in THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2G, 1913. DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY j Income Tax Dodgers 10 .oererreieq. uui by the Government Is the Flea of Omaha Retailers to Christmas Trade. TOYS ON EXHIBIT THIS WEEK Immrnlntrly After Thnnksnlrlns; Moit of thr ,,Storc Will Put rinrthlnft Vp foV Scn n Pnrchnaes. Finish your Christmas shopping arly," I tlic slogan' of the associated re fallen of Omaha. They have decided thai It la not enough to urge upon tho reople to "do" their Christmas shopping early, but that they mutt b urged to grt at It and' actually pet It done early Ideally worked out. this would leave no shopping to be done tho last few daya hefore Christmas, as all would have their Christmas presents heaped up In the rloset at home a week before Christmas day. Of course no one expects that II will work out -lhat beautifully. But re tallrs. clerks and customers tlierntdveA nro nil praying that they can fret most of thtlr shopping done before the last week The Commercial club is boosting for carli shopping also. EJvery year for a Ions time, this ha been the cry. Yet evor.v year thousands crowdthe streets and bit: stores the Inst few day beforo Christmas and Jostlo one another' In an Effort to irat near the most popular eoun Kverv available source of Information Is to be used Immediately by revenue deputies to ascertain the names and ad dresses of persons ana corporations tax able under the provisions of the now In come tax. law, according; to a bulletin Just received by Internal Revenue Col lector floss I Hammond from the com missioner of Internal revenue at Wash ington. D. C. Information- as to whether or not man's Income la above tho total of ex emptions allowed by the new law Is to be sought' from bahkers, corporations, business men and anyone else who may have knowledge of the matter, according to tha official bulletin. According to Collector" Hammond persona who are asked to give out such facts will be assured that the Information Is to be used ex clusively In connection with the Income tax work. There, Is a heavy penalty for deputies who divulge such Information to outsiders. Persons subject to pay th- new tax will be asked soon to tell the Internal revenue department how much thdr In- crime amounts to. Blanks for the purpose are now being printed at Washington, ana Collector Hammond says they will be rsdy for 'distribution In Onuha and throughout tho Nebraska district soon tu Already the knapping Is heavy, and ! nl fr''w, Mr1' It Is lral Christmas shopplr also. Most ! 'Phabcal lists of taxable person win uo iBoui-uea in tue revenue 01 ine unrisunaa noocp cna be a ail on the counters already, a the merchant hve prepared for an early shoppta campaign... While most of the large store have not yet made their regular holiday dta ?) of toys, they expect to do so Im mediately aflsr rJicnksglvlr.g. There art whole floors In th larger stores where dress goods are being sold today, where the rntlte floor will b glvsn over to a toy departweut Immediately aflsr ThmUglvlng. Filday tha Christina toy will be on exhibit In moat mi tha Wg places of Omaha and the toy 'mop ping will then begin la earnest. office. DeputlNi will tUrt work at once to learn the names and addresses of thoe wh come tinder tho'law'a provi sions. As the task will be a big one ad ditional employes may be si-quired, Increased Mail is Revenue Producer for the Railroads Tha aaveat- of the parcel pout lion In creased the bulk of maJI froni 25 to 41 per cwit. according to C. C. Hurigarford, superintendent of tnall weighing In this section, and Hie amount paid tq railroads transporting malt has necessarily In creased proportionately, Railroads ear ning mall In this section, which Inoludes all territory west of the Missouri river, were paid annually daring the last four years 13,1.3, There nro four ma'll con tract district (n the United State "W have Juat finished tho mall weigh ihg In the east district," said Mr, Huh liefferd, who I sent out by the depart Wfflt at Washington to supervise the wftffMng f matfer In the various district. ''Xhe Increase shown there was close to 43 per cent. Of course H ta not safe to predict 0tat It will bo aa great hare, kit Jf It IreveM X per cent It will mean a great deal to rail roads that are awarded contracts." Kr. Hungerferd la In Omftfca, Hscus4n8 with SupsrtM'mliem Reeel of the local railway matt service offices preliminary arrangements fr the mail we4Mng l-r-lod here, wMcfa will begin Fein-eary 13. Wa s4M that . mny extra men wouht W tflven entMoymewt, moat of whom wetlM be recrMteA freH the ranks or thosa who already have passed thu rallwuy mail service emmlFMrtkiii. Savldge Asked to Find Man a Horse teallng In horses, as well aa chasing devils .and marrying couples, Is thought by a Glenwood, la., man to be one of the inany activities of Itev. Charles W. HaV(dge. At least George L. Stoaw haa written from that town asking thb min ister to find him a horse. The. Iowa man explfWna that he con sults tho preacher on tho horse question because "there are so fnHy swindlers" rnoag tho laity. Ten dollera, la the meet Kltaw says he can pay fee the aitfmal, Mid he only waitta a "aloe ware that would raise a cell" As a cowunlttlon'for hcfcwnc Shaw make h deal ftv. KavMga wae 'sent a poatage stamp, the former exptetotftg, that he-U a poor man with a. lre family. The ni later tMnfcs he ha a herae In mind thkt Vlil e for thu lowan. FIRST BAPTIST CHILDREN TO PRESEKTJNTERTWNMENT rhl&reu ot tho Synflay m.hool clasa -"t thi nrt Baptist fthuxfY will give n V)iaHkslvlntf ikctch. this evening It? the. crept of the edifice. There, will h forty Su tho cast, which depicts tlie Jirst Ita j: day amoiiB the Put (tana. Ittv. C F. UattTholl has written the lines and arrauged tho -program, which I will also iRoiufie musical numbere. Thul trforniMce will etart promptly at Si clock and there will bo no admission it. A collection, however, will bo taken Vl, the proceeds of which wilt bn Given NEBRASKA CITY IS IN MIDST OF CLEANUP "Which kIiaII It be In Nebraska City Hetrotrwtlon? I-lfe? Trogrcss? Commis sion form ot government? Active board of health Mothers and fathers It Is tip to you. Dy your vote, you determine your own death rate." Tihs is the heading over a page of car toona Ip the bulletin .of the Nebraska City department or health, which l waging a canlv,!sn, fir pure milk, clenti envi ronments and nt rlqt quarantine. The bulletin. .pleads for the elimination of iKlltle from-public health work. 'For tho m sake of appearanco human llv'ea' must not be lost," says' the bulle tin, i Neglected quarantine la trtitfdcr, soya the bulletin. Bomo of tho ghastly cartoons show an emaciated baby, who walls, "My papa Voted against me." Another cartoon of a mlllng. healthy baby says, "My papa voted for me." Mother! If Child's Tongiie fe Coated if fererish, cen8tlpatl, bill- ns, stoatarh inw, gtve "Cull fernl Syrap of Fift." ,h .mittmmmmt m, A laxative loesy' saves a s4ck dhlld (orfiorrow.j Children simply will not lako the time from pi'ay to empty' their bowel, hlch becem? clogged up with Watte, Uver gets atugalah; stomach sear, Look nt the tongue, mother! If eeatod, of your child Is lletlesa, creea, feverish, bceath tnd, restles, doesn't eat heartUf, full b( c-ld or has sere throat or tiny hthd.' children's aliment, give a) tfaspedn lfv of "Calirernja Syrup of Flia," then don't werry, because It Is perfectly harm Its and In a few hours al thla eenett. Patio poleon, squr bile and fermenting wail will, gently more out of the hrr flr and. rou haire a well, playful child ugatn.A thorough "Inside cleahaingv is oftlmea all that Is neceaaary. It should be the rirst treatment given In any sickness, 'Ueware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ack ycur druggist for a. Be-cent bottle ot "California Syrup of Flge," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-upa plainly printed on the bettle. Look carefully and- "e that It If made by the "California. Tig flyrup Cqmpany." Don't be fooledj-Ad-vertlsemrnt. ARGUMENT OVER WOMAN RESULTS IN SHOOTING In an argument over Gertrude Irving. Colored, at the home ot W. V,'. Ware. "HO Cuming street. John Allen (Dusty) Caltes. colored. MS North Twentieth street, vras shot in the abdomen and seriously wounded Monday night The Injured man was given medical attention by police aurgeona and then taken to St. jowpirs nospiiai, -mi implicated are colored. Ware surrendered to the police a little vhlle later and Is being held pending Oaltes cpndltlon. NEW ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH TO COST $32,400 The new St Paul's Lutheran phurch, soon to be built, will cost 3 400. This structure Js to go up at Twenty- fifth and Kvans streets. W. T, Gernasdt is the architect. The contract for the building haa Just been let to George Ilahn for 2&M. The old St. Paul's Lutheran church was destroyed by the Easter tor- r.ade, after which the new site at Twenty-fifth avenue and Bvans street was purchased and plans were at once formu lated for (he new building. BrummUr Wt-reka II Hi I til box jas eesneHetely oa cougha and colds wreck lunw. Cure them quick with Dr. King's , N'ew Dlacovcry. Sec and )!.&. Por sale NAVY RECRUITS TO GEf LUCRE AND BUCK WIN FIRST FIRST LESSON ON LAKE ATTHE PRAIRIE PARK CLUB A new order received by the local naVy , recruiting station from the deportment ' at Washington stipulates that all re- j crults enlisted for the first time as ap prentice seamen, hospital apprentices or coal passers shall be sent to the navnl training station at Great . takes, 111. Heretofore they have been sent to the training station at San Francisco. The change Is made because ot tho central location of Oreat takes. It Is believed that Jt will reduce the average -expense of sending men, when their final destina tion s determined, to either coast I.ucke and Buck turned In the high i trore of wins at the Prairie Park Whist I club Sunday. Lucke and Buck turned In I a score of eight plus. Nelson and Slcklrr were close behind with seven plus. I The score were: i Winners'- Plus. I.ucke and Buck....; S Nelson and Blckler.... 7 Bruce and Prlco R Morgan and Back,..i : 1 Smith and Roland I rnrmer and Stayer 0 Losers , Minus. Boss and Robinson 13 King and Metz ; Ely's Cream Balm Opens Clogged Nostrils and Head Catarrh Goes i nstjvntly Clear Air Passages; Yon Breathe Freely, Nasty Discharge Stops, Heed Oolda aad Dull ' Headache Vanish. Get a small bottle anyway. Just to try It-Apply a little In the nostrils and In stantly your clogged nqse and stopped tip air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning the catarrh, eold-ln-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. Knd such misery now' Get th small bottle of "Ely's Cresm Balm" at an' dPie store This wect. fragrant balm dlso!ves .by the heat of the .nostrils; penetrates and heals the Inflamed, swol len membrane which lines the nose, hea and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of- cleans ing, ' soothing relief comes Immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous drop ping Into the throat, and raw dryness Is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith-Just once-ln "Ely's Cream Balm." and your cofd or catarrh will surely disappear. Adv$rtlemenL BROOKS SHOWS ECONOMY PATH. Gain Out of Business Pric3 on Olothinr tylx Ovtr Hun? dretdf of Mtn Who are1 . . WilliB,to Skv. Farewell l).ys at the Brooks' Storfl Bring Unprecedented Largo Trade. Passers by. at the corner of l&th and Harney Bts., gate Into the George Brooks clothing emporium, eeo the thropgs ot eager clothing buyers, then soy to them selves: "My, but that fellow Brooks Is doing a- tremendous business." And Brooks 18 dolhr a tremendous business these days; but there Is no profit in the business done, for Brooks Is selling his entire clothing stock at COBT, with a view of discontinuing tul nesa entirely In a VERY short space of time. "Doubtful Thomases" are always In our midst; some omanana (opposition clothiers aided and abetted by un-oric-Inal business organltatlons) would have you believe that George Brooks Is not going out ot business, and that his pres ent sale la only for advertising purposes. But Brooks IS going out ot business, and thl store room haa already been rented by other parties. -You know very well 'that George Brooks could not sur vive public opinion If he were to say he was going OUT of business and then afay IN business. No more Brooks store In Omaha take your choice ot any 130 suit or overcoat In the house at tlt.TS. Take your choice ot any IS or 7.S0 suits or overcoat in the store at .only tins. Take your choice ot any ,t or US suit or overcoat In the store at only 117.60. "Society Brand," "Stern Mayer" and "Btrouse & Bros" garments included,. If It's, anything In the way of Men's clothes buy It of George Brooks at Going Out of Business' Trices. Brooks' stop Is in The City National Bank Building at Hon. Wm. Sulzerl The Impeached Governor of New York, Will Tell You of "The Treason of Tammany9 r The Most Amazing Politienl Exposo of the Century. Council Bluffs Auditorium Monday Evdning, Dc. lst Admission DO cents reserved scats pn sale at Clnrk's Drug Store, Council Bluffs, beginning Thurs- day morning. ' i ' - , Orders fdr seats from out of the city must bo ac companied by remittance and addressed to Council Bluffs Auditorium Company Council Bluffs, Iowa Two of the Greatest Bargains Offered in Omaha Our No. 1018 Now Ilome with ball bearings throughout- hns the automatic lift, instead of the hand lift has the best sot of attachments, now at $35.50 I oBl The No, 8i8 Ruby Sowing Machine, manufactured by the Now Home Sewing Machino Co., can be had for. . $.25.50 in I No, ills Ifi the Iluby hih A llfctimo guarantee with ercry JTrtv Homo nnd Iluby Keivlns; machine. Sewing les sons nro free. HAYDEN BROS HOTEL. VANDERBILT HOTEL 34.EA5ABJKi.,NEWlDRK. &iiwy Snti una "An hotel of distinction with modant charge" v Within Ave minutes of principal railway ttrminals. Situation Ideal. TARIFF' Intty rooms . rr d.y-ts, M. 13, M Double room . . 5, $4. 17, 1 Double btdroonu, boudoir . drctttng-room and bth . " " W, ltd, SIX Sultrt-ParUIr, bedroom and bsth . " 110, fix, U Eaah room with bath BUmUMsieWJr HOTEL FLANDERS 133-187 Wett 47th 8t, New York City arm nr iuuwix The riet klsi of hotel In the rtctit locality, in Uie beart of t the ater aHstrtct aad a&Jaeeat to the ahopplnf centers. PoaUtveliy are-prpet. Excellent eulst&e an4 an ezoepUoaal orchestra. A tarce aMtUon jaat com. pitted, ceatalntnf library. rrtU aa hltUara halt HajsdsMmely Furnished Kooms, Priy&te Bath, $1.50 PER DAY UPWARD. Frera Grand Central Station, cars marked 'Broad way" without transfer; Fennaylranla Station. Tth Are. cars without transfer. Booklet fifon request II. n. SHA.RES, PROP. 9 tl JSJSBSSSBBJSJSMSJtc.. is liver I I s. 1 mmmmmJ Store Will Close All Day Thursday, Thanksgiving, Do Your Buying Wednesday. assortment choice, at Store Will Close All Day Thursday, Thanksgiving, Special Savings Wednesday. Our Thanksgiving Sale of Women's Garments Permits you to dress beautifully and strictly -at a minimum cash expenditure. One Hundred Beautiful Plush Coats Imported fubrics, in the f $15, $18.50, $25 very choicest styles, made to sell at $25 to $40, at. . Coats worth to $20.00 Nobby Waists worth to 55.00 Pretty styles, in' Astrakhans, chinchil- designs, in messalines, silk las, fancy novelties, etc., fine chiffons, laces, etc., vulues that you'll find match- CA less, at .I-UW OVER 700 HANDSOME TAILORED SUITS Shown Wednesday at Half and Less. The snifie high class twrkninnslup ami materials that earlier in the season you would expect to pay more than double the prices we quote in this sale. v Tailored Suits, made to1 sell at $25 and $30, now at SI2.4S Tailored Suits, made to sell at $25 and $40, $17.45 now at Scores of Clover, Distinctive Designs for Selection A GREAT THANKSGIVING SALE OF FURS Sable Coney Coajs made to sell at $30.00 Thursday $19 XXXX Near Seal Coats. Newest models, remark able bargains $59 Muflpon Fur Sets, at $14.50 to $25.00 Russian Pony Coats Skinner satin lined, made to sell at $40 $25 Fur Sets, made to sell to $10, sable and black coney now at $5.95 Red Fox Fur Setsi, to $5 values $25 and $35 Linens for the Thanksgiving Table Most Attractively Priced Un ho mined Pat- Hemstitched P a t- Circular Scalloped Hemmed P a 1 1 orn tern cloths - size tern Toblo Cloths; Pattern Table Table Cloths, size . 8x10, all Jinen $6 full size $3.00 val- Cothsi all linen, $5 8x12, pure linen', $4 each!!'. . 33-9i S?: ; W5 a?, . .$3-50 tT:. , , $2.50 VOUXL probably have many f things to be thankful for Thursday, Thanksgiving, but there's one thing you cna bank on being thankful for, if you buy here Wednesday: Viz: That you're well and stylishly dressed and that you've saved from 20 to 40 on tho price of one of tho best suits you evor wore. ,i All Broken and Small Lots of Hart, Schaffner & Marx, and other high grade suits that sold at $18.00 to $25,00 hav6.,b.een grouped in one big lot foi? our Thankgsivmg sale, at Got in early Wednesday and look over the choicest lot of suit values you'll find in any store in Omaha, all up to tho minute styles, fah- ncs and colorings all fully guaranteed. $15.00 WEDNESDAY SPECIALS Wash ttttfs Sietim, lomtstic Inm Ambskeag Ginghams, blues, browns and greens, 7Vo values. 6c Outing Flannels, good weight, 10c val ues,; at r 7V2C UhDleachqd Muslin, 3G inches wide 8Vc values, at .-.5MiC Bleached Pattern Table Cloth,-2 yards long, a'sfiorjpd 'patterns, $1.25 value. .$1 Bleached Table Damask, 58 inches wide, . 50c values at . .39c 72x90 Made Sheots, good muslin, 50c values, at 7 393 Amosfcoag Outln'g' Flannel, good weight, 12c value?,, at . . . .'. 10J Mikado Crepo, for kimonos 18c valuea, now at -......'...'.V. 12t .Robeland Fleece for Bath Robes and Kimonos, 25c Values 15 Cotton Bat., Satrison, large siie, 72x90, will' make comforter, 59c values, at, 50 Others from SI to $& Flannelettes, good' patterns, lCc values. 12$a Table 0)1 Cloth, UghtTand dark colors, 4.5 inches wide, 20c values, at ..155. Cotton Dress Goods ; Winter Wash Goods lBc bright Plaids for school dresses . .13V40 39o Printed Etlierdown, . vry heavy t".38o 50d Silk a'nfr'Cotton Oro cades 38o 85c Silk and Cotton llro cafles BOo S1.00 Bilk and' Cotton Brocades 70o 38c Mercerized Poplins, Cor SSc Best 36-lnch Percales for .... 3 6-tnch Superfine Flan nelette .... ....lajo 32-lnch Scotch Q In (ft hams .... ...,....l6o Extra special on Blan kets and Coilifortera. Wedmsday's Specials in Drug Dipt, 50c size .Icelandic, or Carmine I'Mce Powder for ..33o 10c Pyslcfans and Sur Reon's or Saymon's Koap for ,.5o 1 lb. pure Imported Cas tile Soap for 13o hree bar of . Ivory or Wool Soup for ....100 25c size .Mistletoe Face Cream for IBe 2Bo Blze pure Hydrogen Peroxide for Bo 75c Hudmtt's Violet Sec or Plnaud's Toilet Water for 89p 50c Hind's or Pond's Ext. Cream for ...S7o 5-gr, Aspirin Tablets at, per dozen ....... . .Bo 76o All 2 or 3-gr. Quinine Cap. sules, per dcz. Bo 100 Illnkle's Cascam Tablets, tha one . beiit laxative: regular price 50c. our price . ...IGo 10 bottle Jad Salts S9o WssK at Just ;t ; ular Price. $4 Wellington Syrlngo and Bottle, guaranteed for five years, .,.93.00 12 and $2.50 Fountain Syringes or Hot Water Bottles, extra quality. . guaranteed perfect, SI $2.50 8pray Syringe for women, for 91.00 $1 "Rapid Flow Fountain Syringe; snap at..39o Good Things to Eat for Thanksgiving rcMrias, .ttrr, (Amh, Tr tabl, TraMa, Oraekcr. Tmj, Oot ftM aai ICaata. If s qtuUty foods at a MVtac or V to C. 4t-lb. sack Best- High Grade Dla raond II Hour oothlnr .finer for your Thanks gt ting' pudding, pie and cakea. sack 91.10 ITbe best Condensed Mince feat. per pkg. ..,.. BHe JAo Jell or Delicious Desert for Thanksgiving, all flavors, per pkg. T4o Tha best Domestic Macaroni, Vermi celli or Spaghetti, pkg. ...... THo Iarge bottles Worcester Sauce, puro Tomajo Cataup, Pickles sssorted kinds or prepared mustard, per bottle ...... Ho Toung Queen Olives, quart. ... .340 I cans Mustard Sardines SAc Imported Oil Bardlnes, can 8 He j-id. cans rancy Tarns reaonts, Pears or Apricots, packed In hravy syrup, can 17Ho J5-ounce jars pure Fruit Preserves, all flavors, per jar 2o Any kind of Soupk you want, per can .......alio J-lb, cans fancy sweet Sugar Corn for T 7Ho 2 -lb. cans fancy Wax, String, Or en or Lima Beans ...7Ho I -lb. cans Golden Pumpkin or Horn. Iny 7Wt Golden Santos Coffee, lb. Ho The best Soda or Oyater Crackers, per lb. lUe Fancy Assorted Cookies, 40 varieties per lb loo 1-lb. cans Plum Pudding S5o bvttjlk, eaczsn an sqchi res TXAjncMXTxarci The. beat Creamery Butter, 1-lb. carton S5o The best Bulk Creamery Butter, 34o The beat No. 1 Country ' Creamery Butter. Ib. Mo The best No. 1 Dairy Table Butter. per lb. Mo Full Cream New Tork White or Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb. ..Mo Full cream Brick or Mmberger -Cheese, lb, Mo The best Storage Eggs, per dox. 38o vrnvvrm tom ttoto Bushel boxes fancy Jonathan. Wlne- sap, Baldwin or Delaware Red Apples, for Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. for ieo Fancy Head Lettuce, head, 7Uo-leo Large bunches Louisiana Radishes for t .So 2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce Bo Large Green Peppers, each, SHo, So I stalks fresh Celery ,10a Fancy Cabbage, per lb 3Vo Sart Stock XfUh, special, lb,....lo Fsncr Cleaned Currants, lb. IBM Fan or J -Crown Muscatel Cooking Ralalns, per lb. 8Ho Fancy California Poaches. Ib. TH JIldct Oregon Black Prunes at. per lb. le ui 18 Uo Fancy Moor Perk Apricots, lb. 17 ho Fancy California Seedless Raisins. per Ib (He The best Lemon. Orange or Citron Peel, per lb Mo Red Jacket pure Apple Cider, per gallon , Mo Tke Sec lBsa STKtg far Thasltaw glrta. r la. ...,..,..,...lTHo New Fard Dateev, Uo Kew Hallowe'en Dates, lb 10 New 7-rown Figs, ftr Ib. ....Ma Fancy Emperor Cluster Qrapes. pr id. California Figs, pkg. mi I. i,m I.arre Grape Fruit, each. 10c, laVie Fancy Imported Chestnuts; lb. IBe Fancy Florida Sweet .Oranges, per dozen , ........ -30c and 35c n win pay y;a to sao Sayilsm'a ftrt fJr yoar IfhanVsgtTtaf Tuzxlaa, Uacxa, Oeesav Ctilaksiita ojo4 Mxttm. On account of the warm weather tt ts Impossible to quote all prices as we look for a big slump on poultry and wast to sir our customers the beneftt of the drop. Bant tail to see us 'WxlitsitsT. . 13 Vie i The best Dressed Spring- Chickens, rue Pr Ib, UKe The best Bulk Oysters, quart ...Me All ether meats In proportion. Our aim Is the people, not th trusts. the corner ot th ' and Harney Bts - IT PAYS Try HAYDEN'S First IT 1 py U drtigflfts-AdvertiaMuent- Adrertlteinept PAYS J9K