Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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! ' "
Here Ape Two Girls-
This is the Girl That Gets the Christmas Presents. . This is the Girl That Soils the Christmas Presents.
,.,. , - ' ' ' ,, ' .
-i w Actress Says If You Are Going to Dress in
GctDy DcSiyS the Height of Fashion Don't Be Afraid' to
$T Go to the Most Extremes
: Shpp, early porr't let your carelessness -or laziness help to J)ile -work on the girls in the store at Christmas time'.re
selfish, siiop early for your own convenience. If you're unselfish," shop early for the sake of the femployqs. .. ' ' ' " ,1
A Cheerful Wife a Real Home Maker
Huslmntl and Children Xliink More of Kasy Going Woman
Who Smiles Than Ono Always ''Cleaning House."
i?I know a vro'mto yoxi her also!'
$r 07$ TtW lscr'llvlng' hnagV-- 'who
tftera)ly wears herself to a frawlo doing
:her 'duty by her family.
Ullor'house Is swept,
ind scrubbed, and
grubbed, and, .polished
until. It Is clean and
-shiny, as anew pin.
iHer-husband's socks
'.have- never a nolo in
.them Her children's
-lothes ' are ruffled
,'ind--tucked and
'land- embroidered
untll'-theV look as If
UieyVhad coin? out
D.f a Fifth' avenue
'hop, Instead of bc
ng made at home.
i.Ndt a penny Is
ever wasted In her
, home, and with her
v own hands she coofts
dishes that require
hot standing over
the stove for hours.- because they aro
- husband's or children's' favorites.
Sounds like a description of the Ideal
' wife and the Ideal )omey doesft't ltt You
would think that, hen family would wor
ship herj" wqiljln't ypU.'Vui)sVou couldn't
pry themviway fronthlrvpwn flresldeT
But pot1 so, "The. wbrrlariVcjopiplsins bit-
terly if tbOiusjalitude Cther family,
and .that tVey'inake nod return la. "affec
tlonifoT'tho e,ndles devotion, -.and, labor
thatyihi, lavishes Upon them. She says,
,lrulV -enough, ' Chat they rievar 'stay at
home-if there is any -other p'laoe-to-which
they carr'go.
She doosa't know.tha reason, why, but
It's plain ttrough to every one else. She
tolls so hard doing' the jUtlo things of
llfo that aiie, has. Jib time for the bis
thltigsT 1 She's 30 busy ' sweeping undfcf
be"d and brushing uotfp cobwebs, that
she has no leisure' In which to get ac
quainted with her husband and children
and to be companions to them.
Above all, sho keeps hersult so worn
and' weary that she Is nothing but a
bundle of raw nerves,' and fs so Irritable
that, she flags and frets and scolds at her
family" .and. Is about as' soothing and
agreeable a companion as' a fretful.' por
cupine would be. therefore, husband and
children dodge her society aa often as
Now, 1 am not minimizing tho" value of
good housekeeping.. It Is essential ,fo 'the
health and happiness of a family that
the house be kept clean, and tho food
well cooked, and the clothes mended, and
the bills looked after. Out -It b of far
jgreaier Importance that a wife,, and
mother should be, amiable and pleasant,
and If she's lust got enough physical
strength to bo one or the other, by all
means let her put her force Into Jollying
nstcad .of Jolly-making,
If you think over the woman you know
whose husbands and children are crazy
over them and who are always telling
The New Corset
For Fat Women
The new corset designed to coerce over-
fa t ladles Into the new style gowns has
three sets of strings. When you have
one set adjusted you still have two more
struggles lert. Think or. thai ana
To escape this fate, fat ladles should
lose no time In securing one of the large
cases of Marmola Prescription Tablets
that druggist and the Marmola Com
pany, Detroit, Alien, seii zor tt cents.
One of these tablets taken after each
meal and at bedtime for sL short while
will make her independent of the new
corset. Being made In strict accordance
with the lamous Marmola rrescription,
these pleasant little standbys of thtr over
fat are Dcrfectly harmless, except to the
fat Itself, which they not Infrequently do
away witn at the rate or a pound a aay,
and they are also the most economical
and least restrictive means for reducing
fat one could adopt, as they get results
without Interfering either with one's easy
chair tendencies or tnetnoaa ol diet, how
srvcr gtaeruuj,
what "my. wife said" and ''my mother and one's children argue It's about the
way the, matter strikes most or us, be
cause wo are riol. really so material after
all. We care more for the spirit than we
do for the ,body", and the people we love
best tnti enjy most are not those who
look after oUrphyslca-l comfort. It is
those who minister to our spiritual well
being. ' . ; - '
It Is better- for a woman to, neglect her
house than to neglect being with her
husband 'and .'children. It ie better for
her to give,' thorn' plainer food and more
of her society. It la better for her. to
leave the' k'ltchen sink unscrubbed than
to refuse the children's Invitation to go
off to the park with them. It Is better
tor her to put fewer scallops on her
girl's petticoats than It Is for her to be
so much engrossed with making their
clothes she. has. no leisure to.d'cvoto to
making their characters.
Therefore, when-a woman finds out that
she's so .busy with her domestic ' affairs
that she hasn't time for anything ehu.
and whon she, realises that she's so tired
and cross after her day's housework that
she can't 'laugh, the sensible thing is to
cut donn the housework until she gets
thinks" yotf "will have it borne in upon
your mind 'that every one of these women
ar good humored, cheerful wdmen, whoso
laughs are hung on hair triggers, and not
ono of them Is a conspicuously' good
housbkeener.' Indeed, some of them art
woefully slack housekeepers, but the
husband and, tho children dort't care ,lf
tbero Is dust An the uppcj jight hand cor
ner of tho top pantry shelf, and they
Bometitnes have to pin things together
with safety Pins because a button' Is oft.
Mother Is bo- Jolly and so ready to chime
in with any youthful plan.
Vlfo's bills aro not' cut down to the
quick, , and her cooking; Isn't all that a
fastidious palate could desire, but she Is
always there with tho welcoming smile,
atd sho's always so satisfied and BUch a
good (e)low and so ready lb see a man's
point of view, and, fcord, when you think
of that and the kind of a wife some m?n
have . had wished on them. What's a
tough steak to ' a tough disposition?
What's wutory potatoes to a weeping
woman who is always In the doleful
dumps? ,
That's about the way one's husband
-Hera aro.thrce;c-f tho-latest and .most
stunning -costumes worn by Clabjr 'DAslyg,
wlia lti now on' A, brief .tour- of this counj
try. Always regarded as tho best drcssou
actress, Oaby nover falls to startle her
audience by appearing In wonderful
gowns. Recently sho be nan nn engage-';
m$nt, at X(e f'ulacci, Ixjndoti, and thoj'Oj
introduce, among others, these three,
costumes', , ' '
Thls.bathW enll, if'not serviceable,
at least attractive Ueby sayH that tho
tendency In bathing suits Is moro and I
more towArri dl'srilnv nhd less toward :Usc
and, thijjoforc, WJiy ibt. work, thlSjOtW
its -logical nmiiT t
Tho 'picture In which sho carries tho
muff shows Qaby's conception of tho out-c-omo
of tho nllt skirt "It hns alt tho al
lurement, of the present mode," sho says,
"dnd," II thwrprnctlcal -par.t ot fashion ,ls!
lb' mnlo 10001110110 cu'slor, 'why not nifiko,
It perfectly cnsyT" Therefore, 111' hor
'otVii way, Qnby (haii rcmoyint the, iower
part of tho skirt and displays' her uhupvly
'The third costume Is b l?aul Tolrct" now In this country. Tls ahowii
the adaptability of the 'la'mp'Tliado ef4
feet, whloli is now In iVoc6iJv8a gen-t
oral use In the country. 'Oabyis. costume)
In JJils case, howover,.js no reoorOJ
(ruflided tor general wear, as efrf' Is clad
m tUMvettcs. Those sh6i,.eHUIoys Iti
her latest act. Ono wlltsndfd" tho e'er(
piescnt headgenr nnd her tendency toj
wear her magnificent --Dcarls, (ipon any
and nil occasions. - .' . .
jnakocxactly tho same mis
"'inan is so eager and In-
It to'wlerefShe can. l9k.le-(
nnt und aot:' pleasant; That's tbo lmpor
.. .l.ln : .t . ...
Ami men
takV). Man
tcnt.on-niulilnB money for ills family that
ho leavosjhlmso't no time In which to, bo
a companion to his wlfo-Mfnd eiilldran,'
arid ho comes homo no deadly tired from
his City's work that he's as cross aa a
sore-headed bear. " "
Tho money that audi a man makes
brings us little happiness ' to his family
us docs 'the' export housekeeping of such
a woman., .
Fathers arid mothers and husbands and
wives owe the duty of cheerfulness and
good Jiuiqqr nnd pleasantness lp th'c,lr
families- afl, well us that of providing for
their physical wants', and It they InUst
decide, between., tho jw,o, thoso who do
vote themselves- to pleasantness choose
the bettor 'part.'
: . J
Hy HKV. TuoArsa?. (HlEUOnV.
Tho f lift .railroad -In India was, opened
Just sixty years
ago, November 22,
UKI. '
' Oveh tho subjects
of tho moguls and
tho rujahs tho re-.
morse-less car ' oC
Juggernaut' h ad
foiled ahd ermine
cil for- cppntless
generation, and
now1, at. lurst, Iiad
como the car. of
Vrogross, drawn, '
not by lazy but-,
locks, but by tho
As Seen at the New York Horse Show & By Neil Brmkiey
- ... . - . . . ', -J)
4 : k
.ASP '
I i '. ' X Z aHHHllllllVKJaBJlV U TlMff,. 1 j K --Ar aS? ' J
1 . '
; 1 .i ; 1
mighty though lnvlslblo'.pnwerar Bteam,
and destlnod to comete). idetrackl
Juggornaut nnd all tho. superstition and
ciUelty for which hn had. nolphlt stood.
Than tho vast lndlaif vI))j(ld,,. with its
vcriWablo past, its tee jajtwpimilllonB of
pisoi'le, its cloud-plcrclnw -rnpifntalns and
itllijostlo rivers, Us artuiU' philosophies
and hoary religious cult's, jts marvellous
foreRts and Jungles, Its wealth of animal
forms, nnd Its Innumerable, royalties with
tholr "barbaric gold and penrf."'. there Is
not upoq all the earth a more Interesting
region. '
And tho wonder only groWa when one
stops, to. think that this -stupendous em
pire Is governed by a fewtirdUflad En.
llshmon, whose king llye ajf ands ol
miles awny,, nnd wtigse' language,
religions, ethics, politics laailWure habit)
of thinking and living .uro.Hhfrlrect op-l
post to or that of the mlillqfj 'who are
Kbr 1M years the little handful at ArurloJ
Baxons havo Impressed, 'their LwllI upon!
tho mighty maes of Aslatloi.lhumanltrJ
and, with a few trifling exceptions, no
attempt has been made by yW0,06O toj
stay tho conouerer'B how; of say untal
nim, "What doost thou?"'
It Is one of the most astoundln mlraJ
. . . . t . . i
pies tnut is inaue itnowp,.to us in thai
whole course of history ,tuU perhaps af-
fordu us the most strlklngvinstance known!
of the omnipotence oFj-wlH Doper and
moral courage. To the s.tudnt of psy
chology tliere Is a perennial interest In
the silbjfeci of Ilrltlsh rule lnInfl!a why
It Is. and how It Is. thaU the. little cnrJ
poral's guard of Kngllshmen living in
trio midst of millions of .orientals are able)
to maintain their sovereignty qyer them.
How to Make t(te;Btst
Cough Remedy fit tfome
A Family Supply at mal!.Cest,
' and Fully Guarantee.
At the left is Mm. AV. fc. VanaerWIt," ana at the right Mrs. W. n. Hearst,
"V. .
Mako a plain syrup -by mixing one
pint of granulated sugar' and. pint oi
warm water and stir for ;2 minutes.
Put 2 ounces of pure Pinex (flftr
centa worth) in a pint bottler and fill ft
up witli the Sugar Syrup. ..Ibis Rives
you a family supply of the best couch
ivrup at a saving of $2. It never spoils.
Take a teaspoonful evory one, two or
throe hours. -
The effectiveness of this .simple remedy
is surDrlsini?. It seems to.taka hold al
most instantlv. and will -usiiillv eon.l
qiicr an ordinary coil(jh.Viai'51 hours.)
It tones up tho jaded Japptfite and isl
just laxative enouRn-jo oo neipiui in
a couch, and has pleaslflir taste.
Also excellent for bronchial'' trouble,
bronchial asthma, whopping cough and
spasmodic, citoup. I
.This method of making cough remedy,
with Pinex and Sugar' Syrup (or
strained honey) is nw used in more
homes than any other cough syrup.1
This explains, -why H is often Imitated,;
thouch never'succcssfuTly.- ,If-you try
it, se' flnly'renuine Plxyiwhich Is a
most valuable concentrate compound
oi xvontay white pine extract, and Is
rich in cuaiacol and other natural
heallnu pine elements. Other prepare
.tions will npt work in. ttils. combination.!
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction
or money promptly. refunded,', goes with)
this' preparation. Your druggist has1
Pracx.-or' wUl-ctitor-you." If not..
J eetyl toTha Hlex qb Ft. Wayne, Ind