TJIJ'J BEE: 0MAJ1A, WEDNESDAY, NO EMBER 26, 1913. H The Packing, Marketing and Refrigeration of Fish Food will be investigated shortly by the U. S. Bureau of Chemistry, according to Harper's Weekly, October 25th issue. This branch of the work of transporting sea food from the water to your table is the salient feature of this organ ization. We maintain and operate a fleet of iron-clad fishing ves sels, inspected daily by sani tary experts, and manned by skilled men, who have passed the school of efficiency with a high mark. The minute the fish is caught, it is inspected, and if sound, placed in sanitary re frigeration (good, clean, nat ural ice) and 'immediately transported to the various distributing stations, thence to your table, guaranteed, to be fresh, not only on certain days of the week but every .day.-' This is the story briefly told. The result you will appreciate if you order today. Booth Fisheries Company Branches in all principal cities Omaha 1308 Leavenworth Street ' AFFAIRS AT SOOTH OMAHA Sana Morrill Expires of Attack of Heart Disease. WELL' KNOWN AS SPORTSMAN South Omnhn Sheep llreelnta AI- remlr nt rtecord Mark for Year, trlth Another Month for Addition, 'A Traveling Palace1 of Crystal and Steel THE new sun -parlor observation cm of tka Seminole limited the car which ii giving eren luxury -hardened travelers a thrill of surprise. People traTel to see the world. They want to see the tnoit, In the ihortest time, with the Uasl possible effort. This they can do when they joorney South In the sun-parlor car of the Seminole Limited Tht MlUionairt't Way to Florida Beflln roorian and air baths with your flrUoornlnawy from hem. Tut. axel olid out itranint-toom wkara intruuUt la fard. f4 "A nau saa nkliiiml aa comfortably aa la her boudoir at a ara a We hare auurtd safety at well u comfort. Electric block stfrl' and doable tracks are roar protection. .Moreover, this U a V"' t"" aa tttnin ao nna,iii laurmadleta tarminala wtta tlMlaajad 3Uji iVI B.olnoT. linf Ii aa .ll-.tW rU with a raoora fer bata, oa Uaia. Aad It coal as sua tbaa eralaary tralaa. Ltiut Cklma p.m., Bt. Ltvit UM .. Jjritil JatiKmrill 7M a.n. fcend awmtna- va Illinois Central S. jrORTX, Sistrlot raaiasfer Asrant, 407 South 16th St., Omaha, Vsbr. 31. SouxUts 34. Dana Morrill, proprietor of the Blue Rock Turret factory at Twenty-sixth and O streets, died Ms residence. 1109 North Twenty-fourtit street, yesterday morning- at 11 o'clock. Death was caused by an attack, of angina pectoris, a heart affection, which .struck the deceased some weeks ag"o. He rallied and re sumed his position at the head of the factory. Later he was stricken a sec ond time and was recording from the second seizure when taken yesterday morning with the fatal attack. Death occurred at 11 o'clock. . With the death of Dana Morrill South Omaha loses one of the best known and most highly respected dtlte,ns. Morrill had a wide circle of friends and acquaint ances, although he was a reserved man toward others. He served two terms on the school board and was president of the South Omaha Clun club for a lonK time. As a sportsman Dnna Morrill ranked high. At one time he held the state championship among the tariret men. He was n lover of outdoor sports and each year spent a 'long time anions the hills where he hunted and fished wi(h a company of congenial spirits. He Is survived by his wife and one daughter, Grace Vaught.At the time of his death his brother, It Morrill, of Benton Harbor, Mich., had Just arrived on a visit Another brother, F. Morrill, of 'Washington, D. C, survives, him, as docs Frank R. Jones, a half brother. The funeral will be held Thursday morn ing at 10 o'clock at the First Presbyte rian church, Rev. Dr. Wheeler conduct ing the services. Interment will be mado In Graceland Park cemetery. The pall bearers wilt bo John Hrlggs, P. J. Mar tin, 'rank Dworak, A. C. Pancoast, J. J. Boyle and Del Pearce. Tnrkey for City ICmplojreii. In order that alt city employes may have turkey pn Thanksgiving" day, the council yesterday evening passed a mo tion allowing the salaries for November. Bids on a new or second-hand police patrol were ordered advertised and the motion forbidding the chief of police to charge his official auto bills to the city was rescinded and a new ono passed allowing the chief S2G for the repairs of his machine. Bids on fire hose, 2,000 feet double Jacket, 2H-lnch cotton, rubber lined, were ordered In by December 16. Invitations to be present at a meeting of the Deer Park Improvement club were accepted for Friday at 8 p. m. The city attorney was directed to prepare an ordi nance for a new railing on the south sldo of the Q street viaduct to bo built by the Union Stock Yards company and the rail roads. The new railing. It is said, con templates an opening which will give egress from a hotel that, It Is said, will be erected In the near future on one side of tho viaduct. School Ilnrtrd Meet. A session of the school board was held lost night, at the high school building. The session was private, It is sad. Pendleton Obstinate. Victor Pendleton. Iron worker. Is held at the Bouth Omaha police station be cause he will not comply" with the man date- of Judge James English, who gave the custody of Pendleton's 2-year-old daughter to Mrs. Nancy Dunn, 2SS Dodge street. Pendleton took the child Saturday night from Mrs. Dunn and since that time the police authorities of both cities have been seeking for the place of Its bestowal. . .1 1 . 1 .1 1 ( . . ..... i ruuicioii iiini urougiu ine cmid . to a place near Twenty-fourth and Q streets, nen tne police visited the place tht- child was gone. Pendleton refuses to tel tne wnereabouts of the child.. A woman attache of the Juvenile court visited the polica Btatlon yesterday and queried tho man. Her questions seemed to heckle Pendleton, who stated that he would tell all about, It to the Judge. The prisoner semed unwilling to look upon tho woman attache of the court In tho light of judicial officer. Hoclor Finds a Bdliy. Major i nomas lloctor found a tinhv nunuay nigni ai 'rwenty-fourth and a streets. The mayor was on his way downtown about 7 o'clock at night when ne was attracted by what sounded like wio mewiing cnea or an Infant. The mayor nesitated, followed the sound and own near a doorway he discovered ounaie whence the cries came. Tho bun die was soft and warm and the mayor Picaea tne inrant up in his arms. Then he tried to figure out what he was to do wjth the baby. He hailed a belated passerby. "Got a light?" asked the I mayorr The man passed over a match. 1 "Say," confided the, mayor, "I Just found a baby." The passerby gave one startled yowl and beat It hastily up the street. Standing under the electric light. Hoc tor Jounced the Infant up and down to restrain Its cries. An Irreverent party of Joy riders Jeered at him as they wnizzed oy. Then the mayor started homo with his find. Then he started back. Finally he secured the attention of an old-time political associate and the two proceeded to look for marks of Identification on the Infant. One eye wa black. Jho rest of It was spotted. It weighed about five pounds and, as nearly as the mayor could figure out, It was a mongrel pup of uncertain. not to say dubious, lineage. The mayor drew a sigh of relief and he hastily sought the front porch of a neighbor who never supported him for office and to whom he felt as If he owed a duty. There he deposited, the dog with a pious wish for Its long lite and prosperity. The man upon whoso porch the mayor dropped the pup no longer speaks to his honor. Sheep Record Broken. Sheep receipts at the South Omaha market, from January 1, 1913, to Novem ber 24, have passed the 3,000,000 mark, and established a new record for one year's receipts and still there is the month of December to boost it higher- For the period of less than eleven months the re ceipts total 3.000,603 head of sheep. The largest full year previous to 1913, totaled 2.984,870 head In 1910. Present indications are, when the figures are finally footed up for 1913,' a total of approximately 3,- 3CO.00O head will result. Without - question the South Omaha market Is fast becoming the popular river market for the western sheepman. Re ceipts for the first ten months of 19U at South Orpnha totaling 2.7SO.O0O head as comrared with the combined sheep re- celpts of Kansas City, St. Joseph and Kloux City for the same period of t,W),V head. No Change lu Inspection. There was considerable excitement unions those Interested when two af Omaha's newspapers rarrled In their Sunday morning edition scarehend articles concerning n. rumored change In the In spection of hogs at, this market, it Kon developed that the report was unfounded. Dr. Nell, the Inspector In charge of tho bureau of animal Industry at this point. stated he had received no orders of any kind with re (V re nee to any change In tho inspection rules. Washington dispatches this morning carry a ery opportune statement . from Dr. A. D. Melvtn. chief of the uureau of animal Industry, as follows: Inspection of hogs and other animals Is now made on tho hoof wlien tho atock Is sold to packers. Subsequently the meat is Inspected and I marked when It Is slaughtered. JOHNSON LEADS HURLERS Washington Club's Star Twirlcr Leads American League Pitchers. THREE SOX HURLERS NEXT Clcntte, llunirll mid Scott Kollorr the 5rr,l KlnK, While llouck nnd UrrgR loane Ihe Moat Pnssea, Walter Johnson, the speed king, was the most successful pitcher In the Amorl- Thero lean league Inst season. The speedy hurler will be no change In this practice nor In of tnn Washington club allotted but ) the number of examinations. The revision , . ,,, , . .. ,i. or the regulations Is designed to cover "," -" - -a many details of practice that have , heavy hitter of the younger major aggre. sprung up since the regulations wcro j nation. His average, of earned runs per l-lVifl f!Ve y' ?s?,' We ,,ali? " ,ob:,Kame at the conclilson, of the Benson Jectlon to most of these practices, lut'' , , , ' wish simply to Incorporate them Into de- at i.w. . ..... partmentnl rulea. None ot them Is of t'lcolte. P.usell nnd Pcott. all of the major Importance. They will cover a p0x, were next In line In the order named hundred and one different details. but thcr verw wrrp vcrM degree This statement states very plainly there Man Johnson. " Is no Intention of changing the present 0nc. of tne notMRble figures of Amerl methods.. Any. changes made In govcrn;,. . ihM.ahmpe of ment orders relative to Inspection of live i,mll.. hnik,. -..r. Ini,de , the American league last year. Ungel of Washington, commltteed thre of. the eleven offenses. -. Pases on balls wcro plentiful llomK of the Athletics .-ravc Its passes, whilo Gregg of Cleveland Issued 121. Johnson coped the strike out record Vila total was 243., seventy-six more than Gregg, his closest rival. Full five games or more. stock, either "before or after same Is slaughtered, become effective nt all mar kets alike, so that, no discrimination may creep In either' for or against any par ticular market. The South Omaha. IJvo i stock exchange will continue to. watch methods of Inspection very carefully, safeguarding' shippers' Interests In' the future as in the' past. Voletteo. ttetiuns. After a week's absence during which time he was thought to have met with foul play, n, Volencc, a Bohemian gro cer at Thirty-eighth and Jackson streets. returned homo yesterday. He notified his wife by spoclal delivery letter from Lincoln of his wheroabouts. Last night when he arrived in Omaha from Lincoln he telephoned his family of his coming and asked whether they wished him homo or not. The reason of his sudden going week ago Is not known. Bclnr of steady habits prior to his disappearance It was feared that he had met with foul play or been kidnapped. Stovra nnd Itnnores. Only few more days before we move. You better take advantage of our low rlces on stoves. Thoy go nt factory cost. Koutsky-Pavllk Co. South Omnhn llotrlem. JBTTKP.'8 OLD AGE. 1st 2d 3d Total. Vyrkoff. Philadelphia 17 19 30 Cullot). rie-nnd-. 2: 109 4 House. Detroit 1! 10 SI Anderson, llostnn 10 SI SS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHJS REFINISHED Although thn congregation of the First Presbyterian church, Seventeenth and Dodge streets, plans to erect a new edifice In tho uptown district, the old church building his Just been reroofed nnd thoroughly and renovated Inside, at considerable expense. It Is understood that the new church may not be built for several years. SELLING BIBLES FOR SEVENTEEN CENTS EACH 4 34 KnnKKMIjHMI 1 SitBKkSKKMtUttKtlKi STAqGARd TREAD ORIGINAL AND ONLY, EFFECTIVE NON-SKID TMK BEARING PATENT DATES Hildas for 1 cents each sold to early Christmas shoppers at Sixteenth and Dodge streets Monday Illustrated the ndago that "ho who runs may read." Testaments wero also offered At .6 cents and gospels, for only 2 cents a copy. The stand, was conducted by a i-epresentatlv'oi ot the- American Bible so ciety, and many of tho books wero sold. Key to the ?Muaxlon nee Advertising. HIE OMAHA BEE- THE HOStE PAPER. FiUgernld 177 113 Chadd 182 171 Kclley no 159 itocn jh J si Petersen 220 187 Totals , Kt 871 977 HINCHBY IA1J3. 1st 2d Ham 176 li Clark IBS 171 Winters 191 Ifcl Bwlrt 191 153 Lefler , U7 1.6 537 S71 541 3d Total. 1KI 215 l!J 23ti lt Totals So0 Handicap ' 22 7RS 1M 140 177 119 2v2 m 22 614 176 (21 4Cit 66 Totals 872 (01 819 - 2,608 MARTIN TIGISBS. 1st 2d 3d Total. Fritscher 115 179 195 Cooley 159 16 J 1x4 Ohenorg hii 15 171 Kennedy 1(3 183 214 LcptnskI 170 189 166 Totals SOI 809 933 STOCK TAHDS HANK. (19 603 191 ho. S25 26 1st Id Vance 141 134 Lonir 101 114 Peaka IV) lzs illmerson ,. 147 1V2 Dyck 19) 161 Totals 719 736 Handicap 71 71 3d Total. 117 3.(2 118 333 157 3i 1&7 4I 2J0 tel 743 2,ll 71 21'J Pitchers, Club. Johnson, -Wash... Cleotte, Chicago.. Hussoll. Chicago. Scott. Chicago ... Steen. Cleveland ...... Bender, Philadelphia. Falkenbnrg, Clevelam Gregg. Cloveland Wood, Boston Leonard, Boston....... Hamilton, St. I-ouls ., Caldwell, New York.., Zamlock. Detroit Walsh, Chicago Blandlng, Cleveland.., Plank, Philadelphia... It. Collins. Boston... Bedlcnt. Boston ..... Ilcnz, Chicago Brown, Philadelphia.. Dubuc, Detroit Kahlcr, Cleveland Mcllale, New York.., Kngle, Washington..., It. Mitchell. Ht, Louts., Wlllett, Detroit...... Baumg'rdner, Ht Lo G. Foster, Boston... Fisher, New York.. Groom, Washington,, Keating, Now York.., Welleman. ft. Louts.. C. Hall, Boston 1 nke, Detroit Iivereng, St. Ixiuls.., O'Brien. Chlcaivo Gallia, Washington,., Schultr. New York.., Warhop. New York ., Houck, Philadelphia.. Co. lilts Av of by B.n 11. Opp. Hit O 47 2M) 42 1.00 43 832 4 1.61 51 247 6S 1 Sf 4S 249 64 l.ttt 3.-. 1(0 45 1 H 3 200 M 2.01 22 1M r5 211 10 SOS (S 2.19 K 231 KS 221 41 'M 71 2 21 22 116 37 2C 4! 2T.J 65 2 29 11 (2 13 130 18 93 29 2 3. 31 197 57 137 27 131 41 2.41 17 66 19 2.41 16 St 2S 2.04 41 21 61 2.51 41 208 70 2.59 33 243 70 2.66 SO 3;S 72 2.72 43 183 SO 2.73 33 142 46 2.74 33 162 61 275 41 V.O 77 2 90 .16 228 78 2.90 24 115 41 2.90 7 4") 16 2 94 : 124 (6 X01 33 2fiR 83 3.01 24 106 40 3.02 33 229 83 3.10 1 38 27 8S 3.11 19 64 24 3.1$ 43 241 87 3.20 19 106 40 3.20 37 258 95 3.23 25 146 54 3.23 30 144 CO 3.29 39 2i2 95 3.41 85 97 40 3.4S 28 147 50 3.61 . 18 VI 36 3.56 39 193 80 3.51 30 ino 58 n 00 22 124 44 3.6) SO S5 -!S 3.7J 3S 197 ?0 3.71 15 69 26 3.7P IS 122 4S 3.93 S6 130 68 4.0T 40 141 81 4,14 I WHMMM I I fl 111 B The lowest priced, most economical closed car J III Hill on the market. Six-passenger 4 cylinder 20 INI Mllll horsepower. Price Includes two six-Inch I II I 111 I n liunps, generator, throe oil lamps, horn Jill Hill nnd tools. Including Jack f o. b. DotrolL I Hill Get particulars from Ford Motor Company. Illl lltll tr U fInt"oy Bl-' 0mn,ln- or dlfect from De I Ford Model TTown Car $750 , Totals 791 807 S14 2,411 Mnirlo Clt Goaalp. Office space for rent In Bee office. 231S N street. Terms reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South 27. Tha German Ceclllan club will give a card party Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the McCrann hall. Mrs. C. II. Lea has returned from Au rora. Neb., where she was called by tho serious Illness of her brother, A. Nelson, The members of South Omaha lodge IT. ...... Itfitwb aw I ... 1 .1 will hold their annual Thanksgiving so cial Tuesday evening at tho Odd Fellows' hall The funeral of Robert M. McCarty will bo held this afternoon at 2:30 nt the Union church In Sarpy county. Burial win bo in the Dally cemetery, me uouy was snip ped ftom Grand Parks, N. D. The literature department of the South Omaha Woman's club will hold a meet tnir todav at the library hall. Miss Mary Sullivan of the Omaha High school will speak on Hnaxespearan meaier in courts maskquca ot James I. lake FOR QUICK RELIEF from coughi, colds and throat atreln dtul as others hava done LUDEN'S menthol rnftrfh iirnnc CANDY UUUgll UlUptf "Uatt a Hundred Vttt" Singer, speakers, talespeople, out door worker all find Luden'i beneficial. Clear, soothe, refresh the throat and nose. Absolutely pure. SotdEtryvhtn-5e.thtbox. 4 WM. H. LUDfiN Mtnaftctatlag ItMlaf, r. am nca ron tr yoa t1 .1! vaniyon tntrrll nrdcr la ths II11 irtMToarr yon srannt iritrnua. Imfe fAtiirn nnttiftdno yoar moniy. Tfceis prlcti lic 4 8 12 nK. neiiaai inr 1 ore tuaafnll qum bottlai try It younatf, j& jSM rlfnail ieit 11 erery wyt ynn r inndi nd It fiSS. .1 mora than ittlt tlni It's lb blcieit w hltkty btln, cSfc K4 rtlon aud w will tafnnd &11 ICZOSm SSan Foil Qaarl Battles MtUswSfrbfs WbiOtty Fa!) Qitrt Bottles Hwaw Sfriafs WUiltey Fall Qstrt Baltics MeHsw Sftkt WUaker $2-25 $425 Our Great FREE Offer Withaaflh foaranartiAfArUou.Sftr4iajirAtf. naroaN(HHMfrrminKDaioDfl acrou laiaaeeaniar.witBaeroiifiaia atoppar. 1 n .nnranoir. ai iihiicidub or Anf ollra Wlna or llanbatlaaCoe laomaaerou Sfj laia atoppar. m Sherry, 1'oti A a doc an tar la m ilerlac atata eontanta dot ird. full alia, f raa from adrartlalnff 1 omamant to toy ajdaboanl. Von can't baat ha Tbla daeantar la maitar, auaalal unulna old inn Irertlil haard. Spring!, tba aama atrattbt, nyai and rnii nt. h ;fTni?iffla HMHiltf iffll I k laTSaMSaaaaan laM ifTftTlTI lr" llna old Slmlknu Xnrinmt.t ,aiad-ln-bondwbUkayinyalelaDthaTaalaya racommmdcdtortnadlelnal and bomauaa. Kot a. batlarwhlikay toba had at any coit. Yoopay donbia 1 tba prlra for Infartor wblakayi bat by aalllng dlract to yon and eatttnioei alaatnan'a oipanaaa, atr., na hara sqnaaiad tba prlea down to tha lait notch. Tl wondtrtuloOrr will lait hut Itmltii itmt ami w IStrttt aril Sfjsjaaw- foumakotlvnlmtan4ordrlmmmUtt, fiolr- l hn run Quart Bonltl. MAYCUFFE D1ST. CO., Warehoma 19 ST. LOUIS, MO. No Money Till Cured nVit!" Sn& " Blaaaaaa eura. wft!- S.?!!1"1 !' Iermsnant cures a-Marata) !. Writ, far rr.o IHu.trataal taafM Dlsacsas anal tasMmsntals ml Km watrea at cur ad ttatlanta In Nsbraska anil UwiV DR. E.R. TARRY - 240 B Bide.. On.ah9, Nb. DIRECTORY AUTOMOBILES, TRUCKS TIRES AND ACCESSORIES fn -f-r-T-n a t-irn RnrPQH TIl Automobile Editor of Tho Omaha Bee will gludly furnish you detail infor lIllUIIIlclLlUll lJUICiaU. mation regarding any of the automobiles, trucks, delivery wagons, tires or acoeis - ! , .u i iit i i i eories represented in this directory. Write today. GASOLIlSJfc: CARS B UI0K Nebraska Buick Auto Company, Lee Huff Mgr. 1912-14-16 Farnam Street. CADILLAC- G. F. Reim. Yres. Cadillac Company of Omaha, 2054-6-8 Farnam Street, c HEVIOLET- Doty & Hathaway, 2027 Farnam Street, j ITTLL Doty & Hathaway, 2027-29 Farnam Street. M AEMON Marion Auto Company, 0. W. McDonald. 2101 Farnam Street, M AXWELL- Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation, 205-207 State Bank Building. gas.oi.inje: cars STEVENSDURYEA R. N. Howes. Fred C. Hill 2102-4 Farnam Stmt, STUDEBAKER E. R. Wilson Auto Company, 2429 Farnam StrMt. COIVIIVIERCIAL TRUCKS HASE- Drummond Motor Company. 26th and Farnam Stmu, ELECTRIC CARS '' 10- I I Van Brunt Automobile Company, 2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St Council Bluffs. OVERLAND Van Brunt Automobile Company, 2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs. POPE-HARTFORD Van Brunt Automobile Company, 2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs. REGAL- The T. G. Northwall Company, 912-14 Jones Street R EO FIFTH Doty & Hathaway, 2027-29 Farnam Street (STANDARD 0. W. McDonald. Marion Auto Co., 2101 Farnam Stmt w OODS- Drummond Motor Company, 26th and Farnam Stmt, XIRES F EDERAL- Arthur Stora Auto Supply Co., 2020 Farnaat Stmt. ACCESSORIES A RTHUR STORZ AUTO SUPPLY CO. f- Automobile Suppliss, 2020 F&rnam Siri,