Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Mr. -A. M. Ikera.
Mr. A. M.
NiM KeKcveJaSttw Ikerd. Box
Cm. . Vt
Bur llngton.
lown, wrltesi
T had 'Ca
tarrh of the
tomach and
smalt- intea
tinea for a
n u m ber of
years, I
went to a
n u mber ofi
doctors anil
got no re
lief, and
finally one
of my doc
tors sent me
t o Chicago,
and I met
the earn e
fate. Ther
a a I d they
o o u 1 d do
nothing fpr
me: said I
had cancer
of the atom
ach and
there was
no cure. I almost thought the tame, for
my breath was offensive and I could
not eat anyiUilrur without great mlaery,
and I gradually srew .worse.
"Finally I vwncludod to try Peruna,
?nd 1 found riMlrf and a cure for that
rcadful disease, catarrh. took five
Dotttea of PcrunnVj and, two of M'analln,
and now fool ltkoai new man. There Is
nothing better' than Peruna, and t keep
n bottle of It In mj house all tho time."
It Is a remarkable story that Mr. Ikerd
tells. It Is a trtW st-ry,' but very briefly
told. If he put Into bis story nil of the
details It would mako a Chapter 'of 'slit-'
pensp and agony.- and final recov
ery, equal to the wildest fiction. Any
one wishing to do so cn write Mr. Ikerd
and ascertain whether thero has been
any exaggeration lu his case.
The "Ills of Ufa" will be at frss
y aadraselsg the reran e- Getasa
has, Okie.
Those who object to liquid medicines
e$n now procure Poruna Tablets.
Use ItfUJ a Tonic Banish Dan-
druff Stop railing Hair
and Scalp Itch.
Parisian Sago Is a delightful and In
vigorating hair tonic. It quickly pene
trates Into the tcalpv gets to the' root
of tho hair, removes dandruff, and sup
pies, tho hair with , Just "the kind. &t
&urihtnent It needs to make It wow
.Parisian Sago has had an Immense
Mile, and hero nro the reasons:
It I nof. Injurious to the hair, or
' Jit removs aaaalruff with ene appll-
''It. stops falling hair and Itching of
.tin scalp, t .
ilt cleanses, cools an Invigorates fte
Seal''-" 1 -
J-It-.tyiaics Kafr that is thi dtfll. JHfO.
ted or strlftgy, soft, aWu4fit and ra-.
allant. with Ufa. It not ny saves, .tka.
hair, but gives It thai ' Incomparable
felons and beauty you deelrs.
' Parisian Sage U delicately perfumed
not stlchy or greasy and comes In fifty
cent bottles at druggists" or toilet cosnU.
Qet a bottle--now at once. Rub a little
Into the caln you will be surprised with
the' result. Delighted user pronounce
Parisian Rage the beat, most pleasant
find, invigorating hair tonle made. Be
sure you get Parisian Sage. Advertise
been the East room could not have held
them. It was the same arrangement as
was carried out at tho Roosevelt wedding,
In fact, the preparations, decorations and
general scheme of the day's program
wero along somewhat the sams goncral
tines. ,
rrosxnun ot Cerononr.
The program was mapped out to
the final detail, the White House at
taches fixing each part ot It with the
exactness characteristic of functions at
the executive mansion.
High offlcals and relative entered
at tho north front, but the guests
generally came In at the east
.entranco through the glass conservatory
decorated with ferns and palms reveal
ing through big windows the south
grounds with the fountains and Italian
pools, the .hedges and fhnibberytlio ex
quisite gardening of years.
-from the iconservatorv to the main
staircase leading; up to ihe East room.
iwhcrejdaliy hundreds' of tourists. are per
mitted to promenade, where the busts of
celebrities and the tea. chests nnd relics
qf traditional history are gathered here
was a staff of ushers to assist the guests
with their wraps.
The Boat room as it was prepared for
the wedding Wits a picture cf grandeur.
Tha three crystal chandeliers, with their
pseudo candle lights, were to be but Malt
Illuminated, spreading a Aim but suf
fused light oves the 'gold-trimmed walls.
witn their cream-colored pilasters, their"
nuge vases and mantels of colored mar-
1 1 Full Quart
is 11
,a issbj cacti
" mmmmitamX and
B 1
ty It At Our
Jfele saw awajajasMpsa, sesslt
us tM as wc win it ce
hls Ma Bar limn Ebanraa
, FwalttV n Qrto.oi er,
PnsoauaWar-WliMitr aad
an aaaiuaaai ruu ouart 'tte
lor Trial -trurpoa. Or tmK
us tt.H BBd w will Jiaprets
Charge Prepaid, 4 full
Quirts of' oof 3 aur'VvMakey
ana arrest xniie rree let
Tilal rurnoae. Alae Free with
oraer.uoia Tlpptalilaas
l'att nt Cot Itacrew.
Alter usiag the Free Battle
ll you are noiaatiatied that
you nave received the
Best wnisxey value od-
, tatasjiM at im wiec.
keen the Fra fcui-a
for your trouble, sack
remainder skip.
tntnt. return at our ex.
leae' and w will at
very, ceat paid m.
In case you eta use
a larger quantity tbaa
ofiered above, our
aoaly Hllti Frlbl
Charges ttepald.
Address orders nd
tnmke remittances,
parable to. A. Fcla,
Mgr., or
TtU MsHWiiCt.
Govt. Tsstad Arsd la Bond
pirct rroia dUtlller. Sampla urt ot sCK
t'HMtiiMtt tr icr aiteti u rt tor... V VC
uU tiaaot tw ma tha put,
drive rer liqoor, fiallifactloa er mootj btck.
1 QAI.LON o SPt la handaoma iiu. lu.
WO l'roofc fV vvttb ararr satloa ordir
-w (via iw piwii. mn in ma raariftaa vouaar
. b eur iuh viu Yiaiaaa wioaa.
Id liandtom rtna iur. UAIXONfl A cr
Vtk each l-jal. tlitt I la Proof
tana par Vlatas lM Tr u Tbanktjtt?la
ImuL.. t-. f 681 WAMTtTT BT.
piaijtwe isbiiss) ww. XAXgajS CRT, MO,
Ible. The walls of the East room are
covered with wood paneling, the orna
mental celling Is done in stucco and ect
i In the walls are twelve low relief pan-
t f lilr ailhlAMa frnm Aivtnn'a fables.
AT WHITR HnilSR Tne window draperies of heavy yellow
n.1 HUUU UUUUU .,k dams.k wero hung loose today and
. the shades drawn. At the east end of
(Continued from Pag One.l the room, facing the treasury building,
friends of tho two families throughout I .lh,re, "rt" of, four windows, broken
,ond- !-v p i TV ,ronu.f,thMe TLD:
...,. Idows on a dais banked with blowers that
f our jrnntlreil Invitations
There were but 409 Invitations Iul J rormld "remny " b P
6f)0 les than at the' Roosevelt weddln? i ' ., . ....
. . , , Bride Dona nnd little. .
seven years ago-but the Wilson, are wtadow. were d raped with a larga
newcomers In Washington, whereas the lambreVQUf m oft old gold plush, with cur
Roosevelt administration was then five ' laIn, oli eith.r .M whwM., ih.
years oiu ana oinc.ais ana tneir wives
had had a greater opportunity to estab
lish Intimate relations at tho Whits
Members of tho cabinet and their
wives and families, as well as the Jus
tices of the supreme court of the United
Btatea and their families, the ambassa
dors and ministers, representing kings
and emperors throughout the civilised
world, tho vice president and Mrs. Mar
shall, the speaker of the house and Mrs.
Champ Clark, Senator Kem and Repre
sentative Oscar Underwood, the demo
cratic leaders, and Senator Oalllnger and
Representative Mann, tho minority lead
ers of congress, and their wives these
were the persons Invited because of thefr
official position, though among them
were many close friends of the Wilson,
Senators and members of the house
generally were not, Irrvlted, If they ho1
the bride and groom. They Intend to
travel about a month, getting to their
new home at Wlllfnmatown, Mass., early
In January.
(Continued ttom Page One.)
Da you mill Ike tr
tlbla fU wM(ta.H ttar
la' rou In tha lac'? Do
rati ) fcffi kvbar tout
DaafMaa ma; K (Maes
t a Itflmf Mrta Mut eat
trom'' at
eaar i-i tha' .worMi of
buataaaa aa4 alta sura.
Ufa feMoaBaa. a faartul
Will you sutfar thl
Wt untold nlMry and Unfit
" naas Jrjthout latat.
las th Nw Mtio ot
TraatmentT Tha Mathwt
vhlch haa r..tnr A
nnnijrea or satfarars Ihtlr toll atnt et haarlnc.
quick and acuta. 1 bava raacaad hundred! trom
Daafnaas. YOU Must com bafora tt I to lata.
Uaoauaa X hara 1aa so susccarful In curias
JXtalDtaa, and batauaa Bir hart achaa tor Tie
tlm: I am ,soln to 0VK AWAY a fn TrU
mint for DaVrnrtr 16 ay err tuftcrar who aaki t6t
It. tktralr ihla I a praKnt worth havlni. Out
ot nr atnearo daalr ts raltav human sulfarlnt.
I aladlr nak rou tht till. Mr treatment ha
a loop or wherever the overhanging bor
ders of the lambrequin Joined, there
were, large ropes ot smllax and bunches
of lilies. In front of these windows n
platform approached by two semi-cir
cular steps had been erected; The plat
form Itself was covered with a rusr. and
Immediately abort tho steps-was a kneel
ing bench upholstered in white cloth, tied
with white sallnf ribbons and filled out
with bride roses and lilies. Dehlrid this,
with Just, enough space for the officiating-clergyman
to stand, was a mass
of palms and smllax. with a irrent
bunch of lilies.
Everybody stood on the" glisten-
Ing parquetle floor, for there a rn tin
chairs In the East room except on rare oc
casions at muslcales. The so-called offi
cial guests, including members' of thn
cabinet, the vice president and the speaker
of the house and their families, the Jus
tices of the supreme court and the dip
lomatic corps and their women were
grouped ln the southern , half of tho
room, willo the guests generally wero to
stand In the northern half with the Im
mediate families' of ihe bride and groom
la the aisle between, surrounding the
dais after the. bridal party, had reached
the floral bower and . Improvised altar.
Twoi ropes, wound In white satin marked
the green carpeted nlsle.
Jpoklng down the main aisle from the
dais tho green carpeting met the red,
rugs of thoi long corridor which blsocts
the lower floor of the White House lead.
Ing front' the state dining room to the
east rbom'and bordering the trio of par
lors tWred''roo,m, the blue room and the
green room. The United 8tate Marino
band grouped behind palms was to oc
cupy a part of the great inception "hall
ot marble floor and buff-tlntod pilasters.
Order' of Brldat I'roceaalovi.
At exactly 4:30 o'clock the president and
Mrs. ' Wilson descended the main
staircase from 'the family apartments,
proceeding to tho state dining room,
where the bridal procession was
formed. Mrs. Wilson and the members
of the two families were escorted
through the parlors fo the southern end
of tho East room nnd finally to a place
Just In front of the dais. Mr. Sayrs and
the best man came In from the
blue room, meeting the procession of
bridesmaids and the bride at the foot ot
.the dais.
Trom tho western end of the long cor
ridor at the state dining room the bridal
procession' formed. In tho niches ot
the corridor palms and tropical plants
had been placed. Each ot the brides
maids, escorted by one ot tbo ushers,
marched slowly into the EaA room
to the strains of the famous Lohengrin
wedding march, played by the Marine
band. Last the bride entered, lean-
lag on the' arm of the president, and pre
ceded by the maid ot honor. The bride
carried a. bouquet of luteal of tMe
valley, while the bridesmaids i carried
pink roses toned In; .wtttf the&I.plak'
, A the bride and .her f&thar reachM
the altar the president, paused,' 'while the
groom steeped forward and led the bride
up the low steps to- the broad dlas, where
the entire bridal party atood, the preai
defit and- Mrs. Wilson standing at the
base of the platform.
Reception In Blue Room.
Tho Rev. Mr. Reach read the
woddtng servloo from the Rook of Com
mon Prayer and Immediately after the
ceremony the bridal "party pro
reedad to the Mile room to receive the
guests, w?th .President and Mrs. Wilson
standing with the bride and groom. Then
the. bridal party entered the private
aftlstltiaa. wvmm saittaawt t.a 1.1.1. ...III. J
cur4 kuuln ( fori, ot tha mo.t dl.tra.alnt. IT," "'"vl """" V
waarlac sROTaad mtorod. tMr full ,fl bl "ke; WM decornte1 I,lnk roses.
k-4..t .. i -..., i. V.. I Refreshmeata for the guests were
and ata SMltiM ooaortualtr to Toil hr served In the state dining room. This
succooatu! aw BMthod (or I trtaant
AH I salt M thai J IH aat KOWr Don't.
Iiaaataaa Jar jK Yr, f tit Mo- to- hi reu! , M
oumas kMlkoaM smt. aad apk.,faT trat
Bwa ri BMf,',ao I coa oalraaako thl offtr
a Try aiiort' tint. Romamhar thla Iraatnant for
Soalaoas la slton to you wHhoufanr charsd
feUr. H U skaoWUlf traa. ssd oH Now.
la tWa ,m.H, a ko.t card or lattar raqueat with
Ikxt B.raa and addraaa uaon It, and' I wilt tend
reyfra traotmant tor Deatnaaa.
IhjHfMMa Hfclltt S pro Hie,
IM Trade M4k, , Boston, Mass.
room ia silver chandeliers and
eight, .atiyer electrid side lights. It Ms
furnished with chairs of mahogany, up
bolstered ln dark green tapestry. Three
large mahogany console tables, with large
carved eagles for supports, were used for
serving. . , .
Thrpugh the corridors hung with, tho
pictures pi presidents and their wives
The wedding guests promenaded
after the reception, while the Marine
band rendered selectlonsxand by C o'clock
D.B. D. In Hospitals;
Standard Skin Cure
How many hospital sattents, wbV
Ing the frightful itch, the raw scorch
Ing pain of akin. .4 1 seas, bava been
soothed to sleoct by a soothing flola
washed In by the nurse's haadat
That fluid M the famous XX IX IX
prescription for eeaesaa.
rtxm wvra&YJmmm srvBM ot oa
of our prominent Cat hollo lnotltutlons
(name of nurse andsastltute oa appli
cation), writes rscareUns; a patleaL
Tho dieses had attw her orobrowa
away. Her noae and lips bad become
dlsflgurad. Since the us of D. D. D.
liar eyebrows are growing, ker bom
and face have assumed, their natural
How many ecxema sufferers are pay
Ing their doctors for regular treat
ment and are being; treated with this
same aoothlnr, healing fluldT
JMt, SX9. T. WCKAXMMiX frankly
writes TX D. D. la superior to any
thing X have ever' found. Soft and
sootalnr. vet a nowerful asranL1
i a work, u. u. ix rreaorip-
be- applied aasoraaag to
To do
tton must
ssi's ill bbi given in the painphlet
around every bottle. Follow these dl-j-iqj,
end seel
And It certainly takes away the Itch
at one the moment tb liquid Is ap
plied. The akin Is soothed -calmed
io tnerougbly rtfreahed delightfully
All druggists of standing have th
famoBa apeclftc aa well as the efficient
TX D. P. Bkln Boan.
But w are bo confident of the mar.
Its of thla prescription that w will
refund the purchase price of the first
full slss bottle if It falls to reach
your case. Tou alone are to Judge. '
Bhcrman A McConnell Drug Co.,
four stores.
Whet they fett cease, Mm beet tits t
brekk them u. One tird rwasaty
Aytfs Cherry Pectoral.
SoM for TO ycasrau
Ask Yew Doctor. Liftf Tfe
. freiaipliMi-lwf IS years 41k sjMiari skk rtmij
i staas stroag aad
1 In a few days
0 rt(hout a surgical
ewiatlon or toss ot
tlms. Our work la
jrusrsriteesj. CatJt or
JIK. Wf)h - WAU-
an, -3k Vhtt UW..
Winter Trips to Summer Lands
Bound tHr excursion tickets ea sale dally via the
To Florida, Cubaj Hew Orleans, Mobile and the Quit Coast Flail
return Urolt, June I, 1914, ,
Jacksonville . - , $50.50
Tasajia , $62.10
Havana, Cuba $67.00
New OrleaUas $41.00
Plveraa route UckeU to polaU in Florida and Cuba at slightly
higher rates. Liberal atop-overs permitted.-
Delightful tours and cruises to the Mediterranean, Orient, WeH
Indies, Pauama Canal, South Awerlca. For complete Information
and folders, call oa or address
W, E, DOCK, City Passenger Aeat
117 FarMua ., Owaka, Xeb. FhoM Douglas 23.
sable fur. Her hat was small, matched
In color and was trimmed with fur and
ostrich feathers.
Mrs. Houston, wife of the secretary of
agriculture, wore brown charmeuse nnd
chiffon, trimmed with mink fur, and
her hat In deeper shades had touches of
the fur and an ostrich feather trim
ming It
Mrs. Joseph Rucker Lamar, wife of As
sociate Justice Lamar, wore a draped
gown of taupe chiffon velvet, the bodice
made entirely of tan-color lace and chif
fon, trimmed with dark brown fur. Her
brown chiffon velvet hat to match had
a cluster of plumes at the left side, shad.
Ing from taupe to dark brown.
Mrs. Van Devanter, wife of Associate
Justice Van Devanter, wore a black vel
vet gown and a black velvet hat
Mrs. Mahlon Pitney, wife of Associate
Justice Iltney, wore a wistaria velvet
costume and hat and sable furs.
Sirs. Mnrtlne In Hlnclc Chiffon.
Mrs. Martlne, wife of Senator Martlnn
of New Jersey, chairman of the senate
committee which selected Miss Wilson's
wedding gift, wore embroidered black
chiffon and black silk. White chiffon
and tulle appeared in the waist, and
whero tho draperies wero caught there
wero small rhlncstono buttons. Her
white silk beaver hat was faced with
black velvet and was trimmed with
black and white plumes. Her furs wero
black fox.
Mrs. Joseph It Wilson of Baltimore,
tister-ln-law of the president, woro a
superb costume of wistaria brocaded vel
vet, Parisian beads; fitch fur and cream
lace wero combined with touches of the
Velvet In tho bodice. Her hat was of
wistaria velvet, with plumes and fur.
Mrs, Josephus Daniels, wife of tho sec
retary of the navy, wore a smart cos
tume of black chiffon velvet, with a.
touch of laco and ermine. Her black vel
vet hat was trimmed with plumes.
Mrs. James It Mann, wife of Repre
sentative Mann of Illinois, wore white
charmeuae. with draperies of black tulln
caught with rhlnestone buckles. Her hat.
was bjack, with white plumes. Her
Jewels were diamonds and pearls.
Mrs, Franklin X. Lane, wlfo of the
secretary of the Interior, wore a blue
brocaded calling dress and a long blue
coat Her hat was of dark blue velvet
and has creamy ostrich plumes trim
ming It
Sflas Clark Wnr 1'InU Chiffon.
Miss Qenevieve Clark, debutante daugh
ter ot Speaker Clark, wore a dainty
frock of pink chiffon cloth, madp over
old blue satin. Her hat was a black
picture model. i
Princees Traldos Prabandh, wlfo of the
Fiamese minister, woro a stunning gown
of yellow crepo and net embroidered in
crystal beads. A tint of Oriental color
ing showed through tho entire gown. At
the corsage she wore a red rose. Her
hat was black, trimmed with fur and
paradise pjumes.
Mrs. William B. Wilson, wife of the
secretary of labor, made hery lfrst ap
pearance at the White House function
today. Her dress was of taupe jnebalaase
poplin, trimmed with cut ateol "ornaments
and touchea of lavender velvet and lace.
Her small hat was black and was trim
mcrt with black plumes.
Miss Agnes 'Wilson, daughter of the
secrotary bf Itflmr, wore robin egg bluu
crepe meteor: The' bodice was of gold
threaded shadow- lace over yellow chif
fon and trimmings of tangd velvet and
rhlnestones. Her hat was black and was
trimmed with an aigrette.
Mrs, Lurton, wife ot Associate Justice
Lurton, wore corn flower blue char
meuse with an Orientnl beaded tunic nnd
black hat with white plumes,
Mrs. Burleson, wife ot the postmaster
general, wore dark brown crepe de chino
with touches of old rose, peacock blue
and old gold In the trimming with lace
and skunk fur. Her hat was of black
velvet with a band of skunk fur.
, Miss Lucy Burleson, daughter of tho
postmaster general, wore silver rose
taffeta trimmed with lace and fur, with
a hat of black velvet trimmed with flow
ers In old rogo shades and fur.
President Finley
Dies of Apoplexy
WASHINGTON, Nov.' J5.-W. W. Fin
ley, president of the Southern rallwav
system, died at his home hero this after
noon. Ho was stricken wth apoplexy at
breakfast time this morning and sank
fast ,.
President Flnloy was stricken with
apoplexy and hemorrhage of the braln
white he was preparing to leave his hom
for his office. Before medical attention
couhl be summoned, he was dead. Al
though ho was stricken befprenoon, Word
of Ills death did not reach 'the Southern
railway office for five hours.
Mr. Finley had been apparently In good
health and the fatal stroke came with
out warning. With his family he had re
cently returned from his country home
at Warrentown, Va., and re-opened his
house hero. He is survived by a widow,
a son and three daughters.
William Wilson Finley was born in
1SS! at Pass Christian, Miss. He became
president of the Southern Hallway sys
tem in ISO after the death ot Samuel B.
Spehcer. He began railroading as u
stenographer in 1873.
Aviator is Killed
When Oar Capsizes
' i 5
BUC, France, -Nov. ' -55, Kdmond Per
reypn, one of the best known aviators ot
France, was killed today when his mono
plane capsized while he was maneuver
tngf over the aerodrome here.
Perreyon was the holder of several i at
titude records. While flying 'alone, at
Buc on March 11, this year he 'attafnd
a height of 19.G50 feet In'une he as
cended with a passenger at Du; to an
altitude of 16,368 feet and a little later in
the same month at Vienna made 15. ISO
feet with, two passengers.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. - President
Wilson read to the cabinet today the
address he will deliver to congress when
It convenes In regular session next week.
Several rcembers, of the cabinet spoke In
praise ot the address, but did not reveal
any ot Its contents. The cabinet spent
some time on the Mexican situation, but
no announcements were made aa to the
trend of the discussion.
A VrtBhtfvI Experience
with biliousness, malaria and constipa
tion, is quickly overcome by taking Dr
King's New Ife Pills. Only Sc. For sale
by all druggists. -Advertiavroeut
These stylish shoes will give
you extra long service
Mayer Honorbilt Shoes are not only stylish and fine looking, but
are unequalled as durable shoes for general wear. They ore
known as leaders in ladies' fine footwear, and hold their Bhape and
always look neat and trim.
MmiM M by m mr V
For men women and children
Only the choicest leather is put into Mayer
Honorbilt Shoes that's why they can be depended
on. Honorbilt Shoes are far more classy and twice
as serviceable as other shoes of an equal price they
are quality shoes through and through. If you want
a stylish and good wearing ladies' shoe get the Mayer
WARNING Be sure and look for the Mayer
trade mark on the sole. If your dealer does
not handle Honorbilt Shoes, write to us.
Wo make Mayer Honorbilt Sfaees la all styles for men, women and child-
re a; Yerma Cushion Shoes, Dry-Sex, the great wet weather shoe, and
Martha Washington Comfort Shoes.
F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co., Milwaukee
We will send you a fall quart of this fine old
For Only 80 Cents Express Charges Paid By Us.
This is a special introductory offer we are making to NEW customers only
and if YOU have never tried Hayner Whiskey we want you to try it NOW.
Take Us Ui
We Want To Show Yoh
Wewant to place some of our fine old whiskey
before you, so you may know how rich, pure
and delicious it really is and here's the great
est offer you ever heard of
Send Us 80 Cents That's All
And we will send you a full quart bottle of
sealed case and we will pay express charges.
ReBaewtber- It's Battled -in-Baari
And every bottle sealed with the Govern
meat's official Green Stamp over the cork
your assurance that it Is fully aged, full 100 J6
proof and full measure as good and pure aa
it is possible to produce.
A Woaderful Offer
No one else offers a BOTTLED-IN-BOND
whkkey at ourj price of 80 cents a quart
no one else would pay the express charges
on a one quart shipment as we are doing.
We Stand The Less
Shipping one quart express paid, means a loss
to us but we want your trade and we know
when you have tried thie whiskey, you will be
so pleased with it, that you will send us your
iumrc orders xor iout quarts or more.
Oa this oner order thla whiskey try it use
all you want and if you don't find it all we
claim the finest you ever tasted and the
' greatest value you ever saw we will return
your money without a word.
Yoa Take No Chances
Our guarantee is fair and square it means
whatlt says wc must send you a quality that"
will please you la every way and wc will do it
Now. Hash Your Order ' .
Cut out this coupon fill it in and mail it to us
with 80 cents in stamps, coin or money order
and the full quart of fine old BOTTLED-IN-BOND
whiskey will go forward by first express.
beloaad (tod 'BO eanta for wliteh sand m OKU rail quart
bottla ot Ilainar 1'rlTmta stock Bottla-ln-Uoad Whlikar
cipraaa paid aa per roar ofT.r. II la ondaratood that tr thla
irblikar la not found raa&td and piaaaliis to ma 1a
ararr war mr SO oanta is to ba prosipUr ratundaj. Tata
la mr am order. B-10S
""usrr Na iu wraKT.TWt"
Ordara from Arfm., Vfro- Colo.. Mont, and all atataa Watt
taareor moat call tor SLM for oat quart azsraaa paid. 14-IL
faMsran aaa !. w ft rmji w
jHfci lAiwfcK MMULiwri to., Dept)t-105 2111 Central St., KANSAS CUT, MO.
mutt. I (jr'-.A?-. ?". at mjws. as. astaa.Bba. new erleaas. La. I "- r.n,.-,
-am, antra aaasat cur. Ma. St ram. Mtea. I ssoo.oOorcSu in.ii t.m
1'" tMatHloTT 1
aUTroT. Ohlft
Nesrtst Ojfict
Kaasas CHr.Ha.
Stat Pat&la) fttftflSe
JaekssaTlHe, rta.
I.evrt Wnlftliary,
8A.HGENT, Neb., Nov. 25. (Sda!.)
The body of Lewla Watorbury was burled
In tho Sargent cemetery wlth Masonic
honors Sunday afternoon from the Meth
odist Episcopal church. Largo delegations
of visiting. Masons were present' from
nlojhborfpp towns. Mr. Waterbury was
a member of the Blue Hill (Neb.) lodge
or many j;ears, having moved to Sar
gent fronv Bjuo Hill In IMG. Relatives
from several states were In attendance.
Deceased ..was over 74 years of age and
besides a 'wife leaves children and grand
children, brothers and sisters.
Miss Llbble ifaslnda, daughter ' of
Anton Maslnda, and J. II. Uolght of
married Monday
Portland, Ore., were
evening at 8 o'clock b
KavWge at 1511 North Fifteenth street.
Tho attendants were. Miss Edith Maslnda
of "Wilbur, NeU, and Dr. C. A. Gardner
b Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Halght will
n ako their' home In Portland.'
Ladies!, Secret to
: DarkenGray Hair
Bring back color, gloss and
thickness with Grandma's
recipe of Sage and Sulphur.
Conjroon garden cag brewed Into a.
heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol'
added. wll tum gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri
ant; remove every bit of dandruff, stop
scalp itching and falling hair. Mixing
the Saga Tea and Sulphur recipe at home
though, (a troublesome. An easier way la
to get the ready-to-use tonic, at drug
stores, known as "Wyrth's Sato and
Sulphur Hair Remedy," thus avoiding a
iqi ot musa
While wispy, gray, faded hair is irot
sinful, we all desire to retain our youth
ful appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with "SVyeth's Sago
and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It
does It so naturally, so evenly You
Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with
U and draw this through your hair,
taking one small atrand at a time; by
morning all gray hairs have disappeared.
After another application or two your
hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy,
soft and luxuriant and you appear years
Younger Advertisement.
The Hot Spring
ft N
More than a mountain resort, more than 'a fashlonahlo playground
these wonderful springs with their mysterious health-giving wtUdrs, have
becouia world famous aa ii
Nature's Greatest Sanitarium 1
set apart by ths United States government for the benefit of humanity.
Where modern medical science Jolne hands with tho wonderful cura
tive agencies of nature a retreat for the careworn or suffering In, : tho
great, beautiful out-of-door. . , i
Water la the greatest eliminator of .human, ills, and tho Hot Springs I
of Arkansas aro Oin rreale&r. ivaterx vknouii "in mankind, i
Patronized every year by more than 150,ft00 people from every $art
of the world the recuperating station of our "army and navy, the trailing
gsound of tha world's greatest athletes; the assembling place of statefctnen
and the rendezvous of society V
Thercf Is no Substitute for' tho Hot Springs Baths.
The marvelous cures cannot be exaggerated. 1
No one can afford to deprive himself of the quiet rest, Uie exhilarat
ing Joy and the wonderful toning up that comes from-a course of these
baths, coupled with the rehabilitating influences of the mountain oione
and woodland landscape. 4
Luxurious hotels, medium priced hotels and high class boarding houses
with every modern convenience.
Missouri Pacific
V JJ.I m
Isf TrTri J It! 1
Lr. Omaha HjSo A. M.
Ar. Kansas CJtT..,.. 0:05 P.M.
Lv. Kansas City 0:30 P, M.
Ar. Fort Smith 7:25 A.M.
A. .T.ltfln ltrirlr 1-nRP.
ava aj.s, w -wjaa) tiaififtaia - w- v ar aPaBaalaVVVaaVv
Ar. Hot Springs 8:20 P.M. rfVm1
This train carries "our own" dining cars, "meals a Ja carte," Pullman
sleepers and elegant chair cars and coaches provides every comfort and
Free! Rock Glue and Star Broom Holders! Free!
ASK ANY MEUCHANT for a 30o Jar HOCK aZ.UE and a 25o STAB. BROOM
XOX,SEX. To advertise these useful artlcUs'our factory arranged for them t
give you both, to have you praise them to Friends. If Merchant cannot sup
ply you FItEK. -write jus Bending 10 .Merchants' names and 10c In stamps Don't
forget names (ROCK and StAS). HOCK QL.UE mends everything, even
broken nsarts anil pocxatbooks. STAR BHOOM HOU3EIIS make your brooms
last twice as long and do better work. Watoh for coupons. Both articles
obtainable from any merchant. All nBTAILEBS can be aupplled by Jobbers
or from ua direct. .
A BEAUTIPUIi BOOK of XATXOMAXi VIEWS, worth Ons Dollar, sent
7BSE, Post Paid to any one returning "TJtADE MAnKS." BOCK QI.ITX and
1TAK BROOM SOI.XXR8 with 10c In stamps. We. also want to hire good
salesmen and salesladies In every city. We also call your attention to our
Window Polisher and Extension Handles, SSc each
The KOB1IOX P. XIKX8 CO., 19 8th St., 8. .X. Washington, . a
ractory. Xiaksland, Jata.