actress Who Killed Self Leaves Note PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 27.-A note written by Elizabeth Pcritz of New York, a,n actress who committed suicide by swallowing poison In a hotel here last Monday night, was inado public here to day. The note, which was addressed to her slater, was given to the authorities by Oscar Friedman, a brother-in-law of the actress. It read: Dear Itose: I liMn vnrv nrU I ! had to have an operation performed, and . . , "- ' s- s hum '.$111 1 "et ,w,e"I '1VE... ,.,ftv" an: . "lie. iia " III linru II1CK UIIU 1 nave com my aiamonns. ir you don t Jheur from me again before November IS 1 go to the home of Mrs. Fox at 400 West Flftv-sej-enth street and get my trunk. Don t give her any Information. Don't I ,eV. "l0',, .babies for me. Don't ?aU f,1.00 We?1 Fly-eventh street until I the Hth or after. Lovingly, J "L15V51K." I The body of the actress was taken ti i Brooklyn this afternoon. FOUR PERSONS DROWN DURING STORM AT SEA HAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 27.-Wreless messages today say that two officers, one paaaenger and a seaman on the Pa cific coast steamship President lost their lives lsst night in the storm ttat raged off the California coast. The passenger, whose name has not been learned, was washed overboard 130 miles north ot Cape Blanco and the members of the crew died In an effort to save hlui. When tne cry of "man overboard" sounded. Fourth Officer J. Hhane, Quar termaster O. Jurisbeck and II. Hansen, a seaman, volunteered to attempt' the rescue, despite the heavy sea. The brief wlrelesj message to the steamship com pany officers In this city did not say whether they succeeded in launching the boat or not. The President, under Captain Paulsen, left Seattle November 2J for this port with 100 passengers Its location at the time of the accident last night Indicate that it has been delayed by the unusually heavy weather along the north coast and It Is not expected here until some time tonight. Times Do Change Suit is Filed for Possession of the ogarth Pictures LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Nov. 27.-In a suit on file today the United States district court Is petitioned to require. Ell P. Clark Af this city to show cause why he should .not deliver twelve palptlngs, said to; be the work of William Hogarth, to Frank McKay, trustee ,for tlfc. bankrupt art con cern t .Tomllnson-Humea,. Jnc.'af. Chi cago. , While Clark ' Is acknowledged as the owner, McKay, as petitioner, prays thnt itmv hA nrrinrffl hitrlr in nhleaan In fulfillment of contract with TomKnson Humes to sell them. The pictures were Involved In litigation last summer, when it was brought out that the paintings, originally purchased in Buffalo for $00,000. were transferred to K. P. Clark on notes aggregating $125,000, with the "understanding that Tomllnson. Humes would undertake to sell them to former United" Btatea Bcnator William A Clark for $480,000. The art works reposed for some tlmo In former Senator Clark's art gallery In New York, and then were brought here on tho order of E. p. Clark and stored In a warehouse. ' Two Men Injured in Peouliar Accident SHERIDAN. Wyo., Nov. 27.-(8peclal Telegram.) At. Arvada, a few miles oast of here, last evening Alexander Bartdusky, roadmaster of the Sheridan division cf tho Burlington, and Walter 11. Bklpton. representing the McCord-Brady company of. Omaha, sustained serious Injuries In an accident, the former having both Irgi broken and the latter one. Both men j were standing near a derailed box car being pulled on the track by an engine, when the spikes holding the rail to which a cable pulley was attached, gaVe way. The loosened rail swung around. striking both men on the legs below the knes. Both mou live here and are In a local hospital. ZELAYA HELD WITHOUT BAIL FOR EXAMINATION NHW YORK, Nov. 27 Jose Santos 7.e- 1 itlj n( 1UUH-. I ijs rpiuvii Jl i vs us wa - rested In bed st midnight on charges of I , , ,l.,-j l Vl....m. having committed murder In Nicaragua, was held today without ball for exam ination on December 1. Pending the ar rival of a request for extradition to Nicaragua he waa remanded to prison. Oaneral .elaya was arrested as a fugi tive from Justice on complaint ot Roger B. Wood, an assistant United States at torney. Mr. Wood charged that a war rant for .uluya's apprehension for mur der had been Issued in Nicaragua, but It did not name the alleged victims. It was said, however, that Ihey were two coun trymen, slain twelve years ago, and that the death of Lcroy Cannon and Leonard flroce, Americans, slain In Nicaragua In 1909 n an uprising against the .elaya re gime, hud nothing to do with Zclaya's arrest- PROMINENT WOMAN IS CHARGEDWITH PERJURY IOWA CITY, la., Nov. 27-fHpcla.)-Mlsa Knima R. Rlcord. daughter of a former postmaster of Iowa City and mem ber of a family which has long been prominent here. Is In tho Johnson countv Jail, under Indictment for erjury and held In $5,000 bonds, which she has sn far been unable to furnish. Miss Rlcord waa Indicted as h result of her denial of any knowledge of the whereabouts of Anna B. Clark, a witness wanted in h disbarment suit started here. The suit . wa. against Frank B. Klmhall. a prom- nent 0cft attorney and I'nlted BUtes rrfe re In bankruptcy for this district I The ttate rhaiges that Miss C.rk was ipirited away to Chicago by the defense, and that Miss Rlcord took her there. CHURCH SERVICES LEAD ALL Religious Observance of Thanksgiv ing is Keynote of the Day. MANY UNION CEREMONIES HELD Various Denominational Creeds Join Rnch Oiher In Celebration of Date Established 1r the Pnrltan Fathers. ,-. Preceding All kttrtalnmtnU.and form ot reereaUonthat mirktd' obsess. c.e. 'inaniugivinff nsy in omana were re ifglous services held In ln Various churches throughout the. oltj-. In many Instances cenKTetiratlbns' of tile sttma 'de nominations Joined In a union service Hpeolal Thanksgiving sermons and special music added much to the usual service. At the Young Men's Christian nsso elation building there was a sunrise meet Ing at 7 o'clock. This was Attended by scores of men and boys. There were union services at the First Presbyterian church, the Deer Park Methodist church and at ths Kountze Memorial church. These were held In the morning at 11 o'clock, At the Kountze Memorial church the Thanksgiving sermon was preached by Rev. H. L. Rhode. Rev. Dr. L. Groh, pastor of HU Mark's Lutheran church, read the scripture and offered prayer. Rev. Xr. O. V. Baltxly, pastor of tho church, conducted the clergical ceremony. Special choir miislc waa given. Mrs. K. A. Weathers sang a solo. Catholics Celebrate. While Thanksgiving day Is not a day of obligation In tliu Catholic faith, it Is observed more or less by members In this country. At alt of the local churches the early masses were well attended. There were no high masses. Anti-Snuff Law is Declared Valid BISMARCK, N. D., Nov. 27.-The North Dakota law prohibiting the salo ot snuff, passed at the last session of the legislature Is constitutional. The state supreme court so decided In a de cision handed down lata last night. The plea that the law singles out a certain alleged vice without abolishing others the court says, Is unsound as "no criminal should be allowed to escape punishment because someone else is mora of a criminal or more dangerdus to society that he." Tight Skirts Cause of Many Accidents CHICAGO, Nov. 27.-Hobble skirts and high heels are the cause of many minor accidents on railroad trains, according to a bulletin isaued today by one ot the largest tallroad companies In the coun- ! try. The bulletin shows forty-four accl- dents were caused on the toad In August I by the prevailing styles, In September, forty-two women suffered Injuries be cause of their Inability to move quickly In the clone-fitting dresses, and in Oc tober the Injured numbered fifty-two. MR. AND MRS.SAYRE VISIT IN BALTIMORE BALTIMORE. Nov. 27. - The White House bridal couple, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Howes Sayre, spent this morning In Baltimore and had their Thanksgiving day luncheon with Mrs. T. Harrison Gar rett at Evergreen, the Garrett country estate on Charles street. Acrordlng to Mrs. Garrett's secretary Mr. and .Mrs. Sayre arrived at Evergreen this morning by automobile and left In the same way at about 3 p. in. Their visit was guarded whh the closest se crecy, and It was said that it was not known where they had gone, although the Indications were they had returned to Washington. They were accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Robert Garrett. VILLA PREPARES TO FOLLOW FEDERALS INTO STATE CAPITAL Rebel Chieftain with Force Flushed with Viotory Will Pursue the Vanquished Enemy. ARMY WILL REST FOR ONE DAY Provisions Being Gathered for Rush Down Railroad to Chihuahua. OIL PROPERTY IS IN DANGER Fear at Washington that Pipe Lines May .Be Cut. ADMIRAL FLETCHER AT TAMPICO Lifting; of Cap f rem' Rasher Back In Flelda and Touching; Mntcn MlKht Set . Fire , to Rig Tnnka at .Terminal. EL PASO, Tex,, Nov. J7.-Fancho Villa announced today that he woUJd leave to morrow with his rebel army for Chahu ahua. to attack the federals, who re treated Tuesday night after attempting to take Juarez from him. He believes that other rebel forces have Intercepted the retreating federals and that ho would be able to capture the entire com mand or annihilate It. Today was an off day In Juarez. Villa and most of his officers attended the opening' of the Juarez Jockey club. All tho dead had been burled and the wounded placed In temporary hospitals in Juarez. The rebel soldiers were given clothing and ammunition today prepara tory to th advance tomorrow. Soldiers today In Ju.res tell harrow(ng stories ot the two days' battle against the federals, and in the telling there Is lost no opportunity to extol the bravery ot both rebel and federal commanders. Oil Field In Da Hirer. WASHINGTON, Nov. S7.-Whlle Rear- Admiral Fletcher has obtained Informal pledges from tho constitutionalist general Agullar, .that there should be no Interfer ence with foreign oil properties about Tuxpam, there Is some concern as to whether that Is broad enough to cover the rather critical situation at Tampleo State department officials will feet easier when they iiear of tho arrival of the ad miral, on his temporary flagship, Rhode Island, at Tampleo, The battleships Nebraska and Michigan and the gunboat Wheeling already jftre at Tampleo and their commanders 'have been instructed to look after American, British and other foreign interests. It Is thought at the Navy department thrre is little dahger 6f" action. 'by coh stttutlonallits near Tampleo t,hat would t(irttH actual' AtetntettaR of; great all tanka-at- that pert. Though' Bwrapeclfte JnMr-Mt4tftr'--hva-''t-fi given to the American naval commanders triey ir tx-P'ected-to act on Ihelr own discretion ih protecting the pr6pertlei. May Cat ripe !!. The real danger, It any exists, would lie In Interference with pipe lines running twenty-five miles Into the Interior from Tampleo. Naval officers estimate thut It would require & small army to Protect the wells and pipe lines, Tho lifting of a cap from one of the gushers and the Ignition ot the- rushing streams ot oil might carry widespread disaster down to the coast. Rear Admiral Fletcher It Is expected will undlcrtake first to get into commun ication with Insurgent leaders near Tampleo and induce them to respect the', pledges given by General Agullar. Later today the Navy department re ceived delayed dispatches reporting -Bear Admiral Fletcher's arrival at Tampleo and also the arrival ot the British cruiser Suffolk with Rear Admiral Crad. doc it. Nothing new waa reported In the situation. Prairie LraTea lvllh Marines, PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 27.-Wlth ) marines and a full crew on board tho transport Prairie left the Philadelphia navyyard at 1 o'clock today for southern waters. Tho transport carries stores and. ammunition for a three months cruise. The marines are commanded by Colonel J. A. Le.Jeune. The colonel and offi cials of the Philadelphia navy yard said before the Prairie sailed that the orders received name Pensacola, Fla a th ob jective point ot the trip. It has been ru mored at the navy yard, however, that these orders may bo changed by wire- (Continued- on Page Two.) Putting Backbone Into Business Advertising In newspapers is the great Business Doctor. It turns old business into new. It causes merchants to "perk up" and take notice, dust off their counters, "sweeten up" their merchandise, and im prove their service. It trans-forms-dull and uninteresting stores into bright and pleasant shopping places. Newspaper advertising de velops business muscle, and strengthens the sinews, and puts vibrant health Into organ izations that haven't been be having properly. It stiffens up weak and limp backbones and puts new life and Inspiration in the place ot cnnul and out-of-date-ness. The readers of The Bpe know all about good Doctor Advertising and his inspiring cures. They patronize hla pa tients. They shop where strength and health and vigor are. Businesses that are weak and spineless don't appeal to the imagination of the pocket book. Go to the lire places that newspaper advertising has placed in front of the firing line.